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/ck/ - Food & Cooking


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>> No.4013637 [View]

I've avoided posting in this thread because I dislike the idea of a college cookbook coming out of /ck/.

College cooking is already sortof a shot in the dark, the whole point is to figure shit out yourself and most college students would ignore/despise such a book even if they got it. Of the small percent that actually would be happy to receive it... they are well enough connected with their family that they won't really enjoy the sudden shift in diet/recipes, they will fall back on the family standards or do what most college kids do - eat with 0 effort involved.

anyway. I think this idea is pretty fail. I thought it was time you should know.

>> No.4013632 [View]

I can't see any other outcome, the whole reason they want the Hostess flag is for brand recognition.

>> No.4013626 [View]

I don't get to eat it very often, but I like it.

>> No.4013624 [View]

It was just a matter of time really.
There is no way a valuable asset like the name "Hostess" would go by, without being snatched up by someone!

Remember what happened with Mother's Cookies?

Same shit different day. Service hiccup and welcome to the New Hostess.

>> No.4013617 [View]

if your chili tastes bland, you can either add more salt or liven it up with traditionals like onion and garlic powder, paprika, white pepper, and ancho pepper powder.

Remember to taste as you work; you don't want to ruin the chili by oversalting or adding too much pepper powder.

>> No.4013591 [View]

Just ask the internet about the traditional Better Than Sex Cake.

The Molten Chocolate Better Than Sex cake (recipe)
(Note: This is a flourless cake.)

Use a microwave on MEDIUM heat or a Double boiler, to melt:

6 ounces of bittersweet/semisweet chocolate that you personally love the taste of.
6 tablespoons butter

Stir often while warming, until it's nice and smooth.
Take off the heat.Sift in:

1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa

Stir until smooth again. Now take a medium sized bowl, and beat:
4 large egg whites
1/8 tsp Cream of Tartar (for hold)
on medium speed, until soft peaks form.

Gradually add:
2 tablespoons of sugar
while beating at high speed.

beat it until the peaks stiffen but NOT dry. Use a rubber spatula to fold 1/4 of this egg white mixture into the chocolate.. then fold in the rest.

Fill the muffin cups 3/4 full with the molten cake batter.
Bake until the molten cakes crack on the top but the cores are still gooey - 7 to 8 minutes. (If you have been storing the batter in the fridge, as I sometimes do, it will take about 1 minute longer)

Let them sit for 2-3 minutes. The cakes should shrink away from the sides a little. Put a rack OVER the cakes, and INVERT - to unmold without damaging the precious cakes.
Accompany with whip cream... they need to be eaten while hot.

>> No.4013579 [View]

The original Better Than Sex cake uses honey or condensed milk, heath bar, and cool whip.
Its recipe can be found all over the internet.

The Molten Chocolate Better Than Sex Cake is a single-serving cake that is baked in muffin-tin, has a semi-liquid core, and needs to be served warm. (So I don't know if it would work for a bake sale...)

Of course these are just the recipes that I have. /ck/ may have others...

>> No.4013574 [View]

You know, back where I come from, there's a word for guys like you...

... I cannot remember what that word is

>> No.4013571 [View]

Cheers to you, Winemaker.
I don't drink, but I have the utmost respect for your profession.

>> No.4013564 [View]

now, now, take it easy.
Everybody cooks differently. I think we can agree the important part is they are using large quantities of 400 degree oil.

Whether they are using strictly water, or a water based stock, is a matter of preference and cooking heritage.

>> No.4013548 [View]

solly, chollie
i was takin' a nap
Been trippin all morning

Captcha: was retardeh

>> No.4013527 [View]

OK, if you can't find what you are looking for, feel free to come back. Be descriptive with what you want, though ^^ (ie. "I want a cake that tastes better than sex!" We have 2 of those.)

>> No.4013504 [View]

Fish is one of those unique foods. Usually you bread food to keep it from burning or give it a crust while it finishes cooking.

Fish, you bread(BATTER!) it so it doesn't fall apart and to give it some flavor.

Whitefish (hake) is a light and soft-flavored fish. The trick is to avoid overcooking it and be gentle as you plate it up - the fish WILL be ridiculously soft and fall-apart when it's time to eat unless you batter it thoroughly.

Would you like a basic Battered Whitefish recipe?

>> No.4013501 [View]

you got me to laugh with this tripe.
Take yer goddamned trophy

>> No.4013495 [View]

fallin' asleep over here

>> No.4013488 [View]

While caffeine can cause anxiety, it does not directly cause hallucination.

Various energy drinks can cause you to see little white streaks, like distant fireworks or some fucked up kinda pyreflies, but that is not a hallucination - it's basically 'seeing stars', a symptom of dehydration. It's a good indicator to lay off the caffeinated, carbonated beverages and get some water.

>> No.4013476 [View]

excuse me
WTF are you doin?

>> No.4013472 [View]

Lazy man parking here with some Quaker instant stuff.
Whatever-in-the-bag and cream for me.

Always 2 packets. Grown men eat well.
Let's see what I get today ...
... looks like strawberry.

>> No.4013466 [View]

Traditionally, that's cheddar and mexican sour cream

>> No.4013465 [View]

You should probably try Google, but what kind of cake are you interested in making?

>> No.4013461 [View]

there yar you jerk, you're even in the same thread

>> No.4013458 [View]
File: 27 KB, 250x300, Gear Portrait (F).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP's comment is mostly true.
Every restaurant is different, but virtually all are better than chains.

The only chain 'restaurant' I've ever seen that can beat local pizza joints, is possibly Papa Murphy's.

And that's because they basically give you the raw pizza and say "Cook away." It's an absolute quality assurance, all their focus is on good ingredients.

EDIT: HEY! Who the fuck took my shame-guy pic? Aw hell, that better not become a meme

>> No.4013439 [View]

You should also learn how to pan-sear a steak. A pan-seared steak is relatively simple; only a few practice attempts and you'll be a master at pleasing yourself. Although the bulk of your protein can and should come from learning new recipes and furthering your ability (That's how you practice - deciding on the protein intake, making it, eating it.) there will be days when it's pissing down rain, the fridge is empty, and you Just Don't Want to Cook.

Putting meat in a pan and monitoring it can be used for chicken, pork, fish, steak, and hamburger, although the timing is a bit different for each one.

Lastly; buy a stopwatch. For a novice chef, it is critical you get a FEEL for the proper timing when cooking. That will come with practice, but only if you practice doing things for the RIGHT amount of time, every time. Nothing is more practical for that, than a cheap digital neck-hung stopwatch. It won't cost much, and it can be a critical kitchen tool, so consider it.

>> No.4013438 [View]

Welcome to the world of solitary eating.

Let's start with the basics.

Chapter 1: Being a lazy ass (and not killing yourself)
The first thing you're like to run into as you start out on your own is; with no one around you to cook for, the motive to cook something big and fancy will usually be pretty low. There are exceptions; the first few nights you will feel the need to declare your independence so something grandiose comes out of the oven or you break in the stove top with a 3-pot recipe.

But generally, when you live alone, laziness will set in. The key, is to not let it set into your stomach. Buying frozen dinners and eating potato chips will wear on you, so here's what you can do to retain some personal ability.

- Eat whole fresh foods. Rabbiting along on cabbage, tomato, celery, carrot, bellpepper, and loads of fruit doesn't sound much like cooking, but it's also not very much work, and in terms of healthy eating, it's the equivalent of a Prime number. Raw veg is almost always healthier than cooked; you'll spend less on prep and power, and virtually anyone's food habits can be improved by doing it.

But man doesn't live on raw tomato, carrot and orange alone. (Though he very NEARLY can.)

You will need your carbs. You should master Mashed Potatoes right away, as this is a fast and easy recipe involving boiling some potatoes, smashing them into a nice smooth texture, and then consuming it while hot. It's nutritious, it's adjustable to your tastes, and it's low budget-and-time intensive.

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