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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10204892 No.10204892 [Reply] [Original]

>Too much food
>Food was too hot and fresh
>3/5 would not smash
Why are yelpers so retarded?

>> No.10204927

Guys got a point. Why put excessive meat on a sandwich? Kills food cost and guest are less likely to order other items. Fries should be warm and not still frying when they're served. That can lead to lawsuits.

>> No.10205597

>gets more than he paid for, along with evidently fresh fries
>sandwich was probably like 6 bucks
>expects 5 star service from local microwave shithole

>> No.10205604

It's an above average sub shop, a little pricey but shit tons of meat and toppings.

>> No.10205612

>A faggot complaining that he had too much meat in his mouth.

>> No.10205657

not just a faggot, but a nigger faggot.

>> No.10205711

He has a point about too much meat. But the rest is just whinging he got his fresh food too fast.

>> No.10205737

With a bow tie.

>> No.10205793

people from Philadelphia are insufferable

>> No.10205834

That's Urkel, stupidos. The guy is just a big Family Matters fan.

>> No.10205858

Fuck that, give me a fat fucking sandwich. If I'm buying a sandwich out, I'm spending extra to get lots of meat, cheese, and veg, and some good bread and sauce that I don't keep at home. Yelpers are some entitled faggots, and need to have "Boogers and Cum" play on their alarm clock every morning "Groundhog Day" style.

>> No.10206087

>I want my food to fall apart as I eat it and I also want food to burn my mouth
y'all are retards

>> No.10206088

That faggot is a cuck that craves soy instead of meat. I've lived here my entire live and these faggots are common and begging for death.

>> No.10206834

I see very few soy types, and I live in the Towson area.

You think more would be here.

>> No.10206838

Looks like his sandwich as lettuce on it or something. I dont live in shit philly but I feel like everything Ive seen say they laugh at you if you deviate from the norm.

>> No.10206845

What exactly do you expect when you order a cheese STEAK?

>> No.10206876
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Well I saw a negative review for this really good burger and pizza place. The person ordered a fucking vegan pizza and didn't like it. (They aren't even vegan)

>> No.10206910

The caption on the pic makes the complaint clear: "All this meat and the flavor was not the best." It's not that quantity is a problem on its own, but it is when it's a substitute for quality. The criticism is that the sandwich is piled high with poor quality meat, when less meat of better quality would have made a better sandwich.
>give me a fat fucking sandwich. If I'm buying a sandwich out, I'm spending extra to get lots of meat, cheese, and veg
All things being equal I agree, but things are not always equal. Plenty of places make fat sandwiches with dogshit quality cheap ingredients because that's the only way they can make a profit selling them. When that's the case I'd happily pay as much or even a little more for a thinner sandwich made with noticeably better quality ingredients. More is only better when you're getting more of something that's actually good.

>> No.10207001

>I'm too fucking dumb to wait for fries to cool down

>> No.10207003

>gets confused when black people play
He gave it four stars tard.
He said it has fuck huge meat, fresh as fuck, and service is fast.

Hopefully you're just playing at dumb.

>> No.10207058

>He gave it four stars tard.
>Shows 3

>> No.10207063

>Review has three stars
>"He gave it four stars tard"
What did he mean by this?

>> No.10207301
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>4 stars

>> No.10209404

>Is this really the world amerifats live in

>> No.10209478

Because the only sorts of people who would go to what is essentially an online phonebook to review a restaurant are clearly retarded.

>> No.10209487

Overstuffed sandwiches that fall apart fucking suck to eat. Not everyone is poor that needs every little scrap of protein so they don't die the next day, some people would rather eat something pleasant to eat

>> No.10209494

>Is the euronigger/aussienigger really this obsessed ?

>> No.10209769

Everyone on yelp is retarded, I swear 90% of the time I read a negative review it's because of some stupid minor detail or the reviewer taking a flaw in the service personally.

desu most of the time I excuse bad service because I understand that all restaurants have nights where they get busy or things go wrong. Unless the menu is horrible I don't consider it a bad place because of it. Maybe I'm just too forgiving with these things.

>> No.10209810
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>> No.10209813
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>> No.10209822



>> No.10210571
File: 52 KB, 401x810, famous daves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10210822

Unwarranted self-importance

>> No.10210868

>replying to bait

>> No.10210896


>> No.10210909

Didn't bother reading but I assume since it's Yelp it's no use taking something so long so serious.

>> No.10210942

>Thinks eateries are crowded at 9:30 AM or PM on Saturdays
>Doesn't explain that the supposed issue is that the appetizer was late and implies as though it came after the meal
>dear madam
>lashing out at THY jugular
>tsk tsk I say
>alcoholic refreshment
>It is now after closing hours despite it being perhaps being 10:30 or 11:00
Sounds like what some of my classmates back in university would write on their English essays.

>> No.10211134
File: 117 KB, 467x864, bill burr's resturant adventure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10211155

>I-I was j-just trolling, a-anon

>> No.10211169

Imagine going through life being this fucking pathetic and getting mad at all this shit.

>> No.10211262 [DELETED] 

you've clearly been triggered, soyboy and/or legbeard. which is it

>> No.10211285

I didn't know /pol/ users went on Yelp.

>> No.10211332

yelp reviews were a mistake. I heard people actually say they were a yelp reviewer so they better get respect before ordering food.

>> No.10211339


>> No.10211366

The only reason to read Yelp is to read butthurt reviews from customers who most often felt they were wronged by some insignificant thing and then cunted up

>> No.10211377

Down here in college park it's soy city

>> No.10211384
File: 66 KB, 600x400, 1514640450688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine this being your reality

>> No.10211900

"My sushi was cold and undercooked."

>> No.10211909

You look like you love the taste of a filthy cock, faggot.

>> No.10212049

fantastic post
these two buttblasted negroes clearly see themselves in it enough to be offended despite the fact that its a fucking joke

>> No.10212057

>And my steak tartare was raw!

>> No.10212082

what a colossal faggot

>> No.10212088

Can you imagine eating a meal and only thinking about what you're gonna write about on yelp. That's gotta ruin some of the enjoyment, like people who live behind their cameras.

>> No.10212092

If I saw this person burning to death right in front of me, I wouldn't even consider pissing on her to put her out. These types of people should be culled.

>> No.10212097

In philly a cheesesteak is known as a nigger sandwich

>> No.10212136

Absolutely based

>> No.10212244

>"meal was very delicious, would eat here again!"
>*rates 4/5*

>> No.10212264

Ah..... so this.... is the power... of soy...

>> No.10212289

First one is retarded.
Second one sounds like a legitimate complaint.