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File: 676 KB, 940x603, dqmeal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10259098 No.10259098 [Reply] [Original]

why the fuck do dairy queen meals give you a drink AND a sundae? isnt that excessive? either the drink or the sundae would be enough.

>> No.10259106

>Do americans really think of ice cream as a beverage?

>> No.10259111

Soda is a dessert beverage.

>> No.10259118

Ask for water instead of soda.

>> No.10259130

just share it with your boyfriend pussy

>> No.10259209

Ice Cream is not a drink

>> No.10259228

Please highlight where OP said it was a drink.

>> No.10259274

He says drink twice, are you illiterate?

>> No.10259289

>why would a fast food restaurant that specializes in ice cream give you both an ice cream and a drink with your meal

>> No.10259298

>ice cream is a drink
Now hol up

>> No.10259301

>Specializes in ice cream
>Has to literally give the product away
I guess specialize doesn't necessarily mean good at it.

>> No.10259314

How does that follow? They're two completely different items. One is a drink which people like to have to stay hydrated and to wash down food with. The other is a desert, which people like to eat because it tastes good.

>> No.10259319

Not in context... are YOU illiterate?

>> No.10259328

>Boy I sure am dehydrated, better drink a coke

>> No.10259330
File: 83 KB, 645x614, 69A9F39B-3E52-47A6-9985-09FE7C2485D5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting something included in a meal you paid for is getting it for free

>> No.10259345

>I fell for the "soda dehydrates you" meme
It doesn't have enough sodium to dehydrate you, idiot. It's not like you're drinking ocean water.

>> No.10259347

kek. This thread lowered my IQ 30 points. I don't have to drink tonight because of it.

>> No.10259374

Do your fucking research before posting next time.
>In a study published in the October issue of the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, researchers at the Center for Human Nutrition in Omaha measured how different combinations of water, coffee and caffeinated sodas affected the hydration status of 18 healthy adults who drink caffeinated beverages routinely.
>“We found no significant differences at all,” says nutritionist Ann Grandjean, the study’s lead author. “The purpose of the study was to find out if caffeine is dehydrating in healthy people who are drinking normal amounts of it. It is not.”
>The same goes for tea, juice, milk and caffeinated sodas: One glass provides about the same amount of hydrating fluid as a glass of water. The only common drinks that produce a net loss of fluids are those containing alcohol — and usually it takes more than one of those to cause noticeable dehydration, doctors say.

>> No.10259392

The post makes no sense unless you interpet it as saying soda and ice cream are somehow performing the same function.
That's why multiple different anons read it as implying ice cream is a drink.
When you post something that doesn't make sense there's a good chance others will try to infer the nearest meaning that does make sense.

>> No.10259508

you guys are retarded ice cream quenches your thirst. the soda is not necessary for a meal

>> No.10259515

>ice cream quenches your thirst
Are you mentally ill?

>> No.10259520

not an argument :)

>> No.10259546

>Milk, cream, sugar and salt frozen confections hydrate you.
Wew lad.

>> No.10259573

Normal people have the opposite reaction, ice cream makes you thirsty. Why do you think root beer floats exist?

>> No.10259588

>That will be $37.55 sir
>I don't want the (((ice cream)))
>That will be $37.55 sir
Maybe it costs a fraction of a cent

>> No.10259592

>he uses the word "drink" twice, both times to emphasize that the drink and the sundae are separate items
yes, indeed he does

>> No.10259598

>but soda totally does hydrate you

>> No.10259626

Do your fucking research before posting next time.
>In a study published in the October issue of the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, researchers at the Center for Human Nutrition in Omaha measured how different combinations of water, coffee and caffeinated sodas affected the hydration status of 18 healthy adults who drink caffeinated beverages routinely.
>“We found no significant differences at all,” says nutritionist Ann Grandjean, the study’s lead author. “The purpose of the study was to find out if caffeine is dehydrating in healthy people who are drinking normal amounts of it. It is not.”
>The same goes for tea, juice, milk and caffeinated sodas: One glass provides about the same amount of hydrating fluid as a glass of water. The only common drinks that produce a net loss of fluids are those containing alcohol — and usually it takes more than one of those to cause noticeable dehydration, doctors say.

>> No.10259635

Also a regular serving of ice cream has about three times as much sodium as a soda and isn't a drink.

>> No.10259637

So we are all in agreement that OP is retarded, good.

>> No.10259643

>amerisharts need BOTH ice cream and coke in their meals

>> No.10259654

It does contain water though. Prove that ice cream does not hydrate you even though it contains water. I'll wait.

>> No.10259655


>> No.10259669

You’re absolutely retarded. If you go to McDonald’s and order a cheeseburger without anything including meat and cheese, you get a bun for the price of a cheeseburger. It doesn’t mean the meat, cheese, and condiments are free.

>> No.10259674

Did you miss there part where they cited a source?
I'm no fat of the two fat Jews myself but when they're right they're right.

I thought it was pretty common knowledge by now that coffee, at least for people who drink it regularly, works just fine for hydration.

>> No.10259690

They would sell you a hamburger, which is cheaper.
>Americans need cheese on everything

>> No.10259710

I just want you faggots to stop repeating that lie about soda. It's been tested and confirmed equivalent in hydration to an equal amount of plain water.

>> No.10259723
File: 10 KB, 361x408, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10259733

No if you ask for a cheeseburger they'd sell you a cheeseburger dipshit

>> No.10259755

>Hot dog vendor won't let me buy half of a hotdog
>Half of a hotdog must cost zero dollars then which is still zero dollars after multiplying by two
>A whole hotdog is therefore cost free Q.E.D.

>> No.10259797

You might be retarded

>> No.10259902

that's a lot of ice in that pepsi

>> No.10259919

If your goal is to inform, you should make sure to actually state the truth. Claiming that a 12 oz soda is equivalent to 12 oz water is absurd, and that isn't what the study said. What the study said was that the diuretic effect of the caffeine isn't enough to completely negate the hydrating effect of the water.

>> No.10260042

Just because you were shit at your McJob, doesn't mean everyone else is.

>> No.10260048

>One glass provides about the same amount of hydrating fluid as a glass of water.
Kill yourself.

>> No.10260058

It says the amount of hydrating fluid is about the same. Read.

>> No.10260060

That's making them go through more trouble, not omitting and item and steps. But please, continue to misuse analogies.

>> No.10260069

Cutting a hotdog in half isn't more trouble than editing menu item meals.

>> No.10260099

I wasn't implying it doesn't hydrate you, I just can't believe there are fucking retards out there who reach for a soda the second they get thirsty.

>> No.10260106

You literally used the word "dehydrated," and there's absolutely nothing wrong with drinking soda when you're thirsty, read the fucking study.

>> No.10260136
File: 233 KB, 430x288, 38672099-sprite-wallpapers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just can't believe there are fucking retards out there who reach for a soda the second they get thirsty.
Also fuck you for being a blatant liar, bullshit you "can't believe" people drink soda when they're thirsty. Aside from that being normal and extremely common you would have to be 12 or younger to not be familiar with Sprite's "thirst quencher" ads. That's EXACTLY what soda is for you stupid lying faggot.

>> No.10260140

>I wasnt implying it did what i said I am just retarded and fell for a troll thread
>Why do place gib squank AND SQUINK!
>Just gib Squank OR SQUINK!
>I FORBIB you gib meal and dessert!
>I must Scrunch munch all foodmass into face within 3 minute!!!!!!

>Oh no I SCRAAAAA b-b-but there still food.... I am weak human being, now I must go back to work for another 8 hours.
>Remaining un-shoveled food is proof that I am weak to my coworkers!
>I am now mocked for not endlessly consuming!
>Oh No now my fellow $8.25/hr workers are mocking me! I am so sad

>> No.10260147

>americans drink soda when they're thirsty

>> No.10260174

>read the fucking study
I don't need to fatty, I know soda can hydrate you because it contains water.

>> No.10260177

Yes it is, you just push a picture, dumdum.

>> No.10260180
File: 56 KB, 638x479, coca-cola-presentaion-21-638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coke doesn't sell much outside of the US
Wrong, and also US isn't even the biggest consumer, Mexico for example drinks twice as much per capita.
(inb4 someone complains that's just Coke and not soda in general, it's close enough for everywhere except Scotland because they have that weird orange irn bru shit instead).

>> No.10260184

I'm 6'2 150lb, hungry skelly if anything.
Just stop lying about soda.

>> No.10260188

please point to me where I lied about soda.

>> No.10260198

Are you special needs? Do you have staff?

>> No.10260200
File: 2.76 MB, 384x216, ezgif-1-7016d7fde9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uses the word "dehydrated"
>Gets BTFO
>"B-But I wasn't talking about dehydration though!"

>> No.10260206

Worked at Dairy Queen for two summers

"can I get a blizzard instead of my drink????"
>substituting solid food for a beverage
>substituting the most expensive to make thing on the menu for the cheapest thing on the menu
>getting mad when I charge full price for the blizzard and it's not just magically free

>> No.10260218

I don't understand where this idea that soda and ice cream are in any way interchangeable is coming from.
Who are these people?

>> No.10260226

It's in the same cup, bro.

>> No.10260235

Ice cream is a liquid at room temp.

>> No.10260240

So is soup. I would never think of soup as an alternative to getting a drink. Eating a meal without a drink is retarded.

>> No.10260252

Well a sundae has no solids, unless it's a pineapple one, so it's a drink, a blizzard would be soup.

>> No.10260256

>go for morning jog
>come home tired and sweaty
>chug a liter of mountain dew

>> No.10260262

Soup doesn't need to have solids either.

>> No.10260265

A liter's a lot in general, but otherwise there's nothing wrong with that. Not very different from gatorade.

>> No.10260293


>> No.10260315

You want to bring broths into this? You ready to go down that rabbit hole motherfucker? A milkshake is a drink too, you ever consider that. No, of course not, you're too busy fellating you self to the thought of being right, FOR ONCE, and impending sex robots. You fucking rapist piece of shit.

>> No.10260667

>>Coke doesn't sell much outside of the US
i never said this.

>> No.10261183
File: 266 KB, 640x499, 1518304049642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Kara-age doesn't look at all crispy and the sauce probably made whatever crunch (and my excitement) disappear. A delicate crisp exterior accented with pearl white potato starch flakes completely encrusts golden chicken crackling which shatters and gives way to garlicky, marinaded, coin purse-sized piece of chicken thigh oozing with juicy chicken essence dripping onto a bed of steaming short grain rice and an occasional dip into a dish with Japanese mayo topped with chili power/roast black sesame seed is how I remember Karaage in the working class Shimbashi diners (where you buy a meal ticket from a vending machine near the entry door). As you enter all your senses are engulfed and you realize you have a lot in common with Pavlov's dog - tastebuds are suddenly electrified, while your stomach prepares for the holy grail of fried chicken. The five piece meal (about the size of a professional NBA athlete's palm) leans against a towering mound of ice cold, thinly shredded cabbage (don't forget to splash on tart sesame dressing) Simple and highly satisfying, especially with an appropriate karaage chaser - 1 liter Asahi Super Dry and a frosty glass cup.

>> No.10261196

protip: gatorade isn't very good for you unless you're an athlete actually exerting yourself, pudgy.

>> No.10261204

says you asshole

>> No.10261229

it is implied

>> No.10261235

Read the conversation, dummy. It was in response to a hypothetical scenario involving someone having returned home after exerting themselves with a morning jog.
I already pointed out I'm barely above the underweight range, don't know why you keep thinking I'm fat. You would have to drink a lot of soda to get a calorie surplus going just from that if you aren't already eating like a fat person. I wish it was that easy to gain weight.

>> No.10261254

since when is split pea soup a broth?

>> No.10261266

Ice cream isn't a milkshake.

>> No.10261446

If ice cream doesn't count as something that cools down your mouth in between eating real food then what the fuck is milk?

>> No.10261893

drink some unadulterated water every now and then, and get some exercise mr skellington.

>> No.10261947

Yeah, it does. Do you know what milk is?