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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10065661 No.10065661 [Reply] [Original]

Food service industry story thread.

>> No.10065747

*store closes at 8 pm*
Mexicans at 7:59

>> No.10065752

the local pizza place i work at, every night we always get one or two people who make huge delivery orders 10mins before we close. they are always black.

>> No.10065778
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>go on delivery
>ticket says 20 locust ave
>go to 20 locust ave
>there's no number on the house but that's what my GPS tells me is 20 locust ave
>knock on door
>knock again
>call the phone number on the ticket
>no answer
>knock again
>call again, get hung up on
>call again, their phone is dead

>okay fucky, you're not getting your pizza
>go make next delivery which is literally across town
>fucky's pizza gets cold on the way
>call my boss
>as it turns out, my lazy, good for nothing, fat gingerkid manlet piece of shit coworker is the one who took this particular order
>this guy literally never does any work and spends half his shift looking at fantasy football and twitch streams
>one of the numbers on the phone number was a 9 instead of a 4, he just has terrible handwriting
>call the number
>lady is absolutely furious
>the address was 20 locust DRIVE, not avenue
>pizza is freezing cold
>pin the whole thing on my coworker, she's nice enough to give me a tip

>come back
>boss chews me out
>coworker is still just sitting there, reading fantasy football stats

>> No.10065794

>Get paid to do a job
>Work makes me angry sometimes
>People ask for things
>Autism flares up
>Too cowardly to actually do anything
>Come to /ck/ to bitch and seek attention

>> No.10065802

Says the neet

>> No.10065811

>Gas station/pizza joint night guy on the border of the ghetto
>Constantly have people bring their rambunctious niglets to sprint around the store while they can i get uuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
>Her kids are behind the counter asking me for a quarter while mammy makes the life defining decision of what flavor wrap she wants to go with her buffalo chicken pizza
>Get to watch a 7 year old get his ass beat while the next customer can i get uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.10065812
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>comes into restaurant
>can you make me this overly complicated thing that is not on the menu from scratch? kthx

>> No.10065813
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That's Sir Customer for you, wagey.

>> No.10065820

this only annoys me if they're cunts about it or say the obligatory "you guys do this for me all the time..soo......

>> No.10065822 [DELETED] 

Lmao fuck you pizza delivery faggot. Sounds like you're OUT OF TOUCH and you don't know how to be LITTY

>> No.10065832

>But the other store does it for me without charging me for the add ons

>> No.10065839

your post is shitty

>> No.10065842

Back to /tv/, Dwayne.

>> No.10065848

I never order anything that isn't on the menu unless it's a small place, I know the owners, and they are happy to do it. There are a couple of family-owned ethnic restaurants in my neighborhood who will make anything they have the ingredients for if you ask. I never even asked, they just offered me stuff.

>> No.10065858

Sounds fucking terrible that you have to actually do work for the time you're paid to be there doing the work

>> No.10065876

Black customers are on average worse, but the absolute worst customers are always white.

>> No.10065885

black customers order food right before close and tip you 5%.
white customers try to get you fired because you didn't ask them if they wanted soymilk or not.

>> No.10065900

>working a small mcdonalds inside a walmart during school
>Rush usually goes 7-8pm no idea why
>Lines get so long that the back of the line could turn around and order the fried chicken in the deli
>Power through it, manager is a big quiet dude that has some 6th sense shit going on to get us through, pre makes a ton between 645-7 and gets rid of all of it
>Mid rush, big guy mutters some shit and tells me to go in the back and grab more nuggets, sauce packets and pickles
>No pickles, last bag of nuggets, tons of sauces
>Order was a day late so we were on our last leg
>And theres a tard shrieking up front while his mother yells at the manager my
>He grabs a handful of sauces out of the box I was carrying and drops them in their bag
>Tard calms down
>Middle age white woman with that haircut: was that so hard?
>As they turn and go i hear "wow three for free" as we go back to dealing with the last 40 people in line they held up over free extra sauce packets

>> No.10065915

wow great story

>> No.10065929

I think a big part of these issues is how managers respond. Customers who have ridiculous requests like some of the ones described in this thread usually won't take any shit from a grunt server or cook or sandwich artist or whatever, but I think they see managers as being equal to them. If a manager (such as mine does) continuously just gives people what they want to appease them, then that's how customers are going to act, and many of them are just going to get more and more entitled. In my view, it's the job of a manager to set the standard of how a store's service is going to be performed.

>> No.10065940

You could have earned a nickel in the fifteen minutes it took you to type that out.

>> No.10065965

>go to fast food place
>place order
>food is by no definition fast
>go to pay
"oh no sorry, the card machine's broken"
>no sign up or warning
>ask if there's a cash machine nearby
"year at the train station (25 minutes walk away) but you can't leave without paying"
>people next to me who just ordered kick off because they were also planning to pay by card
>manager comes out, has no idea what to do
>spend 15 minutes waiting for him to call the area manager
"sorry you can't have the food, but the drinks are on the house since they're already poared"
>leave with no food and a Coke Zero with all the ice melted

Just put out a sign ffs

>> No.10065969

>"year at the train station (25 minutes walk away) but you can't leave without paying"
Didn't happen.

>> No.10065984

You deserved it.

>> No.10065992

I think that depends on the location
But yeah I agree with you

>> No.10066015


>> No.10066019

Had a similar situation except dumber.

>Order food at a restaurant
>Go to pay
>eftpos not working, there was no sign or warning
>Well where's the ATM?
>Around the corner but you can't leave without paying
>How am I supposed to get money out then?
>Crosses his arms "Fine leave your wallet"
>"I'm not leaving my wallet unattended with you"
>"Fine just leave your card then"
>"How am I supposed to get money without my card? Do you fucking listen when you talk?"
>"Don't fucking talk to me like that."
>Manager hears swearing and comes over
>Apologizes and tells me the meal is on the house
>Go back to the restaurant a few weeks later, manager remembers me and comes over, tells me he fired the guy later that night
>Tip him $25
>gives me free drinks every time I come in now

>> No.10066020



>> No.10066030

>years ago
> was 12
>dad was down on his luck and was working a shitty cooking gig in a semi-fancy hotel
>during school breaks i would go work with him to help out because we spent almost zero time together
>the hotel resort has a main kitchen and several little grill huts spread around the large property
>the little huts werent equiped with fryers so if someone ordered french fries a cook would have to run to the main kitchen and get a portion
>in the height of summer
>its a busy as shit day
>dads in a bad mood
>some italian family comes and orders 4 burgers and 2 portions of fries
>dad just says to me "GO GET SOME FRIES FROM THE KITCHEN"
>sprint to the main kitchen and say that i need fries
>"frozen or portions" says the cook
>i wasn't the brightest kid so i didn't noticed we didnt have fryers
>say i need frozen
>he gives me two bags of frozen fries and i haul ass back to my dad
>"I GOT IT" i say excited hoping i did a good job
>he turns and sees the frozen bags
>suddenly i want my soul to leave my body
>he rips the bags from my hands and throws them on the floor
>i haul ass back crying and get the portions
>we don't talk for the rest of the day
>we don't talk on the ride back home
Ah childhood memories. That day I figured out I probably shouldn't get into cooking as a profession.

>> No.10066036

>but you can't leave without paying"
>actually believing this
You're as dumb as they are.

>> No.10066040

Asians are mostly okay but they have a terrible habit of trying to use coupons right after you put the order in. However they don't bitch about having to wait while you re-enter the order. They get a pass from me.

>> No.10066059

>some customer puts in delivery order by phone
>"oh and by the way, can you stop by the grocery shop and bring some chicken thighs?"
He wasn't very nice at first but when I delivered I got a fuck load of tip.

>> No.10066062

hell if they tipped me extra i'd do that no problem.

>> No.10066071

I do that with my pizza guys, I used to be a pizza guy so I’ll always have a weird request like an energy drink or a pack of smokes, and if they bring it they get 20 bucks no questions asked. It’s fun to see their faces

>> No.10066088

thats pretty cool, i wonder if theyd bring me a six pack if i asked. might try next time

>> No.10066103

Do you tell them you'll make it worth their while or something? Because if some customer asked me to run an errand I'd promptly tell them to fuck off.

>> No.10066109

I cant really say much, being that i own a couple of gas station franchise stores. I have to say this is false in my predicament.
>own two stores
>ones in browntown, other in swipple white neighborhood
>i seriously have to switch personalities depending on what store im at
>in brown town i have to essentailly look/act as a bouncer while i take care of customers and seriously have to at least physically squabble with 2-3 ferals every shift
>drink shitty malt liqour in the cooler to ease my nerves from essentially having to fight zulu tribes every day
>niglets constantly try and steal while their mammies defend the lil gud bois until i hit the magno-lock on the doors until she either pays for what her kids stole or give it back
>for some reason “they keedz” (8-10 years old) usually were stealing beer and tampons, almost as if commanded by mammy to do so.
>”ooooh boy yoo stealin’ beer?”
>mom gives the little chimp an obviously fake scolding and they climb into their shitty $800 car with $1200 rimmzzz
>mammy and kids are laughing and smiling in thier car about the whole thing as they leave

>white neighborhood
>act as a normal cashier, use my manner and whatnot
>thebworst thing ive encountered bythem was either a teenager stealing a candy bar or the usual bitchy white old lady whom i swiftly tell to fuck off
Its like a whole other planet when you cross the bridge to Tacoma

>> No.10066142

Lived 4 years in the US as kid in early 00s, can say for certain that the service industry is so, so fucked- the server wages-tipping thing, the service standards and policies etc., the management, the whitetrash, blacktrash, mexitrash and stupid american fucks in general as clientele. It's so different in Bulgaria, Germany- from at least what I've seen.
Can attest that Starbucks has shitty clientele worldwide, even without ever entering one.

>> No.10066209
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>flavor wrap

>> No.10066219

Did you seriously think anyone would believe this?

>> No.10066267

What? It happened. What's so unbelievable? Do they not fire people for swearing at customers where you come from?

>> No.10066269

You doing mad white boi

>> No.10066278

what's the problem with going to a place when it opens?

>> No.10066288
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Better get to work, wagie. Looks like you'll be staying late.

>> No.10066295

Nah but I’m well known at all the local pizza joints at this point. For the first six months it was really hit and miss on whether they’d do it but they got the picture soon enough
It’s funny because I actually have told a customer to fuck off for asking me to do shit like this
I tried that once but most of the pizza boys around here aren’t 21 yet so it didn’t work, I only ever ask for smokes from Pizza Hut because I know their drivers are all old enough to buy them for instance, tho with summer coming around I’ll have to stop that too

>> No.10066309

as a worker myself i don't have a problem with it. it's like the one time of day when everything is ready, there's no shortage of everything, the work station is clean and I'm wide awake.

>> No.10066335

As if you have any money to buy food with, starvationfag.

>> No.10066347

A popular way for ghetto smokers to roll up some drugs is to buy flavored cigars or "wraps", cut them open and add the devils lettuce. Its become so common many manufacturers sell just the paper around the cigar

>> No.10066363

> Go into story thread
> Read stories
> Abuse people for posting them
You chose to click on this thread, fuckwit. Nobody made you read them. Stop posting.

> Try new takeaway
> Order food
> Before my friend can order his food, the phone rings
> Assistant spends 10 minutes trying to explain to a customer 'bring the container that had meat in back here, and we will give you two without meat in as an apology'.
> 10 fucking minutes
> For someone to get the fucking message to get off their ass and show proof of their mis-ordering

It's not like her english was bad, either.

>> No.10066404
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Accurate depiction of you rn.

>> No.10066407

Of course I do. You american wagies are so entitled, it's really funny.

>> No.10066410
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>Impotent wagescum rage intensifies

>> No.10066443
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>being proud of being a worthless leech

>> No.10066446

I work as a waiter at a retirement home, it's pretty cool since you get to know everyone on a first name basis but it also sucks because they're old and very very forgetful. Just yesterday a lady asked me if I was going to take her order while food was in her mouth. AMA.

>> No.10066463

service industry is a fucking lot of stress that isn't worth it.

>> No.10066466

You do realize some of us have rewarding careers.

>> No.10066560

>having a rewarding career
>still going to the cooking section of a jamaican finger wrestling forum

>> No.10066574

>Everyone on 4chan is me or like me
Taking a couple hours and making a nice dinner is the thin line between my wife, our daughters and the 6oclock news

>> No.10066582

could have done better problem solving yourself mate

>> No.10066590

Know your pain brother. Same thing except maintenance. Not food related other than stealing from the kitchen at night.

>> No.10066648

Everyone has to eat, dummy.

>> No.10066659

>white lady walks in at 7:59 am
>"Excuse me where are the rotisserie chickens?"
>not ready yet
>"I need to speak to the manager, this is fucking bullshit."
why do they do this? I had some old white lady get supremely assblasted because we didn't have lasagna in the deli and complained to the manager.

>> No.10066660

>customers pay and leave
>didn't leave a tip
>have to hand over 10% of the bill out of my own pocket to the busboy, barmaid and hostess
>it's not their fault but fuck that sucked

>> No.10066664

>call again, their phone is dead
Who the fuck lets their phone die at home?

>> No.10066674
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>mfw some guy got mad when I didn't call him sir or say 'would you like anything else sir?'

>> No.10066689

I used to be a delivery driver, everything that can go wrong, will

It's the most infuriating job sometimes

>> No.10066754

One of the prerequisites is for your life to wrong, so I believe it.

>> No.10066850

it was the wrong number. probably someone out drinking, wondering why the fuck this random number kept calling them.

>> No.10066917

>negro spotted

>> No.10066936

White people are the problem.

>> No.10066974

White or (((white)))?

>> No.10066990

>store in shitty part has shitty customers

>> No.10066992

I work at a pita place, usually the night shitft. Except for weekends where I work mornings. I'm amazed how stupid the average customer is. I deliberately put signs about eye hight both where the doors are and the menu should they enter that it's closed. And yet they still barge in and stare at the menu a bit and ask me if they can order. Or they'd be oblivious to us cleaning the kitchen and the dining room not even properly set up. And why can't some people understand that being closed means we won't serve you anymore? I'd get people come in at like 11:10 asking if they can buy anything even left overs(other than rice and hummus there's none), and get pissy when I tell them the register's closed and we won't sell anything after it's been closed.

>> No.10066998


>> No.10067011

why are your doors unlocked if you're closed though?
heh, guess the retarded customers must be picking your locks

>> No.10067017

>wait ten minutes to get water and waitress visit
>out of the beer i wanted, whatever order something else
>won't take food order at the same time
>takes forever to get beer and order, it's not that busy, maybe 20 tables tops
>food takes a while, order a new beer from the other waitress
>she suggested the beer I tried to order first, but it might take a minute to get the keg hooked up
>fucking lazy waitresses didn't want to change keg
>gave the other one my tip directly, in cash and stiffed the lazy one.

>> No.10067027

>White people are the problem.

I blame america's entitled & out of control niggers on their white enablers.

> truth

>> No.10067045

It's a slide door without a nob, the "lock" is on the edge and connects to the floor. We lock it when it's about 1 hour from closing, but before that it's opened so I can set up the tables outside, throw away any boxes to the back, take the bread in, etc.

>> No.10067046

If you didn't want that to happen, then close 10 mins earlier. Why be open for business if you don't want anyone to order anything?

>> No.10067055

Your story is shit, go hang yourself retarded faggot

>> No.10067059

Whoops meant opening rather than closing. We lock the back door an hour before closing too though. Don't want those drunks coming into the bathroom and passing out on the shitter. But all doors are locked before opening.

>> No.10067089
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>Being proud of being a pawn of the crypto kikes slaving away in your boring mundane pathetic slave goy existence

Hey well, at least you paid your taxes last year. Isn't that something to feel proud for?

>> No.10067092

What else do you put in her mouth?

>> No.10067094

>yfw you open your cold wallet and the balance is zero

>> No.10067106

I don't get this joke. Can someone explain?

>> No.10067108 [DELETED] 
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>mfw I'm a trust fund baby and the sole beneficiary to the inheritance

You want another 20 in your wallet for the weekend? Well maybe you should ask your boss Mr Shlomo Shekelsteingoldbergowiczski for a few extra hours. I'm sure he's feeling generous to give you the hours he needs another condo in Florida so Chop Chop get to work, wagie, tick tock

Just remember 5 more days on the grind then it's a possible 2 (two) day break.

Now isn't that something to look forward too wagie?

>> No.10067124
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>> No.10067151

Lost it

>> No.10067153
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>be year and a half ago
>work on burger king
>hour before closing, two before going home
>customer comes in
>asks for 90 hamburgers
>manager almost passes out
>mfw no buns left
>had to run outside to the store for more buns
>it is all dark and had to cross a busy street
>risked my life for a shitty job
>got the buns and returned to work
>we all finished (manager amd other 2 employees) the 90 fucking hamburgers together
>made some extra by accident
>got to keep 2 of those extra
>that made it worth it

>> No.10067166
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>be wagie
>wagie supervisor tells me i have to cut 16 hours from my work week for the next month
>mfw wagie supervisor expects me, a Lesser Wagie, to survive on 16 hours a week

>> No.10067171

11 days on for a weekend off friend

>> No.10067216

no he doesn't he expects you to leave, so should you

>> No.10067271

Why live

>> No.10067290

Fat kid sounds like a bro who realizes
And doesn't give a fuck about the job

>> No.10067323

>B-but it w-was his bad handwriting
Maybe learn to read, you fucking lazy cunt. Or of course KYS.

>> No.10067345

I’ve been that white person, but that’s because I have work at 8:30 and I’m too lazy to get up and make breakfast before the sun comes up so I just buy it instead.

>> No.10067374

That's stupid. I work fast food and the two occasions where our card machines (and phone and internet) were down, we put signs on the drive through, all entrances, and made sure to inform customers verbally of the situation, just in case.

I've had plenty of asshole customers, which I won't bore anyone with, but, once, at my first store, this guy came in through the back door while we were getting our truck delivery, before we'd opened. I was pretty new at the time, so I wasn't sure if he was one of the higher-ups I hadn't met, but my GM was there and was like, "uh, sir? Can I help you? We aren't open, and customers aren't allowed in the kitchen."
He was like, "Oh, yeah, sorry, I'm former military, so I'm USED to going to places civilians aren't allowed. I just wanted to see if you were open."
"Uhm, no, sir, we don't open for another hour, and I'm going to have to ask you to leave."
Dude was wearing a Hawaiian shirt and sandles. Very official. He didn't come back after we'd opened, either.

>> No.10067446

Ex military scum disgust me. They come in with their "back to back world war champs" t shirts and their semper fi tattoos and cry like children for their fucking military discounts. Just because you used to kill people/assist others in killing people in imperialistic overseas conflicts that you didn't bother to research before willingly participating in doesn't mean you're entitled to any special treatment. Jesus, if any people have the 'welfare queen' mentality in this country, it's definitely them.

>> No.10067489

That was a surprise inspection done by health code special forces, dingus.

>> No.10067509

sounds like a tough life, have a (You) bruh

>> No.10067537

>with summer coming around
It's January. It's either winter where you live, which means summer is nowhere near, or you're already a month into summer.

>> No.10067643

That’s your boss telling you to quit because they don’t feel like firing your lazy ass

>> No.10067772

>be during business hours
>patrons having an ethnicity enter establishment to make purchases

>> No.10067801


>> No.10067812

is it annoying to order a customized version of something

>> No.10067817

If you own anything in Lakewood or Parkland I'm so fucking sorry. Even driving through those places gives me anxiety attacks.

>> No.10067844

>get an influx of jews in the summer
>all of them love tuna
>constantly get asked if the tuna contains any meat
>yes, tuna meat

like i know they mean pork or w.e meat jews aren't supposed to eat but who the fuck mixes pork in with tuna?

>> No.10067880

>work for UPS
>long shifts because holiday
>finally get done
>want a decent burger
>5 guys is closed in 20 minutes
>call in order
>pick it up
>notice a pack of niggers walk in behind me and take their sweet ass time ordering
>leave a $10 tip

>> No.10068064

"No we don't do custom orders, sorry!"

"Sorry we're closing and last order was 10mins ago"

Use your spare time to apply for a new job

>> No.10068072
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>white people come to a store at its advertised time of opening
I don't get it, is it supposed to be funny?

>> No.10068091

As a customer it's annoying to order custom. Every place has something that I like in stock form, if they don't I don't go there. Exception for places like subway or qdoba where it's expected. Otherwise it just becomes a hassle, they get shit wrong, and it holds up other people. The kind that do are always holding me up, and I don't want to be like them.

>> No.10068126
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wagies get upset about having to do their job in the parameters their boss sets and they agree to.

Just another reminder that you will never be happy or anything but poor if you work for anybody except yourself.

>> No.10068127

>work at meat works
>meat gets dropped on the floor
>person picks it up and bags it

happens all the damn time

>> No.10068160

>Work at University restaurant which is basically horribly overpriced fast food sold to daddy's money college students that cannot comprehend the concept of stretching a dollar to save their lives
>One of our regulars orders a custom sandwich, which is basically a grilled cheese rung up as a $9.00 deli sandwich
>Literally two pieces of ciabatta bread and two slices of cheese broiled
>She willingly pays for this, and had been coming there for that exact item over the course of 1 1/2 years
>Somehow, it finally works its way down the chain of command that her ordering this sandwich is unacceptable, and I was given no reason, only a scolding about custom orders
>Despite our register and software having said functioning input for custom "deli" orders of cheese on bread (still came out to $9 no matter what was placed on it)
>Girl was incredibly polite to me every time she ordered and we shot the shit, so I felt and acted genuinely sympathetic, but she couldn't get her grilled cheese anymore
>Girl loses her shit when I tell her, blaming me personally, screaming, demanding managers, very visibly crying
University food services are a veritable cornucopia of stupid bullshit experiences

>> No.10068190

>get through boot camp
>immediately buy "proud veteran" and "thank a soldier" memorabilia
military culture is a joke

>> No.10068257

I did when I worked in a sandwich shop for jews and muslims

>> No.10068288


Yes. Grow up and order the damn menu items, I promise you they're better than whatever stupid picky eater bullshit you've been pulling since childhood. This is where black people are definitely worse btw, it was rare for me to make something for a black customer that didn't have some alteration, especially the women. I got the impression a lot of them do it so the can feel like a QUEEN. They'd often think up other retarded shit after ordering, as it's being prepared and just shout at the nearest employee who then has to leave whatever useful thing they're doing to relay the info. Cue them getting the order and me praying they don't decide it's wrong because a white person behind the counter looked at them funny. FUCK i'm glad I left the food industry. Also one of my friends has to get a custom order every. single. fucking place he goes. He's a dumbass and I've told him exactly how I feel about it and he's like WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL DUDE LMAO. Fucking manchild.

>> No.10068308


Ciabatta grilled cheese? the fuck?

>> No.10068329

Grew up on hilltop, my kids will never know the level of fear, nor the level of fuck whitey. Worthless people in that city, I can only imagine it's much worse than 80s-90s.

>> No.10068351

Mabey you should be doing your faggoting job stupid wagie if i want to buy something it should be there waiting for me

>> No.10068413

Holy fuck, you are unreasonably mad about this. I used to work at Whataburger, was a manager for a while, too, and I loved getting interesting custom orders. It broke up the monotony of the day. Sure, it can be a pain in the ass at peak lunch rush, but otherwise it's totally cool.

>whataburger Jr
>extra veggies
>add bbq sauce
>grilled jalapenos and onions
>on a wheat bun
>onion rings, extra crispy

or for breakfast
>sausage/egg/cheese sandwich
>on a jalapeno cheddar biscuit
>add grilled onions
>egg ranchero-style (jalapenos grilled into the egg while cooking, top with picante)
>add creamy pepper sauce

I'll take it with an unsweet tea with a splash of lemonade, please.

>> No.10068468

I don't get this. You get double fucked over because someone didn't tip? I've heard of servers paying bussers out of their tips but why wouldn't they get screwed too if you don't get tipped? Or was this voluntary?

>> No.10068472


Well that's kind of their shtick, it's expected. I only ever worked at short order cafe/restaurants. And yes I am unreasonably mad about most things concerning the industry. You can only do it for so many years before you get that way, it's inevitable. Especially if you only ever had hot head GMs. I still have the residual effects, all I want is for people to pay attention, don't hold shit up and don't act like you're special. Because those are the three things that no customer in any restaurant has ever embodied.

>> No.10068487


PhiPhi headed into the kitchen, when the host came over and informed him they wanted a new server “because you’re gay”

“Cue my freak-out,” PhiPhi recounts. “Apparently the moment I left the table the husband stormed to the host stand and loudly demanded a non-flamboyantly-gay server because ’he’s a man of God and can’t be around that.'”

PhiPhi told his manager immediately about the incident, in hopes the du would be asked to leave.

“Did that happen? Nope. My manager initially gave them a stern talking to but I guess they were so polite in response [that] my manager saw fit to not only give them full service but leave them in my section in plain sight of me despite my protests.”

While he had to watch them enjoy their meal, PhiPhi says a regular in the section witnessed the whole encounter and “gave me a hug with so much enthusiasm while she glared down the homophobes.”

“I spent the next hour in the back mostly in shock,” he added. “Safe to say it ruined my night.”

While it doesn’t undo the damage, PhiPhi said he got a call from his boss the following day.

“[They] called my manager, my general manager, AND the district manager to tell them how absolutely infuriated she was over it,” he explained. “I got to listen to the manager who allowed their stay to apologize over and over again. It felt great to hear him so panicked over it all.” He was informed that if it happens again ” the guests will be removed immediately when they make prejudiced remarks (like they should have been from the beginning!)”

>> No.10068491
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>> No.10068545

Yes but managers are all afraid that if they don't bend over for the customer they will be out of business next week

>> No.10068558

This is heart warming

>> No.10068572


A real oedipal circle jerk.

>> No.10068577

lmao look at this dumb cracker ass nigga goin to the store when it opens xD *laughing emoji* *100*

>> No.10068585

"Liberal" detected. Who the fuck have you been dealing with? Rejected Marines? Or people who actually went through hell while you whined about your failure to vote?

>> No.10068600

Used to be a linecook and had these cunts come in every Sunday for this stupid fucking quesadilla pizza thing that wasn't close to anything on the menu. Have to prepare it from scratch and finish it off in the Salemandor. The servers always getting fat tips for "coordinating" the special item for them.

After awhile I said fuck it and started holding that ticket longer and longer until it was a fucking nightmare for any server who got that table. Wouldn't begin preparing it until my regular tickets were cleared.

I'm an asshole but fuck it. Screwing them over made me feel good.

>> No.10068602

>went through hell
>Just because you used to kill people/assist others in killing people in imperialistic overseas conflicts that you didn't bother to research before willingly participating in doesn't mean you're entitled to any special treatment.
They weren't drafted, and they weren't fighting for anything other than kike money. Why should I care about what they chose to go through willingly in exchange for payment?

>> No.10068608
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Just curious: why does everyone in this thread seem to think that if you don't work a service job you must be unemployed? You know there are other jobs and careers right?

>> No.10068621

They are in denial. Pretty much every single other job/career is more lucrative than the service industry.

>> No.10068626

This, blacks are generally inconsiderate, whites are occasionally psycho vengeful fucks.

>> No.10068627


the GM and DM were only covering their ass from suit

>> No.10068635
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I quit my job at a bbq chain with a letter of resignation that consisted of a long winded triad against the company founder and a wojak photoshop collage I made with aspects of the resturant that annoyed me. I posted it all to /ck/ where I was called a faggot. My manager threatened to call the cops.

>> No.10068637

Black people are inconsiderate
White people are entitled assholes
INDIANS are a combination of both.

>> No.10068644

post it so we can call you a faggot again

>> No.10068647

So Sergeants that have been in the service for decades need to feel guilty because you have some jew-conspiracy theory? People fighting to protect their boys from jackasses that'll cutoff womens' clits so they can't enjoy sex are surely worth less than the lives of the men that they are in charge of? And as a democracy, you are in charge of?

I actually have a dildo large enough I wish I could pain you with.

>> No.10068692

It's possibly archived somewhere. I had a prompt mental breakdown afterward where I deleted everything on my computer as well as all social media and online profiles then attempted to burn everything I owned that was made of plastic.

>> No.10068700

you mind me of the weirderds

>> No.10068716

>I have a dildo
lmao, fuck off faggot
>fighting to protect their boys
They wouldn't be over there if they didn't sign up willingly. No sympathy.
>jew-conspiracy theory
Good goy.

>> No.10068776

Haha yes! White people are always walking into restaurants when they're open!

>> No.10068819

>sheeiiittt muthafucka so im settn up shop JUST turned muthafuckn open sign on N this WHITE muthafucka just struts in and im like nigga, can a nigga get settled b4 he has to do some work first i mean sheeiiitttt who dis muthafucka think he is??? naw mean??

>> No.10068891

Said the idiot with garbage handwriting

>> No.10068893

Your shift is supposed to be longer than when the restaurant closes anyway. It is a niggery thing to order at the last minute, but you are poorly managed.

>> No.10068958
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>tipping at fast food
So the meme about Americans is true.. interesting.

>> No.10068970

Rarely do I get fast food and even rarer still do I tip
Plus it was almost Christmas

>> No.10068988

Yeah it's really weird, basically the closest we could imitate the actual grilled cheese sandwich the actual ~non-university~ restaurant serves, which uses this weird bread that is really crusty on the outside.

>> No.10069044

I'll take shit that never happened for 399 alex.

>> No.10069049

I don't think right at opening is that bad, coming in a minute before close is way worse, and most of the time it's minorities.

To make it worse they usually have annoying complicated orders and don't know how to order.

I still treat them with great respect though because it's my job but I'd be lying if it didn't piss me off.

>> No.10069056

If you have any control over the phone, just don't pick up. Unfortunately since it's local, the owner will want every dollar in his pocket. Sucks but it's the one decent thing about corporate places where I'm allowed to call the shots. Once it hits 8:45 I don't pick up the phone for any pick ups.

>> No.10069084

Rich white people are the worst. Men in polos and old women are shit as fuck

>> No.10069093

>Five Goys
>fast food

I fucking wish. You could make a burger faster at home.

>> No.10069108

I work at a grilled sandwich shop. For some reason blacks love to whisper and mumble in their order and get very upset when you can't hear them.

>mummble mummble extra cheese, onions, mummble mummble
>I'm sorry sir I can't hear you, it's pretty noisy back here with the grill fan
>He yells his order and asks if I can hear him clearly now
>I say yes thank you
>He mad

Why the fuck do they do this? Also I know white people do this too, but 9 times out of 10 when someone comes in and they're on the phone it's some black guy or black lady having their conversation out loud, sometimes with the speaker phone on.

It must be a tribal thing.

>> No.10069137

Nice made up story, rebbit.

Also those magnolocks are no doubt illegal, as activating them would constitute false imprisonment. Or maybe you live in some back water shithole where that isn't against the law, that is more than likely.

>> No.10069157

>work in airport sit down restaurant
>have signs everywhere and explicitly tell customers on our average wait time so they can get to their flight in time
>customers will always order something 5 minutes before the flight leave then complains about how we made them miss their flight
>demands we remember their flight time so we can inform them about when they need to leave
>yells at us for shit the TSA does
>yells at us for shit the airline does
>complains at us for selling them food which they can't bring onboard (protip, they can. once pass the TSA checkpoints, anything bought beyond in the terminals can be brought onboard. its up to the airlines whether or not they can, TSA don't really care after the checkpoint.)
if it wern't for the free food, i would've quit sooner

>> No.10069184

I worked at a wine and chocolate store in a mall in Minnesota for a year and you cannot convince me there are weirder or worse customers than suburban white soccer moms or "wine aunts".

>> No.10069185

more specifically
>older white women who are overweight, come into the store alone, sit and pout at their food and glare at everybody, and walk out in a huff over something like there being a pineapple chunk on her pizza

>> No.10069189

It's not false imprisonment if the store owner / cashier / guard has probably cause(i.e. they watched the theft)

>> No.10069197


>> No.10069207

Every fucking time when I was dishwasher at this diner. We close at 3:00 and motherfuckers come in at 2:50 and I can't close until everyone is gone.

>> No.10069219

Again, maybe in your asshat jurisdiction, but logically this is a bullshit argument as why are we supposed to believe that a store owner has more credibility than a customer? The store owner could have just seen shit wrong. Or maybe the one operating the locks is an employee and not the owner. Furthermore it would be retarded to have such locks and use them as the cost to pay the damages in easy to win lawsuits that customers would bring would far outweigh the few thefts you actually prevent.

>> No.10069240

You're a fool, my man. In most states, you can be detained by store employees if you are observed concealing merchandise, and basically every store has cameras. If you're caught on camera taking an item off the shelf and putting it in your pocket, you have no legal recourse if the staff detains you.

>> No.10069247


>> No.10069277

Nothing. Like the other anon said that's like the one point in time where it's not busy and I'm still ready and willing to do my job.

>> No.10069290


>> No.10069304


Yeah, ciabatta is like that. The last bread you'd want to make a grilled cheese with. Justice was served, she needed to be stopped.

>> No.10069314

>work at podunk pizza place
>just got online ordering
>people keep asking for free shit in comments instead of charging themselves for it
>never give it to them

Just happened last week
>online ordering now in full effect
>super cunt orders a supreme pizza
>we have a coupon deal going on for a supreme pizza for 12.99
>she charges her credit card full price and doesnt add the coupon to her online order
>was too stupid to find the button to add it
>put in comments to give her the 12.99 deal
>she comes in to pick up
>demands we give her money back even tho she charged her card
>we tell her no
>demands we give her the discount and partially refund her card purchase
>kek out loud because we use a different system for OLOs and cannot change or do anything to the open ticket in our POS system or in our card machine

I hate that bitch, fuck you mrs duckworth

>> No.10069317

i used to do that when i was in high school. we'd order a few pizzas and a 2 liter and the place was next to a convenience store and wed order cigarettes and beer too. it was fucking awesome.

>> No.10069401

Stop lying fucking pajeets are the worst.

>> No.10069414


>> No.10069429
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>mfw that guy will be the one killing you when the civil war kicks off

>> No.10069447

jesus christ this
even worse is 8:01. Then you have to argue with them that you are actually fucking closed so go away. I get that it's different in Mexico but, despite your best efforts to turn your neighborhoods into lovely little dilapidated slices of mexico, it is not actually mexico.

>> No.10069475

>That'll be $21.59
>Prices are set by corporate. We don't have any control over the prices.

>> No.10069532

I'm not scheduled to work until the store opens bud, how can I get chickens that take 1hr to cook ready before I even get there?

>> No.10069591

Every inconsiderate fuckwad does this. Mexicans are just the worst about it. I rarely see Asians pull this shit but I figure it's because they think in advance.

>> No.10069648

I think there's a male/female dynamic to it too though.

Like white men are almost always really great customers, but white women will be fucking awful sometimes.

But it's the opposite with blacks. Black men are fucking shit.

>> No.10069656

>customer sends back food because they didnt read the fucking menu and could have clearly seen the thing has scallions or whatever

>> No.10069670

a lot of places force servers to pay out bussers/hosts/bar staff out of their total sales (not including tax). Someone not tipping on a 30 dollar check basically means you lose about $1 aside from the money you could have made not wasting your time on them.

>> No.10069695

>yo man I dont got enough for your tip this time but i gotchu next time boss
>but you could totally afford to feed your fatass kids chicken wings, fries and ice cream all night


>you're the best server we have ever had, we're gonna tell your manager we want you every time
>tons of compliments
>no tip

if you can't afford to tip, you cant afford to eat out, go to the fucking grocery store and make your own damn food if you're so poor.

>> No.10069723

Hahaha wagey ragey

>> No.10069776

It's a meme you dip!

>> No.10069786

Why make up a story like this? Like seriously WHY ??? Who are you ? What type of person does this and for what purpose? ? Plz respond

>> No.10069861

>Be busser at Mexican restaurant
>Easiest shit ever, just sit people, give them water, scrape dishes, and occasionally do menial restocking/cleaning
>Get around $12 an hour after tips for being on my phone most of the day because no one comes in and management doesn't give a shit
>everyone did coke and then proceeded to somehow get me awkwardly involved in it and management enabled this gypsy kid to steal all the time because they didn't give a fuck.

>> No.10069895

I've volunteered at a retirement home for a while. It's a lot more sad than anything how forgetful they are. They'd order something from the kitchen and I'd bring it to their rooms maybe ten minutes later and they have no clue what I'm doing there and just accept the food all confused, like they're still cant remember ordering it. Some of them also had health problems, like one old lady couldn't eat potatoes, and we had to remember it on our end so they didn't literally poison themselves.

>> No.10069908
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If you can't afford to live on minimum wage don't work a garbage zero-skill job.

>> No.10069925

I would totally love to quit and use my degree i worked on for 4 years to get and have spent over a year searching for jobs for, if the fucking computing industry would actually hire people out of college anymore, or if you know, people actually paid you with money for your freelancing work...

>> No.10069962

I got a job straight out of school last year with computing. Look harder, Faggot

>> No.10069968

I would probably just off myself if this happened

>> No.10070027

What did you spend the 4 years doing? Sitting around jerking off and refusing to do anything related to web development?

>> No.10070269

> Go into story thread
> Read replies to stories
> Abuse people for replying to them
You chose to read the replys, fuckwit. Nobody made you read them. Stop posting.

>> No.10070306

>been wanting to try empanada place by me
>have tried going there on three separate occasions from 11am to 3pm
>earliest they close on any given day is 6pm
>no signs listed anywhere stating they close for any amount of time during the day like a real restaurant would; they're a deli type place they have no reason closing randomly in the middle of the day
>first 2 times I go there I walk up to door, all lights are on, door is locked, no one appears to be inside, this is well within their operating hours, different times on both visits
>try to go this past Sunday at around 1pm
>more cars in front, looks promising
>go to open door
>actually fucking opens
>make my way to counter to order while looking at menu
>2 workers talking to each other
>look at me surprised
>"we're closed"
>partially stunned in disbelief
>walk the fuck out those dumb fucking spics aren't getting my business

really pissed too because I've heard only good things about the place but apparently they can't even fucking be open anytime I go

>> No.10070506

There's a small locally owned set of Mexican restaurants in my town, I think they have 4 locations. They have an online menu and website and the amount of times I've gone in a full hour before closing or sometime in the afternoon when they should be open and they are just closed is unreal. They once got mad at me because my friend and I walked in an hour and a half before closing when the doors were wide open and the open sign was on and there were like 20 people inside, went to order "no no we are close". I just complained to hire ups and they had to replace the whole staff because it turns out they were closing at random times and having small parties with their friends shit was wack.

>> No.10070524

Fucking this.
I use to work as a dishpig in a small country pub that had an attached restaurant. I really like cooking, but this job was enough to convince me that I shouldn't make it my career.
But that doesn't stop my mother constantly telling me that I should go and do a cooking courses so that I can work as a cook/chef.
Doesn't seem to make her think twice about that when cooks and chefs we know advise against that, either.

>overseas conflicts that you didn't bother to research before willingly participating in

I can't tell whether your a troll, or just really fucking retarded.

>> No.10070580

Pajeets, sand niggers, and chinks are the worst people to deal with at restaurants, stores, etc. So fucking selfish, they'd kill their own fucking kids to get something for free.

I live in a hick town in the maritimes so we had very few immigrants. We do, however, have one Indian couple that I have a story about.

>be me back in highschool
>working at grocery store
>this indian couple would always come in
>would continuously try to use multiple coupons for the one item

Here in Canada, there are laws in place that only allow one coupon to be used per item so you don't have crazy couponers trying to get a bunch of shit for free.

>kept telling me i am wrong when cashing their cheques after the cost of their groceries (we cashed cheques so long as 10% was spent at the store) trying to get more money out of my till
>tried reaching over my till to grab promo sticker things we would give out one of for every $10 spent
>this shit went on for months
>told the manager about it
>"customer is always right i am a fucking cuck"
>got back at them by doing shit like bagging soup cans on top of their bread
>eventually stop seeing them
>wonder what happened to them, so i ask a co worker

Apparently, they got banned for taking price tags, moving them to other spots on more expensive items, then when the items would ring up, they would declare that the price should be whatever the tag they moved over. Did that a bunch of times.

We were the only grocery store in town. Next closest town/city with a grocery store was an hour drive away. Hope they liked either driving or paying the ass gouging convenience store price for all their food.

>> No.10070659

Indian people notoriously try to barter everything, even at a fucking corporate-owned grocery store. It's hilarious but I feel bad for the wagies who have to deal with it

>> No.10070707
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>start Job at brand new wing stop
>owner: “hi anon, I’m owner. This is Montez, he’s on a work release program and will manage the kitchen since you’re not old enough
>spend every day after school mixing WingGold into sauce buckets and hearing Montez tell prison stories
>learn that Montez is from the Bay Area and fried his brain with ecstasy and malt liquor
>bond with Montez over weed and hyphy music
>he let’s me do whatever I want and sends me over to speedway to buy him black and milds
>always has me “freak” his blunts where I just empty his black and mild and fill it back up with weed
>we spend a lot of time smoking out back next to the very hazardous grease draining dumpster
>Montez gets picked up every night by his girlfriend
>start hotboxing his car with him and his lady every night after we mop and wipe down the tables
>do this every weekday for a solid 4 months, learn a lot and develop weird friendship with 37 year old ex-con
>really enjoy eating free chicken and getting high and receiving hilarious life advice
>come to work one day, no Montez
>owner: “Sorry Anon, Montez no longer works here”
>mfw when Montez and his girl drove across the street to Kroger after the last shift that I saw him
>mfw a group of dudes tried to car jack him in the parking lot
>mfw when Montez decided to protect him and his girl’s honor by putting their shitty Lincoln in drive and flooring it, killing this Mexican dude and splattering his ass all over the grocery store parking lot
>mfw Montez gets arrested

I never did find out wether or not he went back to jail, but he never came back to Wingstop and his cell was shut off. I miss you Montez. You were a fun dude to sling wings with and I hope you and your girl settled down.

>> No.10070746

>I've never had to deal with niggers so anything involving the act of doing such is made up and also reddit

yeah okay cuz reddit would totally love an honest story about how black people are irredeemable animals

>> No.10070760

This isn't true at all, it's just waiters bullshitting for pity points and hoping anyone who hears it will provide a bigger tip because of it. If you don't get tips totaling equal to or greater than minimum wage you get paid the difference. The absolute bare minimum you make is minimum wage. They're fucking lying. Any job that receives tips makes way more than minimum wage even on bad days.

>> No.10070767

>I can't tell whether your a troll, or just really fucking retarded.
I cut the older guys some slack, but anyone who's enlisted since, oh, 2005-ish is there to fight for oil/fight for Israel and they fucking know it.

>> No.10070773

not really
but I do agree with the guy you replied too

>> No.10070779

>went through hell
The people who are most vocal about "I WAS IN THE MILITARY AREN'T YOU GONNA SAY THANKS FOR YOUR SERVICE???" are usually pogs.

>> No.10070785

Niggers don't want to have to work when the place that employs them requires them to

>> No.10070787

>order burger
>"can I get no pickles"
>anon shits his pants in anger
>"Grow up" he demands.

>> No.10070792

Arrest and court records are public record pretty much everywhere in the United States.
Even if you only remember the year it happened, finding him would be a piece of cake.
I am blessed to live in a state with an online court records search.

>> No.10070796


>Not shitposting

>> No.10070800

>“gave me a hug with so much enthusiasm while she glared down the homophobes.”

so strong, so brave

>“I spent the next hour in the back mostly in shock,”

If only everyone reacted this way whenever something upset them, the world would grind to a halt overnight and nothing bad would ever happen again.

>> No.10070815

sure that's part of it, but they're also fighting so your dumb ass doesn't have to live under shariah law

>> No.10070821

When you say shit like this, it just makes you look like a dumbass.
Why were we in Iraq, then Afghanistan, then fucking everywhere EXCEPT Saudi Arabia when the 9/11 hijackers were overwhelmingly Saudi?

>> No.10070832

>things can be done for only one reason, having several reasons for doing things is simply not possible
whelp allrighty then

>> No.10070877

>Work at mcdicks
>Be almost an hour after we close
>Some faggot is banging on our window
>Coworker in all his wisdom opens to the window to talk to him
>Alcohol smell immediately hits me
>Starts going on a tirade about how we don't have a sign saying what time we close
>Starts placing an order even after being told we are closed and have shut down everything used to make food, his reasoning is that because we don't have a sign he is demanding food from here
>Says he is going to call corporate if we close the window on him
>Acts shocked when we close the window and walk away
>Is so fucking angry he speeds off without his boyfriend who was scouting around the building looking for a sign (lmao)
>He knocks on our front door making signals to use someone's phone
>None of us want to do it, be the bigger man and let him use mine
>Check call history after he's done, number is from some city in Florida
>Live in Louisiana, work at mcdicks in some random ass city in the baton rouge area, right next to the ghetto

I don't know why anyone would want to vacation in louisiana, and especially end up in the fuck-off hick backwoods of it.

>> No.10070906

Should have called 911 to report a DUI and made you and your coworkers fries

>> No.10070939

I didn't think about it at the time. And to be honest I felt bad for the boyfriend so I wanted to give him a chance.

>> No.10070947


>> No.10070976

Would you like to explain for the class, then?
Can't be
>durka dur we gota stop saddam
because that made things worse in every possible way, and we knew that well before we went in.
That Sharia law shit you were talking about? He was the moderate keeping those guys in check.

>> No.10070997

Nice reference

>> No.10071014

thats because black men get "bitch offended"
aka they are pussies about everything

>> No.10071268

I only order menu shit with maybe an addition. I don't come to the store an hour before it closes. I'm polite to the employees and don't explode on them for corporate policy that they had no part in deciding.
I don't understand why people over the age of 50 don't understand this basic transaction.

>> No.10071298

I worked at a kitchen in a bowling alley, most of the food we did was simple short order stuff like burgers, cheese sticks and chicken fingers, but we'd also do a lot of parties that would get pizzas. Well, the owners were getting miffed one day when they saw how much leftover pizza we were throwing away after a party left. So, for an entire week they tried getting creative with it. and told us to make pizza bread puddings out of the leftovers. So yes we had to take pizza that a bunch of kids had been coughing over, chop it up and bake it into a horrible breadloaf monstrosity that we'd serve with a bowl of marinara sauce on the side. The ONLY reason the owners stopped making us do it was because nobody hardly ever even tried them, and those that did said it was awful.

Seriously I saw so many instances of them trying to make food stretch. If anyone ever left behind food they'd already paid for they'd be thinking of a way to sell it to another party.

>> No.10071322

What would they do with leftover pasta?

>> No.10071338

We'd serve chicken and shrimp alfredo to some parties. Once they took leftover chicken Alfredo, had us mix it with leftover mashed potatoes (yes really) spread it on a tray and stick it in the freezer for a bit to form up. Then we battered and fried squares of it, and they called them fried chicken alfredo bars. They'd do the same thing with macaroni and cheese too.

>> No.10071357


it's not just pork. it's any meat at all. Because if you eat meat, you can't eat dairy for the rest of the day. Kosher is weird shit

>> No.10071364

I worked at Dickies in California for two weeks and that place was nasty. Temperatures were off all the time for potato salad and coleslaw, I ate it once and had godawful diarrhea. Manager told me to just fudge the numbers on the temperature log. It's been six months and I've yet to see my last paycheck from them.

>> No.10071375

implying wagies arent the true leeches which exist on the marginal percent of the inflation and silly laws like minimum wage

>> No.10071393

Credit card cucks.
Fiat currency isn't that hard to carry around.
How fucking poor are you.

>> No.10071411

guarantee you the chinese would mix pork and tuna.

>> No.10071415

Oh boy oh boy oh boy.
Wanna know how I know you never had a job working with the general public.

>> No.10071428

>works in food service

yep, checks out all right.

>> No.10071431

Welfare checks are eighty bucks a week in Canada.
All of which I spend on things that are highly taxable.

>> No.10071443

nigga you sound victimized by the world, jeez.

>> No.10071446

Line cook here.
Waitresses do not deserve tips... They hang out in the back and talk to the cook or they talk to customers to get extra tips.
The food always starts to get cold and I'm like the fuck?

>> No.10071453


>> No.10071454

usually when this happens a lot, it's a front. there is a deli on my block, was only open the most bizarre times, and whenever it actually was open, there were way too many people just milling around in there. cops busted it for drugs and shut it down.

>> No.10071464

All the military cucks.
I know for A FACT you pog and base campers never killed anything other then MREs and the toilet bowl.
Stop larping. Air force is better and more mature.

>> No.10071494

We do have huge ass ghettos that need a cleaning.
No leave the rag heads alone nigger.
Youre over there for opium and oil.

>> No.10071505

Has a PTSD flash back over yellow Jerry cans.
Shit you not this guy Crys, everytime he "sees and IED"

>> No.10071514

Get a fucking job that isn't reserved for highschool teenagers smoking weed.
Holy shit America, bring back factory work for Christ sake and get rid of minimum wage.

>> No.10071526

I love you.

>> No.10071611

>People fighting to protect their boys from jackasses that'll cutoff womens' clits so they can't enjoy sex
We cut off men's foreskins, so we can't really say we're much better in this avenue.

>> No.10071619


I´m sorry for that bad memory of your dad

>> No.10071620

I don't think those two are the same whatsoever dude

>> No.10071631


Quality stuff, made me kek

>> No.10071636

They're both multilating genitals for no good reason. And before you cite cleanliness as a reason for circumcision, remember that soap and water exists.

>> No.10071656

How about you get a job that doesn't rely on what is widely agreed upon to be an outdated and unnecessary system.

>> No.10071660
File: 220 KB, 600x324, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10071664

Even if it's not a computing job, you can still try to find something that isn't being a server. Look on Craigslist for part-time jobs and spray'n'pray.

>> No.10071680

Why are we over there then instead of protecting our own borders? I get the concept of eliminating the problem at its source, but if your main concern is people in our own country, then what they do over there really isn't our business until it gets here, is it?

>> No.10071686

White people confirmed for being better at being bad, when they feel like it.

>> No.10071698

I swear I've heard this story told here before.

>> No.10071699

>be pizza delivery guy
>It's in a sketchy part of town, so I'm nervous
>Bring pizza to door of shitty looking house on the edge of the ghetto
>Door opens
>Two one holding gun
>Get robbed of pizza, money, and car
>Pizza place stills fired me for lack of vehicle and not returning while still on shift
Life is alright

>> No.10071702

Their fries are good tho.

>> No.10071706

Two nogs* my Jew phone OS removed it when I posted

>> No.10071722


>> No.10071739

>town has names split between streets, so locust avenue isn't locust drive
What the fuck is this shit, and why doesn't anyone else find this retarded ?

>> No.10071743
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>> No.10071752
File: 54 KB, 612x612, 1514943815526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>robbed while delivering pizzas
>doesn't call cops while literally having the address of the dudes who stole it
>somehow after all this still gets fired
You kinda deserve it.

>> No.10071760

Where do you live that this isn't normal?

>> No.10071763

I know a Palestinian who used to run the best pizzeria in the neighborhood, when I asked him for it he started offering palestinian dishes. 10/10

>> No.10071782

god you're a moron, I can't even begin to explain to that kind of stupid. I'm done

>never play chess with a pigeon, he'll just knock over all the pieces and strut around like he won

>> No.10071801

true, and that's what trump is trying to do and all the liberals can do is whine about muh racism. but the general idea for going over there besides oil and muh greed is to make the place habitable enough that there's not a need for the rest of the world to constantly be taking in refugees

>> No.10071802

los malos hábitos no mueren nunca

>> No.10071807
File: 154 KB, 1252x1252, Jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used to Deliver/Manage schedules for a shitty mom and pop chinese joint in college. Got a lot of stories but here's my favorite

>Working a night shift from 5-2am, it's roughly 7pm on a thursday so the town is pretty poppin
>get an order from an older malecustomer who always tips really well, he orders like twice a week
>always noticed he had an ankle monitor but didn't really think anything of it
>get food, drop off a few other orders then get to his apartment. Call him a few times to let him know, he doesnt pick up which is strange
>Notice a few chads standing inside the glass doorway entrance (this apartment was on our version of Frat Row so the apartment complex was mostly students)
>the door is locked and they see me, motion for me to go away
>I point to the order and they begrudgingly let me in
>Entrance is a landing on a split level, short staircases going up and down a floor
>notice a woman's leg on the floor on the level below, her torso and head obscured by a wall

I had never actually been in the apartment building, the customer who ordered had always just met me at the front door so I didn't know which apt was his

>go down the stairs and see that this woman is laying pantsless in a bra halfway in a doorway and I hear shouting and banging from the open doorway
>doberman patrolling the floor comes over and harasses me for food and I begin to go into shock
>woman looks up
>bloody nose
>"He raped me please help me"
>I hold up the food (completely in shock at this point)
>Cops burst through the front door and down the stairs, look at me and shout "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE" "WHAT THE FUCK WHY ARE YOU HERE LEAVE DUMBASS"
>I nod and sprint up the stairs to my car
>Eat the orange chicken he ordered

Free meal desu

>> No.10071808

why was your dad such a fucking faggot ? yelling at his 12yo son instead of lashing out on the filthy wops ?

>> No.10071821

Well, considering that there's no adverse effects to circumcision, and there's a number of negative effects for removing clitorises no they're not the same

>> No.10071827

I have, in fact, posted this story before in the past.

>> No.10071832

>Its like a whole other planet when you cross the bridge to Tacoma
What's the white neighborhood, Gig Harbor?

I worked out of our Tacoma office and remember nothing but criminal dindus.

>> No.10071838

Worked there for 6 months on a temp assignment. I was in a house for two hours interviewing a rape victim.

Go outside and find all four tires on my unmarked slashed, with half a dozen niggers across the street jumping and hollering NAH MANG WE DIN SEE NUFFIN HEEHEEHEE

>> No.10071840

I got robbed twice in 3 months while delivering pizza, never had any problems with the aftermath and the company I worked for compensated me for the trouble.

Then again I lost more money to coworkers stealing from my drop box with a lock cutter and no camera in the managers office than I did after being held at gunpoint twice, fuck those guys, glad I'm currently making more than all of them combined per annum.

>> No.10071841

another good one:

The husband and wife who owned the chinese place were from a remote village in china and didn't speak any english, so I was essentially the manager to the rest of the stoner degenerates who got hired. Also they listed my fucking phone as the complain line I guess because I still get calls to this day about the shitty service. Either way

>mostly work nights
>the couple's daughters would occasionally run the register while I ran orders and waited on people
>around 6pm the family who owned the place would get together and have a dinner at the table in the back of the dining room while I handled all the responsibilities
>tonight they are eating shrimp or something out of a large metal bowl
>wife is screeching in moon rune about something to do with money
>husband is sitting slumped, face in his meal and clearly trying not to snap
>she slaps him with a towel
>he stands up and cracks her in the dome with the metal shrimp bowl
>shrimps everywhere
>she hits the floor like a bitch and then gets up and runs to the register
>grabs the screen (the register was pretty much just a monitor on a drawer)
>tries to tear it from the register to hit him with it
>their daughter calmly tells me to take an order
>do this and come back
>cops there talking to them

I worked at this place for almost 4 years and these two would work 80+ hour weeks as the sole operators

This kind of domestic violence happened at least twice a month and I had to constantly explain to cops that I had no idea what was going on

Good times

>> No.10071850

>No adverse effects to circumcision
As someone who was circumcised, fuck you Jew.

>> No.10071862

Neither are good, but clitsnipping is much worse

>> No.10071869

Please, post your scientific evidence about how circumcision is bad. Because, you know, studies show that it's not.

>> No.10071870

>no adverse effects
It's not as bad as having your clitoris removed but it's still bad. When did the ethical question of whether or not mutilation is acceptable come to be based on how bad other forms of mutilation are in comparison?

>> No.10071888

>when the civil war kicks off
keep larping my man
>I actually have a dildo large enough I wish I could pain you with.
>military cocksucker actually is homo

>> No.10071898

It might have been a different group of niggers
black people usually don't like to snitch

>> No.10071901

>Studies in Jew
Okay, Rabbi Shekels, maybe I should rub my desensitized glans on your face.

>> No.10071904

>I have nothing to say but I'll shitpost anyway
You could just say you were wrong, it's not the end of the world.

>> No.10071915

I agree to an extent
The absolute worst customers are boomers, by far and away even your standard gen x suburban soccer mom with the modified Bob and 3 half breeds is usually tame compared to a Boomer that feels slighted
Blacks are just blacks, they are either just like your whites or a thorough ghetto trash, and the easiest way to get the niggers to not nig up your place of business is to treat them the way they treat you once they feel "equal" they usually back down

>> No.10071916

can we please talk about food service stories

>> No.10071917

this is 4chan bruh, no one ever admits they're wrong. I think it's probably a bannable offense

>> No.10071918

>well there's no bad effects so let's just do it anyways!
An unnecessary procedure is an unnecessary procedure. There's no adverse effects to just leaving it, so how about you not snip fucking baby penises you fucking Jew pedophile faggot?

>> No.10071921

>No adverse effects
That's a pretty weak reason to do it, and it's also incorrect. Circumcision cripples a man's sexual experience much like cutting off the clitoris would cripple a woman's. You can argue whether or not it's on the same scale, but I'd say the only real difference is that here it's just normal for it to be done to men, which is why we don't see it as a bad thing. Outside the US, the only people who get circumcised are Jews.

>> No.10071923

>if you can't afford to tip, you cant afford to eat out
god forbid you ever do your job and be content with your wage you cunt

>> No.10071926

>buttblasted because he has no legit reason for us to be playing in the sandbox for 15 fucking years
Okay then, buckerino. Go back to the drinky-drinky or whatever the fuck it is you do.

>> No.10071932


>> No.10071940

I did call the cops when I got to a nearby store, they stole my phone
The dudes were in some abandoned property though, so the address didn't link to them, just the description of them

>> No.10071951
File: 61 KB, 1425x966, Circumcision-FEATURE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, except once again equating circumcision to clit snipping is stupid. Because clit snipping DOES have marked negative effects.

I've found no studies that claim this as fact. At best the studies are unclear, because it's hard to chart and track that kind of thing. Seems like this is just an assumption on your part. Oh and the US isn't even the country that has the highest circumcision rates.

>> No.10071952

And Muslims and Koreans.

>> No.10071955

Relevant https://youtu.be/BhbBC1vvbiI

>> No.10071958

>Pajeets, sand niggers, and chinks
their culture takes bartering for granted you ignorant faggot. I lost count of the times a kebab owner offered me free dessert, drink or even free lunch. I've never paid for indian food, most restaurants give the evening leftovers for free.

>> No.10071962

Yes it's almost like some doctors have differing opinions on the matter, because doctors are people with opinions.
Some doctors recommend it and some don't. It's as simple as that.

>> No.10071963 [DELETED] 

Look a the fucking jew women defender.
Slice your dick you asshole.

>> No.10071971

>Jewing the goalposts

>> No.10071972 [DELETED] 

Cutting of foreskin is bad.
Fuck outta here.

>> No.10071978

>The opinion of one doctor invalidates all other medical advice

>> No.10071980

>so your dumb ass doesn't have to live under shariah law
yeah it's totally because Afghanistan was going to invade the US, and absolutely not because of oil

>> No.10071982 [DELETED] 

They use a baby foreskin in skin cream.
That's why they do it.
Mr rabbi.
>being so mental strapping a baby to a table and slicing his penis off is normal to four Channers.
We lad.

>> No.10071983

>work in shitty sandwich shop with a drive thru
>people call in orders and we tell them we'll have it ready in like 10 minutes
>mother fuckers show up two minutes later, jump into our drive thru line, dont bother to stop at the menu and tell they're here to pick up their order and just pull up to the window
>freak the fuck out when their order isn't ready
Or better yet
>sell baked potatoes
>have limited amounts everyday
>customer shows up 5 minutes till close and cant understand we sold out of spuds 20 minutes ago
>"ma'am they take an hour and a half in the oven and we close in 5 minutes
Call me lazy all you want but you niggers need to learn how to cook your own food before you start getting uppity with the people that make your food

>> No.10071986 [DELETED] 

This nine eleven was an inside job so dick Chaney can sell more bombs.
Dont for get the bushes own a monopolies on crude oil.

>> No.10071987

well sort of. it's a "peaceful" invasion in which they use the "unlivable" condition of their countrys to mass export muslims who once they have even a small community they demand to live like the place they "fled" from

>> No.10071989 [DELETED] 

>The opinion of one Jew "doctor" validates a cosmetic procedure
Get rekt, Josef Mengele was a saint compared to you """"people""""

>> No.10072021

France, every street is named after either some people, event, or historic landmark. Having the same name used in the same town is fucking retarded.

>> No.10072026

>proved wrong
>gets assblasted
typical military cocksucker
>make the place habitable enough
Sending military doesn't make a place better

>> No.10072038

what do you suggest then, just throw money at the shithole like we do in africa? no sense in repeating what doesn't work. I'm not saying the military is the right solution but that's not the issue, the issue is you seem to think because of how our freely elected leaders choose to use our military that service men and women should be reviled, but somehow those same leaders are perfectly respectable

>> No.10072045

What the literal fuck happened to this topic

>> No.10072049 [DELETED] 

>muh politics
>muh military
>muh USA

>> No.10072061

seems like everyone in this thread is a server, clerk, or delivery person.
Oh you poor entitled babies.
Try being a chef and actually learning a skill.

>> No.10072063

A Jewish Wendy's chef decided to give his opinion on genital mutilation and Mideast policy.

>> No.10072068

Ah I guess you happened then.

>> No.10072073

>guy calls in 2 hours before close
>says he works overnight and would like a pizza delivered as late as we can
>driver says he will deliver it on his way home and call the manager to clock him out
>guy gets his pizza after close and we still get out at a normal time
Was many years ago but just shows dont be a twat and people will do what they can.

>> No.10072075


>> No.10072084

Found the jew

>> No.10072086

If you guys wanna know, I had a friend who's the perfect test. He's been circumsized at 20, and told me there's no real difference except the inside of the foreskin doing some lubricating.

>> No.10072087

>Because clit snipping DOES have marked negative effects.
What does it do aside from decreased sexual function?

Okay let's look at your article. Right off the bat it tells us that the foreskin and other associated parts do in fact have nerves that are lost when a man is circumcized, and it goes on to say that the study conducted to see whether or not sensitivity was lost was rather wonky, but even with all that it still concluded that the foreskin was not only sensitive, but the most sensitive part. The follow-up studies used a different method of measurement, measuring actual pain instead of sensitivity - I would argue that makes it a poor choice for validating the (already-wonky) study done prior. No one's inflicting pain on the foreskin during sex, unless of course you're into that.
>But I still don’t see how the conclusion follows. It sounds like the foreskin is acutely sensitive to the lightest and most gentle of touches (as well as to mild sensations of warmth), while being somewhat less sensitive to outright pain. Is that supposed to count against the foreskin?
I think though, this bit was the most important part:
>a man with a particularly sensitive foreskin has more to lose by cutting it off, and that’s something you can’t know in advance when you’re looking at an infant.


>> No.10072091

You can state that circumcision keeps your penis cleaner, but I don't cut off my asscheeks just because it keeps my butthole cleaner. This plays into the HIV factor as well.
This article explains that HIV spread slows because the body spends less time fighting bacteria on the penis, since there's not as good an environment to harbor it. Okay, maybe in the slums of Africa where people fuck virgins to try and cure AIDS it might be seen as a last-ditch effort to curb the spread, but here in the states? Wash your dick and use a condom. If cutting off a woman's clit slowed the spread of STD's, I doubt that would suddenly make it okay.

>> No.10072095

I'm a vet and you're completely right.

The people who go balls deep in to that culture are the people who never accomplished anyone post military. Like the guys who ended up working at McDonald's or being a UPS driver who need to go on and on because that one enlistment was the most they will ever accomplish in their lives.

Or they're Marines who are just violently indoctrinated to be knuckle dragging retards.

>> No.10072097

No customer is worse than an Asian woman. None.

>> No.10072099

fuck off. Go read about why there hasn't been a third oil strike instead of spouting the sperm you've been drinking

>> No.10072103

Don't know about him, but I live in Eastern WA and we start hitting high 80s/low 90s by early March.

>> No.10072109

>Only reads part of the article
I guess it was too much to expect for you to read the whole thing.
>Sure it has marked health benefits but people should just clean themselves more!

>> No.10072110

>somehow those same leaders are perfectly respectable
No you faggot. The current government is a corrupt cancer, and everyone supporting it, from the rich vampires running it to the patriotic slaves who fight for them are all guilty.

>> No.10072111

Doing God's work, anon

>> No.10072114

Yes, because a guy who chose to have a procedure and hasn't lived decades with the decision should be trusted more than someone who has had a mutulated dick for 3 decades.

>> No.10072122

Good, last thing they need is some fag with an open wound getting BBPs in their meal.

>> No.10072125


>> No.10072128

I did read the whole thing. Is there something I was supposed to take from it that you think I missed?
>Sure it has marked health benefits but people should just clean themselves more!
The New York Times article you linked states that the health benefits here in the states are miniscule at best, stating that it's more effective in third-world countries.

>> No.10072133

>a guy who chose to have a procedure
he didn't, he had to undergo the surgery because, if I remember and understood well, he had a phymosis that got worse after some time.
>someone who has had a mutulated dick for 3 decades.
your feefees hold no value you asshurt cuck. If you haven't had sex with and without foreskin your crying is irrelevant.

>> No.10072135

>muh oil
>muh oil
>muh oil
you sound like a broken record shitstain

>> No.10072137

The article YOU linked shows that it does have health benefits, and you even admit here that they exist even if they're minuscule.

>> No.10072139

How long has he been circumcised for, anon?

>> No.10072142

>than someone who has had a mutilated dick for 3 decades
The fact that your feelings are hurt over your parents circumcising you is hilarious. I'm sure your parents are proud having raised a "son" like you

>> No.10072144

keep the asshurt coming faggot, I'm sure it'll change history. Invading one of the biggest oil producers sure doesn't make sense when you're blinded by patriotic sperm.

>> No.10072150

My point is that they hardly warrant such a drastic and permanent procedure. If you feel it's enough to cut off your foreskin to decrease your chances of a UTI by 1%, or to decrease your chance of penile cancer, an already incredibly rare occurrence, by however much, then be my guest, go for it, but at the very least, leave it to the individual to make that decision when they're capable of doing it, not to the parents when that person is a baby.

>> No.10072154

at the time it was 8 years, now it must have been 15. But what he told me about the after surgery was pure nightmare fuel.
lmao exactly.

>> No.10072165

South Tacoma way. Its sucks so much ass down there.
Seriously. Back in the late 90’s it was a goddamn war zone, i seen a guy get shit about 18 times outside of my business parters Arco, the one at that 4 way intersection right before south tacoma way
Yea, tell that to the police
>told me i couldnt physically restrain anyone anymore because one of the times i did, i ended up breaking one of leroys toofs.
BINGO. Seriously, its like night and day going from coontown, where you see litter, potholes and malt liqour cans to going to gig harbor where its clean and white and free of ghetto trash

>> No.10072166

That's fair I guess, but this entire argument started because someone was equating circumcision to clit snipping. Which I was saying is ridiculous because circumcision is a medical procedure that is pretty widely accepted and doesn't have a host of huge issues. And clit snipping isn't like that at all.

I feel like the argument has been hugely derailed.

>> No.10072170

Seriously. God i hate lakewood so fucking much, its like a literal hell except the devils minions are niggers wearing oversized clothing

>> No.10072174

Not to defend clit snipping, but can you explain what's negative about it aside from hindering sexual experience? Not trying to put you down, just curious.

>> No.10072178

>what do you suggest then, just throw money at the shithole like we do in africa?
But Iraq literally didn't need an intervention or aid.

>> No.10072185

>aside from hindering sexual experience
So.. what's wrong with it besides the big thing blatantly wrong with it?

>> No.10072189

(((NY TIMES)))

>> No.10072190

Dude, come on. I was just asking you a question to try and learn more. Maybe there was another factor that I didn't know about it.

>> No.10072192

>I don't know shit: the post
>Let me reiterate that I'm a filthy Jew
We heard you the first time

>> No.10072194

They literally just do it so the woman can't experience sexual pleasure. Like...LITERALLY.

>> No.10072195

It completely desensitizes sexual intercourse, and depending of the variant (clit, clit+roots, clit+roots+labia) it can be a messy thing with a high chance of infection.
Though this whole discussion is retarded since vaginal mutilation is mostly practiced by heretical niggers and edgyptians who are essentially a nation of rapists.

>> No.10072199

Boy, it seems like your pushing this circumcision thing oretty hard! Whats your last name; berg? Stein?

>> No.10072202

>>I don't know shit: the post
Why are you so asshurt you cuck ? Told you about my friend, who's the only man I know of who could make the comparison. And you're just bawling your eyes out because I don't consider your feelings as proofs.

>> No.10072206
File: 100 KB, 1484x1005, pbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only Jews circumcise their kids
>I don't know what I'm talking about
Yeah you know all those African Jews? Or all those Korean Jews?

>> No.10072211

>Take my second hand anecdotal evidence as proof
You're a retard

>> No.10072212

>implying Africans and Koreans cant be religiously jewish

>> No.10072217

As opposed to what ? Your hurt feefees ?

>> No.10072220

What is Ethiopia?
Nigga you dumb

>> No.10072222

>he doesn't see the irony in his post
Guess military is right fit for you.

>> No.10072227

>Post scientific article
>Your feefees
Hello Trump

>> No.10072228

Okay, so it really is just about making sex worse.
Wasn't modern day circumcision started for the same thing? Kellogg and wanting to keep little kiddies from fiddling their diddles?

>> No.10072229
File: 135 KB, 460x460, 13677-0330_memba_them_after_22_full-480w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10072235

I don't think so. It's more about an outdated society that still really just use women for whatever they please.

>> No.10072236


>> No.10072238

4chan should rangeban am*ricans.

>> No.10072249

>>Post scientific article
There have been scientific articles posted, and didn't say shit about a significant loss of sensitivity, especially since circumcision keeps the foreskin inside skin. Anyway, not my problem, keep raging, maybe you'll grow a foreskin out of sheer despair.

>> No.10072255
File: 56 KB, 700x517, Religion_Korean_Life_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look I'm not saying there's NO Jewish Africans and Koreans, but c'mon man. C'mon.
Looking up stats for Ethiopia, I wasn't able to find a significant Jewish population there either.

>> No.10072257

>Article states exactly the opposite
>But I'm a 4Chan doctor
Okay faggot

>> No.10072258
File: 14 KB, 186x157, 1488279790987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did this thread went from food service industry stories to circumcision?

>> No.10072268

>The pizza delivery guy hasn't studied how religions spread
What a shock

>> No.10072273

And the military is helping them how? more people have died in iraq over the invasion period than what saddam managed to kill over 40 years, the regions have became even more repressive towards women and extremist islamism's popularity is through the roof there.
This is also ignoring the fact that female circumcision is not practiced much if at all in Iraq or Afghanistan.
some butthurt military kid got mad that he wasted his life and nobody respects him or his buddies.

>> No.10072275

>Nice made up story, rebbit
Spend some time in Tacoma, Lakewood, or Parkland. The nigger communes of Washington.

>> No.10072287

>Sure I have no evidence of my claims being true but you're a brainlet!
Ok. Guess I gotta blow you out completely.
>Ethiopia’s Jewish community, however, as been diminishing rapidly over the past several decades, and is scheduled to essentially disappear this year as the last members of the Beta Israel community depart for Israel.

>> No.10072292

Sounds to me then like it's a symptom and not the disease.

>> No.10072304

>Before backpedaling
>There are no nigger Jews
Pizza's getting cold mong.

>> No.10072310

Work in Pierce County, it wouldn't be unlawful imprisonment if the clerk thought a crime had occurred.

Also, I get called to those stores all the fucking time. Nig says DINDUNUFFIN, clerk says he stole something. I check the camera footage and guess who's lying 99 times out of 100?

>> No.10072330

I literally said "Look I'm not saying there's NO Jewish Africans and Koreans, but c'mon man" but if you want to live in denial that's cool. Sorry you were wrong on the internet, I guess?

>> No.10072336

>Yeah you know all those African Jews? Or all those Korean Jews?
Before backpedaling, illiterate retard.

>> No.10072352

I know English is a difficult language to understand but that doesn't mean "those countries do not have any of that religion" it just means it's not prevalent. To the point where it's far less than .01%. And obviously that figure isn't going to explain the near 100% circumcision rates.

>> No.10072360

Some career advice, start a cherry farm, you're good at picking them.

>> No.10072365

>When you've been proven wrong but you just continue to argue semantics
Gee you must be a joy to hang with IRL. Not even trying to argue your stupid point anymore, are ya?

>> No.10072382

>Hurr Durr hurr Durr
I'm glad your dying next week.

>> No.10072384

>Sure over 99.99% of their population isn't Jewish but SOME Jewish people probably exist. That explains why everyone is circumcised.
>I'm not arguing semantics!

>> No.10072389

Can you explain how everyone in their countries are circumcised and it's somehow the Jews faults when so few of them are Jewish? Are Jews just that powerful in Africa and Korea?

>> No.10072390

>Judaic rituals aren't a self replicating virus
>America has a ~80% Jewish population
>African Jess are a myth, goyim
Who's paying you?

>> No.10072393

>shop closes at midnight
>close ten minutes earlier than midnight
>11:55pm rolls by
Thats why.

>> No.10072397

Can you just wait for a fuckhing answer you impetetous child?

>> No.10072401

The funny thing is that someone probably believes this.

>> No.10072408

>Says the guy selling sausage surgeries

>> No.10072413

According to some fuckoff random site, it started in Korea after they gained independence from Japan following the war, and it was mostly due to American occupation.

And Africa is because it prevents the spread of AIDS. When your method of curing AIDS is to fuck a virgin, I guess desperate times call for desperate measures.

>> No.10072420

>African Jess are a myth, goyim
I am cracking up at the mental image of tribal Africans all wearing kippahs and eating matza ball soup.

>> No.10072425

That's actually pretty interesting. Thanks for that anon, I learned a fact today.

>> No.10072448

They look a very much like ethopians and some of their synagogues are cliché mudhuts with corrugated iron roofs.
The region actually has a long history of Jews and Chrisitan communities, some of the oldest churches are in Ethopia.

>> No.10072463
File: 117 KB, 1200x1200, 3113DC3F-2A01-4F97-8C3B-8835A1BCC4A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shlomo here wanting us to forget that Israel is paying African jews to gtfo of thier ethnostate while at the same time kvetching over white people wanting a wall to keep smelly dirty brown people out.

>> No.10072488

>America has a ~80% Jewish population

>> No.10072494

He could be right though. Theres no telling how many (((fellow huwite people))) are actually fellow whites or kikes. Unless you developed a smell for them like i did, a jew may be unnoticed amongst a group of white humans

>> No.10072521

To reach 80%, you would need almost everyone but blacks and asians to be jewish, which is highly unlikely.

>> No.10072553

“B-but EVERYONE has a little bit of black or jew in them, goy. Didnt you know theres no such thing as white?!?”

>> No.10072590

I'm getting a kick out if the fact that somebody has been spamming that gay waiter article copypasta to try to derail threads but somehow it was ignored in favor of derailing ourselves via foreign policy and circumcision. Which somehow we got to by discussing food service industry stories.

I'm just waiting to see if it somehow comes full circle and they end up back on the topic of cooking or complaining about customers. Maybe they'll start claiming circumcised customers from the middle east are the worst because they're sexually frustrated and angry at the West?

>> No.10072601

Fell for the meme degree = instant job so probably spent 4 years drinking

>> No.10072612
File: 30 KB, 368x368, 1415253338626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this thread weren't already slowly falling off the board this would annoy me. But goddamn, /pol/, can you please keep this crap to your own board.

>> No.10072764

She sounds like a fucking autist

>> No.10072804

>Implying /pol/ boogersman

>> No.10073047

I wouldn't even say that anymore. The West is controlled by leftists who are hellbent on importing shitskins until we're Iraq 2.0

>> No.10073058

>Then we battered and fried squares of it, and they called them fried chicken alfredo bars. They'd do the same thing with macaroni and cheese too.
This actually sounds kinda ok

>> No.10073097

Well jokes on them when I got a couple patrol guys to help me contact them, turns out 3 of the 4 had active warrants for everything from assault to theft.

They're all the fucking same. Any black person worth a damn is going to get out of the ghetto, the rest are just trash.

>> No.10073254

>cutting off part of your dick doesn't have any negative effects
>here's a huffpo article about it

fuck off, you got mutilated and one of your first character defining moments you were too young to even remember properly was a traumatic event that irreversibly changed your brain chemistry for the worst

>> No.10073354

>blaming /pol/ for the fact that blacks, Asians, and Jews are shitty tippers and high maintenance customers
Ask me how I know you never worked service in your life.

>> No.10073401

I worked fast food for over 5 years and retail for another 3. Blacks are far and away the most common shitty customers, it's staggering how often a black is fucking difficult for no reason. They're either rude, loud and obnoxious, thieves, hassle and complain at you for discounts and special favors, or any combination of these. While 1 out of every 10 or 20 white customers might be a little shitty, it's like a third or even half of black customers are abysmally shitty.

The only time I've had customers blatantly try to steal from my store they were black, the only time I've been cursed at and threatened they were black. Just about every time the store would be trashed it would be by a black, or their kids that they take no effort to control, every time a woman coworker was harassed or stalked it was a black. My town is 90+% white.

>> No.10074470

money laundering

>> No.10074556

Fake and gay.

>> No.10074593
File: 58 KB, 750x750, 1516933310877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah nah that map is wrong.

>> No.10074604

We don't have street names at all here in Japan and houses are numbered in the order they were built.