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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 371 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20180206_145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10102381 No.10102381 [Reply] [Original]

I traded in my good hubby points and wifey let me get 12 bottles of 'vark sauce! Woot woot!

>> No.10102389

How many cuckings did you go through for 12 bottles? I managed 6. 2 for 1 pretty good IMO.

>> No.10102390

Seems like a waste to buy 12 bottles of that hot sauce.
Maybe this is why you are under this "hubby" point wystem.

>> No.10102396

What a delightful sounding marriage!

>> No.10102397
File: 118 KB, 614x768, 1515449984912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you have a lot of hot sauce enjoying friends/co-workers. That much is too much unless you're greasing wheels, or assholes as the case may be.

>> No.10102398


>he's never had sa

>> No.10102399

Stop supporting all whitebread Portland memefoods

>> No.10102422
File: 298 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20180206_156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on their spicy mayo? It tastes very similar to the 'vark habanero but Lee's spicy and a little bit sweeter.
Thank you for your kind words!
It's all for me. I EAT ALL DA 'VARKS! Nom nom nom
'Vark is exploding with flavor and I love Portland with every fiber of my being so umm, no? Yeah... I'm gonna go with no :p

>> No.10102441

How is it a waste? 12 bottles will last me 3 months at least.

>> No.10102447

Unironically my favorite sauce

>> No.10102449

Unironically it's the best hot sauce ever

>> No.10102529

I could probably get 6 months worth of 'vark out of 12 bottles if I rationed myself to half a bottle a week. Thoughts? Any way I can make it last longer?

>> No.10102535


Just fucking move to PDX. Every time I get a bottle it lasts me a week at most.

>> No.10102538

>wife let you

>> No.10102590

Real it's decent hot sauce and as someone who lives in Portland it isn't hard to get a hold of. Is it hard to find for rural and suburban retards?

>> No.10102608


>is it hard to find for rural and suburban retards

Look up their limited distribution, dum dum.

t. Reed alum

>> No.10102767

That little tranny is such a cutie

>> No.10102770

I got a bottle for the first time tonight. Pretty good stuff!

I'm on a diet rn so it's all I'm gonna eat for the next two days.

>> No.10102776

Why is this a meme on /ck/ and only /ck/ despite /ck/ pretending it is used by numales all over the world?
Why would you people lie to me like this?

>> No.10102783

Honestly, really, I would fuck its confused little brain out

>> No.10102786

I can't imagine discussing buying 12 bottles of meme sauce with my girlfriend, and she's the one who makes all the income.

>> No.10102790

I literally want to fuck boys on /trash/ and I can say you have shit taste.

>> No.10102800

I always mix 2 parts 'vark and 8 parts Soylent when I go on a diet binge.

>> No.10102804
File: 49 KB, 469x439, 05409771645d26342ba749160ef0c1d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add the vark sauce to a bloody mary. Its so fucking good.

>> No.10102813

I think /ck/ just made it up because there was a shill here once.

>> No.10102847

I like this sauce, but my one complaint is the bottle is very hard to squeeze. I wonder if it's supposed to be like that, or if I got an abnormally firm one. Does anyone else have this problem?

>> No.10102857
File: 39 KB, 171x199, disappointment.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never seen this sauce outside of /ck/. I don't understand the meme culture of this site anymore.
Maybe I'm getting too old.

>> No.10102858

I struggle with squeezing them too. I wish they used a softer, recycled plastic instead of this material because it's too hard. I feel like I'm going to get arthritis from trying to squeeze the bottle every day.

>> No.10102862

No joke I had to go to the doctor because I sprained my hand on a bottle secret habanero. It turned it was fine, but I thought I broke it. Turned out it was just a cramp in my hand.

>> No.10102864

Just take the cap off and pour it into your own bottle you dumb bitches.

>> No.10102867

Wouldn't that ruin the flavour profile of the sauce?

>> No.10102869

It's pretty wasteful to not even use the bottle it comes in, desu

>> No.10102870

Oh yeah sorry my bad.

>> No.10102872

>trading in your good hubby points
Never trade in your good hubby points. They're hard to earn and it's satisfying to have lots. I have over two thousand now and every morning I like to remind my wife just how many I have. I think she's very proud of me, too.

>> No.10102874

It's reverse psychology from secret aardvark shills.
I think it's working.
I know this is a joke but that actually made me smile like I was watching a really wholesome anime. Thank you, anon.

>> No.10103121

You're an idiot.

>> No.10103165

Pretty sure that’s a ftm tho. Sorry anon, no dick for you.

>> No.10103219


I've got no problem with trannies and find many of them attractive. Whatever that thing is is fucking gross though.

>> No.10103254

I actually ordered a bottle because I couldn't tell if people were being ironic. It's just decent. I don't think I'll order anymore. Meh, can't hate it unless you try it yourself.

>> No.10103257

>can't hate it unless you try it yourself

I challenge this statement

>> No.10104193

whats a cheap place to order from?

>> No.10104271

more like soy sauce

>> No.10104329
File: 2.38 MB, 640x800, #SwoleLeft.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10104582

'vark palace dot org

>> No.10104646

The grossness only makes it better.
Ftm is still a tranny. There's something so interesting about fucking a little fem thing that is trying to be a man.

>> No.10104658
File: 102 KB, 746x717, julius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>locks his knees

Also, OP is a fag

>> No.10104901

the state of marriage is at an all time low

>> No.10105011

>a guy gets 12 bottles of his favorite sauce
Stop projecting.

>> No.10105015

I prefer 'cha.

>> No.10105224

I saw someone link it on /v/ in a soy thread so I thought you guys were behind it.
I was not wrong.

Shit meme though.

>> No.10105285

Hit too close to home soyboy?

>> No.10105309

There's nothing wrong with avoiding excess androgens and pointless masculinization

>> No.10105650

but do you keep a spare 'vark for the times you don't feel like having 'cha?

>> No.10105654

because of expiration dates.

>> No.10105675
File: 231 KB, 540x444, goodboypoints.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get on my level and accept women as your superior already

>> No.10105680

that plan backfires when daddy starts giving the baby laxatives to get more diaper change points, and ends up killing it from dehydration

>> No.10105698

Of course!

>> No.10105702


>> No.10106015
File: 884 KB, 2448x3264, dank cactus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

step aside child

>> No.10107133

>eating cactus
Do Americans really do this?

>> No.10107245

I accidentally wasted an entire bottle because I had to put a book on top of it and sit on it to get any of the sauce to squeeze out but then it popped open and went everywhere.

>> No.10107338

I'm totally stealing this idea! I just got engaged last November and I can't wait >.<

>> No.10107344

>not drinking san pedro tea

>> No.10107349

>san pedro tea
Do you drink the spines too, Amerigoblin?

>> No.10107577

'Vark is popular on Reddit.

>> No.10107603


>> No.10107615

just go to r/spicy or r/hotsauce. it get's talked about and recommended in numerous threads.

>> No.10107621

I'm not going to believe you without some sort of proof. That's just bullshit, reddit would hate 'vark because it's not a Sriracha ripoff. Your just trying to make me feel bad for buying and eating it.

>> No.10107626

if the sauce stays sealed it will last years on the shelf.

>> No.10107699

This. I like to let mine age in the plastic bottles so that the plastic denatures and adds a whole new complex flavour profile to the sauce.

>> No.10107737
File: 29 KB, 499x430, 1515681851936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is this? I love hot sauces, but i've never seen it

>> No.10107741

Secret 'vark is the sweetest and mildest habanero sauce on the market. Try some if you get a chance.

>> No.10107756

I've been putting this stuff on my eggs, what other uses would you guys recommend?

>> No.10107781

Put a shot of it into a bottle of Soylent. I am not kidding, it is GOAT. I thought the other anons were joking but it is seriously amazing. Only do it in the original flavour though, because the cacao, chai, vanilla and fruit flavors don't pair well with it.

Other than that I like to use 'vark to coat panko battered chicken wings after I fry them. Try using it as a dipping sauce for bacon-wrapped scallops or shrimp. It's also amazing if you drizzle it on pizza.

>> No.10107833

I don't see a single thread about it.

>> No.10107838

use the search

>> No.10107839

I put a few drops on my sandwiches

>> No.10107862

Your 'cado toast or your McChicken?

>> No.10107887
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>> No.10107911

Im in WI, would it be good enough to buy one of their sauces from their store? Like is this must try?

>> No.10107917

If you don't try it you're missing out on the best hot sauce to come out in the 21st century so far

>> No.10107925

I'd recommend it, it's got a nice subtle mustard flavor that i really enjoy

>> No.10107928

Looks like they only ship in 3s. are the black bean and jerk good too?

>> No.10107932

Not just good but amazing.

>> No.10107933
File: 101 KB, 1080x1080, 22709125_127417231294291_3968674335555584_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually buying secret aardvark

>> No.10107938
File: 310 KB, 1136x1200, vark sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually buying 'vark

>> No.10107939

Haven't tried those so i dont know, but i would imagine they are

>> No.10107942

aight I'll keep it in mind

>> No.10107987

What does this even taste like? Looking at the bottle it looks like it's creamy or something.

I'm quite satisfied with the habanero sauce I get from my latin grocer but should i give this a try?

>> No.10107990

its how i like my women. sweet and thicc.

>> No.10108004

If you like spicy mayo, you'll love 'vark sauce.

>> No.10108027

>obsessing over hot sauce
>instead of putting the spices in the food
I don't get it. I mean for a few meals I'm sure hot sauce is great, but I don't get this obsession with brands and flavours etc. Unironically, is it just an american thing?

>> No.10108038
File: 15 KB, 288x317, 1475162546261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a real "human" "man" is currently trading in his points to purchase a hula dance from his wife who is, presumably, the love of his life
>he earns the points by doing normal adult chores and taking care of his child
Jesus, that is grim.

>> No.10108039

It is probably an American thing. But it's nice. I have 8 or 9 different hot sauces at home right now. Sure, there's the argument for just spicing the food, but what I enjoy about sauces is that you can make each bite taste different. I ate some sardines with crackers for lunch, and some bites were spice free, others were heavy in vinegar spice, and others were smoky spicy.

>> No.10108040

I think it's kind of cute

>> No.10108051

I think it is an American thing, specifically with our generation because we love spicy food but our Boomer parents hate it, so we get used to just buying hot sauce and adding it to our food, leading to the current craze.

>> No.10108061

>specifically with our generation because we love spicy food but our Boomer parents hate it
Yeah. I almost mentioned this in my post. I live with my mom (no, I am not a NEET), and sometimes her food is just really bland. It goes for eating out too. Most restaurants do not make their food very spicy, even if it's a dish which is customarily prepared piquant.

>> No.10108072

Really? I mean, you could make the sex things kinda cute, but "no nagging for a week"? "Get out of the doghouse"? Asking for permission to buy beer? It comes off as them thinking the basis for a marriage is to act like an extremely stereotypical sitcom couple.

>> No.10108093

No, you're right, on closer examination, the whole thing is fucking gay. I like that baby sideburns are on there. Shit, even the beer thing I could swing if the idea is that he's supposed to be cutting back for health reasons. But the dog house one is what really fucking ruins it. How manufactured is your relationship that hubby can play a chore card to make you stop being mad at him (for probably a dumb fucking reason to begin with)?

>> No.10108104

Kill yourself then, cuck

>> No.10108113


>> No.10108808
File: 325 KB, 1500x1448, 1489229983243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious question, Amazon has this three pack which is cheaper than individual bottles. Are the other flavors worth having?

>> No.10108814

is this shit good or a meme? I am out here in the midwest

>> No.10108835

It's pretty sadistic on multiple levels. It not only implies that he is going to fuck up on a regular basis but that her reaction to it is so manufactured that she can just stop being mad at the drop of a hat. It's emotionally abusive and extremely unhealthy.

>> No.10109328

>having a collection of photos like this in a folder

tell me how it feels to be so closeted?

>> No.10109345


I bought some the other week. It's not bad but not worth the price over other options. I think it's just a meme ad campaign.

>> No.10109352

You sure that's how it works there, mister wizard?

>> No.10109873


>> No.10109939
File: 192 KB, 418x550, 0000798_el-yucateco-xxxtra-hot-habanero_550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this meme sauce vs say El yucateco habanero which is currently my go to?

>> No.10110067

'vark is much sweeter and milder.

>> No.10110101

Ah, so watered down for soyboys got it.
I'll stick to El Yucateco. It costs a $1.

>> No.10110130

It's not "watered down" really, it's just that the FDA forced Secret Aardvark to make the sauce milder because there were safety concerns regarding the cartoon mascot being attractive to children. They added more and more sugar to compensate and now it's the sweetest hot sauce you can buy.

>> No.10110172


Lucky, my wife won't let me eat the 'vark anymore because it's too spicy and burns Tyrone's BBC when we have reparations night

>> No.10110349

My wife only lets me eat 'vark 2 times a week for the same reason.

>> No.10110591
File: 1.16 MB, 2688x1520, IMAG0957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucked up kiddo. Could've gotten a hot sauce that's actually good.

>> No.10110626

>Can't get 'vark where i'm from
Guys what do I do?

>> No.10110634

Is it worth the brainpower trying to understand this meme?

>> No.10110797

Amazon has it.
Personally? I'd say yes, it is very layered, nuanced and sophisticated.

>> No.10110809

piri piri is extremely spicy, fuck that. enjoy your hemmorhoids, diapers and prolapses.

>> No.10110849

That sauce is barely spicy at all though. It's really salty

>> No.10110888

Nice try but you aren't tricking me I already tried it. It was the spiciest thing I have ever eaten, I had tears rolling down my cheeks, I could barely breathe it felt like I was fucking suffocating, and I had diarrhea for 4 days after. It was the worst pain I ever had in my life, it was basically like eating mace. I never forgave the "friend" that got me to try it, we're not friends anymore obviously.

>> No.10110974
File: 22 KB, 458x456, 1469751104889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amazon has it.
I can't order anything from Amazon. I live in Australia and my account got red flagged because I tried to buy a petite RealDoll.

>> No.10111006

you really don't want to be using a diaper if you've eaten spicy food

>> No.10111013

I meant in the future when your damaged asshole gives up.

>> No.10111097

Nice freedoms you got there

>> No.10111110

oh no

oh lord jesus in heaven no

>using the smith machine
>doing 1/4 squats
>ass not on ground
>relaxed and pleasant looking


>> No.10111316
File: 63 KB, 600x600, 500pxShopped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That perfect stencil-looking hammer and sickle frosting design

>> No.10111890

Not him but that's the price of security.

>> No.10112087

They made the plastic way too hard. I can barely squeeze any out sometimes. It helps if you hold it under running hot water for 15 seconds before using it.

>> No.10112125
File: 760 KB, 532x672, 1464142993201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this word gets thrown around so often it has become meaningless but you really are a cuck

>> No.10112136

How the hell does that make me a "cuck" exactly?

>> No.10112140


>asking your wife for permission to buy something

Are you sure you didn't ask her bull?

>> No.10112163

giving up your own freedoms for greater security despite, as Benjamin Franklin put it "you deserve neither and will lose both" could be described with a lot of words. "bootlicker", "sycophant", "prole", or just simply "bitch" but I find that cuck(old) works nicely, and has a bit of (albeit heavily degraded) charm to it

>> No.10112167

Not him, but well said.

>> No.10112196

It also implies that he is so uninvolved and apathetic about his children and his house that he needs to constantly be told/bribed to do anything at all. What a shit person.

>> No.10112231
File: 11 KB, 632x161, wittol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you really are a cuck

He could be a wittol -- a cuck who's okay with being a cuck.

>> No.10112254

That's a good one, thank you.

>> No.10112336

>t. wittol

>> No.10112419

A Ponce

>> No.10112747

What did he mean by this?

>> No.10112838

Order directly from the 'vark store

>> No.10112861

>two shitty people trying to make for one anothers inadequacies
Marriage is starting to sound a lot like marriage.

>> No.10112904

wtf is wrong with your country???

>> No.10113580

How is that "wrong"?

>> No.10113634

delivery due any day now, yes I'm on the mailing list, yes I'm buying meme sauce because the Internet told me to.

>> No.10113660
File: 37 KB, 650x650, hss148trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on this bad boy?

>> No.10113670

Perfect for the brainwashed soygoys who jizz in their skinnyjeans everytime Stephen Colbert is having a seizure about Trump.

>> No.10113673

Shit like this makes me want to see if I can shill a product into mediocre memedom.

>> No.10113674


>> No.10113689

Kill Trump

>> No.10113708
File: 346 KB, 1335x634, submitted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10113714

implying the FBI won't be sending him out 10 grand and a challenge coin

>> No.10114291

so its just one guy calling it 'vark right

>> No.10115626

I've been calling it 'vark since 2013, not the guy your talking to tho

>> No.10115698

Yes, all the anti secret aardvark ironic soyboy posts are clearly one guy with an unhealthy hatred for a hot sauce

>> No.10115714


>> No.10115871
File: 156 KB, 1788x1430, KIxbLiM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only a /ck/ meme
it has a fuck ton of Amazon reviews, it's not exactly """muh secret sauce""".

>> No.10115879
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>> No.10116150


>> No.10116163

imagine being this much of a buttblasted numale

>> No.10116171
File: 62 KB, 198x222, zoomller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a rug on your couch
>floor tiles on your coffee table
what the fuck kind of circus do you live in?

>> No.10116207

samefag butt-blasted PNWfag

>> No.10116975

A Ponce is my cat, Poncey.

>> No.10117027

A lot of people have couch covers, especially those with pets, children, or those who throw parties.

Tiled tables are superior because they don't need coasters and hot food can be placed on them without damaging the wood.

>> No.10118865

That's a rug nigga

>> No.10118920

You're supposed to lock out knees weak fag. About the only thing soyboy there is actually doing right.

>> No.10119193

That's probably why I decided to get with the perfect guy. Neither of us has flaws so we're even better together.

>> No.10119345
File: 41 KB, 1033x679, 1496740091807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>el yucateco

>> No.10119346

Was this something that someone unironically posted on reddit and got tons of internet points for?

>> No.10119361

it doesn't say whose throw up it has to be

>> No.10119803

Yes, OP here I think its cute :3

>> No.10120801

daily reminder that this faggot is an omnivore

>> No.10122372

so he only eats eggs?

>> No.10122977

That's not what omnivore means, retard. Omnivore means that they eat meat and veggies.

>> No.10122989

>normal adult chores and taking care of his child
for hundreds of years men thought along the lines of "I earn the money and work 8 hours a day, my wife can do all of that shit"
if that seems weird to you, well, that's a sign of legitimate progress

>> No.10123003

this isn't real. right? just let me believe this is just a joke.

>> No.10123014

none of this is worth money. you earn it for some extreme fuck up.

>> No.10123018

Of course it is. No woman could ever commit to a full week of not nagging.

>> No.10123021

this is a good point

>> No.10123067

Aaaaaaaaaah women. Hmmmm see what I mean?

>> No.10123080


I'd rather be a side chick to a loyal nigga than a main chick to a cheater..

>> No.10123108

this is the most niggery thing I have read today. congrats.

>> No.10123236

It's not just a meme, anon, it's the first result on Amazon when you search "hot sauce". So people must be buying it.

>> No.10123240

lmao, thanks for the mental image of that.

>> No.10123466

What is your favourite hot sauce, loser? Mine is 'vark and your pissing me right the hell off

>> No.10123475


>> No.10123572

repressed cuckolding fantasies

>> No.10123703

You guys know of any Chipotle sauce I could find in stores? I can't seem to find Cholula Chipotle anywhere anymore since like last year.

>> No.10123737

No but I know where you can get 'vark sauce

>> No.10124569


>> No.10124577
File: 35 KB, 900x900, 330225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

heh, nothing personal kid

>> No.10124646

>t. patrician
As much as I like Louisiana I prefer Crystal (Extra Hot)

>> No.10125335

Amazon or the secretvark store

>> No.10125621

Not as good as 'vark

>> No.10125626


>SA thread
>posts wal mart tier spiced vinegar as though it's some kind of counter

>> No.10125670
File: 54 KB, 1280x720, neckbeards_and_losers_457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Louisiana is "wal-mart tier"

>> No.10125705
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>> No.10125709
File: 181 KB, 1286x996, 1497609378884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based LGR, you're an alright cunt Clint

>> No.10125723

>extremely sweet
No thanks

>> No.10125764

Same, crystal is really good. I like Tabasco like a cowboy too

>> No.10125920

whose favorite beer comes in a fucking 12 pack

>> No.10126037
File: 94 KB, 1059x1059, numale toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related