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9426429 No.9426429 [Reply] [Original]

Ask, share stories and horrors. Help others out with their laundry questions.

>> No.9426431 [DELETED] 
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Here OP, I'll start it off for you.

>> No.9426432
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I'll start off with this translated guide I found looking for how to wash a dress.

>> No.9426433
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I just posted that and now can't delete it.

>> No.9426436
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>> No.9426461
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Ahhhh, I appreciate it and I'm not blaming you but why do people save infographs like this in .jpg? Do they want to kill my eyesight? It's so #triggering ;;

>> No.9426474

Some people don't save files as png or know how jpeg reduces the quality of the post. I didn't have much problems viewing it because mobile and. Maybe try that way and just zoom in.

How do you wash nameless poem? Does the black bleed into the white really bad? I remember seeing one person had an issue with it bleeding and want to know if that happened to any one else.

>> No.9426560

I remember there have been a few posts about smelly pettis but I can't recall what the solutions were. I have the same problem with a brand new petti I just received from taobao. I kind of don't want to take it to the dry cleaner because of how bad it smells. Is it possible to wash it by hand without it losing its puff?

>> No.9426563

Have any of you dealt with marker stains on your dresses? I got copic marker on one of my dresses because I was talking to a customer at a convention and didn't realize my marker cap was off. I tried using rubbing alcohol but it only removed the yellow pigment from the green stain so now it's glaringly blue.

My next attempt is going to be acetone and possibly vinegar if that doesn't work.

>> No.9426596

Have you tried just letting it air out and maybe sprinkling baking soda on it to hel neutralize the smell? What's it made of and what does it smell like?

Don't use acetone. That is really bad on the fabric. Try a tide pen, oxyclean, baking soda vinegar paste, if it's white then use a bleach pen. Even going over it over and over with alcohol over and over may help.

>> No.9426630

If you have a colourless blender, the solvent in the market might help the stain come out. I've never tried it so proceed with caution

>> No.9426684

So erm. Almost all stuff I have says "dry clean only" on the tag. I don't mind taking expensive brand dresses to the dry cleaner, but I have some cheap Bodyline etc. stuff that also says "dry clean only". I don't really want to pay the same for cleaning as I paid for the whole item but don't want to ruin the items either. How should I try cleaning them?

Also, in general I hear people say they put this or that dress in the washing machine and sometimes they mention dresses where I'm sure the laundry tag will also say "dry clean only". How do you determine which stuff is fine washing even if the tag says that and how do you wash it?

>> No.9426687

They're also mostly alcohol at least in that regard, but have you tried baby wipes? I know people who basically clean all stains on everything with baby wipes.

>> No.9426725

try the waistties first I would say

>> No.9426728

Dif anon. Depending on the brand there can be a lot of shit in babywipes that may cause stains, like perfume. At least get the ones with the fewest ingredients, or labeled hypo-allergenic

>> No.9426733

They just say "dry clean only" to cover their ass. bodyline and even most brand should be fine in the washing machine on gentle or hand washing

>> No.9426738

Bodyline is machine washable on the delicate or if you have it hand wash cycle. In my early years of Lolita, I washed all my bodyline in the washer with detergent and tumble dried on air dry to get rid of the main moisture. Then hung them up on dryer racks to finish the drying cycle. Most brand is also machine washable if it's a solid unprinted piece or screen printed with epoxy.

>> No.9426740

I use face wipes for cleaning a lot of things, but I wouldn't reccomend it for marker. It might help a little, but it'll most likely just dilute the colour a bit and spread the stain.
I would reccomend OP go to a dry cleaners and see if they have any ideas for getting it out, as they're knowledgeable about it. Also, you COULD try something with alcohol content, but it might affect the print or colour of the dress.

>> No.9426745

Other dumb laundry question: How do I find out how to clean something that has literally no label at all? Like, in the end I will probably just hand wash it and I'm sure it will be fine, but are there any methods for stupid people like me who have no knowledge about fabric to find out what the things are even made of when there is no label/tag whatsoever that would state the materials?

>> No.9426753

If simply airing it out doesn't help, try sealing it up in a bag with a scented dryer sheet for a while! Works like a charm in my experience

>> No.9426754

If you post a pic/link we might be able to help identify it or how to clean it, but I don't know of any master resource for stuff like that in general

>> No.9426759

I usually throw all my like colored dresses and a few blouses in the washer on a normal cycle and pray to Mana that they survive. So far, none have been ruined or damaged and come out smelling very nice. Wouldn't do this at a laundry mat though since those machines are too rough with normal clothing.

One thing I did learn is that dresses dry pretty quickly when machine washed and hanged dried vs hand wash and hanged dries.

I use tide to wash all my lolita and some downy or suavitel to give an idea on how I wash. And everything is washed inside out to prevent damage to chiffon or to the prints. Sometimes the risk is worth it because handwashing takes a lot of time and I hate it desu.

>> No.9426761

I've washed a lot of my bodyline before without issues, the only notable thing that was affected was that musical bunny print in red, the colour ran pretty badly, luckily I chucked in a colour catcher with it.

>> No.9426842

It's organza and it kind of smells like period honestly... but it's strange since it isn't stained or anything. Thanks for the suggestion anon, I'll try the baking soda!

This is a nice idea, thanks for the tip!

>> No.9426848

I've been in lolita for two years and wear it three times a month or so and i have mainly jsks. My OPs are all solid color.
I never washed my dresses. Only blouses and socks. And bloomers

>> No.9426849

Anon please wash your clothes, that's gross.

>> No.9426860

My only problem so far with laundry washing has been an infanta blouse loosing 2 of its buttons... I think it was before i forget to unbutton them (last time was the sleeve buttons).
Just have to be careful with this.

>> No.9426892

To be fair Infanta pieces (and for some reason Mary Magdalene of all brands) tend to lose their buttons pretty easily anyways, in my experience. Washing them unbuttoned and in a washing bag or pillowcase can help this or at the very least contain any runaway buttons if something does happen. Or just giving in like I eventually did and reinforcing all those wobbly buttons, but it takes so long that frankly half the time it's easier to just sew them back on as needed

>> No.9426937

This is why I wash all my things I bought used. People like you are disgusting pigs. Just because you can't see it or smell it doesn't mean it's not there. You are disgusting and should wash your clothes you heathen.

>> No.9426939

If it's organza you can wash it in a cold warm cycle and tumble dry it or hang
It inside out to dry. Then flip it over when it's dry to keep its fluff. I prefer to tumble dry since it fluffs it at the same time. I do it with all my organza Malco modes pettis.

>> No.9426945

I tend to reinforce all my buttons when I buy things from brand and off brand. It always seems the buttons are halfassed 90% of the time.

>> No.9426978

If you're washing multiple items at once, putting them in lingerie bags is a good idea. I've had zippers catch on built in pettis before, but never have any issue when they're protected in a bag

>> No.9427022

This. Pillowcases can also work for small enough items if you dont want to buy a million lingerie bags; I use them for chiffon blouses and tights all the time

>> No.9427030
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ill dump what I have saved

>> No.9427032
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>> No.9427036
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>> No.9427038
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>> No.9427040
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>> No.9427041
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>> No.9427042

someone suggested last time putting it in a container with baking soda. But try to have it in the container so it wasnt directly touching the smelly garment

>> No.9427117

There is an image size limit as well furthering the quality drop.

>> No.9428049

I have washed all my dresses in the washing machine on gentle cycle: printed, chiffon and even velveteen. I have never had a problem, but then again I heard it's mainly baby dresses that bleed and modern ap, I've got mostly old stuff. But feel free to ask if anyone wants to know about any specific dress.

>> No.9428053

I ordered a lady sloth jsk (my coffee time) but there is no care tag. Any idea if I can machine wash It? It's cotton

>> No.9428055

you can practically always wash cotton. If your worried wash it in 30C and don't use the tumbledryer

>> No.9428117

Thanks so much! I'll give it a go then

>> No.9428122

My dog peed on my classical puppets petti; is it possible to wash it in the machine and have it still stay fluffy?

>> No.9428134

why not just handwash it in the tub or something? Seems a lot less likely to accidentally tear or pull it

>> No.9428167

Pretty much all bodyline is safe in the washing machine just use the gentle cycle if yours has one. Same goes for brand but I recommend using a delicate fabric detergent. I don't put anything in the dryer though, dresses get hung on a hanger over the laundry room sink to air dry, socks and bows I just lay flat on a towel. Hairbows I wash in the sink with the same delicate detergent.

Someone spilled pop on me in the movie theater the other day, I was wearing bodyline' squirrel party jsk and I literally just threw it in the wash when I got home, didn't even use stain remover and it came right out

>> No.9428183

Just curious as to how you wash velveteen? Does the texture change after being exposed to water? I heard that was the one thing that should never go in the wash and I'm too cheap to bring mine to the dry cleaners because the one I go to charges $20 for each piece ("evening gown prices" for any Lolita piece I bring in because they're so fancy apparently). But he does a really good job. Also on a side note when you guys do bring something Lolita to a dry cleaner, how much do you usually pay?

>> No.9428188

I washed it on gentle and low spin, it is an old meta velvet jumperskirt. It was very wet due to the low spin so I actually did put it in the dryer in 10 second intervalls just to make it a bit less dry. Nothing happend but I still wouldnt recommend it, because maybe my dryer is more gentle than most people idk. Afterwards I stroked (lol) the fabric with the palm of my hand to make sure the fibres of the fabric where smooth and in place.

>> No.9428190

less wet* hurr durr

>> No.9428852

Does anyone have advice on dealing with city water? All of my normie clothes come out of the washing machine reeking of chlorine.

>> No.9428861

What is this, a pic for ants?

>> No.9429102

Please please please never ever use Woolite on any clothing. Despite being marketed as a wool detergent it's actually an incredibly harsh detergent. I come from yarn and knitting and we generally like leave in washes. I like Soak because it comes in a lot of pretty scents.

>> No.9429118

Would not call it a horror story, but I once handwashed an AP headbow because I wanted to avoid yellowing/stains from sweat, and I ended up with orange stains on the parts that go behind your ears, like something inside had rusted. I would think that the base is all plastic though, and this was in August so it should have dried in no time. Thankfully it was not a sought after print so I could probably just re-buy it for cheap if it bothers me too much but now I'm scared of washing headbows.

>> No.9429144

Yes. I washed and dried mine and it's fine. It actually shrunk a little and got softer

>> No.9429721

I'm from a large US city and I've also been charged $20 per dress at the dry cleaners.

>> No.9429722
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Does anyone have any tips for washing Vampire Nocturne OP? None of my other dresses are made with this fabric, so I'm lost.

>> No.9429873

What brands of detergents and softeners do prefer to use on your delicate dresses?

>> No.9429933

how did it manage to pee on your petti?

and how do you guys in general store your petticoats? I stuff mine into one of those IKEA fabric boxes that fit inside those square shelving units.

>> No.9429934


what's a delicate dress? I use cheap drugstore brands.

>> No.9429965

I machine washed an old solid-coloured IW dress before, and while it came out mostly okay it had a shitton of gathered white cotton lace at the hem and straps, which came out really wrinkly, shrunken and weird-looking. I ironed it afterwards and now it looks good from a distance, but the lace never fully recovered.
Does anyone have an idea about why this happened?

Also, I have an IW Litte Lady print jsk that I've worn two times and want to wash, but I'm not sure how. It's one of my favorite dresses so I really don't want the print to bleed. Do IW prints bleed easily?

If you took the time to open it in another tab or look at the pixel size of the image you'd know it wasn't.

>> No.9429967

I said this upthread but, I use gentle leave in detergents marketed for wool/delicates. My favorite brand is Soak.
Did you machine dry it too? Cotton shrinks with heat.

>> No.9429972

I didn't machine dry it, but machine washing it at 40°C might have been too warm for it.
Thanks, I didn't know cotton could be that heat-sensitive.

>> No.9430127

Some cotton lace shrinks incredibly easily (maybe the brands/manufacturer didn't preshrink it?). I hand washed Baby socks and the lace shrunk and was never the same again, I've heard starch helps but it's hard to buy here.

>> No.9430220

Wash everything you care about in cold or warm water. I dye fabric and fiber for a living, and many dyes can have their chemical bond with the fabric broken by high temperature water. It will also help prevent shrinkage in fabrics that are prone to it.

>> No.9430290

What is a high temperature? I mean the body is pretty warm and walking outside a hot day can really heat up the fabric.

>> No.9434177

I have an usakumya that had been put in storage for five years, without plans for it to be there that long. When it was pulled it the white is yellowed. How best would I go about washing it? I was thinking of using detergents for delicates. But, I don't know if I should put it in the washer (in a delicate bag) or do it entirely by hand.

>> No.9434206

So I had this happen on a IW dress with similar lace. The trick is to stretch it out by hand when its wet. The cotton lace can be reshaped relatively easily when wet.

>> No.9435578

Is there any source for why hand washing elastic materials is worse than machine washing? Most articles say that hand washing is better. I don't want to just trust the advise of a strangers designer friend without anything to back it up.

>> No.9442219

why is that image in the thumbnail so smol, why isn't there a larger image.

>> No.9442333

Fuck off.

>> No.9442372

Good to know! I used that anons advice and did wash some dresses with woolite unfortunately. I then started using woolite for my normal laundry and had an allergic reaction to it so I havent used it since.

With the dresses I didnt have a problem because I wore clothes underneath. But when I used it on some of my tshirts I got horrible rashes from the arms of the shirts

>> No.9442380

If youre still here anon here would be my advice. I either hand wash or put on delicate if you trust your machine enough to be gentle enough. Dont put in the drier as Ive found putting plushes in the drier fucks up their fur. I put some normie plushies of mine in the wash/drier and now their fur isnt nearly as soft and it looks weird. Ive had success with plushies in the wash but air drying though.

As for the de-yellowing just a wash might not be enough. I have successfully gotten yellow pit stains out of things by soaking it in a mixture of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. Im not sure if this will work for the type of yellowing that has happened with your plushie since the yellowing from my items was from the deodorant. I would research more online into removing yellowing in fabric and choose a method that suits your needs.

>> No.9442642

Help! I really need to find myself a good, reliable dry cleaner for my brand pieces, but how can I tell who to trust?

The dry cleaners in my town don't really have any reviews. I want to make sure I find an on-site one, but aside from that, how do you find a good dry cleaner?

>> No.9442666

If you're in the US

>> No.9442680

I'm actually in Canada, thanks though.

>> No.9442712

How do you safely deal with flocky prints? I received a JSK in the mail and it had some undisclosed spot on it, kind of looks like a bit of mud. Luckily it's only on the chiffon and not the velvet, but I'm nervous about trying to clean it.

>> No.9442794

I'm thinking of selling (or trading/swapping) a bunch of stuff. They're secondhand and some items have minor damages, but does it appeal to people more if I can offer free dry cleaning? Since I received them all as is, and they could probably use it.

>> No.9442803

Personally I don't care if you clean it or not since I clean all my stuff when I get it so I know it's clean. You can say you washed it as much as you want. But I won't believe you so I'll wash it myself to know it's clean.

>> No.9442839
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Help! I fucked up and got an old red Baby print wet. I've been trying to find info on how to fix it and everyone is talking about a livejournal page that doesn't exist anymore. I found a method involving ice water and color catcher, but I'm terrified to try it on a red and white print in case that will make it worse. What can I do, if anything?!

>> No.9443751

It appears to work for Canada still. I don't know why I assumed it was US only when it says international right on the page.

>> No.9443753

You might be able to charge more if the minor damages come out while at the dry cleaners.

>> No.9443761

I remember from the LJ page that this girl used shampoo on the parts with the running color on it, it worked quite well for her.

>> No.9443767

When this happened to me for the marie antoinette op in red, i soaked it fully in water with color catchers and all the excess dye bled out. when i pulled it out, the whites were white again and the reds hadn't faded, but the residue water was tinted with a lot of red dye. i've done it again with a different print and no color catchers, and the result was the same.

>> No.9443793

Thanks guys, I'll try both of these!
How many color catcher sheets did you use?

>> No.9443808

I have a couple of very old second hand dresses that arrived with the smell of BO. I've tried dry cleaning, hand washing, febreezing, and airing out and nothing seems to get rid of the smell. One of them is velveteen. Does anyone have tips on how to get rid of the smell once and for all?

>> No.9443824

I washed a cream cotton blouse in a load of my ordinary white clothes and a navy shirt got in there by accident and tinged it greyish. I re-washed it four times to try to get the colour out and most of it went, but it's still got a very slight greyish cast and has lost the warm cream colour and become very slightly offwhite instead. Would tea-dying it beige make it wearable again or should I just throw it out, esp. if beige won't match most of my wardrobe?

I'm hesitant about tea-dying because I'd struggle to find a container large enough to evenly immerse a whole blouse, beiges are hard to match, and I'm worried about the colour fading out again when washed even if I get it pot-on (I don't have a dryer to set the dye in). Last time I tried tea-dying a pair of socks they turned out weirdly salmon-y because the black tea I used produced a reddish liquid.

>> No.9443825

Thanks! I searched my town and only one came up out of the many dry cleaners I've seen, I'm going to look more into them.

Also, can anyone tell me, what should you typically say when bringing a Lolita dress to a dry cleaner?

On a few of my dresses that have a dry clean/no water symbol, it specifies that the garment should be cleaned with a petroleum based agent, so is this something to specifically ask for?

>> No.9443827

wait-- so you already made it bleed? so do the cold water/color catcher. what do you have to lose?

>> No.9443832

What makes Woolite supposedly bad? I'm kind of scared now because I've used it to wash my tights and blouses and stuff.

What kind of detergent other than leave in ones would you recommend?

>> No.9443960

I needed to dye something cream and used chamomile tea rather than black tea because it's yellow in colour. Do you have a kitchen sink, because that should be big enough to immerse the blouse in?

>> No.9444189

I've had good luck with using Dr.Bronners Pure Castile Liquid Mild Soap for Babies on the stain while running it under some cold water. That was for black transferring from a black fabric to a cream fabric though.

>> No.9444250

It's quite a harsh detergent, iirc. I wash all of my delicates with Unicorn Fiber Beyond Fiber Wash from their unscented baby line. It's very gentle. You may also use baby shampoo, because again gentle. Basically you want to get the detergent that will get the gunk off in the gentlest way possible.

>> No.9444257

Ah! Thank you. I will take a look st things. Hand washing definitely seems more trust worthy, but I just hope I can be thorough enough. Would it be okay to get it completely soaked or should I try to limit how wet the entire plush gets? Also would cool tumble try also be a threat to it! Again, thank you.

>> No.9444342

I once made a burn mark on one of my dresses while ironing it. Quick search on google suggested white vinegar, so I gently dabbed vinegar on it and it disappeared! I almost had a heart attack lol. But let me tell you guys, if you want to wash a small area of a dress and you want it to dry quickly, just iron it on low heat.

A little piece of advise as well, sometimes mystery stains are actually water marks! The problem is that the water dried to slowly, so it leaves a "puddle" per say. Just wash it normally (detergent and water) and with the iron dry it on low and it disappears.

>> No.9445202

Both good tips, thanks anon!

>> No.9445213

Do you have a steamer? I've bought some stuff from mercari that was like new but had a sour smell about it (not BO, more like the seller's house smell I guess) and I took my shark steamer to the items with very good results.

>> No.9445237

You can't be serious. Now you know why people avoid you at meet-ups.

I also throw all my petis in the wash, and like all lolita items, put them in laundry bags/nets individually, cold or at 30 degrees celsius at the highest. Not the dryer though, the material they're made of air dries fast enough.

The "throw it in the washing machine" only works if you live alone though, and don't risk other people throwing in random shit or starting the washer on a harsh program.

My stupid parents washed everything as hot as possible with too much detergent, ruined a shitton of my normie clothes that way. And wondered why all of their whites turned grey overtime.

Yes, and do it now. For how long have you had it sitting around with dog pee on it? Dog pee might make colors bleed (ammonia!) where detergent does not.

It's synthetic, right? That just goes into a net and into the washing machine, cold, and then hung up to dry. Don't put it in the dryer and it should be fine.

>> No.9445244

Steam the shit out of them. It's worked so well for everything I ever got that was smelly, from second hand pieces to weird synthetic smell from new pieces, that I sweat by it.

I now also steam all of my wool normie items, it works better than washing them on a gentle cycle.

>> No.9445250

swear, not sweat

>> No.9445259

I live in a shitty rental and my sink has no plug, but I was thinking of using a giant saucepan and then the bath to rinse. Never thought of using camomile, I don't think I can get it back to pale cream without the grey potentially showing through so I was thinking of going proper beige.

>> No.9445294

Feel you on the shitty rental (I don't miss that) but a saucepan should work.

If you think beige will go with your wardrobe them go for it. Maybe test out some different teas on scrap fabric (like dishcloths) until you find a good colour that isn't too salmon coloured. My gut feeling is that even coffee might be better for beige than black tea.

>> No.9447253

You could try Dylon Color Run Remover, worked like a charm for me.

>> No.9447260
File: 2.94 MB, 3024x3024, IMG_0664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know how to deal with/prevent the material becoming fuzzy?
First I thought it was just dust, butI handwashed it and then lint rolled it afterwards and it just wouldn't go away.
It's my favorite dress and I don't want to look like I just rolled around ok the floor everytime I wear it.
It's a cupro-cotton mix, if that helps.

>> No.9447511

Is that a Jane Marple dress? I have a jane marple skirt made of cupra and cotton and it has the same thing even though it's relatively new. I think I only noticed it after hand washing for the first time so water might be the problem.

>> No.9447520

Oh shit I regret my life...
And yeah it's JM.
It kind of looked like that before I washed it, but pretty sure it was just some dust back then, now the dirt is just part of the fabric it seems.

>> No.9448585

I fear there is nothing that you can do except going for dry cleaning. That fabric is super delicate and gets washed-out quickly. I stopped buying Jane Marple because of this. They stopped using those super sturdy cotton fabrics hat are still nice after 10 years. Now everythings holds up 2-3 seasons max.

>> No.9448604

I've always heard of people taking razors and lightly going across shirts and stuff with the fuzzy material on it. Wouldn't try it directly in the middle of the piece, but trying it in the back where it'll be out of sight sounds like a smart idea to me.

>> No.9448616

I have AP's drained cherry in yellow. So, yellow chiffon with a red pattern. Can I hand wash it in cold with a color catcher and some vinegar? Or should I dry clean it?

>> No.9448626

Anyone got any advice for pit stains? (Those annoying yellow lines as opposed to the whole area turning yellow)

I heard baking soda works. This is probably incredibly stupid, but does it only work with baking soda or can I use baking powder as well?

>> No.9449103

Baking soda works for me. I've never heard of anyone using baking powder but I guess you could try. Baking soda is much cheaper anyhow

>> No.9451984

What material is it? If it's synthetic you should probably be good to go.

>> No.9452238

Oxygen bleach could also work

>> No.9454358

It is anon. Thanks!

>> No.9455954

anyone got any tips for Angelic Pretty's Day Dream Carnival? It seems like it got some metallic print and I'm scared of washing it or taking it to the dry cleaners.

>> No.9457076

AP's Dream Fantasy salopette in black is safe to handwash?The label says only dry clean.

>> No.9461120

>put 3 color catcher sheets into a load of whites with a pair of white/pink socks
>Watch in horror as everything white becomes pink
Holy shit, how do I fix this?

>> No.9461135

Wash it again before it dries.

>> No.9461210

A guideline I go by is that the richer the colour, the more likely it might bleed. Bright reds, super rich blues and purples, etc. And black might be a problem, too.

I wash my bodyline on gentle cycle (cold water) and always with like colours. If there's a chance of colour bleeding, use colour catching sheets. If you're fond of the dress and particularly worried about it, you can always handwash it in cold water also. Partially fill your bathtub, add gentle detergent, swish the garment, press water out (don't wring) and rinse it in clean water. If your dress is not heavily soiled, you can even do a couple at once before switching the water out. (Just use fresh water to rinse each time). Press out the water and hang to dry. If the fabric is delicate and you're worried about warping, lay flat to dry instead.

I use laundry soap for pretreating stains, and I use oxyclean to get light garments brighter. For oxyclean, I dissolve it and let soak for a few hours, or you can add it to the wash. This is the soap: https://www.amazon.com/BUNCHA-FARMERS-NATURAL-BIODEGRADABLE-REMOVER/dp/B00CBSMXNQ?th=1 Just test it somewhere inconspicuous to make sure it won't mess up the fabric.

>> No.9462278

So Infanta's red runs pretty bad. Just sweating a bit in my red Cinderella JSK stained my blouses to have pink armpits. Luckily the stains came out with some dish soap. I handwashed the dress with a ton of color catchers. Looked like a crime scene. Dress looks fine though. I'm hoping this stops it from bleeding onto my blouses, but does anyone know good methods of setting dyes to stop them from running?

>> No.9462301

Treat it with a dye fixative. Also it's probably a really shitty dress if the dye they used comes off just from perspiration.

>> No.9462318

Thanks! It doesn't look bad, but I probably won't buy another dress from them again due to their quality issues.

>> No.9462370

Oh man, I have the infanta tangled jsk in red, it didn't even get wet but the colour literally rubbed off on my white blouse and bag I had on at the time. I've only worn it once because of it and keep it between black pieces in my wardrobe for fear it marks my dresses. Bodylines unicorn print in navy isn't colourfast either, chucked it in my handwash water only to return and find the water totally blue, thank goodness I use colour catchers- seems to have saved it.

>> No.9462394

You need to get a device to de-pill it. Those little balled up bits are called pilling. It happens to some fabrics with time. Especially knits.

>> No.9467852

Hmm it's not exactly piling and the things are way too small and thin to even get caught in the device.

>> No.9468909

Diff anon but if you use a razor lay it flat and don't let it catch or you might end up with a little hole like a moth bite. I know you said the lint roller didn't work but maybe wrap your hand in tape and try to pat it off? The focused pressure might help.

>> No.9469241

I hope they washed it on colder than 30C! Cotton shrinks!

What the fuck anon, don't use coffee to dye. It doesn't set the way that adding salt to tea dye does.

>> No.9469504

You can set it with vinegar though.

>> No.9469575

Hi, I dye yarn and fabric for a living. This is all not actually dyeing. Dyeing involves a chemical bonding of the dye molecules to the fibers. You're just staining the fabrics temporarily.

Also, that whole vinegar sets dye thing is an old wives tale, it literally doesn't do anything on any sort of chemical interaction level. The only case this works is if you're working with protein based fibers (wool, cashmere, nylon actually counts here, don't ask why) and you use vinegar or a similar acid AND heat.

In order to properly dye cotton, you need to use soda ash. Salt helps to open the fibers so that it'll accept the dye more readily, but it's not a fixative.

>> No.9469754

A lot of cotton has been pre-shrunk, I've washed lolita at 40 because my machine has no 30 setting and it worked out fine. Wouldn't recommend it for everything though.

>> No.9469871

Seconding this. My DDC OP has only been worn once so it hasn't been cleaned yet, but what to do when it does?