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/ck/ - Food & Cooking


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>> No.17008384 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 534 KB, 898x1500, 919 - beard ear glasses hair hallucination horror hybrid multiple_soyjaks open_mouth schizo soyjak stubble variant_a24_slowburn_soyjak variant_gapejak_front variant_its_out_get_in_here variant_markiplier_soyjak varia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/ck/ - Food & Cooking
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>File: image9833.jpg (1.4 MB, 3024x4032)
> Anonymous 11/18/21(Thu)16:09:43 No.17006870▶>>17006879 >>17006883 >>17006920 >>17007067 >>17007081
>Name another nationwide restaurant - NATIONWIDE - where you can walk in and get nachos like these in 5 minutes.
> Anonymous 11/18/21(Thu)16:11:46 No.17006879▶
>>>17006870 (OP)
>I could get bad nachos like that from 7-11.
> Anonymous 11/18/21(Thu)16:13:05 No.17006883▶
>>>17006870 (OP)
>buying from chain restaurant is a taste tax on stupid people.
> Anonymous 11/18/21(Thu)16:23:05 No.17006920▶
>>>17006870 (OP)
>any number of independent taquerias now operating in even the smallest towns from coast to coast in the USA?
> Anonymous 11/18/21(Thu)16:56:16 No.17007067▶
>>>17006870 (OP)
>I can take same cheese and make nachos myself for less money, and they taste better.
>For one, OP, that's not even real cheese. And those chips? Very old and stale. Your tomatoes are guaranteed to be the tasteless kind Toxic Hell always uses. The only thing worth eating there is the cheap pepper slices.
> Anonymous 11/18/21(Thu)16:59:31 No.17007081▶
>>>17006870 (OP)
>Nachos look sad.

>> No.15930496 [View]
File: 534 KB, 898x1500, 1617613315430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anonymous 04/12/21(Mon)05:47:24 No.15930487▶
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Anonymous 04/12/21(Mon)05:47:50 No.15930491▶
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>>>>>>>>i hate the gross incels who take absolutely no effort in trying to hide or suppress their burps and instead do it as loudly as possible
Anonymous 04/12/21(Mon)05:47:57 No.15930492▶
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you lonely losers woukd be oh so lucky to even get a second of my attention

in fact....i bet all of you would pay $350 just to hold my hand

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