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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9875141 No.9875141 [Reply] [Original]

previous thread>>9852357

per the title we're nmw at a time in larping where teenagers who started larping in the 90's are now bringing their own children to larp events [and some cases their grandchildren].

Would you feel comfortable about attending evnets where families and children are allowed? would you rather prefer to go to events that are 18+ only?
if you had children of your own would you bring them along, or keep larping as somthing for yourself?

>> No.9875144

I'm an old and grumpy person. What is nmw?

Also I go to both kind of games, it's never the kids that are the problem.
And when I will have kids I will bring them larping obviously. They need to conquer the world too

>> No.9875154
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>banning alcohol makes me uncomfortable and I will be ignoring it in the future

>> No.9875317

I have no problem with kids at some of my games, but it really depends on the general weight of the narrative themes being worked in the LARP.
For a generic medieval fantasy LARP? Please! Bring the kids! They help really bring the world to life, just like small animals, real traders, etc. etc.

Only problem would be combat, usually a 16+ rule will suffice and maybe some leniency with kids known by the orga and given a green light. Ofcourse all minors should have an adult with them.

Besides this I'm a (very fresh) part of the organisation of a KidsLarp and you'll be surprised at how immersed and great theatrical performances kids and teens can churn out. One thing though, they usually come far more to their right among their peers than when surrounded by adults, who might be more dominant in scenes and the likes most likely not allowing the kids to come to their full right as well developed characters.

But eh, don't bring kids to your heavy RP event with more adult narrative themes.

>> No.9875363

I'm an Amtfag, trying to dip my feet into Alliance. We have a couple kids that come out to practice every other week, and I personally have no problem with them. For a more RP heavy LARP, I'd say my preference would be more towards something at least close to 12+, which is when I feel like most kids can glean a bit of self-awareness and roleplay properly. Personally, I was making fairly nuanced characters for pen and paper RPGs from about 14 onwards to the point where I only slightly cringe when I look at them.

That being said we had a quest here recently and there was basically an entire party comprised of children who were roleplaying the socks off most of the stick jocks there. Though I can't say that's too surprising, since Amtgard is half composed of people who just want to whap people with sticks.

I also really like kids though, so I could totally understand why some people would want to keep certain events 18+. As for whether or not I'd want my own kids into it, I'd probably treat it the same way as all my other hobbies, don't try to force it on them and if they're interested in it provide them a safe avenue to try it whenever they'd like.

>tfw you will never have kids to bring to a LARP event to be your squire/page.
>tfw you will never have a daughteru to bring to LARP events to roleplay being her bodyguard.

In other news
>Nordic LARP is pretentious rubbish, and I will be taking the organizers to court.

Suppose there goes my dreams of taking a trip to europe to experience glorious euroLARP

>> No.9875421

Just make sure the judge is another actor, make the going to court a LARP they don't know is a LARP!

Or heck, court them you'll even manage to get yourself a daughteru with a bit of good luck.

>> No.9875819

ment to type "now" but misspelt it.

>> No.9875888

Hey Gropey! Where is your clown ass?

>> No.9875916

Does he even do much clowning nowadays?

>> No.9875927

He answered this a while back. He doesn't do it professionally anymore, but still does the occasional burlesque and kink show, and donates his time to the Shriners Circus to support the sick kids. He also does historic clown stuff at his museum and in S.C.A.

>> No.9876544

How do you deal with a setting reset in your larp? The Dutch Vortex event had its setting destroyed by two players and their long-time friends who managed to become GMs and allowed this shit to happen. The players literally "destroyed all of creation". Now there is talk of wanting to strip everyone of their items and abilities and rewrite the whole setting, which sounds like bullshit to me.

>> No.9876547

I don't like kids at my events, because parents can be retards and let them roam freely even in the middle of fights. Sure, it's technically their responsibility if a kid gets foamed in the eye but I've personally seen it happen to a 5 year old and it turned into massive dramatics.

If it's an event tailored specifically around kids being there, it's a different story. But a dark, adult, larp event is no place to bring your kids to.

>> No.9876548

But, in the defence of the game dying/resetting would this finally mean getting rid of the players being able to use the old rules?

Gonna ponder on this one and maybe talk to some Vortex players I know.

>> No.9876551


Well they are doing a rules rewrite already, so yes I imagine. The problem is that those old players are in the organisation and are demanding a Members Meeting to discuss how to handle the reset. Which of course means they get to keep their shit because else the event won't have enough volunteers if those players all up and leave. It seems like a massive shitshow. I know one of the GMs and she's told me there was not really a plan either, just a "sure go ahead" to the two players in question with two GMs on the team vouching for them (Said two GMs being very close friends of the two players).

That's hearsay though obviously, not anything officially stated. They've all been very hush hush about it.

>> No.9876743

Fun, I was planning to attend Vortex' summer event. Just how bad are things? Is that event even going to happen now?

>> No.9876746


It is, the reset did not happen yet. Long story short, a player put void in the heart of the vortex and its quickly destroying everything. Also all the elemental princes are dead save for the water one so no fucking clue what they are gonna "summon" at the summer event

>> No.9876886
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What plausible motivation does a character have for destroying all existence?

>> No.9876894


Because he could.

>> No.9876895

>remake the world in their own perfect image
>angry power trip (if I can’t have my lover nobody can live)
>lel so random
>the cycle of the universe ordains its rebirth
>I am going to pass righteous judgement on the sinners of this universe

>> No.9876957

I can’t find a straw hat to base my tellbarret around, think foamcore or thin card could work as a substitute? My concern is that the wool i’m using is quite heavy and thick, so i don’t want it to sag too much or be too thick.

>> No.9877057

I didn't have a straw core for mine, only a few wires. It's straw core is not a must have for every version.

>> No.9877064

Not to offend the Vortex players here, because I'm basing my opinion on some of the players I spoke,,.. But eh, pure edge or the "lel so randumb" sounds most plausible. I mean, I hear a lot of lolplay stories about Vortex.

That and the usual "I beat X monsters while still Y'd myself".In Vortex defence: some great roleplayers I also know play there and I just haven't heard their tales yet so my vision might be skewed.

>> No.9877625

Because when there was nothing, it was pure. Just darkness.
No hate, no evil, no suffering.
Unity and beauty

>> No.9877667
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Do you agree with the article?
Who are your favorite antagonists(other players you've played with, or even you)?
What are your tips for play a great antagonist?

>> No.9877732

>What are your tips for play a great antagonist?

Obviously you can never win as an antagonist but the article over-dramatizes it at least a little. If you have to ask consent for every small obstacle you throw on another player's path, why even bother doing it at all since all the surprise and tension is ruined.

>> No.9877833

Yeah, I think some of the points the article makes are a bit silly in how "sanitized" they want to make conflict. But overall the core idea is good. It's important to remember that if you're playing an antagonist, your purpose is to make the heroes' story more interesting and get them to consider their characters more deeply. Even if your game is more realistic than just "heroes vs villains," it's a great principle to keep in mind whenever you take action that is "antagonistic" toward another player.

>> No.9877921

I can't take seriously any kind of internet advice that has "oath" in it's title

>> No.9878518

Whats your guys' preference for spellballs?

>> No.9878533

spell whats?

>> No.9878549

I think he means the practice of throwing balls at someone to simulate the flight of a spell
ITT: visualising combat magic for dummies

>> No.9878551

How else can you visualize combat magic? Other than just verbals.

>> No.9878581

not with fireworks thats for sure

>> No.9878584

then I like them non existent

lots of ways actually. and while throwing decent looking "spellballs" isn't the worst way to do it it's not my favorite

>> No.9878585
File: 2.63 MB, 1000x625, magicannon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make sure you have light fabric rolls in your sleeve and you are good at roleplaying spell casting.

if you have a caster friend and or a particularly strong friend you can always do mage bazooka like pic related.

>> No.9878635 [DELETED] 

I hate people that bring their fantasy rp to the LARP meets I go to. Like I'm here trying to immerse myself and we have these's nerds running around shouting "dimensional shackle" and "rasengan". I'm gonna start a petition to ban these kids from my local LARPS.

>> No.9878666

my advice is to write to your congressional representative to purge this scum from the earth

>> No.9878759

Unnecessary evils. Buffs/debuffs are fine as verbals, but missile spells (fireballs and the like) need to have a visible component to cast and have dodged. Otherwise it turns into "I got you!"/"Nuh-uh!" fights.

>> No.9878764

I'm assuming you meant to say "Necessary evils". I don't get how you're meant to be able to dodge magic projectiles if you don't have some sort of physical representation for them.

>Stop liking things I don't like!

>> No.9878829

Ok but in a realism larp it’s annoying as fuck to have naruto show up

>> No.9878893


>> No.9878931

Like you actually leave the house.

>> No.9878969 [DELETED] 

if my autism could generate me some dough I wouldn't leave, but sadly I'm high functioning. Maybe I should start a Patreon. Once my gf gets a job I might just leech off of her and blog on /cgl/ all day :0

>> No.9878970

>but sadly I'm high functioning
have you tried without the drugs? Maybe you could be functioning without being high

>> No.9878973 [DELETED] 

I spin in my chair a bunch of time if I wanna get high. no need for pills

>> No.9878974

wouldn't standing up work too or you are just too small?

>> No.9879026
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My favourite con makes an effort out of integrating children into the game. We always have a seperate plot for the kids to have them contribute to the end goal and support their parents, and while they have to keep out of the main battles they get to see some action for themselves.

They also get education from the more experienced players, be it magic lessons or combat training. Once our orcs tought them how to be proper little maggots. It's awesome, the children love it and they lern how to be proper roleplayers.

>> No.9879276

That's fucking adorable and I love it. I'm a sucker for the "Apprentices/children of the main cast get a side episode still relevant to the plot" trope.

>> No.9879394

Any French anons in here? If so, is there any worthwhile LARPs apart from Kandorya?

>> No.9879534

have you tried the troll forum?

>> No.9879629
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Whats the cheekiest thing you've done in-game guys?

I just broke my own record.
>putting out propaganda posters along the roads
>found the task to be to boring
>decide to put them out at enemy/neutral towns and forts instead
>got literally away with putting up posters at entrances and even on fortifications in broad daylight

People need to eat more carrots.

>> No.9879635

There's some funny behaviour I noticed here, and nowhere else where I discuss larp. Why do people here call larps "cons"? I normally only hear "larp" being used, and maybe sometimes "event" or "live" when describing a specific larp, but the word "con" I never encounter outside of this place. Is it an American thing?

>> No.9879821

None, tbqh

I like having magic in my games, but I prefer it to be present as an element that's rarely relevant in fights or contexts where it's important whether it "hits" or not. Otherwise, point-and-click works for me as an offensive delivery method, and otherwise I like it kept to buffs and large time-intensive rituals with lots of flair and mystical mumbo-jumbo.

>> No.9879823

>leeching of gf

>> No.9879825

I've only encountered it from the germans so far.

>> No.9879857

As hlf said, it's german larp slang

>> No.9880055

>Be me, thirteen-ish
>Be at larp that allows kids
>Trade all my starting money with a goblin for a mystery jug
>Turns out it's a full heal, but it's in an inconveniently large jug without a lid
>Some other kid overhears, comes walking up, and says I should share it with the group
>Tell him to pay me double or fuck off
>He tries to physically pull it out of my hands, others stop him, I run off
Now, this was a small larp set in a sports hall, so there weren't exactly a lot of places to run to. There was, however, a 2x2 meter area marked as OoC, representing the entrance to a wine cellar of near-infinite proportions.
>Put jug down
>Wait there for about a minute
>Inform the dude OoC I hid the jug somewhere in the cellar
>Walk up to a GM OoC to ask what I should do with the jug and if anything else happens in the cellar
>As I'm taking, the little asshole grabs the jug and walks off with it
>GM intervenes, forces him to give it back, lectures him on integrity and all that
>GM walks off again
>Little shit immediately draws his sword and attacks me
>End up having to drink the potion to survive
>He gets off without IC or OoC consequence because he's a kid

I hear a lot of stories of kids who are amazing roleplayers, but I've yet to see one (myself included). Although admittedly I'm just very salty about this specific story, I've seen far more of instances of kids cheating, metagaming or lying OoC than adults. I'd rather just stick with 16+/18+ larps.

>> No.9880230

Kids LARPs are bae since you can actually try and put them on a good curve to become a good LARPer leaving you with 17 year olds who are better than most normies at a LARP.

>> No.9880260

It wasn't even a kids larp, just one that allows parents to bring their children. And damn, the kids of larpers are something else. We have a cleric who is pretty damn awesome at doing his job. Great prayers, wonderfull rallying speaches, and among the best fighters I have ever seen on a larp. His son was better at convincigly turning evil when he was 8 than most adults that I have witnessed.

>> No.9880372


>Getting your ass handed to you by a little kid hard enough that you have to drink your own full heal

>> No.9880465

I've got no problem with kids running around and having fun at LARP. Generally they learn their limits pretty quickly and really enjoy being in character. It also just helps with immersion to walk into camp and have children playing or helping their parents with work.
It's their parents I have a problem with. Little Jimmy the waist-high mage knows that he's not going to be welcome to accompany the adults everywhere they go, but his father takes you not wanting to babysit as a personal insult. It's infinitely worse to navigate a roleplaying situation where you have players who pitch a fit about everyone not getting equal treatment.

None. Magic works best when it's subtle, both in Larp and literature. If your setting's magic is functionally identical to a gun (ie: fireballs, ice bolts, etc...), then it's just lazy. It should be done in elaborate rituals for things like wards, enchantments, healing, or repairs. All about spectacle, and less about throwing sachets of birdseed.

I mean, it sounds like he played that in character. He wanted the jug, got stopped once, then tracked you down later and hurt you for the trouble once you were alone. Why didn't you stick with the people who stopped him earlier?

>> No.9880574

My larp has a small handful of older players who introduced their children to larping through it and other games in the area. The (now adult) children are legit some of the best players in the community.

>> No.9880791
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Was going to get the belt decorations and the aglets for my farsetto delivered today but they skipped out on me.
How to handle this lads? Will post a WiP though!

Yeah, they grew up with it. Might have a phase in life which they'll stop out of sheer force of puberty alone but usually they will end up sticking around.

So the kid found a debatle but definite IC response to your behaviour. Sure it wasn't nice. The fact he stole it was completely wrong of him though, and the GM did a good thing on teaching him about integrity.

I have to admit from my own experience it can be quite the challenge for your energy level to play out strife with some kids. Ranging from rules breaking to not being able to hold open that gap between IC and OoC to just physically jumping you (thank God for rugby). But you need to learn to go with it. If it's game breaking to such an extent an IC twist can't give them a quick meta-nudge in the right direction just take them aside like the GM did.
You're the adult here, if you play your cards right they'll look up to you and even ask your for your advice. Try to have a quick OoC babble about it, why he wants to do that thing and about other ways to reach his goals. Explaining might not be the way to go with kids trying to rebel so keep it a conversation and keep it friendly and on sort of equal grounds.

Cute and great to hear! Kids can really marvel older players, can't wait to see/hear how he grows up as a player!

>> No.9880864
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Hey /larpthread/,

Is this fixable? It need not pass strict safety checks, but should be closed without the seam being too hard.

>> No.9880874

not fixable. You can only hide the damage but basically the whole tip protection is fucked up at this point. The tear is simply too deep

>> No.9880880

depends on what you count as cheeky, but right now I can't think of anything that I wouldn't need a lot of explanations about the context

>> No.9880892

As he said pretty much fucked

If it was a normal sword you would have been able to remake the point but since it's calimacil there's no recovery hope

>> No.9880944
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I made some turnshoes, and smudged my ancient camera in the process

>> No.9880948
File: 84 KB, 1024x768, RhiTl4S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are not turnshoes, but made to look like they are

>> No.9880952


Sexy ass shoes brah.

>> No.9880959
File: 112 KB, 1280x960, 4uI3Vhx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These I made for a customer.

>> No.9881005

These are awesome, what’s your process look like?

>> No.9881028
File: 1.26 MB, 2048x1536, 2018-05-09 09.10.00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cut pieces
Do the edge lacing
Sew the outside seam, and temporary stitches for the flaps
Nail sole onto last (left last for right shoe and vice versa)
Stretch upper grain side down on last, nail into sole
Sew sole and upper together
Remove last
Soak shoe thoroughly
Flip shoe inside out
Insert last, let dry overnight
Remove temporary stitches from flaps
Sew toggles and loops

>> No.9881031
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>> No.9881032
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Before flipping

>> No.9881040
File: 103 KB, 438x321, Screenshot-2018-2-2 title - AY17-16-Leather-and-leatherworking pdf(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I used as inspiration

>> No.9881113

Boy oh boy, welcome to the club. This specific issue happened to me on like 4 different swords.
If it hasn't been a year since you purchased it, talk to them and they might send you a new one.
Also try some potent glue and hope for the best but I wouldn't be too optimistic about that.

>> No.9881117

the glue will only hide the facdt that it's unsafe now. If it's ripped to the core then it's fucked, no matter the comsetics
Also it's only common with the longer ones, especially if someone doesn't use them properly

>> No.9881151

What do you consider 'proper use'?

>> No.9881163

hitting others with control, not storing it on the tip, and never leaning on it while the tip is on the ground, basic shit like that

>> No.9881165
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meanwhile getting ready for the scifi larp

>> No.9881166
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>> No.9881217

Well, fuck. This has happened to two out of eight practice swords in a span of two years. I suppose that's not a terrible score for swords handled by newbies once every two weeks, but it still sucks.

Sure there's no way of fixing it in a safe but ugly way?

Also, I just won a dessert because I bet nobody would suggest duct tape, so I guess thanks for that.

>> No.9881432

I mean I think the assumption is if you're having a problem, that was the first thing you tried and it hasn't helped.

>> No.9881581

look, the underlying textile strengthening is teared up and also the tip protection teared off from the tip. It's not something you could repair if calimacil have to repair something like this they either get a new one or change the whole blade.
Even if you use super glue which can repair small cuts on the surface this the tip protection is fucked up as I said and the it will rip up again pretty soon.

And yeah we had similar problams with the bellators, although with a little more useage but nearly all of them had the exact same damage, but that's what you get when it comes through a few hundred congoers who use it like retards.
The shorter, one handed ones on the other hand only had this damage once and that was very extensively used, but no other got damaged in the last two year from them.
There is an explanation here about the length of weapon the tip protection, flexibility of the core, etc but it's kind of boring

>> No.9881589

For cheap sparring weapons used by different people you could always pick up some cheaper mroe durable weapons from the good old Chinaman.

>> No.9881601

I will grant you the cheaper but not the more durable.

>> No.9881779
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There's some real ugly ones out there, looking like discount Mytholon shit and although they might hurt more I've never gotten one to actually break on me.

Also here, take some fresh porn from the Larp Outfits FB group.

>> No.9882182
File: 2.25 MB, 3264x2448, DSC04421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, I've never broke a calimacil in a larp either only in hema trainings and when we go to let a few hundred kids bash at each other with our weapons.

Also, todays stash for the scifi game yet again

>> No.9882391

yep.. here in NL there is one big ass close friend group who larps together. in almost every larp one of them is a leader. gm or a high noble that can fuck up the game. hate it

>> No.9882400

Have you tried being friends with them? :^)

>> No.9882897

This could describe SO many people. I suppose it makes sense that if they go larping together, at least one plays a highly influential character.

>> No.9883035
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Are you just... jelly?

>> No.9883454
File: 3.00 MB, 4032x2268, 20180516_205914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my man at arms kit.

>> No.9883474

Looks pretty fucking spicy my dude

>> No.9883492

where are your cloths for it?

>> No.9883502

its all linen and cotton.
the red piece is to wipe sweat from my face.

>> No.9883504

I mean all I can see on the pic is armours and accessories

>> No.9883515

a simple cream cotton shirt and green pants.
i look like a simple farmer

>> No.9883524

next paycheck im going to invest in better clothing, any tips for simple yet nice looking fantasy/medieval/viking clothing?

before you ask; i live just outside of europe .

>> No.9883535

I'd say drop the pistol, besides that a pretty good kit bro.

Fantasy medieval viking clothing is kinda... broad? Do specify a little more. If you want it to match your armour I'd say invest in a good doublet/schacke/farsetto a long linnen shirt and a pair of conjoined mi-parti hosen.

aketon.pl Has some good clothing. Besides that I'd say look local for a tailor I'm sure there's several running around at your LARP.

>> No.9883540

>tfw no gunpowder fantasy LARPs in the states

>> No.9883773

im kinda looking to upgrade my larp clothing wardrobe in general.
after I lost my best shirt and pants all im left with is shitty synthetic stuff.

it mustn't be itchy or woolen (I live in a temperate-warm country).
I ave yet to see someone who is willing to tailor proper stuff but ill look around.

>> No.9883782

Are you one of our Isreal posters? If so, by God man respond on my question on Facebook: post already.

>> No.9883797

Yes I am one of them, I'm not the one you're talking about.

>> No.9883809

Man, if I was right though that'd be well lucky. Anyway, Aketon is some good shit. For general clothing like undershirts and the likes and, importantly, it doesn't have to be fully historicalyl correct you can just pick some up at Mytholon (who are really improving their clothing line from absolute trash to decent for a LARP) and CelticWebMerchant or any other of the standard big LARP vendors.

>> No.9883815

mytholon takes months to ship here.
how are CWM's stuff? how's their quality?

>> No.9883816

Really depends on what you order I'm sorry to say, have gotten some real mixed results.

>> No.9883819

Egh, their prices sure are attractive tho.

>> No.9883920

Get some forearm protection, and rivet some splints onto your cuisses.

>> No.9884189

sew it for yourself is an option, also as others said mytholon has acceptable cloths too. Their stuff usually isn't bad but the good stuff doesn't look like theirs either.

his elbow guard and gauntlet already doesn't match the rest of the stuff. He will either get a forearm protection that is that much out of place too or something that is in the middle ground and adds to the missmatching.
And don't encourage people to rivet stuff on their armour if you don't know their expertise level that could easily turn out worse then the starting material

>> No.9884193

id be getting matching ones but alas i am on a budget.

>> No.9884198

the foreamr protection that matches the gauntlet and the elbow will still won't match the rest of your stuff

>> No.9884203

i a world where money was a none issue for me,
id be getting these https://www.celticwebmerchant.com/en/pair-of-elbow-cops-with-wrist-guard.html


>> No.9884207

The gloves looks shit in my opinion.
Anyway I recommend looking up "jack chains", that would fit your stuff way better

>> No.9884218

jack chains look pretty and cheap.
I'll give them a try next paycheck.

>> No.9884474

This is probably kinda gross, but... How do you avoid getting creamed when you fuck at an innawoods larp?

>> No.9884575

Huh. Never would've thought /clg/ was a prude board.

>> No.9884580

dont bring cream to the rendezvous

>> No.9884640

I mean, the other girls are generally pretty frisky too but will never do more than play around. Sometimes you need full service.

>> No.9884647

I think most of us LARPfags are crossposters from /tg/ though. Which is approximately 2 degrees away from /d/

>> No.9884693
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meanwhile I'm nearly ready with my pistol holster with added magnets

>> No.9884694
File: 2.24 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180408-223631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking loved this softkit. is from a dutch larp, saw the costume and loved it

>> No.9884904

Dwaler has some good costuming although this one doesn't seem all that special to me except fro the livery chain and belt deco you don't see very often in the Dutch scene.

Pewterreplica's has some good livery chains, was going to pick one up myself actually.
Belt deco you can get at Celtic or just any pajeet for 15 cents a pop.

>> No.9884983

The same way as outside larp ?

>> No.9885150
File: 39 KB, 640x360, 1398190322774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting to get into LARP
>Lorien Trust rules are given to me and discussing it with people
>rules state in one section that you can parry and say parrying is forbidden in another
>rules refer to something called the World Guide
>no such document or pamphlet exists
>it's a word document called Factions of Erdreja
>there are banned words
>players are expected to pull their sword strikes
>common tactic is shield walls with spears gently tapping from behind them
>nothing can be done about shield walls without High Magic which is unavailable to players
>entire thing sounds like glorified cosplay with weapon tapping
Please tell me it's not going to be as bad as it sounds? Why the hell would you LARP if you're not going to actually fight and be physical? It's like playing touch rugby instead of tackle.
Is all LARP like this? Am I just set up to be disappointed?

>> No.9885153
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You have lots of larp options in the UK, if not nearby then at least you can go abroad to international ones on the continent.

Typical red flags to look out for if you don't want a shit experience
>community ruled
>tabletop rpg system influences
>laxed costume standards
>ffa cultures

>> No.9885154

Forgot to say that the larp sounds like shit and most likely is shit. Look for something else, not from the UK and I don't know much about their campaigns so I can't help you there.

Also forgot this red flag
>plagiarizes lore and names from a popular fantasy setting without being "official"

>> No.9885155

The rulebook looks community ruled, it's schizophrenic enough that it looks like multiple people wrote it without consulting each other.
Can't tell if there's any tabletop influences.
Haven't heard much about costume standards but it sounds like laziness is frowned upon at the very least, so it sounds like no one shows up in sneakers at least.
What's ffa cultures?

It just sounds like cancer, I've not seen it first hand yet so I'm hoping I'm just imagining it'll be worse than it is.

>> No.9885156

>orcs are Urrucks
>ogres are Ologs
Ah fuck, they got that red flag.

So those rules systems where it's glorified cosplay isn't common?

>> No.9885157

what's the problem with not hitting like an autist?

>> No.9885158

It's a larp, it's supposed to be physical, what's the point if you aren't going to be physical? Tapping each other from behind shield walls sounds lame.

>> No.9885161

there are differences between tapping, physical full force and a bunch of other buzzwords people like to use.
But simply pulling blows is just safety and actually a good practice

>> No.9885164

Doesn't sound like it, the main strategy is apparently shield walls + spear tapping and using reach weapons to tap while backing up.
Cancer like that doesn't sound fun in the slightest.
Safety is one thing but why are you going to a LARP, an event which involves foam sword fighting, if you aren't prepared to cop a bruise or two?

>> No.9885165

>The rulebook looks community ruled, it's schizophrenic enough that it looks like multiple people wrote it without consulting each other.
Community rule is shit because its a result of the power larpers dictating the rules for their own needs and wants. Its a great chance to pay 50€ to act as cannon fodder for some veteran's lvl 12 demon daily rampaging and I recommend that you do it at least once just to be able to avoid it in the future.

>Haven't heard much about costume standards but it sounds like laziness is frowned upon at the very least, so it sounds like no one shows up in sneakers at least.
I typically give a free pass on shoe wear because its a tough component in larp costumes, as long as I don't see bright orange sneakers on someone who has been attending for 10+ years. Otherwise I think its important that you seek out larps with good costume standards because if they don't have them, you will see veteran players walking around in bed sheet tunics and sweatpants (see amerilarp vids on youtube), and that effort will reflect on the game play experience.

>What's ffa cultures?
When people make characters and races however they want, with no relation to the setting. It makes everything look out of place, and it throws off some game elements like interaction (like when you have 9 active elf races, and you have to greet them each in their respective way) or gm made rule sets if there are to many and to few of each.

>It just sounds like cancer, I've not seen it first hand yet so I'm hoping I'm just imagining it'll be worse than it is.
If it sounds like cancer it most likely is. But if its a large larp then it might be worth going since you can easily have a good time with the average players.

>> No.9885166

Using standard mainstream races isn't a red flag, specifically Tolkien based ones, DnD and Warhammer.

Say if a campaign named "The Old Books" featured Argonians and Khajit, and was set in the land of Burrowind, I'd call it trash.

>> No.9885167

Community rule sounds terrible, but it doesn't sound like that at least.
I've seen some pictures and it seems like most of them at least put some effort into costume.
No ffa culture here, the official in universe rulings on the different races took me a while to find because the rulebook told me to look for a document that doesn't fucking exist but other than that they're coherent with one race being the "here be whatever but no one in character trusts these weird things".
I'll still try it, I suppose expecting the worst and being pleasantly surprised is better than getting my hopes up and it being shit.

>> No.9885169

I can agree to that and I doesn't even try to defend the other points. But the shield wall superiority is probably because of other game mechanics not because you aren't allwed to hit harder.
Still bruises and such can happen even with pulled blows.
Then again I might have a different view on it as some people still use wooden core weapons here

>> No.9885173

Oh okay, I figured the fact that they used those names might have been considered a red flag but I wasn't certain, it didn't bother me too much I just thought it was an odd choice.
I can understand pulling back at the last second and not following through, but the way it's been described to me sounds way worse, swinging with any speed sounds like a grey area that could get you banned.
It doesn't help that the rules writer doesn't seem to know what parrying is.

>> No.9885382
File: 177 KB, 242x346, Unbenannt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the mytholon doublet I just bought was apparently "hand wash only", despite being the same cotton canvas as the rest of their selection
>40° and it shrunk to baby size M from a short L
>still smelled like a curry sweatshop
>it was shit anyway, put in the next load to the washing machine and go to bed
>wake up, go down to kitchen, hear noise from wash room
>both the washer and the dryer are running, my last load is folded on the board
>dig up my undershirt, unfold it
>it has gone down a size

The mistakes I made here was:
1. Do not buy mytholon cloth crap
2. Do not leave your clothes unattended in the washing room if you live at home

>> No.9885453

I think using "World Guide" as a generic term for a setting document is just standard practice among game runners. They probably didn't mean to look for a document literally titled World Guide.

That would be a good thing to mention to them though, that as someone new to larp you were confused by that use of the term instead of just calling it by the document name.

>> No.9885699

The thing is, the guys helping me out and directing me to this stuff didn't even know about the setting document, they thought new players had to start retarded with no in game in character knowledge, most new players think this.
I'll definitely be bringing it up to the event organizers though.

>> No.9885832

Okay yeah, that's weird.

>> No.9885869

as someoen whose played LT since the 90's would anyone be intersted in a rebuttal?

>> No.9885872


>> No.9885874

>buy a component for LARP outfit
>realize it's just not working for outfit
>but you've already spent a bunch of time on it
What the hell do I do? I spend $30 or so on this karate gi, dying it, distressing it, and modifying it, only to realize it's far too big and make me look like a child.

>> No.9885880

Sorry, $300.

>> No.9885892

I'll be a tad busy today it'll have to be done later this evening.
in the meantime heres a link to the rules that anon is complaining about.


spoilers - despite his complaint that shieldwalls are OP there are at least THREE lvl 1 spells that can work against them - see if you can spot them.

>> No.9885914

Befriend, Fear, and Repel or Strikedown?
They don't look like they'd help that much if those are the ones you mean.

>> No.9886022

you're a purist? finish him off with a handy.

>> No.9886027

see >>9885382

or fix it with a needle and string

>> No.9886150

Drying machines should be renamed to shrinking machines desu.

Anyone want small sized clothes for cheap by the way?

>> No.9886354

you could have also added Confuse [incant1] as well as Distract and fumble [wiz1] but not bad.

>They don't look like they'd help that much if >those are the ones you mean.

True, on the surface at least, but like the DnD spell Grease its how but when you cast it that can make all the difference - especially if, when facing said shieldwall, you are either with another shieldwall unit or a unit of skurmishers.

A few strikedowns or fears on the corner of a wall could supply your allies with the means to break their wall and roll the unit entirely - remember, while they look intimidating, shield walls pay for this with limited mobility and [if not carefull] easily exposed flanks.

right, onto >>9885150 's comments [CTD]

>> No.9886357

okey everuyone playing along get you players handbooks ready:

>rules state in one section that you can parry and say parrying is forbidden in another

the rule anon [albeit vaguely] refers to

>pg 15 Chapter Two: Universal Rules
>If a blow from a weapon delivering a special attack is parried, the special attack will not affect you,but will instead target the item used to parry it.
you attack me with a weapon that can crush me, but i block it with my sword, the sword is crushed instead.

>Arrows and crossbow bolts must not be >parried by a weapon but it is acceptable to >block them with a shield, providing you >take care not to deflect them onto others.
As an archer i can attest to this ruling - because the arrow heads have to be made larger that the cavety of the eye to prevent eye damage, it does result in the arrow being much slower than normal arrows. for a while ths lead to many people swatting the arows out of the air which, had this been in the real world, wouldnt have happened. Also theres the risk of the arrows, which are made out of either wood or carbon fibre, beng damaged or worse broken by the striking of them by melle weapons, leaving a potentially deadly weapon to lad on somebody - thus the ruling.

>A weapon must be held to parry a blow and you must possess the skill to wield the
>Any blow striking a slung weapon will not be considered to be parried and will still damage
any location it strikes.

unless your wielding the shield you dont benefit from its protectionas your not actively using it to block the blow.

>> No.9886367

>You may not parry a blow with a weapon or shield you do not have the skill to use, if you do, the strike and any special effects it has will still affect you.
while you start off in charater gen with the ability to use short [7” - 18” or 18cm - 45cm] and medium [18” - 42" or 45cm -110cm) for free,
shields and armour though have to be bought to become proficient and able to benefit from them.
[APPENDIX 1: Character Creation, pg 60, "free skills"]

>rules refer to something called the World Guide
>no such document or pamphlet exists
>it's a word document called Factions of Erdreja

Theres also pg 7, "The Game World", albeit to be fare an abridged summery. however many of the factions do have further information about their factions, either on their websites or FB pages, or via leaflets that some produce for newbie to the faction.

>there are banned words

There ae also families and children that attend the events - its more to ensure a safe fun enviroment for everyone rather than any SJW malarky.

>players are expected to pull their sword strikes
despite thier lightness foam latex weapons can still hurt - unless you enjoy being on the recieving end! generally its expected to fight dramatically [ trwat the weapons as though they weigh as muc as their RL counterparts - especially so with the bigger, two handed weapons.

>> No.9886382

>nothing can be done about shield walls without High Magic which is unavailable to players

>High Magic which is unavailable to players

Except it is - via OSPs
[pg 63, APPENDIX 1: Character Creation, "what are occupational skill points?"]
OSPs [Occupational Skill Points] were introduced in the late 90's as somthing akin to DnD's feats [skills and abilities that are outside the norma skill selection, and represent the extra training and research taken by the character in their choisen field].
You aquire them via gaining OSR points form LT events
[10 OSP each for Great Erdrejan Fayre, Moot (Either) or Gathering, 1 or 2 OSP for Sanctioned Events [run by non LT staff but which take place in the LT's game world - pg 4, Occupational Skills: A guide to Advancement]
High magic [along with high incantation and the other specialty magics [ pgs 29 -31 main handbook] is one such skill available [however you have to wait till the start of the first LT event to be able to use them, to phys rep your character spending the time studying].

>Why the hell would you LARP if you're not going to actually fight and be physical? It's like playing touch rugby instead of tackle.

theres a reason the LKT fundraised a ex amry anbulance, and why we have to have normal ambulances attending. in no way is this event
"touch rugby" or "glorified cosplay with weapon tapping" - people can and do get hurt, wether froim some idiot not pulling their blows, someone getting checked by a shield , or even knocked down in the scrum of the fighting during the main battle on the monday - hell even something life excessive drinking.

Granted this might not be the likes of Atmgard, with its glorified nerf fighting but honestly - i'll take the likes of Gathering to that.

>> No.9886467

I'll try to use magic in that way when I'm there and reserve judgement, I'm intending to build an Incanter.
I was informed you aren't allowed to parry weapons with your sword, but you can block which the rules refer to as parrying, I chalked this up to the writers having no idea what parrying is.
One of the banned words is just "torture", that's not even a swear word.
I've been informed you need to be taught high magic by the guild, who guard this magic, it's not something you can learn and from what I've heard it involves a lot of in and out of character ass kissing.
Once again I can understand pulling it back at the last second and not following through, but it sounds worse than that, I'd take glorified nerf fighting over glorified cosplay if we were to compare rulesets but I know nothing about Atmgard. I can understand shield bashing not being allowed for safety despite it being a useful thing, but I don't want to just tap the weapons and declare when my weapon hits and if someone does it to me I'm going to feel much less inclined to pull my blows against the cunt.

Also while you're here, I don't like that the only other way to earn OSP's besides showing up is monstering, I get that you need some motivation or people won't monster but still.

>> No.9886485

post pics

>> No.9886493

>I don't like that the only other way to earn OSP's besides showing up is monstering, I get that you need some motivation or people won't monster but still.

maybe but its the fairest deal possible - the alternative is doing somthing like the US larp NERO does and offer leveling, bonus magic items and buffs for cash -
this might sound nice, but only for those with the money to take advantage of it - instant game imbalance.

>> No.9886745

One more question; why doesn't Ancestral Weapon let you Affect Living? I assumed it was like the Incanters equivalent to Mage Bolt, but it does Affect X then doesn't list Living as a legal target.

>> No.9887166

largely because Ancestral weapon was designed to enchant weapons just for those types - note some of those types are resistant to even enchanted weapons, often requiring artifact weapons to fight them, which by their nature not exactally available over the counter.
Thus the spell can grant a way to fight back against them.

that help?

>> No.9887378
File: 2.48 MB, 1365x768, 20180520_200125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just completed my Genjian pistol for a game of Dystopia Rising, and boy do I feel accomplished. How do you like it?

>> No.9887476

Looks real nice, I can't help but feel it's a bit wasted on a game like DR.

>> No.9887708
File: 73 KB, 1024x768, Kissaki[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


things you can add:
try and add some wavy metallic blue on top of the silver to emulate the Hamon of a katana and please add venting holes to the muzzle if you can.

I'd also look into replacing the charging level with a metal one as they tend to snap off, especially if you gonna try to one-hand cock it.
(some properly positioned weights would do wonders to that end too)

Maybe a nice knotted red string attached to othe end of the grip/charging handle/barrel

>> No.9887882

Yeah, I'll try venting holes and the hamon for sure. I dunno if a tassel/silk counts as a strap (Local chapter doesn't like those on weapons, but I'll try.) As for the charging handle, I've epoxied that barrel on, but it's okay because I barely shoot/cock this thing one-handed--without all the excess weight of a regular slingfire, it doesn't whip back like it should.

>> No.9887885

i suggested weights to fix that last problem

post pics yo!
it sounds cooler than cool.

>> No.9887888

>Local chapter doesn't like those on weapons
Is there a reason why? I know DR has melee combat so is the concern a strapped weapon might hit someone in the face?

>> No.9888055

no, I meant because the barrel is epoxied on, I won't be switching that lever anytime soon, because now it holds the shell together.

>> No.9888064

Have you considered going heavier on the weathering? It’s a little muddy right now, which i think could be solved by darker shadowing and brighter highlights

>> No.9888089


>> No.9888091
File: 1.26 MB, 964x701, weebpistol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If by muddy you mean dull (sorry, not too well-versed in painting terms) I think that might be the camera/lighting. At the cost of shadows all over the gun, this is a better representation of what it looks like in average, just laying around lighting.

>> No.9888092

something something wrist entanglement, getting caught, and cutting off circulation. Also, issues with skills that make you drop weapons. Is it still dropped if it's not in your hand, but hanging off you by a strap?

>> No.9888099
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spray some on some shit-tier brush and rub it carefully on edges that would scrape

>> No.9888158

What games do you prefer?

>> No.9888448

Ones that don't rely on steep character advancement to make high-level characters tower over low-level ones, mainly. I don't believe there's any excuse for a new character to be useless at a larp.

>> No.9888458
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>Trying to do serious political intrigue in a fantasy larp
>One of the PCs starts shitting on a noble IC for "mansplaining"

Anybody got any good stories about times players pulled your head out of the game by trying to force modern shit into a game where it didn't fit?

>> No.9888459 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9888460
File: 76 KB, 500x500, rape_token.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of these days I really have to play a village rapist character

have you tried a liberal amount of violence?

>> No.9888461

I considered it, but we had a more important mission and that had to come first.

>> No.9890370
File: 388 KB, 720x1280, CutMyLifeIntoPieces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One hole down, 13 to go. Is there any work more boring than this?

>> No.9890379

plenty. I mean you can actually do it pretty fast and everything.

>> No.9890456

As someone who just braided 14 points, yes.

>> No.9890492

this is really historical accurate tho. not some random clothes.

>> No.9890516

Yeah, I know what Dwaler is, thank you. Not sure if he made the whole thing as handwork?
Also, can you place the livery collar, I don't recognize the pieces so I can't place it. IIRC he was playing a Venetian right?

>> No.9890579
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I can still get them on but I'd probably say that they are something like a tight medium or baggy small size.

>> No.9891358

Ask Moridin.

>> No.9891451

Anyone got any experience with the Empire larp in the UK? Considering giving it a spin as my first proper larp.

>> No.9891585

It's pretty great generally, although it is flooded with newbies at the moment so there are some growing pains at the moment

>> No.9891674
File: 84 KB, 592x540, bevor-1470-1500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a special or preferred material or technique when it comes to painting your plate armor?

>> No.9892143

thin your paints

>> No.9892341

Hey. I have to be a discipline officer in a larp. Military setting.

Before the Commissar BLAMing, what are punition I could give ?

It's already a penal batallion, so It's not as they can get lower than that, and I expect a lot of unruly soldiers.

Guard duty, recitation, Push up, volontary for next suicide mission, what else can I do?

>> No.9892503

>in a classic amerilarp tappy numbers game
>there's a guy who fights very movie-ninja like with his two swords
>lots of poses, silly spins and flourishes and taunts and quips in japanese
>someone remarks that it's not very effective
>he says he doesn't care
>other people join in, say he's ruining the thematic element of the game
>'Oh, you want me to be like a real swordfighter?'
>he immediately just starts drumming on things, going "big numbers, big numbers!"
>ref is called, guy gets put on a temporary time out for "attacking the ruleset of the game"
who was in the right?

>> No.9892506

Just leave the special needs kids alone next time. k

>> No.9892770

how tall are you? how deep is your voice?
work up a some kick ass lines like R. Lee Ermy has.
Looking and sounding the part will do you well.
dont be afraid to get in people's faces and stare into their soul with a look that would kill a lesser man.
Don't offer explainations if you don't feel like it (in time)
clear with everyone OOC that you will not go easy on them in-time what so ever.
oh and most importantly LEAD BY GODDAMN EXAMPLE.

if you demand something of your underlings in a military setting and you want to be both feared and respected, make damn well sure that you are not only meeting the same expectations and demands but going above and beyond.
This goes triple for any disciplinary officer.


make sure you also reward collectively if you see fit but make it a rare occasion

Source: I used to train recruits in a real life army.

>> No.9892773
File: 218 KB, 270x474, Monica reee Geller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if he fights cool and follows the rules why should anyone give a fuck?
if he is playing a character of oriental inspiration where its not welcome someone should've told him that ahead of time.

>> No.9892895

No, there's def a weeb faction in this one. It's in the rules, but the guy's maybe one of three people who play it.

>> No.9893032
File: 118 KB, 800x886, AL-Rait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then fuck the haters man, larping is the one place where this autism is more than acceptable.

>> No.9893062


>> No.9893375

>going to new larp soon, don't know anyone there
>before I moved states, last LARP I went to I couldn't make any friends and spent the big battle chilling on the outskirts
How do I make friends at a LARP?

>> No.9893439
File: 171 KB, 500x618, 1521930596528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

find the chill (not stoners) dudes and hang out with them in-game
this is assuming you are not too socially inept

>> No.9893471
File: 280 KB, 1030x700, Fate2016_Bruderschaft_des_Kreuzes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Find a group of people at a campfire
2. Sit down with them
Or simply sit by the wayside and shit-talk everyone.

Alternatively ask some priest about their religion and join a cult. Gets you friends in no time

>> No.9893551

No special needs allowed

>> No.9893708
File: 109 KB, 960x720, 33868359_2002300393175775_5769878117921325056_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile got home from the scifi larp. Pics in the future somewhen

>> No.9893962

i dunno what he played. a rich noble for sure. and i think the livery collar is from massimo beccari. i think ive seen that one before.

>> No.9894404

I believe automotive paint is recommended.

The historical method involves egg whites, I think, but I don't know the process offhand.

>> No.9894432
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>Our game does not allow latex weapons, as they are too dangerous

>> No.9894478

10 is being generous by the sound of it

>> No.9894494
File: 135 KB, 960x720, 33689826_2490817590944024_3344894133255798784_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9894495

>"attacking the ruleset of the game"
that phrase alone makes the organizers to be in the wrong

>> No.9895076
File: 139 KB, 338x600, shitttyjinbaori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>attempting to dye coat a muted green for samurai-inspired post-apoc outfit
>two bottles in, and instead it's just getting more and more vibrant
I thought more dye is supposed to make it darker. Is there any way to fix this with more dye, or should I skip to the distressing/wear stage, and just roll with the current color?

>> No.9895104

add salt to the dye. Also getting a darker dye could help too.

>> No.9895520

I must say it looks pretty neat. What LARP is it for?

>> No.9895553

For real. They might as well have said "you're banned for criticizing the game."

>> No.9895639

Dystopia Rising. I'm (hopefully) going as a Genjian, which is the very asian-inspired faction.

>> No.9895741
File: 491 KB, 1461x974, NotPosingImNotAModel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So guys, just back from a great LARP for me and I have to say I loved my first bit of serious political plot. More over, I've been really working on writing more cultural depth into my faction by writing up a 21 page document of purely text in small writing on etiquette.

For next game I'll be bringing a discus, work out a basic class of Joggo de cane/Savat, already have a friend coming over to write poems with and play the lute besides that; what are some things a late medieval tech based country with an early Greco-Roman culture would have her courtiers do to pass the time?

Pic related, it's my kit from 2 events ago. (Falsely dated as 2 years, 'tis only 1.)

>> No.9895743
File: 2.03 MB, 1054x699, 2YearsLater.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same pic but from this year. And yeah, the barbute was an emergency helmet. Opting for a bascinet but it hadn't gotten in my hands yet.

>> No.9895753

>The virgin scholar

>The chad fighter

>> No.9895775

do you have some more specific recommendations?

>> No.9895811

Theatrical fighting and roleplaying is way more fun than tappy tappy play to win high number shit.
Ninja guy sounds like he would be a ton of fun to play with, fuck the refs.

>> No.9896353

Unfortunately I don't, since I'm going purely off of memory here. I believe Gropey could give you more details though.

>> No.9896371
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in that case....

Gropey, What is the best product to paint my armor with?
both just a plain one color and a detail/pattern painting

>> No.9896390

Any good games in Oregon/PNW? New to the scene and all the groups I can find on facebook other than Alliance look like shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

>> No.9896666

I play Amtgard in the PNW, the scene isn't that bad. Whereabouts in Oregon are you?

>> No.9896738

boy you better get ready for what's coming next

>> No.9896752

I'll say upfront the RP isn't really much of a thing. But it's a fun game where I make costumes and whap people with sticks. I plan on dipping my feet into Alliance in July once I actually have a half decent looking costume and some armor.

>> No.9897487

love the corrazzina. the arm and leg protection ruins it all.

>> No.9897496

Yah, I know, replacing the arms first by wearing a haubergon next time. And hoping to pick up a new set of legs fit for bohurt after my tent and new helmet.

Thanks for the heads up though. Good to know other people see it as well.

>> No.9897506

if i was you i would just skip larp armour forever. go with the basic reenactment stuff. from celticwebmerchant for jnstance. good price. but ofcourse not the best quality.

>> No.9897508

Wat ahead of you. Don't like celtic for a lot of stuff either, prefer just picking up bohurt armour since i'll need it for... bohurt.

>> No.9897533

Intimidating NPC A is trying to intimidate your dude. How close can he get? Within your personal bubble? A couple of soft pokes to your chest? Full-on shoves? What's a reasonable limit for a LARP?

>> No.9897564

next big larp in my area is a town larp, im going to play a not-knight bodyguard for a rich as fuck merchant women.

any tips comes to mind? like whatever you can think of would be interesting fun to incorporate/try.

>> No.9897572

my average character would retort with: "fucken fight me ya' gutless fat clod"

>> No.9897578

Speaking of avoiding LARP armour, hoping to sell it and was thinking what would be better for the value: if I recoated it with a layer of paint in an Averland theme will be about 5 hours tops of messing around with it.

Or just clean it all up and sell it as blank?

>> No.9897609

Ideally, shove me. I want the full physical. Shove me. Yell in my face. That way when I rip out your guts like the filthy human you are, I don't feel bad.

In any larp in my area? First ask them if its okay if you're about to get angry. Then check in that you're about to raise your voice. Make sure its okay you're coming within 3 feet of them. Obviously take a 2 minute break half way through so your anxiety doesn't overwhelm you. Then, debrief to make sure you're okay.
Finally get banned from the game for saying "With your permission, I'd like to kill you."

>> No.9897767

Give constant stinkeye to everybody, but pick an archetype you've got a huge soft spot for. Children, blondes, dorky wizard kids with glasses, etc.

>> No.9897977

didnt say you NEED to buy at celtic. just buy reenactment stuff. or bohurt in this case. larp armour is really ugly and oversized.

>> No.9898019

>What's a reasonable limit for a LARP?
full on show if we are talking about adults that aren't full retards and otherwise can act safely, like they won't show the guy in a ditch and stuff like that.
If we are talking about people from the US then talking distance and three different written form about complying as well as one eyewitness

>> No.9898290

near portland

>> No.9898664

Blackspire (The Oregon chapter of Amt) is having a big event on Saturday at the Salem holding, there's going to be a tournament, crafts competition, and (possibly free) food. It's at the very least a good way to meet some people who could probably teach you to make some half decent looking costumes and armor. The Amtgard scene up here is pretty drama free and chill, barring the odd clash of the oldfags.

Portland's chapter is pretty wonky, they're not very consistent with their meetups or anything. I jokingly refer to them as the nomad chapter because they just sort of randomly show up at people's holdings to hang out. Silvermoon in Salem is fucking massive and has a bunch of people, some of which are really good crafters. I don't know many of the Dragon's Forge people but I think they're the closest chapter to you since they're in Oregon City. They usually get a pretty good turnout and are relatively chill guys.

You might also want to check out a couple of the events they'll be having. Shattered Kingdoms and Rosewood are the two most roleplay heavy events Amtgard has to offer in the PNW, which is to say there are some people running around and playing a character and some people who are getting absolutely smashed. Personally, I view it as a stepping stone as I work my way up to Alliance since every week my park (Who are a bunch of chill oldfags who have been playing the game since 1996) has a craft night and a bunch of spare materials poor collegefags such as myself can scrounge from. One guy at my park has enough scrap leather to make full sets of leather armor for at least three people and is just giving it out for free to anybody who feels like picking up leatherworking.

All in all, relatively drama free and chill people that primarily hit people with sticks but sometimes like to roleplay. Lots of friendly folks and it at the very least serves as a pretty good intro the the PNW scene.

>> No.9899319
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meanwhile, a few pic from the scifi larp. Sadly there are only just a few and most of them made by a potato

>> No.9899320
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>> No.9899321
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>> No.9899322
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>> No.9899323
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>> No.9899324
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>> No.9899325
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>> No.9899326
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>> No.9899327
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>> No.9899328
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>> No.9899329
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>> No.9899330
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>> No.9899331
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>> No.9899333
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>> No.9899334
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>> No.9899335
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>> No.9899337
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>> No.9899339
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>> No.9899340
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>> No.9899341
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>> No.9899343
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>> No.9899344
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>> No.9899345
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>> No.9899346
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>> No.9899347
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>> No.9899348
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>> No.9899350
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>> No.9899352
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>> No.9899354
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>> No.9899355
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>> No.9899356
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>> No.9899371
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He rockin' dat watermelon armour.

>> No.9899404

>current year
>assuming gender

>> No.9899473

Thats a pretty based role, did he also use a robot voice box?

>> No.9899485

no but he has a working ventilator and also the dispensing machine part worked too

>> No.9899744
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>assuming fruit

>> No.9900535

Anyone have decent guides for making foam swords that don't look awful and last a decently long time?

>> No.9900805
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>Show up at Dystopia Risinh game for first time, playing Rover Engineer
>attempt to sell services repairing gear
>no one takes me up, everyone's already in a self-sufficent group
>spend time putting around game, smacking things with my sword
>it doesn't really matter because my 3 damage means nothing to 400hp monsters
>don't get any loot because I'm
I thought this was supposed to be fun. I'm trying my best to be polite, friendly, and non-confrontational, but I feel like a literal NPC at these games.

>> No.9901409

Dont play DR unless you come in a player group looking to make your own fun.

>> No.9901428

define awful looking.
is ductaped horrible?

>> No.9901525


>> No.9901569

This is true for most larps, except those that are either very small or very big.

>> No.9901583

So then how do I have fun as a solo player?

>> No.9901619

Band up with other new solo players as soon as possible. Find challenges of your level.

>> No.9901878

try to have fun, don't go to shit tier games. Try to interact with others in a fun way.
I can give you other generalized bullshit but that's it. Anything else is mostly game specific or similarly vague as fuck

>> No.9902475

You ever hear the old adage
>Pick two
Well with foam swords it's basically
>Long lasting
Pick two.

My suggestion is to maybe look up a guide on how to make flat blades. Get a cloth cover that doesn't look like shit. I'm not sure how plausible it might be, but you could also take a look at plasti dipping things. One of the guys at my local group specializes in shields and has just recently started using the stuff with some pretty fucking awesome looking results.

Just don't become that one twat who's obsessed with making pretty and non-functional swords. We have that guy here and while he's mostly harmless, the names he comes up with for his swords make me want to shove him in a locker or some shit.

>> No.9902488
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This is the kind of thing you can expect at most large-scale games with lots of mechanics and high numbers, sadly. In a larger game you're almost always better off coming in with a group. For solo play, you'll want to find smaller local games, as they're less likely to have bought into the big franchise bullshit.

Or there's always the "make the game you want to play" route.

>> No.9902545 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9902547
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>> No.9902548
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>> No.9902549
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>> No.9903067

He doesn't look scared
Just mildly inconvenienced.

"Aw shucks. This again."

>> No.9903102

he is dead

>> No.9903882
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that's bretty cool

maybe he is cringing at the awful shooter stance.

I know its nerf but this IS a ROLE-PLAYING thread/game.

>> No.9903888


>> No.9903898
File: 40 KB, 669x790, avatar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

art from the now canceled C&C:G2

>> No.9903937

i love(d) playing C&C, especially generals. Sad to hear that part 2 got canceled

>> No.9903968

honestly, I'm pretty sure you are allowed to hold however the fuck you want your gun after the other guy is dead. Especially if the guy was dead to begin with and you just headshot his corpse on principle

>> No.9903984

than strike a pose at least?
she holds it like she has no clue what she is doing and without style.

>> No.9903997

maybe she's doing the lazy militant you faggot

>> No.9904026

the photo is shit I admit it but it wasn't posing either, so I won't call out anyone when someone manages to snapshot crappy pic with a potato about them.
And yeah she wasn't playing a professional character, just a subhuman martian rebel scum.

>> No.9904116

i just like it when you roleplay you adopt body language that is adequate to what you playing as.

>> No.9904124

and she's playing a shitty rebel that prolly barely understands how to use a gun. Or do you think every member of ISIS is a specops expert who does hollywood poses with guns every chance they get?

>> No.9904132

it's even more simple than that. The photo wasn't taken during a firefight so correct stance and shit like that isn't even an issue.
You couldn't even tell from the photo if it's mid motion or what, so judging by it is a really long shot

>> No.9905124

I'm going to a post-apoc larp and I've got a pair of pants that are absolutely superb in hot weather and outdoor conditions. The problem is that they're really expensive, and I don't want to wreck them for a LARP. Is there any way to temporarily distress pants, or put stuff over them to get a fairly worn look?

>> No.9905160

Maybe stain them with something you can get out, depending on the material of the pants. My first thought are mud and grass stains, if moms of toddlers can get them out so can you!
Otherwise just layer cool stuff over them to distract from how not worn your pants are. Maybe some botched up armor or holsters, cool stuff you've looted hanging from your belt.

>> No.9905225

What material are they?

>> No.9905605

85% nylon, 15% elastane. Stretchy, extremely breathable.

>> No.9905922

He looks like a cool guy to have a beer with.

>> No.9905940

I dont think synthetic fibers stain as easily, you could try using ground up black tailor’s chalk assuming you won’t be sweating or getting them wet.

>> No.9906124

What colour are they?

>> No.9906228

>hot weather and outdoor conditions.
Oof i forgot this part, dont use the chalk. Could try adding beat-up ass armor over it, a la boba fett or any random witcher npc.

>> No.9908259

>be a faggot who knows nothing about fabrics
>decide I want an asian-style shirt for next outfit
>buy black linen shirt to cut and add trim to
>stitching turns out okay, wear it outside
>it's like I'm wrapped in a plastic garbage bag
Fuck me, it's hot. I hand stitched this trim on, so there goes a good 6 hours of my life. The shirt has to be synthetic, too, because whenever I pour water on it, it beads on the surface instead of getting absorbed.

>> No.9908559

Yeah, sounds like you bought linen look shit. I did the same thing for a doublet once, it sucked mega ass.

>> No.9910171

Hey larpthread. How are ya'll? What did I miss?

>> No.9910245

Why are "I could beat you in a Real Life Fight" faggots always the worst? Truly the most cancerous

>> No.9910362

Because they're always the ones who say they come to larps to escape from real life, when instead they bring their real-life issues with them. They're never just there to tell a cool story unless it gives them a power trip.

>> No.9910389

To play devil's advocate; there are a lot of larps with retarded combat systems. It's understandable to feel frustration if the shitty game rules mean defeat when common sense or skill would grant victory. Especially if you're an experienced larp fighter or have a background in historical combat/martial arts.

Getting mad and actually saying "I could beat you in a real fight" to your opponent is indeed the worst though as it's all bullshit posturing to save face after being beaten in an elf game. Double points if they ambush you at the first OC opportunity to do so. Save that bitching for your friends and strangers on Burmese piano-tuning email lists.

>> No.9910391

DR sucks and so do you

>> No.9910394

Dystipia Rising is a mongrel of a franchise and I wish it would crash and burn. Im sorry you had a bad time, everyone I know who went to DR hated it/hates it

what chapter?

>> No.9910412

truth to be told, it's not worse than any other franchise larp in the state, because all of them sucks

Also we are in autosage so here is the new thread



>> No.9910862

Hungarian continues to make the rest of us jelly of his larp experiences and amerilarpers are contemplating their shitty existence.

So, nothing new, you?