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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 57 KB, 250x236, Confess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10080952 No.10080952 [Reply] [Original]

Confess your sins against cuisine,ck

>> No.10080954

I ate your mom out

>> No.10080957

I said "dude, bacon's awesome!" at breakfast once. I don't know why, it just came out. I do like bacon, but that's not a proper way to think or talk about any sort of food.

>> No.10080963

I make chili without any chili peppers.

Tomatoes and cumin is good enough.

>> No.10080976

When I make hot dog chili I always put water in it and I don't brown the beef.

>> No.10080979

Fuck you

>> No.10080987

I ate 9 slices of cinnamon toast last night

>> No.10080993

I used to microwave cheddar and ketchup and eat a big bowl with a fork
I ate nothing but microwave popcorn and Wal-Mart burgers one summer
sometimes I'd take a slice of kraft single and eat it with a squirt of ketchup
still do that some times actually

>> No.10081014

I unironically like steak with my ketchup

>> No.10081025

i really like to eat eggs

>> No.10081027

cumin makes everything taste like feet.

>> No.10081036

I never ever cook with onions. It’s disgusting.

>> No.10081038

>sometimes I'd take a slice of kraft single and eat it with a squirt of ketchup

I do that but with mayo instead of ketchup

>> No.10081047

I sometimes make a tomato sauce by heating garlic, onions and ketchup on a frying pan.

>> No.10081050

i put miracle whip into seafood chowder. even the newspaper reviewer likes it but i feel dirty.

>> No.10081076

shit add a piece of ham and a skewer and its halfway civilized

>> No.10081083


>> No.10081115

I ran out of salt two weeks ago and I've been using dark soy sauce instead since then. It's going pretty well so far.

>> No.10081256

I eat butter straight up.

>> No.10081315

I don't preheat the oven

>> No.10081349

When I was a chef I would drop food on the floor on purpose if the people were being rude to the server

>> No.10081359

My favorite breakfast is biscuits, butter and maple syrup with white powdered donuts on the side. To drink I usually have an orange juice, 20oz coffee, and amphetamines.

For dinner I often eat buttery noodles and beef. I prepare it simply - ground beef and spaghetti noodles with lots of butter and ground pepper. During this meal I usually down it with sugar free kook aid or bud light lime.

>> No.10081361

I like to season hamburger with curry powder.

>> No.10081364

peanut butter and ketchup sandwiches

>> No.10081388

I put two raw eggs in my 1pm daily wake up beer

>> No.10081391

Every day? Frequently consuming raw egg whites can inhibit biotin production over the long term, which will result in hair loss.

>> No.10081396
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Wow y'all are something else let me tell ya.

>> No.10081399
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But is that really a sin tho?

>> No.10081412

>work at mcdonalds
>woman being a bitch
>only opportunity i had
>scratch dandruff over the fries
>ruin everyone's food over one bitch
Whatever, I'm not a fan of us in general

>> No.10081417

I come from a long line of dark Slavs none of whom have ever been bald. Seriously my fucking grandpa died at 90 with a head of hair better then the average r9k user and he also drank every day and routinely ate raw eggs before working out

>> No.10081421
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Color me impressed anon.

>> No.10081424

Woah that's really edgy son
When I worked at mcdonalds I wa sleeping on the street and not showering or washing my hands. I used to sneak food to my friend billy out the back who would give me crack in exchange.

Long story short stay away from the Tacoma Washington mcdonalds we got real dirty up in there

>> No.10081431

That's actually the only real sin ITT. Violates the ancient human rules of hospitality towards guests. You can throw bad guests out in good faith, but you can't fuck with their food.

>> No.10081440
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Eh fair point.

>> No.10081450

It was more about the fact i ruined decent people's food, but yeah. I don't like eating out cause of this shit. i just assume no one does their job properly, hospitals make me sick

>> No.10081507
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>> No.10081522

Sometimes I'll crush a sleeve of saltine crackers into a bowl and pour balsamic vinegar over it and eat the resulting wet crumb porridge with a spoon.

>> No.10081524

Yeah I don't like eating out either cause ur mum never fuckin showers m8 its disgusting

>> No.10081595

I unironically enjoy American cheese and occasionally eat it on saltine crackers

>> No.10081612

I like ketchup.

>> No.10081632

I once was so hungry that i ate leftover white pasta mixed with ketchup

>> No.10081692

Yesterday I told my mom that I ate 2 corncakes, but I really ate 3.
Okay 6!
I ate 6 corncakes!

>> No.10081698

I have a healthy diet.

>> No.10081730

One time, I took all my tendies that I had stored up from a whole month and glued them all together with my cummies and then made a sexy tendie woman, then I fucked her sweet tendie whole and nutted more than I ever have In my entire life. Then I ate her out.

>> No.10081760

i've never used fresh garlic only the stuff that comes in the jar. It's just so convenient.

>> No.10081839


>> No.10082005

I am not sure of the skin that i grated off my hand ended up in the batter or not.

>> No.10082013

I'm going to punch you in the gut, stay still.

>> No.10082018

As a kid, I used to chew up gram crackers into a paste put it on whole grams and eat it.

>> No.10082022

I like veggie dogs better than hot dogs

>> No.10082032


>> No.10082045
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i'm not a vegetarian, but i love veggie burgers. lots of roasted grain and potato bound together.

it's better when the products don't try to imitate meat. just be your own unique and delicious thing.

>> No.10082047

Lmao same. I used to spread it on a new cracker. It’s only disgusting if someone else is gonna eat it

>> No.10083114

Morning Star burgers taste better than beef to be honest. I don't eat beefburgers at home or even make anything with ground beef anymore since anything I could make with it before tastes better with veggie burger.

>> No.10084332

I haven't done this in quite a bit but when eating McDonald's, on the final bite I take a bite from everything and take a sip of soda and swallow it all together

>> No.10084375


>> No.10084503

I make fried rice with spam, then mix in goat cheese and hot sauce.

>> No.10084772

I can't be bothered to dirty a utensil slicing butter so I just bite off however much I need and spit it onto the pan.

>> No.10084826

I pretty much live off of food that’s marked down for expiration

>> No.10084947

so much this

>> No.10085414

stfu, you dont know the true power of the onion soy boy

>> No.10085455

I like to sneak eat cheap microwave burritos in the middle of the night, specifically those 1$ monteray ones you get at walmart or the dollar store, ive done this for years now

>zap them in the microwave for 2 mins
>take out and cover in shredded chedder cheese
>zap for another minute
>cover in whatever hot sauce i have, usually cholua or tapitio

No, i dont feel good about myself afterwards, ever.

>> No.10085460

do you at least use chili powder?

>> No.10085465
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>have sub sandwich
>get to the end
>realize the meat, lettuce, and cheese is all gone and all that's left is some bread heavily coated in mayo
>think "I shouldn't waste food"
>take a bite and experience instant revulsion

>> No.10085653

what the fuck is your problem?

>> No.10085661

go fuck yourself asshole!!!

>> No.10085666

i drink soy milk

>> No.10085796

I have eaten cereal at night more times than I have eaten it in the morning.

>> No.10085935

I pan-sear cheap steak because getting the grill out is a hassle and I never do it right

>> No.10086118

I once used powdered sugar to coat chicken tendies instead of flour on accident. With the hot sauce in the batter the sweet and spicy mix was not that bad t b h.

>> No.10086125

I just ate frozen bbq chicken tendies (microwaved) on a pita topped with siracha and ranch

>> No.10087490
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I used crushed corn chips as granola in yogurt once, it was ok but wouldn't do it again

>> No.10087500

curry powder is good on almost anything desu

>> No.10087504

T. Spoiled man baby

>> No.10087506

Fuck yeah. I'm not vegetarian either but I just had vegan currywurst for dinner. I like the taste and cutting down on meat is good for the environment

>> No.10087516

Pan searing is better than grilling for any steak imo

>> No.10087542

From time to time I buy a large assortment of veg thinking I'm going to go on a health kick only to throw away about half of it

>> No.10087687

Almost every morning by breakfast is last night's leftovers with an egg or 2 on top

>> No.10087816

I avoid cooking meals that I can't simply eat in bowl with a spoon.

>> No.10088003
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I enjoy spaghetti with ketchup and blue cheese.

>> No.10088252

for two days I really enjoyed lettuce salad with Chachitos° it's that toasted puffed wheat and honey cereal as a topper. tried it again a day later and it was disgusted with myself and the taste.

>> No.10088357

What the fuck
I only know one person who does this and its a surefire sign someone cannot cook.

>> No.10088371

This is probably the worst one here. Get a garlic press for fuck's sake.

>> No.10088482

This is a sin. Against yourself.
There are colonies of bacteria and yeasts species that are located on this living petry dish. Not the good kind either. The bacteriological transference the genital flora that results from male-to-female oral sex often results in halitosis and tonsil stones. Cavities as well as taste impairment can result from adverse oral flora colonization and growth.
And the real kicker is, there is no reason to do it.
Cucks do it because they they cannot last long enough during actual intercourse.
I cheat at cooking competitions.
I have won several dozen awards for my ribs. I tell them they've been "long smoked" for many hours and that's all I'll say.
In reality, they are vacuum sealed in plastic bags and submerged in a sous vide bath 72 hours and I blow touch them afterwards.
I've had pulled pork cook for 168 hour. @ 144.5 f It was too soft but I won the contest anyways because it was the "most tender ever".
I am not selling anything and so long as it is sanitary, cooking methods need not be disclosed.

But if people knew this, they wouldn't even eat the ribs. I only told the guy from the cooks country show once after he asked me how I really did it, and I told him. He had a look of disgust through his glasses but he said again in a lower tone, you gotta do what you gotta do.

>> No.10088489

I've eaten a container of cake frosting with a spoon.

>> No.10088502

Im calling bullshit on this. A blowtorch wouldn't impart any smoke flavour whatsoever which is just as important if not moreso than the tenderness of the meat.

>> No.10088523

I use the blowtoarch for texture. I smoke it using more conventional means (also use a smoke gun and let it sit under smoke while it is refrigerated) but that's irrelevant and anyone can do it.

The point is that using a blow torch and cooking in plastic bags freaks people the fuck out when they find out that's how their meal has been cooked.

>> No.10088561

>Get a garlic press
American detected.

>> No.10088570

>petry dish

>> No.10088607

I hate cooked celery, raw is fine with peanut butter.
I despise Cauliflower.
I regularly eat frozen food & ramen.

I work as a chef at a seafood resteraunt and the last fucking thing I want to do when I get home is spend time preparing more food.

>> No.10088624

Phone autocorrect.

>> No.10088727
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I always boil the sausage.

>> No.10088737
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Vegan soygoy shill need to leave

>> No.10088742


I used to eat smoked oysters chopped up and mixed with crushed salt and vinegar chips as a late night snack.

>> No.10088745

>spinach lettuce kale etc
>spicy food
>anything slimy
>and since last Sunday, japanese food except cooked sushi
These are disgusting and you're disgusting if you like them. Also people that drink just water, it's like drinking nothing.

>> No.10088750


>> No.10088754

morning star chipotle burgers are top tier

>> No.10088757

how fat are you?

>> No.10088790

why are you being rude, im just telling you about what's disgusting. Really, no need to be butthurt over the fucking truth

>> No.10088803

>onions spinach garlic mushrooms spicy food
yeaaah youre a lard

>> No.10088811
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>it's like drinking nothing.

>> No.10088860

I did this same thing but with saltines

>> No.10088993

fuck up you OBSESSED 3rd world shitter. go back to eating slops of shit and dirt instead of shitposting and saving dumb pictures

>> No.10089005

Yeah , you have to be obese
Those are all delicious and you have a palate of tv dinners and frozen chicken tenders,
Maybe you mix it up and eat fast food sometimes.

>> No.10089011


>> No.10089013

these posters are guilty of having a garbage ass palate and should be executed via firing squad

>> No.10089187


>> No.10089423

When cooking at various restaurants, I have squished burgers with the spatula (more than one press) to make them cook faster.

No regrets.

>> No.10089428

My aged cheddar cheese is orange

>> No.10089470

Stop grilling over propane

>> No.10089526

1) I eat so much of the ingredients while cooking that by the time the meal's done I'm not hungry anymore

2) I don't have a masher so I just use my hands when mashing avocado

3) I have never honed or sharpened my chef's knife

>> No.10089536

I pigged out on food until I felt sick but still made it under my TDEE. A year and a half of calorie restriction have shrunken my stomach I guess.

>> No.10089557

I pour water on my cereal

>> No.10089824
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>this triggers the cognitively impaired mutt

>> No.10089880

>2) I don't have a masher so I just use my hands when mashing avocado
literally a fork

>> No.10089911

It was a well known fact a local restaurant used to serve food with a bit of man sauce mixed in, I used to eat there regularly

>> No.10089949

Unironically when my I took my wife, newly arrived from korea, to a famous pan fried chicken place in a midwestern city and she ordered her chicken with a creamy italian dressing she took one bite, spit it out and said it tasted like semen. My mom was concerned and tried it and spit it out herself also and said that's nasty. They had an open kitchen and I looked over and saw a row of smiling teeth surrounded by darkness. Not surprisingly, my wife refuses to go to US restaurants.

>> No.10090093

i eat my chicken soup with ketchup

>> No.10090105

You keep forks? It's 2018 and you still haven't learnt how to use chopsticks?

>> No.10090133

I'm a chef with no formal training, earning too much money while making it up as I go along.

>> No.10090144
File: 159 KB, 818x503, pPdNZ3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, what do you eat? Ketchup and mashed potatoes the?

>> No.10090170

I am 3 days fasted and decided to make a slow-cooker meal. I just ended up throwing in a bunch of everything without thinking about endgame flavor.
Not really a sin committed as much as worrying it's a sin in progress.

1lb bacon
1 handful baby portabella mushrooms
1 handful broccoli
1 handful cauliflower
2 handfuls spinach
1/4 cup honey apple wine

I'm worried the honey wine is gonna burn everything if I cook it too high.

Am I screwed?

>> No.10090484

I only learned to cook well to impress others. When it comes to cooking just for myself, I'll eat an omelette, stir-fry, or chili many days in a row.

>> No.10090502

my french onion soup was a bit too salty

>> No.10090555
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I think many kinds of instant ramen are delicious

especially when you "supe" them up with bok choy, poached eggs, etc.

one of my favorite aisles in an asian grocer is the candy land instant ramen aisle

fucking salivating rn

>> No.10090583

The freshly made dessert I had chilling in the fridge, the very one the uninvited visitors wh crashed dinner in my absence, had and loved?

Yeah, it wasn't blood-orange pudding. It was blood AND orange pudding. Wasn't meant for them and they will never know.

>> No.10090588

>creamy italian dressing
What's the problem, amico? She got what she ordered.

>> No.10090598
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I love frozen dinners. Michelina's, lean cuisine, hungry man, all of it.

>> No.10090617

I had an abortion when I was 23. It was early stage so I don't feel bad desuu

>> No.10090630



>> No.10090716

Unless, afterwards, you ate the fetus, I think you've wandered into the wrong board.

>> No.10090732

>new wife
>instantly recognizes taste of semen
kek you’re wife’s a cum guzzler

>> No.10090970

>wives don't suck off husbands and husbands don't reciprocate by going down there
Come back and see us after your first date, meanwhile keep studying for your eigth grade geography class.

>> No.10091058

This post made me hungry

>> No.10091070

nearly burnt my house making meatballs

>> No.10091109

well in that case yeah, hands are probably better at mashing avocado than chopsticks.

>> No.10091218

You sound like a working class chump. I bet you thought it would be a great "investment", how you would wake up to a warm, healthy breakfast to start off your long day. Maybe, you even had a couple thoughts about all the other nifty little uses you could find for the thing, how it would help you cook healthier meals in general, shed a couple pounds off the old gut, boost your confidence around work and with the ladies. Yeah, maybe that slow cooker would start your life cooking again, wouldn't it? I can see your strained hands holding the box and reading through it carefully at the store. A little bit pricey, but you're the type of guy who thinks everything is more than you can spend, aren't you. And look what happened to you. Look what the slow cooker did to you. Fucked you over, and made you clean it like a useless bitch. You don't even fucking like oatmeal. Piece of shit, you've been repeating those three words your whole life, haven't you. Yeah, how was work after that piece of shit fucked you over? I bet it was on your mind the whole day, you probably didn't say shit to nobody. Can't be telling people about your mistakes. How your little fix yourself plan, failed you. Don't want people to start thinking you're the failure. You're the piece of shit, all along. You don't want that do you? You don't want to be the piece of shit everybody secretly whispers about, do you? Was your father a piece of shit like you? I bet he never had a slow cooker. He had a woman, a house, a damn good job. I bet it's slow cooking you the fuck alive, isn't it. Comparing yourself to him. How one day when all the steam runs our of your life, you'll discover how you're nothing more than burnt shit to be scrapped off and thrown in the trash.

>> No.10091222


>> No.10091501

You know that towel you hang on the oven handle and wipe your hands on after everything you do that gets your hand wet or dirty? I've been using the same one for eleven years, and never washed it.

>> No.10091596

that's legitimately disgusting
how come you don't wash it even though you're clearly aware of how gross it is.

>> No.10091631

I buy the pre made dinner meals at HEB and through em in the oven.

>> No.10091781

what the fuck.

>> No.10091796

I've done a version of this when I ran out of milk. Bite of cereal followed by a sip of water. It got the job done.

>> No.10091798

It's not really that discolored and it doesn't smell bad. Haven't gotten sick so it's probably fine.

>> No.10092164
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>> No.10092175

Pure ceramic delight

>> No.10092178

People eat meat smoked in old bpa-laden refrigerators - why would they be afraid of eating blowtorch tinged ribs?

>> No.10092207

Fuck this thread brought me back.

One time when I allowed myself to become dead broke, I scrounged my pantry for the last food I could sustain myself with. The best I could whip up was a concoction consisting of chick peas, white rice, curry powder, and newmans caesar dressing all mixed together. I cooked a huge batch and ate it for three days straight. I also resorted to scavenging for small change around the house to buy dirt cheap, hyper processed canned food for my cat. It was a really fucked up time

>> No.10092398

Not sure if sin but sure is disgusting. I just ate this meal togo teriyaki cold because I don’t have a microwave. Fucking tastes cold and stale. Fucking disgusting. Never again

>> No.10092452
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Whenever I buy some fresh green like spinach or kale I stress over it going bad in the fridge while I'm still eating current leftovers. I've got some week-old broccoli in there right now right now beside this giant bowl of salad I made that I'm afraid to look at.

If it's still good tomorrow I'm going it blitz it in my Vitamix into a broccoli & sweet potato soup and freeze it. Cooking healthy is bad on your nerves,

>> No.10092471
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I order pizzas just to toss them in the fridge and eat them cold the following day.

>> No.10092847

I like eating spam, and this is coming from a Brit Fag.

>> No.10093316

deep frying lamb racks, fucking delicious desu.

Not even fat.

>> No.10093357

Ate a bunch of nut clusters.

>> No.10093380


>> No.10093384

this one might actually get you into the devils playground

>> No.10093406

Steaks are good rare, medium or well-done. They also work with various seasonings and condiments.

I like my eggs cooked hard on both sides.

All cheeses stronger than cheddar are horrid.

>> No.10093409

Oh and my favourite meats are cheap pork cuts like ham hock

>> No.10093411

this is my life daily. you get better at it and becomes a comfy life actually

>> No.10094787
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This is what I had for lunch a few days ago:

Beef shin in an instant cheese sauce on a bed of rice. My flatmate kept teasing me :^(

>> No.10094847

I don't like the McChicken.

>> No.10094895
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Anon, I mark down food for expiration for a living.
You are no sinner. You are a saint.
Do you understand where that food goes otherwise?
A landfill.
It goes to a landfill.
You are preventing good food from going to waste.

>> No.10094912


I set aside ingredients to make frozen burritos - even julienned bellepper because bell pepper strips are awesome in frozen burritos - but then after making about half of them, I got very tired and let the other half of the ingredients spoil.

>> No.10094929
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Blanch half of whatever you get and freeze it
Used to toss more than half of my greens just because I would buy way more than I needed. Now I just blanch and freeze and I get fresh veggies and frozen, and I don't waste my $$$

>> No.10094981

I eat my burritos and pizzas with ketchup. Its really good.

>> No.10095150

I've often left good meat to spoil in the fridge because I'd be too lazy to cook anything.

I consider fries and breaded fish simply as vessels to deliver remoulade into myself.

And I use ketchup on hot dogs.

>> No.10095211

are you the same guy from the other boards?

>> No.10095449

I was starting a keto diet and I had no food in my house, so I ate olive oil with peanut butter. Never again.

>> No.10095475

>anybody being disgusted at sousvide
lmao what

>> No.10095483
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I regularly put ketchup on tacos instead of hot sauce. Its delicious

>> No.10095625

>dark slav
You mean Balkan?

>> No.10095925
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>> No.10095959

I eat taco bell every sunday

>> No.10095967

Nice mlp reference haha /)

>> No.10096107

You poor soul

>> No.10096122

I drink Lea & Perrins right from the bottle.

>> No.10096186

I don’t think there is anything wrong with Denny’s.

>> No.10096191

>and amphetamines
All I can think about is sausage+milky bar combo

>> No.10096223

Denny's is great though.

>> No.10096303


>> No.10096356

I eat that hardened sebum that comes from popping blackheads.

>> No.10096365
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I don't know how to use chopsticks and have embarassed myself (apparently) every time I've gone somewhere with friends and tried to use them

>> No.10096378

t. odinist

>> No.10097334

I eat whole onions

>> No.10097342

>weeb can't even weeb correctly

>> No.10097817

I sometimes eat desert along with my dinner.

Its just nice to have a pallet cleanser while you eat dinner so the taste doesn't get old.

>> No.10098644

I always order a glass of milk for that purpose.

>> No.10098718

I have to wear swim goggles when I cut or cook onions

>> No.10098746
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I... I like kalimotxo.

>> No.10098899

And how do you know what feet taste like, hmm?

>> No.10098975
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I love this meme

>> No.10099101

The only thing I ate the entire weekend was a couple of dominos pizza's I nabbed from an event my uni had on.
Made me feel pretty awful desu.

>> No.10099129

Spam is unironically top tier when sliced thin and pan fried
I like it better than bacon

>> No.10099145

I eat 100% plain pasta regularly.

I once drank soda from a bowl with a spoon.

>> No.10099152

Why didn't you just lift the bowl to your face?

>> No.10099157

That's not a food sin. Spam is just pâté.

>> No.10099159

Because I wanted to use the spoon anon.

>> No.10099179

Whoa, the most interesting man in the world posts on /ck/?

>> No.10099244

>the ordering of words
Lord have mercy

>> No.10099586

Is tacoma nice or shit? I can't decide

>> No.10099815

It's the "ville" town for the Ft. Lewis army base so it's a literal shithole. The US military turns any town near it's bases to shit.

>> No.10099830

once i pan-fried watermelon just to see how it'd taste. it tastes like sweetcorn

>> No.10099857
File: 280 KB, 646x595, 1515129047373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favorite sandwich is peanut butter, pickles and mayo

>> No.10099903
File: 43 KB, 428x610, 01-dolphin-and-cow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat pizza with ketchup and I fucking love it. Any and all pizza.

>> No.10100268

What, you mince your garlic?

>> No.10100289

I guess I'm the epitome of disgusting

>> No.10100307

>Being so trashy you give head on the first date

>> No.10100311

That's hardly a sin when there was that one guy that was saved by Dominoes employees after not placing his regular order for a while.

>> No.10100320

LOL. Link?

>> No.10100329


>> No.10100346

I'm an emergency dispatcher and we regularly call people to check in on them if they haven't called recently

>> No.10100352

Based pizza

>> No.10100364

I don't put salt in anything.

>> No.10100392

Hold the top one like a pen, keep the other in place with your other fingers.
Not that it's super important anyways, I have relatives that didn't figure it out for years and we're chinese.

>> No.10100394

>every single day
how autistic do you have to be holy shit?

>> No.10100412

Sounds like something ancient and profoundly evil is expressing itself through your mortal flesh, anon.

>> No.10100440

That's hot.

>> No.10100484

My favorite burger toppings are an American slice with ketchup, mayo and sweet pickles

>> No.10100495

I'm headed that way, bruh. I use onions in everything, but I dread cutting them because my eyes feel like they're going to explode and I can't even see through the tears. It's horrible. I just want to eat onions without the torment.

>> No.10100565

Sounds totally Chad; go butter biters!

>> No.10101155

i once flushed an entire can of black beans and package of cooked wheat pasta down the toilet
clogged it for about 6 months
waited for everything to disintegrate in the water before using the toilet again

>> No.10101607

I once made toast, smeared it with mustard, and ate it with a pint of ginger ale

>> No.10101608

fucking why bro

>> No.10102040

Sometimes if I don't have any fresh chicken, I'll defrost some frozen chicken fingers/nuggets, chop them up, sautee them with some salsa, and put them in a quesadilla. The salsa, at least, is always fresh. This is the only way I will eat frozen chicken fingers/nuggets.

I also eat fried breaded shrimp with ketchup.

>> No.10102100

I work in fine dining

>> No.10102562

As a Basque, I approve. I normally drink it in summer. It must be cheap don Simon wine and coke. No way around
My sin is eating butter and paté sandwiches

>> No.10102681

I cooked frozen chicken burger patties in my toaster, ten I toasted bread in the same toaster for a bun.

>> No.10103709

i really hope this is b8

>> No.10103723

Fairly often on break from work I will buy a gas station cheeseburger and put 5 (five) ketchup packets on it.

>> No.10103754

Instead of dipping chips in a dip I crush a bunch of chips up dump them in the dip jar and eat it all with a spoon

>> No.10103869

I've started replacing water chestnuts in my recipes with sliced radishes because no stores around me carry water chestnuts anymore

>> No.10103893

I only like cereal at night for some reason as well

>> No.10104120

Dude that's legitimately disgusting. I can't even imagine putting that much chip dip into my body, and I'm a fat fuck.

>> No.10104236

For dinner last night i ate a burger, corndog, fries, and two doughnuts. I was just having cravings for fat and sweets, don't know why.

>> No.10104357

I prefer canned black pepper to fresh ground