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File: 68 KB, 841x491, ss+(2017-09-04+at+01.37.35).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9620724 No.9620724[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Lets take this out of the menhera thread to stop cluttering it up in there and make it more visible to gulls who dont lurk there.

It has always been rumored that Kawaiigoods had been stealing art, however no concrete evidence had ever been made. We now have some official receipts and comparisons for theft and much too close for comfort "inspirations." If you have or find any other suspicious art work from her please leave it in this thread.

If you would like to get caught up, please reference >>9562502

>> No.9620725
File: 2.04 MB, 2400x2400, KGs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9620730
File: 1.36 MB, 1830x2463, analyze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9620732
File: 1.12 MB, 900x1139, 1504546304704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9620733
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>> No.9620735
File: 612 KB, 480x939, 1504487254094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9620736
File: 853 KB, 571x1136, 1504488240810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9620757

>>9620572 did they talk about this on Claudias facebook?? This is actual doxxing and is so what the fuck

>> No.9620876

Giving out a customers info like that is... is illegal right? I would hope so??

>> No.9620884

Call me an ignorant lolita if you want, but these aren't actually that similar? I don't see how this is "proof of art theft", just proof of similar inspirations and most fairy kie like stuff using the same pastel shades.

>> No.9620938

Kyandi did it too, there should just be an art theft general imo

>> No.9620939

You are either blind or really new.

>> No.9620944

When was the last time she did some new theft tho?

>> No.9620945

Is this fair? Because there was a time when everyone in the kawaii crafting community was making the fuzzy clips, just like how everyone was making knockoffs of the 6%dokidoki star clips. I don't think they are unique enough to consider straight up art-theft.

The rest of the thread though is inexcusable.

>> No.9620946

I'm neither, of course I'm new to menhera but not new to jfash (like I said, ignorant lolita, all fairy kei/menhera art looks pretty similar in colour palette and inspirations to me anyway). They're using similar ideas but they're hardly traced.

>> No.9620954

Fukken same

>> No.9620964

Truthfully, I don't give a fuck because all of these kawaii artists rip off original art from Japanese artists and then bitch when a Western artist rips off their shit. I see this time and time again on Instagram with artists I follow and there always bitching who do what first. I immediately unfollow them as soon as they post shit drama.

>> No.9620967

The amount of KG whiteknights in here, wow.

>> No.9620969

Then please show who they ripped of if the motifs are so ~totally common~.

>> No.9620972

What a fucking reach. You all keep talking about how KG is "ripping off" other artists but I don't hear you talking about how western artists rip off japanese ones. Cherrycheezy herself had several designs that were the same as Kuaa's except with her own art. You know, like the Kawaii Goods situation. So just stop trying to stir shit up. You are truly menhera kei.

>> No.9620974

>Cherrycheezy herself had several designs that were the same as Kuaa's except with her own art.
She didn't, try again.

>> No.9620981

>implying two people making heart-shaped badges/charms is the same as art theft
Oh you, might as well say everyone making buttons is a thief.

>> No.9620989

The thing is, I'm not saying she is a thief. She was obviously INSPIRED by another artist. As was KawaiiGoods. I's a small substyle. Motifs and pieces are going to be similar or the same because that's what the people want. Deal with it.

>> No.9620991

There is a difference between being insired and ripping someone else's art off.

>> No.9620992

>pls I want to feel offended by something, pls invent something from nothing pls
Oh no a Srynge we know srynges were invented by X and never existed before it, omg I'm so triggered

>> No.9621002

Is this thread a joke?

>> No.9621006

Are you new?

>> No.9621023

I like how literally only five people care about this "drama"

>> No.9621043

I just don't get the big deal when these types of stores pump out the same generic kawaii stuff all the time. They all copy one another and just go with whatever shit is trendy at the time.

>> No.9621059

Agreed, there's only so many ways to draw a bandaid, heart, etc none of these items are creative
That being said I do hate kawaii goods after all their shilling

>> No.9621061

Meanwhile people throw a huge fit when people do the same at lolita prints. Hypocrrite much?

>> No.9621067

It's actually legal, there's also companies that sell customer data to other companies for advertising purposes.

>> No.9621077

She never got called out for the old theft or the scamming.

>> No.9621087

If you look into the archives you would know that she got called out plenty of times before, even on cow.

>> No.9621101

Wah wah wah bandaids are copyrighted to that shitty artist now? Alsonwhonthebfuckndid she think she is to police someone elses art? I think kawaiigoods worked on her own accord. Theres nothing mega original about either, its just the tumblerina being a little bitch raising a stink comparing all these generic designs. If it was actually original shit I'd be on the other side of the fence but your collective shitting is appaling.

>> No.9621106

Because print replicas were selling a hell of a lot more than some randoms jewelry on etsy

>> No.9621107
File: 1.50 MB, 3024x3024, IMG_1885_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So totally not copied that she even used the same manufacturer and glitter placement but replaced all hearts with stars, righto.

>> No.9621109

>implying art theft is ok when someone's small

>> No.9621130

Not whiteknighting before anybody jumps down my throat, but come on guys. I mean, there's only so many ways you can draw simple as fuck shit, and there's only so many appealing pastel shades. All tumblr etsy storeenvy shitheads are all copying each other. Get a grip.

>> No.9621140


No, even lolitas draw the line at print replicas -- where the artwork is copied including the brand logo. The replicas are being produced by some no-name factory in China and their sole purpose is to scam other lolitas into thinking it's the $real$ deal, so it's a much higher concern than two etsy artists copying each other but slapping their own brand names on it.

The "this kind of looks like that" copying skates by with varying degrees of tolerance even in lolita.

>> No.9621152

Gonna go ahead call samefag on these posts.
>There are 15 posters in this thread.

>> No.9621187

Holy shit, the vendetta in this thread is hilarious. None of this is art theft, at most it's inspiration. Look up the legal definition of art theft before crying about syringes being colored purple.

>> No.9621203

Her art is shit, why woud anyone even buy those?

>> No.9621214

Go on white knights, link the Japanese designs these are based off. So far all I see from you I'd chat and no receipts.

>> No.9621216

I only posted one of those but okay. Why don't you just accept that no one cares and move on? No one buys from KG anyways?

>> No.9621226

This lol. Sure KGs aren't a one to one trace but they sure as hell look like bootlegs

>> No.9621231

Because Kawaiigoods isn't 1 to 1 tracing that makes it okay for her to rip off other artists? From a legal stand point no, I don't think anyone can do anything. But she needs to be called out for this shit and not supported. It's distasteful and gross.

And honestly I'm more angry about the way she handled the whole situation then her "inspirations" anyways. Fucking doxxing someone over kawaii designs ? This bitch is in her 30s iirc and she's acting like a 16 year old.

>> No.9621241

This too desu. I support Japanese creators, follow them on social media, and even import their goods. If anyone is ripping from them I would love to stop those people in the west

>> No.9621242

stop supporting those people in the west*

>> No.9621245

How anyone can look at KG heavily plagiarized version of MSD stuff and think thats ok, I will never know. The fucking color palettes are almost identical. The only deference is hers are a more dulled out tone which I suspect is from her working in CYMK

>> No.9621249
File: 37 KB, 688x191, ss+(2017-09-04+at+10.35.08).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> No one buys from KG anyways?

oh how I wish that were true anon....

>> No.9621269

I've never heard of these people before this thread, but I think it's a ripoff

>> No.9621321
File: 173 KB, 490x960, kawaiigoodstbh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9621329

I personally think neither design is anything special, but KG's looks slightly worse.

>> No.9621338

It's obvious she's ripping off whatever is popular atm and making a bad version, but I think this is really reaching a bit.
Like, what the hell, same vertical orientation??

I still think people fling around art theft way too easily nowadays. OOjia is art theft, rip-offs are not art theft.

>> No.9621375


>Like, what the hell, same vertical orientation??

People who rip off art tend to not change certain details like that? Thats what I was trying to point out. They have almost identical proportions (length of the tube, length of the plunger), color palettes, and positioning. Put them all together and it seems way too much to just be "coincidental." If KGs had actually made this without heavily referencing the other syringe, a lot of these details wouldnt match up.

>> No.9621377

It's yellow and pink bandaids in the end for KG with purple drippy shit with stars.

>> No.9621380

I guess I chose the wrong wording with this thread by saying "art theft" but the point remains that what shes doing is really shitty. Technically legal, but a pretty distasteful thing to do nonetheless

People love to try and deflect what shes doing by bringing up dumb nitpicks but the fact remains that she did this at first with full intentions of plagiarizing the hell out of these designs. She also released a swarm of followers and friends to harass and dox MSD which is... why is no one talking about that?? That is so scummy and unprofessional

>> No.9621382

Any screen caps of her shopowner friend leaking out address?

>> No.9621384

I wish i had them desu but I dont have Claudia on my facebook and dont want to add her for fear of her doxxing me as well. Apparently she has a bad habit of deleting shit constantly off her fb as well so Im sure unless someone was quick enough to get it, its gone?

>> No.9621385

This is a huge reach. The colors are different, one has wings and the other doens't, one has stars and the other doesn't, one is a pendant where the others are earrings. The only thing they have in common is being capsules which is a super common menhera motif and being tilted, which is simply aesthetically pleasing.

Is one artist copying the other or are they both copying the same original Japanese designs?

>> No.9621389

It's over fucking bandages that is one of the main themes and usage for menhera. And MSD is a scared little shit over competition and told KG to do some changes, and KG complied even when she didn't have to. Yes the similarities with what KG did is very similar from all those photos, but the amount of changes she did is enough to be different just like any other artists who creates the same general theme. In this case with Menhera, it's not a lot to branch off.

And no one so far, is talking about the swarm of folllwers because she didn't personally tell them to go. She was just venting on her personal page the situation. Her friends or friend-fans went off on their own to interact with MSD cause they felt like being jerks and think it would solve things.

>> No.9621395

Thought from the last thread someone said it's from one of her shopowner friend that had MSD as a customer before that leaked out the address.

>> No.9621415
File: 1.37 MB, 1280x1136, zzzzzzzzzzz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you seem to not know what art theft is, this IS

>> No.9621417

Wow that is straight up shameless

>> No.9621422

I think there's some pretty strong evidence of copying here. However, there's only so many variations of "edgy shit but pastel colors". Who gives a shit? Menhara fashion is for edgy Japanese middle schoolers. Unless you're 13 years old (in which case, gtfo 4chan), you should be ashamed of yourself for wearing this shit.