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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 45 KB, 460x454, camera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9570716 No.9570716 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a cosplayer and I was wondering how do I meet and set up photoshoots with photographers that go to the same cons I'm going to? Does anyone have suggestions or advice for this?

>> No.9570892

I'm actually wondering about this too.
I'd probably say use Facebook to organize/create the event and recruit people for it.
What con are you going to/who are you cosplaying as?

>> No.9570914

best cam for upskirts lads

>> No.9570990

Could always try asking on this board in threads relating to the con you go to.

>> No.9571231

kek. dont do this. youre just gonna get meme answers.

find out if your con has a general facebook page or any social media type page and just ask if there are any photographers looking for cosplayers.
dont demand a lot, just see if you can get a quick shoot or something. then just try to build it up from there.

or see if any of your friends who cosplay has done anything with photographers as well.

>> No.9571709

Photo team here.
Consider talking to other people

>> No.9571714

Ask them? Then if they say no due to their schedule try and offer them money or food for compensation? I know I'd do a 30 min to hour shoot just for some free Whataburger.

>> No.9571716

Staged or non-consented?

Cell phone all the way for the latter. Discreetness being key. I recommend the iPhone 7+ due to it's options on digital zoom and autofocusing decently in low light without use of a flash feature.

>> No.9571807

as a photog honestly you meet IRL and then talk, like, well normal people? I hate to be all normie but as a photog I have stumbled into relationships with people who now are trusted friends because we like the same anime/manga series, and we meet up.

>> No.9571810

photographer with 20k followers
Just chat with us in a not obnoxious way, many of us are just tsunderes.

>> No.9571922

For a private shoot or for an event?

If it's the former, I think a good course of action would be: find some photographers you like who go to cons in the same region, follow their social media because you like their work, then when they open their bookings, and it's the same con you'll be at, you can book them. Then, if you like what they do for you, you can continue working with them. I have a photographer I work with exclusively now because my eyes are super light sensitive and they stop me from squinting weirdly in all my photos, when other photographers just kind of let me do it. This is worth its weight in gold to me.

Some cons also have FB groups where photographers will post their rates and services. Message one whose work you like and ask relevant questions.

>> No.9571928

Gross fuck

>> No.9572854

Photog here, I don't want to be labeled a creep so I talk to no one.

>> No.9573096

>youre just gonna get meme answers.
no? There are a lot of photographers who visit this board. I've seen people ask in those threads and find a photographer.

please be a joke. Even a $200 camera is better than any phone camera.

>> No.9573110


You're just mad

>> No.9573135


Facebook groups

>> No.9573579

-Check the con's tag on instagram and tumblr for photographer listings
-Find local cosplay groups and groups related to the con on fb

>> No.9573609

This, I also don't have business cards and I leave my SD card at home. My rule of thumb is that if I don't do anything, people wont get mad at me.

>> No.9573672

Eh, the iphone 7 and modern galaxy/google phone cameras are really good and have made any sub 400 camera that isn't say a 40D or D300? obsolete

>> No.9573972

>not using shoe camera
Apply yourself lads

>> No.9573997

In all seriousness I have actually set up a couple of shoots on this board that way. I'm a photographer.

>> No.9574169

If you don't mind photogs on /cgl/, you could try to mention it during a convention thread and see if anyone's interested.

t. photog who wants to do a photoshoot one day.

>> No.9574236

Any photographers in Europe? Cons here a bit different than in the US so I was wondering if cons could ban you or anything for selling your service as a photographer to cosplayer(a short shoot,30 min or so,about 5 photos,simple editing and then emailing them to them,payment in cash before starting) without being an official photographer. I know some cons don't allow selling without having a booth,even if it's in small quantities,so I'm worried I could get banned. I would of course buy a ticket for the con,and shoot inside the venue(or maybe outside,since all cons I attend have the option of going out if you get a stamp in your hand)

>> No.9574265

It depends on the country but generally all photography is protected by free press laws and the selling of photos is protected by free trade laws. In specific cases the cons might ask you to leave if you for example opened a booth at the con without permission but they cannot physically touch you, only the police may.

>> No.9574387

oh god please be a troll. For starters, a phone camera doesn't have optical zoom, so you can't zoom at all in a phone.
I had a $300 point and shoot camera from 2011 and, besides in low light, it was vastly superior than my LG G6 phone camera.

>> No.9574453
File: 147 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20170614_123137_362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'll post this here
To the photographers lurking in the thread, what gear do you usually bring around?

Starting to get into it as it seems fun. I currently have a D90, a 35mm f.1/8 and a lens hood but that's it. Was considering picking up a cheap flash as well though I don't know how useful they are in a con setting. Any other recommendations or am I good?
Do you guys carry those gigantic reflective umbrellas and other surfaces everywhere you go in the con?

>> No.9574563

If you want to create good light you'll bring the bulky shit. If you are going to use available light then you don't but might bring a reflector with you. Most people seem to start light, scale up heavy, then scale back down when they realize they don't want to pack stuff. There's a happy medium for everyone. I'd say at least an external flash on a cord or trigger

>> No.9575028
File: 30 KB, 764x242, creeper essentials.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vufine + gopro
no need to thank me senpai

>> No.9575037

what type of photographs are you taking at a con?
are you just wandering around taking pictures of cosplayers?
or are you actually pulling cosplayers to the side for photoshoots?

if youre just roaming around, carring around those reflective umbrellas is kinda unnecessary.
if you need quick lighting, then just get a cheap flash and something to diffuse the flash.
i just use a "Neewer" brand flash for my canon. super fucking cheap and does the job. I dont do photoshoots so i dont need to spend hundreds on equipment I wont use that often.

>> No.9575197

I don't have any of that fancy shit so I use a white film canister that this camera place gives away for anyone who asks.

I'm still learning how to use this extended flash thing.

>> No.9575226

A local con of mine started being dicks about photography this year and made special/expensive photographer badges but not many people bought them because it's total bullshit

>> No.9575817

Canon 6D, 85mm 1.2L ii lens and an external flash. 85mm is fucking suffering to use at a con but I endure it for that sick ass bokeh. Wouldn't recommend it for anyone who isn't a complete masochist though.

>> No.9576005

85mm 1.8 and right now I am between 35 (because sony REEEEE) so I use a 16-35 f/4 (I am getting the G Master 16-35 f 2.8 and I snapped up the third party 35 2.8. Sony please make a 1.8 35 I am not buying a damn 1.4 35 its stupid and literally not needed.

I do have 4 flashes and a flash controller so I can set up late night/outdoors shots when I have time, and I use some ultra light stands I got from a playhouse, since my goal is to walk around.
i see people with 70-200 and at AX some guy had a 300mm 2.8 (great lens but this isn't the Olympics why would you use that, I love headshot compression but why)

>> No.9576011

welcome to 2017, the iphone 7+ has digital zoom, google pixel has, again, I shoot with a pro mirrrorless but the point and shoot for everything but special functions (ie waterproof/rugged/HQ like the Sony RX/Canon G series) are obsolete.

>> No.9576056
File: 1.26 MB, 2249x1115, 2011 sony cyber shot vs lg g6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go. sony cybershot camera on the left, LG G6 on the right. remember, this is a point and shoot from 2011, a newer $200 to $300 point and shoot camera is going to be even better.

Also, that point and shoot has 4x optical zoom. Most smart phones have no optical zoom, and the very few that do have optical zoom only has 2x.
Digital zoom isn't real zoom, it is literally the same as cropping the image.

>> No.9576063
File: 1.88 MB, 3282x1082, compare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

added my new camera in there for an even better comparison.

>> No.9576067

I don't want to go all /p/ on you, but.. the left looks really soft, the JPG quality is bad on both but I can't tell what engine you are using to export it. The A6000 image is the best but thats a modern sony APS-C and.. your point and shoot is rendering the middle black spirals as grey, while both the smartphone and the A6000 see the spirals as black. You sort of played yourself, when the point and shoot is less sharp, much worse color rendition, and much less faithful?

>> No.9576070

am i ?

>> No.9576132

>the JPG quality is bad on both but I can't tell what engine you are using to export it.
this is straight from the camera and phone. Didn't change anything in photoshop besides cropping them together. saved in highest quality jpg.

The colors are slightly better on the G6, but it looks awful. Look at the red circle on his head. On the phone it looks pixelated and fuzzy. It has lots of white dots and lines. The other two cameras have it as a nearly solid circle

I think the slight blur is better than the huge amount of fuzz on the phone. Easier to fix the colors in photoshop than to fix something that has artifacts everywhere.

>> No.9576201

Which con?

>> No.9576289

>Look at the red circle on his head. On the phone it looks pixelated and fuzzy. It has lots of white dots and lines.

that looks like its just cracking paint on the pillow rather than the phone making it look like that. seems like the saturation of colors brings it out more on the phone picture.

>> No.9576338

idk what more to say than just I disagree that the phone picture looks better. The red circle on his head and tag are filled with artifacts while the others are smooth.

>> No.9576395

I am an amateur photographer with a nice Sony dslr like that.
Keep meaning on going to cons, taking cosplay photos, and posting them on twitter or somethjng.
I love people but I hate gatherings. Isn't it ironic?

>> No.9576440

the cosplay gatherings are honestly a waste of time for photos so you're not missing much

>> No.9576485

i wasnt disagreeing. i dont think the phone picture looks good at all, personally.
im just saying that those "artifacts", at least on the red part are just from the pillow itself because its probably worn out or something.

>> No.9576745

Like rain on your wedding day.

>> No.9577466

You're a fucking retard. Every idiot with a DSLR is selling their "photography" on social media.

>> No.9578212

Don't do it, cosplay photographers are notoriously slimy creeps.

>> No.9578427

This would actually be BRILLIANT to use inside a mecha costume or other helmeted costume to provide proper visibility!

>> No.9578436

The phone is overdoing the sharpening filter which extremely exaggerates the cracks that are still visible on the A6000. The point and should looks worse to me as it's so fuzzy it looks like you missed focus or you have an inch of fingerprint oil on the lens.

>> No.9578583

Did someone pee in your cereal this morning?

>> No.9578659

I was hoping to use it for upskirt viewing but ok.

>> No.9578661

Is it just me or are there almost no white dudes doing con photography? Not that I care or it bothers me or anything, but the only ones I've ever seen are all asian guys or mixed ethnicity. Is it because cons these days tend to attract the whole tumblr/outcast/anti-white-male sjw type of scene, or is it something else?

>> No.9578684

Gearfaggotry is a trait commonly found in asian males. Whether it's gaudy ricers or professional cameras, poor little white boys just can't compete with us.

>> No.9578723

They exist. I have no idea where you hang out to get that impression.

>> No.9578731


I'm gonna guess socal? honestly i think part of the thing is that it's a lot easier for asian guys to pass as harmless and they have basic social interactions hammered into them by their families. easier to make social connections, easier to make a community presence, etc

>> No.9578867

There's plenty of white guys doing con photo. Maybe you're just only following the asian cosplayers? What I have observed personally is a tendency for groups of cosplay/photogs to stick to the same social circles grouped by race.

>> No.9579618

To be fair, gearfaggotry =/= great photos.

We all remember that guy who shot cosplay down south somewhere with a medium format, and his photos were like looking into Satan's asshole.

>> No.9579828

Stay away from creepy photogs from nyc, they are sexual predators, overpriced and produce generic pictures especially
2. Jason Laboy
3. Ed Yeung
4. Hero Hottie Marvin Cruz
5. Ron Gejon
They are so gross and pathetic.

>> No.9579946

Are you mad because you're so fat they won't shoot you, or so stuck up they won't shoot you? Besides, we can figure out who you are by the sexual predators you left off your list lol

>> No.9580119

I've never seen a con photographer that wasn't a white man or woman.

>> No.9580199

Are you mad because you're #1 on that list? :(

>> No.9580217

Not NYC but K.T Studio is also notoriously scummy. Canada/West coast.

>> No.9580340
File: 6 KB, 239x258, 1339981796171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be photog
>ask if cosplayer would model for me
>get labeled a creep, molester, rapist, etc.
Why even fucking bother?

>> No.9580371
File: 979 KB, 798x534, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In your opinion what would a photographer have to do to take a photo that's not generic? I googled some of Laboy's stuff and some of it was pretty interesting. Pic related shows that at least he puts some thought into his photos when he wants to. It's above and beyond the thoughtless snapshots that a majority of cosplay photographers produce. So if you want a photograph that's not generic, what exactly are you looking for?

inb4 hi Jason

>> No.9580621
File: 85 KB, 720x960, forthegearthread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its 4 am and I am editing the pictures from my latest con. The glorious swedish summer gives me the biggest umbrella in the world - the entire sky is a sweet grey diffuser and not a drop of rain. I recently jumped shop to nicon because they have a nice 2-3k alternative while canon only has DSLRs at 3-4k USD.

>> No.9580631

Hi Butch

>> No.9580835


>> No.9582432

fuck you i know that guy and yeah its like 'your camera costs more than my old car did and wtf
mfw i exist

Laboy is well, the issue is he is too movie faithful, like he isn't BAD but this could be "scenes from the 2000s era spider man" you know?

>> No.9582845

>Laboy is well, the issue is he is too movie faithful, like he isn't BAD but this could be "scenes from the 2000s era spider man" you know?
But isn't that exactly what a cosplayer would want? You do a hallway shot and people will complain that it's just a hallway snapshot that anyone can take. You shoot in a studio and people will complain it's just a boring backdrop in the background. You shoot on location and do generic non-character specific poses and people will complain that the posing is boring and you don't know the character at all. You shoot on location and get the character to pose in character and people call it generic or too movie-like, which are kinda two opposite complaints.

Again I'm not trying to defend this guy as a person, if you don't like him that's fine. But to insult his shooting style just because you don't like him personally is like saying that guy with the semi functional Iron Man suit is a shitty cosplayer because he was a dick to you, then fail to provide any reason why you think Iron Man guy's costume isn't any good, and then by virtue of insulting Iron Man guy you pretty much insult every cosplayer who lacks the skills and resources to make a semi-functional Iron Man suit themselves.

>> No.9582985

>But isn't that exactly what a cosplayer would want? You do a hallway shot and people will complain that it's just a hallway snapshot that anyone can take. You shoot in a studio and people will complain it's just a boring backdrop in the background. You shoot on location and do generic non-character specific poses and people will complain that the posing is boring and you don't know the character at all. You shoot on location and get the character to pose in character and people call it generic or too movie-like, which are kinda two opposite complaints.

Welcome to /cgl/

>> No.9583175
File: 9 KB, 463x634, 1372034263019.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/cgl/ bitched about my photography as well because I didn't get the model's shoes in the frame so I started doing full body shots just to get every aspect of the cosplay in the frame. Needless to say /cgl/ said it was shit.

>> No.9583185
File: 13 KB, 300x285, 1-Hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my first "professional" camera in the sense I'm not using a cellphone or something. I'm hoping this'll get me to take more photos at cons.

Is it a good idea to start up a tumblr or a FB or something to put just my photos at and make some cheap cards with the URLs to hand out? I know as a cosplayer it sucked to get stopped for photos and never find out where to find them later. But I'm a huge camera novice and don't really intend to get too into it like paid photoshoots or anything, I just don't know what's a good idea or what's stuff that's more if you're trying to make a name for yourself.

>tfw someone with a cellphone snapped a pic inches from my face with flash then handed me a slip of paper with a long FB url to find my smudged makeup and wide-eyed look after con

I don't want to be that person.

>> No.9583211

Tag/title your albums and posts with the con name and year and it should be easy enough for people to find. Mention character too if you want to go the extra mile, or just ask if they have a social media page when you take the picture.

Beware that facebook fucks up pictures with massive compression. Upload at minimum 2048px size to minimize the damage. Consider having both a facebook/instagram for social reach and a deviantart/flickr/photobucket for a higher quality archive. Tumblr's bloggy format isn't too good for large albums.

>> No.9583220
File: 244 KB, 300x300, 1476340519099.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! I've not considered deviantart even though it seems the obvious choice now that I think about it. Didn't Photobucket recently demand $400 a year to let you access your albums?

I'd try anything that wasn't FB though. I tend to be pretty private on FB so I don't even like to have public albums because family friends tend to find them despite not having my family added. I'd like to make a separate account entirely but the more I think about it a Deviantart sounds impersonal enough. I have a personal instagram though that I wouldn't mind crossposting to for mobile access people.

>> No.9583233

You do have the option of making a facebook "fan page" that you manage from your main account but you can put any name on it. You can choose which persona you post as but posting-as-page is more restricted in what one can post to outside of its own page. Keeping a separate instagram for con/cosplay photos is a good idea.

>> No.9583240

Aah, okay. I didn't know that at all because my FB use is limited to cosplay or looking for con photos and selling stuff. It's why I keep it so locked down.

A separate instagram is a good idea as well, especially if it's under the same name as the HQ gallery. I'll have to do that and keep my 'personal' con photos to my personal Insta since I'll probably end up taking selfies with my phone as usual despite the crap quality. Some habits are hard to break and BeautyCam is too addictive.

>> No.9583263

Body, fast normal prime for indoors, wide to normal zoom kit lens for general purpose, telephoto zoom for stage events, extra batteries. I recently added lens hoods because I was noticing some flaring. I like to have a small light setup so I haven't tried external flash, reflectors or tripod yet but I am considering a monopod for video. Might try a plastic tupperware or something like >>9575197 as a diffuser for onboard flash.

>> No.9583268

If you want the best uncompressed image quality, create a public folder on google drive. Post images to instagram and DA and link to the google drive folder.

>> No.9583988


>> No.9584012

it's a meme u dip

>> No.9584092

Laboy's big thing is he's a one trick pony. He uses the same filter plug ins for Lightroom and continues to still have blown out highlights and greyed out blacks in his photos. Tons of dutch angles and incorrect lens distortions. All his photos pretty much look the same. If you see his ads on Facebook they all always begin with him announcing he's a photographer for Cosplay Culture Magazine and then end with him saying the photos might be in the magazine. if you can't book shoots without naming dropping the magazine and tempting cosplayers with a chance at being published, then you need to stop taking bookings. his booking practices are also very shallow as well, but at least that's his individual choice, but never expect a free photo shoot if you're overweight, even if your his friend

>> No.9584101

If there's a choice, why shoot a fatty? Paid shoot is another thing of course

>> No.9584102

I agree with you totally on his bad photo taking ability, but I disagree that you have to shoot every single type of person in order to be "good" photographer. Making people who don't look good look good is a job for magicians. Not photographers.

>> No.9584152


Just look at conventions the group of faggots perverts with reflex cameras.

If you are into ero-cosplay maybe they gave you free session and photobooks

>> No.9584214

Thank you for saying what I had on the subconscious but could not properly articulate, all of his shit looked samey, but you explained it!

>> No.9584556

Just look at his website. All his images have different looks and tones. So your subconscious is really your inner hater speaking to you.

>> No.9584557


He uses the same filter? Funny you say that because they are called presets in Lightroom not filters. Also look at his work. All his galleries have different looks and tones, definitely not a one trick pony. Ron uses the same preset for every photo. Kim Photos uses the same preset, that's if he even knows how to edit.

As for a bad photographer, funny thing is, he still gets booked, he still gets hired and most recently Marvel hired him for SDCC. So how about you shut the fuck up with your hate for Laboy.

Man the fuck up one day Butch and use your real name for once, also for any other hater on here who hates on someone else on these forums, how about you use your real names as well? It's easy to hide behind anonymous.

>> No.9584714

This forum is for anonymity. That's literally its purpose.

That said, Laboy gets booked because of the people he knows, not because of his skill. He's legitimate trash, and spreads slander about photogs that are better than him so he doesn't lose his spot. Most of the shit he puts out is boring. Other shit he puts out is technically bad, like out of focus, cropped badly, the lighting is flat and boring, or "retouched" where the blacks and highlights look off. It's easy to see.

>> No.9584957

He gets booked because the people he knows? Yet when he travels out of state and he gets booked by new people every time.

Hahahahaha, do you even know him? Clearly you don't because he doesn't talk shit about any other photographer. I have been around him enough, and no I am not Ed, to know he never mentions another photographer. He talks about his family or ask everyone else how are they doing. You are the one who is slandering his name. If what he puts out is sooo boring as you say, put out something better.

And your final argument is beyond stupid. At this point you just hate on him because it's war he is doing better then you.

So continue to hide under anonymous, because once people find out who you are they will call you out for the hater you.

>> No.9584971

and yet another cosplay photography thread turns into a dumpster fire. never change, /cgl/

>> No.9585067


Blame Butch Lee or whatever asshat that has a personal issue with Laboy. It never fails. They always find a way to shit on him because he is succeeding while they fail. He doesn't 2 shits about them honestly, he doesn't even waste time thinking about them, yet they come on here over and over and over again to attack him and other photographers.

>> No.9585187

Marvel didn't hire him, that was a Promotional Company that Marvel hires. And his work does look the same, because he's using the same filters. You can call them presets, but filters are what they are in the end. He barely gets bookings, and only because people hope they can get into his rag tag magazine and he gives them complete copyright to the photos for his $30 bookings.

>> No.9585356


And you don't think Marvel doesn't authorize who gets hired? You clearly know nothing. But since you are in his business, you are well aware that he was also hired for NYCC? So much for his boring shitty images. The top executives at Marvel LOVED his worked and asked for his return. In fact, he took the images of the all the executives with the celebrity guest because they loved his work.

Again they are presets, not filets! Filters are for apps you mindless block! Now let's look at "rag tag magazine".

Have your images been published in the magazine? Have you been hired by any promotional company to represent a brand to be entrusted to get the shots needed for promotional material?

All you do is bitch and moan, yet where is your work? You are a hater, just admit it already. All great photographers have the same look for their image because it's their signature style. But he always changes up his images. So continue to hate, maybe one day you will have the courage to use your real name. I know you won't because you don't have the heart.

I will continue to support Laboy and shit on haters like you for him.

>> No.9585373
File: 110 KB, 1080x720, laboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayy Kassandra, you suck his dick in real life already, no need to come here and suck his dick publicly too.

But look at this most recent shot from him. His highlights are blown out, the crop is literally retarded (why so much head space and why cut off her whole lower body? Why is half that air conditioner in the shot at all?), the blacks are overdone, too. Never mind that the shot is overly busy with the girl, the girl's outfit, the graffiti... all those colors, and the shot is just noisy, not interesting.

Dude is a hack. Plain and simple.

>> No.9585593

Kassandra is yesterday, he's sleeping with that Italian chick now from Jersey

>> No.9585599
File: 111 KB, 1080x721, 20248280_1556876717664225_6460156727276370441_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filters! Filters! Chill out Mary, when's the next shoot with Jaosn? How much is he gonna charge you this time?

He's a top tier photographer. Look at that lens distortion. Look at the grain. Can't even bring a flash. If his ass is working for NYCC then he better not be charging for shoots, as they have strict policies regarding that. I've worked for NYCC, but don't any more because they pay shit for the volume of work they expect from you.

>> No.9585667

GGG? German Goo Girls?

>> No.9585907

Honestly I wish all the cosplay photographers lurking here would just post their shit on /p/. We get the occasional weeb thread every once in awhile where figmafags post their photos and a few people post their cosplay shots. I know there's gotta be more than just a few of us. I'd feel slightly better about /p/ telling me that my photos suck and I should kill myself than /cgl/ doing it because I would assume someone from /p/ would actually have enough knowledge about photography to make their criticisms worth listening to. For the most part I find most of /p/ is actually kinda nice.

>> No.9586032

Yes, yes! Let the hate flow through your body! The composition is on point, the rules of 3rd apply. The highlights are not blown out. That's all you really know how to say on here, it's clear you are the same hater because you always say "the highlights are blown out". Have you truly seen blownout highlights? I can assure they look nothing like this. It's clear the only hack here is you when you use the same argument for every image. The image is too busy, :D Let me guess you want the subject to be against a black wall so it isn't "too busy" for your taste :/

So the image has noise you say? Looks like you saved this image off the web, so clearly you should know the web compresses images, right? Lens distortion you say? Have you ever shot with a wide angle lens? Clearly you haven't because if you did, you would know the edges on a super wide lens are stretched. Who said he is working for NYCC? I'm sure you never worked for NYCC. If you did work for NYCC, then it will be easy to figure out who you are hater.

Are you going to snitch him out if he charges for a shoot? If you do, you know what that makes you right? A jealous snitchass bitch. Its time to find out who you really are coward. You must be local to have worked for NYCC. You must have publicized it as well. It won't be that hard to figure out who you are.

I wish the same thing! Use your real name, share your work. Put a face to the anonymous. But they wont, they won't be able troll others without being called out.

>> No.9586245

This is totally Jason now

>> No.9586247

Omg, you aren't even trying to disguise yourself lol.

>> No.9586262
File: 30 KB, 600x457, YouMad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Senpai, the rule of thirds means positioning a subject in one of the LEFT or RIGHT thirds of an image for a psychologically pleasing effect. She's literally right in the center. Unless you meant she's cropped into the bottom third of the image, which is just dumb. lol

Also, wtf is /p/? They would absolutely tell you the same shit we're telling you here. I don't have any problem posting my shit there or in /cgl/, and people don't rip my shit apart, because my work is solid.

I agree, it totally is Jason. My dude, if you would stop being a shitty person, and actually git gud, we'd have nothing to say about you. And there's a lot of NY cosplay photographers out there who are better than you. You're going to lose your spot. And it's gonna be soon.

>> No.9586358

"The composition is on point, the rules of 3rd apply"


Maybe for the air conditioner.

>> No.9586372

Nah man I'm not Jason. I'm just tired of people who don't know him, always trying to shit on him. I showed him this thread and he doesn't care. So I won't any longer.

But reading your reply, I know who you are. I spoke to you a few times at cons asking for your advice and you always replied to me and others with "my dude". Funny you are hating on him here when you was all buddy buddy with him at Big Apple Comic Con, " My Dude"

>> No.9586607
File: 122 KB, 736x552, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me I'm just buying these filters for my photos.

>> No.9586796

haha it's fun seeing Jason's butt get hurt and his gay lover Ed comes to save him. pathetic. bunch of losers.

>> No.9586852


>> No.9586880

I lold. Especially cuz now they're about to take it out on some unsuspecting guy that he met at Big Apple Con because of me.

Because photographers don't respect each other. If photographers in the scene didn't act like backstabbing bitches, everyone would be cool with each other, and no one would have drama.

>> No.9586932

It's gotta be some east coast shit. West doesnt have that vitriol

>> No.9587064

>there's a lot of NY cosplay photographers out there who are better than you

Only if they get published in Kotaku or Cosplay Culture

>> No.9587366


>Only if they get published in Kotaku or Cosplay Culture


>> No.9588010

>Instagram cosplayer asked me if I was up to do a photoshoot
>Am casual as fuck, all I have is a D90 w/ a 35mm 1.8, just bought a flash online and am waiting for it to arrive, but I've never used one before and I don't have any fancy reflective panels or whatnot
I said sure but I have no fucking idea what to do.
Direct her to stand at certain place?
Tell her to do a certain pose?

How the FUG does this work

>> No.9588095

>How the FUG does this work

If you don't know how to shoot...

...you shouldn't be shooting.

The End.

>> No.9588166

why did a cosplayer ask you to do a photoshoot when you dont know how to even shoot?
do you have a bunch of fake portraits or something that you use as a portfolio?

if shes willing to do a photoshoot with someone that has no experience at all, they are probably not asking for much at all in terms of quality.

>> No.9588385

B-but how do I learn to shoot if I can't shoot because I don't know how to shoot.

I mean I put random shots from cons up on my insta but I've never done an actual shoot before.
>they are probably not asking for much at all in terms of quality.
Yeah, I'm guessing/hoping this is the case, she knows I have no experience and am using this for practice and experience, and she seems to be fine with it.

I'm doing this for free btw.

>> No.9588842

you learn by assisting those that DO know how to shoot.

>> No.9588861

While it would be awesome to learn from someone else like >>9588842 said, that's not always an option. I'd say just go for it and have a fun time.
I'm not a great photog, but I think I'm okay as far as being an amateur cosplay photographer. When I do private shoots, I usually look up some info about the character so I can get ides for backgrounds and poses. Show her the pictures after you've taken a few, and ask if she likes them. If yes, good. If no, she'll probably be able to tell you what she doesn't like about them, and you can adjust your shooting from there.

>> No.9589218

This guy is a fucking liar.
You learn by A: watching youtube (there are a lot of good tutorials on the basics, and if you want flash strobist 101 is old but its free and its good), and B: doing.

Literally you can type this into youtube.

>> No.9589247

Well, not that I'm knocking the educational potential of YouTube but:

would you rather learn by watching someone tell you how to do it on a computer, or would you rather learn by actually doing it in real life alongside someone knowledgeable?

You make the choice.

>> No.9589305

If you meet a photog, make sure he doesn't shoot black and white for cosplay shoots.

>> No.9589562

y not both? they aren't mutually exclusive

>> No.9590326


Get a business card from them or bring cards with you and give it to people that seem to take more care with their shots.

>> No.9590469

I've shot black and white for cosplay shoots, and some people think they're my some of my best shots.

>> No.9592497

Guess it depends how it's used. I've seen a set where it's just flat. It doesn't feel artistic and it's boring. Maybe I'm only seeing a shit set. But I've been put in a different perspective before so.

For me I reserve my black and whites for street and I don't even do much of that these days.

>> No.9592507

So many questions and so many dickhead comments..

I'm a professional photographer who shoot cosplay. Ask me shit if you want to hear my input.

>> No.9592517

How many Big Macs do you charge per shoot? Or are you more of a Whoppers kind of guy?

>> No.9592520

Personally I prefer breakfast burritos. This is 2017, get with the times.

>> No.9596726

Wraps man, wraps! Gotta think about your health!

>> No.9597139

Richard Bui how do I get my models to send me their nudes?

>> No.9597197

Any Seattle area photogs going to be at PAX on Monday?

>> No.9597464

I am
and I thought what
said was well, mutually exclusive

>> No.9600101

Well, in a very local way, so it's just small cons, I mean it's nothing bigm but usually people talk to me and I just explain them how could we manage to have a photo sesion. I tell them my cost, and well that's it. Don't be shy! We photographers don't byte.
Also, yeah, most people think that having a DSLR makes them something. Which is a lie, you should see references of him before doing it, and even if you're not convinced, then say NO.
Social media is pretty handy, you could look at a photo sesion group, or just search for local photographers, maybe one of them will go there.
And no. Even if it's a model, I'll still having my same rate. Nothing changes there.

>> No.9601671

ny photographers are trash. all they know is point, shoot and add filter on LR. like all your work is generic thats why no one will book them with their ridiculous rates for generic work. I get more likes with my selfies showing my cleavage....

>> No.9601776
File: 139 KB, 2000x1039, 15732510_1337217706296795_4108351632115936628_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a few good photographers, but you're pretty much right on majority of them. Let me play with the Saturation and Contrast sliders, yay I'm a pro now give me $30

>> No.9601897

What's up with her left leg?
Cutting-scars or wierd photoeffect?

>> No.9601900

She probably has a run in her nude tights, that's what it looks like to me.

>> No.9602318
File: 412 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170815-221338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys heard about this? that trash mag cosplay culture posted a pic without giving photog credit and cut off watermark. we should boycott that garbage of a mag

>> No.9602320
File: 1.39 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170815-221358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9602506


One of the cosplayers gave permission for the photo to be used, but didn't tell the other cosplayer or photographer

>> No.9602862

That is highly illegal

>> No.9602871

lol, did you actually get a nikon super zoom? nowhere near professional.

>> No.9603074

which CC printed without giving credit. thats how awful they are, the mag sucks anyways

>> No.9604060

I heard the only reason why he got "hired" at cosplay culture is because his bitch ugly friend who was using sick kids to scam people gave the editor a blow job. and Laboy is salty cause he banged his crush haha

>> No.9604110

yeah.... the cybershot looks like shit compared to the LG

>> No.9604225

Butch had a crush on Kassandra?

>> No.9604885

nah rumor has it butch banged laboys crush, laboy was so jealous he messaged him hahaha

>> No.9606716

What's the money difference like?