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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 53 KB, 399x296, side-by-side-slyders2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10094096 No.10094096 [Reply] [Original]

Doesn't matter what slider you got, just keep munchin' on that spot
Your friends like you for who you are, slider queen, on the scene, superstar
Krystal beef got mustard too, Castle bringin' onion juice
Put it together and make it fit, Krystal Castles, slider magic

>> No.10094196

Here's a (you) for Krystal.

>> No.10094210

furry porn where

>> No.10094211

sliders rule. I prefer white castle but Krystal is good too.
slide on bro

>> No.10094341
File: 7 KB, 183x275, images (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Krystal Castles
>ywn hang out from a drunken concert bender with Alice Glass

>> No.10094802

Are they sliders because they slide out of the box or because they slide down your neck hole?

They also slide out of your ass HAHAHAHA

>> No.10094873

Slip n slide on that krystal glide, sliderbro.

>> No.10094878
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I like their music but sometimes there's screaming and it hurts my ears :(

>> No.10094940

Good one bro!!

>> No.10096053

>ywn be accused of rape by alice glass

>> No.10096112


You won't maybe, I already have been.

>> No.10096220

Can you actually use onion juice to flavour meat? I know grilled lamb & beef go really well with grilled onions

>> No.10096850
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Well White Castle burgers are steamed in onions

>> No.10097983
File: 94 KB, 600x450, WhiteCastleHQ_17a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10098025

>it's legal to sell this as meat in Hamerica

>> No.10098070

It' 100 percent beef.

>> No.10099663


>> No.10100976

Other than the mustard and onions, what is actually the difference? I've seen Southern and Northern fags battle about these burgers, but how are they truly different.

>> No.10101008

I was on a Business trip to the Midwest and got to go to a White Castle, it was fucking terrible.

>> No.10101037


it's literally 100% usda certified grade A beef.

this fad where people just say stupid things like they expect people to just agree with them needs to end.

did you fucking think that anyone would agree with your snarky > statement about it not being beef? fucking faggot.

>> No.10101045

I'm going to stab you.

>> No.10101059

Krystal steams their patties on top of onions as well. The two big differences are mustard vs ketchup and box vs plate. The buns at Krystal are more steamed as they are put in the little cardboard boxes. This results in a softer bun. I prefer Krystal.

>> No.10101098

>grade A beef
Umm, anon I have some bad news - no it's not. It's more likely the lowest grade fit for human consumption which is the same as most fast food and classified as pet food grade in 1st world countries. Tell your whore congress to get control of your corporations and improve your food to 1st world levels, you poor thing.

>> No.10101120


Oh it's one of these anons. You need to shut the fuck up and stop making these bullshit claims that I'm 100% certain you haven't researched.

Falsifying grading on beef is a felony. There is no way on earth that any large corporation is going to risk huge fraud charges by putting false grading on their products.

Also the USDA is incredibly strict and requires on-site representatives in the factories where they manufacture meat products, they also require daily testing of products for any pathogens.

And don't give me that "they copyrighted the term grade A beef so they could use it" that's also bullshit. You're wrong. Stop telling people this.

>> No.10101142

>tfw I didnt know this
>tfw I now know why the dude taking my order looked at me like I shit my pants when I ordered "no onions"

>> No.10101187

Damn, dude, does white pizzle really pay you enough to get that assblasted about a post on a micronesian shell collecting board? Where do I apply?

>> No.10101216

>le shilling xd
Go back to whatever containment board you hail from you dick cheese eating, faggot loving, trany orbiting, double nigger

>> No.10101221

Did you create this from your own brain OP ?

>> No.10101245

>correcting ignorance on /ck/
>get accused of being a shill

That sounds about right. Let me know if you have any actual arguments.

>> No.10102757

I think he stole it from another song desu

>> No.10102993

Krystal when I was living in GA was guaranteed to be made as slow as possible by dirty nuggets who made sure to fuck up your order and spit in your food. Fuck the south.

>> No.10103016


>> No.10103041 [DELETED] 

Fuck off back to your containment board, donkey fucker.

>> No.10103083

Daaaance the night away


>> No.10103086


>> No.10103356

She sucks cock at parties

>> No.10103362


>> No.10104638

Should I buy White Castle?

>> No.10106539

In so cal there aren’t any Krystal’s or White Castles anywhere near me. Not counting the White Castle frozen super market version, anyone know of a decent slider restaurant?

>> No.10106615


Thats what parties are for, soyguy

>> No.10107438

White Castle is kind of superior

>> No.10108005

Why does her hair look drawn on?

>> No.10108012

if you want to, do so

>> No.10108020
File: 53 KB, 172x185, 1516742444936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last time I got white castle it was right before a wedding. Shit was interesting, can't say I hated the flavor of the slider overall. The issue was the leftover taste. It just LINGERED like a bad, rank ass fart both on my mouth and especially on my lips. Like, I don't know how, but the beef fat and onion juices kind of emulsified onto my lips and I kept smelling it through the entire wedding. Then, the farts. Oh god the farts. Just constant leakage, man. It never ended.
Overall, 6/10 I'd go again.

>> No.10108028 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 306x155, 84C17F07-6DC1-4D3E-BB70-C7EA2BCEF667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Piss off.

>> No.10108210

You're not him, so don't roleplay as him. You don't even know why he would post that.

>> No.10108906


Did everyone else smell the farts? How did they react?

I've been trying to increase both the smell and amount of farts I get throughout the day. It's a good way to fuck with people in real life. I fart in elevators, at work, at restaraunts, in any small but crowded area. Then leave, but not before you start to smell the stench, and get to at least see and hear a few reactions.

>> No.10108916

non ameriorc here, what the fuck is the difference between a "slider" and a regular burger?

>> No.10108949

Steamed hams?

>> No.10109159

slider is small

>> No.10109902


>> No.10111408
File: 253 KB, 1536x2048, 1513102579894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon why

>> No.10112388

Sliders slide just right

>> No.10113146
File: 120 KB, 320x270, 1515719607478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they slide right down your gullet like greasy dog food
also checked

>> No.10113169

So you'd rather have food sit in your throat?

>> No.10113176
File: 9 KB, 590x141, philly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you want my dick in your throat

>> No.10113185

Is that what you consider good food since it doesn't slide down your throat? You might want to remove cocks from your diet.

>> No.10113283
File: 105 KB, 1000x750, wcdoubchee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn skippy

>> No.10114271

White Castle is my favorite, sorry

>> No.10114279

He's creative! Creative!
Cute! cute!

>> No.10114775

>doesn't slide down your throat
you're doing it wrong

>> No.10116717

Fuck you

>> No.10118768
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, veggie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]