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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 186 KB, 800x634, Gourmet-Game_-Kangaroo-Fillet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10130618 No.10130618 [Reply] [Original]

>brits eat horse
>aussies eat kangaroo

what is next

>> No.10130635
File: 1.41 MB, 406x720, Australialis.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's either you or them.

>> No.10130641
File: 29 KB, 185x233, 1518290496835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything, and I mean anything in Australia that isn't trying to kill you? You are stuck between emus, abos, kangaroos, and prehistoric insects.

>> No.10130672

kangaroo are a pest. they destroy shit. so aussies hunt them

but, aussies have dumb gun laws

>> No.10130700

It's only fairly new that it's become so normalized. At first you'd just see bags of the shit as offcuts for the dogs, then after one wank or another 'modern australian' cuisine phase got it popularized and now you can pick up all sorts of cuts from you're big chain supermarkets. Great meat. Lean, super sweet. Unless you're stewing a tail always go for rare. Shit gets tough so easily if you overdo it.

>> No.10130739

I ate one of those lasagnas (actually turned out to be donkey meat).

Couldn't tell. Not very good. Nothing special. It was just the mislabeling that was the issue.

I'd be completely okay with eating horse meat if it was appropriately labeled, but it isn't particularly tasty.

About 20 years ago people were making a huge fuss over how ostrich meat would be the next big thing: I knew someone who went over to Australia to go farm them.

It never was, of course.

>> No.10130764

>Is there anything, and I mean anything in Australia that isn't trying to kill you?
Other Australians?

>> No.10130792

I think you missed the point of the horse meat scandal, or more likely ignoring it deliberately to make a shitty thread

>> No.10130839

They were advertising it as different meat, I'd be pissed too.
I'm not against eating certain animals that may not be commonly farmed but don't lie to the customer.

>> No.10130873

it was a "scandal" because they were advertising it as beef when it wasnt

>> No.10130886

at least it not pink slime

>> No.10130987

Germany imports half of the global Ostrich meat production and is the third-largest producer of Ostrich Meat. Especially during the BSE-scandal, Germany imported as much as 95% of the global Ostrich meat production. Most Ostrich farms are located in Eastern Germany but even in the West, you will usually have an Ostrich Farm in decent driving distance.

>> No.10131085

why is there no ostrich meat in any of the stores I go to?
id try some.

>> No.10131092

I think the problem was that they were led to believe the product contained beef. You want 'roo, the package is labeled 'roo.

>> No.10131172

That ISN'T trying to kill you

>> No.10131238

Just buy it at your nearest Ostrich farm, google will help you locating one. Steaks seem to cost ~30€/Kg, intenses and necks can be pretty cheap with >10€/Kg. Also, Supermarket chains occasionally offer them and they usually advertise it.

>> No.10131279

Some aussie cunt I play games with was saying that there's basically no regulation for hunting roos, that it's basically like hunting feral hogs in the US.
With that said, is there any reason I couldn't hunt one with a broadsword? Because that sounds fucking fun.

>> No.10131319

They're faster and stronger than you, so assuming you could even get close to one it would probably kick the living shit out of you.

>> No.10131339

Anudda shrimp on da barbie, aye

>> No.10131345

raw cockroachs in a raw mashed mealworm sauce with a side of horse gonnoreal discharge as a chaser.

>> No.10131361

What >>10131319 said, they're basically like chimpanzees and are all muscle, so unless you're a mad cunt as they say in straylian colloquial, you're probably going to get your shit all snapped up.

>> No.10131663

I'm fine with horror movies but I'd be scared shitless if I was in that situation.

>> No.10131704

been buying a lot of kangaroo meat recently. around 5 bucks per lbs. good price? also ostrich for the same price, but prefer the roo.

>> No.10131947

>horses abd kangaroos are a danger to people on a mass scale

>> No.10131977

what did you expect? horses are cool and useful, kangaroos are just mean dicks

>> No.10131978

If we still had a need to do this, kangaroos would be next in line to be domesticated for the purpose of food production.

>> No.10132052

The French eat horses, not the Brits. The Brits eat baked beans and pot noodles.

>> No.10132072

i always hear that roo is cheap in australia. how much does it typically cost?

>> No.10132088

As an amerifat who hunts and butchers his own venison I would imagine kangaroos are about like deer so I hsve no issues with it. But fuck any sub human that would eat horsemeat. We wouldn't even have a country without horses, assholes.

>> No.10132263

It wasn't intentional, it was added to the beef supply without notice.

>> No.10132408
File: 17 KB, 480x480, 17630077_791384844355401_412827547830260131_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw this made me laugh

>> No.10132432

They're roughly the size of a man aren't they? if I've got 36" of extra reach at that point I don't feel like it would be too hard. Carry a backup pistol in case things go bad obviously.

>> No.10132444

publix used to carry it like 20 +/- years ago

>> No.10132471

Yes, they're roughly the size of a man. They're also a lot faster than a man and have better reach with their legs and tails then you do with your arms.
But please, go haul your basement dwelling ass out to bush and try to kill a kangaroo with a sword.
The news story will be fucking hilarious.

>> No.10132482

>It's scandalous and disrespectful to eat a horse but it's perfectly okay to boil one down for glue and dog treats
So majestic

>> No.10132483

People kill bears with spears, animals are dumb anon, why are you getting so mad about this?

>> No.10132487

Why do you think I'm mad? I'm very amused by you.

>> No.10132501

>mass shootings never happen and every gun death makes the news

Pretty good gun laws I'd say

>> No.10132505

projecting and making wild assumptions while insisting that your idea is right despite evidence to the contrary (bear hunting with spears) It's like you have a personal connection to this or something, was your stepfather a roo?

>> No.10132507


>> No.10132519

No, he was actually a dingo.

>> No.10132520

No, I just like reading news stories about dumb people who overestimate their abilities.

>> No.10132526

Wait, you like reading new stories about yourself?

>> No.10132530

Cheaper than beef, more expensive than chicken

>> No.10132531

How many years have you killed with a spear?

>> No.10132539

You'd get your ass kicked to literal death. Were you home schooled by Melbourne bogan evangelicals?

>> No.10132540

Oh come on man, that was weak. Do better.

>> No.10132547

He's not even Australian, anon.

>> No.10132548


it'd be fucking easy bruh. they're definitely strong and fast, but they don't fucking know what a sword is, and you'll very easily wack a leg or an arm off with one.

>> No.10132558
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F-fuck you!

>> No.10132572

I live in a country town of 10,000 in the middle of nowhere in Canada and I can get ostrich, kangaroo, camel, wild boar, alligator and all sorts of meat at my supermarket. git gud.

>> No.10132724

Ah yeah. It'd be stupid easy, bruv.
Don't understand why everybody doesn't do it.

>> No.10132731

You can't kill a roo with a broadsword you retard.
You need a katana for that shit.

>> No.10132760

It's more because roo's are a pest here.
Also horse is technically perfectly fine to eat, it's a taboo that for some reason never wore off, but horses take a lot longer to grow than cows or sheep do so they're not really practical to eat due to costs and the time invested.
I'm aware that people thought it was beef and that the horse was advertised as beef hence the scandal but overall there is nothing really wrong with eating horse.

>> No.10132761

This video
That roo is a fucking pussy, if that had been a well-swung kriegsmesser that roo would be dead. It's not that hard boys.

>> No.10132772

Clearly someone isn't aware of the media gag order on Australia's gun crime

>> No.10132775

Behold anon and his +5 rooslayer.

>> No.10132802

I'm sorry I'm just laughing my ass off at the image of some neckbeard huffing and puffing and waving a sword around while he tries to chase down a kangaroo.

>> No.10132850

Do you study HEMA?

>> No.10132892

the main issue is because they stand upright you expect them to use their "hands" but those fuckers can rare back on their tales and use their "feet" to gut you

>> No.10133028

These two posts caused me to laugh so hard I actually threw up a little bit. Felt pretty good.

>> No.10133042

Clearly someone here is retarded and knows nothing about actual Australia law

>> No.10133051

>Halt foul Were-rabbit! Face me that I may gut thee and feast as a King this eve!

>> No.10133123

Good goy, remember to pay your NRA membership fees.

>> No.10133137

Fuck you my guns keep me safe

>> No.10133161

Of course anon, of course! Remember: Purchase at least 15 guns a year - Who knows when the government may try to take them away from you! You can't be sure! Buy lots and lots of guns! You aren't safe! Keep buying!

>> No.10133627

The difference being, the kangaroo is sold as kangaroo while the horse is sold as beef.

>> No.10133953

ITT: /ck/ is convinced no one hunted before the advent of firearms

>> No.10133970
File: 47 KB, 300x562, zergface agrees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you ever end up doing this film yourself with a gopro or something. That would be some quality fucking entertainment.

>> No.10133992
File: 169 KB, 970x545, Soylent-Green-feature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans turn fatties into food

>> No.10134035

>He thinks that some Renfair reject waddling after kangaroos with a sword is the same as skilled hunters using projectile weapons and traps to hunt

>> No.10134040


>> No.10134051

Isn't there a video of a dude hunting hogs with a spear?
>"Drown motherfucker"

>> No.10134066

Hunting hogs with a spear is actually a real thing humans do and have done for a very long time. Hunting kangaroos with a sword is sheer madness, and that's the source of the entertainment value.

>> No.10134069

Bullshit, all around Australia, kangaroos are protected fauna.

You need a special license to shoot roos

>> No.10134097

I believe you're lying, sir.

>> No.10134122

>You need a special license to shoot

>> No.10134133

You use dogs or traps to get the boar worn out and pinned down, then you dispatched with a spear.
You don't go chasing after the boar in some kind of melee showdown.
You'd have to do something similar with a roo cause you're not going to catch one on foot.
Also a spear would be better than a broadsword because it's got more reach and is better for thrusting from a safer distance. A broadsword is for fighting other humans with swords, not hunting animals.

>> No.10134204

I try my best not to use this particular insult, but you’ve fuckin earned it, m8. You’re a real “grade A” faggot.

>> No.10134214

Costs about 30% less than beef usually. Roughly $10 for a kilo of mince generally. The mince is a great substitute for beef, and it's cheaper and healthier.

>> No.10134251

Wrong, they're protected. You need a licence to hunt and you aren't allowed to hunt with a sword.

>Kangaroos and wallabies may only be shot subject to an appropriate licence, and that licence applies a Code of Practice that must be adhered to by the shooter.
>The required standard for large kangaroos, such as red, Eastern grey, Western grey, euro (wallaroo), agile wallaby and whiptail wallaby is that they be head shot out to a maximum range of 200 metres with projectile fired from a centrefire rifle that is at least as powerful as the following minimums: .204 Ruger firing a 40 grain projectile, .222 Rem, .223 Rem, .22-250 Rem, or larger.



As with everything to do with guns in Australia, it's regulated, but people just don't know about it. However the fact is that you could probably get away with hunting/duelling kangaroos in many places without anybody knowing.

>> No.10134274
File: 124 KB, 450x425, boar_hunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You use dogs or traps to get the boar worn out and pinned down, then you dispatched with a spear.
Mostly true
>You don't go chasing after the boar in some kind of melee showdown.
>You'd have to do something similar with a roo cause you're not going to catch one on foot.
Fucking wrong
>Also a spear would be better than a broadsword because it's got more reach and is better for thrusting from a safer distance. A broadsword is for fighting other humans with swords, not hunting animals.
pic related, kys.

>> No.10134286

The traditional way is to use a spear thrown with a kind of a extension paddle thing not unlike those things you use to throw tennis balls for dogs.

>> No.10134292

lidl usually sell semi exotic meats around christmas where i live. Ostrich, kangaroo and some other ones i can't remember

>> No.10134298
File: 2.55 MB, 2736x1500, Gogo Switch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why was the kangeroo head-locking the dog anyways? Is this normal?

>> No.10134305

Yeah it’s fucking normal. Roos are notorious for trying to choke out any prey they see. Rumor has it they learned that trick from the angry abbos.

>> No.10134311

>Why was the kangeroo head-locking the dog anyways? Is this normal?
Yes, kangaroos know roo-fu and know how to choke out opponents.


>> No.10134318

Like an atlatl?

>> No.10134327
File: 37 KB, 450x532, sword.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You need a licence to hunt and you aren't allowed to hunt with a sword.
>aren't allowed to hunt with a sword.
>hunt with a sword.

>> No.10134331
File: 2.99 MB, 600x450, 1511165556583.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10134338

Yes exactly but they're called woomeras.

>> No.10134353
File: 2.67 MB, 640x480, f5a8fb79e93243fafc0254666fd47a90097ac0d0827917426aabc3fd5cc012ad.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10134358

Yes well it would be considered hunting. Despite what some in this thread have said you would almost definitely be able to kill a kangaroo with a sword pretty easily, presuming they didn't just run away from you. It would be a hunt, albeit a bit of a risky one, not some kind of battle.

ah yes wonderful, thanks for your contribution

>> No.10134371
File: 401 KB, 960x706, horrifying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10134387

thanks i just got promoted

>> No.10134391

I bet those both feel great, but that is way outside my comfort level to try.

Also, I would love to try horse and I'd give kangaroo a shot.

>> No.10134425

nope. even the sun is trying to kill us, with the hole in the ozone layer right above us. we have the highest rate of melanoma (deadliest skin cancer) in the world.

i'm not trying to be funny. i'm saying this as a public service announcement. if you come here for vaction then remember to wear sun protection.

>> No.10134440
File: 84 KB, 600x484, Abbo CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rumor has it they learned that trick from the angry abbos.
There's very few things about Australia I find desirable tbqf.

>> No.10134516

Hey dude where's the number

>> No.10136042
File: 766 KB, 720x350, fucken kangaroo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck kangaroos

>> No.10137557


It wasn't just the ol' switcheroo from beef to horse

It was also because the horse meat came from animals that were not necessarily fit for human consumption - being full of antibiotics and drugs not approved for entering our food chain, and some being possibly diseased

>> No.10137577

Some of the sheep are okay, I hear.

>> No.10137578

Why don't they just use boomerangs?

>> No.10137587

Horse meat is a very lean protein

>> No.10137591

>not eating horse beef

>> No.10137615

You know American horses get "retired" in Canada once people are done with them right?

>> No.10137620


I should also add the EU is very big on food safety, and also traceability of ingredients.

If the horse meat was legit, and was perhaps just some shenanigans in switching to save money but the meat could still be traced back to the origin then it wouldn't have been so bad.

But when the gypsies start rocking up to your meat processing plant with a wagon full of unprocessed glue-grade ingredients and shrug when you ask where they got them and you still shove them in and cover it up, that is when things are frowned upon more seriously.

t. someone who works within the EU regulatory environment

>> No.10137633

overeem roided like there was no tomorrow, nigger

>> No.10137652

>white people

>> No.10137672

>Fights in Europe and Asia where horse meat is legal
>Unstoppable force and 10/10 body
>Fights in the UFC in America where horse meat is illegal
>Flabby body and glass jaw
Checkmate you double nigger

>> No.10137737
File: 122 KB, 1024x576, 1024px-Sächsischer_Sauerbraten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

traditionally german Sauerbraten is made out of horse. and trust me it's the best when it's made from horse

>> No.10137839

What's with the orange and watermelon? Is this brunch?

>> No.10137909

juat for decoration/ a retarded chef who thought it would favour the presentation. no one with sanity would eat that. (except niggers)

>> No.10137970

>implying the homicide rate even changed

>> No.10138033

What the... who threw that roo???

>> No.10138090

It looks like it just ran out onto the trail, jumped up, and kicked the guy in either the upper shoulder or head.

What a fucking prick.

>> No.10138091

>brits eat horse
>aussies eat kangaroo
I've eaten both in the last week lmao come at me

>> No.10138127

What does roo taste like?
What does ostrich taste like?
Ostrich eggs?

>> No.10138385

Never eaten roo but ostrich is just like turkey, nice if you get it right but it is very easy to make it dry and tough.

>> No.10138603


What some other posters haven’t mentioned is that in most countries hunting with improper tools can lead to charges like animal cruelty (or the equivalent in your country) then also charges based on the weapon you're caught with (if it’s restricted or prohibited).
But by your posts you’re obviously either a child (thus protected by the law) or a mongoloid (again, protected by the law).

>> No.10138859
File: 308 KB, 954x690, kanga7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not posting the Kanga banga one

>> No.10138941

Dentist shoots a named lion on a licenced hunt the proceeds of which go towards conservation efforts and a bunch of liberal faggots threaten his life and ruin his business

>> No.10139022

Kangaroos jump high. It didn't kick him, just jumped into him. Which would be potentially dangerous as fuck, kangaroos can weigh quite a lot, they can destroy cars, and even though that looks like a pretty small roo it's obviously knocked the guy out cold.

>> No.10139051

And probably broke his shoulder.

Source: I currently have a broken shoulder (scapula) after coming down in a similar incident.

>> No.10139053

>Brave enough to live in Australia

>So scared of guns they banned them

It really makes you think

>> No.10139058

I assume you're referring to the incident in Minnesota?

>> No.10139062

I live in Quebec and horse meat is in every grocery store. It's pretty good but I rarely get it, mostly because I forget about it. If we have a visitor sometimes we'll get it for them.

>> No.10139228

It's cheaper then beef here for the most part, which is a good thing.

>> No.10139242
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>you're caught with
nobody asked for the bootlicking cuck's opinion

>> No.10139260
File: 693 KB, 735x490, Cheesesteak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shame it's not legal here in the US. I'd love to partially freeze and then slice it super-thin for a crazy filly philly.

>> No.10139279

I've only ever seen it so far in ground meat form. Can't say about how to get proper meat.

>> No.10139335


Notice this is still up after a full day? Is the reason for that is because Australians genuinely value freedom, including freedom of speech and expression? Hence, no Australian has reported it? Australians simply ignore the things they don't like and get on with life. While people from other countries might use the opportunity to cry and winge and scream about their rights and how upset they are about seeing something that they didn't want to see?

Asking for a friend, ofc.

>> No.10139390

Are you serious? I can't imagine that being sold in America, people would flip the fuck out like it was dog.
I'd eat it though cause I don't like horses, they're fucking assholes.

>> No.10139393


>> No.10140115

Its not that we are scared of them, its just that we are intellectually advanced enough to know the average joe doesnt need access to an assault rifle with a banana clip.

>> No.10140133

No one gives a rats ass what Austrailians do. They could all be raping their mothers and we wouldn't know about it. Keep your continental shit to yourself.

>> No.10140152

Dad stop posting.

>> No.10140155

We don't have a bill of rights and in our laws freedom of speech is implied, not explicit.

So on paper we don't really give a shit. But in reality Australians do value being able to say what we want. I'd like to say that we're pretty chill and just get on with life and that's often correct, but there are also a lot of total fuckwits here.

>> No.10140158

execute all australians

>> No.10140166

I think itbwas because they were using retired rave horses pumped full of medications that might be harmful to humans. And the horse wasn't regulated as a food to be eaten by people so anything could be wrong with it

>> No.10140213


>> No.10140276

Maybe it's just that I'm extremely tired and slightly intoxicated, but I swear that England and it's colonies could be a damned sentai group.

Artillery Support.

Together we are used to be British territory.

>> No.10140279

I had horse tacos in Texas.

>> No.10140283

i am afraid to tell you that was human meat from the body of someone killed by the cartel.

>> No.10140309

...for more information see >>>/gif/rekt/

that shit is full of cartel brutality

>> No.10140400

That stunned look of the roo when the guy punched him in the mouth. Holy kek.

>> No.10140410

HAHAHA NO, you're a fuckin dickhead, we aren't intellectually advanced at all, we're a bunch of absolute morons and you know it, stick your head up your ass all you want and spout shit about how we're "too intellectually advanced" for guns but at the end of the day we actually could use more guns, the cops here are fucking useless retards and the response times are shit even if you literally live around the corner from them, they would rather see you dead with cum leaking out of all your holes and no suspect in sight than have to deal with a criminal for real, we need to be able to defend ourselves since our cops are complete fuckheads, we need more guns.

>> No.10140441

Don't start this shit in /ck/. Different countries have different issues. Banning guns in the US would be like a second-coming of prohibition, feeding gangs and violence. Anyone with a garage and a local toolshop can spit out rifles without it even looking suspicious. With as many Americans being entry-level mechanics, plumbers, electricians, welders, etc etc etc. Banning centuries old technology in the US is a hilariously bad idea, people would profit off it.

>> No.10140443

I dont think your "we" and my "we" are the same we.

>> No.10140447

why has no one mentioned the fact that it was called the Horse Meat Scandal because horse meat was being sold as beef?
If supermarkets decided to sell horse meat along side beef there wouldn't be a problem

>> No.10140456

Australia is fucking dumb in general, by we, I mean the entire fucking country, because we are a bunch of morons, you included fuckhead, I know your type, you're like the cunts here in Melbourne, you think your way is the only right way and nothing else could work and that you aren't a fucking dickhead at all, fuckin suck my cock you cunt, I hope a sudanese immigrant fuckin rapes you and your entire family

>> No.10140460

I feel my initial comment of your "we" and my "we" not being the same we is vindicated.

>> No.10140463

It's not vindicated at all you fuckin faggot, Australians as a whole are morons, stop fuckin denying the truth

>> No.10140472

I'm not sure what your argument is good sir?

Australia has many guns available for purchase. Just not auto/semi auto rifles.

>> No.10140488

I'm saying we're a bunch of morons, we aren't intellectually advanced at all, we do need more guns because of the growing crime rates due to the amount of uncivilized morons and uncivilized immigrants out there, not to mention the dumbshit and limpdick judges that just let them off with a slap on the wrist pretty much all the time and the fact we have useless ass police, also less ridiculous laws on both firearms and self defence would be fucking nice, seriously, needing a fucking gun license for an airsoft gun is ridiculous, the arbitrary restrictions and bans on firearms that have a modern military aesthetic is retarded as fuck and so is not being able to defend yourself in any meaningful way.

Kindly go fuck yourself my good man

>> No.10140492

>give morons guns
That sounds like a fantastic idea.

>> No.10140494

>military aesthetic
You don’t actually know what that word means, do you?

>> No.10140496

You can get guns if you want them though?

You just cant get semi auto/auto weapons.

Are you suggesting you need a semi auto/auto weapon to defend yourself from the uncivilized morons and uncivilized immigrants in Australia?

>> No.10140511
File: 9 KB, 598x206, agfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not what I'm saying but the semi auto thing is a little silly, anyway, you literally cannot defend yourself here, you WILL get charged for it and likely sent to jail

Give safe morons guns dickhead, theres a test and safety courses for a reason, a moron could pass them and morons can be safe with firearms

and I don't really care whether I do or not, my understanding of the word and observations of its use has lead me to believe it can be used in place of "look" or "style", it can be used to describe something in general such as using it like "the cubist aesthetic", its used to say "a general kind of look", that's how I'm using it

>> No.10140515

Horse tastes like nuts, kangaroo is dry as fuck, I don't get why you would eat either. Besides those fucking horses are a bitch to slaughter since they panic if they smell blood.

>> No.10140520

>Not legal
>Land of the free

>> No.10140522

Answer me this, do you like anime?

>> No.10140524

Yes you are probably right. Its a sad state of affairs when you are charged and possibly sent to jail for discharging a firearm with intent to kill.

>> No.10140527

>Australians genuinely value freedom, including freedom of speech and expression?
And that is why you ban so many video games, and then there was the thing where an A cup was a part of determining if someone was underage.

>> No.10140534

No cunt, I know you're just fishing for me to say yes so you can go "HURRR LE AUTISTIC ANIMEEEEE WATCHER HAHAHAHRHRHAHAHAHRHAHRARHHRA"

It's a sad state of affairs when you're charged for protecting yourself, fuckin bleeding heart cunt, fucken keep your head up your ass for the rest of your life mate, lets see how that turns out, why don't you just give yourself to the sudanese apex gang kids already, let them use your ass, you know you want to, they're underprivileged and they dindu nuffin, they good boys who deserve soyboy booty

>> No.10140540

you're parroting facebook you idiot. get off that propoganda machine and see what's happening in the real world.

and for the record you're projecting your self loathing. deal with that when you sober up.

>> No.10140548

I don't even go on facebook, no projections, all aussies are morons, fucking deal with it

Also it's you that needs to sober up, if you don't think aussies are fucking morons and that our country is going down the shitter you must be more smashed than a smith street abo

>> No.10140550

and that our country isn't going down the shitter*

>> No.10140579

Ive never been charged for protecting myself. But then again I dont live in slums where I need to.

Sorry you couldn't rise up out of the gutter champ.

>> No.10140584

Even the nice suburbs here get nogs breaking in to places and fucking shit up, piss off

>> No.10140588

that's what the insurance companies and police want you to believe.

renew your policy today!

>> No.10140590

No, it's not, you're retarded

>> No.10140593

The funniest part of this whole conversation is you think you're a better quality person because you were born here.

Every comment you have made indicates you are of the same ilk.

>> No.10140600

I'm not better and I know it, keep making baseless assumptions dickhead, see how far that'll get you in life

>> No.10140603

Well I dont have black cunts spearing my fence palings through my front window like you so going ok so far ;)

>> No.10140636

Why do people assume the purpose of every law is to reduce the amount of death? Laws are for governing people, not making it impossible for them to hurt anyone. You really should be able to wield lethal force against a home invader or assaulter.

>> No.10140644

you put hot sauce on these or the patties and they're fucking great.

>> No.10140645

we have niggers now

>> No.10140648

>mass shootings ever 2 weeks are a reasonable tradeoff for the infinitesimally trivial possibility that I'll have an opportunity to legally take a life

Why not just join the french foreign legion, are you weak or something? Can't learn a new language?

>> No.10140661

were on the lower end of homicide and crime rates in the world, 8th highest university participation, our cities are consistently ranked as the most liveable in the world.

what the fuck are you on cunt? I think it's time for you to leave, fuck off we're full.

>> No.10140668

>You really should be able to wield lethal force against a home invader or assaulter.
but should some cunt having a bad day be able to shoot me as he drives past? I really don't want guns everywhere in this country because of the dumb cunts that will buy them.

>> No.10140671

>africans eat chimps
>''it's not cannibalism, it's their cultureeeeeee!''

>> No.10140674

I've eaten an emu leg and it's just awful. Very dry. Like how turkey is a less palatable chicken, emu is a less palatable turkey.

>> No.10140742
File: 274 KB, 899x528, this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good thread cunts
im thankful everyday that i dont have to put up with the shitty culinary and '''freedumbs''' of living in the united imperialist states of ameriorc

>> No.10140762
File: 11 KB, 288x288, plum_website_2_288_288_75_s_c1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gimme a home among the gum trees
>with lots of plum trees
>a sheep or two
>and a kangaroo
>a pooper out the back
>a willy at the front
>and an old rocking chair

>> No.10140775

I understand that's the tradeoff but forbidding every person to arm themselves is such a different result than just preventing people who shouldn't be armed from doing so.

>> No.10140824

Just get a guard dog or better... a goose.

>> No.10140846
File: 29 KB, 458x458, lukanka-konska-staryat-mesar-1br.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> horse is technically perfectly fine to eat
there is nothing technically about it.Horse meat is fucking delicous(if a bit expensive).

>> No.10140856
File: 565 KB, 680x797, 345784683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok what the fuck thats a real nipple and not a some glued on latex onihole

>> No.10140870

Of course it's not real you spastic

>> No.10140885

>Are you serious? I can't imagine that being sold in America, people would flip the fuck out like it was dog.
It's only in Quebec. People from other provinces are often mildly disgusted or surprised. My mother-in-law was horrified when she was visiting and I pointed it out... I still want to secretly feed it to her and after she raves about it, tell her the truth.

I used to live literally on the border with another province (Ontario). Most of the people there would never consider eating horse, yet 1 km away it was in every Quebec grocery store. It's a cultural thing.

I was in the U.S. and staying with a family who really liked horses (the daughter had a farm and owned a few). I told them about the horse meat in Quebec and they were disturbed, exactly as you mention about equating it with dog.

>> No.10140887

My broadsword gives me +1 proficiency against wild beast though

>> No.10140915

When I was in Japan I saw something labeled horse at the rotary sushi. I pointed it out and wanted to give it a taste but my mom was shocked and got real nervous like it was totally out of the question. I figure, it's made, it's exotic food, and when in Rome, but I guess some people really don't accept that kind of stuff.

>> No.10140928

It's because it was sold as beef, not horse. It was also untraceable, both are illegal.

Also, both Horse and Kangaroo are delicious.

>> No.10140938
File: 1.29 MB, 360x360, food chain.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a guard dog

the only thing i love more than waking up to the sound of my neighbour's cunt dog barking is waking up to the cunt neighbour himnself screaming out for dog that broke free and is roaming around somewhere.

fuck dogs, and the mass media fear mongering that forces stupid people to get guard dogs for protection from the boogey black man.

>> No.10140942

shut up idiot

>> No.10140946

>Cut roos hand off
>It runs away and you can't catch it
>bleeds to death
>Meat ruined by cortisol
>Go to jail for animal cruelty
Ebin XD

>> No.10140957
File: 68 KB, 514x350, 1487126016946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in australia there's a spider that eats chicken

>> No.10140960

Your neighbor is an idiot, I feel sorry for that dog. A well trained dog is the best thing in the world, it's just that some of these jackasses think guard dogs are supposed to be aggressive and mean, so they think it's good when they act rabid like the untrained mess they are.

>> No.10140963
File: 40 KB, 550x351, 1424697fe51e477e50a94ef80da2e35d--jurassic-world-trailer-jurassic-park-world[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

roos are raptors, mate. did jurassic park teach you nothing?

you'll be looking at the one in front of you and get attacked from both sides.

>> No.10140967

It's like everything in Australia could kill you.

>> No.10140976
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>> No.10140986
File: 135 KB, 678x647, Leaf+it+alone+httpio9comifyoutouchthisplantitwillmakeyouvomitinpure1693770289utm+campaignsocialflow+io9+facebookutm+sourceio9+facebookutm+mediumsocialflow_e59cb9_5509774[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We even have plants that can kill you with their sting. The Gympie Gympie plant is also known as 'the suicide plant'.

But the foods nice here. You should come visit.

>> No.10141028

For the first time in my life I am thankful to the Japs that they pixel out some things...

>> No.10141044

How do you end up using this as toilet paper if touching it with your hand causes unbearable agony?
People who wipe themselves with leaves aren't wearing gloves so don't give me that.

Also seems like it could be an interesting tool for discouraging trespassers.

>> No.10141052

I think the venom takes time to kick in. Like as long as ten minutes.

I'd need to google to confirm, tho.

>> No.10141064

i was curious so googled and saw this:
>“For two or three days the pain was almost unbearable; I couldn’t work or sleep, then it was pretty bad pain for another fortnight or so. The stinging persisted for two years and recurred every time I had a cold shower.”

but i've stopped caring now.

>> No.10142042
File: 1.58 MB, 3840x2160, 1502079576216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>assault rifle

>> No.10142093

>i hate it when people use commonly accepted terms for popguns and their accoutrements instead of muh sekret gun nut, SOF, paintball tactical expert terminology

>> No.10142119

>I use demonstrably incorrect terminology for things and expect my opinion on said things to be taken seriously

>> No.10142145

> being a nigger or any other race
How does it feel to be a second class citizen?

>> No.10142159


>> No.10142161

So you're scared. Of having things you don't need.

Of course I don't need it. I just want it. And I should get things that I want.

>> No.10142170

If you want to smell a truly horrendous meat packing plant then go to an emu meat packing plant. I've smelled some awful bags of rotten meat (bag of chickens split open in transit) and emu is top of the list nasty.

>> No.10142285

not him but there was nothing incorrect about the original post

>> No.10142303
File: 130 KB, 719x559, moron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's it like being too stupid to use google

>> No.10142311

assault rifles have clips though
fucking dunce

>> No.10142327
File: 2.61 MB, 3264x2448, Freds M16 Stripper Clips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you actually incapable of reading?

assault rifles aren't legal in the united states and STANAG clips look like this, not bananas

>> No.10143997

>straya bread

>> No.10144029
File: 24 KB, 690x549, Stitch Down Under.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to 4chan. I hope you enjoy your America.

I've had 'roo jerky. How is normal kangeroo meat? Is it suitable for steaks, or does it need to be thinly sliced for most applications? Braised?

>> No.10144082

but why though? to protect your life, or for some other reason?

>> No.10144320

>Worse mass shooting in history at the time
>Ban guns
>Mass shootings stop

They proved the point. Although people living in the outback should be allowed rifles if they are licensed

>> No.10145255

No, its nothing to do with being scared.....

Its about foresight.

Q. What positive things can come from citizens brandishing fully automatic weapons?

A. Nothing.

Q. What negative things can come from citizens brandishing fully automatic weapons?

A. A lot - you know, things like losing half a school to someone who finally went over the edge after they weren't served their pizza in under 20mins as per the advertised max wait time. That sort of thing. You know, the sort of thing that happens regularly in America, land of the free. Unless you happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and lose your life to a stray bullet.

It fucking amazes me how fucking stupid America is as a whole. I am sorry to label you like that, I realise there are millions of intelligent Americans out there. But to have such short sighted stubborn opinions from the majority, that are clearly strong enough that it counters common sense and dictates legislation.

What if it was your wife, or father, or you son or daughter who took that bullet?

Look we get it, you have always had your guns. Guess what? You fucked up now they have to go.

>> No.10145296

It's gamey and smells unpleasant, just pass on it.

>> No.10145305

>Q. What positive things can come from citizens brandishing fully automatic weapons?
>fully automatic weapons
how are you all this consistently wrong

The positive is being able to challenge the state's monopoly on lethal force and to provide as a failsafe in the case of tyranny. Now please, say something about rednecks and his little rifle against dronestrikes and we can rehearse this droll, tired argument for the umpteenth time.

>> No.10145311

Why do people -- I know this is bait but it's obvious people unironically think this way -- think that the US included guns ownership as an inalienable right for any reason other than the founding fathers were literally being treasonous rebels at the time of creating the nation and knew that, should it be necessary, people needed to retain the possibility of being treasonous rebels themselves?

>> No.10145322

You're a worthless dog cunt. Having guns doesn't mean we need fully automatic weapons, even americans struggle to get their hands on those. My local area including my street has recently been targeted by what looks like junkies robbing cars in the early hours of the morning and the police have said they can't (WONT) do anything about it. What happens if I, or anyone confronts these low life cunts in the act and they pull a knife/dirty fucking needle? We either run away and hope an already deranged criminal doesn't come after us or risk getting slashed or stabbed and getting hepatitis. Now if I could legally own a pistol and defend myself with it I could stop myself and my neighbours getting robbed for good. But I can't. I can't even defend myself or my property with any sort of weapon because I would undoubtedly get the book thrown at me. I guarantee you live in some fucking nice suburb and have never had criminals stealing yours and your neighbours shit. A suburb where you can leave your car unlocked at night and not have to worry about some junkie smashing a window and stealing your uninsured work tools because it costs too much fucking money. Or you are a child, in either case, get fucked you gormless cunt

>> No.10145346

Hahaha holy fuck, America = Truman Show

Ok, let me jump into your delusions. So let me get this right. You are happy to sacrifice millions of innocent lives that have been lost, over the years and the years to come. Purely by being in the wrong place at the wrong time, when a licensed gun gun owner went off the deep end? You are happy to sacrifice all this, just on the off chance the government decides to march against its people one day?

What chance exactly do you think you would have holed up in your shack with your neighbours, if you even entertain the ludicrous off chance the government did try that on?
Whats stopping them exactly from buying up every trained man that side of the equator and then pay them handsomely to dispose of anyone standing against them?

How fucking retarded are you, to even entertain this train of thought?

>nah bro, everyone has the guns so we have a chance

>> No.10145348

Welcome back mate, hope you had a good one today.

>> No.10145353

I am genuinely curious, where do you live mate?

>> No.10145354

And their leather is used for motorbike suits

>> No.10145359

That's not possible with household guns. To maintain that intended spirit, the right needs to be extended to tanks and nuclear weaponry.

>> No.10145363

Eating horse is only a scandal in cuck countries

>> No.10145372

You realise the whole argument has been about auto/semi auto weapons being banned right?

You can get access to guns, concealed or otherwise, in Australia should you need to defend yourself from 'junkies'.

>> No.10145393

Did the donkey meat taste like ass?

>> No.10145412

Wrong board, dipshits.

>> No.10145429

This. The license to shoot roos is based on population control, as they're in plague proportions. The waiting list for a roo hunting license is fucking long and can take several years.

>> No.10145460

It should be noted that originally, Americans actually could own military equipment. The only reason that is no longer the case is because they've partially voted to disarm themselves AND because military equipment is too expensive for individuals to maintain or develop anymore. It would take Bill Gates himself liquidating and spending his entire net worth to buy the 10 Nimitz class carriers to match the US fleet, and then others would have to fund maintenance, staffing, the aircraft, etc. You'd essentially need to establish a shadow government to fund a countermilitary on the same scale as our current military.

>> No.10145496

Mate I just had a joint and i love where you're going with this.

Just dont make Keanu Reeves the lead......

>> No.10145684

if ya can't drop a junkie with ya bare fists then ur a weak dog, ay cunt.

>> No.10145692

ya wanna ave a go? fukn fite me ya cunt. i can take ya. ave a crack!

>> No.10145769

>Americans actually could own military equipment
You mean in the 1700's when military equipment consisted of a musket?

>> No.10145782

Americans were in possession of their own military equipment as recently as, I'd say, the creation of the turbojet (military vehicles officially too complex and gov't subsidized for most private purchase) or the National Firearms Act (brought into action almost specifically because gangsters were equally-to-outgunning law enforcement). That would be the 1930's.

>> No.10145789

It's not about defending yourself, or defending your home. It's about overthrowing your tyrannical government. AND THAT'S IT that's why guns are needed, that's why the trade off is there.

>> No.10145832
File: 7 KB, 250x188, 250px-Chuggo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw kangaroos are rats

>> No.10145838

>overthrowing your tyrannical government
>most gun owners rally and cheer everytime law enforcement executes an unarmed civilian because he overstepped the line
maximum delusion

>> No.10145888

Luckily we don't live in a tyrannical government!