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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9988516 No.9988516 [Reply] [Original]

tell your horror stories at the con, with other con attendees, normies, anyone.

also how accurate is this video series to going to conventions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHwdtyHkLa8

>> No.9988518

I remember when 2Kawaii4Comfort was first posted to a cringe thread here. Glad it's getting more attention, it deserves it

>> No.9988716

I don't have any convention horror stories.

But I was at Dragon Con and some thot got escorted out for spreading her anus in the hallway.

>> No.9989103

Inaccurate since most guys don't go to cons with women

>> No.9989141

I can't wait for the finale of 2kawaii that shit was surreal. Definitely needs more attention.

>> No.9989222

2kawaii fucked me up, more people need to watch that shit

>> No.9989603


Yeah, Rita fucked me up and I was feeling some next level cringe with randy

>> No.9989644

i straight up fast forwarded through all his convos with the gamer chick. couldn’t handle it

>> No.9989683

I just finished watching the series so far of 2kawaii4comfort and I just feel a mix of emotions (I so relate to the girl with the panda hat the most except being into the tentacle part). Thank you anon for mentioning this

>> No.9989834

bretty good thanks for posting

Trying to get through this part right now and I feel ill

>> No.9989942


I had to take a break from all of that, I have never felt that much profound sense of cringe and discomfort

>> No.9989956

I couldn't watch the video. too cringey for me.

>> No.9989971

If you couldn't finish 2kawaii4comfort, at what point did you have to stop?

>> No.9989974
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Here again
Just finished it and I'm not even cringing, I just feel bad man

>> No.9989996

>at what point did you have to stop?

>> No.9990025

That's fair.

>> No.9990127

The talent show part

>> No.9990162
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I haven't stopped after finding this thread, but ep 6 where the comic artist and spencer are having a heart to heart is too fucking real.

Two men, one already past jaded, the other with his boyhood one foot in the grave, shooting the shit and talking about the realities of life after the magic of anime ends, over a drink, and they both barely know each other.

God, I wish I didn't know this feel. But at least I'm wise enough to help kids like Spencer out nowadays with a good pep talk.

>tfw your entire cosplay hobby/career is laden with regrets and broken hearts.

>> No.9990169

>Needs funding for finale
>Look at most of the actor/actress's noses and last names
>Most of the actors are Jewish
>Tricks intensify

How much you wanna bet they invested in making this thing with a planned cliffhanger, so they could re-coup their investment and make a profit and costs with a kickstarter by holding the finale hostage after hooking everyone?

I mean, I like what they've done. But I feel like they already finished the finale, and are just holding it ransom.

In any case, I wish them luck. Maybe they can get this thing to play at a few conventions and garner more interest/fans. Has the makings of being the next big "Fanboy Bebop" imo if they pull it off, and I do want to see the finale.

>> No.9990171
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Con staffer here.

Every year, someone gets either dress coded or busted for doing dumb shit, and their friends spread a dumb rumor about what happened.

Usually the truth is simple- You're breaking rules. You got warned. Your badge got pulled. Simple, standard shit to any con.

This year, the dumb story was from a Naruto cosplayer. I dress coded him twice, and finally security busted him later. This was all I heard about it...

Until Day 3 rolls around, and I hear the latest, dumb story that people are actually believing.

Turns out. Dude was drunk, out of code, and iffy to security. They were escorted to security hq, and had badge pulled. Cop escorted the security person because they didnt' wanna leave them alone with the dude.

The dumb story? His buddies claimed that he was tied to a chair, had his badge pulled and they waited for the cops to show up.
anyway there was also the time a dude showed up literally dressed as a cock

pic unrelated but best girl

>> No.9990183

That's actually what I was thinking when I saw the video for the finale kek.

I feel like the stage performance, that edgy sperg dude the drawing girl got stuck with, and the steam punk presentation were the most accurate without going into parody territory

>> No.9990185

desu their twitter begging at MB is kinda sad

>> No.9990230
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I don't have one but a friend of mine went to animazment and had this random cosplayer sit next to her and started to have a mental breakdown then she got up and left like nothing happened.

>> No.9990233

Spencer's story is the realist shit there like damn. I feel like I'm more sympathetic towards Spencer than the rest of the cast. The fact that his idol took his time to talk to him about his problems is very heart felt

>> No.9990263

I know so many Ritas with the difference that deep in their heart they aren't some sad girl who just wants to be loved, cuddled and everything being ok.
Psychopaths don't suddenly turn nice when someone show affection. They actually just get worse.

>All that mouse people who just break under the pressure, while pressure means anything more exciting than ASMR-Meditation videos.

I would volunteer to just run around and comfort those people for the sake of not having them being miserable because they are often the good guys in the puddle of degenerates sperging around at cons.

Well at the same time I always ask myself why someone so delicate would even go near a con. I mean that must be hell for them.

>> No.9990268

Here's a cringe story from last year, at a canadian con that I will not name.

I was crossplaying as Vert from Neptunia with my crew. We get lots of pictures despite 2/3rd of the group crossdressing. At one point though, we start getting tired and hungry, so we head to chinatown for dinner. As we move out of the convention center, some underage girl dressed as captain Harlock asks me and only me for a picture. At first I am happy to oblige, despite starving and my friends not waiting for me because they're starving too. Then the girl tells me how she saw me at the concert and she wanted soooo much to take a picture with me. Then she asks me to do a special pose with her. Then she gets down on one knee and grab my hand and kisses it, while her father takes the picture.

I thanked her and ran away as fast I could. Running in high heels with a long skirt is hell.

>> No.9990282

That stage performance was so accurate I wanted to die from knowing my hobby is associated with that degree of mental illness.

I know it's parody, but somewhere out there, someone probably did make Harry Potter x Dr Who x Sailor Moon Yaoi fiction and do a skit. I just know it. This is simply the ethereal vapors of it in secondhand form, and even that is too much autism for me.

>> No.9990283

Yeah when you are a staff, you tend to see all the dumb shit that attendees tend to do. Worst is when they do something REALLY stupid and you have ground to ban them/venue can have them charged for something really stupid.

I don't have that picture anymore but like that guy who climbed on a ledge for an assassins creed photoshoot, one wrong step and he would have plummeted to his death.

I even heard a story on cgl where some dude climbed a pillar and wouldn't come down because venue called the cops on him and the cops where waiting for him bellow the pillar.

I am doing the same thing for a con where I am staffing at although after the fact. Can't wait to see what kind of bs these idiots would say in their defense

>> No.9990577

Thanks for showing this to me. I watched all 6 episodes. It's really good.

>> No.9990626

Can't speak for everyone else, but it's a pretty accurate depiction of my first few years of going to cons as a dumb kid sans car accident.

My weeb child self would relate to panda hat girl, except for going to dating panels. I had/currently have a cunty friend like the pink haired girl.

I think a lot of people have had shitty friends like pinky.

>> No.9990678
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Just finished watching Part 6. That was amazing.
Toki, though. I could see my 13-year-old self in her. The "uguu kawaii" act. Always drawing on her sketchbook. The cute animal hat with pockets.
It made me cringe, but at the same time it made me feel a bit nostalgic, for some reason.

>> No.9990690

probably because what people describe as "cringe" now is just part of growing up. You do stupid stuff, you make mistakes, you learn from them. If you ever want to see someone who never went out and did "cringey" things to learn from take a stroll over to /r9k/

>> No.9990811

Each character in 2kawaii4comfort represents a real type of person found at conventions. It's exaggerated but still rooted in reality.

>> No.9991431

i busted my stitching in a room full of people, couldn't wear anything underneath it so 300+ people saw my bare butt and vagina. can still hear the laughs and omgs when i can't fall asleep at night, this was 8 years ago.

>> No.9991435

If this is true, holy fucking shit.
Always triple stitch crotch seams, that's a lesson learned quick.

>> No.9991791

That was actually pretty good. I hope there's going to be more episodes someday.
One thing though, I don't know if I'm just too retarded to get it but [no spoilers on cgl but pretend there's a spoiler tag here] at the end of the most latest part we see Mari hallucinating, implying she was the one who needed the antipsychotics and not Rita. But do we have any clues as to what's wrong with Rita then? Does she have some other disorder, is it just not shown yet, or was I supposed to have picked this up already? [/imaginaryspoilertag]

>> No.9991796

Mari has head trauma. Spencer says it when they're eating, before each of the others start going to the con.

>> No.9991797


>> No.9991977

Head trauma and self esteem lack. She's talking to and confiding in herself cause her friends are not there. From her pov, they all abandoned her in her in a pretty significant time

>> No.9991990

Thanks. Girl was at least 15 years younger than me, so I regret nothing.

>> No.9992006

I opened it expecting a good laugh and here I am, all depressed after six episodes.

That was good, but I'm legitimately sad now.

>> No.9992025

we don’t know what exactly rita has, but she’s psychotic. could be schizo, could be particularly nasty bipolar mania (altho we don’t see her in depressive states so unlikely), could be literally anything that causes psychosis.

>> No.9992033


I'm very willing to bet its a nasty case of bipolar

>> No.9992037 [DELETED] 

>at the end of the most latest part we see Mari hallucinating, implying she was the one who needed the antipsychotics and not Rita
You need to work on your attention to details, anon. The prescription bottle that Spender found had Rita's name on it. Moreover we literally saw her taking them earlier (and deciding to stop after she read the side effect of increased menstrual cramps while she was on the toilet suffering from them.)

Mari is hallucinating because, if you'll recall, "what part of severe brain trauma is daijobu?"

>> No.9992040

>at the end of the most latest part we see Mari hallucinating, implying she was the one who needed the antipsychotics and not Rita
You need to maybe work on your attention to details, anon. We know for sure they're Rita's, the prescription bottle that Spencer found had Rita's name on it. Moreover we literally saw her taking them earlier (and deciding to stop after she read the side effect of increased menstrual cramps while she was on the toilet suffering from them.)

Mari is hallucinating because, if you'll recall, "what part of severe brain trauma is daijobu?"

>> No.9992041

I mean, the whole show takes place over like three days so far so if she's bipolar in a manic state then we would not have had a chance to see her in a depressive state. Except maybe that flashback to when she is crying on her dad's shoulder sometime in the recent past.

>> No.9992216

yeah this, given its in a fucking hospital there's no way the character just assumed the pills belonged to his friend and not some stranger without at least reading the name to make sure.

>> No.9993537

Sounds like you're security at your con. Pretty fun job at a con; I did it for a few years.

I work in HR now at my con. Down time is going to panels and playing Mahjong or Koi-Koi in one of the con offices.

>> No.9999140

wish i was there

>> No.9999212

Watching that conversation with Randy and that girl hurt, reminded me of what i used to be like when I was 15. Whole series was like that, but especially the Randy episode.

>> No.9999378

I love how this became a 2Kawaii4Comfort thread. That show is so accurate that it hurts, right down to the steampunk landship.

I absolutely could not watch Randy try to flirt and the masquerade skit. I wanted to die inside just attempting it.

It's a fantastic series though even with the cliffhanger because even if you don't identify with ALL the characters, you at least know someone that acted just like one of them.

>> No.9999423

the masquerade skit actually looks like you could pull it off in a real masquerade. is 2kawaii4comfort well known enough that you could get through it without people thinking you’re being genuine, you think?

>> No.9999431

I don't know if it's that well known yet but that's never stopped anyone before. I'd love to see this played at conventions though in the anime rooms.

>> No.9999460
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[spoiler] i may or may not plan to do this the next time i go to a con

>> No.9999465

Godpseed, gull.

Personally I'd love to do a cosplay group of them.

>> No.9999503

good luck finding a dude who looks like randy without being randy

>> No.9999509

I still say he's modeled off Chris-chan.

>> No.9999575

my god as soon as randy was introduced, I was wondering if he was supposed to be a caricature of chris-chan. Lives with his mom, terrible hygiene, his shirt looks like chris-chan's classic shirt. Fuck even his "champ randy" necklace reminded me of his sonichu medallion

>> No.9999578

Given how infamous Chris-chan is in nerd culture, I'd be surprised if Randy wasn't modeled after him.

>> No.10000351
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i was sitting with my cospla friend outside of a con and suddenly she gets all excited and shouts "hey, let's take a selfie! you know where you stick out your tongue and roll up your eyes!!! it's so trendy! it's gonna look amazing" the thing is we didn't speak much before that, just kind of wandering in the crowd in complete silence and then she got this brilliant selfie idea and got all excited.
she's uploaded a few agheaos to her ig in the past and boy they are DISGUSTING. literally. she has yellowish crooked teeth and her make up skills aren't very good.she didn't spoke to me very much after i explained her how disgusting and stupid agheaos are and most definitely not that trendy anymore and she's just doing it for them instagram likes because that kind of content on her social media gets most likes. she called me cocky for not jumping on that stupid bandwagon lmao.
also i wanted to take a few
full body pictures with her but she kept insisting on just taking selfies because" my selfies usually get more likes and everyone nowadays takes mostly selfies"- her words exactly lmao
why is it so hard to just take normal full body cosplay pics in 2018, what's the point in making the whole costume then if you're just gonna take pictures of your goddamn face
decided that i'd better go alone to the next con because i felt like everything i did with her was just for social media.overall things were tense between us that day, it wasn't that much fun but of course afterwards she wrote a long ass rant on IG about how that con was soooo amazing, she was having the time of her life and how many amazing people she met but it was absolutely nothing like it, it didn't even look like she liked the event and didn't talk too much to people, just took a couple of selfies with a few cosplayers and complained how expensive everything is.
i hate when people lie on social media to make others jealous of them and make it look like they're living the dream while it's a total opposite

>> No.10003004
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Reading your story reminded me of the aheago vids starts to pop up from insta-costhots. It's so fucking cringey to watch, I can't believe people are actually into it. The comments are even worse.

>> No.10003084


I've staffed for cons in the past, and this is true. Someones friend gets kicked out for a legit purpose, and then they start spreading rumors making it look like the con / staff / venues fault.

I wasn't directly involved, but last years AWA (2017) apparently this couple was just going at in the lobby, Like, not giving any fucks they were being watched... Several people said pictures, videos, selfies were being taken and it was on some peoples snapchat story. A year later, and not one of those pictures have surfaced. I figured by now, atleast one would have. Staffers claimed it wasn't anything like that. Same could be said about this guy getting head behind the curtains in the rave, once again, pictures and video being taken - But still have yet to see it. I just think someone got busted for making-out / heavy petting and someone had to say they were full blown fucking in the lobby of a con with 25k+ attendees.

I haven't watched the 2kawaii4comfort videos yet - But I might eventually.

Can't really say for anything else cringy / horror wise.. This year at AWA one of my roommates got escorted from the con for apparently making death-threats to someone in a game of werewolf. Like, Con staff, Hotel staff, Hotel security, Cobb police and Argus staffers escorted her out. She wasn't causing a scene or anything - But thats how they took her out. I still don't fully know what happened.

>> No.10004965

care to go into detail?

>> No.10004969

I'm thankful that I actually live in a city with a con. Only a short drive away.

>> No.10006416

After discovering 2kawai4comfort, as a staff, I can identify myself as the con staff who lost his soul and too tired to deal with all the bullshit that is happening behind and in front of the stage.
It does have its ups and downs but after a few years, it gets soul crushing.
Every year, you find yourself having to deal with variation of similar problems encountered in the previous year that you have pointed out but you are just powerless to propose a solution because "if last year was a success, let's redo what we did last year".
Let's not forget the new kinds of bullshit that emerges. Either by other staff incompetence (from high to low position) to the sheer absurdity that attendees can pull out of their ass.
Anyway, I spent 5+ years at my local con and don't regret anything. I made long lasting friendship but jesus fucking christ. Staffing at a con loses it's magic after a while

>> No.10010916


>Dressed as a cock

Was this at Genericon?

>> No.10010924

>Be me, 17f
>I went to a con back in FL yearly, this incident was 2017.
>I always did cosplay of some form when I went, and for the final day with my friend we did school girl outfits with animal touches
>she uses my neko ears/tail set, I use handmade bunny ears and tail
>con is fun and we enjoy feeling cute, some took our pics
>sadly no dont have those pics anymore
>One dudes been following us a while so I very quietly told her not to venture off from me and that we needed to stay in areas with more people
>he corners us finally and utters something so creepy it gave us both the willies
>"I just love girls in ears... Please let me take your pictures.. I just can't resist animal ears..."
>creeeeepiest tone and he's holding his camera tight, we feel we have to say yes
>knowing he beat off to those pics... Ehhh....