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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 529 KB, 900x1355, ivy_valentine_by_kyouheikutie-d3kpziv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9701340 No.9701340 [Reply] [Original]

Why do cowards do this? If you're going to cosplay then wear the damn costume. It's especially dumb when the character has a bunch of different outfits to pick from. "Oh, I want to wear this...but I really don't." Seriously, man the fuck up.

>> No.9701348

Because there’s actual rules at cons and you can’t be a fucking exhibitionist in public?

>> No.9701360

At the convention I frequent you can't have underboob or sideboob and men can't show their nipples. I've seen many a scantily clad cosplayer be forced to dawn a beige bra and man a pyramid head to have to wear pasties

>> No.9701361

That's odd. I see shirtless Kratos and stuff all the time everywhere. I never once saw a cosplayer ejected for inappropriateness.

>> No.9701369

On top of some cons' requirements, methods like this keep everything in place better. Just like sewing your thigh highs to dance tights. Way more convenient and less likely to fail than fashion tape all over your body.
Do you cry about dance tights, shapewear, and clear straps too?

>> No.9701386

Nobody is "crying" about anything. Just pointing out an irony of picking a costume that has a certain element to it but then refraining from incorporating that element. If physics make a costume impossible and straps, glue, or other support is needed then sure, make it work however you have to.

>> No.9701389

Also to add, I feel the same way about cons banning fake swords and shit. So you end up with Links running around empty handed.

>> No.9701395

>thumbnail made my dickie hard and then I got mad and needed validation

>> No.9701396

Let me guess, you're a dude? Cosplay isn't just there for you to jack off to.
If she wants to wear that but feels more comfortable about it this way, power to her.

>> No.9701404
File: 751 KB, 732x855, eugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea I'm pretty sure it's only my local con that has the 'no male nipples' rule. Which I think is pretty dumb. So many male shirtless cosplayers had to put pasties or tape over their nipples and it ruined most of their costumes I felt bad for them.

>> No.9701426

Sounds like a weird attempt at "equality" where they just make things worse for everyone.

>> No.9701481

Because she's a classy bitch, not some girl with her flaps hanging out.

>> No.9701493

Do you have any form of understanding on how boobs work?? Also, with a cosplay like this, I'm sure she doesn't want her exposed ass cheeks touching whatever surface she sits on

>> No.9701501

Yea I think an ivy cosplay where your bits aren't constantly falling out would be pretty difficult. Some outfits are too fantastical to work yknow

>> No.9701517

This is a good costume. OP is buttmad.

>> No.9701536

I agree. I think there are probably better ways to do the flesh-colored bodysuit, but this looks pretty good and not, well, unbelievably skanky. She probably felt comfortable all day and didn't have to worry at all about her bits hanging out. Living the dream.

>> No.9701542
File: 747 KB, 1335x2000, DSC_0309r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved how every dude that came up close was like 'fuck man my dreams are destroyed'

>> No.9701635

It was because you have a face manlier than theirs.

>> No.9701644



damn, a plast from the past. i forgot what game she's from since i only saw her in soul cailber 2 but she game me my first female boner kek.

anyways, everything except her boob and crotch area are good and thats only because she raised her leg up, like her stomach area literally looks like airbrushed skin so i dont think its half bad. could use a lil better makeup though.

>> No.9701676
File: 271 KB, 658x1024, 1262334294401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not cosplay another version of the character?
SCIV is the most revealing of all

>> No.9701678
File: 2.61 MB, 324x324, yoko top 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this better

>> No.9701713

it's called modesty you useless shit wank. Also I agree with the anon who said do you not understand how boobs work?

Go to fucking red tube or something to get you fucking jimmies off.

>> No.9701801

As far as the legs go, the girl in the photo should probably go down a size in the tights, but I personally feel more cosplay girls should use dance tights when they cosplay. I'd rather see something look clean than see razorburn and cellulite.

>> No.9701941

maybe, she was cold

>> No.9701949

This just looks like a really bad angle/pose for her. You can see the bunching in her legs because of her pose, and since it’s taken from below you clearly see the seams in her chest. I think a better/straight on shot and this could look a lot better

>> No.9701971

Not most, its mostly the ones in LA because you know.. notice that were women, but not to much, just enough for special treatment but not enough that we need to work for it.

>> No.9701974
File: 13 KB, 600x515, 4b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wear revealing costume

>cover up

>> No.9701976

I think they triedto enforce this at Ohayoco back in the day because there were a lot of male cosplayers who were supposed to be shirtless like Kilik and Kamina but had black electrical tape Xs over their nips. Makes them look more lewd in the end.

As for OP well only fake boobs are capable of that.

>> No.9702012

>Cosplay isn't just there for you to jack off to.
Sounds like You've never heard of Cosplay Deviants, Cosplay Erotica, or Liz Katz.

>> No.9702014

Not true, look at Nigri.

>> No.9702018

I'd rather not; I was about to have lunch. Wouldn't want to ruin my appetite.

>> No.9702020

Fake tits don't work like real ones, they stay in place more easily.

>> No.9702040

AH ! I would love to see that, we should do pasties with nipple print or at least skin color, this would be dumb but at least less dumb than black tape

>> No.9702043

And if she didn't, you'd probably complaining about her not having the body for it because her boobs are too saggy or small/she've stretchmarks/birthmarks/didn't wax her entire body and ew gross if she doesn't have the body for it she shouldn't do it! Spare me from looking at this!

Grow up.

>> No.9702044

Did you not read the
>isn't just

No one said there isn't any cosplay content available for you to fap to. Just that not all cosplay solely exists for the benefit of your dick.

>> No.9702053

>Just that not all cosplay solely exists for the benefit of your dick.
lol well yeah. It's not just for *my* dick. It's for other people's dicks as well.

>> No.9702112

Welcome to the modern perception of cosplay guys.
The weirdest thing is these normies believe the marketing that twitchwhores and cosluts are hot 'nerd' girls and not parasites.

>> No.9702243
File: 260 KB, 1360x2048, 1273075_493681697406511_1479986930_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

many girls with big boobs manage to cosplay revealing characters without exposing themselves

do you really think this would look better as a bodysuit?

>> No.9702245

>many girls with big boobs manage to cosplay revealing characters without exposing themselves
Pic unrelated....

>> No.9702249
File: 249 KB, 1365x2048, 1274751_10152182010524325_2088752824_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


without having a nip slip i mean

boob tape and stuff exists

>> No.9702251
File: 2.94 MB, 406x720, roadhogg.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9702298


god those underboobs all look absolutely awful

>> No.9702330


Post good underboob then

>> No.9702375


>> No.9702393
File: 101 KB, 600x906, d0a46ba84d91aac18e0ef2944bd8405aa6f1329a-700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

superior nippon oppai

>> No.9702398

Does that even count as an underboob? There's no flap/fold (I don't know what to call it)

>> No.9702400
File: 103 KB, 720x960, 18952648_859559154194966_6058233302884443890_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted my fake one but sure ill post another. Much better looking than real squished painful sacks of fat.

>> No.9702403
File: 122 KB, 486x724, c773209697c5315ee9ac4132f2393d3a81152530-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it's under and it's a boob.

>zoom in

>> No.9702405

There's probably some content on nigris page that would qualify btw, she might be a slut but atleast she makes it look good

>> No.9702417

I like that one. Nice and subtle.

>> No.9702448

>go look up filename
>check out photog's deviantart
>they mention that while they were taking photos some bike cops actually came over to check them out
That's why.

>you can’t be a fucking exhibitionist in public?
How little you know. Check your local laws on public nudity. A con is a private event and they can enforce whatever rules they want, but nothing stops you from just being in public, outside the convention center, on the street, whatever.

>> No.9702453

>it's called modesty
It's called hypocrisy. "Durr I wanna wear slut clothes but I'm actually afraid of showing cleavage."
If you want to be modest then wear a different outfit, don't try to do some half-ass bodysuit thing, because then you just look like shit.

>> No.9702462

Omg, that's so cute!

>> No.9702485

You haven’t been to cons, have you? They have rules for what can be revealed. “A private con” means nothing. Most cons allow underage kids as well, so it completely caters to them. Very few tend to be truly 18+. Even if they are 18+? That doesn’t mean every guest in the hotel is there for your event. Trust me, I just went to an “18+” not long ago and a bunch of sports kids were in the same hotel. The parents were not happy, needless to say. Let’s just say, no, you couldn’t just walk around nearly nude or in glorified bondage gear just because you claim it’s a “private event”. Rules outside you and your con still apply.

>> No.9702488

Who really cares, though? Does it matter whether or not they're actually walking around with their ass and tits hanging out?
It's more hygienic with a bodysuit, anyway.

>> No.9702499


Her bodysuit is too large for her, which is why it’s wrinkling so badly at the crotch. Any fabric is gonna do that when you move, but for a stretch fabric to do it to that degree you have to have a LOT of excess in there. That’s also not a very good angle for her face shape, and the nude of her bra doesn’t match the nude of her bodysuit.

Besides those things this is a really good execution of the outfit-sewn-to-bodysuit concept. Kudos to her.

>> No.9702813

The last three cons I have been to have all been 18+, and no underage kids were even allowed in the building. It didn't take place at a hotel. Private events, sizeable ones.

>> No.9703040
File: 77 KB, 600x536, Girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks fake boobs count

>> No.9703050

I love that mom walking by in the background, 10/10 for that look she gives

>> No.9703118

Did you tactically add a mole on the left boob cover? Cause that's totally selling it lol

>> No.9703121

You're reading the post completely wrong.
You have to actually be inside the convention proper for them to kick you out. If you're just hanging around outside they really can't do anything.

>> No.9703126

No, i think that's an artifact from wearing it multiple times, the paint or latex must have chipped, but it doesn't look too shabby indeed.

>> No.9703133

There's still laws regarding what you can and cannot do outside private property.

>> No.9704658

You’re silly. She barely has any mass to her boobs. You’re talking about lack of perky ness for women that have substantial boobs. I’ve got some bad news for you. All women with small tits have the feature you seek.

>> No.9704966

that woman has mournful tits

>> No.9704999

Would still smash as long as you stayed in costume, honestly.

>> No.9705009

And most major urban areas, where most large conventions are held, allow for public nudity. At the very least they don't have ridiculous "guys have to have their nipples covered" or "you have to be wearing at least a swimsuit" laws.
You could at least TRY to keep up with the conversation, you know.

>> No.9705154

So you're that cunt who keeps shilling her blog and tutorials on here lol

>> No.9705165


Notice none of the hambeasts defending the horrible Ivy in OP are saying anything about this one. Interesting.

>> No.9705180

Hmm maybe I should create a blog so I can make tutorials for it.

>> No.9705232

btw if you were talking about that tumbler post linked in help thread, bruh she doesn't even look nowhere like me. I did use her tutorial when i made my fake breasts.

>> No.9705327


LMAO might as well have worn a fucking burqa

>> No.9705330

It's a good Ivy. Both of them are really good. It's true OP's needs a tighter bodysuit, but otherwise it is well done.

What do you want us to say about a well done costume?

>> No.9705332


OP Ivy is nowhere near the same level as the other one. Get your eyes checked.

>> No.9705334

I'm not an elitist. I think they're both good. Yeah, the one here >>9701676 is better, but I like OP's too. The reason people are defending it is because OP's whole issue is that she's wearing a bodysuit. OP has no issue with people not wearing bodysuits.

Most here see nothing wrong with wanting to use a bodysuit, and the result is pretty good.

>> No.9705348
File: 355 KB, 2048x1365, 24059404_1536830356425000_1008555190928216148_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9705349
File: 39 KB, 671x960, 18740734_1891765017771222_8859437740558376537_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9705355
File: 109 KB, 1222x936, 16251991_1712100822453730_6064999045932139225_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9705357
File: 74 KB, 800x800, bannedcostume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not the best example considering she's one person who actually got told her outfit was inappropriate. Her situation was atypical since she was a 'booth babe' and technically selling something, but the event staff did admit it was only because of a slew of other people's complaints that they had to tell her to change or leave.

This is the outfit (pink one) that got her in trouble at PAX. When you wear a revealing outfit, you put yourself at higher risk of being called out at a convention due to complaints. If enough people complain about what you are wearing at a family friendly event, they have to ask you to change.

>> No.9705528

>This is the outfit (pink one) that got her in trouble at PAX. When you wear a revealing outfit, you put yourself at higher risk of being called out at a convention due to complaints.
lol this is ironic because the cheerleader outfit is the one that actually shows *more* skin....

>> No.9707173

Adding to this, maybe she has a shitload of tattoos. Just saw a thread bitching about tattoos in cosplay, and something like this would be the only way to really cover them.

>> No.9707184

How about girls can wear whatever the fuck theyy want and it's none of your fucking business, cucklord

>> No.9707185

Some people aren’t comfortable with revealing that much skin

>> No.9707193
File: 27 KB, 164x264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP sounds like he just wants to see more tits. Which is fine, OP, can relate, just stop pretending you're mad because it's "not accurate".

>> No.9707214

Stop encouraging thottery you betamale

>> No.9707441

chearleader only covers boobs better

>> No.9707477


sure, and everyone else is allowed to tell them their costume is ugly and they're fat

>> No.9707541

Then don't cosplay a character that shows that much skin....

>> No.9707558

You are just a triggered pervert.

The costumes look decent even in a body suit.

>> No.9707737

>You are just a triggered pervert.
False; I'm a person utilizing the power of common sense.
>The costumes look decent even in a body suit.
If the body suit isn't part of the costume, that renders the cosplay horribly inaccurate. Therefore, not decent.

>> No.9707739

You’re utilizing the power of penis you stupid robot

>> No.9707779

This >>9701348 plus flatties and everyone but cowtits cosplaying cowtits.

>> No.9707807

There is nothing more pathetic than a moron who thinks their opinion is "common sense."

>> No.9707825

This is awful.

>> No.9707860

>There is nothing more pathetic than a moron who thinks their opinion is "common sense."
Aside from your post, of course. I suppose common sense isn't so common.

>> No.9708048
File: 72 KB, 540x403, slurp slurp bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a pyramid head to have to wear pasties
>immediately imagine pyramid head with sequined and tassled pasties

>> No.9708050

remember gulls, flat is justice

>> No.9708982

Link to the post/tut? Looking into making a pair of fake tits myself

>> No.9708984

This got her in trouble specifically because pax has a huge hate-boner for anything "booth babe" even when appropriate for the game lol

>> No.9708990

Brush some latex mixed with your skintone acrylic on top and you got some nice boobs

>> No.9709369

sure, no one is really obligated to be decent person with manners.

>> No.9709626

Honestly this is a really great costume, she should just have to shoop the wrinkle and the boobs and nobody would get angry like OP, and at con if you take a pic it will not look so bad ( and I'm not the one who would want to sit where her sweaty ass cheeks could have been)
honestly you can cover them with make up but it's like doing body paint : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mIBKifOOQQ

Hey I know it's dumb but for underboobs cleveage like this do you think that the insta siliconne could be use but in reverse ( pushing the fat toward the bottom and compensating the fat deplacement on top )

>> No.9709635

>Hey I know it's dumb but for underboobs cleveage like this do you think that the insta siliconne could be use but in reverse ( pushing the fat toward the bottom and compensating the fat deplacement on top )
not sure what you mean but it's completely different compared to pushing up boobs because you have no support in this case

>> No.9709786
File: 36 KB, 600x600, black_bra_4_grande_ccde8314-aad6-4c36-a49a-3c56cde3f000_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true maybe if we put straps on it it will give support but the underboobs could be visible

>> No.9709793

Best way to do it is to use tape to tape your boobs in the right place and lift (like the celebrities do)

>> No.9709798

Ever wore these? They are a nightmare, like wearing bandages on your boobs. Not to mention the sweatyness.

>> No.9716259

>but nothing stops you from just being in public, outside the convention center, on the street, whatever.
Like you yourself said, that depends on local laws. Where I live, one city over its 100% legal to be stark naked on public property and they purposely hold nude events to keep that right open to all. My actual town though is still struggling with public breast feeding and I've personally seen a girl told to leave or be charged with public indecency for wearing one of those trendy sheer shirt/lace bralette combos at a city festival.

>> No.9716263

I think the one thing no one's mentioned is climate. I don't know where the girl in OPs image lives, but both outdoor shooting and over-air-conditioned cons can be fuckin freezing. Tights or a body suit can mean the difference between being shivering and covered in gooseflesh, or being comfortable and actually enjoying the convention.

>> No.9717223

>i only saw her in soul cailber 2
Umm you just answered your own question, dummy

>> No.9717348

What’s this from?

>> No.9717386

Metal gear 5. Character - Quiet. Chicken hat - indication of the lowest difficulty.

>> No.9719186


>Liana K
>"body/sex positive feminist"
>wants to dress skimpy to "make a point"
>cops out and covers up with a bad body suit

Her hypocrasy never ceases to astound me.

>> No.9719240

>big tiddy pasty altera
fuck outta here

>> No.9719695


This wouldn't happen to be Naka-kon would it? Cause I know they enforce the whole "no topless regardless of gender" rule.