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File: 346 KB, 1024x640, France.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10160822 No.10160822 [Reply] [Original]

Meat eaters allowed and encouraged to friendpost or offer recipe suggestions.

Also I have an idea for faux French vegan bowl, but it isn't that good yet.

Basic gist:

Croutons, on top of the croutons caramelized onions and mushrooms, on top of that red wine reductions sauce, with some arugula for garnish, nice peppery taste.

Idea is that croutons will be crispy on outside but chewy on inside. So far no success :-( Tried cooking them with high heat for a very short time in the oven, but no success. Should I be using a pan or something? Like sauteeing them?

>> No.10160849

I've never heard of a crouton that's crispy outside, and chewy inside. I'm not sure how you'd keep the moisture in. If there's a bread thread going, ask them.

>> No.10160854

I appreciate the thought OP but I expect imminent shiposting to begin. Something about the word "vegan" just sets people off.

>> No.10160868
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Alright, I'[ll bite.

I'm not vegan and god willing I never will be, but I am diabetic, and looking to replace my high carb pastas with low carb alternatives. People tell me "snoodles" are a way to go, or shirataki noodles if I can find them.

My quesiton is this: I know these noodles are meant for broth noodles like ramen/udon dishes, but how do they fare with a standard carbonara/alfredo/marinara sauce? does the flavor compliment them, or does it detract?

Basically, I want an italian meal, but without semolina, can it be done?

>> No.10160882

>Carbs on top of carbs with carbs, carbs and carbs, on top of high carbsauce, with some fiber for garnish

You're no vegan.

>> No.10160888

And the shitposting begins.

>> No.10160907

It's not shitposting, it's true. Thats probably more average carbs then a fucking mickey D;s burger combo. If its supposed to be vegan, pad it out with more fiber. Nobody should be eating 5 units of carbs in one serving.

>> No.10161156
File: 1.37 MB, 2624x1476, quorn-based white people taco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vegetarians welcome? (or just picture it without the cheese)

>> No.10161159
File: 1.48 MB, 2624x1476, roasted veggies with feta, fried halloumi and eggplant, and some fake tzatziki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10161222
File: 2.54 MB, 4032x3024, carrot patties with mash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10161247

>Carrot patties
I'm intrigued, tell me more.

>> No.10161379

sweet potato, polenta, red lentils, ginger, mash together and spice it up with some red chilis and lemon zest.

>> No.10161412

What's the white veg left of the tzatziki ? I presume cauliflower but I'm not sure.

>> No.10161416

why call it carrot patties than, you deem yourself an artist huh?

>> No.10161424

why try to get chewy and crunchy in the croutons, that wont work. put a nice celeriac puree on the bottom and croutons on top, though the whole composition doesnt sound amazing desu, also replace the arugula with parsley, cause arugula just doesnt work with these things

>> No.10161825


>> No.10161833

fuck i forgot to type in carrots but yeah, they're the main component

>> No.10162000

Yeah, I'm not too stressed about it. I'm 6'4" and weigh a bit under 170 lbs, so... By the way, have any suggestions for improving the recipe?

Of coursh.

K will replace with parsley.

I think what I'll do is actually make toast and slice up the toast.

>> No.10162043

>Idea is that croutons will be crispy on outside but chewy on inside.

How dipping them into a chickpea flour solution like vegan French toast? Outside goes crispy, inside goes custardy.

Also yes, you should fry them.

>> No.10162234


Do you really really like shitting? If not, avoid.

>> No.10162248

Indifferent? I already get constipated from semolina as it is.

>> No.10162355

Even a couple of grams of glucomannan makes you shit an extra time per day. If you just eat 100 gram of Shirataki be prepared to be shitting 3+ times a day. The texture isn't that good any way.

Fuck weebs. There are a bunch of low carb pastas, Vegan and otherwise. try any of those without an ingredient which will make you shit multiple times a day.

>> No.10162360

Such as?

>> No.10162445

Just try a couple and see what you can stomach. Flavour wise and digestion wise.

Here's a soyboy lowered carb pasta for instance :

>> No.10162520

>Literally cut vegetable strands
Whats the point? I want an alternative to grain, not more vegetable.

>> No.10162529
File: 72 KB, 500x500, MgDk4L7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adopted a vegetarian diet a few weeks ago. Made among other things pita filled with Indian veggie curry, raw bell pepper, onion and cucumber, mango chutney and sour cream. Was not disappointed at all. Tomorrow I will make something very similar to pic related - pita filled with falafel, crisp raw veggies, pickled jalapenos and cucumber - topped with some tahini sauce.

I do eat dairy products and a few eggs ...for now.

>> No.10162530


>> No.10162556

>For now
Oh come off it. Vegetarianism is s upid but at least it has its merits and understandings, Vegan is just plain stupid and a pointless reason to give up actual good cheeses and milk products.

>> No.10162582

literally cut thick toast into cubes

>> No.10162596

My idea is to avoid eating anything with eyes - so guess cheese and eggs are OK :)

>> No.10162603

>Without eyes
Guess you can't eat peas or fruit then.

>> No.10162616

No potatoes either. Anon is going to fucking die of retardation before the veganism gets him.

>> No.10162627

heh.. Let me rephrase - I dont want to eat anything with a nervous system :)

>> No.10162637

>By the way, have any suggestions for improving the recipe?
Use beans as the main component and just put some croutons on top. This way you get a little more protein and fiber.

>> No.10162655

Or you could even try using roasted chickpeas, if you slightly undercook them in the oven they can have that slightly crisp outside and chewy inside you might be looking for

>> No.10162713

The healthiest people I know are the Methodists and they are all vegetarians. They live the longest and are the healthiest. I can see why you would enjoy bullying people who are rubbing their lifestyle in your face - but I dont believe I rubbed my personal philosophies upon you :)

>> No.10162718

/bread thread/ poster here. it's gonna be really hard to get a crouton the way you're describing it. it's either gonna be all crunch or all chewy. i'd recommend using a crusty sourdough or whole wheat "artisan" type bread, ripping it into big chunks, and then just letting them dry out for a little while. then quick sauté them to toast the outside, like you would for a panzanella.

>> No.10163033


It's mostly for health reasons. I mean I care about the animals and all that, but not so much.

>> No.10164639
File: 1.94 MB, 1080x1440, 20180218_112548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Red lentil ragú

>2 carrots, 2 celery, 2 onions, 2 can of tomatoes, 2 bay leaves, red wine, basil, red lentils, vegetable broth
>pre-boil red lentils
>sweat onions, celery and carrots
>pour wine over it, let it evaporate
>add tomatoes and broth
>add red lentils from earlier
>season and let it simmer for 45 mins or until you get a thick sauce

That sauce is my absolute favourite with normies loving it

>> No.10164649
File: 274 KB, 1080x810, roast (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10164661

I've been thinking about making a lentil-based bolognese for some time, but I never got around to it. Yours looks good, might give it a try soon

>> No.10164668

Wh-... what happened to the webms of the too-happy-and-jiggly lady? I liked complaining about her.

>> No.10165274

whats the point if you're using actual pasta? you might as well have just done tomato.

>> No.10165300

>What's the point of eating beef and mushroom stew? You might as well have just done mushroom stew


>> No.10165365

vegan pizza ideas anyone?
i found blue cheese is the best vegan cheese especially as it hold its taste when heated all the rest just taste of coconut.

>> No.10165638
File: 29 KB, 295x214, 1506729603701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what you mean anon

>> No.10165674

lentil ragú/bolognese is also great for using in a vegan lasagna.

>> No.10166549

I have a pretty decent way of making fake grilled cheese. Its not healthy at all and relies on a specific brand ingredient, but they taste better than the ones I had growing up. I had a non-vegetarian/vegan friend try it and he said it reminded him of gruyere.

So the cheese part is store bought, the Chao brand, the regular flavored white slices. It's the only type of cheese that doesnt taste like chemicals to me, although Ive been told that other brands have since improved. Use two slices. Just replace this with whatever if you cant find it, or a regular neutral tasting cheese if youre vegetarian.

The next part is really important. Spread a very thin layer of red/brown miso paste on the pieces of cheese. This way the sandwich will have pungency and more depth that makes it really good. Just be careful cause its easy to overdue it. That one friend says he makes normal grilled cheese with the added miso now. Thats pretty much it, then just make it whatever way you prefer, but I'll green text my preference

>spread mayo on both sides of the bread (I like ezekiel)
>fry one side, flip over
>add cheese slices and put together
>flip it until it looks done

>> No.10166563

Obvious troll. Everybody knows how farming works and I know I don't have to explain it to you.