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/ck/ - Food & Cooking


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>> No.14251964 [View]
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>sushifags are just tryhard plebs that just want something "cultural" to post on their instagram or weebs who would eat anything made by asians, no one actually enjoys the flavor of sushi or gets full from it
lol no. Nobody knows how much sushi I eat and I have no social media accounts. I get it because it's really enjoyable food and super-easy on the GI tract to boot (as long as you stick to nigiri; supermarket roll sushi always has all those retarded seeds poured on for no reason that rape your intestines).
Nice soft white rice, enjoyable and decent sized pieces of tuna, salmon, eel, or any number of more exotic choices, and you get the wasabi and so sauce to further enjoy it all with last second modifications of the taste.
Mexican food in comparison (which I think OP and/or other anons have brought up as an alternative they prefer) is definitely way cheaper, but it also tends to sit heavy and you can get sick of it pretty quickly. Sushi is the safest bet for a meal that will digest perfectly well and leave you feeling satisfied rather than bloated and sick. And you'll probably stop eating it after a while because of the cost rather than because you're tired of it. Once I got a promotion and started making a lot more money I went for months eating nothing but sushi at my office for lunch (delivery to our front desk security people through Uber Eats so I wouldn't even need to worry about picking it up myself).
And all that aside it's solid nutritionally. Most people don't get enough fresh fish in their diet, and if you tend to be underweight the combination of rice and fish makes it easy to get a decent number of calories in without making yourself sick chugging whole milk or eating giant plates of chicken or whatever other gains approaches you might have going on already.
>If you're a toddler, a girl, or a skinny fedora wearing soy-boy with no testosterone that you can get full from sushi.
Won't get full from 20 pieces of nigiri? Bullshit.

>> No.13879995 [View]
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>durr why come ppl on website talk about foods most commonly eaten by ppl on website????
It's a mystery.

>> No.13729196 [View]
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>You see the benefits so fast
>Reduced-calorie diets result in clinically meaningful weight loss regardless of which macronutrients they emphasize.
>Ketogenic low-carbohydrate diets have no metabolic advantage over nonketogenic low-carbohydrate diets
>KLC and NLC diets were equally effective in reducing body weight and insulin resistance, but the KLC diet was associated with several adverse metabolic and emotional effects.
>The use of ketogenic diets for weight loss is not warranted.
>The isocaloric KD was not accompanied by increased body fat loss but was associated with relatively small increases in EE that were near the limits of detection with the use of state-of-the-art technology.
>the food is so easy to eat
> A number of studies have reported a high dropout rate of participants following this diet namely because of its restrictive nature which makes understanding the long-term implications difficult.
>We also do not know much about its long-term effects, probably because it’s so hard to stick with that people can’t eat this way for a long time.
>Many participants dropped out before the end of the study

>> No.13694167 [View]
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>How so?
Castration is performed to avoid boar taint in the meat of sexually mature male pigs. Everyone agrees it's a somewhat inhumane practice that's done without anesthetic and is pretty painful for the animal, but nobody has stopped exactly because it fucks with the flavor so much not to castrate.

>> No.13666888 [View]
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>You guys shit talk keto all the time, but for feeling full on small meals that shit is like magic.
Placebo effect. Fat's fairly non-satiating and the foods producing the most satiety are carbs like potatoes.
>The highest SI score was produced by boiled potatoes.
>SI scores also correlated positively with the water, fiber and protein content of the foods but inversely with fat content.

>> No.13597477 [View]
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>> No.13527747 [View]
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Do people buy this for any reason other than making sure to drain extra blood from meat to comply with kosher standards? I don't see what else you would use it for. It's not like it's better for applying to food as a table salt. It's not even kosher in itself (it's kosher-ING salt) meaning if you're some sort of ultra-strict practicing jew you would still use regular table salt for adding flavor to food. Only people involved in producing meat products that have to meat kosher standards would really have a need to apply kosher(ing) salt.

>> No.13449637 [View]
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^Low IQ anon detected.
>rarebit (n.)
>1785, perversion of (Welsh) rabbit, as if from rare (adj.) + bit (n.).
Welsh rabbit is the real name and shows up earlier in 1700s writings. Rarebit is a perversion of rabbit that showed up later, probably because of an autistic faggot like you who couldn't understand a non-literal naming convention and therefore concluded it must be some similar sounding non-rabbit word instead.
>Welsh Rabbit is amusing and right. Welsh Rarebit is stupid and wrong.
-Fowler, H. W., A Dictionary of Modern English Usage, Oxford University Press, 1926

>> No.13352819 [View]
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No. Most people I know don't use food trucks. I don't understand why anyone would use them. They're just restaurants except worse and you have to go outside and pick the food up without getting to sit down and eat it in a dining area.
If you're not going to get to eat it in a dining area then just getting delivery would make a lot more sense. And with Uber Eats now you can get any food you want delivered. Even all the major fast food chains have gotten on board with it.
I did see food trucks at my office briefly when HR tried to jew us out of on site food vendors. But I don't think they even lasted more than a month because nobody wants to go outside and get food from a truck.

>> No.13339018 [View]
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>We’ve been over this.
Yeah, we've been over how you're wrong about this. Stop being a dishonest faggot and just accept you're not being morally forced to eat meat. It would be super-convenient if eating meat were actually the least harmful thing you could do since everyone knows meat is great for food and most vegans are malnourished and near death but obviously it isn't.
>The effects of corn and wheat harvest on abundance, movement, disappearance, sex ratio and age structure of Akodon azarae were studied in cropfield–border systems. Sampling occurred both before and after harvest, in crops, in their weedy margins (borders) and in surrounding areas. The abundance of A. azarae decreased in fields between before and after harvest and increased along borders. Rodents moved among habitat patches, movement being higher as a consequence of harvest. There was no difference among habitats in terms of disappearance and sex ratio but changes occurred in age structure because of harvest. In response to harvest A. azarae was able to move from crops to borders, decreasing the mortality effects. The ability to respond to habitat changes allows A. azarae to maximize fitness in periodically disturbed habitats.
tl;dr mice don't just sit there and let themselves get murdered by grain harvesters. They, believe it or not, MOVE to safer locations. Population of rodents decreases in the harvested area and increases along the borders of that area, resulting in a net population without significant change.

>> No.13285350 [View]
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>if its so """easy""" to lose weight (according to /ck/ and /fit/) , why are so MANY people still fat no matter what pills or surgeries they undergo?
Because they made a choice. Now let me pose my own question to you:
If it's so """easy""" to refrain from committing felony crimes, why are so many people still in prison?

>> No.13259615 [View]
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Here you go, friend. You might learn something today.
>The effects of corn and wheat harvest on abundance, movement, disappearance, sex ratio and age structure of Akodon azarae were studied in cropfield–border systems. Sampling occurred both before and after harvest, in crops, in their weedy margins (borders) and in surrounding areas. The abundance of A. azarae decreased in fields between before and after harvest and increased along borders. Rodents moved among habitat patches, movement being higher as a consequence of harvest. There was no difference among habitats in terms of disappearance and sex ratio but changes occurred in age structure because of harvest. In response to harvest A. azarae was able to move from crops to borders, decreasing the mortality effects. The ability to respond to habitat changes allows A. azarae to maximize fitness in periodically disturbed habitats.
tl;dr mice don't just sit there and let themselves get murdered by grain harvesters. They, believe it or not, MOVE to safer locations. Population of rodents decreases in the harvested area and increases along the borders of that area, resulting in a net population without significant change.

>> No.13255214 [View]
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>How do Keto fatties explain Japan?
By making up and/or repeating bullshit.
>We have for the past 15 years treated numerous diabetic patients with the rice diet. Since more than 90 percent of the calories in this diet are derived from carbohydrates, it was anticipated that increased amounts of insulin would be necessary to keep the blood sugar at its previous level. However, the opposite proved to be true. As previously reported, not only is the rice diet well tolerated but in many instances the blood sugar and the insulin requirements decrease.
>There is no indication that healthy people taking a diet rich in carbohydrates are especially liable to diabetes ; in fact numerous observations show improvement of carbohydrate tolerance following its greater intake. The Staub-Traugott effect is a classical example of this in acute experiments. As a long-term effect diabetes mellitus is not especially common among the huge and mainly carbohydrate-eating populations of the world-e.g., the Chinese-except the rich and the sedentary among them who partake of large quantities of fat as well and encourage obesity by overeating.

>> No.13219992 [View]
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>Tipping is... directly proportional to the service
Objectively untrue, and part of the reason why tipping culture should probably be allowed to die out within the next generation or so now that it's not the Great Depression anymore and restaurants can afford to pay their employees themselves.
>The percent tipped in these studies was related to group size, the customer's gender, the method of payment (cash or credit), and in some cases, the size of the bill. Tipping was not related to service quality, waitperson's efforts, waitperson's gender, restaurant's atmosphere, or restaurant's food.

>> No.13213977 [View]
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>It's called rarebit
>rarebit (n.)
>1785, perversion of (Welsh) rabbit, as if from rare (adj.) + bit (n.).
Welsh rabbit is the real name and shows up earlier in 1700s writings. "Rarebit" is a perversion of rabbit that showed up later, probably because of an autistic faggot like you who couldn't understand a non-literal naming convention and therefore concluded it must be some similar sounding non-rabbit word instead.
>Welsh Rabbit is amusing and right. Welsh Rarebit is stupid and wrong.
Fowler, H. W., A Dictionary of Modern English Usage, Oxford University Press, 1926

>> No.13186466 [View]
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>you're an idiot
>Are you fucking retarded?
>Tell me where the fucking spine on that sponge is?
Sea squirts and humans both belong to the phylum Chordata.
Look it up my low IQ frens.

>> No.13120564 [View]
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>''cloying" means "anything sweet"

>> No.13109351 [View]
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>emergency chef boyardee
... do Americans really?

>> No.9414532 [View]
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>11 days sober
>thinking about getting wasted so that i get the courage to check school email

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