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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9644631 No.9644631 [Reply] [Original]

Why are thots so into Harley Quinn?
I just don't get it

>> No.9644635

Right, the clear answer for thot costumes from the DC universe is Poison Ivy. Throw a leaf over your vagina and some over your nipples and boom best thot costume ever. Its a prime opportunity being missed here

>> No.9644668

That's Tara Strong, who voices her in most of the new stuff.

>> No.9644674

She's a fun interesting relatable character with lots of cute outfits.
You'd probably get it if you weren't so judgemental, OP.

>> No.9644681

because she's fucking insane, but in an "endearing" way
similarly, most of the girls who dress up as harley are also fucking insane, but not nearly as "endearing"

>> No.9644992 [DELETED] 

What a surprise. The exact kind of sjw to refuse people's handshakes over a hat also goes out in this and bitches about stare rape.

>> No.9644999

She's Daddy Issues: The Character.

>> No.9645004

Because its the new ~lol random~ types

>> No.9645011
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Remember when it used to be Gir? Didn't think I'd miss those times this much.

>> No.9645133

She's hot? Intriguing? Funny? Different? Weird? Shes far from plain or boring. She has a emotional backstory which can be relatable to some people. Her relationship with the joker is unfortunately something I could sadly relate to. Shes batshit crazy but she makes for an interesting character when you read into her. I think theres heaps of people who do cosplay her because of the whole popularity thing, cosplay trends, shes well known and shes attractive. I have met some women who actually idolize 'romance' in her relationship with the joker and fantasize over which is kinda disturbing.

>> No.9645137
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I am not a psycho
But if they are for joker
I want to cut their mouth to give them a bigger smile
Just like joker
DESU I think Quinn is annoying
Sluts like to dress as her
Which is fine since I am a dude
But don't think I won't take you seriously
You silly mortal

>> No.9650401
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>She's a fun interesting relatable character

>> No.9650505

He's hot? Intriguing? Funny? Different? Weird? Hes far from plain or boring. He has a emotional backstory which can be relatable to some people. His relationship with zim is unfortunately something I could sadly relate to. Hes batshit crazy but he makes for an interesting character when you read into him. I think theres heaps of people who do cosplay him because of the whole popularity thing, cosplay trends, hes well known and hes attractive. I have met some women who actually idolize 'romance' in his relationship with zim and fantasize over which is kinda disturbing.

>> No.9650613

Sluts dress like her because of the way men see the character and because shes got cute outfits in the video games and the recent movie. Men idolize her because shes a hot chick completely in love with one guy. She's after only him and will literally kill for the joker. Guys only really like her because shes hot monogamous and crazy but wouldn't do anything to harm or displease her man while she is also happy to take any abuse her love throws at her. Mistreat, abuse, and leave for long periods of time? Shes still in love with you? You can literally do no wrong? Perfect girl in a lot of guys opinions.

>> No.9650617

the saddest thing is, she's crazy over the Joker but she really isn't monogamous. They don't acknowledge it in the films and are too subtle in most games, but she totally has a thing with ivy

>> No.9650628

A thing with another girl isn't seen as a bad thing with most straight guys tho. Its just the generic "ooh three some when?" Idea. She's all over the joker and wont leave him no matter what. I see her character as a generic trope for men to like because they want to be lusted after by a girl that doesn't see anything wrong with them and they dont have to put any effort into a relationship for the girl to stick with them. No matter how badly they treat the girl shes always gonna be there for him.

>> No.9650629

What about the fact she's nearly universally beloved by the female portion of comicbook readers?

>> No.9650631

>Tara Strong will never get you drunk and take advantage of you

>> No.9650641


also it's cause daddy issues and Harley is hot

>> No.9650685

In order of relevance
>easy sexy costume
>easily recognizable and gives you "nerd cred" (not really)
>simple and can be made easily
>Harley has been flavor of the month for years in pop culture and each new film and game reinforces that. Damn you Arkham knight
>childhood character so a lot of people know batman, Harley, joker compared to like Calendar Man
>daddy issues
>likes the Harley character because of obsessive mental illness
>likes the Harley character for other reasons
>just really likes clowns

>> No.9650689


> Show off tits
> Dye hair
> act crazy

What's not to like as a thot?

That said, the real answer is that the head of marketing for Warner Bros decided they could promote the shit out of her and get people to see the movie. They could make girls buy the merch and act as free advertising if they could push it into the forefront as The Halloweeen Costume This Year. Women will do basically anything advertisers tell them to.

>> No.9650879

>regular female fans
Im describing what i see shitty NEET dudes and sluts like about the character not what regular girls think about her. Im actually also a harley fan but i can recognize that different people like her for different reasons. I can also see that regular female fans at least acknowledge the negative dependant relationship between her and the joker and dont romanticize it because they actually read the comic books play the games and have a well rounded idea of the character and don't just see bullshit like
>hur durr cute outfit
>they in luv XDDDD

>> No.9650904

Because she's ~cuhrayzee~

>> No.9651422

She voiced a horse and that awful Betty Boop parody, she's free bait

>> No.9651427

Underrated post.

>> No.9651447

Sending thots and prayers

>> No.9651455

I love you.

>> No.9651794

I really want to cosplay harley quinn because I've read upwards of 100 batman comic omnibuses and I think she's cute and fun and has a lot of cute outfits, but I don't want to be labelled as a Harley Quinn cosplayer... Anyone have any suggestions? I've decided I'll do batgirl eventually to help Quench The Thirst for a batman cosplay, but I don't know what to do.

>> No.9651797

There will always be haters; why do you care about them? Just cosplay in your favorite Harley outfit.

>> No.9652244
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>> No.9652510

It's almost literally the official Thot uniform. Was a comicon yesterday and was joking with my friend that there would probably be more dumbass Rick n morty cosplays than Thottie Harley coaplays. Nope. Way off.

The worst part was all the little girls, like children under 12 wearing the suicide squad Harley costume, fishnets and all. I saw this one family while I was talking to a Geralt and Yennefer, faggot hipster dad with a tattoo sleeve and his daughter who could not have been older than 8 or 9. The fishnets, shirt drooping off one shoulder. I hate people

>> No.9652516

Basically a free pass to dress like a whore and act like an obnoxious cunt.

>> No.9652732

Low effort, guaranteed attention.

>> No.9652735

kek, saved

>> No.9652737

>female comic book readers

lmfao all none of them

>> No.9653394

- There's lots of exposed skin, so it's easy to make it sexy/attention grabbing.
- Doesn't require a deep knowledge of the source material. She's "from Batman" and "is Joker's girlfriend," which is enough for them.
- Most of the costume can be purchased at a Goodwill, so it's a low effort investment costume.

tl;dr --> sexy/attention getting, low mental investment, low time/effort investment

>> No.9656172


Because women who want attention try to bend themselves into something they think is attractive to men.

>> No.9656233

Because she's "not like the other girls."

>> No.9658358
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>> No.9658363

I... I know this is bait, but some people honest to god do think this.

kill it with fire

>> No.9661452

female /co/fag here and for me she's a tragic character who sets a bad example by revolving her entire existence around her abuser. Like most Batman villains, she's partially a victim of circumstance, but what she does after that is entirely her fault. (As opposed to what Batman does, come to think of it.)

Shit, Catwoman has more going for her.

Then again, people latching on to characters is why I don't read too much of the Big Two...

>> No.9661488

she's like Marilyn Monroe but for lol nerdy girls.

>> No.9667808

>you will never be this petite again

>> No.9667821
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Tara is my hero.

>> No.9667881

You would be if you ate a bit less.

>> No.9672069

thanks I couldn't read three bullet points

>> No.9672240
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In a NUTshell

>> No.9672355

I wish you weren't so right.

>> No.9672364

Fuck you.

>> No.9672368

>They don't talk about it in the media this character comes from but she totally does this thing
What? You can't just say that something exists but the creators forgot to put it in

>> No.9672373
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>> No.9672379

If we take these things together, then... it was a subtle ploy by hollywood pedo circles to sexualize children?

Easy, do the TAS version or a comic version from one of the omnibuses you've read instead of the movie version.

>> No.9673468

what I know, her relationship with joker is some sort of love/hate one, and she indeed dates other guys/girls from time to time, but in the end, she will always goes back to him
and for the joker, he doesn't really care that much about it either, if she is into some other guys/girls

>> No.9673654

Eat less, move more.

>> No.9673675
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Lmao, no amount of diet and exercise is going to give an adult the figure of a 12-year-old.

But really, why would you want that?

>> No.9673862

This is honestly a pretty good fucking costume. I hate the character but she did a damn good job with the costume.

>> No.9673953


>> No.9673971

The comic books and the Batman the Animated Series TV show, where Harley was introduced. In the show she leaves Joker but always comes back, even though he is probably the most abusive to her on there. It isn't romanticised at all.

In some comic derivations, she leaves him for good, but admittedly in the main universe that's not the case.

Yeah, usually he doesn't give a shit. Nonetheless, I do think he finds her interesting and rather useful or he wouldn't have bothered in the first place.

I honestly like Harley as a classic character that adds a fun dynamic to a cartoon about dudes in funny costumes tossing batarangs and nitrous bombs.

>> No.9673978

>Mind broken individual who is in an extremely physically and mentally abusive relationship with a full blown pyscho

>Interesting related character

I hope this is b8

>> No.9675177

>guys are attracted to Yandere characters

Huh? Who would've guessed?

>> No.9680166

Because many women are Borderline and have daddy issues?

>> No.9680231
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Well, when you're right you're right. I do think she's perfect. I'm not sure that that makes me an evil psycho for wanting it though.

>> No.9680303

The main thing is that you treat her right and not how the clownboy treats her. Refusing sex by beating her up, screaming at her for daring to have an idea, etc etc.

>> No.9680311

She'd find that dull tho, she's addicted to the abuse, that's kinda the point of her character

>> No.9680333

True but depending on the context she really doesnt like it. In BTAS she imagines that he's perfect and darling and leaves him briefly when he is super mean, but she comes back because of his percieved greatness, not because he fucks her up. It is an important part of their dynamic though.

>> No.9680718
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>> No.9680914

>flavor of the month for years

>> No.9680952

Her recent comics are about her recovering from an abusive relationship and trying to do good for herself. I think that's a pretty relatable topic.

>> No.9680955

>Implying they don't do the same to men.

>> No.9684962

Isn't Harley just a crazy bitch with low self worth tho?

>> No.9691285

That doesn't sound so bad, I saw a 8-9yo girl dressed as the most slutty Hatsune Miku ever (One of those strapless tops that only covers the chest area and a short short), she was with whom I hope was her father.

This one is cute.

>> No.9691293
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>> No.9691308

I HONESTLY never thought I'd see the gender equivalent of some dumb bitch projecting Harley into herself the same way edgy neckbeards do it with the Joker.

>> No.9691310

>this one is cute
Calm down Kevin Spacey

>> No.9691312

That’s gross looking

>> No.9691480
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thank ms skeltal

>> No.9691489
File: 189 KB, 725x1200, F2FCD12C-3B27-463C-90D0-0B3746FE372B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make it stop

>> No.9691781

what a qt
I'd love to bench press her

>> No.9692922

Can someone give her some warm soup and bread to eat?

>> No.9694027

I want to beat that thing in the mirror to death.
Scrawny guys should be gassed.

>> No.9696373

Nice Skeletor / Harley crossover.

>> No.9703036

I'm leaving this thread.