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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9737205 No.9737205 [Reply] [Original]

Has anybody witnessed a friend or family member wearing a bad/cringe cosplay, or doing something cringeworthy at a convention? Did you say anything to them, or did you let it be? What ended up happening?

>> No.9737234

>In a Steven Universe cosplay group with 2 other friends
>It was my second cosplay so mine was bad
>Friends A and B also had bad cosplays. Unstyled wigs, things safety pinned to shirts. Friend B is the only one with body paint, but it's from the Halloween store and really streaky.
>Sitting at a table.
>Friend A overhears a girl at another table talking to her friend about how there's a ton of low-quality Steven Universe cosplays at the con
>Tell him to ignore it, say we can move to a different table or whatever
>He goes over and confronts this girl
>Gets in her face and starts yelling
>Goes on a tumblr-esque rant about how "cosplay is for everyone"
>"And you really hurt my feelings because me and my friends worked super hard on our cosplays and we look AMAZING!"
>Friend B and I are standing off to the side, self-aware of how shitty our cosplays are.

>I'm sure that girl had a hearty kek

>> No.9737245

i have a friend who can't sew or style wigs for shit, like literal hot glue construction. and yet somehow she's wound up making the costumes for her cosplay group like twice now. everyone looked awful both times but nobody said anything, i'm not sure if they were being polite or if they just had the "well this is better than nothing" mindset or what. i've offered concrit in the past but she never understands what i'm telling her so i've kinda just given up

>> No.9737250
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>Boyfriend and I both really like the show Gotham
>He really wants to cosplay Penguin, so I make him a screen-accurate cosplay
>A couple days before the event that the cosplay is for (a cosplay formal), I notice he's wearing this gloopy black nail polish
>Ask him if he's planning on removing that before the event, or if he wants me to make him some gloves
>He says that he wants to leave it on because he headcanons that Penguin would wear it.
>Says he also wants to do heavy eyeliner because "Penguin is a total emo lul"
>"I-I don't know if that would be appropriate for a formal, honey. Maybe some other?"
>He agrees
>Crisis averted for now

I hate when people add weird details to their cosplay because of "muh headcanon." Either cosplay the character accurately or make an original design.
But if I voice that opinion outside of 4chan I'm "elitist"

>> No.9737251

>"Some other time"

>> No.9737279
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Now that I think of it, I have another experience with friends cosplaying from DC Comics and making questionable modifications.

I had a friend who made a design for a "skater Harley Quinn" and wore it to medium-sized anime convention. She had the face paint, a distressed T-shirt with Harley's color pattern, a red flannel tied around her waist, distressed black jeans, and her own hair, which was a darkish blond pixie cut. Very few people recognized her as Harley. And the ones that did recognize her didn't recognize her as "Skater Harley." One guy complimented her on her "Punk Harley" and anonther on her "90's Harley."

My friend got her feelings hurt really bad. I felt bad for her because she's such a sweetheart, but in the back of my head I wondered "what did she expect? She's cosplaying a fan-made Harley Quinn design at an anime convention, not a lot of people are going to recognize that."

It does make me sad that she never wants to do Harley again because of this. She's come really far as a cosplayer and would look great as any of the canon designs.

>> No.9737303

>It does make me sad that she never wants to do Harley again because of this.

that's a little weird since harley as a character clearly wasn't the problem here, it was her own poor execution of a weird concept. if she did canon harley then most people would have recognized her

>> No.9737305

Do you do comissions? Id kill for a suit like that.

>> No.9737324

No, sorry. Between work and uni, I barely have time to make cosplay for myself and my bf. I might open up commissions after I graduate in May though.

>> No.9737440

Ok, it was a long shot but thank you regardless!

>> No.9738756

Who's the girl with the pink wig? I really, really like her, completely my type.

>> No.9739021

I don't think its weird, I've been in a similar position and now I just associate a certain character to bad memories and dont really feel like doing it.

>> No.9739042
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Several years ago when I went to my first con, a friend of mine made a really shitty Kuroshitsuji cosplay. It was shitty to the point no one could tell who she was (apparently Undertaker). It just looked like a sack. I borrowed another friend's Cissnei (FF7) cosplay and prop since baby had no cosplays yet. I got stopped by several Final Fantasy folks to chat and take pictures with. Kuroshit friend starts literally huffing and puffing to the point people are asking me if she's ok. She has a meltdown about how I shouldn't be getting more attention than her because she's the one who introduced me to cosplay and I have to wait for my turn to shine. I didn't know what to say to that other than keep quiet since maybe she was right (I didn't know any better at the time). I got stopped a few more times. This made her really snap. She pushed me out of the way and started asking the con goers if they knew who she was. One answered with a potato with tennis shoes (she was wearing those awful white New balances). She started crying and throwing more fits. Shortly after she went to the hotel and stayed there the rest of the weekend. Needless to say, we didn't go to anymore cons together and we're no longer friends. I do get glared down by her whenever I go to a con that she's at.

>> No.9739069

>I have to wait for my turn to shine

judging by the way you described her, you probably would have been waiting for your turn for fucking decades...

>> No.9739071

>Maybe she was right
She wasn't. And you don't need friends like that.

>> No.9739078

As the person who constantly has to hold bags while other people take pics, it's a pain in the ass to work hard on something and not be appreciated for it, especially if someone borrows or buys their cosplay

>> No.9739082

make better cosplays, or cosplay from something really popular. stop complaining when its an easy fix.

>> No.9739086

suck it the fuck up. jealousy is no excuse to bitch out your friends for the audacity of being more popular than you

>> No.9739095

>be me, young derpy idol fan
>"my dream is to be an idol"
>people i look up to in local cosplay group
>"we do too, let's make a group"
>all in their 30s
>oldest member was almost 40
>fast forward to the group dying
>gets blamed for it as youngest member
>"we don't allow immaturity here"
>they move on, find more people to shit on
>they all buy their cosplays for upcoming con
>shitty aliexpress finds
>making youtube covers
>"we're so famous"
>one of them was a furry idol with the others

Now I get to watch from afar as they humiliate themselves

>> No.9739196

I had a friend like that. But the thing about her, she was mentally innept and obviously like that. But after her cosplay didn’t get noticed she started buying cosplays after that.

Because you’re cosplay is too obscure or coughhorriblecough doesn’t mean you have the right to be a bitch because someone else gets more attention then you. Hand made or not you need to do better at exicuting your cheracter and choosing people that will be recognized if you want attention. Sorry you ended up as bag bitch but either don’t bring a bag or shut the fuck up and deal with it.

>> No.9739247


nail polish doesn't seem that big of a odd detail though

>> No.9740177
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Or in this case the friend shouldn't have looked like
>a potato with tennis shoes

If you look like that then it's obvious you didn't do a very good job

>> No.9740226

Knew a girl, more of an acquaintance than friend. She was extremely bad cosplayer, She rushed, didn't use right the materials, and just over all produced crap. At first I didn't say anything, then tried to politely give her tips/suggestions. Then I realized there was just no helping her as I later found out she couldn't even take constructive criticism. I washed my hands clean and walked away. Sometimes they just have to learn the hard way.

>> No.9740471

My first cosplay was a couple's cosplay I did with one of my friends. We both worked on our cosplays separately, and she did a wigless closet cosplay of a character with really distinctive hair, while I made an okay first costume that actually looked like my character. She was so embarrassed that she actually changed into her street clothes at the con, which I felt really bad about because the cosplay was just supposed to be for fun.

>> No.9740477

I kinda have the reverse. I cosplayed with model types that bought their cosplay and I made mine. Not the best of the best but I wouldn't say mine was cringe. They got attention bc they were hot. I liked the attention I got bc it was for my construction.

On another note - Beginner friends cosplayers that don't sew but try to make their cosplays always make it hard to deal with. It's a weird balance of I'm glad they're having fun and cringe.

>> No.9740517

My ex had freakishly long nails. One year he was cosplaying something that didn’t have long nails. His solution? Paint them black becuase “ they make my hands look so much better”. Then when it came to makeup, he would wear thick black smoked out (badly) eyeliner but no foundation to even out his patchy skin. Insisted on how it “ bothered his eyes”. Needless to say, after that I never put an effort into his cosplays becuase he wasn’t going to go in 1000% like I was. Wouldn’t wear wigs after the first one because “ it makes me uncomfortable”. He didn’t understand the concept of comfort is often sacrificed for perfection in cosplay.

I’m glad he’s my ex now. I got me someone who puts in as much effort as I do now.

>> No.9740520 [DELETED] 

I did a lot of couples cosplays with my last ex. Regardless of whether or not I did my costume myself or if she helped out, hers inevitably came off as much more distinctive every time, where people would approach her and ask for single photos without acknowledging me.


>> No.9741069

I’m someone that cosplays obscure characters and never once have I had a problem holding my friends’ bags. In fact I offer to so they don’t have to put it down. Don’t get salty about it, be happy for them.

>> No.9742811
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>be me, 14
>have gf, 15
>gf is 2/10 and obese (5'0" and easily over 180lbs). She's a sweaty loud weeaboo, the literal definition of a hambeast.
>She's a "lolita" and would buy ill-fitting, cheap dresses off Milanoo
>she wanted to wear a purple ita dress like pic related to her older sisters wedding
>her mom tells her that it's not appropriate and it'll embarrass her sister
>tells her that she has to go to the store and pick out a normal dress that fits her
>gf throws a literal screaming, foot-stomping temper tantrum
>calls me crying about how her mom is "being abusive"
>I tell her that maybe she should listen to her mom because there's other times that she can wear lolita
>more crying and "REEEEE"ing
>She finally agrees to wear a normie dress, with the condition that her mom buys her another ita dress as a "reward"
>her mom actually fucking goes for it

She was also enough of a weeaboo to wear cosplay to school.
>One year for Halloween she dressed as Undertaker from Black Butler
>Shiny silver Party City wig
>A black dress that looked like a graduation gown
>yoga pants underneath
>a shitty handmade hat with frayed edges
>she grew her nails out and they looked super ratty and gross
>she kept imitating the Undertaker's laugh and English dub voice and she sounded like an autistic pirate
>it was really embarrassing to be around

I look back at this kind of behavior and honestly can't believe I dated her for two years. I was super ugly during puberty and couldn't get anything better, and I guess I just didn't want to be alone. I'm so glad I finally grew out of my ugly phase and was able to upgrade.

>> No.9742834
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>offer a friend to help her with her costume, knowing she has poor sewing skills
>"no, i can do it myself, everything's going fineee"
>shows up at a con with a wig I gave her like 5 years ago. she cut it herself
>it looks so fucking horrible, color is very inaccurate , she doesn't see anything wrong with it. probably just wanted to save money
>costume is straight outta closet, it doesn't look accurate either
It just feels bad bc she's 25 years old and I don't understand if she's aware of how horrible it looks
also photoshops the shit out of her pics to the point you can't see anything and each pic gets +300 likes on facebook and people praise her lmao

>> No.9742899

Why? It's what her friend said.

>> No.9742900

It happens to me, it's a bummer, but it is how it is. You're not entitled to be taken pictures of or complimented simply because you put work into it. That's a bonus, not the whole reason to do a cosplay.

>> No.9742905

I have to admit, one of my biggest fears is being a cringy cosplay I get laughed for behind my back. How do I avoid being cringy, guys?

>> No.9742913

Actually spend money on the cosplay, pay attention to detail and wear makeup that goes with the character.

I’m not a good cosplayer by any means, but because I always cover my basis by making sure the outfit fits right, isn’t shiny or wrinkly, my wig is the right color, cut right and thick, and I am wearing all of the characters accessories (any type of jewelry, horns, tails) and the correct shoes, I still get my picture taken quite a bit.

>> No.9743215
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Yuck! I'm glad you got out of that one.

>> No.9743293

reading comprehension please, anon.