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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 50 KB, 250x250, yolk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10015294 No.10015294 [Reply] [Original]

>runny yolk
do people really do this?

>> No.10015297


>> No.10015300

10/10 with rice or bread. on a plate by itself, no thx.

>> No.10015314

What does it taste like? In my 21 years of life i have only had it 1 once.

>> No.10015315

Tastes like a fried egg.

>> No.10015327
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only by accident.

hate when i cut into what i think is a medium-well egg, and a pool of yolk appears.

have to get some toast or something to mop it up.

>> No.10015332

Of course not. It's just an elaborate prank, like Bielefeld.

>> No.10015333

What does that taste like?

>> No.10015366

Between cooking the yolk runny and hard I like mine cooked to the consistency of a gel so it doesn't spill everywhere but it's not as dry and chalky as over cooked eggs.

>> No.10015378

Yeah that's the sweet spot

>> No.10015405

obviously, the only way to eat yolk

people who break it tho are fucking subhumans.
nothing better than eating just the whites until you are left with a delicious, unspilled spoonful of yolk for the last

>> No.10015430

Bags of sand

>> No.10015440

I honestly believe the runny yolk and omelette thing is an elaborate troll

>> No.10015444

Of course people eat runny yolks, poached eggs are the patrician's egg.

Now, what we really need to talk about is how old that egg is.

>> No.10015447

It's 100 years old and pissed on by 12 year old han chinese boys.

>> No.10015457

I thought thats what boobies felt like

>> No.10015461

Its also what eggs tasste like

>> No.10015463


>> No.10015465

>Of course people eat runny yolks
whats wrong with you ?

>> No.10015480

Nothing really. If you're buying quality eggs, the yolk has a rich flavor to it and is a kind of sauce for some really good bread.

>> No.10015510

What's wrong with you? Scared of salmonella or something?

>> No.10015519

The only good reason to prefer it cooked through is for portability.

I feel like I'm falling for bait, but whatever, have your (you).

>> No.10015558

They do if they're wild animals

>> No.10015560

Can't dip your soldiers in a hard yolk

>> No.10015580

My mommy made the best eggs. Really crispy almost burned on the sides and little bit of runny yolk.
Now when im living alone, for years i've been making them little too runny, both yolk and whites.
Untill my gf made sunnyside ups for me.
Makes them exactly the same as my mom used to. I will never fry eggs myself ever ever again.
I love this woman.

>> No.10015586

>dip your soldiers
bongs pls go

>> No.10015587

Crippling autism.

>> No.10015595

My favorite is over medium but its hard to get the timing right so they usually just end up being over easy

>> No.10015599

> gee you cant have fun AND eat a delicious breakfast

The no fun allowed Americans are here, right on time. Haven't you got a protest to go to?

>> No.10015603

go "dip" your "soldiers"

>> No.10015892

I used to like my eggs scrambled & well-done but I now emulsify about a tablespoon of butter into my scrambled eggs and cook them until they're not runny but still soft

>> No.10015917

runny yolk is the best though. put the egg into random dishes and then you can mix it in to what your eating. fucking delish desu senpai

>> No.10015929

Bait thread. OP is a boring moron. Saged.

>> No.10015939

I used to think sunnyside-up eggs looked cool on my plate, but unless you have bread (and I don't eat bread) there is no point.

>> No.10015954

nigga I saw the pic whilst scrolling and am going to do it RIGHT now

>> No.10016109

I break them though, and I'm a certified patrician. What say you now bro?

>> No.10016318

Runny yolk makes me cum

>> No.10016322
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Scrambled > Sunny Soy Up

>> No.10016332

Plenty of sauces are made from egg yolks, like hollandaise. The yolk of an egg can actually taste good.

>> No.10016672

This. I prefer a slightly cooked yolk by itself or in a sandwich. Runny if with toast/biscuits bacon and all that jazz.

>> No.10016687

Wiping up the yolk from a soft boiled egg with slices of andouille sausage is god tier

>> No.10016786

ur an idiot

>> No.10016804

>not soynny side up

>> No.10016844

why do americans not have dippy egg and soldiers?
for people with zero class you certainly like to act pretentious when it comes to food, even though most of the shit you shove down your gullets is processed unknown tosh

>> No.10016974


This. Sunny side up, completely uncooked yolk, eat all the white than eat the yolk whole. Only correct way to eat eggs.

>> No.10017019

Yes, I am from Mexico. It taste great and have a nice texture

>> No.10017025

You are gay

>> No.10017031

Good ol' dip eggs

>> No.10017037

>Not dipping buttered toast into the yolk
You are wrong, Anon

>> No.10017043

runny yolk and toast are top tier

>> No.10017046
File: 820 KB, 275x207, 1514919515366.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>runny yolk
>white cooked so that the edges get a lil crispy
>on top of buttered toast
>lick the plate like an animal

>> No.10017051

Not using salted fresh hot corn tortilla made by your abuelita in Mexico watching the news of the beheadings in Manzanillo

>> No.10017069


Solid yolks are a crime against eggs

That flavor packed, fatty, bright yellow liquid oozing out of the yolk, running over some of the salt on the egg white and dissolving it before spilling onto your plate to be a dipping sauce for your egg whites and the rest of your food is the best part

>> No.10017081

>clicks image to get better look
>stays the same size
Fuck you and everything you stand for, OP.

>> No.10017087

am i the only one that will mix some salt and pepper and sprinkle it in the dippy egg periodically

>> No.10017091
File: 730 KB, 2379x2373, Fried-Egg_12127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is a painting.

>> No.10017099

You sound fat

>> No.10017106

Brown edges are haram

>> No.10017135

im not fat at all. only a little bit
try it next time. put a pinch on your egg every now and then. more pepper than salt

>> No.10017141

i mean only a little bit of salt not a little bit fat lol

>> No.10017158

i hate that it tightens up and sticks to the plate so fast you have to like rub it hard to get all of it

>> No.10017306


So good.

>> No.10017320

I would dip a chip in that

>> No.10017323

This. It's the only correct answer.

>> No.10017326

I love that so much.

>> No.10017379
File: 409 KB, 2160x1620, img_6742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yummy Yummy

>> No.10017535

>no butter and marmite on the soldiers


>> No.10017547


>> No.10017571

i rapidly mix an overeasy egg on my plate so it becomes somewhere in between scrambled and runny.

>> No.10017588
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for you, dear

>> No.10017629
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>> No.10018030

eggs always look so delicious and then I eat one and it makes me wanna puke

>> No.10018117

threads like this make me lose faith in the world

>> No.10018438

What is toast for?

>> No.10018462
File: 83 KB, 395x281, IMG_0466.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting a fully cooked yolk
Do you like you meat well done as well. Holy fuck some people just miss the point of enjoying food entirely.

>> No.10018640

>not eating runny eggs on top of a bed of potatoes with spam, an orange on the side and a giant glass of ice water to wash it down
Why even life, farm?

>> No.10018666
File: 2.92 MB, 640x360, half boiled eggs.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people like them even runnier. It's pretty good.

>> No.10018673

i prefer them boiled and put in a bowl

>> No.10018704

The problem is people who think a runny yolk should literally be raw, as in OP pic.They should have a pudding consistency. It's disturbing how many people seems to relish slurping up tepid mucus yolks.

>> No.10018859

Do you think Americans have the restraint to dip a thin piece of toast into an egg and take small bites out of it? Their frustration would lead to retard rage and damaged breakfast ware

>> No.10018891

>runny whites

>> No.10019224

i like it. especially when it is mixed together with something like grits, or rice.

>> No.10019665

Gotta eat fast bic boi

>> No.10019702

>make fried eggs and mash potatoes/or platanos
>break yolk over the mash
>mix that shit up

If I'm eating it with pancakes or something I make it hard.

>> No.10019779

>Certified patrician
Post your certificate then

>> No.10019789

Fuck you, Singapura STRONK

>> No.10019792

Of course people really do that, it goes well with toast. Especially rye toast with butter.

>> No.10019804
File: 9 KB, 239x211, Chinese Pet Nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just learned the secret to soft boiled eggs perfectly cooked every time. Not gonna share it though.

>> No.10019825

Oh look it's redit. No one cares about your gay little secrets fag boy. Get the fuck outta here

>> No.10019832


Awww, somebody's triggered.

>> No.10019876

Over easy, over hash browns is God tier

>> No.10019937

yes ,people who wants salmonella

>> No.10019945

It tastes like that one time you tried it.

Over medium is the best of both worlds.

>> No.10019979

I always get it at iHop because apparently they can't read that I asked for medium-well. That's when I just cut everything up and mix it with the hash browns and it becomes an impromptu edible.

>> No.10019992

this 2bh

>> No.10019995

You disgust me

>> No.10019999

You're a picky eater. Everything disgusts you.

>> No.10020026


you forgot the 'white people' bit

>> No.10020050

who the fuck even dips bread into an egg??
are you autistic
eat it on top of your buttered bread you colossal faggot

>> No.10020218

Did it take you 10 years ?

>> No.10020261

The yolk spills off the side nigga mopping itup with bread and bacon is half the point

>> No.10020383

Cheese sauce

>> No.10020412

>tfw only eat runny yolk
>tfw boil eggs 4 minuets so the yolk is runny
>tfw boil them 2 minutes sometimes and the yolk is raw and i don't give a shit
>tfw spread it on toast or on rice til the cows come home
>tfw i pick that slimy membrane looking umbilical cord out of my egg and eat the rest of that runny shit bc it tastes good

fuck hard yolk

>> No.10020637

Guzzles synthetic opium pills and ssris by the handful, worries about 1 in a billion infection from healthy eggo.

>> No.10020664 [DELETED] 


>> No.10020703


>> No.10020771

Fuck you bodoh head KL number 1.

>> No.10020858

>be british
>greatest culinary invention is dipping bread into undercooked eggs

>> No.10020866

Outside of scrambled or an omelette, I refuse to eat a solid egg. A fried egg that doesn't flow literally belongs in the trash.

>> No.10021017

my negro, that's basically the only scientifically proven way of eating fried eggs.
I like to just slightly cook the outer edge of the yolk so when it's showtime it doesn't run off down on the plate and instead remains a unadulterated pool of orange ambrose

>> No.10021919

I like my eggs like that with bacon over Japanese white rice. Yolk, bacon grease and a little soy sauce make the rice a real treat

>> No.10023228

I used to go to a cafe at lunch and get a sausage and egg bap, the eggs were so soft it was like they were spread on the roll with a brush. No idea how they did it but it was the greatest eggs I'd ever had.

>> No.10023247

The fuck is your problem

>> No.10023286

Clearly runny eggs

>> No.10023357
File: 8 KB, 200x200, bruh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not wanting to eat lukewarm, liquid egg yolks makes you a picky eater
Might you also enjoy chicken cooked medium rare?

>> No.10023572

You should be used to it by now after all the times you've mopped up after your bull.

>> No.10023580

>you have to like rub it hard to get all of it

>> No.10023609

In real life I'd beat the shit out of you and/or glass you and take your money.

>> No.10023629

>if a equals b than a also equals y
It's not anyone else's fault that you're a picky eater with the palette of a child. You should either work on fixing yourself or just embrace it.

>> No.10023693

normal people, yes

>> No.10023788

Amuricans are like that, always were, cringy as fuck but still thinking their culture is the only right thing

>> No.10023827

Are you retarded or just playing

>> No.10023831

Tirelessly they work, pushing the whole of Europoors to the limits of human obsession, day after day after day

It's almost noble, it brings a tear to my eagle eye

>> No.10023846
File: 50 KB, 640x426, f8d20ceb-ebab-4ddf-87c1-94b19b88008e[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's okay with you I'll just continue frying eggs in a way that takes an ounce of patience and doesn't suck ass, thanks.

>> No.10023861

Me too. Except I'm only 56

>> No.10025203

Certified =/= certificated

>> No.10025298
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>> No.10025303

need the bread and grains to soak it up, otherwise it's like really goopy, sticky soup

>> No.10025318
File: 141 KB, 1600x900, 28COOKING-EGGSBENEDICT1-videoSixteenByNineJumbo1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not liking pouched eggs

Literally the best way to make an egg

Sunny side up is 2nd best

Scrambled and turnover are pleb tier garbage for those with no ability to cook, the well-done steaks of egg cuisine

>> No.10025325


>> No.10025336

it's true though.

>> No.10025344

Like...yolk in liquid form? It's amazing on toast. If you like hollandaise you're halfway to liking runny yolk.

>> No.10025352

>go to a cafe for breakfast
>order a comfy eggs benny
>poaching water has too much vinegar so the eggs taste like vinegar

there is nothing more disappointing than this

>> No.10025379

me likey runny eggs ;p they good in my tumtums xDD

>> No.10025843

>Normal people

>> No.10025846

Like, people who aren't panicky autists or OCDers.

>> No.10025850

Are you British or just British?

>> No.10025855

You're supposed to pierce the top with the fork then dip the toast in, take a bite of toast, dip back, etc, until the pressure's off. Then at leisure as you eat the white around it. I can't even imagine being so dumb you fail when the food itself provides you with the bowl.

>> No.10025878

>soynny soyd up

>> No.10025906

>>>10025843 (You)
>Like, people who aren't panicky autists or OCDers.
>I judge people to be autists based on their preference for runny or solid eggs
Yes it's everybody else who is crazy

>> No.10025914

So you admit you can only have eggs one way ever and don't believe yourself not to be suffering from OCD or autism?

>> No.10025953

eggs in general do nothing for me. I don't get this egg meme really

>> No.10025967

>there was an attempt

>> No.10026069

Bonus points if you put a poached egg on top of a pile of fries and break the yolk.

>> No.10026384

You admit you judge people's mental state based on their preference to eat eggs ?

>> No.10026392

>implying this whole board isn't completely autistic

>> No.10027667

>he doesn't like his eggs "dippy" style

>> No.10027693



>> No.10027703

Hey you take that back you

>> No.10028289

>he doesn't eat carbonara

>> No.10028357

do you sometimes get mad about the fact that you live on the ass of the world?

>> No.10028414

Hell yeah boi.

My most common breakfast is quick grits and two lightly-poached eggs dumped into the grits bowl, mixing yolk as I go, eating it with toast. Takes literally five minutes to make

>> No.10028433

>he doesnt eat tamago kake gohan

>> No.10028440

Most people dont know how to cook an egg. Most overcook the egg so its solid and bland

>> No.10028464

ahh yes, delicious egg yolk running down the shell. Why eat an egg with it still in its shell?

>> No.10028483

Yes, I do consider the probability of people having a defect when they demonstrate the symptoms of that defect.