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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10164886 No.10164886 [Reply] [Original]

Brussel sprouts
Over here we only have them for Christmas dinner but I've noticed on this board yanks have them year round.
Been left 50 kilos in my nan's will.
Help me out cu/ck/olds what's the best way to cook them? In bongland we boil the living taste out of them.

>> No.10164900

uhhh, try boiling them.

>> No.10164902
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The fellow in question with his Belgium brethren.

>> No.10164905

Half them, toss them in olive oil, balsamic vinegar and whatever herb you like, bake at 400 for 20 minutes while flipping them at 10 mins

>> No.10164909

My oven only goes up to 250 centigrade?

>> No.10164926

>he doesn't have an oven that goes up to 400 centigrade

everyone laugh at this loser.

>> No.10164936
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I've made bad life decisions, is this one?

>> No.10164939

400 burger heat, so ~220C

>> No.10164956

Scratch that, it's 200

>> No.10164977
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Lads I've got fucking loads to eat in a few day, come on and fucking redpill me on these thalidomide little fucks

>> No.10164999
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Roast them with oil and salt, let them blacken with caramelization.

>> No.10165008
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I demand moar!

>> No.10165013

Also do I cover with foil?

>> No.10165016

Brown the ever living shit out of them. Cut them in half and either roast them in the oven with some oil/herbs or fry them up with some lardons/bacon.
Either way, more browning = less bitterness.

>> No.10165041
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Funny you say this because I was thinking about cooking them with smoked bacon.
Also is this steak to thick, tomorrows dinner, with sprouts of course.

>> No.10165042

fuck that horse tooth banana nigger

>> No.10165045

Yeah, cause you should invest in better strikers.

>> No.10165049

I know, I took one of the lads to football this morning and his team mate came to the car, had bucktooth. When he left I asked laddo what his name was and get this it was Louis, I said what Louis fucking Suarez. He got out without laughing. This fucking generation.

>> No.10165054

Pan fry them. Halve them and cook on a skillet with olive oil. When it's starting to brown a bit, add in seasonings to taste and a clove of minced garlic. Cook an additional minute and that's it.

You can steam them too. Typically a bit better than boiled.

>> No.10165060


>> No.10165070

I disagree, Vardy is a speed dribbler and runs circles around the defence and Rashford with hawk and get in behind instructions bags everytime he gets in the box. The worst is actually dembele but I wanted to up the chemistry due to lozano.

>> No.10165079


>> No.10165084 [DELETED] 

400 burger temperature units are equal to around 204 Celsius.

>> No.10165102

http://www.geniuskitchen.com/recipe/balsamic-roasted-brussels-sprouts-501935 here's a quick recipe

>> No.10165110
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Lads, going to have a few games and beers. After I clean the living room and kitchen I'll get onto dinner. Thinking about olive oil, thinly sliced garlic, smoked back bacon (diced) cooked with carrots, salted and under aluminium foil.
Cheers for those who contributed and if this thread is open later I'll post pictures (it's /ck/ it will be open for a week, what am I thinking!).
Laters masturbaters.

>> No.10165118
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Check out this pancake Day flip too

>> No.10165209


>> No.10165249

Washing pots now sonny Jim. Them tiny cabbages just screaming for an oven.

>> No.10165254
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>> No.10165259

>No Bakayoko

>> No.10165284

Dude, bottem right! Mesa.
Get out and learn your CDMs mate.

>> No.10165288

I cant believe no one has asked this yet but has no one yet asked more about how these were obtained through a will?

>> No.10165294

You fucking div

>> No.10165304

>be nan
>know worst grandson hates based sprouts
>buy a bunch befor i die
>spit on them
>leave them to him in my will to fuck with him, that'll teach him for not wearing my knitting

>> No.10165390

Nan had a wide stock profile/portfolio
First kin got property and commodities
Second kin got what was left; she owned stock in a major Brussels manufacturer, money kept the farms afloat during the year but the winter gave back insane dividends, thrice fold actually. She was sat on over a ton of Brussels, (Christmas rejects) me and all my cousins got a share.
That clear it up?

>> No.10165407

Blanched then sauteed with a bit of meat, mustard and cream

>> No.10165464
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Going to start peeling potatoes soon!

>> No.10165488

>tfw no brussels sprouts empire heir husband

>> No.10165530

They go very well with both sweet and sour flavors going on. Balsamic vinegar and lemon juice are prime compliments to the savory funk that is Brussels sprouts. They can also pair well with pork, so cooking them in bacon grease or even with chopped bacon in the pan is popular as well. A lot of people advise cooking the fuck put of them bit I like a little crispness in my sprouts and I don’t mind the bitterness.

>> No.10165533
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Roast or mashed? 6 decides!

>> No.10165595
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Roast then!

>> No.10165602

*chanting* ROAST

>> No.10165603

sell a few keys on the black sprouts market

>> No.10165604

Mash them, red potatoes are better for roasting.

>> No.10165619

To late now

>> No.10165621

Throw them in pickling juice and pickle them.

Then have pickled brussel sprouts and sauerkraut with some Nürnberger Rostbratwurst.

>> No.10165624

Hang on I thought I read *cheating*. I'm roasting bro

>> No.10165652
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Check out these fluffy little fucks

>> No.10165676


>> No.10165726
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Here it goes

>> No.10165735
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>> No.10165759

Going to cook at 200 euros then lift foil off for ten, turn at 10 also.

>> No.10165767

>peeling the skins off of your potatoes

for what purpose? Best tasting and most nutritious part of the spud, making extra work for yourself besides


>> No.10165774

Not everyone's a fucking barbarian

>> No.10165775

Ignore that nonsense.
Cook at 200 under foil for 20 then 10 exposed

>> No.10165780

>Roast potatoes
Come on you fuckwit.

>> No.10165826
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You tastey little fuckers.
I'm slow boiling the broccoli as I threw the steamer away.

>> No.10165827

Shit on them!

>> No.10165850

One off mcafee

>> No.10165853

i genuinely roast my potatoes with the skins still on

you seem upset

>> No.10165862


>slow boiling

lrn2 English

>> No.10165879

I'm glad that you can take a one-up on my shit grammar, takes away from basement posting. Well done friendo.

>> No.10165918
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Lol this is a Brussel sprouts advice thread, what do you think your achieving by that post you lonley virgin?

>> No.10165970
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These are my children playing trains, how's life treating you?

>> No.10165982

roast them with olive oil, drizzle with balsamic and finish with blue cheese and bacon crumbles

I could eat a big bowl of that for dinner

>> No.10166215
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End result

>> No.10166233
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Not one person asked what I'd be serving them on! Jokes on you lot, wife and her children are vegans and bacon was a lie. Loved my vegan Sunday dinner!!!