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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9852357 No.9852357 [Reply] [Original]

Yet again a larp thread
previous one

And just to start with a random question:
how many different characters you have played so far in larps?
npcs, monsters and shit like that doesn't count

>> No.9852401

Five that I used repeatedly.

Medieval fantasy
>Church sponsored witch Hunter
I kinda took a page from a mix of Solomon Kane and the Witcher Geralt. Willing to talk, sympathetic, but ruthless when it comes right down to it.

Spare son of a noble family. In it for the lols as he doesn't inherit much. Well trained professional, but a bit of a braggart and rake.

>Traveling performer
Secretly a Slaaneshi cultist

NOT!18thC fantasy
>Road Warden
A veteran turned lawman, who started with ideals and drive to keep safe his fellow man. Prematurely aged and jaded by years of dealing with the worst of humanity and the horrors of the forests.

Cyberpunk Noir
>Freelance Merc team member
Part of "Dog Pack" Merc company. Contracted with both Corps and private parties. Grenade and demo expert, may be sexualy turned on by explosions.

The rest are either NPCs or one shots.

>> No.9852465
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Only ever played one role in any real capacity: Leather Tradesman.

>> No.9852475

>how many different characters you have played so far in larps?
In total, you mean? That's a lot. I'm sure I'm forgetting some, but here goes in somewhat chronological order:

>Cael, generic wood elf
>Santir, generic wood elf
>forgot the name, healer/cleric
>forgot the name, exiled noble warrior
>Keanon Fodder, generic warrior
>Dan Ivory, mercenary mage
>Aeran Meadowgale, wood elf with a morbid fear of forests
>forgot the name, Prussian merchant's son
>forgot the name, second in command of a post-apo gang
>Eric "Gevaar" de Boer (which translates to Eric "Danger" the Farmer), wannabe hero
>forgot the name, prison guard too soft to be one
>Prince Charming (literally)
>forgot the name, cleric of the sun god
>Nibo, flamboyant voodoo priest
>Percedal de Chateauvieux de Volvent, irresponsible student with a theoretical noble title
>Jaques Marteau, insane changeling denying the existance of magic
And coming up:
>Joris, idiot paladin obsessed with rabbits
>not named yet, fireman who literally worships the first responder manual

Those are all the player characters I've played since I started eight years ago. Kind of fun to list them all.

>> No.9852547

>>Traveling performer
>Secretly a Slaaneshi cultist
The question is characters you've played, not a short personal bio.

>> No.9852557

>Hits per loc
Jesus, anon. That's half your problem right there. I'm guessing you're in the UK, probably playing something old and clunky like Laby, DUTT, or HMS?

>> No.9852793
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A doctor who sells insurance.

A horned samurai

a character named Duke Count who was a count

Samurai Jack (I was offered the role by the organizers)

A Caidian Guardsman

pulpy post apoc
A mute soldier

pulpy post apoc
A one handed commander

high fantasy
An immortal knight that seeks to end all wars

low fantasy
A Bronn-type mercenary who was offered nobility and land for a long con.

these are all i can remember
(somewhat in chronological order too)

>pic only lightly related

>> No.9852826


And yeah, the Dutch larp scene is pretty shit rules-wise. Even though all events write their own rules (afaik), they all end up the same: clunky systems with
needlessly complex magic systems, way too many calls in combat, and way too much math. Tracking hit points and armour points per hit location, mana and cooldowns at the same time in combat just takes away from the fun.

>> No.9853035

Fuck You playing at in NL brah?

>> No.9853053

So far, I've either played at or read into the rules of Aragnes, Omen, Ravenskeep, Vortex, Malakden, and one small larp that died out years ago. They're all fairly similar in terms of what I just described to me.

>> No.9853091
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Didn't Vortex do it's best to stop the spell bloat? What with the old-boys-network meme with old players being offered the choice to go along with the news rules or stick to the old one as to not kill their "build".
Second hand info though I'm not sure, but AFAIK they're slowly growing more towards a simpler system.
GnS has pretty much just ripped ConQuest's rule system and gave it some slight tweaks. Although they updated the ruleset per event so that's changing a little as well. Haven't found the time to go through their new books.

Can't speak for the other events though.
If you want bare bones, and in that sense IMO, good rules for combat. Go play at Tir Nan Beo. You can summarise their combat system in about 2/3 pages.

>> No.9853114

>Tir Nan Beo
I was put off by Tir Nan Beo back when it was started, because it was presented to me in the most obnoxiously elitist way I've ever seen in larp. Has it gotten any better since?

Looking into the rules, I don't think it's that much of an improvement. I like the lack of calls, but it still has a fuckton of math. You still have hit points per hit location (only as a player, NPC's have total hit points again). Worse, you not only have to keep track of hit points and armour points separately, you also have to KEEP TRACK OF THE ARMOUR POINTS OF EACH INDIVIDUAL PIECE OF ARMOUR because of armour stacking and protection rules. Just why?

>> No.9853119

In all honesty I don't mind that bit too much, sure total hit points would be better: But it beats having to listen to lightning bolt tier shouting and different kinds of damage.

Most elitist way possible? Care to expand on that?

>> No.9853128

Some dude was advocating for the event. He only mentioned high costuming standards, invite-only player places, and never really touched on what they DID there or why it was fun. Just the requirements and limitations the event imposed. The event itself got no explanation beyond "viking stuff".

Same day, on Facebook, a different dude did basically the same thing.

I'm all in favour of upholding standards, but the exclusivity with which they focused on them made it seem more like an exclusive and elitist re-enactment group than a larp.

>> No.9853143
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The high costuming standard was one of the big selling points though. It's a focus people like, sure there's nothing wrong with the players wearing a mytholon blouse or a chainmaille over a t-shirt.
You can't have fun in the wrong way, really.
But at some point you just want to play with people whose interest goes beyond that.

AFAIK the rest of Tir Nan Beo isn't super special. They don't have some super innovative, thought provoking and culture advancing setting or game style. It's just pretty good.
So the light costume snobbery is a way to differentiate I guess.

>> No.9853159

>sure there's nothing wrong with the players wearing a mytholon blouse or a chainmaille over a t-shirt.
Are you sure about that anon?

>> No.9853195
File: 60 KB, 391x640, NowThatsWhatICallHeraldry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't have fun in the wrong way at a LARP, I have been humbled from my snobby ways. And sure, I can mutter about how people should be dressing and having fun, but in the end, if they're doing what they should be doing at their LARP and not massively ruining other people their fun.
All glory to them. Elitism isn't going to make them "better", it's just going to make me/us/you look like a dick.

Help when asked, and live and let live. (Fuck you if you're going to my historically correct LARP dressed out of period and using magic.)

>> No.9853202

Fair point, i'm more used to hanging out with re-enactors myself so it's taking a bit to adjust the general mindset.

>> No.9853208
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Most of the costumes our groups do are closer to re-enactment than general LARPing mind you. It's just an endless, thankless task that will end up in you looking like the fun police to people who don't care about that part of the hobby. I'd say pick your battles, and espescially your LARPs, and in a random medieval fantasy LARP just throw your hands in the air at the butted alu-mail and the oversized Mytholon shoulders and visored barbutas and just roll with it. It's a battle you can't and heck, don't even want to win.

>inb4 Gryphon helmet meme

>> No.9853215

Griphon style visors on bascinet do have a historical basis though

>> No.9853223
File: 87 KB, 564x752, GoodOldTrej.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A U T I S T I C S C R E E C H I N G (if it's on a bascinet I can deal with it, somewhat, I've seen them on bloody barbutas)

>> No.9853226

Blame that on victorians making franken armor out of separate pieces.
Anyone that has a visor on a barbuta deserves to get whacked

>> No.9854549

I played a lot of character

Most of them fighters because i can't imagine myself not going to the battlefield but some of them more delicate:

A WereBear leader of a northern tribe wanting to reclaims it's glory after he became the leader because half-beast are considered as monsters

An inquisitor as that saw the dawnfall and corruption of men aside him to the power of old gods without being able to prevent it before it was too late

a sellsword willing to do anything to get a a little bit of money he switched side a lot before finally dying because he couldn't pay his massives debts he still stirred a lot of troubles for almost every faction so it was a fun guy to play

a fanatical paladin belonging to an army like order
really fun to play a bunch of fanatics everything you do can be justified in the name of your god.
killed a bunch of people suspected of being heretics a lot of them were some let's say we sent them to god earlier for their greater good
in the end i died but my brothers prevailed and it was all that counted

an alchemist obsessed with eternal life
most likely you can achieve it by stealing life from other
died on the first day after tortured a important guy which i didn't know was important

and a bunch of soldiers just to fight and have fun

>> No.9854729

Are you that retard from the last thread comparing smallswords to shortswords and shields? You should put a trip on so you're easier to filter.

>> No.9854961

dude, he literally just put up a name. If you can't filter that then you are the retard

>> No.9854990


and i didn't compare short sword with small sword
i compared short thrust oriented sword used in antiquity with a short thrust oriented sword used in renaissance and pointed the fact that larps battlefield are more akin to antiquity battlefield than renaissance battlefields

But the arguement is over so let's enjoy this thread by speaking about other stuff

>> No.9855085

I summon the almighty Hungarian of Live Action Roleplay Faggotry

I humbly request aesthetic and impressive photos of Landsknecht (The Obrist or just other fancy LK's) and all

>> No.9855137

No, you're still retarded, no matter how you try to justify it.

Ancient short swords vs. early modern small swords are nothing alike in use or design.

>> No.9855200

do you want larp versions or people who think they are authentic when not, or authentic ones or source materials?

>> No.9855246
File: 27 KB, 564x718, AintNoWayButTheHighWay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you, besides the debate, not force name faggotry like you're special?
So far the only name faggots who really earned their right are HLF, Gropey, and maybe a sporadic few far in between who hardly post.

You're not interesting enough to pretend you NEED to be a namefag.

>> No.9855256
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and just to show a few examples of all of that

Here is a larp version. The whole thing has the landsknecht feel but didn't even tried to be authetnic and also it's made to rather represent a WH fantasy landsknecht equivalent (averlanders I think but not sure)

>> No.9855263
File: 91 KB, 500x750, tumblr_inline_p723e8QJFb1t97omz_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these guys on the other hand tries to be authentic but have a handful of problems with their stuff.
Waistline is in wrong height (that's a very widespread problem with a lot of stuff, not just with LK) hose isn't fitting enough, the doublet's pattern is off, etc.
Otherwise they look cool but you can feel that something is off

>> No.9855268

Hose being off might have to do with not using wool I guess? It's hard to make stretchy/tight clothing out of non wool in my experience.

>> No.9855283
File: 689 KB, 798x1200, BitkaobDraviundHochzeitFridlundVroni037[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, it's wool. It's just they fucked up the pattern. They made it too big and doesn't even tried to do a fitting pattern

and then you have the authentic versions that are correct or near perfect like this one

>> No.9855286
File: 114 KB, 564x800, 4292326145_bbbfb8975e_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and finally you have the source materials

>> No.9855288
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Jesus the horror, I'd make a new pair if I did that desu. Could've literally just made it smaller. Absolute lads.

And well, in the defence of not being as good as your pic. It's not my marriage dress/suit.

In return you can have this Colgate coloured looking motherfucker.

>> No.9855291
File: 3.19 MB, 2592x3456, DSC02817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And well, in the defence of not being as good as your pic. It's not my marriage dress/suit.
the stuff they brought to larps isn't that bad either

>> No.9855294
File: 73 KB, 564x651, KeineHosenEtc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man. Stop it HLF, you're making my costume Napoleon complex play up.
Going to start on my own LK kit once the missus is finished with her 14th century kit.

>> No.9855302
File: 1.12 MB, 3240x4320, SAM_1975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyway, which kind of pics you want?

>> No.9855303
File: 124 KB, 564x752, ROse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I'm a different anon HLF, I was just shitposting against the new namefag and got caught in this convo so just here to share my own pins.

>> No.9855304
File: 88 KB, 564x423, 1486986962204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it was about time to stop being a faggot and do something productive complaining about others name's is one of the dumbest thing you can do

>> No.9855305

>namefagging for no reason
But why. It doesn't add anything besides a pretense of being special.

>> No.9855307
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and why the fuck you care? Did he fucked your dog and run over your wife or something?
Also I'm pretty sure you can find other things to complain than his name.

>> No.9855308
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>> No.9855312

I care because it's annoying he has the pretentiousness of being a namefag without it having any neccessity. If he wanted to set himself apart from others for no good reason he should've made a Facebook or Reddit account.

>> No.9855317
File: 114 KB, 500x800, 1460442079562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, basically I'm a retard too because I'm namefagging on an anonymous cheese-maker forum.
But here is the trick: the site allows us to put names next to our comments so it's a-okay to do it technically.

I realize that the whole 4chan culture is against names and the exceptions are few and far between but being a rageing butthole about it while obviously feels good in the long run won't do any good.
So just let him namefag, and maybe he will stop using it on his own, or just stop coming to larpthreads like hundreds of other peoples when they lose interst.
Or maybe he will became a productive member of these threads.
Or became some asshole that you can now block because he has a name.

All in all, letting him using a name either won't do any big harm or has outright advantages

>> No.9855319
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>> No.9855321
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>> No.9855330
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>> No.9855340
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>> No.9855442

I'm working on my first character for my first LARP. Going to play the son of a fortuneteller and a print shop owner that reads tarot decks at events. I just cannot make heads or tails of the deck I bought.

>> No.9855531

Google tarot tutorials, I suppose?

There's a million different ways to read a tarot, anyway. As long as you look like you know what you're doing, no-one is going to question you OoC.

>> No.9855752

>larps battlefield are more akin to antiquity battlefield

>> No.9855764

Yeah, you can pretty much just bullshit your way through it and only tarot autists will be bothered.

>> No.9855768

>will be bothered.
if they are any good then they are already bothered

>> No.9855814

Why's that?

>> No.9855928

Because they should have foretold it.

>> No.9856133

Yup just as he said bullshit your way up

I mean. What do you think rituals and magic are in larp just people bullshitting it and other people accepting it

One of the simplest way I know for it to look good is to draw 5 cards

1 for the past
1 for the future
1 for the present
2 for how the emotions

Draw the timeline yourself but let the client draw the emotions

Then bullshit a story with what you got and Bam done you're a fortune-teller

What's good with tarot is that there isnt a textbook interpretation so even if you draw only "bad" cards you can still most of the time turn them around.

>> No.9856427

Please die.

>> No.9856430

are you from the fortuneteller mafia?

>> No.9856528

No, this anon is just the worst faggot to ever faggot in the history of faggots.

>> No.9856575

that's a bold claim and a lot of faggotry

>> No.9856618

They have an offer they know if you will or will not refuse.

>> No.9856619

It's not even an argument c'mon you can do better than this

If you really want me to I'll be at chroniken
I won't do your job

Hehe really laughed to this one

>I will make an offer i know you won't refuse
>I refuse
>but...but...the cards...

Oh no my covers blown!
what will I do?
Surely not give another fuck

Ok this one is quite nice but really I find all the others ugly as fuck
I know to each their own but never quite understood the appeal for landshknet

>> No.9856628
File: 203 KB, 736x908, 1460517819267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but really I find all the others ugly as fuck
Please die

Joking aside, Landsknecht fashion was so various it's easy to find stuff that you can hate and stuff that you can love.

>> No.9856642

C'mon 7 seconds before my post


Yup generally it's a little bit too extravagant for my taste
I prefer simple and sober designs which doesn't really fit the landshknet

>> No.9856648
File: 2.48 MB, 2832x4256, _DSC0098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yup generally it's a little bit too extravagant for my taste
>I prefer simple and sober designs which doesn't really fit the landshknet
then you want late 15th or very early 16th century Landskenchts

>> No.9856673

Let's say it's barely alright

But mostly I think I'd go over something else if I wanted to play something from that period

>> No.9856718

On a totally different subject I'm looking for a design for a spear

I'm going to craft it so there no real limit apart from maniability

The spear is for a female player in a religious fanatic order
The setting is a fantasy one so no real date but I'd place it around the 14th and the 15th century

>> No.9856772
File: 2.77 MB, 2832x4256, _DSC0095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's say it's barely alright
how about now?

>> No.9856917

nope nopiti nobipi nope

but it's also that i don't really like late medieval period and the renaissance
and this even if we talk about the armors
i really find that the transitional armor are the most beautiful one while full plate armor often look ridiculous to me

>> No.9856929
File: 2.84 MB, 2832x4256, _DSC0090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nope nopiti nobipi nope

>> No.9856939
File: 122 KB, 564x1039, Orange tunic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to give you an exemple this speak a lot more to me

>> No.9856952
File: 2.50 MB, 2832x4256, _DSC0088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need this in your life

>> No.9856960
File: 371 KB, 500x507, Don't look at the balls - Imgur.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls staph

>> No.9856974
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>> No.9856992
File: 33 KB, 486x280, NutScissors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think i found a solution for me to appreciate landshknet clothing

>> No.9857647

Majorly 2 Characters

>Crazed Forest Dweller obsessed with killing mutants
Had some friends killed by mutants, got new friends, had those friends killed by mutants, so he gave up on friends and lives in the woods. Went crazy, started to mutate, determined to finish his 'kill' list of mutants before he kills himself.
>Angry Cleric of the Light
Street Rat turned cleric of Light that never got over his anger issues. Tries to be a good person but gets a little too into it sometimes. Had to literally be held back from murdering a whole bunch of evil people. On rough terms with his god

>> No.9857685

My main two characters played in multiple LARPs are my High Abbess: a powerful religious zealot where I take the main religion of a game and basically go ham and become a genderswapped Frollo from Hunchback of Notre Dame. As most places won't have a church for me to spend my days in, I like to be travelling on inquisition-esque journeys and seeking heretics on the way. Sometimes sent on the few authorities she accepts higher than herself. When I can, I incorporate nun lolita stuff in my costume. But a lot of what I do is making custom accessories for my outfit because catholicism is my aesthetic. It's nice when I have a few followers with me. I call them "nunderlings" out of character, kek.

The other character I like to play is a sea/river witch. She's a somewhat unkempt and constantly wet looking person. Outfit is super peasant rags mode, but I do weird shimmery pale blue contour to me to make her slightly fish. Kind of insane and always whispering to herself. I make jewelry so I'm basically covered in cool seashell shit and I love to give them away in character to grant waterbreathing, expert swim knowledge or similar abilites to the wearer. I usually make them do some kind of ridiculous quest for it. One time I legit had people hunting for snails, lmao.

Both of them work well for high, low, or no fantasy because they can just be crazy people. And I dig that.

>> No.9858007

I actually really prefer localized hitpoints. It makes it easier to tackle hp or amor bloat by smart fighting, and add a bit of realism in my opinion.

I hate it when a guy gets away with a shitty defense because his shoulderpads magically also protect his legs

>> No.9858011

One way to tackle this is if the armor protect a zone
A shoulderpad only protect the arm
A plastron only the torso

The armors points aren't localised but at least if you hit a zone that isn't covered it will directly affect his up

I really like localised HP and armor but I have to agree that for high population larp non localised is easier and allow for a fluidier game

>> No.9858017

yet another day when I'm amazed how ass backwards are some of the larps out there

>> No.9858025

What do you mean?

Really like the idea of the snail quest
I'll try to do it in the fairs I participate to with my group

>> No.9858032

You seem like a fun person.

I'm looking to talk to the event organizers to see if I can start handing out plot hooks via tarot reading.

>> No.9858033

I mean, if you're a game runner you could also just tackle HP bloat by not bloating HP values.

>> No.9858041

that in same games HP bloat is a problem, or armor protects in places where there isn't one or armor points used in a retarded way.
I'm always amazed when people still try to use tabletop rules for larps not realizing it's a totally different medium

>> No.9858057

Generally speaking I don't go to events where player can have more than 15 HP armors included

Even myself even if I wear mail or plate I will only take 10 as the upper limit

Yup sometimes the rule are crappy that why it's the first thing I read about a larp
I don't want to read all the more the setting and all of it
Find it interesting as fuck beginning to invest myself in it then realise that the rules are shitty and that I won't go anyway

I'm from France and in France larpbis quite old it really began in the 80s so we went through a lot of experimentation
Nowadays almost every larps in France use the same system
3 base HP
Armor can add up to 5

Then what change is if there is a lot or no calls différents damage if there is magic and what it does

nowadays calls tend to dissapear damage are simple 1 hand 1dmg 2 hand 2 DMG
And a lot of other thing just to push the immersion at the maximum while allowing everybody to play

>> No.9858071

It's pretty cool, because it gives people something to do, and I honestly have no idea if they'll find anything or not. Gives their characters plenty of options for roleplay when they're off with their own little groups. Maybe one of them comes with an ingenious method to find them, maybe another has a fear of creepy crawly things, maybe another thinks this is stupid and a waste of time. Maybe it drives people apart! Have a look at what's in season. Bughunting is a little less damaging to local wildlife as opposed to gathering flowers and safer than finding animals. You can also sent people to find coloured stones or dead branches for kindling.

>> No.9858089

Yup but for some reason asking player to find blippy my burpy slimy friendly snail really made me laugh
>I lost blippy. You seen blippy?
>Who's blippy?
>He's small and goes slurp slurp slurp everywhere. Seen blippy?

>> No.9858100

Hahahaha, I love that. Share results sometime.

>> No.9858115

I'll try it next week end
Not really the character for it but damnit I'll find a way

>> No.9858183

For real, unnecessary tabletop rules are my most hated thing in larp. The only reason most of that shit exists is because you can't act shit out in tabletop; when you can act it you don't need rules to cover it as well!

>> No.9858448
File: 2.46 MB, 3240x4320, SAM_2202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nowadays calls tend to dissapear damage are simple 1 hand 1dmg 2 hand 2 DMG
Those are also objectively bad in 80% of the cases

Korporal Hans Schneckler is the most famous snail, who died as a hero

>> No.9858465

>ITT Landsknecht Graveur models

>> No.9858476
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>> No.9858482

You don't call the dmg of course even if you have a 2 handed weapons you count on the other guy not to be totally brain dead
And yup call are generally kept to the minimum for magic and such

About Hans schneckler:
>People bringing me a snail
>we found blippy
>S'not blippy you blind schmuck
>Must be dead let's hold funerals.
Then asking them to find what blippy liked best to give him proper funerals

As a reward give them lettuce cause that's what blippy would have wanted

>> No.9861006

How hard do you hit in a LARP? I'm stuck playing Amtgard, and I noticed myself both giving and taking some pretty heavy shots today. At least it was all dickbats.

>> No.9861039

Lightest touch.

Add chutzpah if shots are not acknowledged.

>> No.9861082

Depending on your area, I'm pretty sure Amtgard is one of the tamer games in terms of how hard people hit. Bel has heavier weapons and SCA is SCA.

>> No.9861211

I've had several pairs of goggles break on me during events from pretty tame shit. Does anybody know of any place in the US where I can get a sturdy, durable pair of goggles? Cheap-ish would be nice, but I can shell out a little extra if it means something that'll last.

>> No.9861219

I should specify, I've been looking at online military surplus shops, and the ones there seem decent. Just want to make sure there aren't any hidden gems I'm missing.

>> No.9861268

>How hard do you hit in a LARP?

>> No.9861274

You mean for an airsoft game? Milsurp should be just fine.

I've never really paid it all that much attention. The only issue I take is when some dude starts swinging for the bleachers to show off how completely hardcore he is in a foam stick contest.

>> No.9861282

The group I practice with hits relatively hard. A few bruises and sore fingers are common. It's just a preference, no "omg so manly" thinking behind it.

I wouldn't hit a stranger that hard unless he was wearing armour, though.

>> No.9861292

In my group we hit quite lightly
Larp weapons are not heavy and with a bit of training it's easy to slow down your weapon just before it hits
Of course no matter the strength of the strike if you hit a "no zone plz don't crush my balls" it will hurt

>> No.9861372

I've only played one, and he was the King of All Birds.

>> No.9861562

I play a weaselly cunt of a character that bathes in filth and is covered in rust, which Drachenfest camp should I join?

>> No.9861680

Green. You'll fit right in.

>> No.9861682


>> No.9861694

I had such a good time last weekend. Whereas previous installments of this game had a lot of combat play, which isn't really my cup of tea, this one had a lot of emotional play. Could almost not be happier with the character development I made and the play I had. To top it of during my one combat interacting I fired shots that actually hit the NPC's (I suck at NERF).

Highligt of the weekend:
Long story short I play a rebellious teenager from a very strict society. Some other faction threw a party so naturally I had to find a way to be there. I made a dummy out of clothes and a wig in my bed and had the characters organizing the party dress me up as one of their own. All was going great until people of my own faction started to show at the party. The suspense of almost getting caugt or being recognized was so high. It was a intense experience.
And of course my superior found out in the end and I got to play out a big temper tantrum.

>> No.9862133

Not airsoft, no. Regular fantasy larp. It's not generally weapon hits that have been breaking my shit, but falling over and landing on them.

>> No.9862280

>but falling over and landing on them.
anon, have you tried using a rubber band?

>> No.9862295

I'm not sure what a rubber band would do for me here, honestly.

>> No.9862298

if you land on your glasses and we assume you doesn't fall on your face all the fucking time then the problem is your glasses falling off your head

>> No.9862411

Oh, I see. This is not while I'm wearing them, it's while they're stored in my bag.

>> No.9862429

Have you tried getting a little case?

>> No.9862452

get a steel case, problem solved

>> No.9862469
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I'm going to a 40k themed Larp, and I need to upgrade a zweihander to make more fiting to this universe... I guess... a powersword ?
But I can't think about any idea about how to customise it, in a way that would be removable without damage.

What could I add ? Wires, tubes ?

>> No.9862475

it's 40k. Put a purity seal on it, say it's an artifact from a feudal word blessed by some faggot saint and call it a day.

>> No.9862481

What are you playing?

>> No.9862511

Literally this.

>> No.9862527

What the other guys said. Add an aquila talisman as well.

>> No.9862564
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Basically what they said
Maybe add a little bit of this kind of tubing and if you want to go an extra mile you could fix a box to your guard or to your ricasso to give it more of an energy sword feel

>> No.9862676

>energy sword
Its a power sword, you insufferable cunt.

>> No.9862782
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Just fuck already

>> No.9862960

Please don't allow the namefag to reproduce.

>> No.9863038

I hope you don't mean that for all the namefags because I totally plan to reproduce

>> No.9863127

The waistline here should be higher right?

>> No.9863138

on the left one absolutely, the one on the right is close to okayish you could argue he is wearing it wrong.
But hoses are not tight enough, the green doublet has the shoulders wrong, lower arm isn't tight enough, belts left too long, shirts are shit.
Also the green doublet's slashes are shit but that's my personal opinion about his fashion statements, they aren't exactly wrong.

There might be other problems but that's what I can see from the pic right now

>> No.9863149

The shoulders on the green one, are they too far towards the arm?
(Bit of context, looking to maybe make a landsknecht outfit but i'm still very much in the research phase)

>> No.9863150

the line of sewing should be where your actual shoulder starts, so your shoulder should be in the arms part of the doublet.

>> No.9863168

noted, thanks

>> No.9863314
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Has somebody dropped you the LandsknechtLager wiki yet? Because if not: here you go...
If your German isn't what it should be right-click and let Google do the translating for you. By pressing the clothing pieces you go to their page and for the wams and Schamlatzhose you have to scroll all the way down their page to find a PDF file with a good step by step guide to making them.

It's going the basis of my modus operandi for my next set with another 3 people from /cgl/.

Anybody got any tips on making wooden clogs less foot-ruining which isn't "wear them for a week"?

>> No.9863641

what kind of fantasy games are you playing where goggles are a necessary part of your kit

>> No.9863647
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Ones where he as shite eyes I guess. It's either badly translated by him, or he has a fantasy-fantasy game and then I guess you could sort of do it as well.

>> No.9863655
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meanwhile: the patches for the upcoming scifi larp arrived

>> No.9863659
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I can't think of anything that would fit in a fantasy setting

>> No.9863660
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Nothing would ever fit in fantasy with goggles

>> No.9863664

Is your reading comprehension as bad as your perception of shortswords?

>> No.9863673

Calm your tits I was sarcastically going in his direction

Won't talk again about shortswords unless you bring an argument because the subject was closed in the last thread.

If you want another subject here's one:
Appart from showing of what was the original point of all those floppy bits in a landshknet suit?

Can't see the details but seems quite cool.

>> No.9863675

The post you were responding said he could wear goggles in fantasy as well.

And on the Landsknecht question the usual responses would be that the HRE gave them green light to use whatever colours they could and wanted to. Added to the theories of them either
A: stealing the clothes of the people they slew and throwing it over their clothing to repair it and as a badge of pride.
Or B: they did it to improve mobility in their tight clothing.

>> No.9863682
File: 46 KB, 363x319, 29597618_162471391124155_8574636807659385655_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here are the details

>Appart from showing of what was the original point of all those floppy bits in a landshknet suit?
>And on the Landsknecht question the usual responses would be that the HRE gave them green light to use whatever colours they could and wanted to. Added to the theories of them either
>A: stealing the clothes of the people they slew and throwing it over their clothing to repair it and as a badge of pride.
>Or B: they did it to improve mobility in their tight clothing.

the stealing cloths thing is bullshit, anyone who actually compare the patterns can see this.
The mobility doesn't really improved, either as you can move well enough in a normal cloth. What it kind of improved is ventillation but that wasn't the main reason, more of a byproduct.

So as the anon said the Holy Roman Emperor indeed gave a free pass to the Landsknechte to wear whatever the fuck they wanted. That was important because they existed in a time period where laws existed that said what can you or cannot wear depending on your social status and wealth (the reason for this is bit of complex and has a lot to do with the bourgeois coming up strong)

Even before that tendencies happened but after this the fashion quickly turned up to eleven and then went to full retard even.
You see all of that was fashion, but as with everything it isn't that simple.
Obviously everyone wanted to look cool, think of them in that regard as a biker gang or whatever kind of gang. They had their "dresscode". But in that period where everyone else was restricted by law of what they can wear they were as fabulous as they could afford.
The last part is important. They were mercenaries so no land and brought all of their wealth with them. So lot's of jewelry (thick gold chains for example) and cloths to show others that indeed they are successful and have a shitload of money.


>> No.9863684
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Now if you just have a brocade doublet how would people now that the inner lining is silk, dyed in a very expensive color and you also have a shirt which is obviously very white as you have the money to have several and pay someone to clean it?
You slash it up so people can see the underlying layers.
And also because you slash it up the stuff can't be used later to make another cloths, so it's also a statement that "yeah I put a shitload of money into this and it can't be used for anything else" This later in the nobility really catches on. I mean we are talking about materials that could easily be several months of wage of a good craftsman, so stuff like that usually got reused before people went idiotic with it.

OBVIOUSLY fashion isn't in a vacuum. it was affected by the various countries where LKs went, and boy they did got around. Also they affected the civilian and noble fashion too and then later that affected civilian fashion affected the LK fashion again, and so on.
On Mair's fencing books you see a lot of cloths that some people describe as landksnecht cloths but in reality those are german civilian cloths of Mair's time. Well off civilians. People who had full citizenships in towns and the like.

So there, know you now the simplified version.

>> No.9863688

The kind of kitchen sink multi-genre crossover larp that is every fantasy game around here. Somehow I knew people would get hung up on my choice of words there.

>> No.9863689

disregard the autists,
But as I said if the google gets destroyed while you are storing it then the solution is a sturdy case not a new google

>> No.9863697

Right. I appreciate the advice. Not really sure where I could find a sturdy case in the right size, but I'll keep my eyes out.

Looks rad. A scifi one-shot with minimal mechanics just got announced in my area, and I'm getting hype for it. If we can show local game runners that there's demand for simpler rule systems, that's a good step forward for US larp.

>> No.9863701

well, how big your googles are?

>> No.9863729

Question. Am I trying to hard if I am writing children's books for in game in a language which a culture in the game is based on. It feels like I'm getting in too deep.

>> No.9863731

Is there anybody on this planet who would read and get use out of these books?

>> No.9863732

Yes. It would help the illiterate players get literate. It could invoke past memoriew from people that had to flee their homeland because of trauma. They would also make nice props for later editions of the same event.

>> No.9863733

it sounds cool. You have to go deeper

>> No.9863735

Thanks! Suggestions for other small props to invoke small plot like this are more than welcome. The game I am playing has a lot of big hectic plotlines. Last weekend I threw out some smaller more trivial problems myself as some sort of test and the response was great! So I wanna do more of the little in depth stuff. Makes the world seem way more alive to me.

>> No.9863736

Then if the players will find them useful and entertaining, keep on digging baby.

Is it an original conlang or a real language standing-in for an in-universe tongue?

>> No.9863737

Never in too deep. As we speak I'm on page 9 of etiquette rules for the "modern" man in my LARP. You go bro.

The more small fleshed out details a setting has, the more it will actually come to life both as a narrative as well as a world. Literally doing the best thing there is for LARPs anon, you're fleshing out the world.

>> No.9863738

Glad to see the hate is still strong.

>> No.9863740

Thanks for the encouragement both of you!
We have about five clearly defined factions in game and one of them is Sovjet inspired. Needless to say I just wrote a Russian children's book complete with a pun in the title. Now to illustrate it.
I am planning on doing books for another faction too. They are very carreer-oriented so those book will be less fun but more education about our glorious empire starting from the cradle. Looking forward to that change of tone.

>> No.9863746

We thrive on online hate and ill-placed elitism on here, contrary to IRL where we're all nice people. Hell, even HLF was a top notch guy on Facebook.

It's just this place I guess. And I love it.

>> No.9863750

>Hell, even HLF was a top notch guy on Facebook
that's because those niggers are watching my account, already suspended one.
Also nowdays I doesn't really have time to rage on random people I have to concentrate all my rage on the players who will be in the colony that I will manage

>> No.9863958

Ok so basically it was showing off but there was a good reason
I like it
I did know that at the time you could not wear what you wanted but didn't know they had the authorization to wear the clothes they wanted

I thought the floppy bit were to add some kind of padding to have kind of a fashionable gambeson but your explanation to strip the clothes so you can't use it back is a lot more plausible on this context

>> No.9864114
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in the 16th century extra padding wasn't needed for armour. Or to be more specific: arming doublets weren't a thing anymore, only a few exception here and there. Fencing doublets existed but those weren't for batlefield use and it was a standalone thing.
The only padding I'm aware of that period were all leather. The buff coat started to be a thing at the very end of 16th but before that the leather jerkin was PROBABLY served as a little padding but no hard evidence for it.
But there are several version where the leather jerking goeas down to the knees and has little to no slashing and pretty much covers tha areas where armour would be if worn.
Also I tried to wear my leather jerkin under my armour and it was comfy so there is that.

>> No.9864185

I didn't mean to come off as aggressive, sorry if that was the case. I've just never run into someone wearing milsurp goggles in a pseudo-medieval LARP. I definitely remember seeing them in amtgard/battlegames, though.

Honestly, just look into what skiers and snowboarders do. Keep your tucked away in a foam-lined case if it's fragile, or invest some more cash in something impact-resistant. When it comes to sporting equipment, money you spend now is money you won't have to spend when you're getting stitches at a 24-hour clinic.

>A: stealing the clothes of the people they slew and throwing it over their clothing to repair it and as a badge of pride
As someone who sews his own kit, this is really weirdly infuriating. Slashed hose and puffy doublets are labors of love that take yards upon yards upon yards of color-matched and carefully contrasted fabric.
The Landsknechte were fashionable, rakish assholes. Taking patches of discarded cloth just makes you look homeless.

>> No.9864198

well it's surely isn't the first misconception about ye olden times nor the last one

>> No.9864224

He's getting on about how we all hate the new namefag.

>> No.9864227

what the fuck
who the fuck is this guy?
what the fuck is he representing?
where the fuck can you wear something like this?
how the fuck do the other guys look?

>> No.9864229
File: 222 KB, 2500x1667, IMG_0058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who the fuck is this guy?
friend of mine. Was really into reenacting and hema but lately he toned those a little down because of work and other time management issues. Also just as big of a nerd as anyone on /tg/

>what the fuck is he representing?
Security guy in a new colony in a scifi game here in hungary. In game he is wearing a gamma tier armour (which wasn't completely finished to the game as you can see but that was a year and half ago)

>where the fuck can you wear something like this?
Scifi games in general I guess. But on the beforementioned scifi game for sure

>how the fuck do the other guys look?
varies from cool through okay to shit.
Doesn't have that much pictures from that game

>> No.9864230
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>> No.9864231
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>> No.9864232
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>> No.9864233


>> No.9864252
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You were right anon. I am sorry for doubting you. 5 months was all it took. Now I'm gearing up to play an orc.
I have some questions though. Really its boiling down to mask vs face paint. Is there a big difference in cost? Difficulty to make?
Is body paint hard to do? If I planned on going shirtless for once the heat kicks in.

>> No.9864258
File: 69 KB, 437x658, 5704be2c4ef900c1f7d3d29c1950029c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting some orcs for this

>> No.9864259
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>> No.9864261
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>> No.9864269
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>> No.9864288

I'm just getting started with both cosplaying and larping, and I want to nail the look even if I know the people at my local group won't ever care. What are some good starter patterns to work with, and nice fabrics to use considering we'll be going into summer weather soon?

>> No.9864295
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>north east USA
Send help.

>> No.9864309

Do you have any prefered styles, periods, or anything that fits into the setting? What kind of hcaracter are you going for?

>> No.9864321
File: 287 KB, 664x1030, EE-2015web-213-von-854-664x1030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say mask, if only because you can customize it to the max. Sure, it's shit to wear on a hot day, but the pay of must be so rewarding.

Also joining in on orcposting.

>> No.9864322
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>> No.9864323
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>> No.9864326
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>> No.9864328
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>> No.9864329
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Orc structures in general are pretty awesome.

>> No.9864330

3/4 mask, with only the mouth needing painting.

The person to ask about the most hardcore facepaint is Gropey. His guide has been used here for years.

>> No.9864331
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>> No.9864332
File: 8 KB, 310x163, mica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here play Dystopia Rising? Pic semi-related.

>> No.9864333
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>> No.9864334
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>> No.9864335
File: 280 KB, 830x1030, EE-2015web-218-von-854-830x1030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a hardcore boner for verticality in simple/archaic buildings. Does anyone know where I can find more like this?

>> No.9864342

Thank you for orcs

Any tips on making the mask itself? I have zero experience making masks.

>> No.9864554

Link to Gropey's makeup guide?

>> No.9864827
File: 73 KB, 600x404, jachnun-e1453821002267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dunno what that is but it looks like this local cuisine

>> No.9864833

All I know is that you start with a plaster mold of your face (or rather the whole head) and build up with latex on top of that. There should be some guides on youtube, at least in german. Having the visuals should be help enough.

>> No.9864845

I was researching on YouTube and the like
most videos use a casting, plaster mold/fill mold with clay/sculpt clay/built plaster mold/lremove clay and line with latex.
it's what I was going to try, but these methods I see for full head covering, where as I just want to cover some. I know I can cut away the rest I don't want but am trying to see if there is another method

>> No.9864984

Fuck DR.

>> No.9865001

For what reason anon? I get it if you're talking about the playerbase though. Washington and NJ are ass

>> No.9865018

Don't you literally buy abilities in DR?

>> No.9865022

that's at least the third of US games. You have to narrow it down a little

>> No.9865047

The Mass specifically.

A playerbase that is cliquey and exclusive at best. Same playerbase has lackluster costumes and often zero effort put into crafts or props.

If you dont come into game with a group dont expect to get plot.

Mandated cast shifts.

Full time cast has a murder players first, ensure fun second mentality. They aren't trying to tell a story or make a scene, they want to end the players life and brofist about it after.

Players who come to game to jack off on the depression of their edgy backstory with other sadsacks.

Overall athletic performance of game is poor.

Pronouns. Respect them or else.

Character bleed because emotional maturity is something New England postapoc larpers dont seem to have.

>muh trademarks

They take up time at a great venue from more passionate larps, and often leave the venue a shitbox

>> No.9865050

>Full time cast has a murder players first
>they want to end the players life
shit just got real

>> No.9865069

>Pronouns. Respect them or else.
Oh no. deets?

>> No.9865197

Eh, I'll meet up with an orc player next week, I'll see what information I can get out of him.

>> No.9865353

>mandated cast shifts
This is awful, but it should be noted that this is actually the only way they can get DR to work. The playerbase is so incredibly uninvolved with the game that they have to literally force people to play NPCs.

>> No.9865368

I mean, they're broken, so I guess I have my pick now. I was thinking I'll probably get this pair: https://www.armynavyusa.com/Rothco-GI-Type-Sun-Wind-Dust-Goggles-p/rtc-10346.htm?1=1&CartID=0 because they've generally got good reviews.

>> No.9865372

In a story based game (PvE) how do you attract players to NPC?
Most people want to be players.
Mandated cast shifts can be a drag sometimes, but I really like having dependable monsters to fight and don't mind taking turns.

>> No.9865373

IIRC, at least one chapter introduced pronoun badges to be worn in character.

>> No.9865392

Cheaper tickets, good writing, merit based role casting, good communication with the NPCs and a tight knit unit of orga to join up with.

>> No.9865429

Last game I was at the NPCs also got first pick whenever food was served, an inflatable pool and comfy bonfire hours. If only the next installment wouldn't be in november, but in a hotter month, I bet you half of the players would monster for that pool alone.

>> No.9865445

having an actually good game for example?

I mean >>9865353 here says the biggest problem with DR
>The playerbase is so incredibly uninvolved with the game that they have to literally force people to play NPCs.
This means most players doesn't really enjoy the game and fuck knows why they are still going.

>> No.9865479

I've been an NPC at my favourite con for years and I wouldn't switch to PC for anything in the world. Could be because because we get to play both nameless mooks and monsters as well as elaborated characters that we can play in our own way. It's also important to let your NPCs win from time to time, and to give them some freedom.

>> No.9865519

Back when I was LARPing they'd offer the normal plus a bit extra experience\points for the day that you NPC. People still vastly preferred to use their normal character, but it was something.

Having access to unusual or different abilities from the norm was also pretty novel the first few times.

>> No.9865731


>> No.9865773
File: 95 KB, 854x1280, IMG_0611_preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile photo for the upcoming scifi larp I probably mentioned a dozen times

>> No.9866072

For a larp my friend and I are working on, we were thinking we might use NPC shifts as a way to handle research and crafting. If you want to make something or study something, you don't just bid it in character and fuck off to wave your hands for 5 minutes; you do a few hours of NPC work, during which time your character is in the library/forge/wherever working on their project.

>> No.9866116

Why not have full-time crew shifts? Just ask some people you know personally to fill them.

>> No.9866117

you guys do know that it's entirely possible to make good larps without npcs?

>> No.9866148

It's possible, yes. It's also possible to make good larps without a venue, rules for conflict resolution, or on-site GMs. Doesn't mean it's convenient.

>> No.9866223

not having npcs is actually way more convenient if you doesn't have a shit tier player base. especially in smaller larps.

>> No.9866259

>if you don't have a shit tier player base
Well that discounts NA

Personally, Ive played both without and with NPCs. I prefer NPCs. A little bit of travellers and monsters can add a lot. Interplayer conflict is also very needed.
Best game I played only had ~10 people (to ~60 players) running NPC. It added to making the world feel more alive (strangers coming through town) and also the woods feeling a little more dangerous. Even if you're trying to be friendly with everyone in town, a random orc can still fuck you up. Or, from experience, you get jumped in the woods by some players and a roaming group of bandits join in the fight as a wild card third party. Its fun

>> No.9866273

why couldn't be the traveler and the monster be a PC too?

>> No.9866277

They can be. and in a good game actively are.
But having unknowns makes the world feel full.
I don't know how many new players you get, but seeing new characters is exciting and adds to the experience.

I should qualify this. Im speaking for an actively recurring game, monthly or bimonthly. The best one I talked about ran 4 games a year.

>> No.9866286

new players doesn't depend on how many npcs or pcs you have only how good is the game.
Now if we are talking about new characters then again there really nothing in the npc/pc aspect that would be a major influence on it, rather how easily can the characters die or is there any system wise thing that encourages bringing the same character again and again.

Part of the reason I asked the how many different characters people played so far because I have this hunch that US larpers for example doesn't really change their characters that often mostly because their game encourages that behavior. And this is kind of strange to me because as much as I love overarching stories and stuff like that so far I played dozens of different characters during my larping years. Actually I think it's easily more than fifty. Also tried out a lot of vastly different systems too.

>> No.9866307

looking like a lot of lawful with a tinge of evil (to be subverted into good.)

>> No.9866334

I will be a director of a secret colony outside of the solar system (the first colony outside of the solar system to be precise) that is made by a huge corporation which corporation use it as a black site and runs different secret researches there.

Said colony was attacked by terrorists / freedom fighters from mars (after they stole a ship that was capable of jumping here) and the fights went into a stalemate as the colony had more security forces that the martians predicted and the martians were a little more brave than prepared.

So the focus of the game will be the what happens after the initial fights are over.

Anyway I won't question the lawful part but on the other hand the good and bad stuff will be completely relative to which side is someone on

>> No.9866354

good job on the picture and styling (hair, glasses)

really conveys character well.

>> No.9866363

we have a girl who is in the process of becoming a professional photographer and luckily she is part of the colony.
The glasses is just my regular glasses so no big change there. The hair was just done with water before the photo but on the game I totally plan to do it with hair gel.
It's kind of a joke because I nearly never wear my hair like that only at some larps when the character is some kind of boss. Also it tend to get some laughs

>> No.9866381

It's crazy how much a hairstyle change can do. At the sci-fi LARP I play there is this really friendly guy. However he plays a harsh military officer that thinks highly of himself. So I'm sure if I ever ran into friendly guy slicking his hair back out of the game I'd still be terrified.

>> No.9866415


this discussion gave me an idea for a very specific character im planning.
My hair is crazy curly, people will freak to see me after hair straightening.

I cant say what exactly unfortunately since its a secret and i know of at least 2 friends from my community who frequent this thread

>> No.9866484

I know that feel, I had to do this frequently too because fuck knows who might pop in here. But at the end it's totally worth it to see people honestly surprised or to see that they doesn't have a clue even after years that the deed is done

>> No.9866503

We'll probably have a few of those too.

Yes, but I also know my local LARP community well enough to know that we will need NPCs. I am trying to encourage player conflict, and I would like eventually to have a game where the players entirely drive the plot themselves, but it would be naive of me to think I can do that straight away with my particular group.

>> No.9866543

Hairstyles in general can do so much because they can change the whole aesthetic of your face. Same goes for facial hair or even the smallest details in structure.

Crazy how nature do that.

>> No.9866688

What projects are you guys working on? How are they going? I'm about to finish my second tunic.

>> No.9866775

I am always in doubt about my natural hair as is. I'm growing it out right now, but a long bob looks really nice as well. I hope somewhere in the future I get to play a character who has a manic episode or undergoea some transformation or something and I just can cut of my hair in game a la Mulan and touch it up later.

I wrote one of the aforementioned children's books already. The plan is evolving. We are now building a secret library with forbidden books. My character gets the honours of running it.

>> No.9866826
File: 114 KB, 640x960, is that a mother fucking jojo reference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working on finishing my soft and hard kits

anyone has a good site to order larp clothing?
medieval and/or futuristic and/or fantasy.

>> No.9866841

working on painting my nerf gun and the armor I made for the beforementioned scifi larp

>> No.9866895

When I still had really short hair (shave every 3 weeks to a mm) I could pull of weird stunts like getting the norman haircut, or one of those ugly knightly bowlcuts.

These days I've picked up a boring professional haircut that takes far too long to grow to be able to do anything stupid.
If you pick up a cut just for a LARP you're really going out there, and I love you for it bro. Go that extra mile (as long as it doesn't mess with your career or shit.)

Got a budgettal expectation so we can match it to what you're looking for. Also uh... be a little clearer on what kind of clothes you're looking for. Periods, styles, etc.

>> No.9866956

Just general stuff.
for fantasy/medieval stuff really anything from medieval times to The Renaissance.
historical accuracy is tertiary at best.
as long as it look like it could've been a thing in history and also is cool.

I really dont have specific specifications.

as for the budget, its fluid. If i see something super awesome but pricey im gonna jump on it probably.

>> No.9867279
File: 1.97 MB, 3264x2448, DSC04417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

said paint thingy.
I'll be honest, this is the first time I try anything similar

>> No.9867302

I'd recommend disassembling the guns before painting, so you can paint all the separate pieces of the shell better. Also no chance the paint makes something stick that shouldn't. And if you are able to, maybe sanding the logos off first.
The colourscheme looks very sci-fi, which is nice.

>> No.9867307

the dissasembling was done but I tried to not paint the interior too, which after I put everything together turned out to be a mistake So probably I will have another go with it.
Also I don't want to sand off the logos right now as I have an idea of using a different kind of paint and do something over them.

>> No.9867643

Get some chrome dry brushing and neon stripes (either brush or use tape and spray) and this is pretty good for a first time

>> No.9867888

I havn't tried LARPing yet but it looks really cool.
I have a question/concern though:
Can I play a warrior if I'm not a very big guy?
Most warriors I see in movies and such, or rather their actors, from 300 and Game of Thrones to stuff like Marvel's characters, they're all like 1.83+ and ripped as hell, while I'm around 1.75 and while I'm not skinny, I'm not exactly a renaissance statue as well.
I'm not worried about the fighting itself (I've done Kendo and Kali in the past so I'm not the worst when it comes to combat with weapons), but about being able to look like and portray a fighter, since from ehat I understand it's important in LARP

Thanks and I apologize if this question is dumb

>> No.9867910

if dwarfs can do it, so can you mang.
its all about the geddup and attitude.

>> No.9867912

>Can I play a warrior if I'm not a very big guy?
why the fuck not? go for it

>> No.9867914
File: 30 KB, 550x875, gambeson warrior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does he look like he goes to the gym? who knows he wears armor.

does he look like he can fuck your shit up if you look wrong at him? sure does, he got the gear.

>> No.9867921

A literal midget is one of the most terrifying fighters I know. Go for it.

If you have sufficient experience and regular practice doing martial arts, or even sports in general, you'll probably be able to outperform a fair amount of larpers after a day of practice, anyway.

>> No.9868137

Being a warrior is more about skill and practice than bulk. Do what makes you happy.

>> No.9868157

I always NPC whenever my character isn't being directly involved because it's fun. I have a better time playing a nameless mook or cultist than being some rando who's just along for the ride. Also, plot teams give out some really fantastic roles to people they know they can rely on.
That being said, I've seen volunteer-only NPC roles really fuck up games before. We have a pretty sizable sci-fi game in my neck of the woods that suffered a sizable drop in players last year because they didn't have enough NPCs to engage all the players. A lot of people just ended up sitting around the camp despite having a perfectly good option to "go out on patrol," temporarily shelve their characters, and pull some time as an NPC. I think nerds are just too lazy/self-centered to really pitch in unless they're forced to.

>how do you attract players to NPC?
I don't want to reignite the whole "XP for NPC roles" debate, but I honestly love systems that let me roll around as an antag or NPC and still throw points at my player character. The biggest complaint I saw during my short stay at DR is that if you do want to give up your whole weekend and help out the plot team, you generally fall behind your friends in terms of character progression. Being able to have confidence that you're not going to retard yourself can go a long way to keeping a healthy NPC population.

I would love it if we could run a game around here where all plot movement and character drama was player-actuated. But most NA nerds are lazy, uninspired little shits who will only clear the hurdles necessary to be involved in the first place, so that's not going to happen. People in a lot of these games get dissatisfied if the plot team isn't constantly engaging them; asking them to take the reigns of the narrative is guaranteed to fail.

>> No.9868165

>But most NA nerds are lazy, uninspired little shits who will only clear the hurdles necessary to be involved in the first place
I wonder why do you guys even have a larp scene

>> No.9868170

>But most NA nerds are lazy, uninspired little shits who will only clear the hurdles necessary to be involved in the first place, so that's not going to happen. People in a lot of these games get dissatisfied if the plot team isn't constantly engaging them; asking them to take the reigns of the narrative is guaranteed to fail.

Its so sad that those hard words are true.
I dont know where this attitude comes from.
I mean everyone is there to have fun, why do people basically oppose actually doing something?
I have seen events where the guys from the team just gave us a lose frame and the rest was all player based. Ended in twenty people sitting around in a camp in the woods, wearing armor and getting shitfaced for 15 hours. The farest they got away from the starting point was some shrubbery twenty metres around the corner, to piss there. I mean they had fun of course but I dont need to sit in a forest wearing full plate to drink beer all night.

>> No.9868266

>I dont need to sit in a forest wearing full plate to drink beer all night
Of course not, that's what we have mead for.

>> No.9868342

First of all, you can still be threatening at your height, if you act threatening. From projecting confidence with your body language to showing those who try messing with you how much of a bad idea it was (Which will probably require some practice, but your background's a good start!), you can make up for a lack of imposing figure.

Second of all, not all fighters should be giants and physically imposing. Taking an inspiration from movies can be helpful, but you can also look at historical and modern examples:
-The Greeks and Romans, as far as I know, were relatively short and still kicked ass like pro's
-Audie "I had to tone down my life story so the movie they made about me won't seem too unrealistic" Murphy was like 1.60-1.65 or so.
-Connor McGregor, the MMA fighter, is about your height and I doubt anyone would hesitate to say he's a tough bastard.
-I served in my country's army, and I've seen fighters of almost all shapes and sizes, including ones much shorter than you, who still managed to be badass.

The only thing it means is if you want to play big, Hulk-like brutes you'd have to sell it better, or rather avoid it and find an archetype you feel more comfortable as.

Goodluck, warrior!

>> No.9868508

Why, so the people who spend the most money on our games can have a power fantasy, of course!

>XP for NPC
As much as I wish we didn't have to use material rewards, I agree. For now it's necessary. I hope that, at least, by moving away from systems like DR that are too heavy on numbers we can make it less and less important to get that little extra bit of XP.

>> No.9868803 [DELETED] 

I prefer the thin, whippy, skillful archetype more than the big brute anyway.

I'm probably going to be joining Alliance here in the Northwest soon to do some NPCing, once I have some half decent stick swinging skills. Any idea what I should expect?

>> No.9868813

Not that guy, but I prefer the thin, whippy, skillful type as opposed to the big brutish warrior.

I'm planning on doing some NPCing for Alliance in the Pacific Northwest once my stick swinging abilities get better. Anything I ought to expect?

>> No.9869309

Should I make a tellerbarett or a schlappe next? I like the look of the latter more but the former is so much more practical for keeping sun out of my face

>> No.9869495

all the cool kids have tellerbaretts

>> No.9869545

I'm making a schlappe as well for my next kit, I like the look more but all in all I'll have to bring along a sunhat just in case.

So you could just do that.

>> No.9869574

"By now, players are sick of 40 year old fantasy RPG clichés like Winning and Having a good time."

>tfw LARP tips ironically writes things you could see yourself saying

Am I a bad player /cgl/?

>> No.9869601

depends. I incorporated some of the larp tips thing into my characters. Like "the sun is going down" thing or the "sounds fake but ok" and plan to have a character who would totally eat 100 cups of pudding

>> No.9869604

All I'd like to ask you... did you eat your cups of Gruel today?

>> No.9869606
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>> No.9869818

I’d love if someone could analyze what makes this costume stand out as so lackluster compared to the other dope outfits presented. Is it the large areas without any slashing on the doublet? Is it the weird postune? Is it that unhemmed slashing looks weird to the modern eye even if it’s probably more historically accurate? Is the color combination slightly off? Something about this is really rubbing me the wrong way and I’m not sure what exactly it is.
>pls dont be someone in this thread

>> No.9869826

the costume is brand new, that's all. See how smooth the unslashed stuff is?
That and the quality of the image is not the best, little grainy and gives a slight "edge" to everything

But it's mostly because it's brand new no wear and tear maybe wasn't even washed once.

>> No.9870422
File: 177 KB, 242x346, Unbenannt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>halfway done with a sewing process
>discover that I was doing it wrong

Throwaway 1,5h of work and spend another ten minutes undoing what I've completed, or just fuck it and continue?

Its an aesthetic difference, minor practical as well but not so much.

>> No.9870433

Post pictures faggot

>> No.9870443

continue this way, incorporate the mistake into your character background story, say it's a fashion statement and cry in the corner when nobody sees you

>> No.9870458
File: 196 KB, 1034x756, IMAG2780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm folding the edge of my hood. Left side is the technique I've been doing and right side is the technique I should have done (having the liner and the wool both fold inwards and sew the edge together).

I think I may prefer this way though, looks a bit cleaner from an outside perspective.

>> No.9870466

curse yourself, curse at least five different gods and a random guys mother. Try not to cry. Correct the mistake while crying. Have a complete mental breakdown when your pet doesn't let you work on this.
Decide that you didn't really wanted a hood in the first place.
Start thinking about how cheap are superglues and if they work on textiles or not.

>> No.9870473

I'm gonna be a sensible adult and continue what I'm doing and finish it in a timely manner rather than sitting up all night like a perfectionist lunatic.

>> No.9870475

Your characters not a noble or anything, is he? If so. Resew. If not. Chalk it up to shitty peasant workmanship

>> No.9870477

that sounds gay. being a serious responsible adult. I wouldn't do that if I were you.
I bet you get actual sleep and all that shit

>> No.9870483

"Sounds fake but ok" is legitimately some of the best advice I've heard for dealing with self-important twats in larp.

>> No.9870490

especially when you are playing town guards. God I love being a town guard where everyone is an edgy cunt.

>> No.9870500
File: 500 KB, 1224x1283, VIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do noblemen even wear hoods though?

But for you information, I'm a mischievous nobody who does shady dealings and lawyer stuff. Most of my company are still wearing full mytholon gear and some have last minute machined scraps they called clothing, I cant look too perfect but relatively presentable though.

>> No.9870503

eyy PNW Alliance
If you've interacted with the con scene up here, it's like that but with more autism.
Also no one cares, has cared, or will care about how good you are at fake swordfighting. Just get your shit together and join up.

>Start thinking about how cheap are superglues and if they work on textiles or not
Cheap, they kind of work, and don't give in to the temptation.

>> No.9870504

>Do noblemen even wear hoods though?
nigga, yes.
where do you think the chaperon comes from?

>> No.9870511

>Do noblemen wear hoods though?

When they have to get their hands dirty, they do.

You ought to get away with the shoddy construction in terms of RP

>> No.9870517

Note, the boxes cover parts of the kit that I have replaced.

I want to sew a pair of hoses but I haven't decided what color they should be in. The hood and the tunic don't give much space to work with. I have a pair of grey wool putes I can use.

nigga I kno that

At larps though, plebs wear hoods and noblemen wear chaperon. Or they have a hood that is so precisely patterned that it could be called a hat/coif variant.

Just giving you an idea of where my character stands in the social ladder mate.

>> No.9870532

You're good bro, I was just answering your question.

I've not done the con scene up here on account of being a broke ass college student. I'm starting on working on some leather armor and better looking garb this week, so I might be joining up in a few months.

>> No.9870540

chaperon means hood but in french. It's basically hood worn in a different way.
And there are a fuckton of different hoods that were worn in the regular way too but usually they are fancier

>> No.9870601
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The logo can't really look good in any way imho. I sanded mine off and planned to laser engrave a new one on it. Unfortunately I couldn't secure the founds for the machine before the game so it will be added for the next one.

>> No.9871188
File: 2.83 MB, 4032x2268, 20180504_124728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we postin larp blasters?
plaid pants and hairy legs are a bonus

>> No.9871190

wtf the image was the right way up when i send it to my pc.

>> No.9872181
File: 141 KB, 1000x1091, c30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your sewing skills are absolutely shit

I'm never going to be able to make good looking costumes am I.

>> No.9872201

Sewing is easy (weird enough) it's mostly just taking it very slow. Once you took that step it's all uphill. Don't take shortcuts, always think before acting, and even you can make the best in the world.

>> No.9872633
File: 12 KB, 355x355, Sledgefire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we're on the topic of blasters: what's a good way of removing those pesky logos? I'm looking to paint up a Sledgefire for larp. All I can think of is using sandpaper or a dremel tool, but I don't think either will give a nice finish. I'm going for a down-to-earth sci-fi look, so bolting on extra plates over the logos doesn't work either.

>> No.9872635

Dice, my dudes and dudettes!
I wanna learn old-timey dice games. Do any of you know some I could play at lighter games

>> No.9872640

You wouldn't happen to speak Dutch, would you? I read an article about it a week ago, but that won't help you if you can't read it.

I tend to play perudo at larps, but I don't think that's actually historical.

>> No.9872641

here is one I leanred in the landsknecht camp

You need 5 dices.
First everyone places their bets (obviously)
Then everyone take turns for rolling.
Here is how you do it: first you roll with all five dices then you put away AT LEAST one but as many as you want otherwise. You do this until you put away all the dices. Your objective is to put away at least one dice with 4 and one with 2 and the rest to be as big as you could get. If you desn't have a 4 and a 2 you have zero points. If you have a 4 and a 2 then your points is the sum of the rest of the three dices.
Once you did this the next guy do the same until everyone rolled. The guy who has the most points will win all the bets. If nobody got points then the money carries over to the next match.

>> No.9872642
File: 2.45 MB, 2448x3264, DSC04250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also there is another simple one but you will need a pre made table/cloth/whatever
the game called glückhaus and here you can read the rules (obviously with everything game related there are slight variations depending on whom you play with)

>> No.9872654

I tend to just use a set of playing cards, with the queen replacing the seven and the jack and king representing 11 and 12 respectively. A board's nicer, but cards work in a pinch.

>> No.9872681

Coarse files, sandpaper, dremel +point if you have a beltgrinder.

>> No.9872687

nayrt, but please link the article, really interested.

Might be a bit extra, but recently saw a guy that had 3D-printed logo of his in game group, put over the NERF logo. That was a really nice touch.

>> No.9872697

>please link the article, really interested.
Here you go https://www.larp-platform.nl/informatie/avondvermaak-dobbelen/

>saw a guy that had 3D-printed logo of his in game group, put over the NERF logo
Honestly not that bad of an idea. I can do CAD well enough and know a dude with a 3D printer. I also have a discount at Shapeways if that doesn't work out. Just need to think of something to put there.

Which larp was that, by the way? I heard the same story a while back, decent chance we're thinking of the same guy.

>> No.9872702

Frontier. The guy with the custom plate plays in the Red Brotherhood.

>> No.9872704

Yup, same dude.

I'm thinking about heading to Frontier myself, but I don't feel like assembling a new costume yet. Might get to that at some point in the future.

>> No.9872709

There is a closed Frontier spin-off next week and I still need a costume for that, so I feel you.
But some new colonists might be nice, maybe I'll see you around.

>> No.9872960

I don't do a whole lot of Larping, but I live with people who do Dystopia Rising who are trying to get me to go. What does 4chan think of it?

>> No.9873135

It's shit, but it can be fun shit if you just give in to the pervading autism

>> No.9873179

Is this how long a 16th century shirt should be? I feel like it’ll bunch up like crazy under my doublet and make weird wrinkles.

>> No.9873240

yes this is how long it should be.
> I feel like it’ll bunch up like crazy under my doublet and make weird wrinkles.
the part under the waist should be tucked in the hose not in the doublet

>> No.9873892

DR is probably the best example of all the bad habits that are holding back US LARP. It's also one of the highest budget games I'm aware of when it comes to props and scenery, so it looks really nice for what it is. If you're interested, go for it, have fun, but also keep a critical eye out and expect to feel a bit useless because you're new.

>> No.9874187

Does anyone have any good hand smocking tutorials? I’m using the reconstructing history instructions for a shirt, but i’m still very much a novice and can’t make head or tail of the stuff i’ve been watching on youtube and wikihow.

>> No.9874196

have you found a wordpress blog called whiljascorner? Because I can recommend that one

>> No.9874237

Yeah, i can’t seem to make sense of the diagram there

>> No.9874264

how about katafalk then?

>> No.9874277

anyone know of a larp shop in london?

>> No.9874319

That helped a lot, I needed a really clear step by step. So just to be clear, if I don’t want any blackwork i’m fine just stitching the peaks of the pleats together at the top and bottom with a stem stitch?

>> No.9874349

here is the best pdf that I know of in the subject

As for your question. Could work personally never tried

>> No.9874530

Thanks, I think I get it now. I’m off to try this out, i’ll update you guys on how it went!

>> No.9874676
File: 208 KB, 1920x989, Not Satire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HLF: saw this and thought of you

>> No.9874932

Ha, I saw these being passed around.

Personally I wish one of the middle column options was "is too dangerous." Too many ninnies around here who think that wooden shields and thrusting will cause half the game's population to spontaneously die.

>> No.9874996

yeah I've seen it somewhen last week. Kind of funny but could be improved

>> No.9875142


>> No.9875912

>metal armor is pretentious rubbish and you need to stop being offended by it.