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/ck/ - Food & Cooking


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>> No.18190130 [View]
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Exercise accompanied by a consistent diet is the proven method. Throw out your pantry and get nothing but whole foods. Don't be afraid to eat what you like for a little while longer. But get it out and start eating whole foods only. Processing a tomato yourself isn't difficult and always, always tastes better. If it doesn't add salt. Wala.

You do not want to "diet" ever and you'll hear that explained poorly. What this means is you need a nutrition plan, at least something generally what you are sticking with. That can mean "I am going to eat fish twice a week". Or "I am going to add a can of tuna after my workout". Keep it simple and learn as you go. But start whole foods now and this means you clean out your pantry. Get salad dressing (yes, get the fatty high calorie one we need fats) for either dressing or dunking. Grill, fry, or roast a big fatty piece of meat every day. Do those two things first and try to get fish in a few times a week.

None of this matters if you do not start some type of exercise program. This may mean gentle walking or it may mean Couch to 5k over a year. You can do at least some lifting and should try some calisthenics. If you are able to really work up a sweat and do it consistently you may have to increase your calories or risk overtraining. Think about this for a moment before you decide what to do. I'll say it again: if you work hard enough and are eating clean you may actually need to eat a slightly more.

That is how powerful "Diet and Exercise" is. When you have one or another you have different internal benefits and maintain a slow degradation. When you have all of them their exponential and the body will change and you have a vital aging. Get committed to both and within two years we see total transformation of someone's appearance, health, and mental health.

>> No.18190067 [View]
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Break down your shopping into protein (pb, eggs, meats, fish), carbs (pasta, bread, flour), veg, herbs/spices, and grocery (soap etc). Then bookmark the ad pages of every store within range. Every week pop open the ads and see what the sales are. Over time you will get a sense of the real price of foods and what is a deal to spend on.

Some tips:

>Buy in bulk at the lowest price then shop for smaller amounts as you go
>find the discount aisles in each store you visit, they all have at least one area
>Immigrant markets are your FRIEND. Find where they are and get their ads.
>You can buy some food and toiletries online cheaper, and at higher quality (e.g., bulk bags of good rice, paper, etc)
>If you have the room freeze your on-sale protein and get your veg fresh
>Potatoes, onions, and carrots sell dirt cheap in bulk bags. Learn to cook with these.
>Rice is a staple and there are a thousand ways to eat it
>Learn recipes that stretch out proteins with vegetables, rice, and pastas
>oatmeal and oatmeal accessories
>search for deals on herbs and spices like a thirsty simp and over a long period of time you will build a formidable spice collection
>Buddy up with the deli and butcher personnel and they will hook you up

>> No.17571939 [View]
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>refined carbohydrates
sugar and flour that digest instantly with no real nutritional value, spiking insulin, leading to fat gain, and symptoms of diabeeetus.

after a workout eat a big delicious meal of protein and fiber with plenty of starchy and carby root veggies, season it, use butter.

and go ahead and have some sugars or eat a nice piece of buttered bread. Ideally some fruit and ideally a good bread. Fruit juice is fine. Iced teas ideally with honey but even refined sugar is fine. Just cut it to near zero and get that garbage out of your house. Stop thinking in terms of eating healthy and start eating well. Once you have that dialed in, meaning you are enjoying the food and it is healthy, then have a slice of cheesekake every once in a while. That shit is delicious and we want to be healthy not unhuman.

Find stuff you like. Do you like fatty high calorie Caesar dressing? Good, dunk carrots or something else you like in it. Fucking delicious.

>> No.17536799 [View]
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I could debate this but I see no reason to. My interest is in reducing factory produced filth and increasing cleaner, healthier sources of nutrients for our people. I do believe we should consume animal proteins and I do not believe we should do so in the manner we are today.
>Pic related.

Corporate board rooms pushing out low quality factory foods have been poisoning our people long enough. Many of them are outright criminal and it is far beyond time to put them on notice for what they have done.

Stop buying their garbage and learn to cook with your friends, and families.

>> No.17432775 [View]
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here, this will blow your mind because this is max healthy:

sautee some pecans in real maple syrup (yes motherfucker do this)
drop them on top of your favorite type of green leaf
throw on some cranberries and a bit of your favorite cheese (I fucking hate feta but people do this)

yes i just said cheese and pecans in maple fucking syrup

add some very well grilled and seasoned chicken, maybe baste that with a sauce

wolf it down, smoke a joint, put on some headphones, and go for a walk

no matter the weather smile at the sky and be thankful for God and the new life he has given you.

listen to me: they are poisoning us all. we sacrifice NOTHING by rejecting their slop.

buy a goddamn steak, fry it on butter, and throw it on top of fresh chopped salad and bell peppers seasoned with oil and balsamic

thanks for reading my blog - God Bless all of you - and FUCK MCDONALD'S POSTERS YOU ARE SHIT HUMAN BEING STOP IT

>> No.17207957 [View]
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OP you don't have to stop eating delicious food you just need to find a way to keep healthy delicious food around. The best thing you can do is start looking around for recipes that you want to eat. One of the easiest places you can start is a removal of sugars and carbs. Start planning some meals that are a whole lot of veggies and leafy greens plus a big, delicious, fatty piece of meat. Make them big enough to have two days of leftovers.

Then start adding to that roster of good meals you are eating. Including clearing out the crap in the pantry and getting some good snacks. Get a bottle of your favorite dressing and put it in a small dish, dunk some veggies into it. Try this a few times and you'll get hooked on it pretty fast. I'll keep some dairy around like cheese, yogurt, etc. And I'll keep peanut butter around. When I break down I'll snack on those.

You don't need to make a drastic change or suffer. You need to get started. Get that going in your head and just start cleaning up your diet. You're going to cheat and that's okay. Just remember to keep cleaning up your diet. Move more and more to whole and unprocessed foods. You want to get to the point where you can just start grabbing fresh fruits and veg and start cooking with them, or eat them raw. It's going to take time so just relax and start on a few new dishes, and fill the pantry up with better snacks.

Over time fast food becomes disgusting and you will notice how it was making you sick. And if you get /fit/ you can just about anything you want.

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