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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9939954 No.9939954 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>9928363


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Bootlegs are never OK to buy and use, don't be a poorfag.

>> No.9939958
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>> No.9939959
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>> No.9939960
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>> No.9939962
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>> No.9939964
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>> No.9939965

can you put the general title in the OP next time? this is the second thread in a row where it was dropped

>> No.9939970
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Sorry about that. Was my first time making a thread actually.

>> No.9939973
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>> No.9939974
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>> No.9939976
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>> No.9939977
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>> No.9939979
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>> No.9939982
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>> No.9939983
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>> No.9939984
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>> No.9939986
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>> No.9939989
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>> No.9939990
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>> No.9939991
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>> No.9939992
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>> No.9939996
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>> No.9939997
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>> No.9939999
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>> No.9940001
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>> No.9940002
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>> No.9940004
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>> No.9940008
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>> No.9940011
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>> No.9940013
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>> No.9940016
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>> No.9940018
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>> No.9940019
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>> No.9940020
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>> No.9940022
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>> No.9940023

>pins going through the patches
This hurts.

>> No.9940024

It's a shame because the bag looks cute otherwise.

>> No.9940032

Is it me or are weebs much harder to sell to than normies?

Also tell me anons, what are you waiting for in the mail? Or what does your wishlist look like? I love seeing what people are looking to buy.

>> No.9940039

>harder to sell to
absolutely. for a hobby based around mindless consumerism people sure as shocked when things cost money.

>waiting for/wishlist
a supergroupies item i regretted not buying while the collab was active popped up and i managed to grab it, can’t wait for it to arrive. my wishlist is entirely other supergroupies stuff, a few similar shirts that were produced and rarely make the rounds, and some fake polaroids that were part of a promotion that i totally missed. feels weird but i don’t feel myself longing for any particular merch pieces desu

>> No.9940051

>what are you waiting for in the mail?
I ordered a bunch of Re:vale goods from IDOLiSH7's first live and my FJ tracking hasn't updated in 5 days despite using EMS. Right now I'm just hoping my shit didn't get lost or sent back because of the penlights or something.

>> No.9940054
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Hi again. I posted my bag a few weeks ago for feedback, got a lot of good stuff, back for round two. I have a few more pieces of merch coming in the mail but I've got a con this weekend and wanted to set it up but I'm having the worst time coming up with a layout. Here's one I tried, does anyone have ideas?

>> No.9940063

>sent back because of the penlights
Does that happen? I thought the batteries were too small to cause issues with imports.

>> No.9940064

I like this a lot!

>> No.9940066
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Waiting for my giant Deku nitotan, he's already in the US and I can't wait until it arrives to my house. I actually bought one more smaller Deku nitotan, so I can have an even set of 4 nitos/ 2 on each side of my base bag. Also waiting for these babies in pic related to be sent out.

>> No.9940068
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I'm waiting on a few Gengars. Two fanmade pins and a patch that I've been hunting for a while.

Any tips on safely adding a patch to an itabag so it can be moved around? I'm tempted to dab some hotglue or something but I'd like to be able to move it without much issue if I need to.

>> No.9940086

Sticky back velcro?

>> No.9940090

Maybe encasing it in PVC would preserve the quality of the patch while allowing it to be affixed to your bag (gluing a pinback, sewing, safety pins).

>> No.9940096
File: 297 KB, 1440x1440, 5356C924-62BA-4B87-9BC3-C22004F7B2E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything worse than using paper-based fan merch for your bag?

>> No.9940104

It seems too heavily focused on the girl character, the male looks thrown in as an afterthought. I think you need to balance it or just focus on her instead.

>> No.9940105

Wow, what a glow up! I remember when you posted last posted your bag and this makes quite the difference!

>> No.9940117

Thank you!! It's amazing what a couple more pieces of merch and a proper insert does. (Though the plushie being pretty big doesn't hurt.)

The intent was the bag is mostly for the girl character with touches of the boy. She's my favorite, but their merch comes in pairs a lot of the time and I do like them together. Is there a better way to do this?

>> No.9940120

It's so especially frustrating when it's a character that has a lot of legit merch. Like really? You can only do stickers? Get out.

>> No.9940124

I just got my Mise tote in the mail today. The mail carrier didn't even bother trying to knock to see if anyone was home for a signature, they just stuck the delivery slip in the mailbox and left. I paid for EMS so that level of carelessness really pissed me off. I called the post office and they said they'd notify me if it returned before they closed, but then they called an hour after closing and said I could come pick it up from the sorting area if I wanted. They really went above and beyond today, thanks guys. <3

Then I got the bag home and realized all of my items are relatively small, so I guess I need to figure out some filler. :\

>> No.9940130

This is probably a dumb question but what kind of PVC is used for merch on itabags? Specifically for things like patches and charms/stands that are unsealed on one side. Where can I buy it?

>> No.9940137

I’m waiting for a big Persona 5 package I kept on adding things to and then suddenly it was over two hundred dollars of merch. One is a split though so that helped soothe the wound on my wallet a tiny bit.

>> No.9940138

I would love to see the bag a little bit more but Jack Frost is super cute, so I still like it.

>> No.9940141
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I like these ideas, I can't believe I didn't think of them. Thanks anon, I'll check out the PVC!

>> No.9940154


Yeah I am. Do you think pink would wash out some of the items though since most of them seem pink?

This bag: >>9937870 because I bought it off Amiami without thinking of the color scheme of my items...I'll probably buy a different colored one at some point.

>> No.9940189

this is reasonably cute and i'd accept it for like a themed cosplay backpack or something, but an itabag it is not.... I'm so tired of all the bandwagoners whinging about how it costs money, like literally any hobby about collecting costs money? what did you expect, merch of your husbando to fall from the sky?

>> No.9940246
File: 1022 KB, 708x947, TsuyuCollection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the anon in the last thread that wanted to see my Tsuyu collection, sorry for the horrible quality, but this is what I have minus one other sticker and a couple new pieces of fanmerch I just got this past weekend at a con. I also included what I have preordered/what I'm waiting on at the bottom. (The sakura charm came in shortly after taking the picture). This also applies to >>9940032 , since it's got some of my stuff that'll be arriving soon.

>> No.9940256

Is it an iron on patch? I personally used some double sided tape for an iron on patch of mine, and it held pretty well and didn't seem to damage the patch or the bag! Besides that I agree with the other anon about the PVC being a good idea.

>> No.9940306
File: 869 KB, 915x580, cardsschezwitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting for two cards in the mail and bidding on a lot of cards for the bottom four. I'm pretty picky about matching merch so I'll be pretty happy if I can win the auction on the bottom items.

>> No.9940309

Acrylic? Although it's used for charms/stands, not patches.

>> No.9940316
File: 137 KB, 395x300, pekos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Peko's coming in the mail. The diamond shaped pin is somewhat rare (I think it was a Comiket exclusive) but I just shipped out a box of merch and I don't feel like paying to ship one pin, ugh. I'm going to a con this weekend and am getting a badge refund at the end of it, if it's still there once I get that I'm buying it.

>> No.9940360

This is a truly blessed bag

>> No.9940382

Asking for a friend (but also for me)-- is there any way of knowing if a wego bag is authentic? Like can you tell by the feel of their bags or do they have any hidden tags that verify authenticity? I know that the heart window bags don't have glitter (or something like that), but I'm not so sure about their other models.

>> No.9940400
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I'm loving the vibrancy of this hot pink bag.

>> No.9940401
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>> No.9940406

Ahh, thank you! Your collection is wonderful!

>> No.9940409

the heart and general shape of the bag are both notably different between officials and bootlegs.

>> No.9940410

sorry, i didn't read close enough. anyway, some heart bags have glitter and some don't, it depends on the colorway. the shape is usually a bigger giveaway.

aside from that the only knockoffs ive seen are the deco totes from taobao, but again, they hold their shape more poorly than the originals. they're also in fewer colors. wego totes are generic enough no one is really flat out copying them.

>> No.9940465
File: 247 KB, 1200x1196, 772BCC6D-30CF-4665-8B8A-EC6B52C5BAD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's getting hard to find good bags from JP twitter as of late.

>> No.9940467
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>> No.9940471
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>> No.9940472
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>> No.9940558
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Box with my grail came in and I'm... Smad. I bought him through suruga-ya and know he was listed as used but I never thought for something listed at 2500 yen it'd be so dirty... Suruga-ya has never let me down before. Reason I paid the price was bc I didn't have money when I first saw him at 1000 yen and I didn't want to miss out on him again. Took a year to see another listing. Question for you anons, is felt salvageable? Should I try hand washing or taking a Tide Pen to him? Movie ver I bought new from ebay for comparison

>> No.9940560

Sorry for the flipped image posting crom phone

>> No.9940588

I meant more like what form does it come in. Is it like resin where you mix and pour it? Or is it more like laminate sheets?

>> No.9940591

Try hand washing with some oxiclean or other sort of 'safe' cleaner. You may have to let it soak a bit.

>> No.9940609

Yeah I realized I misunderstood after posting.
Usually it's sheets or a wrap.

>> No.9940614

No problem. Thank you!

>> No.9940618

How come you didn't listen to any of the criticism about your layout though? People are trying to help you but it seems all you really did was change the insert...

>> No.9940642

This is a great peko bag but the balance does look a bit odd, I'd either make a bag just for her and one for fuyuhiko or add more stuff of him? Maybe you could do a divider down the middle like >>9939997

>> No.9940652

I didn't make the bag symmetrical because I don't like symmetrical bags, I didn't make a symmetrical bag that's color split because it's not supposed to be an even mix of the two characters. I took all the other advice. Are you the one that photoshopped my bag after I said I didn't want it symmetrical?

If it really looks that weird, I'll probably just ditch the Fuyuhikos once I get enough Pekos to not have a bunch of empty space. Peko is my best girl forever, Fuyuhiko is a nice guy that stands next to her a lot. I am hunting for matching Fuyuhikos for some of the Pekos but I don't think they'll all fit on the bag...

>> No.9940675

> gets crit
> Waaaah but i dont like the crit
> bag still looks pretty much the same

k why are you even posting here

>> No.9940678

>waah anon perceives my demands as advice
>what do you mean it's her bag and not mine??

>> No.9940728
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Yeah I guess I didn't change the layout at all huh.

>> No.9940759

Alright, look. I wasn’t going to get into this but an itabag thread wouldn’t be complete without people getting babymad over something right?

The roesette is garbage. The bag overall imo is garbage. I understand you’re asking for advice but honestly it’s your bag. If you like the merch of the guy in the bag then keep it. I don’t understand why everyone wants the approval of strangers - especially 4chan’s - for their PERSONAL bags. Why would you take something you like out of your bag because someone on 4chan said they didn’t like it/it looks weird? Just fucking make your bag, either take the concrit or don’t, and for the sake of us PLEASE stop shitting up the thread already.

>> No.9940771

Yeah but if you ask for fucking criticism then you should be prepared to take it instead of acting like a baby. Otherwise don't ask for crit in the first place. Anons pointed out issues with her balance such as moving the ID badges to the bottom and lining things up neater, but actually she didn't do that she just shoved a plush in there and cluttered up the bottom. There's no balance at all, it's not about "waaaaaa I hate symmetrical bags" like she said, she didn't take any of the other advice on board. There's a marginal improvement but the bag still needs a lot of work and judging from the insert shape she's still using the same bag so I guess she didn't really give a fuck over all the help people gave her.

>> No.9940840

If it still looked like a complete shitabag I might have agreed, but as it is you're being a sperg.

>> No.9940859

ive never been this jealous in my life

>> No.9940861
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No not being a sperg nice excuse. Just sick of fucking retards shitting this thread up with their crap like everyone else. Their bag is still shit because kek concrit.

In less shitfest, new base bag coming out:

>> No.9940871

Why are japanese KS bags cuter than overseas KS bags?

>> No.9940876

What does KS stand for, anon?

>> No.9940878


>> No.9940882

The insert doesn't even fit the bag fully. The fuck.

>> No.9940883

That makes sense, my bad. Thank you.

>> No.9940885

Cash Grab vs Passion Project

>> No.9940887

zakkas are the same way since they're attached to the bag at the top. i guess to make it earlier to move the insert in and out of the bag.

>> No.9940889

I like this as a two character bag, just because those characters are so heavily intertwined in canon. It's nice because I somehow don't get that overwhelming ship bag feeling from this one? It's just a nice bag.

I see what you're trying to do with the blue ribbon on the rosette (matching the blue on other pieces of merch), but it's too saturated. If you can, try to find a ribbon color that's like 20% less intense. Something still blueish but more greyish, because right now it sticks out instead of helping the other merch blend in.

>> No.9940896

> The bag overall imo is garbage.
I know you know you're being babymad, but that's just blatantly not true. The first time they posted it was shitabag trash. But they've taken a lot of advice and the most recent posting looks so much better. This is clearly someone new to the hobby who is actively checking in to learn, grow, and taking advice to get better. Facebook babys who refuse to learn a single thing about bootlegs, inserts, or arrangement are deserving of your salty asshole. A newbie having fun and filtering through advice while working on a WIP is not.

>> No.9940900

The Japanese in general have a better idea of what cute actually is. Compare nendoroids to Funko Pops.

>> No.9940914
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>> No.9940919

I think it is, dude. It’s not a matter of me being “babymad.” I literally said “imo” because she was asking opinions. I wasn’t gonna give concrit because someone already suggested symmetry and she said no to that. But then she started making every excuse not to do something and literally saying she was gonna take out his stuff because some anon said it looked weird and then flip flopped BACK to say she was buying matching merch of his.

I’m tired of people posting bad bags here, getting legit concrit and then saying “ehh no” or “waah I don’t like that.” If you don’t like the opinions people are going to give then don’t ask. If you’re gonna do your bag how you like it, then fucking do it that way without starting some stupid slapfight on a chinese basket-weaving site.

>> No.9940922

Zakkas don't either weirdly. I guess they know people don't give a shit and put their own inserts in

>> No.9940929

>marketing itself as the first itabag that looks like a normal purse on the other side
Hasn't this been done before?

>> No.9940938

are those actual needles?

>> No.9940949
File: 219 KB, 1024x730, DGPhBLSVwAAXWQH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


God, trying to get your hands on those things is stupidly difficult. I always see people pricing them super high too.
People are so thirsty for them, is it because they're so cute?

>> No.9940965
File: 31 KB, 299x299, C5140A41-242D-445C-9252-BBE548F0C986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most zakkas work because the colors are uniform and it's much easier to work with rectangular shapes. Something about the curves of the insert not matching the window makes my aesthetic senses itch.

>> No.9940967

>People are so thirsty for them, is it because they're so cute?

Pretty much. Also the quality of them are really good compared to most plushies that are produced nowadays desu.

I love it when fans paint their nails to match their bags. Can we get more fandom nail inspos in the thread?

>> No.9940985
File: 450 KB, 1280x960, 18-05-07-22-41-09-667_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, symmetry isn't the only advice you didn't take into account. I remember the ID cards and another rosette being suggested for the Fuyuhiko badge.
Did you try other layouts out or are you just going with the first one that comes to mind? The reason people are suggesting symmetry is because that's the easiest way to make a bag look good. If you don't want to do it symmetrical, you're already off because you still need to think about balance. Your bag comes off very top heavy because you have a bunch of large things at the top and all your small charms are at the bottom. Are you against symmetry because you think you need dupes of items? Because that's not true.
You don't have to post your bag here, anon. But if you post, especially asking for concrit, don't get mad when people give you concrit lol. I do think your bag has improved but you still do have a ways to go.

>> No.9940993

Oh my god are they really? Lmao that's like Aitai Kuji's claim they invented itabags.

Can we just ignore the Peko anon now because it's just shitting up the thread and even I'm getting bored of looking at it.

>> No.9940994

This is probably going to sound disgusting but I bite my nails so I'm super jealous when I see people who have nice nails and can match it to their bags. I like how cohesive it looks.

>> No.9940997

I sent this to surgery anon and she said the green one certainly is because she uses it all the time at work, but she hasn't personally seen one in that shade of dark purple so it's probably some aliexpress shit. She also said Listen Flavor deserves better.

>> No.9941022

Depends what shade of pink you use for the fabric and if the fabric has a pattern. I think a nice pastel pink would work really well. If not- a pastel yellow would also look nice. I look forward to seeing your bag completed!

>> No.9941055

Different anon, but how do you recommend making balanced layouts? I've been trying to make something passable for my favorite idol for months now, but all my merch is different sizes and colors and it sucks.

>> No.9941059

I really like the plush, its very cute (is it handmade?). I am the anon that told you last time to straighten that pin out, and I'm glad you took that advice, looks much neater. I agree with the other anons though, I think it'd work better as a Peko only bag, considering it has her colors and all. At the very least, take out Kuzuryu's id card, its really clogging it up.

>> No.9941070

Whatever you use-tide pen, soft laundry detergent, etc. try it out on the back of the plush first and wait a day or two to see how it goes.

>> No.9941071
File: 594 KB, 3300x2550, 1527607718134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're not trying to avoid symmetry, your goal is already easier. Just try to mirror sizes/colours. Like I said earlier, you don't need dupe merch to still use symmetry.
If you are trying to avoid symmetry that's where it gets a little trickier. You'd have to focus on size/colour throughout the whole bag rather than working in chunks. There isn't really a whole 'how-to' and it's easier if you have an eye for design. You just have to try out a bunch of different layouts.

I find it a little interesting that you have this problem for an idol when usually idols get the most consistent merch appearance-wise haha. I wish you good luck. If you post your collection of merch it might be easier to give you more specific advise, but for now this is all I got for you.

>> No.9941079


Lay off her a little anon, I think its pretty obvious she's improved. And she did listen to anons advice. Chains are gone, rosette pin is centered, a more appropriate background is used, layout is better, and the stickers are gone. Still needs work, but she's far better at taking advice then anyone is the fb group.

>> No.9941089

Please tell me those needles are just for a photo, and are not intended to be an actual part of the bag (which is shit anyway).

>> No.9941107


Adding uniform color accents can tie together mismatching merch.

>> No.9941318
File: 45 KB, 526x700, itabag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ctrl+f the thread and doesn't seem like anyone mentioned it, but the Berry Q bags are up for reservation on wunderwelt again! Sorry if it's old news, just wanted to give everyone (like me) who missed it the first time around.

>> No.9941334

Ping us when they go back up on berryq's store because WW overcharges these nearly double. I really want the red one

>> No.9941341

What search terms would bring up something like this? Double window (pencil) pouch isn't working, and it's different from Thank You Mart's pouch from the guide. Unless it's just two pouches?

>> No.9941345

Ita pouch

>> No.9941347
File: 2.69 MB, 1244x984, maimusume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost done with my original series CCS bag.
(Shitty filter due to shitty light source. It's late).

How do you guys stabilize pin badges? Sew them down pin to fabric? Mine shift around.

I might change out the fabric in the future as anon's >>9941022 suggestion. I used fabric I had on hand.

>> No.9941362

This is so lovely, anon. I especially like how you picked out fan merch that goes well with the offical merch.

>> No.9941366
File: 95 KB, 547x548, EFBE1952-0F9D-4A60-B02A-AED1251A0D3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try 痛ペンポーチ

Are you having trouble with badges moving up and down or side to side? For side to side, I think coade offers a stopper. Pic related.
I brute forced my first bag by taping them down with double sided tape (I had badge covers so I wasn't worried about getting residue on my merch).

>> No.9941412

NAYRT but I didn't realise these were a thing, I cut a cheap eraser into small rectangles and used that the same way.

>> No.9941442

Oh hey that’s my Jack Frost haul! I was trying to make the bag less of the focus in that pic because I’ve gotten a lot of new merch and want to remake it. Once I have something I’m more proud of I’ll share it!

>> No.9941447

A Puyo Puyo fan?? Bless. Do you have a bag for it?

>> No.9941479
File: 332 KB, 960x1280, 5A09A599-4F09-421D-9E32-C4BBDCF501A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Ruby shitabag person is in the ibc discord and it's times like this that I wonder if I'm a masochist.

>> No.9941507
File: 2.24 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_2616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys; ive been lurking around for a while but i need some actual fucking concrit on this.
Does the backboard make my bag look like shit? i have time to switch to my old backboard that i know looks good; i just wanted to try experimenting with something new.
just want some second opinions bc im on the fence for this one.

>> No.9941522
File: 430 KB, 447x394, him.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My boy is coming home after a year, the auction just ended. Just deciding if I want to go turquoise or if Berry Q's purple would make the merchandise blend in too much.

Thank you both so much! I feel so stupid for missing those terms, this should help a lot.

>> No.9941528

It doesn’t look bad at all to me

>> No.9941538

But how many love eternals do you have in your grid to optimize his usage?

I think you have everything too bunched up together in your bag leaving a lot of negative space at the top and bottom, everything also seems to be shifted to the left of the bag because the big rubber in the middle is off center. I'd move the one that looks like fire mario to the top so he's not totally buried and it fills the space

>> No.9941549

good idea thanks; ive been having a difficult time organizing this bag since i moved all the buttons to a backpack and idk when i was trying to organize it i just couldnt figure out a nice symmetrical outlay. ill be redoing it w your advice in the coming days

and >>9941528
thanks for the sympathy lol

>> No.9941557

No prob thanks for taking crit like a boss. Have you considering using the rubber straps on the left in a line across the top or bottom since then you have three large acrylics east, west and south of the big rubber strap face.

>> No.9941579

i think the backboard itself is fine, it adds some texture and depth without overpowering the merch. i agree with >>9941538 however that your merch isn't spread out well enough, making the bag look emptier than it is.

usually when i get stuck on a layout i just clear off everything and then start from a different spot than my usual. like, if i've been trying to build a layout from the center out and i've hated everything so far, i try starting from an edge or the top instead. worst comes to worst you know what your layout USED to look like so you can go back to nitpicking and fiddling with it, but trying something different might give you some ideas on what to fix.

P.S. sorry i didn't take your request for concrit seriously in the IBC discord or i would've said it there, but given the general attitude of that server it's hard for me to tell who actually wants advice and who just wants to be told it looks great bb don't change a thing desu

>> No.9941589

I actually kinda like the backing, anon. Where did you get it/what's it made of? I don't think that's a problem to use it. But like the others said, I think some rearranging is in order.

>> No.9941596

haha without concrit no one can improve; doesnt matter if it makes you cry- if you really want to improve you'll cry it out and then go change and adapt for the better. anyways- thats a good idea i think i was planning on doing it all in a line one day, but i think i just ended up getting anxious since the con is next weekend and then ended up arranging it like how i always have even though i have much more and different merch now. ill likely be doing that thanks so much
and >>9941579
thanks! i wasnt being able to see it that way (my brain was literally just saying "this looks like shit" every time i saw my bag so i couldnt make a decision if the backboard itself was actually nice or not lmao) its p interesting desu! and yeah as i said above i guess ill be doing exactly that in the coming days.
lmao its cool i'd love to see everyone help each other out there with concrit, but i really think its the dilemma that ppl both dont know how to give concrit and how to take it so no one ends up saying anything (sobs)
anyways so glad i finally grew the balls to post here its been really helpful in such a short time.

>> No.9941600

desu idk how to describe it other than saying yknow those rolls of rubbery stuff you typically line your kitchen drawers with? well this is p much the same thing only bigger, i see it sold at all the general hardware stores here in giant rolls (like fabric) and they buy it by the metre. idk for what the life of me they actually use it for here tho.
its a tad heavy itself tho so idk if i would recommend it for bags this size; but it could be that i just cut mine slightly too small for this bag. its very good for buttons tho (makes the job a hell of alot easier) but again it collapses on itself a bit more than would be preferable. sorry i cant be of more help

>> No.9941603

Don't worry about the con and focus on just making your bag the best it can be IMHO. If you stress over the con you'll rush it and you won't be happy with the results. I hope our crit can help you out a bit!

>> No.9941607

That's okay, the description helps. I think I know what you're talking about but the name escapes me too. Thank you, it's something to consider for next time.

>> No.9941608

You're being unnecessarily salty to somebody who is making legitimate efforts to improve their bag. The fact that she doesn't agree with every single thing anons have told her is not a sign that she's rejecting concrit as a whole, as it's obvious that she has changed a lot based on the advice given to her.
>The bag overall imo is garbage.
This is not concrit. Don't be a bitch.

>> No.9941620

oh my god the whole thread moves on but then this dumb fuck drags it out.

>> No.9941627

>as if some other anon wasn't going to

>> No.9941637

How do you guys use coasters in itabags? Do you sleeve them? Do you glue safety pins directly on them?
I’m kind of at an loss on what to do with them so I figured a small itabag would be since I’ve got 30 of them from the same theme.

>> No.9941659

Sleeving them in vinyl and sewing the sleeve onto your insert seems like an idea? I was an asshole and hotglued mine

>> No.9941663
File: 71 KB, 600x600, GOODS-00216874_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you guys suggest using merch that has a clip on the back and nothing else? I just got one of the P5 Charatoria pieces, but I didn't realize when I bought it that it wasn't a strap or a pin, it only has a clip on the back. I was thinking of putting a safety pin through where I plan to have it in my bag and clipping it on to that, but I'm not sure if there will be enough room between the pin and the insert to actually do that.

>> No.9941672

I have one upwards-facing clip (the clamp part is at the top and you squeeze at the bottom and I just clipped it to the bottom corner of my insert. But with a large enough safety pin yours sounds like it would work too.

>> No.9941673

if your insert is foam or something similar you can always cut a slot in it to clip it to

>> No.9941679

It'd be fine as long as the tips are dulled down so they're no longer functioning needles. I was actually thinking of using some syringes kind of like that in resin crafting for menhara stuff. It's not a terrible idea.

......but since they have punctured plastic pills with the needle tips, betting they're not dulled at all. Which. Yikes.

>> No.9941686

They make vinyl sleeves specifically for fandom coasters, I know I've seen them on Taobao before, I just don't remember where. I'd get a bunch of those and use those sticky-adhesive backed pins on the sleeves, turning them into a kind of giant faux can badge

>> No.9941699

Coade sell coaster covers you can use they're pretty alright.

I just sewed it down through the clip it worked for me?

>> No.9941757

Good luck then, anon, I’m rooting for you!

>> No.9941759

Thank ya! I tried to buy cute fan stuff. My fav is the CCS hanafuda pins from soulpiecelabs

Is the stopper a rubber tube-like thing? Mine shift left and right.

>> No.9941760

I have one of these bottle charms from another set, and the clip on that one came off so it was a lot flatter on the back. I’m planning on getting some stick on pinbacks for my p5 ones to pin them. So if those clips come off too, I’ll do that with them. Hopefully it’ll work!

>> No.9941763

Thanks for the feedback. i hadn't even considered most of these, and I think I'll try sewing it down

>> No.9941770
File: 79 KB, 450x600, 32407973_2168724046684793_7431557800322400256_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any pics of black and grey rosettes? Or any other black/grey decorations? Should I use white accents? I don't want my bag to look like just a dark blob.
I'll post a few pics of black/other color rosettes I have

>> No.9941771

Curious about this as well because my badges keep sliding left and right and sometimes the overlapping ones end up out of place. Does the stopper actually stop this?

>> No.9941772
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>> No.9941774
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>> No.9941775
File: 51 KB, 564x564, 6cb05fb3fb1083f4ab1dfc23978c0f77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this one, but was hoping to find a few more examples

>> No.9941777
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>> No.9941778
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>> No.9941888
File: 120 KB, 640x960, 1509989420461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw still seeing people shamelessly scalping merch on the fb group and weebs still eat it up

I feel bad but at this point I may just get into the scalping business myself, weebs are just too desperate and stupid these days.
It makes me laugh when they put "dont haggle" and blow up the shipping rate in the description like girl I see u

>> No.9941902

tbf it's not worth it anon. Weebs are super frugal and the vast majority think "boo $20 is too expensive!" the only time it isn't is when you hit that one little whale who's willing to throw extra money down either due to dedication, eg. this hobby, or they're caught up in the hype of the bandwagon.

>> No.9941951

>barely any merch
>still obscures some of it by having it be overlapped by the opaque parts of the bag


the shipping makes me laughing every time, it must just be reliant on stupid kids that don't ship anything themselves and don't realize it doesn't cost $25 to ship 3 straps...

>> No.9941960

Uraraka has such good fan and official merch, I don't understand the point of finding the tiniest, lamest pieces to use for decorating

>> No.9941969

the 2 pieces of official merch (I'm pretty sure the official art is just printed paper) piss me off so bad, BNHA is FLOODED with merchandise and Uraraka isn't a popular character (compared to the boys) so it's not like there's a lot of competition/she's usually left over when people do splits etc. Just laziness.

>> No.9942027

>printed out pics pinned to bag

The most treasonous act
Ochaco does not deserve this
She literally has tons of cheap merch
MHA shits out merch like crazy, there is no excuse for this

>> No.9942151

Like many others, I recommend getting more Kuzuryu merch to balance it out.

>> No.9942219

> starting to see why people get pissed off that anons don't read the thread before replying

Unless you're a samefag who's just THIS desperate for attention

>> No.9942224

It feels hard to think someone’s itabag is shit when yours does as well. I guess at least mine has a theme but even so..

>> No.9942289

Don't do it mate. I sell on FB and I get people who contact me over $10 of stuff (shipping included) asking me to hold it until their next paycheck.

>> No.9942386 [DELETED] 
File: 1.00 MB, 1242x1891, 1531579456082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplay celebrity Momokun setting a high bar for itabags

>> No.9942398

Get that trash out of here.

>> No.9942463

Hey, I'm new to ita bags and i'm actually going to japan for 2 weeks and was wondering if there are any specific store I should check out. I'm mainly looking for bnha merch(specifically bakugo or kirishima) and i'm staying the the tokyo area for the first week then kyoto for the second week. Any stores/places anyone could recommend to me? A friend told be to check out the k-book stores in ikebukuro as she said there's lots of ita bag stuff there

>> No.9942466

> ita bag
Anon, no. Otherwise, bnha is extremely popular - are you looking for a guy character? If so, hit pretty much every shop in ikebukuro.

>> No.9942571


I was just in Japan two months ago! I don't thing you'll have issues finding BNHA. There are so manysecond hand shops everywhere. Besides K-books, I would look for Lashinbang (らしんばん) shops too. There is a strip of shops in Ikebukuro across the street from the Sunshine Mall where Mega Tokyo Pokemon Center is that is just secondhand shops. My friend and I walked out with so many bags of shame. And in Kyoto, right in front of Kyoto station there is a shopping center with an animate that is split into a secondhand shop and the main store. Depending on where you're staying in Kyoto, there is an animate Kyoto that's connected to a nice shopping strip with more secondhand shops. The lashinbag is little hidden. But yeah.... You'll have a fun time! Just like tother anon said, just go into all the shops. Never know what little gems you might find.

>> No.9942759

Mandarake has physical stores in bukuro and akiba; it's one of my favorite places to check for secondhand especially because they have things in their storefront that aren't online. Have fun, you won't have any issues with bnha merch.

>> No.9942798


Thank you! I'll be sure to make sure I stop by everything in ikebukuro! Also a quick question for a different friend of mine, is there any battle girl highschool merch? I know it's in the west at all.

>> No.9943095


They dont really sell online but they've had TONS of my grail items recently. I think it's because they're not online that they carry the harder to get stuff.

>> No.9943111
File: 2.38 MB, 3685x2484, F0D89259-2796-4136-AC4C-3A3C0996DE0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys thanks for the help last time, I went and reorganized and pinned everything down today and it looks infinately better now
I ended up going back to my old backboard anyways but I’m still planning on using the foam stuff for my kirishima one which has lighter merch so let’s see how that one turns out with it (hopefully better than this one was)
Thanks for yalls help again!

>> No.9943125

HobbyOff is a good store to get second hand merch. There's usually one in most cities, so if you have time and they are close by, try to check them out! Prices depend by location, but usually depend on how popular the series/character is.
Like other anon said, Mandarake is a really good place too to get second hand merch. There's another big Mandarake that's spread out in the Sun Mall in Nakano.

>> No.9943158

I just won a huge lot for my bag; $50 for close to 90 items for a fairly popular character in the franchise. I wonder what the catch is.

>> No.9943163

The shipping costs.

>> No.9943261

If ya have pliers, you can remove all those hooks off the keychain things and then sew it down for clean looks

>> No.9943272

this is looking So much better already! Only suggestions I have are:

1) move the ice cream over to the right a little more and maybe shuffle the acrylics in the middle bottom around, you could probably put the sitting one next to the pita one under the ice cream and have a better balance
2) consider using some pliers to take the hooks off the straps it'll just look neater

>> No.9943298
File: 72 KB, 720x1228, _20180715_222857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is this what we're calling shitabags now?

>> No.9943312
File: 285 KB, 1024x931, 1517600081777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not even posting the bag in question
i hope you put more effort into your bags than your posts.

>> No.9943320
File: 898 KB, 1534x2048, 4C9E6244-AE65-4684-B1C5-E876D5E9CE61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nayrt but I found the monstrosity that you wished to see

>> No.9943328

wtf happened to calling these types of bags "con bags"? I don't know why people keep trying to insist they're really itabags

>> No.9943354
File: 737 KB, 505x1038, Screen Shot 2018-07-15 at 3.56.44 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Por no los dos?

>> No.9943355

I almost like this since it has some cohesion but is ruined by low quality hot topic buttons.

>> No.9943400


Will I get banned from the fb group for complimenting them on their con bag?

It is an alright layout for something totally devoid of personality and heart. It's pretty evenly spaced. An upgrade from slapping it all totally at random onto a Jansport, at least.

>> No.9943401

I spent the afternoon making an insert for a bag and then when I started to rearrange it, I find that I need just a bit more merch. The hunt continues....

>> No.9943455

Because "con bag" isn't special enough and you get shouted down if you call one a con bag or an enamel pin bag, etc.

>> No.9943513
File: 136 KB, 274x414, EnglandChibi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning on making a bag for England, but I'm having trouble with picking a color for the base bag. I'm debating between blue or green.

>> No.9943520

The colours of England are red and white, could do a red bag + white insert?

>> No.9943523

as with all formally niche hobbies that got popular, having standards means you're an elitist bitch and uwu as longs as you tried its fine!

>> No.9943528


>> No.9943620

Or maybe don't do it at all

>> No.9943890

I like the idea of a mint bag with his merch. Thanks!

>> No.9944119

Except mint doesn't suit his character or colors??? He's a much more vibrant green (but then you risk the insulting Irish) so as a fucking Britain please pick a nazy or white and contrast your insert.

>> No.9944189

England's merch has a range of different greens from mint and so on (along with other colors). Flying Mint Bunny is a character associated with England as well. So it's not really out of the realm of possibility.

>> No.9944192

Except England has a Flying Mint bunny which is the point of these anime saying mint would be fine.
And they're right.
Its not about the country, its about the character.

>> No.9944235

This is so nice and clean

>> No.9944254

>Its not about the country, its about the character.

Fuck man i wanna screenshot that and send it to every hetaliafag who ships America and England

>> No.9944258
File: 797 KB, 2048x1265, 8F727090-46ED-4F97-86D5-1B5778234231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9944259
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>> No.9944282
File: 1.24 MB, 1280x1280, 1495161531134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen mint used before, with official items of England they use the mint color as well.

>> No.9944291

A different green would look so much better though. The mint clashes with his eyes, hair and outfit, even if he has a mint rabbit shit on the side it just doesn't suit the color of most of his merch.

>> No.9944313
File: 411 KB, 1536x2048, DiMPkbnUEAAT9wV.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it's better than ahegao jumpsuits

>> No.9944334

These can look cute, like the one pearl anon has, but that one just doesn't fit and fat people shouldn't wear sleveless dresses.

>> No.9944339

Really not a fan of the text or the pattern in general, but at least they got it printed somewhere instead of trying to DIY it.
Personally I prefer B&W for that sort of look, but that only makes it look closer to ahegao shirts.

>> No.9944351
File: 363 KB, 1200x900, 1530214310107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do natural / earthy colored bags exist? I feel like I've looked everywhere. Tan canvas or brown leather would be the dream.
Pic absolutely unrelated, just cute.

>> No.9944352

Wow, wasn't expecting the person who took my photo to post it up on 4chan. That's kind of crappy after you complimented it.

>> No.9944357

>b-but repeats are boring and low effort!
wish the shape was a little tighter but otherwise i'm mad jelly

>> No.9944359
File: 257 KB, 550x550, 110495541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9944363


I'm not into the text either (I don't know what the character is and why they shouldn't be sorry) but the garment fits fine for the garbage we all get because sketchy overseas sites are the only places that will print copyrighted images. Mission accomplished. Clearly matches the bag behind it.

>> No.9944385

Ayrt. I'm a fucking scrub thank you so much.

>> No.9944394

It was posted to FB I'm not the person who took it.

>> No.9944397

Honestly love this, that's the kind of over the top bullshit that itabbagging is ABOUT.

I think it'd be cuter with some more accessories tho. My first reaction is like, pink tights, pink jacket, blue shoes, OTT hair bow made out of the same redic fabric from the dress with a can badge on it. Because if you're going to go through the effort of printing a custom dress, might as well dress up a little, too.

>> No.9944400

I'm so sorry!
I don't watch the facebook so I assumed. I made an ass out of myself and apologize for asuming the worst of you.

>> No.9944402

>posted to FB
>Twitter filename

>> No.9944770
File: 876 KB, 1536x2048, 7294B85B-C49A-4AA5-AEBE-157A539145B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'll never have an itabagging friend who likes the other half of your OTP
>you'll never hang out or go to conventions with cute matching bags

>> No.9944775
File: 851 KB, 2000x1500, A39AC796-37B0-4944-9182-6D56C85ED653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9944776
File: 1.27 MB, 2048x1387, EE9B7477-30C2-47E6-9F1A-A03C554C36BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9944784
File: 280 KB, 1024x768, E7454312-5915-4B74-BDF8-78CA8772CF7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9944785
File: 746 KB, 929x1249, B94864C8-65C1-49C9-81B4-1A36063D5736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an itabag but god I love shit like this why do enstars fans always go so hard

>> No.9944805

This is a random thought, but is the concept of distasteful gluttony something that exists at all in this hobby? For example if a single person manages to completely deplete the availibilty for a single piece of merch to where it can no longer be bought at all (especially if it was already limited supply). Or is this just complete crazy talk?

>> No.9944807

imo that just means the other people weren't dedicated enough.

>> No.9944815

Theoretically yes. Realistically speaking, no. Purchase limit exists for a reason.

>> No.9944831

This is a bit of an odd question, but does anyone here know anything about getting custom plush made? One of the bags I'm working on has official plush for one of the characters, but not the other.

>> No.9944833

Are you looking for a specific style? Otherwise you can always try looking up custom plushie on etsy.

>> No.9944834
File: 258 KB, 900x1200, C5hxi3tU8AAxiAe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what base bag this is?

>> No.9944837

nevermind, found it. It's the UtaPri Camus bag

>> No.9944908

the vast majority of merch isnt anywhere near limited enough for this to be an issue, despite all appearances and advertising.

>> No.9944918
File: 339 KB, 1024x768, EC1788A7-1558-4460-86BD-C03509FA4643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9944920
File: 393 KB, 998x1331, 512C949C-6588-49A8-840F-9A4F77C96C14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9944967

Trying to figure out what kind of base bag I want for my bag to fit more merch. My first was a backpack so I was thinking of going for a tote. Why is it way harder to decide on one now?

this bag is so gorgeous

>> No.9945004
File: 31 KB, 720x218, Screenshot_20180717-133144_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not even trying to find official stuff.

Gatekeeping should be socially acceptable when the hobby is based on dedication and spending money en mass. I should be allowed to tell someone spending 5$ on stickers for an Amazon backpack isn't acceptable and their bag should be set ablaze.

>> No.9945013

I think the problem was even if people drive down the point of reading the FAQ there is always going to be people enabling others to buying bootleg bags and unofficial merch (if there is plenty of official). I think giving real critiques and being completely honest is a way to show how the hobby is actually suppose to be but even then sometimes you can't do that without other people jumping in and saying you're being mean

>> No.9945031


I'm almost certain both of these bags are test layouts done in a few minutes just to see how they look? I remember the Morgana one being discussed before but the Fate one I'm sure I saw on twitter recently with the owners comment about it being a messy test. Even so, god damn they're gorgeous already and I wish my WIP looked half this good. Can you post the finished versions if you see them come up please? Merlin deserves a bag this nice.

Also any chance you have the pic of the bag next to the Merlin? I love the idea of swapping the ribbons for chains with the wego that's creative as fuck.

>> No.9945040
File: 3.66 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_20180717_112335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I keep kero outside or remove him?

(I forgot what's the best for keychains besides ball and chain)

>> No.9945049

I like him outside, but I'd be concerned about him possibly snagging on something and pulling the zipper down.

>> No.9945060

I like him outside but put him in a shame cube to protect him

>> No.9945064

What's your price range?

>> No.9945070

Psst *cough* anon. If you have a sewing machine or you can sew and you're willing to get some materials you can buy a plush base for 100Y on Amiami right now. I know several baggers who are doing the same thing.

Otherwise expect to pay about $80 for a 4-6" upwards to $400 for a good quality 11inch plush


>> No.9945098

... It probably should've occurred to me to try that. I think I searched anime plush and found nothing helpful and gave up.

My initial thought was that I wanted something similar to the Sanrio Fate/Grand Order plushes but I don't know that anyone would mimic that specifically? So then my second train of thought was "idk, something cute" which doesn't help.

I'm definitely going to give this a shot though, thank you!

I don't really have one! I've never commissioned this kind of thing before. I was roughly expecting $40 but based on >>9945070's reply, I think I wayyyy lowballed that.

Holy wow. I might go ahead and give this a shot and then return to the idea of commissioning something fully custom if I screw it up. I have an amiami order shipping this month anyway so it would be silly to pass this up. Thank you for the tip and the price information for custom plush!

>> No.9945099

Watch the shipping on these--they're boxed, and unusually large besides.

>> No.9945102

Yeah I ended up paying $20 for shipping two of them, but considering they cost 100 each that's nothing really and I got registered air mail.

Just dont buy like 5 if you have the will to live

>> No.9945108

Thanks for the heads up! I'll brace myself when amiami invoices me haha

>> No.9945131
File: 147 KB, 756x535, 20180717_135614[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently working on a Schezo/Witch pairing bag. It's going okay but it's definitely a struggle to find matching merch. I kind of prefer Compile's merch too so that's another layer of difficulty.

Pic related, I don't trust Sega's merch sizes after getting these acrylics for ants. They're sitting on a t-shirt, for reference, not a blanket.

>> No.9945135

Post the shirt op? it looks cute as shit

>> No.9945144
File: 128 KB, 750x824, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda off topic but it's Ocean in Space's Sleeping Berry Princess shirt. It's not going in the bag or anything, I just wanted a cute backdrop to show how minuscule those charms are.

>> No.9945148

tysm! i couldnt help asking, I've been trying to add more soft pastel shirts like this into my wardrobe recently. Sucks that those charms are so pint-sized though

>> No.9945151

My conspiracy theory is that both bags are owned by the same person because it looks like it might be the same bag on the side and in the background

But I don't have a tin foil hat to prove it

>> No.9945188

will I be shamed if I have a couple of fan charms on my bag that otherwise has official merch? My character has a ton of official merch, and it’s not a problem getting ahold of it. I just like it a couple of them.

>> No.9945196

It honestly depends on who you ask some people think it’s pointless when theres official merch since it is technically supporting the character you’re dedicated to but people also say they don’t like some of said characters official stuff.

Personally with my bag I just suck it up if I dislike some of the merch and make it work any merch is merch of my fav. But thats just me.

>> No.9945214

just use them anon. i think it only truly irritates people when you have a 100% fanmerch bag for something like BNHA and nothing else official at all.

hell having a 100% fanmerch bag for something you also have an official bag for would be fine IMO. i've seen some YOI-ers do it. it's mostly just the refusal to even try to buy official combined about the whining of the cost/exclusivity of the hobbies that grinds everybody's gears.

>> No.9945228

I was thinking of sewing the zipper down with fishing line like I did with some of the merch.

What are those coffins called?

I think that if they aren't the main part of the itabag, then it is fine.
For example, my CCS bag: >>9945040 has a bit of fan stuff. 90+% of my bag is official merch and the fan stuff are more filler. I was also picky to make sure it matched the official merch.

>> No.9945311

I don't see why not if you have mostly official merch. I've been trying my hardest to track down everything I could for my bag, but a lot of the stuff is either older or from limited events, so it can be hard to find. Most of what gets issued now is trading cards. I've commissioned a few charms and buttons to help fill gaps, and I take it as an opportunity to ask for outfits and forms that haven't gotten any officially produced items.

>> No.9945344

They are. Saihara anon has very lovely bags.

>> No.9945348

Is there some reason this person can't just look up "Soldier 76" on Etsy/RB/etc on their own?

As an Overwatch bagger, there's not much official stuff, but there is some. There's still zero reason this person has to have the links handed to them. Wouldn't you want to look for yourself and pick out pieces for YOUR bag?

I vote keep him! It looks cute.

>> No.9945350

It's way worse a problem in other hobbies, like how this one rich Japanese guy bought every Volcanic Island he could in MTG and made the price skyrocket. This was around 10 years ago and the price just keeps going up.

>> No.9945362
File: 165 KB, 1024x768, disney minnie mouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a question about this, and other card hobbies. What exactly is stopping the companies from just re-releasing old products? Or making a 'second edition'? I've seen it happen before in some other hobbies (books, dolls, beanie babies, model cars. etc) but I don't think I've ever heard it happen for card games. If a particular card is wanted by enough players, why does the parent company not just make a reprint and sell it for a high price? I could understand if a particular card was part of a limited release, but what about just really old cards that haven't been made in 10+ years?
Sorry if its a silly question, here's a disney bag for your trouble

>> No.9945369

With MTG specifically they have a reserve list that they're essentially said they won't reprint, either because of the card's age or power level. They could go back on this but MTG specifically has a lot of very rich fanboys who would get pissed off if they went back on that "promise".

>> No.9945374

So here's a question. Would it still be an itabag if I make one for a non-anime/non-video game/non-Japanese fandom? There's no "official" merch either, but loads of fun fanmade stuff. I would totally make one and show it to you all, even if it's not quintessentially an itabag.

>> No.9945375

Pretty sure this one's answered in the FAQ, anon.
Yes it's still an itabag.

>> No.9945478

You should keep him! I've loved watching you post your wips. It makes me happy to see the finished product looking so good!

>> No.9945494

These just look so heavy...like a bag encased in a metal shell. How do you carry anything in them?

>> No.9945500

>How do you carry anything in them?
With sheer willpower and the strength of your love.

>> No.9945523

Thanks so much! I've been lurking the threads forever to try and make it as nice as I could.

>> No.9945542

i use a mostly badge bag as my daily work/laptop bag. super easy if you have arms

>> No.9945735

I mean.. that's where part of the ita from itabag comes from.

>Painful to carry
>Painful to look at
>Painful on the wallet

>> No.9946007

I dont get this because really itabags themselves aren't that heavy. Can badges are pretty light, acrylics are pretty light, even if you've got 50 in there if you're not disable or extremely underweight they don't weight that much. What you carry inside your bag usually ends up weighing more. (I have 4 itabags with 50+ items in each and I'm not very strong but I've never had any issues or shoulder pain)

It's when you get onto those huge ita armor shrines people carry that they become heavy. If your bag is well designed the straps distribute the weight properly, if you're using a cheap shit bag then yeah you're gonna rip it and hurt yourself.

>> No.9946036
File: 706 KB, 1242x2011, B987BB87-0FD0-4053-BD5F-C69E18772C46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot or not? It’s still a theme technically.

>> No.9946038

maybe if it wasn't so ugly.

>> No.9946053

Themed or not, the layout is trash, there isn't enough merch, etc

>> No.9946145

Nah, it's shit

>> No.9946159

don't selfpost your ugly shit

>> No.9946174
File: 50 KB, 609x709, 17903745_10209307101738623_5720977852646396195_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9946191

Don’t be a ninny, anon. It’s obvious it’s not mine.

>> No.9946194


I own and/or have multiples of much of my boy's official merch, though I discriminate against official merch where he looks angry or dangerous in favor of merch where he looks happy and cute.

I've branched into fanmerch for variety and because I like the pieces. So far I only have one piece on 1/3 bags, but I have 5 more pieces to add now. It's still vastly in minority in my collection and probably will always be.

>> No.9946203

Those shitty 1 dollar vibrators jesus christ this is giving me flashbacks

But seriously this is shit and can’t even stick to its own shitty theme why are there fries there

>> No.9946216

I don't like the bag (the layout is haphazard and exhibitionism without consent from the viewing party is gross) but the sexy fries with a naked bunny girl covered in cheese does feel fairly on topic to me.

>> No.9946240

I'm in a similar boat, except mine is "I'm bagging for a series that gets a lot of official merch, but the releases are either extremely same-y or there's no guarantee the characters I'm bagging for will be in this batch of merch"

>> No.9946249
File: 31 KB, 635x459, you-cant-if-you-dont.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If people buy the merchandise they know there's a demand for it and they can pay to produce more unique items with new art

>> No.9946257

Same, the characters I'm bagging have very few runs of new merch together. All I can find is full cast runs of old merch or fan stuff.

>> No.9946262

Nayrt but tell that to Bamco.

>> No.9946272

No worries, I get as much official merch as I can, it's just that I usually choose to forego the ones that use the same art over and over if I already have a piece or two with said art.

>> No.9946317

> implying bamco give a shit about their fans

>> No.9946341

>i-it's not mine!
just what a selfposter would say

>> No.9946349

"hot or not"

but if it wasn't your bag you'd know it's shit

>> No.9946373
File: 191 KB, 983x1746, fucking why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look at my itabag guys! It's a SEX itabag! I made it because I like SEX! Isn't that EDGY?! SEX isn't a thing polite society talks about, but I do because I like SEX and am SO KINKY! HAHAH isn't that so fucking funny? Aren't I fucking cool?! Isn't that such an adult thing to do? Aduls have SEX and so do I!! PAY ATTENTION TO ME I LIKE SEX!!!!

Every single reply-
>omg I love it!!! Its soooo amazing! I also LOVE SEX!

>> No.9946379


Ok if there were more merch to go with the bag, I would dig it. It's awkward but somehow great.

That said, I probably would wait to wear it at night or something

>> No.9946404

Sounds about right

>> No.9946466

I hate whenever this bag gets posted because the artist of those 4 phallic acrylics is very nice and all of their (now discontinued) charms were beautiful. They deserved better than a bag this tacky.

>> No.9946472
File: 111 KB, 500x500, hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long should one wait before they decide to make an itabag?

I got into a series about a month ago and ended up falling in love with it shortly after. I looked into it and found it had a suprising amount of official merch, with more likely to come out as It's anime adaption just started. I even found the perfect base bag for it, but I'm just wondering if maybe I'm moving too fast and should wait. But then I'm also worried the longer I wait, the harder it might be to find merch of it later.

>> No.9946476

If you want to make one, make one. Yes it costs money and time, but it's not like you're getting married or something. If you'll have fun making it then that's all you need; just spend responsibly and not beyond your means. If you get sick of the series later, who cares.

>> No.9946493

It's a personal choice. How's your financial situation? Are you the sort of person who goes between series quickly, or do you usually commit for a while?

>> No.9946682

Not that anon but the plush is from Creamie Cryptid on FB! I ordered one from her too for my ita bag and it turned out really well and quick for less than 20 bucks, I recommend her.

>> No.9946792
File: 704 KB, 1242x2011, 7C443B63-0742-446C-AB6F-FEC70E3CE97D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only said it to not to insult it on the spot. Didn’t think I need to make it as obvious as >>9946373 to get cunts like you off my ass but I’ll do it next time. Though, if you really think it’s me, go find the picture and the Instagram and call me out on it. Don’t be a pussy.

I know that it’s not my bag and that’s what matters.

>> No.9946797

> getting this reeee upset
> still insisting its not your bag

>> No.9946798

What a surprise that’s all you have to say.

>> No.9946803

You know you can stop posting, right?

>> No.9946807
File: 430 KB, 1242x1216, DB2EB4FB-A3F2-4582-82A6-BC9D61A81266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I’m aware. Take your own advice though.

>> No.9946810
File: 312 KB, 1242x919, 5A9C1B92-A6F4-4C79-B12B-D084EEA274BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9946811
File: 445 KB, 1242x826, BB4554A2-A1FD-4DC1-B30A-EB83AB9E1268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9946812
File: 607 KB, 1242x1227, 06EF7AC9-BF3D-435D-A8F2-C6153444AAFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9946821
File: 217 KB, 800x1199, 36E3238D-56A0-41D0-8096-A69BFD152B37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9946823
File: 60 KB, 640x306, 247692D1-D74F-4482-84E2-A0ED5A424D6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh hey, some good news it seems. By Google Translate, the bag will be released August 31st, 2018 for roughly 2000 yen.

>> No.9946839

Highly doubt they said anything close to this about their own bag lol
Chill out vendetta-chan

>> No.9946865
File: 998 KB, 2048x1054, BA08D80C-49BC-4D85-B072-87CD4E6EF846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9946870

For some reason I don’t like the one on the right and it’s bothering me

>> No.9946940

Interesting way to decorate the bottom of that bag

>> No.9947012

i wish they'd just stuck with the jonadio or even a jona/dio/jotaro theme, that single kira in the corner looks so lonely

>> No.9947117

>ita bag

>> No.9947146

It's hilarious how salty you're getting. Have you ever considered, in polite terms, fucking off?

>> No.9947291

Until you look over and realize you've accumulated a pile of merch you have nothing else to do with.

Don't get into the hobby (or into a new bag) if it's not something that meshes well with your existing spending habits. There are a hundred other costly hobbies out there you could potentially enjoy much more, so don't look for an extra reason to spend hundreds (thousands) of dollars unless it's a good way to expand on something you already do and enjoy.

The precision required for something like this astounding, it almost hurts to look at. I hope they had some kind of grid backing to put that together

I wish these were available in black + color, or white + color, or literally anything other than that tan canvas. I love the bag design but hate that color for bags so much.

>> No.9947335

Obviously its not what they said, its the impression I get whenever I see bags like this. It reminds me of late elementary school/early middle school when one kid learned how babies were made and had to share how smart and mature they were. It's just silly.

>> No.9947350

Before you get scared off, this hobby doesn't really require the huge amount of money some people make it seem like. Some people will spend small fortunes making their bags, but you can very easily make a small but nice bag for less then $200 (of official merch, you can obviously do it for less with bootlegs but thats not in the true spirit of the hobby and if you show it around here you will rightfully be called out). You just have to be patient and search for good deals.
I suggest making your first bag with 10 or so items and a good bag and see if you have fun with it.

>> No.9947396

>of official merch, you can obviously do it for less with bootlegs

Why the fuck are you even suggesting bootlegs. Seriously how many times to do we have to go through the "dont buy bootlegs you cuntbag"

>> No.9947438

>but thats not in the true spirit of the hobby and if you show it around here you will rightfully be called out

Perhaps I worded it wrong, but it was meant to say that bootlegs are not tolerated here

>> No.9948131

New thread