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/ck/ - Food & Cooking


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>> No.7091946 [View]

Out of Jelly or Jam. I was caught in a snag. Really wanted a PB & J and was all out. Thankfully I had in my fridge some cups of sugar free Jell-O, in my cabinets xanthan gum, and Splenda! It's amazing the ideas and ways of combining separate things just to create the one thing you are most desperate for. Anyways , desperation jelly isn't an exact science. I measured based on the consistency of the end product, but the typical sugar free jello cup should get no more than 2 packets of Splenda. Xanthan Gum is a tricky beast! Add by the half a teaspoon and give it a HARD MIX or else YOU WILL get unappealing whites chunks of xanthan in the finished product. I also add a splash of water. It is hard to get the consistency just right. I've done this in the past and resulted in what looked like a slimy spinach porridge. But when done right, it can be good enough to stick in a PB & J.

>> No.7021586 [View]

Here's the thing, bagboy, and I do hope you take this to heart -- any labor no matter how menial... actually no, any obligation is a way of paving a road for others to follow your example. IT DOES NOT matter if nobody appreciates your hard work in the end because what does matter is you have set a precedent of going above and beyond FOR YOURSELF. When you do everything in your life on this curve, nothing you do in life is any less than a job well done. If you had any self respect you would realize that allowing yourself to suck at anything is your way of saying this life isn't worth the effort of being more than. You're saying it's better to set in stone the conduct of a failure rather than an over-achiever. That is not how I live my life and I'm on my way to becoming highly notable. Give a damn.

>> No.7002560 [View]

You know what? How about no. How's that?

>> No.7002554 [View]

You type like a complete retard. Stop letting 4chan dictate your lexicon.

>> No.6975839 [DELETED]  [View]

It's my body, it's my choice if I'm alright with even .00001% more likelihood of developing cancer. It IS NOT up to you to decide if I should be okay with your cancer sticks interfering with my life. Keep it in your pocket, or better yet, KEEP IT OFF THE SHELVES. Cigarettes are poison.

>> No.6975824 [View]

Cancer is as bad if not worse than PTSD. You are raping others into a Cancer diagnosis.

>> No.6975821 [View]

Tell you what, try to smoke around me. I'll bring you up on charges.
My health isn't a game. Lives aren't yours to destroy.
My cells should be tarnished due to your lack of control.

>> No.6975818 [View]

Cigarettes are unquestionably more harmful than either of those and very very easily avoidable as it wouldn't be a hindrance to not smoke. Also guess what, if your second hand smoke breaches anyone's area WITHOUT their consent then you are endangering and harming them in as much as rape and assault harms others and you are culpable in any impending damages. You are basically raping others with your death sticks. But no, the impulse completely counteracts the harm, right? Just like lust makes it OKAY to rape. Jesus, you smokers. Absolute swine.

>> No.6956775 [View]

It's better unfrosted. The absorption of milk or coffee is more evenly distributed when dunking.

>> No.6956772 [View]
File: 32 KB, 456x333, 7 11 freezey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think cherry based liquids would be less foul, possibly even taste ok, were they not tainted by their association with icky cough syrup you had to take as a kid?
I find it impossible not to associate the flavor with those thoughts of cringing through teaspoons of that nasty medicine as a little boy.
Would it be any less vile without those memories?


>> No.6879144 [View]

Pure truth.

>> No.6879132 [View]

You seem to believe some invisible force has the power to keep me from doing that. There are a few theories as to what that invisible force could be, be it the driving force of capitalism or your god. There are purely mental. Their power is only derived from making a conscious choice to let them oversee your domain. I run my domain without any invisible forces and all power is derived from within. If it involves a superstitious fear or indoctrination, then if does not rule over me. Change your outlook. YOU sound infected.

>> No.6879106 [View]

I'm actually proud. If nothing else, I still got a few lurkers to really think hard about this topic of identity and how their method of identifying things is often plagued by the virus of capitalism rather than a place of logic.

>> No.6879083 [View]

My point was that vegan mayo is still mayo despite what is or is not in it. Modern ketchup still being ketchup even lacking fermented fish paste actually helps my point, so thank you.

>> No.6879071 [View]

Try signing up for class on debate and rhetoric before you enter a tournament next time. Whatever background you have in either of the two, I can assure you I outclass you by several lifetimes. So sure stick with your images. Little visual approximations for the impotent depth of your grasp. Imbecile.

>> No.6879056 [View]

Somebody could be lead to believe apples are actually electronics. It wouldn't surprise me if a person educated to enter the laborforce learned about Darwin one day and assumed, lacking critical problem solving skills, that of course Apples evolved into a machine and that the sweet apples we find in supermarkets are a less evolved brethren. Look at a human and tell me without a decent education that you guess they evolved from fish. You probably wouldn't reach that conclusion; thus, to reach the conclusion that Apple products evolved from apples isn't outside the realm of possibility. If you keep all of this in mind then yeah it could be argued that Apple is trying to mislead you by insisting their products derived from the fruit.

>> No.6879030 [View]

You care too much about language. That's the problem with you capitalists. The dichotomy of language for you ranges between a price-tag and a pink-slip. There's no formal reasoning for the reasoning behind our actions. Margarine is butter. It may not be butter at the checkout aisle but margarine is butter. A man is a woman if a man is a woman. Vegan Mayo is real mayo. The reason I can reach these conclusions is because my mind isn't infested by greed and the market doesn't influence me. I live in a land of dreams and truth. You live trapped in a piggybank without airholes, left to suffocate while the scene of copper and silver steadily make your mind break, and after it all you will give up on ever cracking the walls for a breath of fresh air and accept that this life was one long deathmarch over a sea of coins.

>> No.6879025 [View]

Apple computers aren't apples. Should the Department of Agriculture file a claim?

>> No.6879016 [DELETED]  [View]

You care too much about language. That's the problem with you capitalists. The dichotomy of language for you ranges between a price-tag and a pink-slip. There's no formal reasoning for the reasoning behind our actions. Margarine is butter. It may not be butter at the checkout aisle but margarine is butter. A man is a woman if a man is a woman. Vegan Mayo is vegan mayo. The reason I can reach these conclusions is because my mind isn't infested by greed and the market doesn't influence me. I live in a land of dreams and truth. You live trapped in a piggybank without airholes, left to suffocate while the scene of copper and silver steadily make your mind break, and after it all you will give up on ever cracking the walls for a breath of fresh air and accept that this life was one long deathmarch over a sea of coins.

>> No.6878973 [View]

My brand of choice is Duke's! My only bone to pick is with these fatcats trying to encroach on the right for Vegan Mayo to exist. By the way, definitions aren't solid. If it tastes like mayo and looks like mayo then it's mayo. It doesn't make a difference if it misses what somebody as close minded as you would consider a key part. That leads me to believe you could just as well be a transphobe. I mean, you have the same exact mentality as one in this instance. If vegan mayo calls itself mayo then it is mayo.

Eggs or lack thereof DO NOT make a difference.

>> No.6878922 [View]

It may not be mayo to a plutocrat, but it is most certainly still mayo.

>> No.6878909 [View]

The original mayo, salsa mahonesa, required no eggs in preparation. And why would it? Eggs back then were liable to spoiling at a faster rate and nobody would dare use a condiment prepared with raw eggs due to the risk of catching salmonella. We may not worry as much with our modern medical advancements, but back then eggs were considered a hazard uncooked. Mayonnaise were only made with eggs very recently in history and this formula was stabilized by the USDA because of its incorporation of the egg. Before capitalism took over mayonnaise in its most popular form was essentially vegan.

>> No.6878883 [View]

I'm not a vegan. I live a low-carb lifestyle, but I do eat meats.

>> No.6878869 [View]

Hey, it's me Edgar. I made this thread so you know that there was no "shilling" involved in its creation. My number 1 concern whenever I post on 4chan is speaking truth to power because I fear that the world is turning into a place where truth has no power. It's a depressing state of affairs. When I read the linked article and its cited sources I felt a sinking in the bottom of my stomach. It just had to be spread around. Stories like this show how nasty things really are.

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