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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9648255 No.9648255 [Reply] [Original]

>Costhots with thongs as far as the eyes could see
>UV Photography spent the weekend in jail
>Some thot cheated on her husband and tried to blame security after she ODed so she wouldn't get caught.
>People are angry they didn't go to pug rhinoplasty to get blasted by small dicks.
>Destroyed Momocon by real attendance, not "turnstile" fake attendance. Somehow pulled a miracle with crowd control by using large events as crowd control.

>> No.9648290

You forgot the one where someone was drugged and had their shit stolen, but AWA security sent her home in an Uber without getting police involved.

Also, I still call BS on their attendance numbers.

>> No.9648401

Anyone else think the judges for the cosplay contest were...kinda not great? None of them seemed like they had anything to say about actual craftmanship. Moderately Okay Cosplay was the worst imo, he literally said his reason for picking a Jojo cosplayer for his judge's award was "I really like Jojo, and she's cosplaying from it". Like, come on, the girl had this huge, nicely constructed ballgown, and you're saying that you only chose her because she happened to cosplay a series you liked? I'd feel so shitty if a judge said that about an award I won. One of the others gave the reason of "they used many techniques" for their craftmanship award. I thought the whole point of pre-judging was to learn about exactly what went into each costume. I probably shouldn't be so salty, but man, I was sitting in the audience and I still could've come up with better comments for the winning costumes. I really can't tell if the judges were just nervous or genuinely didn't know what they were talking about.

>> No.9648448

As someone who has judged you only get a handful of minutes usually to go over everything. So it can be hard to get everything committed to memory.

But that doesn't excuse not having even a boiler plate statement about good craftsmenship, great detail, or at least one cool construction fact.

>> No.9648486

I came out of the judging session being pleasantly surprised with moderately okay guy as a judge, since I went in being skeptical about him based on what people here have said about his qualifications and his sudden cosfamous status. He made a lot of good observations and asked really intelligent questions, so whether you agree with the outcomes or not, he took judging as seriously as the other judges did. Maybe they were all just nervous or needed another rehearsal or didn't take the right kind of notes to be able to decipher them for a statement. I think there were 86 entries and that's a lot of people to remember if you didn't take great notes. It would suck if you were someone who didn't get a lot of commentary, I agree, but the judges are human and if I won, I don't know that I'd even notice what was being said about me since I'd be a combination of excited and anxious about not falling on my face on stage.

How do you feel about the results?

>> No.9648513

I was put off that the extremely mediocre Jojo and one piece costumes won awards when there were many better costumes that didn't get anything. I suppose the having the pirate themed award wasn't the judges fault but awa really needs to work out some of their award systems

>> No.9648529

I think that was literally the only pirate related thing that entered because I completely forgot about that entry and was wondering if they wouldn't give that award out.

I didn't see the jojo up close to be able to say anything about it one way or another construction wise, and I don't know enough about jjba to be able to have an opinion on its accuracy. Hopefully they'll upload the contest to YouTube so I can see everything I missed backstage.

I don't know if it's a factor at all, but those were two of only a few anime cosplays that won something. There were a ton of video games entered this year but I'm not sure what the actual percentage breakdown of categories was.

Which cosplays did you feel should have gotten something and didn't?

>> No.9648555

>UV Photography spent the weekend in jail

Did that actually happen?

>> No.9648611

I don't know which company it was, but someone was arrested for harassing photography, apparently doing up skirts and the sort.

>> No.9648620

It definitely wasn't UV. I saw him several times over the weekend in the park doing private shoots and I even had one with him Friday afternoon. If anything it was more likely to be Eugene.

>> No.9648623

So, since AWA-con seems to be going down the shitter in terms of being an actual anime convention, what about Momo-con? Have any of you ever been to a Momo-con and could inform me of the differences and if it would be better?

>> No.9648631

Momocon is more of a general fandom convention with more of a focus on gaming than anything else. It has a lot more open space than the cobb so it doesn't feel as crowded (when AWA isn't lying about their numbers). They have a partnership with Dragoncon so they have more funding and work a lot harder at getting higher profile guests. I'm not sure who is coming next year but last year they had all the Overwatch VAs except for a couple and it seems the Co-optional podcast crew is probably going to be a regular occurrence. The Steven Universe cast was there too last year.

If you're into arcade gaming and such they work with Tokyo Attack and SFGE to get a bunch of popular Japanese and old school arcade machines in the gaming hall and a lot of indies showcase their games there so its pretty cool to be able to play in-development games before the general public.

There's a bunch more stuff but that is all I really pay attention to myself and I have a lot of fun with it.

>> No.9648686

For cosplay, fandom, video tracks, concerts/raves, artist alleys, and dealers room, which would you suggest is better?

>> No.9648694

While I didn't go to panels this weekend I really enjoyed the con more than i thought i would. My husband and I brought our baby since she is breastfeeding and too young to leave for a weekend yet and I was expecting to spend most of the weekend in the hotel with her. Turns out AWA actually has a dedicated baby room so i was able to duck out of the noisy con into a quiet room when she got fussy! So i was able to still hang at the con most of the weekend. Also I hosted a panel with my husband which was a first for me. I like to think we did alright we had a decent turnout for 2 AM and I enjoyed hosting it. I'm thinking of volunteering next year when I can just leave the baby at home with a sitter. Is volunteering worth it?

>> No.9648706

Cosplay is really abundant out in the open during typical times and at 2017 there were an obscene amount of cosplay panels and workshops covering a wide range of topics. The AA and Dealer room is much bigger than AWA and the exhibit hall they're in allows for them to have a ton of space between each row so you aren't forced to become intimate with the person's butt that is in front of you.

I don't attend many concerts or raves but they did have the Square Enix piano concert and A New World orchestra (A smaller version of Distant Worlds) last year and they were good. I know A New World was at AWA this year.

Video tracks I can't say much about because I rarely go to those unless its an AMV contest or exclusive first screening of something in the states.

I just think Momocon is all around better organized and put together. They try a hell of a lot harder to get big names as VIPs and their list has been loaded with popular online personalities, VAs and lets players for the past couple of years so I think it helps boost popular fandoms.

>> No.9648709

don't know. They lost half their volunteers this year because they were fed up on how they were treated. Might be ok to experience, but be prepared for the possibility everything said being true.

>> No.9648713

Whats the hotel costs like?

>> No.9648719

What were some of yalls favorite cosplays/outfits you saw this weekend?

>> No.9648724

The Embassy at AWA, which is like a 10 minute walk at worst, was $750 for Thur-Sun. At Momocon 2017 the Embassy across the street was only $576 for Thur-Sun.

Hotel prices are only going to keep rising in Cobb thanks to that fucking stadium.

>> No.9648727

I know my friends that worked in the cosplay department didn't really have any issues. It seemed pretty enjoyable to them. Downside is if you're in that department you can't enter the contest.

>> No.9648809

Y'all post some pics or something. It's an image board.

>> No.9648812
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which one was your favorite?

>> No.9648820

>pug rhinoplasty
What's this?

>> No.9648832


>> No.9648902

That was the thot that cheated on her husband

>> No.9648906
File: 481 KB, 909x1353, SmartSelectImage_2017-10-03-18-13-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally was UV

>> No.9648918

They didn't quit. They were fired for being useless.

>> No.9648920

Ahahahaha! Well that's probably going to make a few edits take longer.

>> No.9648931

lol, no they weren't. AWA lost most of their games and AV equipment because they outright quit. It's why you didn't see their usual game room and they had like 10% of the usual video rooms. They treat their staff like shit, they left. End of story.

>> No.9648936


Really? You're telling me someone at AWA staff went through the trouble of sending an drugged barely conscious unagreeable person home?

That aside, their attendance numbers do seem odd tho..

>> No.9648947
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Momocon is 100% definitely the better conventions if you like panels, gaming, vendor stuff, etc.. I'm not sure about concerts or raves, they all seem boring to me.

If you're someone that likes to just hang out at conventions and party/get drunk it is definitely inferior in that regard. I prefer Momocon way more because I'm not a big partier or drinker, but I can see why some would like AWA better.

>> No.9648949

Considering their head of security is Paul "Women should never carry legal pepper spray because its dangerous" Listro I wouldn't put it past them.

>> No.9648975

LMAO no it was absolutely him

>> No.9648985

without informing police. Don't know how you missed the only part that made that statement worth anything, but ok?

>> No.9648990

lol one of my room mates got into an argument with an officer because mace fell out of her pocket when she was taking out her keys at the valet. He apparently felt she shouldn't be carrying it in the first place.

>> No.9648998

No, the cunt was fired. She said so herself.

>> No.9648999

Police were informed, ambulance came, she refused treatment. Now unless you white knights enjoy sullying your pure maiden's honor any further, you are treading in areas you do not want to tread in regards to her privacy.

>> No.9649000

I don't know the complete situation?

If you have legal issues to deal with you have to call the police.

People get their shit stolen all the time at AWA, AWA isn't going to file a police report for you, they'll just log it for their lost and found. It's up to you to file a police report for that.

Complaints about drugging is another matter, I don't know what AWA can do about that, they aren't the police all they can really do is ask if you would like the police called.

Did she pass out in front of the staff? Did she beg for them to call the police and they refused?

Unless the staff seeing a crime being committed in front of them or someone is completely incapacitated, they aren't going to call the cops randomly.

If all she asked was for a ride home then that's all they can do. They are dealing with drunk people all weekend, they aren't going to call the cops for every drunk person they help into an uber..

>> No.9649011

So was he doing late night shoots in a place he shouldn't have been or something? I would assume there would be a public intoxication charge if alcohol was involved

>> No.9649013

The cunt....Me and you are talking about two totally different things. I have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.9649014

I don't know but the cops were getting a bit pushy Friday afternoon and trying to get photographers out of the park and stop taking pics with buildings in the background.

>> No.9649015

Can;t white night when you have no fucking clue who the person was to begin with.

>> No.9649019

A friend of mine that was with him said he was trying to have a party at the hotel bar and police came up, spoke with him for a second and then planted him on the table, cuffed him and led him out.

>> No.9649021

Then you have no information or any idea what actually happened and should stfu, false news.

>> No.9649036

Sure thing there, Mr Knight.

>> No.9649038

We are talking about the same thing. The majority of the staff that "left" were fired and claimed they quit to save face. Reality is they got caught using funds not for the convention and their performance was pathetic. They were fired.

>> No.9649044

>and a few JPop or Rock or whatever genre musical guests and uh...thats it I guess?
> can't really name anyone that was really high profile in the past few years except for Kamui Cosplay and the Touhou guy several years back

Because Haruna Luna and Hanafugetsu** are small-time nobodies this year, right? And Eir Aoi two years ago?
I can understand not being interested in music or concerts, but assuming the artists that are brought over for free-to-attendees concerts must not be "high-profile" enough irritates me a bit.

I am not into voice actors or actresses much at all (even less if they are for English roles), but I appreciate that AWA was able to bring Kana Ueda this year and Ray Chase last year. I'm sure there are more big names that were present that I don't know, but I'm not going to assume that only the ones I have an interest in matter.

**Hanafugetsu isn't as well-known as their larger rock/pop group, Wagakki Band, but their performance was super fun and they even played Wagakki Band's most popular track Senbonzakura (twice!)

>> No.9649048

Fuck that guy teddyloid and Daoko, who are those guys! fucking nobodies, I think it should all about me!me!me! and what I want! Like youtube douchebags!

>> No.9649057

>teddyloid and Daoko
>I think it should all about me!me!me
I see what you did there. I went to their part of the rave and worked my way to the very front on Saturday night because my friends were super into Daoko and wanted to see her again.

>> No.9649066

Those musical guests bring in 100x more people to their events than any cosplay guest could. AWA's musical guests bring me back year after year.

>> No.9649331

I had quite a few Space Cowboys

>> No.9649375

How many of these would it take to get drunk? I had two blues and I felt fuck all

>> No.9649382

How much did this cost, or is Georgia a sunshine state because thanks

>> No.9649475

>AWA lost most of their games AV equipment

lol. This is how I know you know nothing about what you are speaking.

>> No.9649550

Every year the con does a secret panel which involves nudity and ridiculousness put together by the staffers, mainly the technical department responsible for audio/logistics. There's secret fb event invites, or make staff friends to learn what when to go.

Momocon is just a different type of con. AWA is a social after dark after party con, the whole point of going is literally to get fucked up and enjoy yourself with others. Momocon has "more to do" and feels more like a trade show. Dragon is... well it's dragon.

Volunteering is wonderful. Half the staff is really cool, plus the after parties are awesome. There's definitely tons of perks even above working for other cons.

cant confirm but that sounds alot like her..

>> No.9649647

>Momocon is just a different type of con. AWA is a social after dark after party con, the whole point of going is literally to get fucked up and enjoy yourself with others. Momocon has "more to do" and feels more like a trade show. Dragon is... well it's dragon.

In-spite of some of the issues AWA has I agree with this, the nonchalant attitude toward drinking is a welcome change from most other anime cons.

If they can get their shit together on other fronts I'd prefer it to Momo

>> No.9649929
File: 37 KB, 500x474, angerymiku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone knows who bitched at my sister for wearing Shimakaze, plz tell me. She's only 14.

>> No.9650052

bait lol

>> No.9650206

Oh wow this is deep. A chick that goes to MTAC is scamming hard on hotels for AWA.

>> No.9650229

Honestly, if Momo would chill on their after-dark policing, I'd prefer it to AWA. However, AWA is a better party con and I genuinely only go to cons to cosplay, meet up with friends/make new friends and party. I just like downtown better than the Cobb Galleria.

>> No.9650237

They lightened up on the reins from last year and there were a lot more later panels. I think they're also working to make the gaming hall 24 hours as well. They can't really do much though unless the GWCC lets them.

>> No.9650392


Thread got deleted... What exactly happened?

>> No.9650404

Travela Wells scammed a bunch of people for room money. She overcharged and then spent all the money before the convention using her mom as an excuse for "surprise bills". It was a mess.

>> No.9650412

oh man. MTAC of all things

>> No.9650420

Oh no no, she overcharged at MTAC too. It just so happens she was caught at AWA doing it because she went far enough to spend all the room money and lie about it.

>> No.9650433
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It was me, sorry.

>> No.9650452

Did anyone have a favorite cosplay of the convention? Or a favorite panel?

>> No.9650568

$2,000 bond?


>> No.9650920


Holy shit. I hope whoever was involved does something. That's pretty fucked up.

>> No.9651383

Why would they bitch at her? Was she fat?

At 14, you shouldn't be cosplaying sluts.

>> No.9652547

that's nothing. not bad at all, you get the money back as long as you show up for court.

wtf why is she wearing soulless revealing cosplays at 14, it's not like the character is actually interesting.. already seeking the male gaze so strongly at 14, kinda sad.

>> No.9653494

Did you see the arrest report. Look at the fees. $420 in cop payroll fees. You dont need to call the cops for everything.