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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 37 KB, 615x397, ten-pound-note-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10082523 No.10082523 [Reply] [Original]

I have £25 to last 7 days. What the FUCK do I get?

>> No.10082529

A job.

>> No.10082532

Go on a water fast.

>> No.10082545
File: 106 KB, 639x421, .,mdbf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my country sucks so much I'd rather spend time on foreign websites than those from my own shitty nation

>> No.10082626
File: 19 KB, 320x462, 1505643338021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beans on toast for a week m8.

>> No.10082646

£25 is tons for a week
Get whatever the fuck you want

>> No.10082697

75p Oats
£1.10 Milk
£2 Dozen eggs
50p Bread
£1 Orange juice
60p Onions (4)
95p Bell peppers (3)
30p Garlic
60p Chillies
£1 Canned beans (2)
£1 Canned lentils (2)
£3.70 Frozen smoked haddock fillets (4)
£1 Butter
£2.50 Minced Beef (15%, 500g)
50p Chicken stock cubes
80p Garden peas
60p Broccoli
50p Tomato paste
£1.35 Chopped tomatoes (4)
£1.90 Chicken breast portions (2)
80p Mayonnaise

More like 2 weeks desu

>> No.10082705

A quran

>> No.10082733
File: 188 KB, 680x1388, beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10082881

25 quid is plenty lad, learn to cook

>> No.10083364
File: 534 KB, 1000x1665, Shopping list.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here - I am 24 stone (330lbs) of mostly air and bone weight. I need at least 3000 calories per day so what? 21,000 calories per week?

This is the best I can do, I am pretty happy with this. I only have a Tesco and Iceland near me, even with the most calorie cheap food I can get that I know how to make that is still edible (ie no fucking lentils) and without wasting money on things I can't eat in large amounts (butter, sugar etc)

You guys might want to save this image for future 'cheap eats' threads!

>> No.10083375

Were you never in uni? Unless you have a family to feed that's plenty

>> No.10083384

4Chan is a Japanese website hosted on servers in the UK.
Americans are the foreigners here and should be range banned due to their (your) incessant ignorance and shitposting.

>> No.10083389
File: 1.75 MB, 499x298, urebvou43.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durr 24 stone it's mostly air and bone weight
>shopping list full of ready meals, processed shite and snacks
>white bread
fucking state of you

>> No.10083405

this is not OP, this is bait

>> No.10083410

4Chan was started in the US, newfag

>> No.10083438
File: 10 KB, 224x225, 1503171434674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP here - I am 24 stone (330lbs) of mostly air and bone weight.
>mostly air and bone weight

>> No.10083446

Asda do these halal jellies that are actually quite nice and will easily hit the calorie intake needs for two quid a box. Then treat yourself to a salad to balance it out

>> No.10083451
File: 85 KB, 400x278, oreo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy one of these a day and have money to spare.

>> No.10083479

Sad how bad people are with money

>> No.10083493

So what?
It's a global website now.
Anyone can post here and there's nothing you can do about it, you impotent, martsharting retard.

>> No.10083514
File: 29 KB, 600x225, 4810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on a budget
>buys frozen food

>> No.10083524

Thats like $40 usd youll be fine

>> No.10085543
File: 59 KB, 617x410, euros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First step you'll want to take is to go to a bank and turn those useless pounds into some of (pic related).

>> No.10085553

They're leaving you for a reason. Well, many actually.

>> No.10085572

potatoes and rice

>> No.10085747

how much does air weigh

>> No.10085902

>hosted on servers in the UK
This is false.

>> No.10085908


>> No.10085948

>created and popularized by an American and America
>b-b-but muh hosting
You're just suckling shit from our assholes as per usual Yurop, it's our world we just let you live in it.

>> No.10085955

This is assuming you already have the essentials like oil, sugar, spices, etc.
Frozen vegetables
Bouillon Cubes

I'm not sure if it's the same as America.
But here you can get whole rotisserie chickens for like $5

>> No.10086317

Let; operative

>> No.10086326

>Nationhood on the internet
One world government is going to hurt you hard. Trump and Brexit have failed. It's only twenty years away.

>> No.10086338

14.7 lb/in2 at sea level, anon.
Did you grow up somewhere where basic high school science wasn't taught?

>> No.10086345

Step 1- go to lidl.
Step 2 - Buy Tagliatelle (enough for two meals), garlic, chillis, olive oil a broccoli and a cauliflower (still under £10 here). Buy spaghetti and cherry tomatoes and a basil plant. There's 4 dinners and we're at about £12 now. You've had 4 pasta meals so maybe you want to switch it up. Buy one of their 2 quid pizzas. Buy beans and get one of their nice multiseed country loaves. Split it to have beans on toast a couple of nights. Buy big box of weetabix and milk. You have now eaten mostly nutritious and tasty meals for a week with weetabix for breakfast.
Step 3 - Use your 2 pound change to buy whatever you want.

>> No.10086358

Maybe use it for cheese for your pasta and beans? You'll even get to have cheese on toast a couple of times. Jesus this is the easiest food bill ever. You're not even having to eat shite.

>> No.10086361

Lol, loads of crisps, chocolate and processed shite. Probably shouldda went to Iceland. You'd have the same garbage and more change left.

I don't think anyone would have put this much effort into bait.

>> No.10086365

Rice and Eggs

>> No.10086370

This has to be bait. We're completely fucked. There are no good reasons to leave. It's just like the US voting in Donald.

>> No.10086432

The pound has already recovered and UK manufacturing is at its highest in 10 years. The only reason people wanted to stay was "muh cheap holidays"

>> No.10086489
File: 60 KB, 500x333, a53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see remainers are still salty

>> No.10086500


>> No.10086518

The only reason is racism. Has to be. Nothing else makes sense.

>> No.10086704
File: 12 KB, 475x423, 1517477094720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10086768

>The pound has already recovered

>> No.10086775

Considering GBP is like nearly double USD and I can get a week of decent meals from 50USD, hopefully that means you can get a week of decent groceries for 25GBP.

>> No.10086778

>Image shows notes to the value of £15
>Pictured £5 note no longer legal tender
>Both notes have the wrong centrepoint linked to those notes


>> No.10086779


>> No.10086785

Explain how either has failed. Trump DEFINITELY hasn’t.

>> No.10086793

You are both kidding, right? Please tell me this is sarcasm. Or are you some lefty shills? If you’re not knowingly speaking false then you are seriously deluded by the mainstream media. It’s not some “MSM” meme, they are strategically trying to alter the way people think to further their own goals.

>> No.10086823

as many mince pies from greggs as you can buy

>> No.10086827


That's plenty for a week dude. Get some bread, eggs, rice, beans, pasta and tomato sauce. If you have like 5-10 pounds left over get some fish or cheap meat.

>> No.10086836
File: 113 KB, 1024x683, 641DB923-23F3-4FBF-89D7-84D946B8A86F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mince pies

>> No.10086839

just live off your own ejaculate you fukken fag

>> No.10086942

>Trump hasn't failed
How about that wall, then?

>> No.10087007

They do them, just not right now

>> No.10087049

Theresa May is slowly sucking meaning out of the Brexit process. She was never into it. It's becoming "like being in the EU but not technically," and long term chances are that everybody will just shrug and say "might as well just stay in the EU come to think of it."

Trump so far has succeeded only in sinking the TPP. Beyond that, American politics has been business as usual with a few ineffectual clowny dramas. The globalists continue to triumph.

>> No.10087080

Toilet paper and water