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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10229276 No.10229276 [Reply] [Original]

How does Chinese "takeaway" in the UK differ from Chinese "takeout" in the US? Is it the same basic set of dishes?

>> No.10229280

It's just a different word for the same thing. God Americans are so fucking retarded. How do you idiots remember how to breathe?

>> No.10229303

I'm from Alberta.

>> No.10229310

Even worse

>> No.10229392

Same product, different terminology
comparing different English dialects can be retarded sometimes

>> No.10229401


I've lived in the US and the UK. UK Chinese food has a lot of sausage, curry sauce, and even chips on the menu, as well as Satay and SE Asian options, more watery sauces, and generally a lot less diverse and boring flavours and less interesting and pleasurable textures. There's a whole lot less deep fried meat options in UK Chinese foods. General Tso's chicken is completely absent from menus from what I could tell. Also, sauces in US dishes are a lot sweeter, thicker, and goopier. Also, Crab Rangoon are very rare in UK Chinese.

Basically, they match the palettes of the nation's they're in. UK has boring, interesting foods and local sensibilities, whereas the US has delicious deep fried slop.

>> No.10229418

Same, except in the U.S, takeout doors are wider, everything has GMO fat and sugar added, and you get shot while eating it.

>> No.10229422

I hate how sweet and goopy our Chinese food is, but god bless rangoons.

>> No.10229595
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>Is it the same basic set of dishes?
Every localized form of Chinese food is adapted to local tastes, that's how it's managed to spread worldwide, same as pizza.

>> No.10229624

This. A lot of American "Chinese" food culture was in fact created by Japanese immigrants, which is why we have fortune cookies that are based off a Japanese custom and virtually unknown in China except as an American food.

>> No.10229628


Also, STL Pizza is so fucking good for no reason
Provel should be shit, but it's fucking tasty

>> No.10229632

>I hate how sweet and goopy our Chinese food is
The sad thing is I've made some of that stuff at home and if you take some care with it it doesn't go goopy and weird, I think they're just mostly lazy.

>> No.10229759

Western "Chinese" restaurants are preparing stuff at a pretty rapid pace, usually only somewhat longer than a fast-food outlet, so they tend to cut as many corners as necessary to keep costs and prep-time down. Stuff that gets fried in a wok usually isn't in there for very long.

>> No.10229771

Most of the low end picture menu take out places in the US serve chicken wings and fried chicken type stuff, don't know if it's the same in the UK

>> No.10229942

In the UK you will likely be stabbed to death by a Muslim or blown up by a child wearing a suicide vest on your way out of the establishment.

>> No.10230039
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You spend too much time (i.e any) on /pol/.

>> No.10230066
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>> No.10230240

>which is why we have fortune cookies that are based off a Japanese custom
Lol, no, dummy. The fortune cookies were based on an actual Chinese cookie, the paper was under the cookie, and it was invented by Chinese immigrants in California.

>> No.10230265 [DELETED] 

You spend too much time on reddit.

>> No.10230288
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These Amerimutt and "whiter than you" memes make me laugh because in the end I know that you Whites are just arguing in a sinking ship. ALL of your countries will be brown by the year 2100.

Bye faggots

>> No.10230297

this would be fine by me, but for the fact that /pol/ will just find something new to bitch about. there will be no fewer babbies screaming about conspiracy theories that apparently only angry children can understand. society will be just as retarded. and tbdesu i feel sorry for any babbies i have that they won't get to fuck the hottest of the hot, the goddess-tier white grils.

>> No.10230299 [DELETED] 
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The world will be better off without White motherfuckers

>> No.10230304

All niggers will be enslaved by invading Chinese. Enjoy working on a cotton plantation again, Tyrone.

>> No.10230310

Bullshit. As if Chinese people could ever be anywhere near as immoral as whitey.

>> No.10230311 [DELETED] 
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shut the fuck up cumskin your people will be extinct and replaced slowly but surely

>> No.10230314

Is it Australian shitposting hour already?!

>> No.10230322

Chinese """people""" treat each other like insects

>> No.10230327

No, it is you who goes to reddit.

>> No.10230395

Holy fucking rent free

>> No.10230497

What Chinese has any sausage on the menu?

>> No.10230683
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These sort of takeaways are universally shit. Poor quality ingredients, no wok hei, sweet msg sauces, bought-in frozen hors d'oeuvres.
You can find some decent Sichuan restaurants where you can get takeaway in larger cities. Look for somewhere Chinese people are eating themselves.

>> No.10230689

Even worse, you dumb shitkicker.

>> No.10230690
File: 136 KB, 1001x807, B0CC90C3-006F-412B-B941-7E3C1D0F1983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you really this fucking illiterate?

>> No.10230720

>boring and interesting foods

Fuck me, americunts OBSESSED with superior Kingdom.

>> No.10230808

Chinese in the UK is hit and miss. Indian is normally a better bet imo

Most popular dishes are
Sweet and sour chicken/pork
Chicken balls
Chow mein
Black bean sauce stir fry
Spare ribs (bbq)
Egg fried rice
Oyster sauce stir fry
Chop suey
All the fried stuff like spring rolls, sesame toast etc
"szechuan" sauce stir fry which is not very szechuan at all
Crispy duck pancakes with hoi sin

The sauces are often watery and shit except the most common ones like black bean. I think it's because lots of English customers just order all the fried shit and basic sauce dishes so all the others aren't served enough to be good

>> No.10230831

You must be lying. No uk chinese serves sausage.

>> No.10230833

Ask an African about the Chinese, then try making that post again.

>> No.10231757 [DELETED] 
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>no u!
t. redditor

>> No.10232304

>UK has SE Asian options
>No crab Rangoon

>> No.10232446
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>> No.10232451

chinese chip shops
as well as the chinese food, they also sell fish and chips and everything that you'd see at those places
(everything's fried)

>> No.10232549

I'm from Alberta, guys.

>> No.10232577

>Scunthorpe Chinese

I've been laughing at this for 19 hours straight, someone please help

>> No.10232580

cross-post in I'm From Alberta General (/ifag/)

>> No.10233020
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A typical UK menu.

>> No.10233029

99% the same shit as the average american chinese takeout

>> No.10233043

Bullshit. We have General Tso's and they have Lefftenant Muhammad's Halal Goat

>> No.10233048
File: 296 KB, 860x1152, chainmail man enjoys dessert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tangentially related hilarious Wikipedia article -


>> No.10233060

i didn't say 100% did i cunt

>> No.10233100

I first had shrimp toast from chinese takeaway when I went to England. it's just puffed potato (?) seasoned with shrimp flavor or something.

Also, the chinese food was a lot lighter and didn't make me feel as fat after eating the entire portion.

>> No.10233198

We usually buy 5 portions and eat it out of a fruit bowl or casserole dish. prawn toast is always bread, prawn and sesame seeds over here. You might have bought some counterfeit stuff.

>> No.10233242
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is a license needed to sell shrimp toast now?

I just googled prawn toast and ya that shit looks fucking tasty. the stuff I had was just a very light, puffed potato with seasonings. Man, I got fucking gypped!
>it's the shop next to Barberry fish and chips, where the coop is, in Bicester. Yellow banner in this photo.

>> No.10233259
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>boring, interesting foods

>> No.10233263

US Chinese is like tasteless, plastic shit. Barely edible and an insult to Asian cuisine.

UK Chinese is delicous.

>> No.10233268

>Visit London
>hang out with friends and get drunk, they me to the Chinese "takeaway"
>Chinese guy there speaks with a full on English accent, I cant totally understand what he's saying

Why did you ruin this Chinaman?

>> No.10233271


>> No.10233306

UK Chinese is an affront to Asian culture.

US Chinese is actually delicious and authentic because tons of us actually live here.

>> No.10233312

You fucking canadian are cooked. Every canadian I've ever talked to was from alberta and a cokehead

>> No.10233334
File: 665 KB, 1472x1104, buffet_chinese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does UK have China buffet?

>> No.10233337

Yep and they are rubbish

>> No.10233353

>pork fried rice
Is it?

>> No.10233375

Shut up cunt, I've eaten the pig swill you lunatics call "Chinese" and can tell you that it is nothing more than overcooked noodles and MSG. UK Chinese is far superior

>> No.10233388

Such angered buttfrustration. Let the truth pour through you. We immagrated here in droves, and we have taken over 1/3 of downtown most american cities and we build best food shops for all of us and share with the vietnamese too

>> No.10233407

na, British have bad food so you have bad taste

>> No.10233428

We have plenty of Chinks here too, you yellow bastard. Just accept that UK Chinks cook better food than US Chinks.

>> No.10233446

But Chinese American cuisine is vastly different from traditional Chinese cuisine and incorporates many uniquely American ingredients. The US also has a sizable Chinese population, the UK does not. The question is reasonable, Nigel.

>> No.10233451

Just because we don't deep fry our bread and pour syrup on everything doesn't mean our food's bad. I'd bet good money that by the time I was five I'd eaten more fresh produce than the average American sees in his life.

>> No.10233460

You mostly just have jungle Asians.

>> No.10233475

They both cook overpriced pig slop for shit people who swill it down like the garbage they are. I for one can't wait until the superior IQ Asians relegate whites to their rightfull position as intermediaries between "others."

>> No.10233508


>> No.10233768

You know how I know your not Asian?
We don’t share with the Vietnamese.

>> No.10233929

US actually has good food. UK is just garbo.

>> No.10234432

I'm from Alberta

>> No.10235151

I'm also from Alberta.

>> No.10235186

>In June 2008, a news site run by the American Family Association filtered an Associated Press article on sprinter Tyson Gay, replacing instances of "gay" with "homosexual", thus rendering his name as "Tyson Homosexual"
>The word or string "ass" may be replaced by "butt", resulting in "clbuttic" for "classic" and "buttbuttinate" for "assassinate"

>> No.10235200

Well, American Chinese food certainly is not the same as Chinese food from China itself, but pork is actually the most popular meat in China.

>> No.10235253


>> No.10235256

No shit, in China their diet is 100% plain rice because they're poor Chinese. American Chinese food is the Chinese diet on cash. Actually good version of Chinese diet.

>> No.10235263

Heh, me too. The name's John

>> No.10235264

Fried rice with pork in it is common in China

>> No.10235267

Uptalking American culture is strictly prohibited on this board

>> No.10235354

I've only had one and it was in Golders Green, utter dog shit.
Inb4 Jew
I work in london but I'm from Notts.

>> No.10235359

lived in the US, UK, and currently living in China
ama (as long as it's food related)

>> No.10235552

I'm from Alberta

>> No.10235617

Which one has the best chink food?

>> No.10235654

Depends what you think Chink food is

>> No.10235658

I was generalizing. Out of the three, whats the best.

>> No.10235666

China then
The variety you can get from Chinese takeaways is far greater than anything in the UK

>> No.10235669


>> No.10236111

You missed curry. I gurantee if you go on just eat and click on any chinese and popular dishes chicken curry will be number 1

>> No.10236198

>English accent, I cant totally understand what he's saying
What do you mean?
Cockney like Americans think we speak or the London immigrant jafacian accent

>> No.10236225

2100 is literally 82 years, that's 3 generations at best
there's literally no way for what youre saying to happen
also shit meme fuck you

>> No.10236240

There are far more brown people than white people on the planet so you don't actually need to breed out the whites; just import brown folks from other nations. It could happen in ten years if (((they))) really pushed for it. It can definitely happen in 82.

>> No.10236306
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Having worked with Chinese in a restaurant for several years, I've developed a theory that the idea of Chinese cuisine is a paradox. To the Chinese, there's food that's edible, and there's food that a method to cook hasn't, yet, been developed.

>> No.10236326

>sweeter = more sugar
>thicker = more potato starch added to sauce
>goopier = over thickened

Its all the same. All the ingredients used in Chinese takeouts across the world come from CHINA.They are all using the EXACT same ingredients.
Only fresh produce and meat is bought locally.

>> No.10236334

The post I referenced made no real distinction of location
Where ever people go, their nationalities dishes usually change to suit the people already there
Canadian Chinese food is probably no worse than American Chinese food, but probably tastes different because Canadians like/have different foods

>> No.10236398
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>> No.10237628

Chinese aren't human, nigger.

>> No.10237672

>Every canadian I've ever talked to was from alberta
do you live in alberta or something

>> No.10237754

In the US, "panda", "dragon", or "rainbow" would be in the name. The equivalent of OP's pic here would be like "Fred's Chinese Takeout".

>> No.10238918

I'm from Alberta.

>> No.10238960

Sorry to hear that, but don't move west to god's country we don't need any more troglodytes.

>> No.10238993

Lap Cheong, it's common in Aus too. We seem to call it by the Hong Kong/cantonese name and I'm assuming it's the HK variety rather than a mainland thing here. Tastes pretty good but not the best thing ever.