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File: 316 KB, 1400x1050, fageyogurt_parchment-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10034447 No.10034447 [Reply] [Original]

>Kinder eggs are illegal
>This is acceptable
What the fuck America?

>> No.10034455

banning kinder eggs is basically admitting your children were taught to eat anything and everything

>> No.10034463

Kids don't eat plain/vanilla yogurt so they never deal with that shit

>> No.10034483
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>> No.10034493

Multiple children have already died from Kinder Eggs in Europe. It's a little sick if you're still going to defend it just so you can feel some sense of superiority over not banning it when it kills children and is entirely unnecessary.

>> No.10034496

American kids are literally eating detergent, so I think they were.

>> No.10034501
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>> No.10034503

>Multiple children have already died from Kinder Eggs in Europe.
[citation needed]

>> No.10034514

>All three children died after swallowing small parts of toys inside edible eggs.

>Four other children around the world have died since 1991.

>> No.10034527

If American kids had done a better job of removing themselves from the genepool you wouldn't be in the state you're in now.

>> No.10034529

And I'm sure many other children have died choking on other small parts of toys, but I don't see any of them banned.

>> No.10034532

natural selection at its finest
I grew up eating lots of kinder eggs and it never occurred to me to swallow the toy or even put it in my mouth because i'm not that fucking retarded

>> No.10034535

It's different when you combine it with a food item, more likely that a kid will think it's also food and try to eat it.

>> No.10034539

>natural selection at its finest
>kinder eggs are "natural"

>> No.10034543

fuk u dum

>> No.10034546

>a total of ZERO children choked on the actual container inside the Kinder egg
>all deaths were caused by inhaling small parts after the egg had already been consumed without incident
Let's ban all toys smaller that a car tire because they kill children.

>> No.10034550

Then watch over your kids when you give them such a food item so they don't go full retard and choke on it, presumably.

>> No.10034551

>Let's ban all toys smaller that a car tire because they kill children.
Nah just don't combine small inedible toys with actual food

>> No.10034552

What am I looking at?

>> No.10034553

But it'd be fine if they ate a Twinkie, and then swallowed a completely unrelated toy and choked to death?

>> No.10034558

>Nah just don't combine small inedible toys with actual food
They're not combined with actual food, they are inside an inedible container that has never killed anyone and is not a hazard.

>> No.10034564
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>> No.10034575

You must be one of the retarded kids that eats the toy

>> No.10034579

Nice non-argument fag.

>> No.10034604

>handful of kids died in the last 20years due to Kinder eggs

More kids have died in that time from choking on a chunk of hotdog. Must ban all hotdogs and sausage.
More kids than that have died in a year from allergies to peanut butter. Must ban all peanut related items.

>> No.10034609
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>i've never actually seen a kinder egg

Inside the egg there's a container. To get to the toy you have to open it first. It's not like they're chewing through the egg an accidentally ingest a small piece
If your kids are so young that they can't tell what's food and what isn't, they probably can't pry it open.
In any case, maybe the parents should be a bit responsible and not give your retarded plastic eating child the stupid thing in the first place, instead of banning it outright
It's a real tragedy that burgers will never know the joy of getting a chocolate treat that comes with a neat little toy that you get to assemble yourself. I used to love that shit back then

>> No.10034613

>More kids than that have died in a year from allergies to peanut butter. Must ban all peanut related items.
They already are banned in schools, they're not served in cafeterias and whoever brings anything containing peanuts to school gets suspended or expelled.

>> No.10034625

Here in Europe we make kids swim in peanuts. If they die they were weak and we have improved the human race.

>> No.10034627

I used to have a similar program for M&M's.

>> No.10034631

i put peanut dust on backpacks i find lying around. i hope i kill some of these fuckers.

>> No.10034636

Remember when those pokeball toys were banned and recalled because some dumb fuck put it on his/her face and suffocated to death?

The real culprit is neglectful parenting. Parent ban when!?

>> No.10034643

>banned in schools
Not sure how that equates to a national government banning an item from even being imported. Kids with peanut allergies can go kill themselves but at least I can go to store and buy every kind I want.

>> No.10034645
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>less plastic bullshit going into the environment

>> No.10034646


>> No.10034657

I miss the old yellow capsules.
We used to fill them with baking soda and water and it would be so satisfying when they split and both halves flew away.
The new ones with the plastic hinge are the worst.

>> No.10034660

>Parent ban when!?
There's already a pseudo-ban in effect. You can tell from the lack of it.
What's more frightening is schools banning children from bringing lunches because they're strong-armed into it by prison foodservice purveyors. Look it up.

>> No.10034666

the yellow container is actually super safe
small children cannot open it
the toys inside are as dangerous as action figure guns or tiny legos
however it's still cancerous

>> No.10034667

>Smear peanut butter on your hands and then wipe off, but dont wash ur hands
>Shake hands with different kids after getting to school
>eventually one of the degenerate fuckers will die
>day off from school for funeral and grieving,

Its the only way forward

>> No.10034669

>More kids than that have died in a year from allergies to peanut butter. Must ban all peanut related items.

American schools always cater to the weak & the damaged.

It's the same reason why most American inner city schools provide "Ebonics" as a class for the niggers who can't pass basic english.

Just pamper & protect the weak. The lowest common denominators are priority. Fuck the normies.

>> No.10034674

I kinda want people to do this just to see if they would ban peanuts in america outright
You know, just to see. for shits and giggles

>> No.10034677

>most American inner city schools provide "Ebonics" as a class for the niggers who can't pass basic english

Ok this I dont believe

>> No.10034679

Peanut butter has a pretty strong smell, and your hands will still be oily. This is not a good plan. You are not a good planner.

>> No.10034690

They became legal in the US last year.

>> No.10034696

>your hands will still be oily
Thats pretty much the point. High schooler died because her bf ate a pb&j and kissed her 2hrs later. If a high schooler couldnt smell it on his breath then a kid certainly wouldnt smell it on ur hands

>> No.10034707

>>most American inner city schools provide "Ebonics" as a class for the niggers who can't pass basic english
>Ok this I dont believe

FUN FACT: In 1996, the Oakland Unified School District had so many 5th and 6th year black students fail basic English that they decided to pass "Ebonics" ass an English substitute allowing said students to "graduate."

Oakland (California) school board (Oakland Unified School District) on December 18, 1996, called for "Ebonics" to be recognized as a language of African Americans.[14] In fact, ebonics would be classified as a "second language".[15][16] The proposal was to implement a program similar to the Language Development Program for African American Students (LDPAAS) in Los Angeles, which began in 1988 and uses methods from the SESD programs mentioned above.[17]

The Oakland proposal was explained as follows: that black students would perform better in school and more easily learn standard American English if textbooks and teachers incorporated AAVE in teaching black children to speak Standard English.

More recently, research has been conducted on the overrepresentation of African Americans in special education[26] Van Keulen, Weddington & DeBose (1998:112–113) argue that this is because AAVE speech characteristics are often erroneously considered to be signs of speech development problems, prompting teachers to refer children to speech pathologists.

> The more you know***** * * *

>> No.10034712
File: 80 KB, 900x600, no joy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinder Eggs are still illegal in US.
Only the Kinder Joy is legal because toy is in different package from the candy

>> No.10034716

>Kinder eggs are illegal
Except they're literally not. Kinder Surprise is illegal. We got another kind of Kinder egg.

>> No.10034717
File: 38 KB, 400x400, Full Retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately he's not. Shit got real after some schools in Michigan filed for discrimination and won.

Then of course California went full retard as usual.

>> No.10034722

>Not sure how that equates to a national government banning an item from even being imported.
It's just a matter of time.

>> No.10034730


lol @ catering to your retards while letting your smart kids waste away.

In China or Russia, the retards would be put in trade schools as future "ditch diggers."

>> No.10034738

>says kinder eggs are illegal
>immediately says kinder eggs are available in the same breath
You dumbass.

>> No.10034740

Why should we allow kids like that to live?

>> No.10034749

>We got another kind of Kinder egg.

You got 2nd place anon. 2nd place ain't shit.

>> No.10034754

How fat are you sweetie?

>> No.10034756

Linguist here. Ebonics is a legitimate form of communication. Allowing only Standard English to be taught at school is stupid if a significant portion of the population speaks a different variety.

>> No.10034757

> catering to the lowest common denominators

This is why democracy will ultimately fail & China will dominate the next century. Leapfrogging the world while white people bend over backwards to appease their dumbest voters.

>> No.10034763

lol u tk him 2 da bar|?

>> No.10034764

>Ebonics is a legitimate form of communication

this is what white people mental gymnastics has led them to believe.

you people are a joke.

>> No.10034770

Kinder Joy is legal, and its not an egg.
Go back to plebbit

>> No.10034772

>Eating yogurt makes you fat
American education at work

>> No.10034773

Why you white people now give blacks more special again? We build railroad for you? We suffer too? Black people only slavery? Free long time ago, quit whining.

>> No.10034790

4chan has ruined Europe for me. I no longer have any warmth for it.

>> No.10034795


It keeps the illiterate niggers voting democrat. Think for a minute. Wtf would liberals want anything to change?

>> No.10034800

Not ebonics

>> No.10034808


Niggers can't figure out 2 + 2 = 4. So lets make 2 + 2 = 7.


>> No.10034814

the capsule didn't kill anybody there.

>> No.10034820

He's right though. You literally admit you don't want to hear the truth and want to be left alone being retarded.

>> No.10034821

>Not ebonics
Never say ebonics gweilo. Why not poor grammar other people taught?

>> No.10034834

>Linguist here. Ebonics is a legitimate form of communication.
So is howling and grunting.

>> No.10034835

I'm pretty sure that changing Base-Ten math makes shit a lot harder, not easier.

>> No.10034837

>Wtf would liberals want anything to change?
You're making liberals sound like traditionalists. Wtf is going on?

>> No.10034840

If ebonic is real, why is ougandan knuckles "racist"? It's just ebonic

>> No.10034846

>Niggers can't figure out 2 + 2 = 4. So lets make 2 + 2 = 7.

Give that nigger a degree! And a job a at a tech company cuz "muh quotas."

Now we'll all feel good about ourselves right?

>> No.10034854

When was this? My last year of high school was 2011 and I was still bringing PB sandwiches to school and the vending machines had Snickers and other peanut candies.

>> No.10034857

Look at her fingers, Retard.

>> No.10034876
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>Asking a promotional photo a question

>> No.10035087

Though they are similar,
Kind joy =/= Kinder egg

>> No.10035103

The toys are much worse in the Joy.

>> No.10035110

Kinder eggs don't kill children, children kill children.

>> No.10035115


>> No.10035117

Avian children?

>> No.10035120

I'll give you my Kinder egg when you pry it from my cold dead hands.

>> No.10035134

Man, I like Fage. It tastes better than Chobani and is made by actual Greeks, instead of Turks that scheme to colonize Idaho with their coreligionists.

>> No.10035157


They've been illegal since the 30's and nobody has ever or will ever care.

>> No.10035161
File: 1.70 MB, 2488x2928, FDR_in_1933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kinder eggs are illegal
Typical liberals, banning anything they can.

>> No.10035168 [DELETED] 

Nice pic. She can choke on my Kinder anyday. The one on the right isn't bad, either.

>> No.10035172

land of the free, indeed.

>> No.10035225

I care.

>> No.10035252

You're right about that, but they're not all bad. Last one I had was a track that connected to the egg shell and you spun a top on it and made it go around the track.
I'd take that over a shitty figure that you get in the eggs, but the egg over all does have better toys.
Regardless, I'm 21 and shouldn't even be discussing this, lmao.

>> No.10035365

The toy inside is really small too, less than 1" if I'm remembering right.

I don't know much about kids, but I'm pretty sure responsible parents keep ANY toy that small away from young children because of choking hazards.

>> No.10035373

I got a tiny set of rollerblades in my last one, it was depressing.

>> No.10035377

Yes, but at around five your kid should be responsible enough not to swallow toys, and is still young enough to appreciate the fun of a toy hidden in chocolate.

>> No.10035396

Kinder eggs are banned because of a technicality. What is really banned is any food item that completely encases an inedible object within the edible substance, think rocks in your chocolate bar. Kinder eggs fall into this category, despite them being meant to be broken open before consumption. The same thing happened to the wonderball and they just put candy inside.

>> No.10035407

You fucking cretin, I despise subhuman retards such as yourself.

Kids die from banging their heads against kitchen counter-tops, car accidents, eating dish-washing liquid, gulping on whiskey while exploring the bar in the living room, slipping on bathroom tiles and pretty much all other physical forms matter takes.

How about we ban matter nigger? Will that do it for you? Hey, how'bout we ban life motherfucker? No life, no death either.

Fucking mouthbreather.

>> No.10035441

Alright I might side with you now. Those "toys" are made of plastic and thrown into the trash instantly anyways.

>> No.10035604

Hey, those kids with peanut allergies could be the next Bill Gates, so you gotta keep them alive.

>> No.10035616

Could be the next Ted Bundy though.

>> No.10035643
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im living proof of you being wrong because vanilla was and is still the best yogurt flavor

>> No.10035646

>they came for my kinder eggs and I didn't say anything. They came for my 60 oz sodas and I didn't say anything. They came for my trans fats and I didn't say anything. When they came for muh meat there was no food left to stand up for it!

>> No.10035670

Yup, I know that feel.
Could be worse though. Like I mentioned, couldn't tell you the amount of times I've gotten a stupid rubber figure out of the eggs. Last one was a green alien that didn't do shit.
At least give me something to build and/or that's interactive.

>> No.10035715

If your kids are so fat they try to eat the fucking toy you're a failure of a parent and they deserve to die
I always built the toy then ate the chocolate

>> No.10036355
File: 35 KB, 200x245, psltytlhah1vninvq41i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Help Me God, I’m Going To Eat One Of Those Multicolored Detergent Pods

>> No.10036719
File: 1.01 MB, 2268x4032, BC62A74F-33CD-4E96-920A-C9D36B93C89D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree. I think we should have Paki-Loo and Spanglish too. Diversity demands it

>> No.10037643

I found some kinder eggs a few years ago at the Sawgrass Mills mall in South FL. Some Eastern European guy was selling them from a foreign candy stall. I didn't buy one at the time because he was asking $5 each, but I kinda wish I did just for the novelty factor.

>> No.10038243

>$5 each
It doesn't have to be this way.

>> No.10038254
File: 132 KB, 819x721, kinderdeath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There has never been a death by Kinder in the United States, it has claimed several lives in Europe though

You people are not smart

>> No.10038269

this is like when that guy travon got shot rightfully in that cut and dry self defense case
and they had that hut he was fucking on the stand, and while she was testifying that she was on the phone with him and he said he was going to jump the creepy ass cracka walking around
the defense suggested that since her parents are hatian and she speaks creole in addition to english, any testimony she gives in english supporting the prosecutions narrative should be ignored because obviously she's just misunderstanding the questions

>> No.10038273

>chokes to death
I really hate fake news so damn much

>> No.10038279

If you start a fight, you are not awarded the right to shoot the person who is winning. It's not about black or white, it's the rules of the street and manhood, you nu-male. I bet you listen to pop music instead of rock and wear sweatpants instead of jeans, sandals instead of boots, smoke vapes instead of tobacco, I hate your generation and your weak ideals.

When I was coming up, it didn't matter if some black or another white or a Mexican or whoever the hell it was, if you started a fight you fought till the finish or you shook hands, you didn't decide to shoot someone, that's coward shit.

>> No.10038281

You see this image? It's present on the packaging. It means the product isn't suited to kids under 3.
It's the parent's responsibility to monitor their child and not be retarded.
You people are the reason why we hear "but think of the children" on arguments about implementing virtual ID for porn sites despite all the sites having a page asking you if you are 18.

>> No.10038285
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>> No.10038286

I think you might be joking, but yeah, it's worded badly. She was already unconscious when they got to her, they resuscitated her, but she ended up dying later anyway because she already had brain damage from lack of oxygen.

>> No.10038288
File: 195 KB, 750x1240, 700BFA72-8C31-43BB-95AB-A6CA3FCE3125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever seen American yogurt? No wonder landwhales cry every time they try real strained yogurt.

>> No.10038292

I can get unsweetened yogurt right next to the sweetened stuff. That's freedom, baby.

>> No.10038294

>We've got BOTH types of yogurt: sweetened, and unsweetened.

>> No.10038298
File: 23 KB, 576x372, 154593_440832882612345_1549259738_n1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you needed something like pic related when you were a kid, seeing you're completely retarded.

>> No.10038304

I can also get strained or unstrained, with or without stuff to mix into it, kefir, yogurt "soda" drinks, there are quite a few choices. What do you have available that you think I don't? I love dairy products so if you're not from USA and have a food you'd like to share with me, that'd be nice :)

>> No.10038305

and even then good luck, cause I would have glued it to my cold dead hands.

>> No.10038310

he didn't start the fight
if you actually watched the case unfold you would know this due to the mountains of evidence and witness statements saying trayvon went home, was back at his dads house, then went back out and jumped george from behind

>> No.10038325

just bantz lad

Try some Skyr though if you can get it.

>> No.10038459


>> No.10038489
File: 30 KB, 355x300, 81Hw7nVXN7L._SX355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>children with terrible parents die

Seems like a great way to help clean up the gene pool.

>> No.10038498

How about learning to read. She died from the brain damage caused lack of oxygen even though they were able to get her to breath again.

>> No.10038507

then she didn't choke to death
if someone gets struck by lightning and dies from an infection of the resulting burns they didn't get electrocuted

>> No.10038526
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"He didn't die by falling, he died by hitting the ground!"

>> No.10038537

I don't think you understand what genetics are or how they work

>> No.10038539

also true

>> No.10038551

Are you suggested dead stupid children will grow up & procreate?

>> No.10038556
File: 2.89 MB, 4032x3024, 20180124_123947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NC got eggs

>> No.10038569

That's Kinder Joy, an inferior substitute. Even the chocolate in those is worse.

>> No.10038573

I think he's suggesting that stupid people don't beget stupid people.

>> No.10038576

People with good genetics can die young for reasons unrelated to their genes. Thinking that every child who dies died due to their genes is just wrong.

>> No.10038601

He hasn't been paying much attention then.

>> No.10038605

NC also has fucking morons.

>> No.10038607
File: 1.68 MB, 2808x1872, Okologisk_skjorost_fra_Rorosmeieriet_web_Foto_Geir_Foden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw skyr will always be associated with the faggy Icelandoc yogurt-shit instead of the authentic cheese
Feels bad man

>> No.10038615

Mate the literal small cardboard puzzles are the worst.

>> No.10038619

Icelandic, fug

>> No.10038864

the icelandic cheese is the authentic cheese you absolute moron

>> No.10039139

>We need to protect the people from themselves
>but only in some autistic incredibly specific ways

>> No.10039217

food inside of plastic is different than plastic inside of food

>> No.10039375

That's what you get when you literally have to smuggle them through customs like illicit drugs, I guess

>> No.10039410

How can a peanut kill somebody? It's not even a person. Fucking idiot.

>> No.10039550
File: 707 KB, 2168x1631, surefam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Regardless, I'm 21 and shouldn't even be discussing this, lmao.
>Joins in board to have an adult discussion.

>> No.10039614

Nigglets wouldn't stop choking on the pieces. So they were banned.

>> No.10039646

I saw Kinder eggs at Walmart four days ago. Checkmate europoors.

>> No.10039746

>discusses age
>no point

>> No.10039766

peanut allergies you fucktard

>> No.10039797

Those were Kinder Joy, dingus.

>> No.10039809

Pussied out because of age.

>> No.10039852

How can allergies kill someone? They're not even a person.
>tfw you just won an argument

>> No.10039908

>Here's my assumption and I'm pretty good at assuming things so I'll present my assumption as if it were fact.

>> No.10039948

I'm talking about year-900 style skyr. The yogurt-like skyr is a relatively modern way of preparing it

>> No.10040892


>> No.10041584

Someone post the sourest cream

>> No.10041590

>putting inedible objects inside candy
What the fuck, Europe?

>> No.10043522

I'm sick of hearing about these god damned kinder eggs. If they mean so fucking much to you move to Europe.

>> No.10043531

>swallowing egg-sized candy whole
What the fuck, amerifats?

>> No.10043534

The toy is in a big ass plastic egg, if you manage to swallow that one you are asking for it.

>> No.10043747
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>> No.10043917

>dude cheap chocolate lmao

>> No.10043972

>Europeans make fun of Americans for banning a piece of candy
>While banning just about everything else Americans get to enjoy

>> No.10043993

I just want to shoot some Kinder egg plastic shells filled with tannerite and play with a small toy afterwards.

>> No.10044009

I hate yurocucks and amerifats so god damn much
If you all left 4chan it would be a much better place

>> No.10044109

Parents are so fucking lazy now days they'd rather have the government take care of their kids for them.

>> No.10044442

You have missed the time when the toys were worth the damn anyway.