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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 194 KB, 960x960, 31531704_845805675627818_2353559322778140672_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9869468 No.9869468 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread is saged >>9863567

>> No.9869476
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>> No.9869477
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>> No.9869478
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>> No.9869479
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>> No.9869482
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>> No.9869490


Ok for casual

Needs a lot of work - swap the yellow tights for navy, swap the shoes for red proper Lolita shoes, better petticoat, don’t pose like that, better makeup ( Mabey a smoky navy eye and some LIGHT red lip), and better red headwear (Mabey a beret not a bobbly hat)
At least get a blouse and some headwear

Middle right is the best one out of the four

>> No.9869497


This is some kind of magic, like she looks like a mere nitpick who is just a little bit "off" from the look she's trying to hit.

But then when you try and list out all the nitpicks it basically boils down to "ditch everything except the skirt and shoes and completely start over from scratch". Like damn, this is somehow an okay-looking ita despite half her entire outfit being completely off.

>> No.9869498

Moitie without full shirring goes this large? WTF?

>> No.9869500

Better petticoat and diffrent shoes this would be fine. But what the hell is going on with her shoulder? I hope that’s a bag pushed back and not a rip in the blouse.
The one in the castle of nightmare skirt looks the best but still pretty ugly. If she wore the shoes of the abomination on the far left l and diffrent tights that where not 3 dollar cheap ass ones ,and had a ivory hair accessory, this would look better. Not good, just, better.

I feel like posting her is cheating at this point.

>> No.9869520


Nah, it's just someone that's borderline bigger than the dress size. They aren't hamplanets, they're just a bit wider, or a bit taller (or both) than the dress is, so the dress gives them boobloaf, the waist doesn't hit their waist, and generally fits like shit on them.

Same reason girls don't often buy VM or MM, it's not that most girls are too fat, but something as simple as having just a slightly longer torso, slightly bigger boob size, will make a lot of their highly-tailored OPs fit like shit on someone who isn't the exact perfect fit to their one-size dresses.

>> No.9869633
File: 625 KB, 1123x1423, Screenshot_20180503-053522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, accidentally dumped this to the old thread
>feels like a dumbass
This color combo hurts my eyes.

>> No.9869636
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>> No.9869637
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>> No.9869639
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>> No.9869640
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>> No.9869641


>> No.9869642

I don't know. I love her coords even if they're so far from what I'd wear myself. She's like a better version of avant-garde-chan. The fact that she doesn't give a shit to adhere to the rules is what I love about her outfits, but I can understand why she got posted.

>> No.9869647

>wearing literally any skirt or dress whatsoever is immediately lolita
Newbies with this frame of thought have been around for at least a decade and I don't understand the logic.

>> No.9869648

It just seems half-done. Like, she started to put together a cute skeleton coord, but got as far as the dress and socks and then stopped.

>> No.9869652

Kek, this is just normie. Did she actually think putting on a normie skirt makes it lolita?
Smells like poorfag. Also, those fat cow tits look like a butt crack.

>> No.9869661

>better version of avant-garde-chan
Yes, thank you! I've been thinking this for ages. She's nice, seems well adjusted enough, has good quality photographs, and does things that are genuinely out of the box but still usually tasteful compared to avant-garde-chan's ugly mishmash looks.

>> No.9869700 [DELETED] 

I just want to have a lolita gf who likes getting banged in her dresses..

>> No.9869747

I agree so much. I like the coord, I think it's cute. Especially since the clothes are over-sized. But as lolita it's just painful.

>> No.9869751

Nobody is risking getting cum on their $100-$1,000 dresses and accessories dude. Fuck off.

>> No.9869755 [DELETED] 

I'd pay double whatever the dress is worth. I've got money, just unattractive.

>> No.9869758

Being a cute/semi cute girl can really make an awful outfit passable, damn.
I'm not sure I could even call this Lolita, though. Maybe Lolita-inspired?

>> No.9869760
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Our dresses are worth more than your life. Fuck off.

>> No.9869796

It was posted in CoF

>> No.9869799

Go back to /r9k/, dumbass

>> No.9869806

this is not ita. she committed very well to the shoehorned mint that it actually works.
I love this

>> No.9869808
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>> No.9869810
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, 8CD3519D-D8A3-44B7-8310-F7E5E8563A61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She kinda looks like Faker before he started to wear the square frames.

>> No.9869819

Wow that went from "want a lolita gf" to "want to solicit a prostitute" really quickly

>> No.9869822

If you were to just cut off the top half it's ok.

>> No.9869824

Yeah, I know. I just feel like she'd do better if she didn't try to pass this off as Lolita. It works on her, but it's just not what she's presenting it as.

>> No.9869830

This is so ugly it's almost cute. The blouse over the blouse kills it though. Pick one. I could get over the mismatched blues without the weird blouse stacking

>> No.9869831

not ita just weird color combo and wig

>> No.9869842

Ita means ouch. This makes my eyes ouch.

>> No.9869846

okay, but the meaning has more significance than just the clever dig that is the name.
that coord doesn't belong in this thread because you don't like the colors. it's cohesive and balanced, and all the appropriate elements are there.
your subjective nitpick, by your own admission, does not qualify this coord as ita. be a defensive noob or move on and post real itas next time.

>> No.9869855

This made me wince
But did she tag it as Lolita though, if she did, then this is just sad.
This is just confusing.
I’m in love with this
Looks like a jumbled bag of bones. But at the same time I think that’s what she was trying to achieve here, so I’m kinda confused

>> No.9869857
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>> No.9869858

So that’s what it tacky hottopic itas that aren’t awkward looking kids look like. Still painful to look at but for different reasons.

>> No.9869859
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>> No.9869861
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>> No.9869862
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>> No.9869867
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>> No.9869874

Jehova's Witness-kei

>> No.9869885

How is this ita?? It's a nitpick at best.

>> No.9869902

the hair, make-up, blouse, legwear and shoes are horrible, how is it not ita?

>> No.9869907

Her legs are too bare for that.

>> No.9869910

She literally wore this to a Jehova's Witness event...

>> No.9869928

Yeah, but why on earth mint, of all colors? Call it a nitpick if you want, but imo it throws off the whole coord.

>> No.9869932

If the ears and the blouse were also mint, it would make more sense and be less jarring.

>> No.9869942

What's wrong with this besides the lack of legwear?

>> No.9869945
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the coord isn’t too bad, it’s just that she blurs her face so fuckinf much. Stop trying to be mana-senpai

>> No.9869956

that's not a blouse it's an OP

>> No.9869957
File: 14 KB, 295x171, level900p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Throwing two mint accessories on a red and white coord because you're too lazy to change your hair or wear a wig does not make it coherent and balanced.

>> No.9869967

sorry you got posted anon

>> No.9869970

Miss Piggy-Kei

>> No.9869980

In other words, nothing. Okay.

>thinks everyone who questions an ita post is the actual person like a newb.

>> No.9869996

They have the average american body but those windows don't look American? Where the fuck is this

>> No.9869999


>> No.9870007

Maybe it's because people don't usually wear skirts/dresses? They wear anything that isn't skinny jeans and "oh this is fancy,must be some kind of alternative fashion". Still,with the amount of info available... Makes no sense

>> No.9870014

Fat Europeans and thin Americans exist. It all depends on what area you're in.

>> No.9870017

Yeah that was one of the most probable options. Andalusia,I guess. Has the weirdest people in lolita comms. We are the worst lolitas in Europe,probably.

>> No.9870024

I agree, we have here lots of people who experiment a lot with the style and make it very personal and street-fashion-able. Not fully Lolita. I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing tho, it's true that there are some flops from time to time, but welp.

>> No.9870033

It’s mediocre casual but the photo quality is shit

>> No.9870036

Is this supposed to be a Donald Duck coord?

>> No.9870073
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>> No.9870086

Not a good look for Lolita I’m afraid
I really like this
Awkward posing, needs a face sticker
Nice try, better luck next time
There is so much wrong with this I can’t even
Coord is great, face is overdone with shooping

>> No.9870088

This could be like when people think metallic gold or silver accessories make a coord ita. Maybe there's details in the print that you can't see in this photo that make the purse and shoes more coherent. That happens with those metallics--when you get a good, close look at the print details, it makes sense. A mosaic of this full shot, the face, and the print close-up together would make this better.

>> No.9870197

Nayrt but that is clearly a wig anon.

>> No.9870200

The shoop is pretty awful but this isn't ita and doesn't belong in this thread.

>> No.9870202


>> No.9870208

this doesn't belong here, excess photoshop =/= ita

>> No.9870231

What's up with this vendetta thread?

>> No.9870243

>when people think metallic gold or silver accessories make a coord ita

Pretty sure those were just idiots, or bitches wanting to whine because gold shoes were overdone at some point.

Jewellery helps to make an outfit look polished. And most jewellery is either gold or silver. Even if your dress was completely matte without any gold or silver, are you really going to stand there and tell me adding some nice jewellery to it will automatically make it ita because the jewellery is gold/silver? Right.

>> No.9870263 [DELETED] 

I'm not talking about me personally, if you would read more carefully. It was an example.

>lots of illiterates on the ita thread

>> No.9870278

That's not my opinion, I'm using it as an example to explain that mint on red deal and why people might have issue with it. I've seen cute coords on this thread because some idiot thought the metallics were ita.

>> No.9870279

>blind or has bad taste

>> No.9870285

Her yt channel isn't bad at all,but most of her coords are meh and her face doesn't suit the fashion at all

>> No.9870294

Nitpick, bad shoes are the only thing that really needs fixed

>> No.9870298

I hate her coords, she's barely improved at all in the last year. No sense of style or color balance

>> No.9870314

When you think having a gf is just having something to bang and not an actual person. Disgusting.

>> No.9870315

this is so fucking gross...what a mess

>> No.9870372

I actually think far right is the best, just wish it had more poof. very cool coord idea and styling, just needs wristwear and poof

>> No.9870373

nvm I didn't realize until now I was talking to an idiot. carry on.

>> No.9870393

Found another ita

>> No.9870415

w/e I think it's a great folk coord and is nearing high-fashion. Imagine what it would look like with a more structured skirt shape and wristwear/rings?

>> No.9870421

god this girls face pisses me off. close your damn mouth!!!

>> No.9870424

Wow, this is becoming a nitpick/vendetta thread.

>> No.9870482

without even zooming in I knew this was a man.it's such a sterotypical sissyboy look

>> No.9870485

nude lipstick looks like such shit.

>> No.9870488

I dunno anon.. you can tell from her neck and even forearms that she's pretty fat

>> No.9870492

>nearing high fashion
Not just ita but you have no sense of style for normie clothes either. Nayrt btw.

>> No.9870493
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>> No.9870497

the socks, the shoes, the makeup... okay anon

>> No.9870510

The sticker comment made me crackup so bad. Awe.

>> No.9870544
File: 29 KB, 300x400, IMG_2209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is me. When I took the photos, the sun was really bright, so the picture looked fine to me. I was excited so I just posted it. Now seeing it in normal light I get why people think it looks strange. I'll be sure to check my pictures in normal light before my next post.

>> No.9870554

Sorry you have shit taste and/or got posted.

>> No.9870559

Sorry you got posted

>> No.9870563

>That unnatural blur
>Those overly sprayed pink cheeks
>Non-existent nose

Yeah, the light

>> No.9870565

This has been posted before. And apparently she believes she should be excused for her terrible sense of style because she has some kind of sickness/disability, hence the cane

>> No.9870577
File: 74 KB, 340x380, 1508853299084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we really not done with this yet?

>> No.9870582

Why are y'all mad about it, for real

>> No.9870618

Don't offend Miss Piggy like this.

>> No.9870630

Because it's stupid

>> No.9870656

I threw up a little. This looks especially gross for a sissy.

>> No.9870665

a return to the old school of ita thread disaster right here tbhfam

this is probably the worst non-sissy content I've seen ITT since the legendary ohio-chan meltdown

>> No.9870670

this... has nothing to do with the light. it's obviously been photoshopped or had some filters used on it.

>> No.9870677

I suppose I wasn't clear. I use beauty plus on the default setting. It was bright outside so I couldn't see my screen well.

Really, I feel embarrassed. I wish I could undo everything. I want to look cute but I don't know how.

>> No.9870683

You do look cute, imo. the coord is great~ but the beauty feature on my phone is terribly horrid as well and I either have to turn it off or turn it down because it basically sucks. try turning it off or at least down to 1 instead of 5.

>> No.9870719

Don't lick her asshole, it's a meh coord at best.

>> No.9870726


>> No.9870728

I'm going to go fuck my bf in one of my dresses just to spite you.

>> No.9870889

I'm not, I honestly think it's pretty cute! the only ita part is the shooping

>> No.9870925

Get over it

>> No.9870952
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>> No.9870956

>that terrible Boz replica

>> No.9870984

Is that a sock on her head?

>> No.9871037
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>> No.9871073

I think it’s a poorly made envelope hat.

>> No.9871319

Yo who’s taking this from the comm album? She never called it lolita. It’s not the best outfit by any means but she never claimed it wasn’t anything other than a Liz Lisa dress

>> No.9871455

Tbf, it's still ita. It doesn't have to be lolita to be ita.

>> No.9871465

Aktually, if she didn't call it lolita, it doesn't belong here. Sorry to burst your bubble champ.

>> No.9871467

It's still hideously unfashionable and we're here to laugh at hideously unfashionable cows so it's not too off topic. Sorry the internet doesn't subscribe to your personal moral code.

>> No.9871470

idk people post ugly fairy kei shit here too

>> No.9871483

Truth, but god damn do they earn it.

>> No.9871490

Are you new to the thread or something?

>> No.9871519

What were you thinking? Looking like a transgender Peter Pan with obesity issues
Cover your face and go home. The world does not need to see this tragedy

>> No.9871533

>posting a coord that is nitpick at best in the ita thread
summer must be early

>> No.9871610
File: 202 KB, 960x720, 113393A9-50BD-472A-B4C7-D14C3FB4B69D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cursed image posted on the Alice Holic page.

>> No.9871617

Ugh I know her.

She's one of those big attention whores who is ALWAYS looking for everyone else's approval. She just got into Lolita recently, although she's been a cosplayer (a terrible cosplayer) for some time now.

She also used to bash the local Lolita comm A LOT.

>> No.9871619

Also, she made that dress herself

>> No.9871624

Maybe that's what she told everyone for attention, but if there are no progress pics I call bullshit.
It looks like factory crap to me.

>> No.9871626

I'm not, but if it's not lolita, it's normally on a whole other upper echelon level of bad, which this isn't, she's just kind of plain and unappealing.

>> No.9871633


Is the fatty on the left wearing a Brilliant Princess Story replica?

>> No.9871647

I actually really like this? The at first the mint is strange and ott but it works

>> No.9871651
File: 194 KB, 1440x1440, FB_IMG_1525460881029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if there is any progress pics, but she pretty much does everything she wears. Pic related

>> No.9871652
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>> No.9871654
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>> No.9871655

Well, congrats to her for making bargain barrel work, better than what I can do.

>> No.9871727

These just look cheap.

>> No.9871781

It's one of those that makes you go ugh at first, but it grows on you.

>> No.9871799

They are, trust me

>> No.9871824

Holy shit, it is a replica. It’s soo poorly constructed I couldn’t recognize it.

I might have been blinded by the sandals.

>> No.9871845

What the hell... that print wasn’t even that popular to start with

>> No.9871849

Sorry you got posted.

>> No.9871851

sorry you got posted

>> No.9871897

Not a single decent one. Tragic.
Nice attempt
Wtf is going on with those sleeves
Both of these look awful

>> No.9871992
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>> No.9871997
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As a fatty myself, it disturbs and distresses me when I see my chunky and busty sisters trying to squeeze themselves into things. Blouses that fit are out there. This is not kawaii.

>> No.9872001

The dress looks so cheap. So do the accessories. Are we sure this isn't ddlg? It reads that way.

>> No.9872068

sorry YOU got posted

>> No.9872070

SORRY you got posted

>> No.9872071
File: 239 KB, 960x960, IMG_6999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"wearable lolita"

>> No.9872082

Thought the same thing. This is a mess.

>> No.9872085

As long as it’s jfashion and it’s done poorly, it can be ita.

Welcome to cgl, new friend.

>> No.9872089

Even in normie fashion it’s stupid to button up a denim vest. How is any of this more wearable than a nice coord would be?

>> No.9872111

Every single blouse in this picture is disgusting. Nice find. It's funny the only girls with headwear are the giant and the one with the ridiculous tiny hat and nothing else. Unfortunate group

>> No.9872116

Agree, those buttons are SHRIEKING.

>> No.9872127

Anon, all your photos are edited like this. Your coords are fine, but you need to lay off the beauty filters. Even going through your profile pics it's clear that you abuse beauty cam on everything you post.

>> No.9872141

Too fat to fit the original

>> No.9872146

SoRrY yOu GoT pOsTeD

>> No.9872147

who is she? I honestly think her coord here is cute and would love to know where I can follow her for further insp

>> No.9872148

Yeah, I wasn’t sure what was more disgusting, the replica, or those grody sandals
Right? Not sure why they even made a replica for one of their least popular releases of that year

>> No.9872150

the right pic looks so horrible. shininess of the ugly wig, buttoned up denim vest?? wtf was she going for? top looks like she's trying to be some weird trying-to-be-fancy trailer trash, skirt looks like hideous clip art, and tights socks look like... otty classicish? wtf was she going for with this

>> No.9872151

sOrRy yOu gOt pOsTeD

>> No.9872173

˙pǝʇsod ʇoƃ noʎ ʎɹɹoS

>> No.9872182
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>> No.9872183
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>> No.9872185
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>> No.9872186
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>> No.9872187
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>> No.9872188
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>> No.9872190
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>2012 - 2016

How do you get worse at something.

>> No.9872191
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>> No.9872194


ṕ̡̠̺͓̞̘̥̎͌́̀Ǝ̴̛͙̬̠̙̬͕̽̐̆͗͑͒ͧͤ͊́͒͛̏̉͠┴̶̧̳͈͍̥̹ͯ͐̄͆͋̓̔ͨ̎͒̚͢͞Ŝ̛̹̹͓̙̥̺̤̍͛ͣ́͠͝͡Ǫ̠̬̱̤͇̖̱̎̇̿͊̎͑ͨͯ̎ͣ̏͒͋̆͗ͬ͑̈́̀͟d̡̪͕̩̮͓͍͕͈͓̗̗͓̘̺͓ͨ̐̌ͦ̏͆ͬ̚̕͝ ̮̮̜͖̘̟͓̯͚̬̻͕̜̜̮͔ͩ́ͣͤ͑̽̇̍́ͬ́͑̊͟͢͞͠┴̢̗͎̣̺̘̻̻̤̰̬͙̞̼̤͕̻̓ͯͫ͒͋ͮͧ̏̈́͑̓Ȯ͈͎̣̻̘̭͔͍͖͎͇̫̟̹̮͔͗̊ͤͦ̋͑̀̈́̽͋͛̓͊͒ͤ͞͠ͅƃ̵̡̢̝͙̳̪̰̦̦̫̱̣̗̝̻̗̋̆ͩ̓̐̌͐͋̀̚͡ ̴̤̺̖̖̥̼̙͎̤̳͚͍͇̔͐͂͊̏̿̚͘∩̸̶̧͇̟͔̗̙̭͍͕͊ͪ͋͐͗̿ͩ͆ͦ̋̇̏͌̉̋ͦ̊̚͝Ơ̙̗̖̖͓̽ͮ͐̽ͦ̈́ͬ̈́̓̒̀̀͑̐̐͒͗͜͡͞ʎ̠̰̞͖̼̖̤̼̭̫̌́̽͂̓͑̈̽̓̌̆̑̑̌͞ ̠̝̩̣̙͍̙̺̱̱͈̳̫̬̥̟̟̳͑̐̄ͫͤ̂͒̒ͯͫ́̎̀͘͞ͅẎ̷̧͓̭̣̯͈̘͈͍͓͓̭̤̙̟͛ͬ̇͊̿̈́ͫ̈͛ͭ͗ͯ̈́͗͟͝͠ͅɹ̶̡̻̗̱̯̘̩̯̆̓̂ͦ̚̕ɹ̷̸̹̺̻͇̹̙̙̻̯͙ͧ̐̐ͣ̽͊O̴̸̰̩̖̝̦̪̙͉̭̦̰̝͕͓̦̎͂ͤ̂͂ͮͣ̎ͮ̿̚̚ś̷̺̠̝̤͛ͩ̔̑̋̓̑̀́͢

>> No.9872195 [DELETED] 

O, was that too hard to read?
p̱̱̫̯̗̩̣͓̟̗͈̼̤ͬ̏ͣͣ̇̓ͧ̂͂͐Ǝ͇̰̪͓͇̤̫̊ͧ͗̽̈́̑ͅ┴̥̼̻͂̒̂͗̉S͖͙̳̞̱͖͉̝̰͙̜͔̩̞̹̜̼ͣ̈͐̇O̥͉̣̪͓̭͋͊͑̿̓̑͗̾̿ͫ̎ͨͧ̎̌͐d͈̤͕̼͉͚̮̘̦͇̮͍͙̤͙͍͍͈̍͒̾ͣ̔̾̒͗̚ ̤̯͚̫̥̠̪̙͖͚͉̥̥̻͎̑̇̓́͋̏ͭ̎̏͐̎̂ͮͫ̚ͅ┴͎̟̫̞̹̬̱͕͖ͮͬ̃͒͐ͧ̀O̠͙͚̜̯̳͕͙̦̣̩̩̺͔̔̆̊̏̐ͫ̇̋̆͒͗ͫ͋͆͌̚ͅƃ͎̙̺̻̜̗̝̣ͪ̔̓͗̀̎͌̚ ̪̭̝̹͖͙͍̭̖̩̯̼͙̫̳̠̼͍̹͋ͫ̀̌͒ͩͦͮͯ̌̈́̋̆̾̊̓∩͈̥̬̱̬̖̱͇̇͗͗̊͐̌ͯ̒O͓͈̯͔̭ͣ̈́̔ͦ̇͊͐ͭͭ́̓͒͗ʎ̫̖̹͇̭̩̣͔̣͍̩̦͊̒ͮ̆̊͒̓ͫ̒̃̚ ̰̤̫͎̙͍ͤ̿̊͛ͧ̓̋̾̇ͦͩ͒̎̉Ỵ͕̣̘͉̣̞̮̞̖̃ͧͭͣͯͅͅɹ͔̙͕͈̯̮͉̬͍̱͉͉͍̭̖ͬͭ̓́̑̉ͧͦͩͧ̑̋ͅɹ̬̰̼̣̖̘̠̯̖̳̰̖̻͓̪̩͎͐ͣͣ͌ͮͯ̍͋̔̚O̮̦̱̗̙̟͓̜̗̤̩̖̿̊̊͒ͮš̞̩̯̮͈͓͍̫̼̞͍̰̳̠̱ͨ͂̃ͮ̈̊̎̈̈̔̂̋ͧͪ̓̚ͅ

>> No.9872203

My husband thought it looked like a tiny penis.

>> No.9872205

You right.

>> No.9872227

The denim dear lord
The photo is cool, the coord is not
At first I thought she was wearing one of those Tudor hats
Second to far right is the only decent
one I can see
Never do that to your face again
I’m not sure I understand the structure of that dress
Missing the basic components, headwear legwear come on
This was posted a while ago
Nothing matches

>> No.9872289

Sigh. Why do you do this?

>> No.9872293

What? Lots of people do this, what’s the problem?

>> No.9872327

And everyone hates when someone does this.
Do you think anyone cares to find out which comment belongs to which post?

>> No.9872328

i wish girls stopped trying to mix lolita with folk elements, it always looks tacky

>> No.9872339
File: 66 KB, 720x960, 31895130_10209926483793513_7332787579877588992_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an example of something that wouldn't have looked ita as a floordinate

why do people even take these awkward face selfies if they're not wearing makeup and they're basically wearing a dollar store wig

i actually really like this one

>> No.9872361

Looks like she got older and poorer and heavier.

>> No.9872363
File: 360 KB, 1017x1256, Screenshot_20180505-082037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not kawaii.

>> No.9872364

At least cut your wig bangs, Miss Trunchbull.

>> No.9872365

Someone told her to style the bangs and wear a wig cap and she told them "the wig is that way". If you don't know how to wear a wig, please don't buy a wig.

>> No.9872382

someone also told her to wear makeup and she said "but it's casual"

bitch makeup doesn't mean "hours of instagram contouring" it can mean "tinted gloss and mascara, 2 minutes" if you want it to. just something to make your features pop and polished instead of this nonsense you thought was worth a closeup selfie

>> No.9872392

They don’t. I know. But at least I do my part of being annoying....
Sorry you got posted.

>> No.9872397

>Sorry you got posted.

when can we start reporting these

>> No.9872405

Dunno, I’m happy to write an email to the owners of Cgl

>> No.9872417

We should start to collectively ignore shitposts.

>> No.9872433

This, I've been doing that cause responding to shitposters online keeps the pot stirring.
I ignore, hide and occasionally report, never respond.

>> No.9872449

It’s just one newfag anon trying to make the meme annoying so we stop using it because they got triggered when someone said it to them. It’s been going on all week. I just ignore it and go about my business on the site.

>> No.9872451
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>> No.9872468

What does that even mean

>> No.9872480

God her face is so hideous

>> No.9872523
File: 133 KB, 960x960, 1182EEB6-364E-4677-A867-2C26F27CAF07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m sorry but tattoos like this are ita.

>> No.9872533

>getting a print as a tattoo

Fuck I never even thought to do this. Now I want one on my upper left thigh (so it's not visible of course).

>> No.9872535

Another pig coord?

>> No.9872564

Oh no. Those loafs

>> No.9872571

Idk I like it, I’d never get one but that’s pretty cute.

>> No.9872612

With the way the hat is squashed onto her head it makes her look like she has anencephaly. That vacant stare doesn’t help either.

>> No.9872651

Nah it's lovely

>> No.9872666

Nah dude that's cute as fuck. As long as it's good,not too big and tattoed somewhere where it looks good

>> No.9872737

desu, tattoos in general look ita, this one's cute, but too big, if she wears short sleeves the only thing people will see is a headless sheep body on a basket

>> No.9872771

>sorry you got posted
someone had to say it.

>> No.9872772

>implying i'm a newfag
sorry you got POSTED.

>> No.9872780

Thanks for the concrit, anon! The truth is that this coord was for a "movies game" I was playing with friends on Instagram, so I was going for "The Life Aquatic" and that's why I'm wearing the hat and those colours like that. Could be much better, of course, it was totally improvised.
I may try what you're proposing because I love the idea, but also I must advise you that my soul has no salvation according to cgl (and that I love weird colour coordination), but thank you!

>> No.9872789

It's a cute idea but that tattoo looks like shit

>> No.9872797

I was about to disagree with you and then I saw all the wobbly lines and that shit shading. I hope they're not proud of that tattoo.

>> No.9872828

This looks kinda tacky.

>> No.9872831

Ypu are the same twat doing it everytime. Just respond to a few at a time so people don't have to literally quote you to respond to you.
I hate walls of bullshit opinion text even more than that other anon.

>> No.9872832

Because summer

>> No.9872840

Now I know why they shot bambi's mother

>> No.9872890
File: 1.49 MB, 1242x1534, 15D4A717-56EA-47D2-8EFC-2754CE2D015D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tagged as “darklolita” what the fuck does that even mean

>> No.9872912
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>> No.9872913
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>> No.9872914
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>> No.9872915
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>> No.9872916
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>> No.9872917

From the thumbnail I thought she wasn't wearing a shirt at first..

>> No.9872919
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>> No.9872921



>> No.9872950

sack dresses look like shit. this just looks like she said fuck it and decided to leave the house in her pjs

>> No.9872954

I know they cn't help it without surgery and/or buying a better bra, but having boobs down at your waist looks like such shit in "lolita"

>> No.9872957

ngl, I kinda like this, but not as lolita.

>> No.9872964

it makes me super sad to see girls with cute faces and nice bodies being as ultra-ita as this

>> No.9873028

The newest hottest lolita trend is wearing sandals without socks

>> No.9873035

Are those self harm scars on her arm?

this is cute. fight me.

>> No.9873045

If you can afford lolita you can afford a good bra.

>> No.9873046


>> No.9873048

Lines are awful, very shakey. Guessing this was impulsive.

>> No.9873050

>”hey let’s include the background but I can’t afford to finish the background!”

Fucking brilliant.

>> No.9873088

In my country “dark” is used by normies to describe gothic/emo/whatever is black. Maybe she used for the same reason..?

>> No.9873091

She's pretty cute so it's tricking my reptile brain into thinking the outfits not so bad

>> No.9873095

It looks so bad when they don't finish it. A member of our comm won't finish any of hers, and they all look like complete shit.

>> No.9873096

Your coords are still shit.

>> No.9873129

Thank you, anon! I won't let you down!

>> No.9873147
File: 754 KB, 1072x1440, 9B1234CB-07FA-4215-B4BE-56716273D7D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh from COF

>> No.9873153

Cute, but not as Lolita. The second one needs to cover up her scars though somehow

>> No.9873156

Seriously, people who use this insane amount of blur filter are probably insecure and should work on improving on their appearance in real life.
Also, what are those marks on her arms? ಠ_ಠ

>> No.9873159

You’re welcome. There is always time for improvement.

>> No.9873160

Lol, that wasn’t me

>> No.9873173

>>9872890 I thought people had stopped wearing chobits cosplay in lolita. At least she made the skirt even all the way around.

>> No.9873191
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>> No.9873195


>> No.9873233

is she balding...

>> No.9873241

Sorry, I have to agree that this totally reads as nightgown. Maybe without the sheer overcoat and better accessorizing it would be better.

>> No.9873242

Not vendetta. This ana-chan looks very unhealthy. Too loose for your food-deprived frame (and thinning hair) is just as un-kawaii as pulled and stretched bodices on fatties.

>> No.9873243

Where did this dress even come from?

>> No.9873244

I think those are blonde roots but it does look like she's balding. Yikes.

>> No.9873246

That greasy-ass hair

>> No.9873248
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>> No.9873250

This looks like a homemade fatty who really screwed up making the bodice.

>> No.9873252

And who changed her mind about the length of the skirt. At least she matched up the fabric when she tacked on, but that seam is visible.

>> No.9873258

She's just *clenches fist* so fat

>> No.9873260


>> No.9873265

It's casual

>> No.9873266

Might just be blonde roots. When I dyed my hair a darker color I also had this effect.

>> No.9873267

Girl, that's just hikikei.

>> No.9873268

looks like a fat hello batty look-a-like

>> No.9873288

I like this girl, but FUCK she makes some seriously bad choices, like every single time. I wish I could bring it up with her. I have crazy hair and I would never go out in lolita without a wig, even if its a million degrees outside.

This could have worked a tiny bit better if she had just used a flat iron/straightener to her hair, but she should have put on a wig anyway.

>> No.9873306

a muumuu does not a lolita make

why do newb handmade lolita's insist on doing shitty front "corset" lacing? Especially large ladies?

>> No.9873329

I don't think that's a seam, but a crease from the fabric being folded, (since the flower pattern matches up). Figures she didn't iron before or after making that thing...

>> No.9873393

>I like this girl
>the girl that put together a borderline ageplay coord and put photos of her thighs on COF

>> No.9873505

That's an AP op,anon.

>> No.9873509

I hate that. Don’t start on another until you finish one you’re already working on.

>> No.9873510

Your coords are still shit

>> No.9873513

Why would you use that backpack as a handbag

>> No.9873524

Wtf, no I’m a completely different person.
My condolences you were featured on this board.

>> No.9873543
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>> No.9873546
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>> No.9873547

She may be insufferable, but this coord isn't hurting my eyes? I think she looks casual and comfy. I'd prefer it with more lolita socks though.

>> No.9873549

... Teddy Motors deserves better.

I mean, even if she was just going a casual route with this (which is perfectly fine), ditch the OTKs. Not doing any favors here.

>> No.9873562

Of course she’d dye her hair pixie piss yellow.

>> No.9873569
File: 1.04 MB, 1440x2198, Screenshot_2018-05-06-21-40-55_mh1525639309781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting this without the caption
She's a scammer and sniped this dress from someone in the DD thread, you don't need to hold back.

>> No.9873580

I heard her voice immediately.

>> No.9873583

Is this Rainies or Gemgem?

>> No.9873586


>> No.9873588

Is she a scammer? She's a scalper and she's pretty scummy, but that doesn't make her a scammer. She's ugly as hell regardless though

>> No.9873594

She's trying SO HARD to be pixielocks, it's really pitiful

>> No.9873653
File: 167 KB, 1080x1351, C76119C5-9597-427D-99D4-C134DDFDE351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl needs to stop posting in BSOLF until she understands how to dress herself. I swear this is the sixth post of hers I’ve seen that reads exactly the same

>> No.9873658

lmao, that's exactly what I though

>> No.9873663

that mirror is so nasty

>> No.9873674

Piss yellow doesn't look good on anyone. I don't understand why it's so popular.

>> No.9873677

I want to take that ugly hat and burn it.

>> No.9873695
File: 241 KB, 800x1440, F9266726-F9A4-43D3-A358-223127CD9526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s the hair, why is she incapable of dying her roots? That’s why her hair looks so goddamned greasy all the time. It just brings down the quality of an otherwise mediocre coord.

Yikes. Ugly on the outside, ugly on the inside I guess.

I don’t get how some people look in the mirror and say “yes, this is acceptable enough to document and put on a public forum”
Pic related. VM deserves better. Those shoes deserve better.

>> No.9873697

omg was coming here to post this pic. im more worried about her arms..... that poor dress is about to burst and i cant imagine thats comfortable

>> No.9873701

Not at all
Also the top portion of the sleeves are adjustable, there is literally no excuse for her boobs to be spilling into the waistband.
And who even wears a wig with zero makeup? At least put a sticker on.

>> No.9873704

those fucking teeth

>> No.9873720

Shitty filters can't save your outfit

>> No.9873723

I don't think she can

>> No.9873730

I've yet to see someone fuck up Nameless poem desu

>> No.9873733

She should have blurred her arm desu

>> No.9873746

do you mean Hello Fatty?

>> No.9873793

Listen I hate Kat as much as the next bitch but you're not going to make that happen, Gretchen.

>> No.9873866

I just call her a cunt. But I also call many others this. Batty is just a fat cunt.

>> No.9873867

It can happen. A girl in my comm messed it up once with bright pink tights and a heart purse. But it’s a very simple dress that is probably good for beginner gothic since it’s pretty straight forward. There really isn’t any way to wear it that hasn’t been beaten to death though. It’s not very versatile.

>> No.9873996

Those ankle straps are so tight it looks like she's cutting off circulation to her feet. Her legs are huge.

>> No.9874011

Yeah that was not cool

>> No.9874013

>vm totally fits me you guise

>> No.9874020

The coord itself is completely fine. She just needs to lose some weight.

>> No.9874049

this >>9873191
is a man

>> No.9874061

maybe she's a midget?

>> No.9874066

Divine cross has both back shirring and front shirring, the area under the front lace is shirring. Seeing how it’s fully stretched on her...she is at the max.

>> No.9874071
File: 449 KB, 1440x1018, Screenshot_20180507-061817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>iron your shit
>your breasts are not supposed to do this to the shirring
>arms do not fit the sleeves

I beg the fatties, please stop.

>> No.9874072
File: 528 KB, 1440x1003, Screenshot_20180507-061947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, it's time for someone to start wearing compression socks.

>> No.9874078

Why the fuck would anyone want to be Pixielocks though

>> No.9874100

A lot of weight. This would look halfway decent as a floordinate, but it looks like someone else laid out the coordinate for her and she squished herself into it. Wearing stuff that doesn’t fit is not kawaii. Her shoes don’t even fit!
Also as a former busty classic gal her boobs sagging down into the touching when there was no excuse (the top ties are adjustable), I’d rather see a small peek of cleavage: this looks messy
>also she could use some lace tights

>> No.9874103

Her lack of makeup also makes her look like an ogre. I don’t know why someone tried to dress Shrek in classic but here we are

>> No.9874127
File: 173 KB, 500x296, 4631743823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stuffing yourself into IW like this

>> No.9874153

More like time to go on a very strict diet.
My god if you have pig trotters like that you have got to be super morbidly obese.

>> No.9874161
File: 139 KB, 960x1459, FB_IMG_1525700253252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9874194

I ask myself that every day, but the Confetti Club exists so obviously lots of people

>> No.9874198

My BMI is morbidly obese (5'1, 220lb - I know I'm a pork) and my legs/feet still look normal, just bigger than when I was small. She's got some serious edema or maybe diabetic swelling going on.

>> No.9874217

she reminds me of a female Harry Potter in emo clothes. Not a good look.
I feel like nothing matches here. It's all just off. She even mentions the pink's aren't the same. Taking inspiration from traditional wear is more than replacing the skirt with a lolita one...
Not annoyed at the swoop itself honestly. More annoyed that after all the swooping her chin isn't symmetrical. If you'll use Photoshop, at least do it well.
Would wish Alice Holic would have a filter on at least replica's. I mean com'n it's from a store selling brand items. They should have enough to band replica's, especially on shitty looking ita's.
Sleeves look like they belong on a dress a few sizes bigger. Nothing fit's even remotely well. If you custom make your dresses, they should fit like heaven because they're made to measure and you can fit it all the time.
Only place I see denim jackets being buttoned up sometimes is on battle jackets. And even then it's rare. I don't mind the looks of a buttoned up jacket. But it doesn't fit with her outfit here at all, and she has it closed till the neck but not all buttons are actually closed (top one showing isn't, undoubtedly the one below her hair isn't either). Either do all buttons are fold it open.

More confused how lolita isn't wearable in it's normal, good looking way to her, but she does wear a wig as daily clothes...
that fake kimono looks like Milannoo mess.
I've seen くろい being wrongly translated to dark a few times instead of black, so maybe she meant kuro lolita? Although I doubt she saw the name in Japanese and then translated it. Otherwise maybe like >>9873088 said. "The dark side" is sometimes used as a collection of alternative styles/subcultures that are known for wearing a lot of black.
Was this even tagged as lolita? Looks like a failed attempted at modern wear of tradition clothes, which is also popular in East-Asia.

>> No.9874219

People need to learn waist sheering is not to fit your breast in. it's for comfy waist. If your beast are in it, obviously your breast are too big for the dress. Just like how loose sleeves are not to fit fat arms. They're to be loose and comfy...

>> No.9874238

That's why I said compression socks. Just losing the weight won't solve this. I know normal-sized people with this issue. This is excess fluid or poor circulation or diabetes. Need compression socks for sure. Or surgery.

>> No.9874240

It was tagged lolitafashion so fair game.

>> No.9874954

That is absolutely not an AP dress, look at the waist and how the stripe doesn't line up to where the gathering starts. Look at the collar ffs

>> No.9874974
File: 18 KB, 250x300, 150a7cdd-2e9c-55f4-82a9-4704280d2e41_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the Dolly Cross OP by AP. Idiot.

>> No.9875310

Nitpick, a few small changes and it will look very good.

>> No.9879423

The purple behind the sheep is to contrast it to the pale skin, make the pastels stand out, and bring focal attention to the sheeps face. If that is what you mean. Not intended to be part of a larger background. I think it works. Its a cute tattoo!