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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9919203 No.9919203 [Reply] [Original]

I made a thread about historical inspiration for lolita several weeks ago, and it got me thinking: what about also taking inspiration from traditional costumes still worn today, in the germanic or hispanic world, for instance.

Brands sometimes reference those aesthetics, and it seems to be somewhat trendy those days, but i think it can also be nice coording inspiration in general.

>> No.9919205
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>> No.9919206
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another coord

>> No.9919209

This is just tacky

>> No.9919213
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>> No.9919233
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>> No.9919235
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>> No.9919247
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>> No.9919250


>> No.9919251


>> No.9919254

I'll have you know, I'm 1/20 native American, and this is EXTREMELY disrespectful. Please take it down.

>> No.9919262

You say that to be funny, but when we tried to have a meet with this theme a few years back in my comm, it erupted into drama along these lines.

>> No.9919368

Hillarious. I mean, we're technically all just a bunch of westerners appropriating a Japanese fashion that appropriates european and american fashion

>> No.9919523

desu I'm totally fine with Asians 'appropriating' European traditional dress, but I'm a little salty when I see Americans and Brits doing it. Especially when it's German or Eastern European.

You know what you did.

>> No.9919539

Those bags are a delight!

>> No.9919567

They liberated Europe after a lunatic art school reject decided he wanted to play Napoleon...?

lol who am I kidding, this is 4chan, lets see the swatsika coord, neo nazi-chan.

>> No.9919577

Liberation was whatever, it was the part where they handed half of Europe over to an even more genocidal dictatorship that I take issue with.

>> No.9919586

What in the fuck are you even talking about? Do you not realize Russia was part of the liberation?

Please just take your white guilt cultural appropriation tumblr cancer somewhere else.

>> No.9920116
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My inspiration for a coordinate I want to make. Instead of using that cheap ass ribbon Mexican women wear I would style my hair with a flower or something.

It’s gonna end up looking like cultural appropriation because even though I’m like 90% Mexican I have white skin and European facial features

>> No.9920118

The Russians liberated us though

>> No.9920146

Nayrt but they pretty much turnt their back at countries fighting against Soviet Union in order to save their own skins from Hitler. Not to say Hitler wasn't bad but SU's communism destroyed culture, traditions and religion widely. Of course, US offered financial help to prevent countries slipping into communism but it didn't help those who already suffered from it nor the countries near border. All Britain offered was pity but nothing else. But the great national costume culture in these countries is probably result from preventing them to do so in the history which is partly sad but I'm a bit envious of it too. It's a good source of inspiration for me to use parts of my national costume in lolita even though I have mostly only used my scarf for now.

>> No.9920175

>But the great national costume culture in these countries is probably result from preventing them to do so in the history which is partly sad but I'm a bit envious of it too.
what costume culture?

>> No.9920255

I really, really wish there were a better EGL forum other than here, tumblr, and Facebook. You get the kids and the idiots on Facebook, the SJW trigger crowd on tumblr, but here you get the out and out mentally unstable.

The problem with CGL being on 4chan is all the crazies and the mouth breathers start leaking in. The absolute dregs who absolutely cannot fit in outside of internet anonymity due to severe awkwardness and literal retardation.

Last meetup I was at there was already some chick who got QAnon ~woke and was rambling like a homeless person convinced their trash can was part of a global conspiracy.

>> No.9920290

Well, I meant generally the East European countries cherish and use their national costumes more than, for example, my own country. Some of them battle with cheap China versions but they are still more widely used and appreciated while in my country they are considered old fashioned and weird. Of course some other countries such as Norway do so too but again as far as I know the most popular ones in Europe are not very historically accurate and often manufactured rather than hand made. In my country national costumes are very costly because they are historially accurate but the flip side definitely is the lack of popularity which fortunately has catched a bit on with my generation. If I have understood correctly, Estonia has very similar system for them as my country and the use is still more popular and appreciated compared to my country. I should have worded it a bit differently but I meant culture of use if it makes more sense at all.

>> No.9920636

Really? I think it's one of the few wa/qi-dresses that isn't overdone. Guess taste differ.

>> No.9920639

Any countries history can be told both in good and bad ways. Each country has done good and bad things. Either it's all appropriation, or none. It's funny how mainly Americans seem to complain, but they don't know half of European history. Heck, I've seen some can't even properly use Christian, Catholic and Protestant. For a religious country getting mad at European history, they seem to miss a lot of info.

>We invented republics.
>We where known as some of the most open people who had the most rights to different religions as well as cultures. We also didn't care for you're religion or culture as long as you did something useful. Everyone could make money that way.
>First in history to give gay people same right as strait, including marriage and such.
>We made places like New York big before the Brits even got interested in getting the place from us, above policy helped a lot in getting big (although also partly why Brits could take it over so easily).
>we mainly did spices trade, slave trade was extremely small.
But no, we bought black people from their (also black) leaders, often their lower ranking or rival tribes who they captured, and send to to the USA as slaves. Even tho we had white people as slaves in our country and where the first to give people rights so they where treated like that anymore (the only reason we signed last for the no-slave policy thing was because we had none at that time), and all of Europe had slaves, but we're way worse because we're known for it and that makes us super racist. Don't you dare be proud on your heritage.

>The Hispanic where known to be more discriminating.
>also burn (or kill other ways) anyone not catholic.
>considered white in Europe.
>somehow these people are also Latina/Latino, even tho they are different in Europe.
Oh no, these are POC people and a minority, you can't say a bad word or your racist, and never use their culture. They should be proud to be Hispanic

>> No.9920645

Point is, it's kinda stupid to go hate on Brits or Germans because of one happening, and say they are horrible countries. Its kinda stupid to do this for any country or culture. By now, each country has done both good and bad things.

I think it's great to share culture. The native people who use it decline, and sharing it allows for it to sustain. Foreigners won't always fully understand, that's fine. Just have respect and put it in positive light, but be honest in not only positive but also negative parts, then I think it's great to share culture across the world.

>> No.9920654

NAYRT, the cut and trims are okay, but the print looks like something you'd find on cheapest cartoony red envelopes you can find at the stationery store. It's basically the Chinese New Year equivalent of an ugly Christmas sweater.

>> No.9921474
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Yet another thread derailed by retards :/

>> No.9921484
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>> No.9921487
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>> No.9921534

It's obviously made for weebs. These are nice wa dresses >>9895688

>> No.9921541

Cultural appropriation is a thing in the USA because they have a very different culture from us. Culture is not just material stuff, food and history. It's also how you behave and treat people. In the USA, it's VERY "us versus them" when it comes to race. Maybe more so in some states than others. It's also very American to push their beliefs on others without even noticing, that's why they go around "explaining" to people from other countries that they're culturally appropriating, without realising that's not an issue in their country.

>> No.9921619

I'm American and my family is Slovak/ Czech, just came here in the late 60s. So you can fuck right off, I love lolita inspired by traditional Eastern European and German garb and wish there were more releases like that

>> No.9921663

I know this was likely a joke, but if it wasn't, you are one stupid jackass...

>> No.9921667

When I was growing up in the 90s there was no such "us versus them" mentality. Every SJW moron running around today tries to tell you there was, but there absolutely was not. All this outward, vocal drama surrounding race, multiculturalism and so on is a fairly recent and artificial (forced) development.

And SOME Americans do the whole cultural pushing thing. Most don't give a shit what anyone else does in or to their own country, so long as it doesn't damage the US in some way.

>> No.9921778

no sane person gives a fuck about cultural appropriation unless you're doing something that makes you look retarded

ex: wearing a native headdress because that's the only thing most people think of in association to indigenous folk

>> No.9921790

First generation or not, I feel like after WWII any American can wear all the dirndls and wooden clogs they want. If my grandparents hadn’t passed they’d probably give it to you themselves.

Yeah, the cultural appropriation thing has really become about cultural isolationism and basically separate but equal.

It’s weird when people who claim to be progressive liberals lose their absolute shit over what is essentially a natural part of globalism and the cultural exchange of a growingly international culture.

>> No.9921812


The greatest thing about this is even if 90% of people don't give a shit, there will be one moron who will be like "yes but I DO and MY OPINION MATTERS MORE BECAUSE I AM WOKE." Like fuck off.


It is your culture though. Own that culture, and fuck anyone who thinks you're doing otherwise.

>> No.9921905

Anyone know if there’s any Scottish inspired coords out there somewhere? Not just tartan print, but an earasaid/sash/shawl across the blouse. Someday, I’d love to get a few yards of my clan’s tartan and make a skirt and sash to wear to my local highland games!

>> No.9921909

No, as someone living in an historic European hotspot, Chinese and their Europe fetish are a pest and they ruin everything.

>> No.9921975

I know, it’s an otter disgrace!