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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 79 KB, 800x580, wake me up inside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10066357 No.10066357 [Reply] [Original]

remember the good times edition

>> No.10066385
File: 60 KB, 576x597, no longer feeling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>late shift got canceled
>what a nice opportunity to read a book and go to bed early
who am I kidding, I'm gonna drink and smoke and watch shit movies until I pass out, ha ha ha

>> No.10066388

I remember feeling pretty happy before I blacked out.

>> No.10066391

how long were you on it? i stopped pretty easy after being on that high of a dose for ~6mos

>> No.10066392

So what exactly should I do with myself? Day 2 sober and I'm already bored as fuck

>> No.10066399

do what i do shitpost on 4chan 24/7
look into a gym membership though you probably don't want to go quite yet
watch movies i just stream them

>> No.10066415

What movie should I watch saw "Hostiles" on Sunday and "Only The Brave" last night

>> No.10066426
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>2 more sleeps til NEETbux

>> No.10066441

waiting to go offshore

no reply. flight could be in 3 hours or 2 weeks. no one mentioned shit. i haven't tapered.

fuck it. have a beer.

12 beers later "have a cold one guys it might be two days".. thank fuck i have time to taper

tonight have 12 x 500ml cans beer and 4 pints out.

woke up ok but then started sweating like fuck with weird tendrils and fingers tickling my heart in ways i couldn't stop

>> No.10066454

Not sure famalam. I was recently on a horror kick and watched Halloween and Friday the 13th series. If you're familiar with The Room and haven't seen the disaster artist it's alright, though the book is more interesting.

>> No.10066456

Not really related but am curious, are you allowed to smoke on offshore rigs?

>> No.10066464

People dip or chew on the job

>> No.10066467


i work on a diving vessel so as long as you are outside of the 500m zone you can smoke on open decks otherwise you smoke in the smoking room.

On the rigs they have designated smoking rooms with extractor fans etc.

Due to the amount of sensors they have festooned on every rig you will know the second anything goes awry that may be flammable so there is no risk even if you smoked near the production rig

>> No.10066479


the divers dip or chew due to combustion issues in the sat chamber, the rest of them especially the ones based in asia are chimney motherfuckers

>> No.10066483

Has anyone ever had extremely severe chest pain after drinking? I assume it was really bad heartburn. I hadn’t eaten for a day because of a stomach flu, and then drank just a half pint of vodka with two tacos from Taco Bell. That night my chest and stomach felt like they were being stabbed for about 7 hours. The pain was so bad that I was having major sweats. I fell asleep and it’s gone. I always used to drink on an empty stomach, but I’ve never had chest pain to this extreme before. Can I still drink?

>> No.10066488
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>almost no sleep in 3 sober days, sciatic joint ruined, asshole bleeding, ears ringing, eyes stinging, neighbor’s dog barking, no Tay Tay tongue massaging my dick
Yeah nah man fuck this, taking 3 lorazepam, downing a bottle of Hennessy and pretending life isn’t real.

>> No.10066489

sounds like you gave yourself an ulcer.
or stomach cancer

>> No.10066494


how can you drink that shit.... fuck its like dog dick liquid if the dog dick had been sucked by a pusjule that looks like amy schumer's pusjule

>> No.10066520

It’s all I’ve got. It’s awesome for flambeing wild mushrooms. It gives me such a thundering clustercunt of a headache that I thought I could resist drinking it, but FUCK today, so fuck you shitake, imma go black out and shit the bed.

>> No.10066523

Had 800ml last night and honestly feel fine today

>> No.10066536


ive never shit the bed per se but i have had liquid between my cheeks and 3 weeks ago i pissed the bed. usually i can wake up and hold the pee and not go but seemingly this time it was a liquid affair/

the one and only time i have had hennessey we decided to be niggaz and get hennessey and listen to rap. The rap was awesome. That first sip each of hennessey was enough to turn us off it forever. We ended up trading it for a miniscule amount of weed. uck that shit

>> No.10066594

So I'm going to try to find a therapist as a last chance before I eat a bullet. Any advice? I don't really know what to expect or even who to go to. Can I mention suicidal thoughts or do they throw me in the nuthouse with that?

>> No.10066613


suicidal thoughts means cash flow for them you need to keep going back.

find a free mental health service there must be one and utilize it to fuck

>> No.10066618

try magic mushrooms

>> No.10066623

perhaps try a counselor instead, therapists have a vested interest in keeping you "sick"
also it may take you a couple guys to find someone who fits you well
don't get discouraged if the first second or third ones don't work out
i wouldn't mention suicidal thoughts

>> No.10066628

I fucking love mushrooms, but this is more for self-hatred than alcoholism/drugs. Childhood sexual abuse and all that.

>> No.10066633

In my Canadian experience unless you have a plan you will be ok. It would go on file though which might be a bad thing.

>> No.10066634
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Getting smashed on some Jim Beam and coca-cola while cooking chicken soup and friend chicken and playinh some CS:GO in the downtime

Who else here /comfy/, lads?

>> No.10066663

how'd you qualify?

>> No.10066666


>> No.10066682

witnessed and checked

>> No.10066690

I'm not an al/ck/ but I do play CS:GO
Would you like to play with me tomorrow?
post steam

>> No.10066756
File: 166 KB, 1000x1500, dd3bbfadc21c9c90eb9dc6987378ec9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7 day vacation off work, nothing but beer and masturbating, wish me luck alcoholics. It would be whiskey but I can't drink liquor anymore

>> No.10066763


get a hooker , exeperience cunt for a day at least, break up the masturbating monotony man

>> No.10066764

The worst part of going sober isn't the desire for alcohol it's the fucking boredom

>> No.10066776

I go to an Asian massage parlor occasionally

>> No.10066781

Sauce on that gorgeous lady

>> No.10066830

how much do they charge?

>> No.10066831

Having extreme pain for an hour every day precisely where my kidneys are located is presumably fine, right? Both sides now. Was only on the left for the first month, now another month into it and it’s both. Psh, not like alchies need kidneys or anything

>> No.10066837

Massage plus "tip"usually click on around 150-160 depending on the place

>> No.10066848

I have to sleep with my elbow wedged between the bed and my ribs so my soft tissue doesn't touch the bed. Fun times.

>> No.10066860
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Don’t know how you can be so attracted to muscular chicks. Grils are supposed to be delicate, vulnerable little qt3.14’s who cry and struggle while you squirt babbys up their gineys

>> No.10066878
File: 218 KB, 388x763, C4AECE09-B068-4505-8E69-F57351B202B9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you imagine the cringe alchie girls must endure? Having grilbits while blacked out has to be a fucking minefield

>> No.10066890
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>Keep posting pics hahaha

>> No.10066901

>pepperoni nipples
not even once

so anons i've got myself an 18 pack of lone star
a handle of evan williams
and an empty double shot sitting in front of me

my stomach feels bad, i haven't eaten in 10 hours and i don't even feel like drinking but this is what men do right. how to proceed

>> No.10066909
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She's perfect

>> No.10066912

alternate shots of water and whiskey

>> No.10066915
File: 27 KB, 209x207, 1504837878926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need an uncensored pls
Also is that ugly af anon here? We never got to see his face or the face of the broad who called him ugly

>> No.10066927
File: 38 KB, 750x420, allison-stokke-the-one-x-the-wonder-photoshoot_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd give up the liquor for her :3

>> No.10066933

Who is this semen demon?

>> No.10066947

This. Also they should not enjoy sex. That's gross.

>> No.10066964
File: 52 KB, 650x718, 065f94085c9f31d6774dcaf2fa73e72b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Blocks your path*

>> No.10067005

>women with extra testosterone do not enjoy sex
With you?

>> No.10067016

lol Carly and Richie are fucking bros

>> No.10067044
File: 104 KB, 600x600, 1515192437558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My best friend died today.
He was 25.

>> No.10067068


>> No.10067096
File: 12 KB, 331x313, 1505107471281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing I don't have social media outside of snapchat, or you'd probably see cringe compilations of me on here. Although I'm not a grill, so

>> No.10067100
File: 327 KB, 1600x1000, cutecroc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for Ur Loss

>> No.10067112

Fucking talking to the ex sober right now. Mistakes were made since I mentioned drinking. She's probably thinking I'm a useless cunt and is happy she's done with me

Rip m8. pour one out

>> No.10067120

That's a really long time for a dog, especially a pug.

>> No.10067140
File: 374 KB, 1280x1760, 1512035868270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any lads willing to spare $3 for someone in withdrawals who could use a tallboy? Waiting to get on welfare but it's not going so well... paypal.me/keanucarson and I'm sure you'll go to heaven. Could give a mega link of all the episodes of Devilman Crybaby in return and definitely pay it forward when I've got a bit to spare

>> No.10067148

sent .01 BTC :)

>> No.10067149

Would but I'm broke myself. Best of luck

>> No.10067172
File: 36 KB, 482x427, 1511908630799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did we do this to ourselves man. Everyone told us not to. We were shown the way so many times

>> No.10067188
File: 50 KB, 472x785, Dirlewanger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a major case of the shakes right now lads...

>> No.10067191

i feel very bad for alcoholics and those with addiction, but i feel even worse giving them money to fuel what is destroying them.

i would love to buy you a sandwich instead, but i know my dollariedoos are only controlled by you.

i am sorry, i hope you can take care.

>> No.10067195

You see this one's not that bad but only because her arms arn't that big.
If you are attracted to any more muscle than I'm afraid you caught the gay.

>> No.10067206
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Appreciate the sentiment, have no one to blame for myself. Wish I would have stocked up to taper before blacking out and waking up to an empty checking account... can't even hold water down right now

>> No.10067214

Alcohol isn't why I'm broke. My parents are rich and I live with them.

>> No.10067222

Ah that's very lucky for you. You better treat them right and value their rules of the house my man, once family is gone we truly have nothing left.

>> No.10067225
File: 26 KB, 500x696, carrots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw slowly got sober
>went from everyday for 2 years to once on the weekends or twice in 6 months
>intense boredom and sometimes I get so angry because all I want to do is drink usually goes away in a couple hours

So this is my life now. Kind of sucks.

>> No.10067239
File: 3.00 MB, 540x300, tumblr_p2i8nnfEy81qdhps7o1_5401.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, muscle shows they care about how they look enough to do what most women won't

>> No.10067245

I've never had the shakes but if I go 48 hours without a drink I get really bad heart pain, the moment I take a sip of liquor it goes away. Never had stomach pain though.

>> No.10067249
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Are you saying you'll send us pizzas?

>> No.10067260

he clearly said sandwiches

>> No.10067261

would but im unemployed so...
i do feel for ya though mate
just wait it out

>> No.10067267
File: 82 KB, 700x700, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mother abused me physically and emotionally. Don't care what happens to her. My dad is a wonderful person though and I'll always care for him.

>> No.10067270

A pizza is a sandwich if you don't think about it too hard.

>> No.10067277

This. A pizza is just an openface sandwich

>> No.10067283

>I'm tired of waking up so dehydrated. I'm going to drink water throughout the night so I'm well hydrated
>Wake up to mattress soaked with dark yellow liquorpiss

>> No.10067298



>> No.10067304

Kinda figured here would be the first place to understand my plight but the last to have the means to help as its a shared one... was worth a shot at least

Fair enough

>> No.10067320

took about 0.5 mg of clonazepam
got about 2 shots of 30% liquor left
should i drink it y/n?

>> No.10067343

only if you want to pass out and separate the wrinkles in your brain, retard

>> No.10067350

I mean, it's not gonna really do anything. Neither of those are significant quantities of either.

>> No.10067359

that's what i was thinking
oh well

>> No.10067419

>0.5 mg of clonazepam
>2 shots of 30% liquor

It's nothing. Go for it if you want. People overestimate the dangers of mixing booze and benzos. It takes a fuckton of both to cause a fatal OD, yet every faggot thinks taking one bar of xanax and a six pack of beer is dangerous

>> No.10067443

how much would actually be dangerous?

>> No.10067481

This is just a wild guess, but I'd say maybe 20mg of xanax and half a liter of vodka would be the bare minimum to fatally OD in most healthy people

For benzos alone, it would take at least a couple hundred milligrams of alprazolam

>> No.10067506


Are you the lad who recommended Ningen Shikkaku in the last thread? If so you should read Pan by Knut Hamsun, it's much more comfy until everything goes to shit.

>> No.10067526
File: 32 KB, 331x499, easy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading pic related cured my addiction.

>> No.10067549

lmao nigga just don't put the drink to your lips

>> No.10067560

where the fuck am i supposed to put it then my bum?

>> No.10067578


>> No.10067585

well that doesn't count as drinking does it?

>> No.10067640

at 21 I've reached the point when I can drink 40& ABV liquor without feeling the burn, just the bad, salty taste of the cheap alcohol
and I'm trying to get partly drunk because I think that will help me study because that way I'll manage not to think about the fact that I'm poor
it's starting to work

should I be worried?

>> No.10067660

You want to become an alcoholic it sounds like

>> No.10067670

be worried that you're dumb enough to think that drinking will help you study, not that you're developing alcoholism because you've managed to find 40% abv liquors, a massively popular category of beverages, palatable.

>> No.10067681

should I talk to someone about it, find a doctor, a girlfriend, focus on my hobbies, think about what in my life has been good, do something else entirely... ?
because at present drinking seems like a bad option, but still the best one among the realistic options

>> No.10067692

you're 21 and worrying about your schoolwork. are you sure you have any solvable problems?

>> No.10067715

I'm positive that drinking a bit at least has helped me study in the past
I'm not sure at all
I mean being poor is somewhat solvable, but right now I don't think I'd be able to reasonably keep up with school if I get a job right now
also drinking may be solvable if it's a problem

beware of lidl's whisky everyone, glen orchy might or might not be decent, but queen margot is plain bad

>> No.10067719

Anyone else feel like they have a very thin line between comfortably drunk and uncomfortably drunk?

I can feel good one minute, but just one more shot and I'm very dizzy and nauseous

>> No.10067720

find yourself a psychologist instead of a psychiatrist
then be honest with them

>> No.10067727

sounds like youre still healthy. quit while youre ahead

>> No.10067749

I feel good right up until blackout.

>> No.10067798

No. When I drank I would go from comfortably drunk and then the next minute it's 6+ hours later and I'm waking up in bed after blacking out and feeling like shit.

>> No.10067820

I do not
I feel pretty good, then I understand I'm drunk out of my mind and I still feel good
then I wake up, usually in bed or on the couch luckily, I feel heavy, I drink a lot of water and then I might repeat

>> No.10067833


Any advice for an Al/ck/ welder who wants to start working offshore and/or overseas?

>> No.10067843

used to mix 3-4 mg xanax with a fifth of whiskey when i had mad tolerance
suicide attempt was with 15 mg xanax 5 mg klonopin and a fifth of whiskey, didn't even put me down, i was talking in the ER and fine until the WDs kicked in and THAT is what fucked me

>> No.10067846
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I get really mad at women when I drink. Good thing I'm ugly enough that there's no women around for me to harm

>> No.10067891

You should get on Tinder and swipe through some profiles. You'll probably end up harming your phone.

>> No.10067999

>it would take at least a couple hundred milligrams of alprazolam

that's a shitload and might kill an elephant

>> No.10068022

>that's a shitload and might kill an elephant
tfw i want this much to kill myself

>> No.10068071

Eh, not really

The acute LD50 of alprazolam in rats is 331 to 2171 mg/kg

That's about 1800 to 11820 grams to reach the LD50 if you apply it to a 12,000lbs elephant, although I'm not certain elephants would have the same LD50 as rats

>> No.10068117



>> No.10068148

Doesn't it take 3-5 days to cash out?

>> No.10068155
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Is Mel /our guy/?

>> No.10068184
File: 1.22 MB, 450x503, anigif_sub-buzz-25153-1477427250-3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally yes

>> No.10068237

Literal same thing happened to me 3 weeks ago. Went to the emergency since chest/heart pain is in no way normal at 23. Doctors did a coronography on me by sending cameras to my heart through my arteries and said heart was fine. Apparently virus came and went and it caused a myocarditis (inflamation of the heart). I was relieved as fuck.

>> No.10068249



>> No.10068266

low test/fag/shit taste/yeah you like traps maybe/>supposed to be/stop liking what I don't like
but really
/fit/ girls are attractive
there's a torrent you can probably find

>> No.10068277


Same. Tweaked my back wrestling with one of my friends and I couldn't lie down or sit the pain was so bad.

>> No.10068285


Pouring out the 40 for the dead homie.

>> No.10068291

Google Kittens from /soc/

>> No.10068303

Naltrexone is gay. 6 pack and 2 glasses of gin in and no buzz or cozy feeling. Not even tired.

I just want to pass out and not wake up.

>> No.10068316

Yup, and al/ck talked me out of going to the ER.

Debilitating chest pain with left arm numbness ended up being because I switched from beer to 2 handles of straight whiskey a week. Heartburn and neuropathy. Swapped back to beer and no more panics.

>> No.10068318

the alcohol will still cause nervous system depression. im drinking on my naltrexone now. you just wont get the endorphin rush.

>> No.10068321

Does phenibut really work? Going to order 90 250mg for 25 quid next week.

>> No.10068337

It works if you do a megadose the first time then never again

I recommend stims. Maybe a light cocaine habit

>> No.10068338

Yea, I don't feel anything.

I guess I get the concept that I'll eventually learn and drink less, but idk.

Drank Sunday from noon to 9pm and it was just an aside from me doing electrical work on someones house.

>> No.10068339

if you dont have a tolerance or much of a tolerance then drinking alcohol on naltrexone will make you tired and help you pass out

you just wont enjoy it much.

>> No.10068342

keep taking it most days of the week. i reward myself on friday or saturday by not taking it 30 hours in advance, so i can enjoy a drunk session. but most of the week i take it. helps a lot man. hope it works for you.

>> No.10068344
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Today was the first day I haven't had a drink in 2 years. It's pretty weird. Shaking, but nothing too crazy. Wish me luck.

>> No.10068372

Thx. 3-4 days in. Still drink the same, but don't get drunk and don't feel bad in the morning. We'll see. Actually got it on the dark web when I was still pounding a fifth a night. Idk.

>> No.10068395

out of liquor lads

>> No.10068414

30 days sober woot woot

>> No.10068427


>> No.10068432

you can use it better. try to have a few sober days a week if you can. or taper down if you get withdrawals. use it for what its good for. it helps you cut down on drinking.

>> No.10068435

shaking is bad. serious withdrawals. get some 5% beers to taper down. cardinal sin of alcoholism is going cold turkey. bad for you.

>> No.10068440

gratz, you should do something to celebrate ;)

>> No.10068447

>tfw alcoholism is such a fucking beast of a disease that people celebrate having 30 measly days without it

but seriously good job man, keep it up, i hope you continue

>> No.10068448

>tfw only ever go cold turkey because i get too weak and start throwing everything up when i quit

>> No.10068452

RIGHT. you have to nurse your taper beers. drink them over like 20-30 minutes each. no more than one beer per hour. best if you drink a beer every 1.5 hours - every 3 hours.

>> No.10068521

anyone else take hot baths here during WDs? fucking works, it's like a mini 30 minute xanax

>> No.10068530

yeah just what i want to do when im sweating bullets and my heartrate is 200bpm

>> No.10068548

don't even fit in the tub since i was a kid
i can either have my body OR my legs submerged

>> No.10068550

Why do you al/ck/s even bother with these meticulous tapers when you know you will be back on liquor within months? All you are doing is worsening your problems. Every relapse makes the hole deeper. If you are going to kill yourself with this shit taste poison, just fucking go all the way. If you like oblivion so much, to hell with when oh finally withdrawal. Welcome DT, and die.

>> No.10068551

ok well 200 BPM don't get in the bath
but if it's below 100, you can take a bath, it'll jack up to 120 or 130 or so in the bath, then you get out and it'll settle down to the 80s for awhile

>> No.10068562

i like you faggot you'll fit in great around here

>> No.10068575

what do I mix with tequila coffee liqueur? got a bottle of sierra cafe
I've already tried coca cola and lime along with chocolate milk, both were really good in that stomach churning cocktail kind of way.

>> No.10068583

Yea, baby steps I guess. Got 90 days of pills. May as well give it a valent go.

>> No.10068584


>> No.10068589

you have no experience with what youre talking about. ive tapered many times and have gone on nice long stretches of sobriety or weekend drinking. if you lose control for a while a taper gets you back on track.

>> No.10068593

>Every relapse makes the hole deeper.
uhh that's kinda the point of tapering
to avoid that

>> No.10068704

How do I fall asleep? Only had 600ml this afternoon and can't pass out

>> No.10068718

go for a walk? drink some water for sure. hydration helps you relax.

>> No.10068719

I'm on my third week of no alcohol. I think the longest I've gone without getting drunk multiple times in a week in 6 years has been two weeks (14 days). In 6 years I haven't gone a month without drinking.

>> No.10068746

Benzos, weed, doxylamine,or diphenhydramine could help

>> No.10068755

very nice, anon. each time you break a new record it becomes easier to reach old records. you are on the right path.

>> No.10068775

I'll just grab some more booze

>> No.10068862

>drunkenly semi-flirting with cousin I know wants my dick
>I have a gf
What do al/co
Keep in mind if doesn't fucking matter what you tell me I'm going to get blackout and send nudes anywau

>> No.10068867

All women are whores. Do what you wish

>> No.10068874
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>> No.10068895
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I've said it before in these threads, but my trembling and muscle spasms/stiffness would get so bad during WD's that I would actually be too afraid to slip and fall getting in and out of the tub, or even trying to stand back up.

Shit is terrifying. It's why I would go weeks without a showers or baths while on long benders.

>> No.10068898


>> No.10068938
File: 16 KB, 291x343, sad penguine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go one week sober
>back to drinking right at this very moment

i am weak and I will not live past 30

>> No.10068960

a week sober is good. if you can go a few days or a week or whatever without drinking you are still ok.

>> No.10068969

>consensual cousin fucking
why not

>> No.10068979

bud light platinum is good

>> No.10069036
File: 71 KB, 741x493, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my gf bought a dog while ago i was at work training and i have grown to love the little fucker. We go on walks and he gets super excited when i come home. I never imagined myself liking a smaller dog but he is such a great companion and friend.

I had to travel for work and he took my place in my bed while i was gone. He's such a good dog. I love him.

pic related is him

>> No.10069072

Don't beat yourself up too bad. It's sneaky. Any time between drinks is good time. You're giving yourself a rest. There is nothing better than a sober morning with coffee and breakfast. Wishing you the best.

Nice job anon. I did about 3 weeks a little while ago. The boredom got me and ended up off the wagon, but life is improving. Hope you have strength to keep it going.

>> No.10069095

dogs are the best. small dogs are fine. theyre loving and fun. my mom has a mini schnauzer and i taker the dog on weekends to catch wild rabbits. shes very good at catching them. its fun and cute. love those doggos brother.

>> No.10069133

you have a photo? Sounds like a good dog anon.

Ours was a stray when we got him and hat matts all over. We shaved him down and then he got a good bath so now he's good to go. He's a small dog but because he was a stray for so long he doesn't quite act like it. He likes to chase squirrels and i'll run with him and let him pretend he's a wild beast. I feel like it's good for his self esteem.

>> No.10069142

average xanax dose is what, 0.5-2mg and that often puts people out. And you dont think a few hundred times that would kill a motherfucker? I mean it might not cause death by poisoning but the person is going to have extreme respiratory suppression

>> No.10069148

>tfw horrendous anxiety 24/7 but too afraid of getting hooked to benzos

>> No.10069164

A few hundred milligrams would probably not kill a "motherfucker" unless it's like an RC benzo like clonazelam

Read about LD50 for drugs. Benzos take a fuckton to OD on alone. I'm not trying to pretend benzos with alcohol aren't a blackout machine though

>> No.10069167 [DELETED] 

>Trump's cadence was flat

>> No.10069173
File: 1.60 MB, 2592x1944, 20180129_121114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This convo about doggos is really nice. My puppo would approve.

My borker is smedium, 25 pounds. We are taking him to the beach this summer at a dog friendly hotel on a dog friendly beach so he can relax and have a nice vacation.

>> No.10069178

you think benzos for anxiety to supplement alcoholic drinking might be useful without risk of addiction? I have terrible depersonalization and anxiety, but I'm afraid of getting in trouble with something else. I stick to drinking even though it's dumb because i know what it will do.

>> No.10069182

I think I love her lads


>> No.10069190

sounds super cool, hope enjoy
sometimes i wish i had a dog until i remember the hair and spit and snot and poop
cat is marginally better

>> No.10069195

he looks like a great dog, anon. What beach are you looking to go to? I live in florida and there are a few good dog beaches down here.

>> No.10069199

he looks pretty smart honestly!

>> No.10069202

they kinda do all that shit outside, whereas cats do it inside

>> No.10069209

happy your cat is your friend, but they don't provide the sort of companionship I look for They're okay but just to impersonal.

>> No.10069228
File: 3.18 MB, 4032x3024, 20180123_130757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking to go to Myrtle Beach since it is about a 10 hour drive from me and the whole place is very dog friendly.

He is very smart. Also cuddly, loyal...a true perfect angel.

>> No.10069231

I'm certainly not a doctor, but I would recommend staying away from benzos while addicted to alcohol unless you're using them strictly to lessen withdraw

Benzos generally become addictive much faster than alcohol. Like 4-6 weeks of 1mg daily clonazepam usage usually leads to addiction. Again, I'm not a doctor

>> No.10069239
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>> No.10069268

thanks for the tip anon. I"ve never taken them for anything though I sure could have used them for a few tough weeks. I'm just looking to break this shitty cycle.

what a great looking dog

>> No.10069297
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I'm sorry man, i dont normally reply to these posts but I feel bad about this one. idk why. nice dubs bro

>> No.10069305

I grew up with miniature poodles all my life thanks to my mom and I gotta say, those fuckers are smart as all hell and extremely loyal. I've never had a bad experience with one.

>> No.10069313

three days sober so of course i want to get drunk again

>> No.10069316


good song

>> No.10069342

>put in 100+ job applications this month after getting fired for being sick twice at my last job
>applied to shit jobs like cleaning, delivering pizza, newspapers, ect
>got 1 call back from a car dealer for cleaning cars
>denied after drug test because I have cancer and am a registered medical marijuana patient (I emphasized I do not use marijuana before or during work)
>almost through all my savings
>feel like my life is just a complete failure
>back to drinking my literal physical and mental pain away

I honestly cannot wait for the sweet embrace of death when cancer takes me. I fucking hate living, My whole life is botched.

Fuck this world

>> No.10069348

good night, sweet prince.

>> No.10069375

Cuck just go work at a factory. Apply at a temp agency and say you'll take anything. Any job that you can learn in 10 minutes will have an astronomical turnover rate because it is pure mind numbing torture. an autist like you should fit right in.

>> No.10069395

Temp agencies are hard physical labor for felons. Not exactly the type of work someone literally dying of cancer can do. I'm incredibly weak and in pain 99% of the time.

Fucking asshole

>> No.10069398

it's my sciatic joint, got rekt simply by sitting at a desk for too long (at one point, 17hrs/day, 7 days a week, self-employed IT) and i now can't sit at all without it being total fucking agony. seven fucking years of this shit and it'll never go away. disabled af.

>> No.10069403

>drug testing for entry-level jobs
>denying a cancer patient a job because he has dude weed in his system

normalfags created this
maybe this world needs to burn

>> No.10069408

>drug testing for entry-level jobs
i had to get drug tested to work at fucking sears it's dumb as hell

>> No.10069410

are you me
minus the cancer

>> No.10069419

Stop being so selfish. If every job candidate in the country isn't screened then drug testing labs wouldn't be able to make as much money.

>> No.10069423

there are videos filmed by the public of me fighting police, jumping off a bridge and being detained by a police boat, flailing around like a drunken spastic in the high street with an audience of like 60 people... etc etc. fucking awful.

>> No.10069425

Whats mind blowing is you can't have a prescribed drug in your system while literally dying to work fucking detailing cars in the winter. But every car salesman in the country is a degenerate coke head

>> No.10069428

i would if i didn't think it'd turn al/ck/ into a beg-fest. sorry anon, it'd just be exploited

>> No.10069434

Silly cuck, drug testing benefits insurance companies, they own the labs.

>> No.10069442

You've never been to labcorp have you buddy?

>> No.10069443


>> No.10069454

anyone else wish we had a real battle to fight?

Like I know who I am, but I wish I had an anthem; something to be proud of and identify with.

Like listen to this:

the people that wrote this cared and died for something

>> No.10069458

enjoy uncomfortably tossing, turning and twitching all night.

>> No.10069464
File: 141 KB, 945x1233, 1DF52174-BB93-444A-92C2-63F1C0612617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop drinking
>3 days later
>no withdrawals, headaches, shakes, etc.
>but my chronic pains (back and wrists mainly) feel 10x worse suddenly

Science can’t explain this

>> No.10069470

Do you have a job? If not find one of those.
Otherwise: do you have a hobby? Like a legit hobby? Find out what you like to do that isn't drinking.
Otherwise: do you have a significant other? Go out and find one; you don't need to go to a bar to find a partner.

If you have those things and still have time to drink at night, do it; you're going to die anyways.

>> No.10069476

just like when opioid users quit

>> No.10069477

all of my nope.

>> No.10069490

I've been guzzling flavoured sparkling water in cans to simulate the feeling of beer. It's working well actually.

>> No.10069496
File: 1.64 MB, 1455x1080, ab2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is chartreuse and tonic a girl's drink?

I just bought a bottle of chartreuse and I think I love this shit. It's like drinking a hot spicy load of listerine and nutmeg.

>> No.10069507

What are you talking about? I know of no job that will deny you for a legal prescription that you fail a test for. That's literally against the law.

>> No.10069511

Well, north ireland is still occupied. It's honestly far too fucking gone at this point, but I'm still eternally salty. In my opinion, you really can't expect to force your motivation onto something else, it's depressing to watch someone fight and die for something simply because they have no direction in life and nothing better to do, it's impressive to watch a pillar of the community to fight and die for something because they believe in it that much.

tl;dr sort your shit because it needs to be sorted, find meaning later


>> No.10069515

>tfw you have a job and hobbies and very rarely a girl and they make you want to drink more

youre right though, distraction is a great coping method

>> No.10069518

coconut la croix is my go to

>> No.10069520

You have to do something. That is what life is about, doing something until you die.

>> No.10069522

>pepperoni nipples
>not even once

imagine having taste this shit

>> No.10069527

good advice anon.

either way, what the anglos did to the fucking iris was fucking terrible and deserves punishment.

>> No.10069528

Why can't I just die now and be done with it?
Why is a long life of misery preferable to a short one?

>> No.10069543
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>> No.10069547

it doesn't have to be miserable

>> No.10069548

Marijuana is not federally legal. Any job can still shit can you for being medical marijuana patient and following state law. Read a fucking book

>> No.10069550

just ignore the underage posters friend

>> No.10069554

Somebody has to apply shipping labels. I worked in a chair factory where you ran an air stapler all day, stop being a self defeating whiny little cuck bitch, earn a living then find a better job after work.

>> No.10069558
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>> No.10069562


I'm not telling you not to drink, just giving you things to do otherwise. I mean you could drink and suffer a long, slow death; or you could go to a gun store tomorrow (wait some number of days if you live in a cuck state), then shoot yourself. That way you don't have to go through, the slow death to cirrhosis or kidney failure.

>> No.10069565
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>what the anglos did to the fucking iris
Just buy them already you filthy ginger.

>> No.10069575

Yea, I assumed you meant federally legal prescription drugs, not marijuana. I agree that it's ridiculous to discriminate on that, no need to be rude.

>> No.10069584

>the people that wrote this cared and died for something
some people are trying to fight death itself with technology

they probably need all the help they can get

>> No.10069585

>filthy ginger

Black irish, but nice try.

>> No.10069595
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>there's a torrent
the sheer volume of orgasms i'm about to have is almost making me uncomfortable. she's so cute it's making me a little angry. fuck's sake.

>> No.10069608


Never surrender, the pope's a bender. Suck my fat cock you stupid taig, Ulster is British.

>> No.10069644

black slavery was nothing compared to what cromwell did.

blacks benefited from slavery, the irish not so much. and we don't even bitch

>> No.10069649

In my personal experience, the only uncomfortable part of being drunk is the hangover.
The hangover from a heavy night of drinking, mind you. Not the "I had 5 beers are the bar with the bois and I'm a decently buzzed."
I'm talking the "I literally cannot remember how many shots I ended up doing that night" drunk. The kind of drunk where I'm puking at least 6 times the following day.

>> No.10069652

i really doubt all the transhumanist talk will get anywhere desu.

maybe extend life, but they still barely understand consciousness.

>> No.10069777

>watching spooky movies when hungover
hope i dont get a spoopy nightmare

>> No.10069825

now try it with or soon after DTs. i cant even watch kiddy horror cartoons any more.

>> No.10069864
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>tfw even when gf, she doesn't look like this
y even life

>> No.10069871

when i'm not drunk i want to have a drink or two and once i've had a drink or two i want to get shitfaced

is this the beginnings of alcoholism

like i usually don't but this desire is really strong

i just finished sipping two shots of whiskey and i want to refill the glass with even more and put on a movie or something

>> No.10069900

i watched dark city once. wasn't a fun sleep.

>> No.10069985

what you can do is only take drinks at the most opportune moments like when your favorite song or movie scene is coming up. Then that rarely happens and you can end up postponing the drink for a long time. Basically put the drink on such a pedestal that you end up drinking it less often than you thought you would, if that makes sense

>> No.10069999

IKR. grils only fake orgasms because they think men care whether they cum. when i was younger i'd have to wait for a girl to cum so she'd shut up, and i could close my eyes and fantasise that i was raping her.
it's not impossible that i'm the problem here and that that's completely retarded.

>> No.10070004

drank a natty daddy and a 40 of saint ides at 9pm east coast time... this would floor a normie in my circle I am now wishing i had bought more instead of food.

>> No.10070011
File: 39 KB, 544x499, bateman4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats going on here

>> No.10070023

Sorry man. Just having a bad few months, I apologize

>> No.10070045

I can't stomach the taste anymore. What mixed drink gets you drunk fast without tasting too much of alcohol, ideally lowish sugar?

>> No.10070046

>went to go to the grocery store (sober as a judge)
>"I wonder if it's time to renew my insurance"
>check insurance paper
>expired in August of last year
>no printer to print new insurance card

Well I guess I'm walking to the ups store drunk tomorrow in 10 degree weather to get my proof of insurance. Also apparently drinking on an empty stomach tonight

Fucking progressive, Those assholes will never give me an insurance card that doesn't expire every 6months, Despite them withdrawing directly from my bank account like clockwork.

>> No.10070055

vodka is just ethanol and water. use that or everclear to mix it with whatever you prefer. all alcoholic drinks are basically this.
coconut milk is probably a good idea, it's loaded with potassium so is a good way to stay hydrated.

>> No.10070097
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>tfw relapsed again two days ago, went to a Strip Club last night and have seen two prostitutes today.

All I can do is try again tomorrow. Med school, which was supposed to be my biggest achievement, made me an alcoholic somehow.

>> No.10070115

It's all good man I understand, hope things get better for you.

>> No.10070116

Hey good news everyone. My mom and I are long time drinkers. I was never a liquor person but she was for a long time.

She got tired of liquor's harshness and moved onto beer/wine a while back. Now she's two days sober.

I'm fucking proud of her. If she can make it maybe I can. But either way I'm so happy she's kicking this stuff.

>> No.10070117

Hey, you didn't die. I'm glad you made it back anon.

>> No.10070118

I've heard that alcoholism among those working in medicine is almost as common as it is among those working in kitchens. As a med student on /ck/ i'd say you're pretty fucked.
Were the hookers at least qt's?

>> No.10070122

Take her out for a drink to celebrate

>> No.10070125

Thank you. I wish you the best as well man

>> No.10070130

Where did you find the hookers.

Also thanks for posting strip club pics the other day

>> No.10070144
File: 11 KB, 332x267, tfw bp is done.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, yeah, that was me. In a strip club on 4chan. I found ignoring the girls there pretty fun. Truthfully, it made me feel powerful.


I guess I need to check the archive? I only remember one person reading the post and replying, but then I drank way more. Just so glad I didn't drive. Had to leave my car.

Thanks for the well wishes.

One was an ugly street walker.
One was a hot 9/10 escort. I think if I post a link to her ad I'd be banned, but she was smokin'.

I know where streetwhores are in my area. I also paid for a moderate to high priced attractive escort from BP. Although it's much harder these days.

When I'm drunk all I want to do is play chess, shitpost and fuck.

>> No.10070156

>moderate to high priced attractive escort

How much?

>> No.10070169

> Assuming you know the game

>$$$ + .5 for 1hr MSOG, DATY, Greek, BBJ, Massage & watching her ParTy

>> No.10070600

I just shat thick clotted blood...am i dead? Been throwing up blood for a few months too..i hope they have booze in hell

>> No.10070607

Anyone think the chick from IT has the potential to be hot af in a few years?

>> No.10070624

pretty fucking certain there's gonna be booze in hell.

>> No.10070629

I honestly pray for your soul anon. Addiction should not be a sin and you are not suffering alone; and no I am not an AA asshole. You'll make it through somehow here, and if you don't you'll make it through there somehow.

>> No.10070630

if it was black, that might just mean you have an ulcer or stomach bleeding.

>> No.10070655

I barfed blood for the first time last night tell me it gets better

>> No.10070826

Why dont you guys just smoke weed lol

>> No.10070842
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Because it's 'incredibly damaging and toxic'.
Weird that scientists like former chief drugs adviser to the Brit government disagrees...
But nope, the government and its alcohol lobbyist funders clearly state that you're going to die from reefer madness. Drink some nice, legal poison instead.

>> No.10070843
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dont have a reliable way of getting it
also makes me anxious instead of relaxed

>> No.10070879

I'm a security guard. No cooking experience, I get drunk every night I have off. Started jogging recently, lost 20 pounds so far. Looking to quit security even though I'm making $16 a hour; want to start a cooking career before I get too much older; just turned 22. Not sure what I'll do, maybe go back to school or something and just make cooking a hobby.

>> No.10070881

Do you guys dream abnormal shit when you drink?
I can keep my liquor better than most guys I know, but even a few beer for me is enough to have twisted and surreal dreams I don't even get on psychedelics. Might be just an undiagnosed mental ilness though.

>> No.10070888

I dream about abnormal shit when I stop drinking. When I drink I just pass out and suddenly it's a new day.

>> No.10070986

Yeah i dream about bleeding eyes when i quit and it's happy fun time.

>> No.10071033

Drinking a gintonic at 13:38 while watching Black Mirror in my bedroom alone.

>> No.10071049

The episode in which the guy goes crazy thinking his gf was cheating- ooft. I was in an extremely fucked relationship when that was released. Christ that brings back some dark memories.

>> No.10071059

yes this show makes my paranoia levels increase

>> No.10071137


>> No.10071159


>> No.10071302

It usually takes about 3 days, but video games start being fun again at about that time. It helps a little bit. I'm finally gonna go do some shopping I've been putting off because too drunk earlier. But again, this is day 3 for me so motivation is finally coming back.

>> No.10071311

>3 days post-acute WD
>literally fill a transit van with junk to be thrown out
>scrub, hoover, dust, clean, even repaint the damn walls
Just waiting to relapse and cover everything in vomit and piss, fall over and destroy new furniture, ruin sleep, rain hellfire down in entire life and generally jump back into the cesspool. Why am I so tempted to kick the shit out of myself? Fuck, I need chaining up

>> No.10071342

I stopped smoking pot and have the same issue. Also my house is getting dirty. Getting high and cleaning was fun weekday. Now its a chore again.

>> No.10071473

Am I the only one who has never pissed or shit themselves drunk?

I've blacked out many many times but never pissed or shit myself

>> No.10071483


Stay in security then in 5yrs apply to guardaworld and make 20+hr starting

t. Guardian alarm security guard

>> No.10071532

I joke about it here, but nah I’ve never shat myself, even on binges that would last years, up to my eyeballs in vodka, heroin and benzos I never have. I did once piss the bed though, but only once, really randomly after like a million vodkas - which was the same as every other day.

>> No.10071534

> guardaworld
This is what you do? Odd that you can’t spell it, bro.

>> No.10071542

I havent. I've had vivid dreams of pissing which I'm suprised the signals didnt reach bladder. I did puke in my sleep twice though. Much rather piss myself desu. Waking up with a mouthfull of half dried puke is pretty scary.

>> No.10071546

You were probably one chunk of carrot being one millimetre away from death. Lots of alchies die that way. Fucking stop if you’re at all able

>> No.10071554

No I work at guardian alarm

>> No.10071659
File: 14 KB, 354x286, headphones_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else like to listen to music while heavily drunk?

>> No.10071665

fuck... been barhopping so hard this month that ended up in notable cc debt. Had to sell off y crypto investments. It hurts.

I have this massive thirst right now and just fighting the urge to go buy some liquor.

>> No.10071720
File: 21 KB, 655x509, 27621331-785A-4CC6-B0ED-614B3BBCAA42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold 650 btc in 2012. Sold 130 different types of coin between 2011 and 15, including thousands of Monero for like 400 satoshi when btc was worth fuck all. Total loss of potential profits is into the tens of millions.

>> No.10071736

That makes you drink heh

>> No.10071755

>put on a song or album on youtube because fuck not I'm not an audiophile
>pass out
>come to hours later
>"how the fuck did I end up on pygmy hunting songs and gaelic a cappella psalm singing in the outer hebrides?"

>> No.10071758
File: 25 KB, 400x400, 964A015C-79F7-46BA-9379-5DA4668DBCC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything makes me drink.
I also found a million XDN a couple of months ago, sold those for £50,000, 16 XMR which I think are worth like 5 grand and maybe another 5k worth of assorted shitcoins which I’ve stashed, and I’m mining with 12 high end GPUs, so whatever. I’d have legit bought a castle if I still had those 650 btc though, there’s one for sale not far from me for 8 million. feelsreallybadman.

>> No.10071770

holy fuck, you're me

I woke up with this song in my tabs and no memory of clicking on it

>> No.10071803

expensive for a mere handjob

>> No.10071822

well i mean i'd assume you'd get a massage as well

>> No.10071825
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exercise and eat something you fucking mong

>> No.10071854
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>a mere handjob
not that guy but an hour-long rubdown by an aging, plump Eurasian woman seems like a good offer

>> No.10071903

Don't, man. I'm two weeks sober now and my health feels so much better. I can't even believe how I lived years and years and years just normalizing feeling like absolute shit every day.

I had forgotten what it felt like to wake up feeling great after a good nights rest and actually eating real food. Not to mention taking solid shits that barely require any wiping instead of constant liquidy diarrhea or constipation.

>> No.10071966
File: 137 KB, 1706x1382, ZuFlPI5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, at least it wasn't real money that you could spend on goods and services

>> No.10072042

This was actually in this thread above

>> No.10072158
File: 68 KB, 500x500, 1391618872164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this mens, is what called the "pink cloud effect", this shit will wear off and he'll be back to bored and drinking. seen it many a time.

>> No.10072171

Nah. I haven't had a single craving since leaving the hospital. I was in there for a while with acute pancreatitis.

>> No.10072232

How do you get laid with no money when your ugly and have zero confidence

>> No.10072250

You get in shape.

>> No.10072260
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I'm pretty sure most girls at bars ask this same question too

>> No.10072314
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I just got this, what am I in for?

>> No.10072317

How much was it where you live?

>> No.10072337


About $90

>> No.10072403

Go and see your physician as soon as you can. I'm not going to speculate openly on your health with such limited information for your own sanity, but please make an appointment as soon as possible. Be upfront with your doctor, tell no lies. Even if you have to show up drunk.

>> No.10072587

Was it worth it?

>> No.10072597

>Even if you have to show up drunk.
This. I've even shown up to the hospital drunk on several occasions (but still conscious, mind you) telling them it was because I needed to stave off withdrawals just to even make it there on my own. Which was true.

>> No.10072679


I'm about to find out this weekend. I work nights so I can't really drink during the day. I could, but don't want to.

>> No.10073054

> still having willpower

Happy for you man

>> No.10073182
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Anyone else consistently finish two half gallons a week every week?

>> No.10073258

I did for a pretty long time, I've cut way back though. I'm only at like a fifth a week now, which is apparently still _overdrinking_

Whatever, I don't want to live past 60 anyway.

>> No.10073267
File: 213 KB, 608x600, 1487098761511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one drink beer fast? Seems like I always drink too slow

>> No.10073273


I'm on a handle a week right now.

>> No.10073276


It's best if you start on an empty stomach. The bloat gets bad after 3 pints for me.

>> No.10073280
File: 66 KB, 450x540, 1502412140859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A litre a day? Jesus fuck anon.

>> No.10073290

Actually half a liter a day

a gallon is 3.5 liters / 7 days = .5 liters a day

>> No.10073292

I misread it as two gallons a week, my mistake

>> No.10073301

i drink more than i probably should

>> No.10073302

For about 2 months I'd drink 1.5 liter bottle a day.

I lived above a subway, so I'd go down in the morning, buy 3 subs and start drinking while eating. I'd be drunk all day from about 7AM to 7PM, when I'd pass out, wake up and puke at about 10:30. Go back to bed, wake up and drink a shit ton of water at 3. Sleep till about 6:30, rinse and repeat.

Just watching television shows, shitposting and watching porn.

>> No.10073305

thats how much i drink when im drinking
not very fun to be honest

>> No.10073309
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>tell myself I'm not gonna drink that much this weekend to save money
>go into a binge and buy 4 bottles of liquor and 12 beers from Friday-Sunday


>> No.10073316

The money might actually be the worst part. Alcohol is so fucking expensive holy shit. Even bottom barrel shit adds up really fast man.

>> No.10073325

Oh man dude, I live in a socialist shithole (Sweden Yes) and alcohol is so debilitatingly expensive here.

>> No.10073328

I live in a third world shit hole and it's pretty expensive even though we have local stuff. The only good thing is the clerks literally don't care if you're already wasted.

>> No.10073333

The one advantage of being an amerimutt is being able to buy a 1.75L handle for $9.95

>> No.10073335
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Cheapest 75 cl bottle of vodka you can pick up here goes for 25 bucks.

>> No.10073345

live in canada and have never been denied at any store even when wasted or havent shaved/showered in days

>> No.10073355

Oh okay. I guess first world countries caring was a meme.

Damn Americans have it good

>> No.10073420


What the fuck? 10 bucks a handle is Bartle and James tier garbage.

>> No.10073440

>caring about quality and not just picking the cheapest handle

money is tight and I drink a lot, like most people here

>> No.10073448

drinking 3-6 beers and the occasional wine or rum every day since 2018. I think I'm finally becoming al/ck/.

>> No.10073456

>finally becoming

stop before it's too late and get off of this hell ride

>> No.10073471

is boredom the number 1 cause of relapsing from sobriety cause holy fuck i dont know what to do with all this spare time an

>> No.10073540
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I fucking love vodka

>> No.10073576

yes 100%

>> No.10073623


But Popov is only 20$ and won't make you hate yourself even more.

>> No.10073655

> piss in the beer instead of my pissbottle

is there a worst feel

>> No.10073688

accidentally pissing your wrong pissing designated sheets/trousers

>> No.10073697
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I've pissed in my vodka handle before luckily I was hydrating well as I was getting drunk so my piss was pretty clear. Still drank it, not my proudest moment.

>> No.10073707

>cause holy fuck i dont know what to do with all this spare time an
That's key right there. If you're not working, find a job or else you won't be able to really quit. Spending every day at home will make it impossible not to drink. If you already work, find something to do on the weekends too. Drive for uber. Anything that will fill the empty spaces. Fill every day with shit to do so you don't spend time at home. Work yourself to exhaustion so you can collapse and pass out. If you can't sleep, take antihistamines and melatonin. Knock yourself out. Anything to not drink.

>> No.10073732
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>find a job
b-but im trying
>tfw no one wants to hire you
im too overqualified for shit tier jobs and too underqualified for shit i want to do

>> No.10073735

> tfw my sister says she's coming to visit in a month and I'm trying to get sober before then but probably can't and she'll realize her beloved brother is an alcoholic degenerate like our Father

This feel is too much.

>> No.10073771

don't see the problem, probably just tastes like a dirty martini

>> No.10073800

I know it's pussy level alcoholism, but how bad really is a 12 pack of 5% pints every day for your health? 6'3" 250 "built fat" if it matters. I've also been drinking roughly this amount for 12 years.

>> No.10073833


Not that bad desu. My father is a manlet and he killed a dirty thirty every night after work for like 15 years.

>> No.10073917

Good to hear it honestly. I don't often feel any real damage, but once in a while I'll get intense neck and shoulder pain, my kidneys feel inflamed, a headache that lasts for days, and pain around where my liver is. I had to stop going to the doctor after my therapist diagnosed me as a hypochondriac, so I haven't been in 5 years or so. Metamucil and cranberry juice for a week generally gets me cleared up. But the fever and sweating while I'm ailing is what worries me the most.

>> No.10073977

You can't really go by off of how well someone else's body handles alcohol, to be honest. Everyone is completely different. Plus you don't always "feel" the damage being done. No amount of alcohol for extended periods of time like will ever be fine.

Just something to be wary of, is all.

>> No.10074218


You should start exercising. It will kill any hangover you have and stave off alcohol induced diabetes.

>> No.10074238

By thumb started twitch today for a few hours. Not like shaking, like legit twitching.

Should I be worried?

>> No.10074263

Get some online certs anon-kun.

Not as bad as it could be, but still not good friend. Get off the juice if you can.

Why did he diagnose you? Your liver has either reduced function due to another cause, or classic alcohol-induced liver damage. Take better care of yourself brother. Even hypochondriacs have to go to the doctor.

Yes. Stop drinking.

>> No.10074338

>Get some online certs anon-kun.
such as? the only thing that would help me get a job is to write 3 more tests at a cost of 100 dollars each and get 8 more months of experience running high pressure boilers
worst case i go do safety watch in a month or two for shit pay but long hours for weeks away at a time and get some certs out of that i dont want to pay hundreds for

>> No.10074417
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Why pay for more booze when you can just recycle it though yourself.
That's fucking smart

>> No.10074446

sober as a cobra boys

>> No.10074460

reminds me of the guy who would puke into a brita filter so he could just drink all the booze he threw up

>> No.10074461
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Stamos is still slaying

>> No.10074467
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God I miss having two monitors. Fuck my old cat for chewing through shit.

>> No.10074468

I really never have classic hangovers. These symptoms come on like a cold.
I was diagnosed because I was always sick with something, going to the doctor, but never even had the flu. Let alone heart disease, liver failure, kidney stones, or any of the other diseases I was convinced I had, including an entire year I was sure I had full blown aids.

>> No.10074475
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D-do you have pictures of this or a video?

>> No.10074481

nope just another story from al/ck/
stay here long enough and you'll see some shit though. also hear some shit. like the garden hose vodka guy.

>> No.10074523
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Our thread will die soon.

And so will we.

>> No.10074550

aw it's all shit anyway brother, the sweet sleep of death is fine with me

>> No.10074562


>> No.10074758

>clean for 11 days
>wake just now
>eyes pop open, head pops off pillow as i realise i drank a litre of scotch last night for absolutely no sensible reason whatsoever
omfg i'm genuinely contemplating suicide right now. why the absolute and utter fuck did i do that? what the hell was i thinking? why does this never end? i can't go on