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/ck/ - Food & Cooking


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>> No.10861984 [View]
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Lived with this friend for first year Uni, now going to live with him and two others in the second year.
>Have friend over, making 3 of us all together
>Roomie wants popcorn
>He walks into the kitchen
>Promptly comes back in a second
>I'm thinking ::This isn't correct, he should stand over and watch so it doesn't burn::
>Meh, whatever, he probably knows best
>Few minutes go by, we're playing vidya and I completely forget about the kitchen
>Girl flatmate bursts through the door
>Shit what the fuck what
>Run into kitchen
>Pot is on flames
>Run over, turn off gas, take off cooker, put under running tap
>Burning smell fills the kitchen
>Lucky as fuck that this didn't set off the fire or smoke alarm
>The popcorn is now a black mass stuck in the pot
>"Never again are you making popcorn for us" I tell him. And never again he did.

>Same place, same roommate.
>He's off in the kitchen making himself food. We both make ourselves food so I don't think anything of it
>He's making himself bread
>Uh sure, if you know how to make it
>"Yeah yeah, my mum used to make it so I know how to too"
>Doesn't use starter, doesn't use yeast, doesn't use salt, doesn't use anything but flour with added nuts, flakes and other healthy shit and a tiny bit of water, just enough to congeal it
>Puts it into a bowl and places it riskly on our heater
>It eventually falls down onto manky, dirty carpet
>He picks it up from the ground and picks off the hairs, puts it back in
>Fast forward to cooking process
>Oven has been on full blast for the past hour while he was preparing his bread
>Decides he wants to raise the bread
>Opens oven door down, places wooden cutting board half inside the oven, half on the door, places bowl on top of that
>10 minutes go by
>Same girl as before knocks on our door
>"Come in-"
>"Something's burning in the kitchen"
>Go into kitchen, sure enough the board has caught fire
>Take bread off, take board off

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