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9486130 No.9486130 [Reply] [Original]

Kollision Con - Yet another con killed by ACEN. (they cancelled it).

Has anyone noticed how ridiculous ACEN gets towards other cons when they start to get big? I've noticed the way they shut out Anime Midwest and any other local con whenever they consider them competition.

Kollision Con could have been alright, but it was pretty shit - but that's just cause they never had any money to do anything good. But this is just another example of how shitty ACEN is towards other cons.

I saw the con row in their hall - it's all cons that aren't a threat. Like Anime Nebraska. LOL who is going to Anime Nebraska from ACEN.

>> No.9487237

Anime Midwest, aka Pedophilecon. Yeah I'd shut that shit out too.

>> No.9487265

How though? From what I'm seeing of Facebook reviews, the badge prices for Kollision were just too steep for a con of its size with few attractions.

>it was pretty shit - but that's just cause they never had any money to do anything good.
And there you have it. ACEN didn't "shut out" this con, the people running that con just didn't have the knowledge and dedication to be able to pull in attendance.

>I've noticed the way they shut out Anime Midwest
Anime Midwest is run by a guy who is pretty universally hated in the con community and for good reason. I don't think ACEN shut it out because they see it as competition, I think people are just becoming more aware of Kopf and choosing not to support him.

>Like Anime Nebraska. LOL who is going to Anime Nebraska from ACEN.
A lot of people? I'm not from the area, but plenty of people here on the east coast are willing to travel 7 hours or more for a con in Ohio or the south. I lived in Minnesota and that side of the Midwest is a fucking dead area for cons unless you enjoy supporting Kopf.

>I saw the con row in their hall - it's all cons that aren't a threat.
Maybe those are the only cons that felt the need to advertise because they're smaller and need the attendance?

Like OP, maybe think things through before you make a thread about them.

>> No.9488714


Those rumors are the stupidest, most non-believable nonsense in the world. ACEN saw a threat so they created them. I know, i was told by an ACEN staffer, (not a Midwest one).

>> No.9490051


Wasn't there literally a police report though?

Also anecdotal evidence is bull in court but a friend of mine who has no reason to lie refuses to attend AMW with me because Kopf creeped on her and tried to grab her ass. Isn't spreading rumors online or anything, just refuses to attend any of his cons.

>> No.9490630

They have nothing else better to do

>> No.9490685

>copies of police reports of allegations readily available online
>more than a half dozen blogs and websites dedicated to calling out Kopf and others
>tons of testimonials against him

Wow someone from Acen has a lot of time on their hands and is really dedicated to taking down a con that literally isn't even remotely a threat to theirs.

I mean, it's not like he could just, I don't know, file an anti-slander lawsuit if this stuff could be easily proven false or anything.

>> No.9492144

fuck you, kopf

>> No.9494810

Kollision Con was ok. But the constant moving from venue to venue was the true killer. The last time I went, everyone was calling it Cosplay Foam Fighting Con.

>> No.9499706

>I mean, it's not like he could just, I don't know, file an anti-slander lawsuit if this stuff could be easily proven false or anything.

I believe he's filed like 10 lawsuits, and none have been "lost" yet. That's how long suing someone fucking takes.

So I'll be waiting until he either loses or wins one before making a decision. But you generally don't sue people for slander unless they ARE slandering you, so I'm leaning towards believing him.

>> No.9500058

>But you generally don't sue people for slander unless they ARE slandering you
Do you know how many people open up bullshit lawsuits and use the courts to try and get their way? I have even personally been victim to one from an ex, and my mom was a paralegal and has seen plenty of bullshit lawsuits.

One of the lawsuits did get dismissed because it was filed in the wrong state, but Kopf tried again. If this was just one or two people, I'd take it with a grain of salt, but so many people have spoken about their personal experiences with Kopf or witnessing him pull shit. Yet, how many people have stepped up to defend him and provide another side to the negative stories?