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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10259425 No.10259425 [Reply] [Original]

>there are "people" who eat more than 1800 calories a day

>> No.10259440
File: 76 KB, 564x588, Mr Trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are "people" who arent male

>> No.10259442

2000 calories and under a day seems kinda unhealthy unless you're trying to lose weight or a Skelly.

>> No.10259448

how many calories is 18 beers

>> No.10259467

I eat 5,000 - 10,000 calories a day.I am not a midget gook office worker. I am on my feet all day and moving my entire body the whole time.

>> No.10259475

Height and weight?

>> No.10259485

>work in a physical labor intensive job
>eat 3.5-4k calories a day
I’m 6’2” and 190lbs and fairly fit. I’ll have to stop if I ever become a desk jockey.

>> No.10259487

6'4 and 303 lbs.

>> No.10259496

That is by definition obese.

>> No.10259502


if you're going off BMI then you're as stupid as he is fat.

>> No.10259505

My BMR is higher than 1800.
That plus lifting weights and running/cycling often dictates that I eat much more than 1800 calories a day.
To put it in perspective.
A 20 year old 5'0" "male" that weighs 120lbs will require more than 1900 calories to maintain their bodyweight with "light exercise"

>> No.10259509

BMI is fine, people just don't believe it because it (accurately) counts most adult Americans as obese.

>> No.10259522

Pretty much, every fat guy I know who says they're strong underneath hardly pulls anything noteworthy in the gym, especially proportional to their weight.
A lot of guys underestimating their BF% and overestimating their lean body mass.

>> No.10259530

Yeah, it's like the new "slow metabolism / calories aren't everything" fat person lie.

>> No.10259537

BMI is inaccurate unless you actually bother to measure displacement.
This is why most of the Royal Marines come back with a BMI of obese despite being ripped and having the fitness levels of a professional rugby player.
It's a flawed metric unless displacement is measured.

>> No.10259542

You're not a Royal Marine, fuck off.

>> No.10259556

i need to know this too
eat shit OP

>> No.10259557

Please be b8

>> No.10259563

you aren't a royal marine and neither is the general american population.

>> No.10259745

>there are people who don't think that the average weight of Americans is the healthy weight
It's the average weight because it''s the healthiest dumdums it's not hard to figure out

>> No.10259756

>There are skeletons in this thread right now

>> No.10259760

My exercise routine has me dropping weight fast if I eat under 3000 a day.

>> No.10259793

Real women are under 100 pounds.

>> No.10259805
File: 82 KB, 267x267, How to sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw don't have the stomach to eat that much

>> No.10259806

really? i find 115 about right

>> No.10259809

This, except mine is 2500 calories on days I work out. 1854 maximum normally. If I don't get the extra calories I would just shrivel up into nothing.

>> No.10259822

lardass here
I can keep going, you know

>> No.10259833
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>everyone has the same calorie requirements

In my work I am on constantly on my feet 9 hours a day and have to carry a lot of heavy stuff and other shit, I eat about 2500 calories a day not counting all the beer I drink and I'm 6'1 and 190 lbs. Different lifestyles and bodies have different needs.

>> No.10259844

>blue collar pleb wagie

>> No.10259857
File: 159 KB, 1200x900, what the hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are "people" eating less than 3k calories a day
what the FUCK! actual dyel losers

>> No.10259870
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Yeah, I hate myself too but that's not the point I was making

>> No.10259874

This. There's a thing called the Basal Metabolic Rate, which typically uses the Mifflin St. Jeor Equation and there's one's activity level on top of that, which is your BMR times a certain number. For sedentary, that would be 0.2. For someone who is very active, it is 0.9. Let's say you are 5'10 and 145lbs, which is around complete average. Your BMR would be 1,669 calories per day, for a requirement of 2,002.7 calories to maintain your weight if you are sedentary. That jumps to 3,171.1 calories per day to maintain your weight if you are significantly active.

>> No.10259880

I had a bagel with peanut butter and a peach for Breakfast

I had a ham sandwich for lunch

I had two pieces of pizza for dinner

I will also drink a bunch of beers and vodka, so how many?

>> No.10259888

I'd eat more if it wasn't so expensive.

>> No.10259893

>bagel with peanut butter and a peach
So 648 calories for breakfast.
>ham sandwich for lunch
So 366 calories for lunch.
>two pieces of pizza for dinner
So 700 calories for dinner.

That is a total of 1714 calories already. Depending on your height and weight, as well as activity level, assuming you are sedentary I'd say go heavier on the vodka and lighter on the beer. Maybe one bottle of beer maximum and then just vodka.

>> No.10259908

I have probably consumed 3k calories today

>breakfast and lunch were 500 calories
>have a cup of chipotle chicken maruchan, desperate for sustenance at work
>go to aldi after work for a thermos, get a 260 calorie 19g meat and cheese snack
>come home, ingest 4 pieces of 190 calorie each chocolate covered caramels
>have an "assortment" of 4 russel stover's chocolates (260 cals maybe? the pkg is in the trash)
>have a frozen garlic flatbread, 1200 calories
>dinner is 2 chicken sausages with 1 green pepper and 1/2 onion

i'm glad i didn't get a bottle of wine from Aldi. that would have been bad for my macros

>tfw i lack self control

>> No.10259916

Try drinking water when you are hungry. People like to meme, but it actually works wonders. Just don't overdo it or you'll piss nine times in an hour.

>> No.10259924

Seeing as though I exercise five days a week, I'm not going to starve myself. Anything under 2,500 a day and I can seriously feel my mood getting worse.

>> No.10259928
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I drink 120 fl oz of water a day. My thermos is 40 oz, and I empty the thermos 3 times at work. My problem is I come home and binge. Water helps me at work, but not at home :(

>> No.10259942

That's about where you should be on water intake so you are doing great there. You could increase it and drink 60fl oz more if you think it could help. Otherwise try things high in protein, fiber, and/or fat to feel fuller longer, and wait before getting seconds on things (if you do).

>> No.10259948

Ya they're called men

>> No.10259951

I eat about 3000 a day. I run 100 miles per week so I need it for upkeep

>> No.10259961
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thank u anon. it's all mind over matter, truthfully.

>> No.10259969

you're snacking like crazy because you're cutting WAY too much on your meals.
>breakfast and lunch were 500 calories
just your lunch alone should be 500 cals

>> No.10259979

Look into Shirataki noodles. Very low calorie, very filling. An entire pack is just 20 calories for 8oz of noodles.

>> No.10260002

BMI is fine if you are just using it as an indicator of how fucked your heart is going to be in a decade or 2.

>> No.10260013
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How do I eat food /ck/? I've been going to the gym for a month now and while I'm enjoying it a lot the hardest part is actually consuming enough calories to build muscle mass. When I force myself to eat more than I'm normally comfortable with I get a bloated, sick feeling for the next day or two.

>> No.10260022
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>There are males here who aren't little girls

>> No.10260044

yeah, I agree. I have been cutting work meals because I know I fuck up at home.
breakfast is 1 or 2 tbsp peanut butter on bread,
and an apple
lunch is often a sandwich with lunch meat and cheese, and an apple
usually I bring 1 cup whole fat yogurt, fresh berries, and bran flakes in to work as my snack but food repetition makes me miserable
the bread I buy is 45 calories per slice, which is really exceptional for my purposes

those are good, I like stuff I can binge eat. spaghetti squash too.

>> No.10260061

BMI a statistical tool that is useful for most people, and you can tell at a glance who it won't be a useful metric for, and most likely the people who it won't be useful for, already know, because you don't become be a 300lb healthy person by accident.

>> No.10260065

I went to the Doctor recently and they said my BMI is 37 kek. Probably true, I'm disgusting.

>> No.10260079

All true but I think the point was that you can't look at a person's height and weight and assume that they're fat.

>> No.10260092

>breakfast is 1 or 2 tbsp peanut butter on bread,
>and an apple
so lots of fat and fructose. ditch the peanut butter and apple and eat more carbs instead.
>lunch is often a sandwich with lunch meat and cheese, and an apple
processed meat, fat filled cheese, and more fructose garbage sugar. very bad. eat carbs carbs carbs. not fat and fructose
>sually I bring 1 cup whole fat yogurt, fresh berries, and bran flakes in to work
more fatty yogurt, go with non fat yogurt. berries are full of fructose too.

>> No.10260094

>durr i'm a 300 pound bodybuilder
no, you're a 300 pound fatass, just like everybody else here

>> No.10260096

Except you can, because it's statistically correct the vast majority of the time.
Your complaint is like saying you can't come up with healthy calorie requirements a person should eat for a given weight because a small minority of people have tapeworms.

>> No.10260101
File: 1.71 MB, 203x172, la mestizo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you need more empty calories, that'll fill you right up!

>> No.10260109
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It's not unhealthy in the slightest, eating slightly lower than the average diet has been shown to increase your life span. It's one of the reasons why women live longer than men.

>> No.10260110

>carbs carbs carbs carbs

How many loaves of bread should I eat per day?

>> No.10260115

>eat carbs!
Carbs aren't as filling as fat and protein, you massive cuck. He needs fiber, protein, and fat more than carbs. Whole grains, fruits and vegetables over other sources of carbs.

>> No.10260127
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>he eats!

>> No.10260128

This reads like a mid 90s FDA PSA. Kys moron

>> No.10260166

post boipuss

>> No.10260176

assuming the bread is very low in fat and sugar, and you don't put fat and sugar on the bread, as much as you want. you won't want anymore after the 3rd slice.

>> No.10260199

>There are people who have to count their calories every day so they don't get fat
You don't have to track your willpower in a notebook to keep fit. You're either a self-loathing, unwashed glutton or an autist with control issues

>> No.10260210

>t. guy who chicken breast, plain rice, and broccoli for every meal and never deviates

>> No.10260213

If fat people had the ability to accurately assess their long term calorie intake they wouldn't be fat in the first place.
Your advice is retarded and on par with telling people with debt problems they don't need to track their expenses.

>> No.10260239


The problem with calorie tracking is that it's extremely tedious if done properly and close to useless if done negligently. I'm cutting for the summer and trying to track the stuff I eat, but I'm probably miles off and don't even give a fuck about the calories from veggies. At least I've been consistently going down 2 lbs a week and haven't lost progress at the gym.

>> No.10260258

If it's tedious to track your calories that's a pretty good sign you're eating way too much.

>> No.10260263

from what I understand you don't actually need to eat more, just eat protein within like half an hour of working out and it should be used to rebuild. lotta people from fit would probly disagree tho idk I'm not into that board

>> No.10260268

This desu. Most trackers have a barcode scanning function, and it really isn't that hard to type a name in the first place. If that's too tedious, you're eating way too much or are way too lazy.
Best time is after your workout.

>> No.10260318


I lost an initial 50 pounds counting zero calories. Just cut off booze, soda, candies and bread, replaced them with tuna salad, quark and oats and started exercising again. I'm only counting calories this time because I wan't to make sure I'm getting enough protein since I'm on a really low calorie diet now. Most people are able to lose significant amounts by just dropping certain foodstuffs, especially the gravely obese ones because they usually have absolutely atrocious eating habits that have brought them to their state.

>> No.10260330

I'm 6'10". I need about twice that to remain at my weight of 240. Not everyone is a manlet.

>> No.10260339

Almost nobody is that tall, so that's not a good example.

>> No.10260356

>I'm larping and don't know my calorie needs
BMR alone would be 2,270 and unless you are working a very physically demanding job or hitting the gym 7 hours a day you definitely don't need twice that.

>> No.10260370

I really liked telling myself that when i was fat and saying if i lose weight i'l get weak but man fuck it, now at 40kg's lighter im even stronger than when i was a fucking fatty even though i've lowered the amount of weights i lift and i can actually go up stairs without feeling like shit!

>> No.10260404
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I truly can't even fathom being as retarded as you

>> No.10260409

>2400 * 2 = 3700!
Yeah, sure buddy.

>> No.10260430
File: 206 KB, 320x312, 1513697269541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP says 1800
>reply was to OP's claim of 1800
>math works out perfectly
>the absolute state of the fucking retard replying to me

>> No.10260437

Still doesn't change that you aren't 6'10.

>> No.10260444

Hahahah oh thanks man, I haven't laughed like that in awhile. I haven't seen someone wrecked that badly in ages

>> No.10260452

I have a cousin who is 6'10. He has to duck under door frames and struggles to find clothes and shoes that fit.

Post feet please

>> No.10260466
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I actually have pretty small feet for my height. Feetlet btfo or whatever.

>> No.10260668

This. It's the same concept as fasting essentially.

>> No.10260681

6’1 and 185 pounds.
How much do I need to lose?

>> No.10260685

So are you going to tell us you aren’t a fat sack of shit? Because you are a fat sack of shit, even if you do have some strong muscle under all your lard.

>> No.10260689

jesus christ are you being serious?

>> No.10260785

Calorie counting is stupid. Just cut out all sugar and wheat. Boom, warp to health world 8-4.

>> No.10260872

A can of beer can be anything between 115-200kcal a can depending on the type.
Just read the label.
18 beers at 175kcal is like 3100kcal.

>> No.10260902

This. If you drink daily, especially beer it really adds up.
Last time I quit drinking I didn't even exercise and lost 20kg in 6 months.

>> No.10261001

manlet confirmed

>> No.10261358

Is it 1980 again?

>> No.10261373

It's normal to eat more than 3000 calories a day you know

>> No.10261909

So. Anorexia nervosa, huh?
Must be rough, OP.

>> No.10262050
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Are you pic related?

>> No.10262053

I ate a 600gm T-bone steak and salmon fillets for dinner a few days ago

Fuck you soyboy

>> No.10262060

Even if he was, there's no possible way he is getting 10000 without gaining more weight. At most, 5000 calories is what is needed to maintain the weight assuming the job he is talking about is hardcore warehousing.

>> No.10262095
File: 34 KB, 364x200, 200_s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shill, newfag, /pol/, whatever you are man, just stop, this isn't even a clever joke, it's completely out of context, blurted out like this is the one and only idiotic though that runs through your head at all times. Try chilling out for once and having some compassion. Love will get you everywhere in the world, but it has to be legit love, unattachedness to the outcome of your actions and the actions of others and the world around you, that doesn't mean you don't do stuff you care about, but it means you stop completely blowing up at the little things and start appreciating them, making you happier in the long run.

>> No.10262148

Do you mean kilojoules?

>> No.10262198

This, after christmas i had some difficulties going back to effortlessly tracking them but once i got used to healthier diet and eating less again it's not really any hassle.
I just need to make sure when i cheat up every week i dont go overboard which easily fucks it up and makes it once again tedious thing to do.

>> No.10262207

>I ate 200 calories today because I couldn't afford food

>> No.10262214

>small minority with intestinal parasites
Try 1 in 3

>> No.10263044

I clearly wrote "tapeworms," not "intestinal parasites."
And nowhere close to a third of the world population has tapeworms. Read next time.

>> No.10263050

I dunno man, there's a whole lot of africans and chinks out there. Most of em are bound to have shit like that.
Not that guy btw.

>> No.10263135

I'm 6'5 308lb 12% bf, squat 650lb, bench 565lb, deadlift 740lb so how does bmi categorize me?

>> No.10263172
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Park, Park & Park can park off with 1800 calories.

>> No.10263186

>2000Cal is considered too much
Wooo, boi.

>> No.10263211

BMI is fine enough if you keep in mind your exercise level. Arnold in his prime is considered Obese at 6'2 and 260lbs. Which is obviously nonsense, but for an average person who does next to nothing all, you can bet they have a gut and flags.

>> No.10263220

>tapeworms are the only intestinal parasites that fuck with your nutrition
Also, way MORE than 1/3rd of the world population have intestinal parasites. 1/3rd is just for civilized places.

>> No.10263255

>bmi categorization

>> No.10263263

Post body
>n-no homo

>> No.10263304

You can't e-stat that hard without providing some sort of proof. This isn't /fit/.

>> No.10263307

That's not really e-statting. Easily achievable within a year for a serious lifter.

>> No.10263316

Okay fine, I laughed. You guys are too much sometimes.

>> No.10263350

It's really not. Download myfitnesspal and input everything you eat into it and it calculates it. Takes like 20 seconds to do.

>> No.10263395

Yeah, but for some reason people always assume they have a mix of both. They go to the gym a few times and assume they're building muscle, but in reality they have some muscle and a lot of fat.

>> No.10263411

Even ignoring the fact I was talking about tapeworms specifically, the vast majority of the intestinal parasites people have don't even cause symptoms let alone have an impact on your caloric intake needs.
And to get an idea of how far away from 1/3 of the population tapeworm cases are, fewer than 1000 cases are identified in the US annually. More in other countries sure, but not 1/3 of the population or anything close to that.
And again, with most of these intestinal parasite you don't even have any noticeable symptoms. Nobody to my knowledge is making any serious academic arguments that a third of the world population needs more calories than the standard amount to reach the same weight due to gut worms stealing their food.

>> No.10263454

I'm not saying it excuses it completely, I'm just pointing out that there are many more factors than the generic model would have you believe.
It may be the difference of a handful of calories, but it's still one difference among many you have to account for.

People who twiddle their thumbs need to eat more. People who live in colder areas need to eat more. People with parasites need to eat more.
It's just one minor violation among many.
That said, blanket models are still perfectly useful in helping the retarded understand not to stuff their fucking craw.

>> No.10263463
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This thread is clearly bait. but I'm bored anyway. Haven't hiked this much in a while since my hiking buddy moved away and I am skelly tier build.

>> No.10263472

Hahahah fuck off.

>> No.10263475

I go for 1500kcal a day for a two weeks for a good cut

>> No.10263478

post pics

>> No.10263494

Those factors are the reason why the word "negligible" exists. There's no good reason to bring them up. Most of the time when people do bring things like that up it's to try to make excuses instead of facing the 99.99% accurate reality of why they're fat.

>> No.10263541

>Being a manlet
>Not lifting
>Not doing cardio
>Being a skelly


>> No.10263568

They should absolutely never be mentioned by fat people. But as a former skeleton who actually lost weight doing GOMAD, there are times where it's helpful to know that there's just a tiny amount more going on behind the curtain than you would expect.

Individually negligible, but combined only almost negligible.

>> No.10263570

take your meds

>> No.10263574

some fags are claiming it induces autophagy and reverses (or retards) ageing too

>> No.10263605
File: 11 KB, 430x319, 1519835176987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>need to have an excess of calories and meet macros to get dem gainz
>appetite has gone to shit in the last couple of years

>> No.10263620

>gallon of milk per day
>lost weight
Did you not use whole milk? And how many pounds is "skinny" here exactly? That (~2300 calories) should get you well over what you need to not lose weight if you're 140lb for example. And that's not even counting the additional stuff you would probably eat each day assuming you didn't subsist on milk alone.
The only ways I can see this making sense are:
A) You weren't really "skinny" so much as "not morbidly obese"
B) You were using 1% or skim milk for some reason instead of whole milk
C) You had massive amounts of diarrhea and weren't even digesting most of the milk you drank (this one seems the most plausible to me since a lot of people lose the ability to properly digest dairy after growing up and a gallon of anything on a daily basis is liable to just end up exploding out your ass half-digested because that's way too much)

>> No.10263653

It was whole milk.
Skinny as shit, 130 lb 5"10'.
Constipated constantly, shat at most twice a week. The opposite of diarrhea.
Physical job and long commute by bike were part of it too, but obviously not all.

I am not a special case or a physiological anomal, and none of what caused that is any excuse for the state of my body at the time. But some people do just need to eat even more than they thought.

>> No.10264005


gotta get those extra 54 calories

>> No.10264632
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t. triggered fatty

>> No.10264922

Good thing I'm anorexic

>> No.10264944
File: 2.12 MB, 2372x3648, 1518398248384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10264955

The guy in your picture definitely eats more than 1800 calories a day, you fucking faggot.

>> No.10264960


>> No.10264974

He's lost a lot of weight. I think I read in a post here, so you know it's true, that he was only eating a baked potato a day or something. That kind of extreme dieting isn't healthy and has a high risk of relapse but I appears to have worked for him.

>> No.10264975

If you’re not a twink or a full blown woman then you eat at least 3,000 calories per day

>> No.10265367


Awful estimates

>> No.10265393

Eat more bland food. It's hard to overeat boring shit

>> No.10265394

>implying they were estimates
Cronometer and MyFitnessPal databases.

>> No.10265455
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>weighing more than your IQ

>> No.10265477

No that's from pure water fasting you retard. Simple dieting doesn't cause autophagy.

>> No.10265508

>then you eat at least 3,000 calories per day

Only if you're training for the Olympics or have a job that involves a lot of physical labor. Otherwise you're probably fat as fuck.

>> No.10265536

Nope try again sweetheart

>> No.10265545
File: 26 KB, 220x308, FFEA9CD2-B01B-4267-8795-2A1EF7B87335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eating at a caloric deficit won’t make you lose weight bro.

>> No.10265572

Don't listen to this guy. It depends on portion sizes. the best way to get an accurate estimate is to look at the calories vs portion sizes in the nutrition facts on the items you're eating. Don't forget to include toppings and condiments. Estimates for fresh produce can be found online.

Just a warning though that there's a lot of calories in alcoholic beverages. There's also a significant amount of calories in juice or soda. It's really easy to drink yourself into obesity.

>> No.10265579


olympians often eat in the range of 7500 calories per day. some as much as 9000.

physical laborers can burn 3000-4500 depending on the severity of the labor. when i was a lineman in a freezer warehouse, palletizing however fast the conveyor belt went in a -20F environment, i was eating about 4000 calories a day and losing weight.

>> No.10265625
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>tfw when my iq is 60 and i weiy 300 pounds

>> No.10265666

ok how about this. you are fat. you dumb fuck. did that make it through?

>> No.10265760

absolute calorie values are retarded, a year ago I had a very phisically demanding job, after a month I found myself eating 5000+ calories per day AND losing weight

>> No.10267548

I eat 500cal a day

>> No.10267804

>1800 calories a day
I don't even fucking hit BMR with that little, you despicable puny manlet.

>> No.10267830

Or you're 6'5 and 3000kcal are the recommended intake for the "light exercise" lifestyle bracket, you hobbit.

>> No.10267906

eats 5 snack bags of cheez-its
time for bed

>> No.10268513


Hi anon, I used to have a huge trouble binging when i was trying to cut. I have exceptional self control in every other area of my life (no alcohol, no porn, no masterbation, work out 3-4 times a week, call mom 3 times a week, etc)

What I found helped me is twofold
1) Your body needs food. It's in our primal brain to eat when hungry, there are very few forces that can stop us from eating all together. The key is just to "binge" on the right foods, which if you do right, should kick your binge habit. Which leads to number 2...

2) eat clean, avoid the fucking carbs. I'm not full keto, but 90% of carbs are binge friendly. Full box of cereal? Check. Alcohol? Check. Pizza? Check.

If you force yourself to eat high fat low carb, you'll binge on the fats one day. I ate a whole jar of peanut butter, felt sick as fuck. The same amount of calories in pizza for example is only like 5-6 slices, something I could eat without thinking and not be sick. Fats are satious as fuck, keep your blood sugar stable. Eating high sugar high carb causes blood sugar spikes, hunger spikes, and that food is so easy to eat. Once you do this for a few weeks you won't have the urge to binge, you'll be consistently full.

tl;dr eat as few carbs as physically possible, eat high fat, avoid binge friendly foods (mostly high carb), be persistent

>> No.10268605

That's taller than 99.6% of the adult male population in the US.
Meaning you're retarded for bringing that up. You might as well complain that 2000 calories is too much because a small minority are midgets.

>> No.10268677
File: 2.55 MB, 1920x1078, 1487869663273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating slightly lower than the average diet has been shown to increase your life span
why would anyone want to live longer?

>> No.10268687

3000kcal are the recommended intake for a moderately active 6'0 200lbs dude. 20% of american adult males and 25% europeans are as big or bigger than that. If you think a fifth to a fourth of first world population is irrelevant maybe you're the retard.

>> No.10268707

Thank you hungry skeleton

>> No.10268743
File: 30 KB, 363x363, 1516388509006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>iq 86
>weigh 115lbs male

>> No.10268843

>moderately active
So you picked an even rarer subpopulation to try to make your argument?

>> No.10268883

I'm 6' 6" 330lbs. My intake varies between 2-4000 calories a day

>> No.10268902

Where are all these mutants coming from? Is it the hormones they're putting in everything nowadays?

>> No.10268938

>Let's say you are 5'10" and 145lbs

>> No.10268958

I work 13 hour days as a garbage man throwing 19 tons of garbage by hand

No 1800 calories will sustain me

>> No.10268961

keep up the good work anon ;)

>> No.10268969

there are (((people))) who eat cum

>> No.10268989

Lard ass detected. I'm a 31 year old king of the manlets (5'10) at 150 pounds and if I ate 2,000 calories a day, I'd gain weight very quickly. inb4 ur a skeleton and/or ur a soyboi. I have a perfectly healthy BMI and do physical labor in a warehouse. I'm only a skeleton by American standards.

>> No.10268995

Lol Amerimutt manlet detected

>> No.10269021
File: 50 KB, 639x431, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're either bullshitting or you've got an outlier slow metabolism.

>> No.10269037

You forgot to change the activity level.

>> No.10269069

No that was on purpose, I set it to the minimum activity level required to reach 2000kcal. I mean, "physical labor in a warehouse" is pretty vague, he could be lugging around shit all day just like he could just sit on a forklift moving pallets around.

>> No.10269088

during the olympics i heard that crosscountry skiiers eat on average 8000 cal per day, pretty amazing

>> No.10269163

When I was an alcoholic my daily calorie intake was usually around 2000-2300. But food-wise I don't have enough room in my stomach to eat beyond 1800 calories, it's usually somewhere between 1200-1500 when I'm not restricting. And I am anything but thin.

Those 2000+ calories per day put 50 pounds on me in just over a year. Fucking gross if you ask me.

>> No.10269200
File: 688 KB, 640x1136, IMG_0165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i have probably drank more than 1800 calories in beer in one night

>> No.10269265

>i have probably drank more than 3.5 to 5.5 liters in beer in one night
It seems implausible to me (that much liquid would be very uncomfortable regardless of alcoholic content), but I know I oughta avoid doubting the imbecility of alkies and binge drinkers.

>> No.10269329

skeleton here (5'8", 112lbs) who eats around 2000 calories a day.
how do I escape this hell?

>> No.10269380

a 12 pack of beer is almost 1600 calories
never mind if someone decides to get drunk of rum and coke or something

>> No.10269400


>> No.10269439

The only reason women live longer than men is men work themselves into an early grave, you fucking retard.

>> No.10269448

>never mind if someone decides to get drunk of rum and coke or something
I have a much easier time imagining someone downing a 750mL bottle of Bacardi than 5L of anything, honestly.

>> No.10269480

you eat food, not calories. the body isn't an engine, and most of the numbers you read don't translate to the chemistry of the body

>> No.10269511

I just ate a lot and worked out my entire life. Plus, I never did drugs, which can stunt your growth.

>> No.10269597

If you expend 2000 kcal and consume 2200, you're gonna get fat.

The only differentiating factor is whether the 2200 kcal came from 2200 kcal's worth of pure sugar that you digested completely or 2700 kcal of nuts, 500 kcal of which went undigested, wasted as heat, or exercised away due to NEAT changes.

The calorie trackers and TDEE calculators may lie to you; physics doesn't.

>> No.10269895

I consume just that much with one of my breakfast Big Gulps

>> No.10269922

i tend to agree with that.
people are so easily triggered by bullshit these days, it's no wonder people are flipping out with weapons and vehicles and things.
there's a huge lot of people who are silent because they aren't fanatical about dumb bullshit, but they're being pushed to action by people forcing them to choose sides. it's god damned ridiculous.

>> No.10269998

Plz eat something

>> No.10271779

>anne frank 1945, colorized

>> No.10272037

Beer here has no calories on the label

>> No.10273892

>20kg in 6 months.
absolutely pathetic

>> No.10273924

I borrowed a fitbit and according to it I burn 3200 to 4000 KCal every workday, so...
31 m 6' 140lbs

>> No.10273947

Have you gotten a checkup for intestinal parasites?

>> No.10274077

Been like this my whole life pretty much, so probably no parasites.
I'm pretty active though and always have been, it's just a chore to actually eat enough to not have a calorie deficit. If I'm dedicated I can get my weight up to 125lbs or so but as soon as I start slacking it drops right back down.

>> No.10274462

>tfw healthy calorie intake for someone my height is 2500

>> No.10274495

I really hope this is bait. Average does not equate healthy.

>> No.10274874

Or women live longer on average do to men going to war, doing more dangerous jobs, male suicide rate being much higher. Or you know eating slightly less

>> No.10276232

Funny how the healthiest weight has been steadily increasing over time, then.

>> No.10276678

Yeah and Penn was one of them until recently.

>> No.10276724

the average heights went up too

>> No.10276861

Im too poor to eat 2000 calories a day unless it's carbs
if im eating 2000 cals of freshly cooked meat and veggies that'd be different

>> No.10276941

The superior women's lifespan is a statistical myth like the wage gap that ignores exterior factors. In fact a new study shows that women age by having kids.

>> No.10276991

>paywalled article
Fuck you.
Also my great grandma gave birth 7 times and died at 94. Does that mean that she was biologically 171? That article looks stupid.