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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10142612 No.10142612 [Reply] [Original]

>washing dishes

>> No.10142648


It's a nice break from the line sometimes.

>> No.10143547

Little faggot millennial.

>> No.10143577

Shut the fuck up you god damn freak

>> No.10143588

lol this is why I use paper plates and plastic utensils

>> No.10143617

I always just wash any dish I use immediately after using it. Can't stand it when there isn't enough room in the sink to actually wash dishes. The worst thing is that it's a double-sided sink, and my roommate never keeps his dishes on the left side, he fills up both sides. It has to be the left. I'm only slightly OCD.

>> No.10143753

When I'm too tired to cook it's always the dishes that convince me to settle for microwaved shit.

>> No.10143756

use paper plates and plastic utensils m8 to hell with the environment

>> No.10143761

>not cleaning as you cook

>> No.10143762

Washing dishes can be pretty comfy, that warm water on your hands feels nice. And when you are done you can look at the now empty sink, and the rack full of clean dishes and know that you did something.

>> No.10143763

I just want to fucking eat, it slows down cooking most of the time.

>> No.10143929

naw man, just gotta git gud

>> No.10143942

Prep and clean-up are 90% of the reason I can't be bothered to cook for myself.

>> No.10143950

Do jobs that other people don't like is the peaceful thing in the earth.

>> No.10144278

awww lookit the little crybaby frogposter

>> No.10144302
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>not having dual dishwashers

>> No.10144344
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>tfw don't mind washing dishes

>> No.10144358

>two dishwashers covered up by fake drawers
>sink covered up by fake drawers
>drawers on the far left are probably covering up the fucking toaster or something
wow thats gay

>> No.10144404
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Welcome to the modern kitchen. I'm not a fan of the hidden appliances but whatever.

>> No.10145059

Why does every home have a dish washer when doing it in the sink takes literally 10 minutes and cleans them better?

>> No.10145069

Because people are lazy. The only dishwashers I somewhat trust are those industrial ones at restaurants, and I don't even really trust them. If I'm eating over at someones house who has a dishwasher, I will wash my own plate off in the sink before eating.

>> No.10145079

Laziness mostly. Most couples act like it's the end of the world when it dies. They're handy when you have a family. having two makes sense because you could just leave the dishes in one.

Oh you're one of those people. The phone and mouse you're touching now are literally trillions of times dirtier.

>> No.10145085

well... I get nauseous when seeing food bits mixed with water so that's why I use a dish washer instead of the sink.

>> No.10145097

Yeah, I know. I only really obsess about dishes, though. So not full on one of those people, I just share certain qualities. I also don't trust other people washing dishes by hand, but thats because the amount of times I've seen people leave bits of food and not properly wash the soap off.

>> No.10145125

t. 80% of /ck/ shitposters

>> No.10145130

Great feeling

>> No.10145278

I love overstocking my dishwasher and finding new ways to cram as much shit in there and still get everything absolutely clean. Standing water and obviously unclean dishes deduct points.

>> No.10146300

Not having a dishwashing machine would suck something awful. It would take all the fun out of eating and cooking.

>> No.10146491
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>> No.10146506
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>washing dishes for a living

>> No.10148140
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>> No.10148146
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>> No.10148178

i get mostly plastic cups and utensils, bowls. and a few real ones. silver wear is like dirt cheap. wash the pans and pots.

>> No.10148189
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>> No.10148208

but it's just so easy to rinse the coffee cup...

my sink and kitchen are full of week old dishes but i still manage to clean my coffee cup.

>> No.10148571

t. no friend loser

If you tried coming into my house to eat my food I cooked for you and you sperg out and assume I can't wash a fucking dish, I would spit in your food and never invite you back.

>> No.10148573

Based fbf poster is back

>> No.10148577

>Believing I'm not posting this ironically


>> No.10148580

I personally use a dishwasher, but with very little soap. i'm talking not even a quarter of what they recommend. It helps in a family of 5, when constantly washing dishes leaves you pruny, and the lack of soap means that you're letting heat and running water do most of the cleaning and disinfecting.

>> No.10148619

Try using a dishwasher that's not 10+ years old. They work pretty well.
People who have a shitty opinion of dishwashers usually live in shitty apartments or old houses with shit water and old dishwashers.
Also, bending over the sink hurts my back.

>> No.10148626

It is unacceptable that they could not find a way to hide that cable on the over head.

>> No.10148632

just throw them away

>> No.10148641

you are weird

>> No.10148653

My coffee cup has a fine patina of old coffee stains. I leave whatever is left in the cup at the end of the workday overnight to add to it.

One of my coworkers washed it for me once, and I almost bit her head off.

>> No.10148665

>dishwasher for dishes, cutlery and mugs
>the rest gets handwashed

I rinse the dishes etc before I put them in the dishwasher though.

Pots and pans washed by hand and dried with a dish towel.

>> No.10148808

Same honestly
I don't give a fuck when it's my plate, but for whatever reason once it's in the sink it might as well be covered in aids for all my brain cares.

>> No.10148864

i got plates and all that if someone comes over i break them out. i'm kind of a hermit.

>> No.10149180

disagree. fuckin hate washing dishes.

>> No.10149616
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Mah man!

>> No.10149635

Is it not normal to wash the dishes before running them through the dishwasher? I do that all the time. I just look at the dishwasher as a double cleaner and a sanitizer.

>> No.10149642 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10149650 [DELETED] 

This was there original intention, however lazy people can't seem to take the hint.

>> No.10149655
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>cook delicious meal
>have a few drinks afterwards
>have shower
>get ready to settle down and snuggle with gf
>remember dishes

>> No.10149657


This was their original intention. However, lazy people can't seem to take the hint.

>> No.10149658

You can but it's really not necessary. It's easier on the pump and keeps the inside cleaner but you can stick a cake in a good dishwasher and the plate should come out spotless. If you prewash shit you might as well just wash them all the way by hand.

>> No.10149669

What evidence do you have that this was their original intention? It makes no sense to have a huge appliance just to wash dishes a second time.

>> No.10149745


The dishes were intentionally supposed to be rinsed and placed into the dishwasher after cooking and eating meal. Once full the dishwasher was supposed to sanitize them not literally wash away grease and food particles from them, that's why if you place very dirty dishes in the dishwasher there will be leftover particles on dishes.

>> No.10149763
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>> No.10149777
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>make the new guys to put the dishes away since throwing them in the washer is way easier than running around

>> No.10149815

The only solution is to strike it rich and and get a house nigger. I feel for you anon. >>10142612

>> No.10149971

I absolutely hate washing dishes during the rare times they pile up to the point where I can't even get my hands into the sink. On the other hand, on my days off I do the dishes first thing after getting dressed. It makes me feel accomplished enough to relax the rest of the day without feeling disgusted with myself for lazing around. Often it gets me into a really productive cleaning mood and I tidy up my apartment before relaxing too. Can I just say it's so much more comfortable to relax once you've done something productive for the day, even if it's super small?

>> No.10150046


>> No.10150047
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>when they make you the dishes guy because you suck too bad at working the line

>> No.10150054

I have a mortgage which comes with a place to call home, as well as a dishwasher and wife and 1 child with another on the way.

Washing dishes for me is peaceful now. I only have to wash the things that can't go in the dishwasher. It also gives me an excuse to stand in the kitchen and drink vodka.

>> No.10150349

Why haven’t you people got dishwashers? What third world shithole are you from?

>> No.10150353

>not just eating handfuls of food

>> No.10150370

On the one hand it sucks(especially when the water is cold), on the other it gets me in kinda zen state

>> No.10150388

It actually is quite a cathartic experience.

>> No.10150409
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>do dishes while cooking
>assemble my meal, only things left to clean are the pan I finished cooking in and the spoon I used
Quit being a lazy brainlet, OP

>> No.10150415

>not eating directly from the coffee table

>> No.10150424

How do you eat soup?

>> No.10150449
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>not investing in decent dishwasher. they're automatic now. just give it a colorful gel candy.

>> No.10150899
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>not using folded/crunched foil instead of a pot or pan
>not using that same foil as a plate/bowl
>not using chopsticks that don't need to be washed beyond sucking clean

>> No.10150945

holy jesus. what went wrong in your life? this is just absolutely pathetic.

>> No.10150966

I usually wash my plates and utensils right after using them. It's not that bad really but I do miss having a dishwasher.

>> No.10150994
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Lazy fat ass classless loner

>> No.10151448

most modern dishwashers that are not the lowest end can handle completely filthy dishes. You might have problems if you don't have a waste disposal on it for grinding solid material however.

>> No.10151530


Is this only if everything is washed right after use?
What if the food is crusted on?

>> No.10151548

Yes, only if right after use. If the food is crusted on it depends on the food in my experience.

>> No.10151984

Good time for a mindfulness exercise
>just watching your hands move while being completely blank

>> No.10152010

I usually start up a short discussion video or podcast before I do dishes and just focus on that so I can at least learn or garner my opinion on something while I mindlessly scrub dishes

>> No.10152018



to be honest I have a fairly mediocre dishwasher but it's mainly used as a drying rack for pots and pans as of now

>> No.10152093

An automatic dishwasher is worth every penny

>> No.10152841

McMansions are absolute consumerist boomer tier garbage

>> No.10152847

t. still lives at home

>> No.10153916

Of course I live at home, where else would I live someone elses house.
The way you've structured that sentence it's quite obvious that you still live with your parents you fucking saddo.