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10170907 No.10170907 [Reply] [Original]

Why do manchildren hate Budweiser?

>> No.10170919

It doesn't have a quirky ironic name and there aren't any colorful cartoons on the bottle.

>> No.10170925

It tastes like nothing and you need to have like 20 to get drunk.

>> No.10170934

Allergy to wheat barley and rye

>> No.10170938

How'd you lose your taste buds? Smoking?

>> No.10170944

It's PBR tier garbo.

>> No.10170962
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pretty much this. modern 'men' are no different than women or children when it comes to being marketed to. men used to look for things that have utility and value, but now they just want the newest trendiest crap.

see pic related

>> No.10170963
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it's ok, it just tastes so light. better out of a bottle (or tap obviously). too watery in consistency. bud light is not an option that stuff actually is trash. pic related is the best mass produced beer

>> No.10170964


>slightly alcoholic dirty dish water

>> No.10170966

As a severe alcoholic, I think it has a decent flavor. I don't buy the stuff but I wouldn't turn one down.

>> No.10170967

I'd buy this just because I like the idea of red wine out of a can

>> No.10171003
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>> No.10171012

That's actually my go-to for cheap drunkness. 3 25 oz cans for $6 or 6 for $10
People who say it tastes like nothing need new tastebuds. And people who prefer imported because of stupid ass reasons need new heads. It's not bad at all.

>> No.10171035

yeah i was about to say its 5% ABV which is slightly higher but comparable to any other cheap beer (bud light, natty, PBR, miller, etc) so people who are saying they cant get drunk off of it should maybe drink a little less...

anyway i always associated busweiser with rednecks and it has way too many calories for what its worth but as others said i wouldnt turn one down

>> No.10171042

i feel like theres 2 types of people who hate budweiser
those who only drink craft beer and those who are drunks who need more alcohol content to get drunk enough to fuck their wives

>> No.10171060

Usually pretentious cocknuggets who think they have something to prove. They are the kinds of people that ask "Is this seriously all you've got?" when they go to a party without realizing the utility of a cheap beer.

That being said, my personal preference is Bud Light or Coors but a regular Bud will do in a pinch.

>> No.10171069

People don't actually hate budweiser, maybe get a little heated in debates but even beer snobs can admit that it's fine, all those dry light lagers are just ok, nothing more... People have more of an issue with the ignorant pleb consumers who don't know any better, and even more of an issue with what bud and AB-InBev represent

>> No.10171081

I work at both a craft beer bar and a craft beer store with 500+ bottles, on a friday night out in town I might get one or two interesting craft beers but since I don't want to break the bank or get burned out on high abv intensely flavored beers I always quickly switch to the local equivalent of bud, the cheapest light lager on draft.

>> No.10171140

Because wherever Budweiser is sold, Yuengling is sold, which is ten times better.

>> No.10171149

morons who don't realize that "lmao bud tastes like piss" is an obvious exaggeration for comedic effect, actually insisting that it tastes like piss.

They try to seem cultured but end up getting exposed that they have no idea how beer tastes and are just parroting things they've head.

>> No.10171162

Might as well get something slightly more expensive and better or something cheaper that tastes the same. Nothing wrong with it really.

>> No.10172352

Certified manchild here, I don't hate it, it's just more expensive than Hamm's and I like Hamm's more.

>> No.10172408

I dislike it because it tastes... the best way I can describe it is "plastic-like" to me, and half the time when I drink it I'll get a headache within a half-hour of the first sip. There's plenty of cheaper more palatable beers in my opinion.

>> No.10172426

new taste buds to taste buds

>> No.10172430

For the same price of a tall boy of budweiser, I could buy 2 tall boys of keystone.

I could drink piss, so I don't really care, it's all about price. Budweiser is fine on taste.

>> No.10172432

I dont like it because its a pilsner. It doesnt help that its a bad pilsner. The smell of pilsner reminds me of some old drunk mechanic.

>> No.10172434

Its the blandest beer ever. Its the white bread of beer.

>> No.10172439

Manchildren tend to be picky eaters and prefer a more bland flavor in the things they consume. I think your projecting. Budweiser and it's clones have been intentionally developed to be bland.

>> No.10172494

Budweiser is a great beer from Czechia, the amerimutt Bud though is pisswater

>> No.10172498

I'm all for cheap beer. I drink Natty Ice for fuck's sake. But Budweiser tastes like shit. It has always tasted like shit, and it always will.

>> No.10172503

Um, this.

>> No.10172507


>> No.10172511

>getting drunk from beer
jesus how old are you? 20 of any beer will never get me drunk i dont care if it's a 7% IPA.

>> No.10172517

I drank these every weekend for about 7-8 years before quitting all together. Ask me anything

>> No.10172522
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>itt: 16 year olds

>> No.10172529

tastes fine to me, basically just standard pisswater beer

hipsters hate it because there's not enough hops
alcoholic hate it because there's not enough alcohol

>> No.10172542

Bud isn't even that cheap. Rolling Rock, PBR, Rainer are cheaper and taste the same, if not better

>> No.10172565


Too expensive for what it is. Hamms or Busch is cheaper for the same shit. All cheap pilsners taste the same until you get into malt liquor territory but even then it's not that different.

I caught up with a friend drinking a pilsner from a local craft brewery and he tried to convince me it was soooo tasty while being 8 dollars a 6 pack lol. Some people are just terrified to look lower class, you can't fault them for it it's most likely how they were raised.

>> No.10172579

This. Budvar is very tasty. Also isn’t made with rice like the 56%er shit.

>> No.10172583

Boy you're a cool guy, it must be real nice for your daily beer drinking competitions

>> No.10172587

Those whacky millenials are going to small non-chain restaurants that serve food with flavor, but peh, they charge 40% more for a simlar meal. Why don't manchildren go to TGIFridays or outback?

Sam argument, different product. People like what they like. If someone gave me a budweiser, mcdonalds cheeseburger, boiled hot dogs, kraft cheese slice, or whatever else I'd eat it. But as individuals' income increases, their tastes also improve. Its just like people getting something higher than minimum wage not wanting ramen. Those are called normal goods in terms of economics.

I still drink cheap shit sometimes because i'm cheap; PBR, high life, and even the hipster stuff that goes on sale to be a similar price to bud I'll drink. But I won't buy bud, keystone, or whatever else because now that I'm out of college I have a couple extra dollars to spend on better tasting beer, or something higher than 4% abv.

>> No.10172600
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>> No.10172604

There is something seriously physiologically wrong with you if that is true then, that's not a good thing... you could be an 8 foot tall strongman and a dozen 7 percenters should have some moderate effect. Not getting drunk on 20 beers sounds like a pitiful pitfall into unhealthy drinking habits

>> No.10172610

I wanna try this desu

>> No.10172640

>being this much of an alchy
Beer is the comfiest alcohol in my opinion. You probably drink dirt vodka from a plastic jug

>> No.10172683

Here I’ll list some reasons
>not American
>uses adjuncts to reduce flavor
>unethical business practices
>low alcohol and poor flavor
>made up their own category of lagers so they can win medals at GABF

I only started hating them when they ran those anti craft beer ads a few years ago. Seemed really butthurt and SEETHING, blaming customers for actually drinking unique or different beer. Now their pathetic dilly dilly meme campaign makes me hate them even more as they’re trying to force meme their way back in.

>> No.10172702

dude you unironically might have some sort of medical condition

>> No.10172712

Budweiser is the best bud has to offer. Bud light is alright. Usually my go to light beer.

>> No.10172713


It's probably the worst American beer you can buy. Bland, weak, looks like piss and tastes the same. You gotta be a real nothing to enjoy fucking Budweiser.

>> No.10172720

I enjoy saying dilly dilly but I still wouldn't touch Bud with a 10 ft pole

>> No.10172726


The people that enjoy Budweiser are the same people that enjoy tv commercials, just hollow boring tasteless nobodies.

>> No.10172738

I’ve found it ironic that a lot of craft brewers and drinkers have taken it as some sort of rallying cry. The only reason i’ve Bought bud in a decade was because they put NFL teams on cans

>> No.10172742

Because they’re beersnobs or hipsters. Bud is a good after work beer.

>> No.10172743

This. It's generic beer for generic people.

>> No.10172754

What are you talking about bro all vodka is sold in plaatic bottles.

>> No.10172820

>says someone who thinks there is such a thing as "an after work beer"

Thats trash talkin right there and the real reason so many people dislike Anheuser Busch products. Its about class distinction and educated people, people trying to better themselves, or people who just want to disassociate from the working class lifestyle think Bud is crap. It is crap btw.

>> No.10172835

>ingredients contain rice

>> No.10172859

>need to have like 20 to get drunk.
How fat are you?

>> No.10172861

I like beer, not shitty ersatz rice beer.

>> No.10172863

tfw when cursed to be on the west coast

>> No.10172895

Because it gives me a headache. And I'm not talking about a hangover. I dont know what they're putting in them but all AB products give me a headache.

>> No.10172909

I don't like beer that has a green apple taste, there, now you can't untaste it.

>> No.10172938

because it makes you fat as hell

>> No.10172986

That country doesn't exist since 1993 you retarded amermimutt

>> No.10172989

I don't buy Budweiser because here it manages to be overpriced while being a pretty poor tasting lager; you can get much better tasting French lagers, etc for half the price of a Budweiser and, in general, I'm not a fan of lagers. Not a fan of overhopped stuff either. I prefer a nice normal ale or bitter.

>> No.10172990

Suddenly it makes so much more sense.

>> No.10173015

I learned this word from the starship troopers novel

>> No.10173033

beer is the devil's drink

>> No.10173900

Shit water you should be on top of that. Aged in beechwood barrels? Really? You can make that out huh? If I get American macroshits it's gonna be Coors banquet not that light shit.

>> No.10173972

>jesus how old are you? 20 of any beer will never get me drunk i dont care if it's a 7% IPA.

lol, nope.

>> No.10173994
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For me, it is the Bud Light with Lime in a bottle, the true patricians choice.

>> No.10174139

t. Czechoslovakian

>> No.10174420

AB employee here, this anon nailed it

>> No.10174457


>even beer snobs can admit that it's fine

Everything else you said is pretty much true, but fuck no, Bud is terrible. I'm not even a beer snob. Rice adjunct macro lagers and malt liquor shouldn't even be classified as beer in this day and age. Shit's fucking undrinkable. The only praise something like Bud might get from anything like a beer snob would be a homebrewer saying how difficult it is to brew, and to brew as consistently as they do on such a large scale; doesn't mean anyone would ever throw one back.

>> No.10174656


>> No.10174667

Also alcoholic and won't turn one down. It's got alcohol.

That said it has no flavor and only slightly more alcohol than water. It's be ok at half the price, but I can get better beer for a couple bucks more.

>> No.10174719

Is this a Budweiser shill thread? I don't understand why anyone would buy it when all the other 6 packs cost the same anyway.

>> No.10174741


Because that's what daddy drank the only times he ever showed me (((affection))).

>> No.10174758

I'm an experienced beer drinker and I think it tastes nice. Reminds me of the smell of hay in the springtime.

>> No.10174786
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>i'm an experienced beer drinker

>> No.10174799
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Assuming you instantaneously drink twenty 12oz beers at 7% APV, you have consumed 16.8oz of pure ethanol. Let's round that to 1/2 liter for convenience.

Assuming you aren't some fat fuck with plaque-filled blood vessels, your body contains about five liters of blood.

Assuming 100% of that sweet, sweet alcohol winds up in your bloodstream, you would have a blood alcohol content of 9.1. Not 0.091, I mean an actual 9.1%. The United States defines legal drunkenness at 0.08. Now, it's wildly unlikely that all of that alcohol would wind up in your blood without your liver stopping it, but you're either a 600 pound custard sponge or have an incinerator for a liver to get away drinking like that and not drunk.

>> No.10175464

Because It's the Heineken of american beers

>> No.10175475

Not that guy, but I can easily go through 15 or so light domestic beers in a summers afternoon and barely get a buzz

>> No.10175492

I think that's just people in general, and that's how marketing is supposed to work

>> No.10175786

I don't really see any point in hating Budweiser, but I wouldn't buy it. It's too tasteless.

>> No.10175793


>> No.10175795

budweiser isn't worth the effort of hating
I just forget it exists

>> No.10175796

I'm a Coors man

>> No.10175802

You remind me of this little asian pissant that was in one of my college classes years ago. He would say things like
>I'm great at mixing drinks! However I never get drunk! I have a crazy alcohol tolerence.
Myself, being a 3 day a week binge drinker just replied,
>You're doing it wrong.

>> No.10175815

those fuckers are always the ones who get shitfaced, puke, and pass out within an hour of arriving
I honestly don't care how much anyone can drink, just keep your mouth shut and manage yourself
I don't go to parties to babysit guys who "don't know what happened, back in college I drank 68 beers in 2 hours. Someone must have tried to drug me"

>> No.10175816

Coors Banquet tastes a million times better than Bud. Corona Familiar also tastes great. Even among big macros Bud is crap.

>> No.10175830
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Wait. Americans have their own version of Budweiser? I'm always a bit surprised when I read all those negative posts about it, since it doesn't taste bad at all. Have they bought a license to produce it themselves? And what is that about rice as an ingredient? Are they allowed to change the recipe?

>> No.10175832

>being this much of a tryhard

>> No.10175846

>I have never had more than 4 beer in an evening but I assume I can drink 20
Does this lie make you feel good about yourself?

>> No.10175902

because beer tastes like fermented bread and cat piss

>> No.10175911

>he knows the taste of cat piss

>> No.10175920

overly fizzy, watery etc

Gives dreadful hangovers and you spend the whole day the next day tasting stale lager. Horrible buzz too.

I've taken to drinking Gin. I can get through 1Litre in a night and feel pleasant, go to bed, sleep so fucking hard and wake up fine the next day.

Beer in general gives me terrible gas, bad buzz, I'll probably vomit (or force myself to to remedy) the next day, bad breath, can smell it through your pores.

>> No.10175938
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>out of a can

>> No.10175953

he's not fat, just a 16 year old who thinks it's cool to not get drunk easily

one day he'll grow up and realise lightweight=saved money

>> No.10176025

>saving a few dollars by drinking less beer is meaningful to him
>not having plenty of money to waste on whatever you want
Sorry the "adulting" isn't going so well for you

>> No.10176164

PBR > Budweiser > Busch Light > Busch > Miller Lite > Natural Light > Piss > Bud Light > Feces > Miller High Life


>> No.10176176

Too heavy for me. Now Bud Light on the other hand is great. Dilly Dilly! LOL

>> No.10176185

would rather get something cheaper or go craft hipster

>> No.10176269


>my shit smells better than your shit

>> No.10176307
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>> No.10176325


Fun Fact: The phrase "dilly dilly" was a taunt used long ago by the Anglo Saxons while torturing, disemboweling, and skinning the invading Moors.

The phrase at the time was akin to modern day "nigger" but used only in a mocking fashion.

>> No.10176335

anglo saxons didn't fight the moors; the french and spanish did. nice try tho ;-)

>> No.10176339

>The phrase "dilly dilly" was a taunt used long ago by the Anglo Saxons
That seems blatantly untrue and nothing online supports this.

>> No.10176358

Because miller lite is better.

>> No.10176376




Reminds me of the black panther movie niggers stealing & appropriating kung fu and martial arts like they invented it.

>> No.10176387

Same, why does this happen? Anyone know?

>> No.10176430
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>Drinking budweiser when this exists

>> No.10176443

>Reminds me of the black panther movie niggers stealing & appropriating kung fu and martial arts like they invented it.

Blacks are allowed to approprate cultures because they're black. You chinks can suck a cock.

>> No.10176511
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>the only other type of beer besides budweiser is hipster trash

>> No.10176768

Dude, get help

>> No.10176802


I'm assuming you're white? Why the racist double standards if you're pretending to be on the side of equality?

>> No.10176924

Id rather drink pbr or coors desu
Bud just doesnt taste the same, its probably the rice

>> No.10177086

Don't tarnish the name of slightly alcoholic dirty dish water.

>> No.10177106

>"it's too light"
>posts a beer with even less alcohol

do yuropoors really do this?

>> No.10177297

Awful. Take a lap and try again.

>> No.10177367

budweiser > pbr, high life >>> all that other crap

>> No.10177381

>Reminds me of the black panther movie niggers stealing & appropriating kung fu and martial arts like they invented it.

Lets not go there. Don't make us choose between blacks and you chinks.

>> No.10177948

>Americans have their own version of Budweiser?
Yep, since 1876. It's an unlicensed knock-off.
It's known as Bud in parts of Europe because Budvar keeps suing them.

>> No.10178215

It tastes like someone pissed in a soda and shook it up. I bet you also dip your burgers in ketchup, you fucking inbred

>> No.10178219

Bud Light is infinitely better than Budweiser. I hate it because it tastes like ass, not because of the alcohol content

>> No.10178224

who else Guinness master race ?

>> No.10178229

I fell like manchildren are exactly the people who buy Bud.
Basically just former frat bro rednecks after they move on from Natty Light

>> No.10178230

I like Guinness but it's pretty watery and rather insipid. Please don't tell me you are one of those "I get full after on!" people.

>> No.10178234

>unlicensed knock-off
Funny thing is, it's not even a knock-off. It's its own thing entirely and the name is for marketing. I like the flavor.

>> No.10178237

It's extremely drinkable and pleasant, imo. There are better dark beers, sure, but Guinness is definitely the best choice if you're at a rural liquor store that only stocks IPA shit and Bud

>> No.10178240

>I have sucked so many cocks that I've worn off all of my taste buds

>> No.10178248

Why would anyone ever buy budwieser. Much better beers are just a little more expensive, and slightly better beers like High Life and PBR are a little less expensive.
Not quite as dumb of a buy as Bud Light, or Euro macro lagers on a price to quality basis, but close

>> No.10178260

Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan. I just can't stand people who describe it as being "so dark" or "so filling". It's a lighter beer and isn't dark at all.

But like I said, I like it. It's my go-to winter stout and I like how drinkable it is. Almost too drinkable, I can down them too fast.

>> No.10178300
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Budweiser is pretty good, I personally prefer a nice late 1990s vintage

>> No.10178313
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Me too lol. I’m a small format sales rep at a WOD.

I love my job. These plebs forget for every snooty craft beer drinker there’s 100 people drink bud light, Busch, and Hurricane malt liquor.

Hell 75% of what I Sell is malt liquor and ice beer in the hood. Luckily I know my beer and my bottle shops get hooked the fuck up on all the rare goose and Elysian shit

>> No.10178323
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>custard sponge

>> No.10178329

>These plebs forget for every snooty craft beer drinker there’s 100 people drink bud light, Busch, and Hurricane malt liquor.
more like 1:3 these days

>> No.10178336

If I want cheap, there is always Yuengling.

>> No.10178341
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Not in the hood where I work. Also Natty Rush. Literally half the price of a 4loko and tastes like jolly ranchers

>> No.10178347

Those are only $1?

>> No.10178354


$1.50 in my Market but 4loko is $3ish where I live.

>> No.10178367
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>tfw your neighborhood drinking hole charges the same for Bud and Devil's Backbone because they're both "domestic"

>> No.10178368

I guess I haven't bought a 4loko since I was in college when they had caffeine, so they are probably more expensive now

>> No.10178420

tastes like piss thats why

>> No.10178434

almost flavorless, tons of better options.
would rather drink it than meme IPAs though.

>> No.10178525

Yeah because Budweiser is a rice beer.

>> No.10178526

>meme IPA
have you only ever had California IPA?

>> No.10178551
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*blocks your path*

>> No.10178569

Oh every weekend watch out we got a badass over here

>> No.10178591

I don't hate macros or Budweiser particularly. However, Bud is no better than PBR/High Life/Olympia/Hamms/etc yet it costs more. I have no idea why since it's indistinguishable from the other cheap macros. So there's no reason to ever buy it. A 12 pack is nearly the same price as Session so you may as well just buy those instead.

>> No.10178792

I find it just a tad too sweet, kinda like coors. Drinkable but not super pleasant

>> No.10179216

Banquet in the fridge right now.

>> No.10179221

Welcome to the Machine.

>> No.10179225


>> No.10179228
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>They didn't watch enough Nascar as a kid
>They don't live in North Carolina, where the name "Earnhardt" is equivalent to Superman

>> No.10179482

Adrian? Is that you?

>> No.10179604

Mr. Fuckin cool guy over here loving the utility of water with a splash of piss

>> No.10179619

>tfw hate beer

>> No.10180540

Budweiser is good but bud lite is easier to drink more of.
I’d get Sol, landshark, pbr, or natty light before I’d get red bud though, it’s retardedly expensive where I live. Literally double the price of PBR

>> No.10180543

it's all-american, which soyboys have been taught to consider kitschy and ridiculous

>> No.10180687

What a pathetic payed for shill thread.

Budweiser is shit.

Try to censor my post if you can AB InBev

>> No.10180735


>> No.10180769

You must be baiting

>> No.10180790

It's kinda bland. There's really not much difference between this and the rest of the macro swill that's mass-produced nowadays.

I don't know if this is true, but I heard that it used to taste better. Then they changed the ingredients and process to make it easier to mass produce, and now it tastes different. Take that with a grain of salt

>> No.10180815

I've always found this interesting. Like I wonder what a McDonald's burger used to taste like before they became the mass produced products they are today.

>> No.10180821

Yeah bro, those fucking soyboys can't appreciate the manly American tradition of guzzling pisswater produced by a multinational conglomerate (that cares about the USA as much as it cares about any of the countries it does business in, i.e. not at all). Crack open an ice cold Budweiser from Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV and show those soyboys who's boss!!

>> No.10180823

>I've never drank alcohol in my life
The post.

>> No.10180868

It tastes like rice and corn. Id rather pay a little more for a bready taste

>> No.10180898

t. soyboi

>> No.10180911

aww, globalist pisswater guzzler get triggered? go have another Budweiser, you'll feel better soon little guy.

>> No.10180915

It tastes almost nothing. Easily drunk by 16 year olds who can’t stand muh bitterness from real beer

>> No.10180919
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Heavy use of corn as an adjunct, the cheapest possible thing trying to pretend it's something nice. Rolling Rock on the other hand has no such pretensions, it is just as cheap and will get me just as drunk without trying and failing to taste like real beer. Usually too busy living right by Sierra Nevada and getting growlers of real beer.

>> No.10180920

It made me learn how much of a lightweight I am

>> No.10180931

t. soyduke

>> No.10181040

Hell yeah, love me some Dale Jr.
Remember that duel between him and Waltrip last few laps at Daytona? Fantastic race.

>> No.10181070


Neck yourself.

>> No.10181077
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>Heavy use of corn as an adjunct,

just fucking wrong
Bud uses rice as an adjunct
Busch uses corn

god I hate fucking idiots

>> No.10181078

The creator of Budweiser refused to drink it when offered one and called it "piss". It's escapism-juice for human cattle.

>> No.10181119
File: 6 KB, 251x251, PicardWTF[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10181136

Could you elaborate on your disdain for large reusable bottles?

>> No.10181146

Hating on cheap beer is for lame asses. I like good beer but i also regularly buy cheap shit. My go to cheap is miller high life or lost lake. My brother and I have drank tons of bud though since that is what he prefers.

>> No.10181183
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it's beer
you fucking drink it

>> No.10181193
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>it's cheese, you fucking eat it

>> No.10181203

still the best cheese for burgers

>> No.10181211
File: 158 KB, 550x739, bicuitsandgravybritstyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>it's biscuits and gravy, you fucking eat it

>> No.10181224



>> No.10181226
File: 14 KB, 627x271, 2018-02-21 13_19_23-instantaneously - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him but

>> No.10181375

I'd love to see a source on that

>> No.10181383

I think his point was that drinking 20 beers instanteneously is an absurd scenario

>> No.10181519
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>not buying beer that's still alive and thus has technically never tasted a beer

I bet you eat kraft singles.


Is that the difference between that garbage? You know neither of those things go in beer right? Also, did you know - beer is supposed to be bitter and taste like hops? All you girl beer drinkers and your pils and lagers, order yourself a Shirley Temple while you're at it. Just get some SMIRNIES like the alcopop swilling tramp stamped slut you are.

Hopfriends: Which is better to you, Citra or Mosaic? I've only made a few beers myself and was thinking of trying a one-hop fresh IPA, but which hop is superior?

>> No.10181821
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>bitter and taste like hops

You have really poor taste buds clearly never went beyond ipa's or west coast style beers

Jesus that it just sad, dissapointing, and revolting. I really hope you don't go around telling people the only good beer is a hoppy one.

>> No.10182294

Have you never tried any other type of cheese on a burger? Even go for that deli white american cheese instead, huge improvement right there.

>> No.10182323

shut up faggot

>> No.10182336

>only 4%
>tastes like carbonated soy sauce

no thanks

>> No.10182469

>i've been btfo, so time for the ad hominems. I won!

>> No.10182872

>American schooling anyone on beer.

My local has a cask tap room that's older than your country. Just because you're drinking bad ales that have been hopped to shit and back doesn't give your opinion any merit.

Is beer supposed to be bitter? Yes. But hops don't taste overly bitter and the American style hops, etc just taste sweet.

>> No.10183368

I assume from the L on your cases you're in southern California? If you ever come out to the "D" brewery, I work in the marketing department in a building just north of the main brewery. You'll figure it out. Mention you're the hood rep or throw out some shitty /ck/ meme and I'll show you around the place.

>> No.10183372

Forgot to mention, bring some of that Dragonstooth since we don't get it here

>> No.10183384

It shit. It was so shit that it got a subtle joke in Robocop

>> No.10183388

I personally think Guiness is a pretty good beer its definitely a bit watery, but is a nice accessible stout. I'm not sure where you get soy sauce. To me it taste like a base flavor of something like coffee, but not nearly as strong.

>> No.10183398
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Naw I’m more north in region 6 hence all the Elysian. I got about a case of this precious liquid. No clue why all my pictures on this IPad rotate.

>> No.10183502

>Did you see that weirdo hanging around the biergarten with a mason jar full of milk, asking people how they like their steak? You know that guy?

>> No.10183811

Who are you and why are you greentexting?

>> No.10183889

>taste like hops

Beer isn't supposed to taste like dirt

>> No.10183939


How come Space Dust is pretty much the only Elysian distributed in NorCal?


I'm drunk and I'll admit I kek'd.

>> No.10183945


Hops grow on vines far away from the dirt.

>> No.10184292

>posting anime on a cooking board
Hey kid, fucking kill yourself.

>> No.10184328

I just think it's ok but honestly considering how cheap it is that's not really a bad thing.

>> No.10184620

i can get cheaper beer that tastes better, or beer that i enjoy drinking instead of just trying to get drunk. which is about 7 or 8 to get a good buzz. if it's bud light, i might need a case.

>> No.10184634

where i live, budweiser is almost 8 dollars for a six pack.

>> No.10184647

the ironic thing is that inbev had a good relationship with craft brewers, and even bought up a few themselves. additionally, the sales losses of budweiser (which prompted those idiotic ads) were not due to craft beers, but their own shitty fruit swills like bud light lime and strawbarita.

>> No.10184697

Pass me a Gooper's bro

>> No.10184806

>a brazillian-owned multinational conglomerate

pick one

>> No.10185580


>> No.10187153

You will realise you're not that young anymore in a few years, have fun meanwhile.

>> No.10188137

How the fuck does it taste like soy sauce?

>> No.10188142

kek Amerilard pride BTFO by their own corporate-welfare "capitalist" doings

>> No.10188204

I don't hate Budweiser I just don't buy it because I like other things better. If you give me a free bud I will drink it and enjoy it

>> No.10188212

i'm probably just retarded but when i drink guinness, murphy's, and a few other similar stouts i cannot taste -anything- but soy sauce. it's really unpleasant.

>durr you don't like stouts then

old rasputin and founder's breakfast stout are some of my favorite beers

>> No.10188248

Seems odd to me, but everyone's taste buds are different, I guess. Guinness is my favorite, but that's most likely only due to availability. There's absolutely no other stout in any place close to me, most places just have a shit-ton of IPAs (which I'm not a huge fan of) and only a few even have Guinness.

>> No.10189043
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What's the best beer I can buy in six packs that isn't overly expensive or hoppy?

>> No.10189153

Rolling Rock is my go-to for cheap beer

>> No.10189208

Stroh's, but it's extra malty so you get full before you get super drunk

>> No.10189222

>starts thread by posting an image of horse piss in a can

>> No.10189970


Sierra Nevada pale ale.

>> No.10189987

that shit tastes like pure chemicals bro. Id rather drink a 6 pack of modelos

>> No.10189994

muh Reinheitsgebot

>> No.10190097

You tell me anon. Whether I'm downing a few Shiners or not, I don't think about it.

Sneering aside, I think it's because it's just not the strongest beer.

>> No.10190396

Yuengling is better

>> No.10190828

>le american piss water meme

get help if budweiser doesnt get you drunk

>> No.10190948

You posted it

>> No.10191826

It is american piss water, and anon said 20 to get drunk. Depending on the size of anon and how quickly anon drinks beer, this seems realistic.

>> No.10191831

I hate budweiser because they take good beer and literally water it down. I want beer, not watered down shit from a cheap distributor of beer.

>> No.10193534
File: 2.55 MB, 4160x2340, 33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rolling rock
hell yes its the only beer with dubs printed on every can

>> No.10193581


>> No.10193615

>Not posting the superior Sparkling
C'mon cob, get a grip

>> No.10193625

Regular bud is fine by me but bud lite and platinum are fucking gross.
As far as domestic pisswater goes I prefer Busch or LaBatt blue for what it's worth. Coors can go back to the septic tank they dredge it from though.

>> No.10194484

I've gone through about 9 beers at is point and am feeling rather borderline drunk. How much of a lightweight am I /ck/? They weren't buds, but very similar abv

>> No.10194556


It's basically fine; just not particularly noteworthy.

A perfectly drinkable beer.

>> No.10194807

labatt is one of the few beers that i've had that were worse than budweiser or bud light. heinekin light was like drinking stagnant water that a skunk sprayed in.

>> No.10194900
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Mah nig right here. Milksteak boiled over hard and boxed red wine out of a can.

>> No.10195624

>9 beers
>borderline drunk

you're not a lightweight

i'm a lightweight

i had two 5% ciders and a 8% beer tonight and i felt drunk, i'm a 175lb 6' tall male

>> No.10195633

Because they can't drink real liquor so they have to get high on hops and inflate their mantits instead.

>> No.10195752

Damn. Perhaps I should have clarified, I was saying I felt borderline Drunk, not that I could feel the effects and became tipsy. That happened much earlier. Perhaps you knew this, though.

>> No.10195772

yeah that's fair, there's a bit of a difference, but i find that i get "drunk" and start hitting diminishing returns after only a few drinks. but i gotta keep drinking or i sober up and get a headache in like an hour

>> No.10195840

I get what you mean. I mostly feel the same after the initial "tipsy" feeling until I hit that critical blackout point. I assume during this time I feel the same as well, only I have a tendency to randomly take off my pants or break my own dishes.

>> No.10196195


>> No.10196928

Better quoestion is why Boomers need to defend a corporate product so much. I get it, it's cheap and get the job done, but it's still piss

>> No.10197504

>being an alcoholic is cool

>> No.10197599

>Wine in a can
No thanks, I'd rather drink actual soda.

>> No.10197609
File: 29 KB, 214x593, miller-high-life-the-champagne-of-beers-wisconsin-usa-10410956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys just the best beer coming through

>> No.10198622

bud light platinum doesn't taste like beer, maybe beer flavored seltzer water, but it's really really drinkable and i got 12 bottles of 6% alcohol for 10 usd. so i'm glad it exists.

>> No.10198643

i drink my own piss a lot for the antioxidants and I can assure you, budweiser tastes like my piss sometimes.

>> No.10198686

>High Life Lite out of a keg
That's muh jam right there. Reg Champagnes also good though.