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10109292 No.10109292 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you wasting your money and time for using kettles. I found out that most of people boils theirs water someway but the water is usually hot enough when you just use the hot tap water.

It's hot enough for coffee and you shouldn't put boiling water in the green tea so it's just fine.

>> No.10109312

ew tank water isn't potable
also you shouldn't drink any hot beverage on an airplane for the same reason

>> No.10109376

I boil it then let it cool then use it for tea.

>> No.10109483

That's stupid

>> No.10109488

Hot tap water has more sediment than cold

>> No.10109494

...but it's fucking tap water.

>> No.10109502

My kettle boils water faster than my waterheater does. It has to do with my water heater heating like 12 gallons at a time, often from cold. Also, tap water is unfiltered and i have an external filter for my drinking water.

>> No.10109552

>tap water is unfiltered
then your house is trash tier.

>> No.10109564

you probably live in some modern mcmansion, better hope to christ no one turns a fire hose on inside ya house cunt or the whole thing'll come down

i got a real brick n mortar house

>> No.10109579

>Not having your own john ellis water distiller, schauberger egg, flowforms, gold plated vortex pipes, magnetic, ozonation, and sending positive energy to your wster like masaru emoto.

Plebs, the lot of you.

>> No.10109587
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>> No.10111242

Water from the water heater tank has more contaminants like leached metals. This is not only potentially unhealthy to drink in the long-term, but it tastes bad and ruins green tea.

>> No.10112473

mfw I live in Australia where the tap water is clean and drinkable.

>> No.10112533

Tap water isn't anywhere NEAR hot enough for coffee or tea. Coffee you should ideally be using 212°f (see Scott Rao and Matt Perger), but at absolute bare minimum 200°f. Even the coolest temperature teas need water far too hot to be safe in a tap.

>> No.10112547


Yeah except the amount of sludge and shit that builds up in the hot water tank dumbass.

>> No.10112551

>212F for brewing coffee
>Scott Rao & Matt Perger
Literally who? If they are saying this, then they're probably con artists. Why have their divine wisdom not taken over the general consensus that you should brew hot coffee using water that's under a boil (90-95ish °C)?

>> No.10112554

> he doesn't know how to flush out the sediment

>> No.10112558

90-95°c was an old standard based on more soluable darker coffees. It's not sufficient for a well extracted (22-24% extraction yield) light roast coffee. It has completely overtaken the outdated standards among serious third wave brewers.

>> No.10112576

As for who they are, Rao and Perger are easily two of the most (if not the two most, only Howell and Wendelboe have any contest to the spots) qualified people in third wave coffee roasting and brewing today.