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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 427 KB, 500x626, tumblr_mcgghr5MLp1rf8vx4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9371114 No.9371114 [Reply] [Original]

Post your coords, questions and inspiration

previous thread ended with goshikku/rokku inspo

>> No.9371118

Just say gothic and rock, you weeb.

>> No.9371254
File: 36 KB, 466x700, 16174705_10208231541937558_6837229297738329258_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're all filthy weebs here just like you

mini dump from my insp album

>> No.9371255
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>> No.9371259
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>> No.9371264
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>> No.9371271
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>> No.9371275
File: 145 KB, 478x640, 4109_900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are great, are there any more? I'm just re-discovering my love for rokku and need inspiration.

>> No.9371280
File: 34 KB, 442x327, 6ba76909109ef7e6c8c3e6ec83bb5e5f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel like the accessories completely make rokku outfits

>> No.9371297
File: 32 KB, 240x360, tumblr_n7aeffwlMH1qfyllbo1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure , just didn't wanna overwhelm the thread

reminder it's cool to self post! let's see your looks and make guys!

>> No.9371300
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>> No.9371302
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>> No.9371303
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>> No.9371317
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>> No.9371321
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>> No.9371577

Is rokku dead? I only see the same pictures over and over again. I'm looking for new inspo but I only see the same coords.

>> No.9371595

i heard rokku is actually very alive in japan, but google only gives so many results right, unless you know where to look

>> No.9372254

Don't all the bangya dress up rokku? But I guess they're maybe not calling it like that anymore? Idk

>> No.9372271


>> No.9372797
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>> No.9372798
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>> No.9372799
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>> No.9372800
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>> No.9374637
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Do any of you actually wear these lolita/gyaru etc. outfits enough to warrant the amount of money you spend on them? I'm legitimately curious here, if the only time you can wear these kind of outfits without being ostracized by the common public are the few conventions a year you might not even make it to, it seems like kind of a raw deal.

>> No.9374658


People wear these to conventions? I thought they were clubbing outfits/art student outfits.

>> No.9374663

Well, if you're not a basic bitch who only dresses up in their 'fashion' (read: badly done weeaboo cosplay attempts at legit styles) then it's not so bad. I wear gyaru for social occasions, so that's usually once a week, more if I'm not at work.

>> No.9374666

*only dresses up [...] for cons

>> No.9374679

Requesting brands that make good rock/goth shoe brands? Can't find yotsukes I like anywhere.

>> No.9374864

>I know this is bait but
Especially gyaru clothes are sth you could easily wear as casual clothes if you leave out the makeup and hair. Some Lolita pieces can also be worn on a daily basis. And desu I think spending 20-50$ on a top or a dress isn't 'expensive'. It's pretty average and even the 200$-500$ which one might spend on lolita is nothing I'd consider expensive. If you work and safe up for things that you think are pretty and then buy them? What's so wrong about that?

Maybe demonia?

>> No.9374925

gyaru is pretty wearable. even if i can't be bothered with lashes most days, I at least wear my brand items about half of the time and in summer almost daily

>> No.9374927

i use demonia and bodyline

>> No.9375022
File: 511 KB, 768x1280, MYXJ_20170228204125_save.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selfposting again to fit the goshikku vibe
There gotta be some other anons here willing to post!

>> No.9376120

So is this what visual kei fangirls wear? I'm huge into visual kei but a lot of these rock/goth gyaru coords just look like girls wearing visual kei.

>> No.9376123

It highly depends on which band one is following. But rock gyaru is highly associated with the bangya comm.

>> No.9376285

Gyaru is to do with the hair and makeup which is different in someways to vk, although vk also includes suji sometimes

>> No.9376286

Yeah, the hair, makeup and the general 'sexiness' is a big difference. Vkei and rokku gal definitely overlap, but each does things that the other doesn't.

>> No.9376389

Alright. I've concluded that a lot of the rokku gyaru girls are bangya girls, but the styles are distinctive, yet co-influential. Thank you for your replies.

>> No.9376442

Think I might go rokku for a party tomorrow, will post an outfit shot when I do.

>> No.9376573
File: 282 KB, 807x1115, 5dba42118d4e130a5f18fce25febb075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to be trashy cute
>would just be mistaken for a whore
>skin too dark to be a bronzed barbie
Beauty supply stores where I live sell wigs like these in mass bulk and the clothes are even easier to find. But I dont want to get sexually harassed nor cornered by cops.

Feels sad.

>> No.9376574

gyaru doesn't mean you have to be naked. and you learn to mute sexual harassers

>> No.9376593

Agreed, sexual harassment is inevitable in gyaru, gotta learn to live with it because it's not like they're gonna stop. Get yourself a 6'5 jacked bf who looks black and angry, worked for me.

>> No.9376891

That or do a complete freak out to scare them away.

>> No.9377466

Where tf do you live? We also have areas like that in my city, where I'd never go while wearing gyaru (at least not alone and probably I also wouldn't go there alone in normal clothes either), but if I just don't go to these areas and stay with 'normie spots' (or lets be honest here, spots where the muslim rate is low) then everything is totally ok. You'll get a 'nice butt' here and there, or a 'let me take you for a drink', but that's nothing that would not happen in other clothes either

>> No.9377557

Huh, David Bowie is still alive?

>> No.9377652

yes! please do

no such thing as too dark to be gyaru, most my favourite gaijin gals are black because damn their skin make highlights and nose stripes pop in a way I will never achieve on my pasty ass face

>> No.9377672

Chicago. The ghetto side.

Thanks. I just feel like I have too much of a structurally "black" face to really pull it off and the tone of my skin isn't on the more yellowed hue to make it work.

>> No.9377683

Just ask the girls from champagne pop for help, a lot of them are poc from chicago, they know best.

any face can be gyaru, if you learn how to adapt it to your shape.

maybe you are best off taking inspiration from banba makeup.

>> No.9377968
File: 602 KB, 518x1130, IMG_2628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, I accidentally ora ora.

An attempt was made.

>> No.9378021

THIS is perfect! Damn gurl, this coord is everything

>> No.9380215
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>> No.9383829

Are there any jfashion bloggers that still do this style?

>> No.9384425
File: 87 KB, 700x466, Funny-Almond-Nail-Art-Images-103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Misfireeee for days

Any gals here have cute nails? I use stick ons but I'm considering some pink black nails but totally need some insp (already been in the nail thread)

>> No.9384427

Lizziebee does
Lots of gals still blog not as many as in the past but theyre still there , I'll get some links

>> No.9385365

I have black stilettos, so not really cute in that sense
have you looked at models from magazines? ageha etcetera

>> No.9386753


Don't know why this got its own thread, it really belongs in here. Thoughts? I don't see it catching on but it makes sense to combine rave stuff with gyaru imo, It would be cool to see a techpara circle with stuff like this.

>> No.9386863
File: 80 KB, 1080x1080, 1477979615652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My aristo inspo. Even though I'm male.
>can't find anything anywhere that isn't sold out

>> No.9387213

4chan is having major misfire problems, i posted a list of blogs and god knows where it went

>> No.9387695
File: 322 KB, 683x1024, 96b5ca12-2353-40a2-8db1-9e48074c718c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been going through a lot of blogs and sites from brand to indie and firsthand to secondhand stores, and almost everything is sold out or looks awful. A few would look awful on me.

It's quite disheartening.

>> No.9387703

You're in the gyaru thread, please post gyaru or go back to whatever thread you're supposed to be in. Don't just carry on your conversation in this one.

>> No.9387747
File: 196 KB, 750x1334, 1488654827857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm bored and'll give you a small spam

>> No.9387748
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It'll mostly be BD stuff probably

>> No.9387749
File: 384 KB, 1568x1045, 1474696496688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her so much, her tan is goals, but I'm white as paper

>> No.9387752
File: 35 KB, 600x702, 1473137982417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still sad that she left BD

>> No.9387903

I wasnt talking about your aristo problem with my blog reply, look at the damn thread

>> No.9388966

well, the whole saike-trend was already tied to the techno/raving scene, and a lot of gals are into that stuff, so I can see it for sure.

>> No.9389759
File: 56 KB, 768x1024, 47b520a9bcbcda55211a24fa3979666c2063e7c6_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My coord from this weekend.

Hey anon, just message me on IG or Twitter @96reina_ as I live in chicago and if you are really interested I'd definitely be willing to help you out

>> No.9390054


Looks like something Misa from Death Note would wear.

>> No.9390224

Love the pose!

>> No.9390907
File: 487 KB, 1400x1971, 10382405_10203337437310457_7304345506071698491_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been pretty pissed lately that my circle is now basically defunct. Sucks being a solo gal again, because now I have no one to bounce coordinate or hair ideas against.

The Amino app is nice but it does seem like it's losing steam.

>> No.9390938

if amino isnt where you want to post, just contact any gal you like from any country, and become friends

>> No.9390945
File: 523 KB, 1400x1971, 10515310_10203337407469711_8150576916581971726_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do post on the amino app but it seems to have gone the way of facebook where there are only likes, no real discussions

>> No.9390958

most discussions are in the chats

>> No.9390977

this is cringey

>> No.9390986

you look like Sere

>> No.9391083
File: 27 KB, 400x400, 1489360462699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and that's why you fuck in lolita, makes it way more important

>> No.9391085

you look like normal goth

>> No.9391088

long nails are cringe

>> No.9391131

Likes were the worst thing to happen to the internet really. It's killed off any communication.

>> No.9391674

Huh, what a coincidence that these posts are all within an hour of each other. Post your own shit or fuck off, people who criticise others without being willing to offer themselves up for criticism are worthless.

>> No.9391700

Gyaru is pretty easy to wear, depending on what it is. It's not terribly expensive for most of it. Look up Liz Lisa or himekaji for a more toned down form of gyaru. It's pretty affordable and casual.

Did you mean to ask this about lolita? That'd be a legitimate question and I wonder that about some pieces even though I'm a lolita as well. It's a big problem in the lolita community right now that our brands are making things really costumey and outlandish more and more and less casual. Google OTT lolita and then look at casual lolita and you'll see quite a difference.

>> No.9391961

poster of 9390958, those were posted after I fell asleep, but thank you for sticking up for others.

>> No.9392325

Yeah sorry, mobile scum and I linked the wrong post.

>> No.9393094
File: 168 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manya is perfection

>> No.9393334

When I see this picture I can see where Max from ReGal gets her inspiration from!

>> No.9393677

Literally who

>> No.9393697

Went and looked at the 'Max' album on regal, bitch you look nothing like Manya. Stop selfposting, you're not subtle. And stop drawing your brows with space for a four lane highway between them.

>> No.9393832

If this is where Max gets their inspo, they aren't doing a very good job of showing it

>> No.9394314
File: 2.23 MB, 3840x3840, IMG_0982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really know what I was doing here but it came out somewhat ok, if not basic as hell.

>> No.9394325
File: 763 KB, 500x250, 1405906436920.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those lenses are cuuuute

>> No.9394497

You look cute but I wouldn't really call this gyaru. The combination of the straight black hair, light makeup and casual outfit just doesn't make for a gyaru look.

>> No.9394530
File: 36 KB, 384x640, 1480147291315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tend to agree with you that black hair isn't very gyaru, but I didn't feel like dealing with a colored wig today since I was just running errands. My make actually isn't light but I chose to upload a filtered pic so it's whatever

I do wonder though, since you mentioned my casual outfit, what makes an outfit "gyaru"? There are thousands of coord pics from gal models where they're casual so what exactly makes what they're wearing gal? (pic not really related)

>> No.9394536

A casual outfit is fine if the hair and makeup makes up for it, but if it's 100% plain and 0% flashy then whats the point of calling it gyaru?

>> No.9394584

Different anon, but what bothers me is that the outfit is not 'simple' but completely mismatched, mostly colowise. Though I think another pair of shoes would've done a better job and probably a different tshirt.

The makeup is fine as well as the hair, which both can go for an onee look. Also like those lenses, they're stunning

>> No.9397418

Anyone going to enter the launch pic contest on Amino? I don't really do pink so I'll pass this time, but I'm gonna try and get a couple friends to enter.

>> No.9398289

I was thinking about it

>> No.9398296

Anyone you're looking forward to seeing entries from? I'd like to see something from Lizzie, Reina or one of the really out-there kuro gals like Yaya or Puyo or someone. I can't imagine Reina will enter tho given that it's her own amino.

>> No.9398301

I actually want to see someone who is NOT known for wearing pink

>> No.9398318

I just want to see a nice, glamorous image with a magazine feel. I hope the winner isn't some boring basic selfie.

I was thinking of doing something with a mostly pink cocolulu look lying down on a pink leopard print blanket surrounded by gal mags, but it's Sunday and I can't be arsed, plus the one decent local tog I know doesn't know shit about gal or fashion photography.

>> No.9398324

I want to see this

>> No.9400769

Where's the best place to follow gals these days?

>> No.9400828


>> No.9401002

Instagram and twitter, depending on what or whom you want to see.

>> No.9401080

Bitch what? are you
>>9390977 too?

>> No.9401262

Of course she is, don't humour the jealous fat cunt.

>> No.9402588

Who else /hypeforgalfest/ here? Anyone started thinking about outfits yet? I kinda feel like I should go for something sexy as it's a party but at the same time amekaji is so comfy for dancing in.

>> No.9402610


>> No.9402644

Go for an outfit change.
/events/632416113632491 on facebook
They are organising a meetup for the summer

>> No.9402652

I wish I could go, but even though I'm from a neighbour country it's way too expensive for me to go there. And I'm also not sure if it's worth it? Like what will they do there? Will they've special guests from Japan? Or something like that, so it'd be worth it to go? Or is it just like the meets in Frankfurt?

>> No.9402653

Fuck me I want to go but god knows I can't afford the travel expenses. I'll just live through you, anon.

>> No.9402655

I looked it up and it is a pretty cheap city. 50£ retour

>> No.9402656

update, even for 30£

>> No.9402675

Shit really?

>> No.9402681

if you are german, look at nsinternational, flixbus or eurolines. For other countries, the city itself has an airport that has ryanair flights so it isn't that expensive.

Most flights are inbetween 50-150€ retour, all over europe. most trains around 20-40, maybe 60€, and busses can go as low as 7€

if you tell me your city/country I can help you find the cheapest options

>> No.9402699

Thank you anon! I've done a little of my own research and I think I might have a plan. Thanks for the help.

>> No.9402844

I still don't see if it's worth to go there? Can someone explain what will happen?

>> No.9402847

As far as I see, sellers, performances and deshima sounds? I have seen Chris post about parapara and deshima sounds is a DJ unit, so it is probably "let's get wasted"

>> No.9403080

Party, para para, club night with Japanese and Korean music, karaoke probably, food. Basically a big night out focused on gyaru and Japanese pop culture. If you don't like that stuff then it won't be for you, but if you're not into any of that I don't know wtf you're doing in a gyaru thread

>> No.9403107

I don't want to pay that much money for it. Like I now see that I can just save the money which'll probably add up to a good 500€ over the weekend and go to Japan with it. Saves me a lot of drama, I guess, because we all know that afterwards everyone will bitch about every little bit that happened there.

>> No.9403109

where? gyaru secrets is dead anyway

>> No.9403125

Oh, there are enough places, like here, or behind the backs of other people.
Also, for me it's too expensive. If I'd live in NRW or any other place near there, then yes.

>> No.9403127


lol where the fuck do you live, australia? I literally cannot understand how you would manage to spend that much money on a weekend's partying. If you can't afford it or don't like the idea of it then fair enough, but don't blow it up like some kind of mega expensive bitchfest just because you're poor and salty kek

>> No.9403129

If you go for 2-3 days, 200-300 if you include drinks and food would be logical, but more than that?

>> No.9403136

Well let's break it down

Two nights in a hotel, assuming Friday and Saturday and you travel home Sunday, I think I paid about £90 for a reasonably nice 3 star hotel 10 minutes walk from the venue, so that's €104. Then travel- anon is presumably German to refer to NRW, so let's say she's coming from Berlin, furthest part of the country from the Netherlands. Flights are available for €100 return to Amsterdam, and it was about €15 for a train from there to Eindhoven when I checked. That's assuming you fly- by train it's €67.

So we're at €219 for flights and hotel. How the fuck you gonna spend €300 on partying over the course of two days and then complain about things being expensive?

>> No.9403139

Not train sorry, the second price was for bus. But yeah, someone sure is being a salty bitch over nothing. I guess she doesn't like the organisers.

>> No.9403144

and if it is berlin, it is 80€ retour for train, and flight 100 retour to eindhoven airport if you transfer at amsterdam.

>> No.9403172

I just like to round up things to even numbers in order if there's some emergency happening. I'm not poor or salty, I just look for my money as a mom looks for her newborn. In the beginning I was just asking if it was worth going as I haven't seen a program for this event anywhere and just saw people blowing it up. I thought they'd have some special guests or something.
Now I see it's just a regular meetup and I think it's not really worth it to attend, though I wish everyone who's going to have lots of fun. It's nice they make this type of event for Gyaru.

>> No.9403176

unrelated but you say 'looks after' in english rather than 'looks for'
the more u know™

>> No.9403214

Thank you! I haven't used my English within a good while now, so it's always nice to get some help with it.

>> No.9403276

Are you coming from the UK? Where are you travelling from and how much is it costing you, if you don't mind me asking? I'm looking at options but I've never gone further abroad than Paris so it's a bit intimidating.

>> No.9406739

£163 for flights, hotel and travel insurance iirc. I'm flying Ryanair from Stansted.

>> No.9408883

Amino contest is up, who's your favourite? I went for the manba girl. There were some really mediocre entries tho.

>> No.9409303
File: 3.59 MB, 2250x1246, gyaru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to start collecting for a hime hair piece collection but I can't afford to blow on all of these at once - I'm thinking of getting like 3 of these to begin and adding more slowly - I've never used half wigs etc. before so I'm not sure what'll combine to look the best? I do want to get a full base wig and not just clip in bangs if that'll work.

>> No.9409308

These hairpieces never caught on that much abroad, so you might not have much luck finding someone with experience to help. You might want to try looking up japanese tutorials and see what they use- either the prisila site/tags or the hair magazine betty might be helpful

>> No.9409930

the most common is a clipon bang and a halfwig, because that is what gives the opportunities for pigtails/ponytails/sideswept hair, etcetera.
if you want to buy 3 pieces, I would say a bang, half wig and maybe a ropewig or a smaller halfwig like vm-01 to get the top volume

>> No.9409982

Don't do it anon. I saw girls wearing them in Japan and they always look shit. The texture never matches your hair properly (too shiny) and neither does the color. This one girl in the AP store had 3 different colors of blonde on her hair (bangs, 2 clip-in pony-tails) and her real hair on her scalp was fried as shit.

>> No.9410008

Thanks for the advice, anon, but I wanted to completely cover my real hair with a full wig so there's no texture/colour matching issues there. Hopefully buying all the same colour from the same brand would help but to be honest I'm not fussed if they're shiny/fake, gyaru generally isn't exactly natural. I won't wear them if the colours are really obviously different from each other.

>> No.9410010

If you buy the prisila ones they're actually like real hair and not shiny at all. And if you arrange them right, one is not supposed to see real hair beneath them.

Eg you buy bangs and two half wigs, one with curls and a straight top to add volume. You make yourself a dango (how is that called in emglish?) hairstyle, aka tie up all of your hair. You add the bangs and then you place the two half wigs over the dango *tadaaa* no real hair will be seen. To hide the 'gaps' between the wigs you can use different hair accessories. Tbh it's super easy to arrange them. And you can play around alot even with just three of them.

>> No.9416662

Are gyarusas pretty much rip in the gaijin community or nah?

>> No.9416732

nah, Gyarusas are actually the most active.
Velvet, plutonium, akipoyo, champagnepop, gyaransu... And I believe Regal is also still active, but not on their own page. These are the ones I remember off the top of my head. There was also a new canadian galsa from lillie-joe, the manba, but I forgot the name.
and the girls who are in these circles are the most active aswell

>> No.9416787

I think the problem with gaijin gyarusas is that the comms are so small these days someone in the same region/country/wherever always gets butthurt if they're not invited.

>> No.9416826

This is the problem I have. I'd like to start a gyarusa on my country but would no doubt get accused of BITCHY LEETISM by all the boring basics who flake on every meet they're ever invited to.

>> No.9416827

Just ignore them, or set up a rule that they need to be at a set amount of meets to be eligable, and once they're in they can only flake so many times (unless it is a good reason)

>> No.9416858

Literally just ignore them, if they're that basic they'll drop out in a few weeks anyway.

>> No.9416928

Reading the word elitism in a gyaru thread is kinda amusing

Sage for not contributing

>> No.9417289

dude i feel this so badly.

like if you're going to go all in, be friends with the people. it's not like everyone can and should be welcome.

this coming from me, i was totally shunned by the local gyarusa when i was a kid because i looked like fuck. i dont blame them in the slightest. would i want to be seen with 18 year old me now? hell no.

>> No.9417336

There aren't even any gals in my area. Which makes me very sad somehow. There are plenty of Lolita and also people who are into other Jfashions, but gals? Haven't spotted any since 2014, those were the last ones who then went off to Japan to become prostitutes or who just simply quit the fashion.

>> No.9417588
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Old hime dump incoming

>> No.9417590
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>> No.9417592
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>> No.9417593
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>> No.9417594
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>> No.9417595
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>> No.9417596
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>> No.9417597
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>> No.9417598
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>> No.9417599
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>> No.9417600
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>> No.9417602
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>> No.9417604
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>> No.9417605
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>> No.9417607
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>> No.9417626

>that nose
Looks like that fish with the human face

>> No.9417864

How badly would I get shit upon if I altered high-street dresses or made my own dresses based upon these sort of things? I feel like gals aren't quite as rabid as lolitas are about replicas, but still. I'd rather spend the money on hair/make up/contacts/accessories as personally I think they make or break an outfit more than the actual clothes.

>> No.9417867

Actually, that's a really good idea. If I set a rule of 3 meets or something, that's enough to scope people out and weed out the flakes I think. Thanks!

>> No.9417872

Absolutely nobody would give a shit, as long as you look good and accessorise well.

>> No.9418006

As the quality of gyaru brands is horrible anyway you'll probably be better off if altering what you have or buy things you think would go with the style. Because you're right, the clothes are not really the essential. You can wear all h&m and still make it gyaru with the right make and hair

>> No.9418216

Just bought my first piece of gal burando, feeling the retail therapy bliss right now.

>> No.9418240

What'd you get?

>> No.9418245

A Ma*rs dress. Nothing special, just feels nice to have it bought.

>> No.9418546

still show pics!

brand literally means nothing to western gals we don't give a shit, just do your hair and make well and have your outfit look decent. I don't think it even means anything to jp gyaru either

>> No.9419462

>I don't think it even means anything to jp gyaru either

Depends on the style and social background imo, the original gyaru had a reputation for being obsessed with designer goods. JP hime gals would probably not be too impressed with anon's idea because they have crazy brand loyalty, but western gals won't care.

>> No.9419539

ask people, take kati cats advice.

>> No.9419551

unless it is stuff like alba or some other holy brand, but i agree, most are actually impressed if you cam get a good outfit offbrand. and a lot of japanese brands made replicas aswell, thing avrila pink or dreamV

>> No.9419582

Ask people what? If there aren't any gals around there aren't any gals around what would asking change? I know my local jfashion scene fairly well, we don't even have those 'bad attempt' gals.

>> No.9420637

I'm a lolita that dresses gal, but I don't do it around my comm. You could always ask to see what people think of it (I'm not that anon btw).

>> No.9420644

Like I said, I know my local comms fairly well because reasons. I know which lolita does cosplay, I know which cosplayer tries to pull off different jfashions, etc
I think I'm just not in the right area for gal, yet I try to encourage people to try it. I think some will do it, but chances are high that there won't be a gyarusa any time soon. There's not a big sense of community here, I blame the former lolita comm drama and the current cosplay and vk drama people for it. No one is trusting in each other. A comm here would end up in a revive of g_s

>> No.9420651

I always offer my friends who show even the slightest chance of interest to give them a makeover, that way they can actually get to know the progress, how they look, how it feels.

>> No.9420698
File: 40 KB, 225x350, 39214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any info or pictures of Futamata Shou? Their pixiv says they're male, but I can't read nip and his/her twitter pictures never really show their face. I wouldn't be surprised if they were actually a man doing cross gyaru or a woman avoiding the spotlight of being a mangaka exclusively.

>> No.9420701
File: 31 KB, 225x350, 39213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another image. I want to see their outfits but all I can find is just pictures of ice cream.

>> No.9420713

Who are people's favourite gals on insta?

>> No.9420718

Oh, this is the Nanbaka mangaka. I'm very curious about this as well.

>> No.9420745

gxlbible did a great post for that, 4chan won't let me link it but you can just google it, it's on blogspot.

I followed all the ones she recommended then found a few more on the consequent suggestions. That's for jp gals, anyway. For gaijin gals, my favourites are georgie_piyo, theakichu and lau_paint_the_sky.

>> No.9420800
File: 188 KB, 427x640, 1474605423_1_4_39df09dfe6bc5852e0cd074940325289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Futamata Shou
other sites say they're female, so I would say that is the case

>> No.9420803
File: 224 KB, 640x427, 1474605423_1_10_484de674f62581739f832b9ba7849099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need these shoes/pants

>> No.9420809

Her nose is so perfect. Wonder if it's surgery from all the Nanbaka dollars.

>> No.9420832

It looks japan average? Like it doesn't even look like she got fillers or something. But damn I'd still kill for a nose like that

>> No.9420954
File: 786 KB, 977x447, shibata mami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys watch anime or shows that have gyaru in? It seems to be a rising trend in anime, but I haven't watched any of those. However, right now I'm watching Tokyo Tarareba Girls (jdrama based off a josei manga) and it has a great amekaji gal who I keep getting hair inspo from. It's pretty enjoyable.

>> No.9420993
File: 895 KB, 1061x1500, 049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not something that's really present in anime unless it's for a joke character or just not the focus. I used to read Peach Girl back in middle/high school.

I'd have liked for pic related to be an actual, full manga. Gal on the left dreams of being a top exotic dancer and I swear it has the perfect premise of a lengthy dance battle series. Unfortunately, it's only porn.

>> No.9421000

Not sure if relevant but it hurts my soul to see girls cosplaying Galko with little to no makeup. I want to see a gyaru Galko!

>> No.9421016

same for people cosplaying junko

>> No.9421043

I can't believe I forgot all about Junko. And I was just thinking about Juzo earlier.

>> No.9421053

Well, there's Galko and a few others I've seen mentioned on /a/ recently, one was a high school romance and one was about lifting weights.

plebs cosplaying gal characters without gal make cause me acute and unending suffering

>> No.9421059

>and one was about lifting weights.
I wasn't aware that god was real until now. Thank you.

>> No.9422070

Tempted to post some recent valentines for discussion in here. I'd post secrets but have there actually been any recent secrets?

>> No.9422089

go for it
I don't think there have been any

>> No.9422116

What would you guys say is the current look for gyaru? What are the make trends and what does it look like in comparison to the more extreme styles?

I feel like a lot of the new styles are understated in comparison, but it's also because I haven't seen a lot of gyaru content dated past 2014.

Help a bitch out?

>> No.9422131
File: 42 KB, 540x720, 16806721_392585787775789_4316818320359399008_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spam incoming.

>> No.9422132

Is this by the same guy that made a manga about a pair of gal cops? It's like my secret ecchi guilty pleasure.

>> No.9422134
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>> No.9422138
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>> No.9422140
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>> No.9422141

I would say, mostly a very clean version of any substyle. 2017 seems the year of amekaji's comeback. a lot of the sweeter styles died out, they moved on to larme, and a lot of oldschool items like fake furs and browns have been switched out for a lot more metallic and black accents

>> No.9422143
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>> No.9422146
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>> No.9422147
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>> No.9422149
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>> No.9422151

yaas thanks girl

i'm ready for more polished looks

>> No.9422153

She looks gal from the neck up, but I'm not sure why she chose that jumper. I love HP as much as the next girl but it's not gal at all.

This isn't gal. Is she even wearing lashes?

She's really pretty, I'd like to see her with some extensions or something, a full-on sujimori or something I think would suit her.

She's hot.

>> No.9422156
File: 61 KB, 768x960, 15055698_1285325918175651_5283236040024747649_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ria is one of my biggest inspirations at the moment! She looks amazing with long hair, but also short

>> No.9422158
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>> No.9422161
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>> No.9422174

Onee gal still reigns supreme. Amekaji has had a comeback in the gaijin comm as anon said, but that's not reflective of anything happening in Japan, that's largely just due to Georgie's popularity imo and the general shift towards more old-school styles in the wake of the magazines dying.

Yes she's wearing lashes you blind cunt. Don't sit there and go 'that's gal, that's not gal' unless you're going to post yourself for comparison.

>> No.9422181

On the subject of valentines, I feel like the shift to facebook has killed off the blatant selfposting that was going on. Some of it was so fucking obvious in the livejournal days. It means less valentines overall, but at least they're genuine.

>> No.9422188

probably because it is not anon? or because the community has become nicer in general

>> No.9422199

I think it's the not anon thing, you know you're going to be judged hard if you try to post yourself.

I used to be friends with one of the LJ valentines mods though, and she said you could always tell who was selfposting by looking at the account that had uploaded the valentines to imgur or whatever. Zoe from ReGal was apparently the worst for it. Doesn't particularly surprise me, I figured she was crazy full of herself from how she shits herself in rage whenever someone gives her concrit.

>> No.9422205
File: 60 KB, 540x720, C8SdzuqV0AEB_-q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ anon easy with the salt. Her lashes must be tiny, especially the bottom ones. She looks much better here.

>> No.9422210

Sorry, I get very tired of how many people on /cgl/ talk the talk with zero evidence of walking the walk. Every time I see someone going 'oh that's not gal because I don't like it' I imagine a fat, greasy weeaboo in Liz Lisa replicas.

I'm also the one who made that valentine so i'm mad

>> No.9422217

she looks good! yeah, I would want a more prominent lower lashline, but that is preference

>> No.9422222

Hajimete no Gal is getting an anime in summer this year, I heard it's supposed to be good.

>> No.9422229

Sorry to be rude about your valentine, anon, I didn't mean it as in she's a bad gal or not gal ever or anything like that, I just meant her make-up seems a bit tame in comparison to >>9422134 & >>9422143 for example. That one particular picture doesn't scream "gyaru" to me but that's just my preference.

>> No.9422243
File: 60 KB, 540x675, 17554023_1280215212093116_2063954834040461086_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something not being 100% on point doesn't mean it's not gal though, it just means it's not as good as their other looks. People online are way too quick to say 'that's not gal' about something that clearly is gal just because it's not their personal taste, and that kind of behaviour really isn't going to help get new blood into the fashion, which we desperately need.

Anyway, as for inspo, Puya continues to slay me without mercy. I just love everything about her look.

>> No.9422260

Speaking of new blood, any newer gals people think have potential?

>> No.9422269

ailsa. she may not be as polished as most, but she has the spirit and understanding of it. I hope she improves her makeup and hair skills

>> No.9422277

I agree, she's so enthusiastic and it's adorable.

>> No.9422280

Definitely Ailsa, and Anais is good too imo.

>> No.9422972
File: 341 KB, 640x826, IMG_2929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping some jp gals I follow on insta.

>> No.9422974
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>> No.9422975
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>> No.9422977
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>> No.9422978
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>> No.9422982
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>> No.9422983
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>> No.9422984
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On an entirely separate note, this made me really sad. D.i.a is boring even by western high street standards now. The one in Osaka was still great in 2014 when I went, but that's probably all that boring beige shit too now.

>> No.9425671
File: 207 KB, 600x493, dia-bras-leopard-gyaru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this makes me wanna cry. remember when d.i.a was kurogyaru heaven? i'd stab a bitch to time travel to this store.

>> No.9426173

Oh thank you anon :')

I totally agree on Ria, she's super cute in her kuro style, and I love straight but big hair soo much

Alisa makes me smile so much, I know it sound kinda stupid but she's got such an old school gal soul it's really wonderful to see

>> No.9426186
File: 324 KB, 1200x1549, 7 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would anons that don't really like looking at porn want a dump of all the art of the gals in non porn situations I found by looking through this artists stuff? he actually draws serious gal so good

>> No.9426196
File: 342 KB, 1061x1500, 043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that variation in skin tone and leg thickness
It's the little things that can make someone great. I'd like to see more. A shame the pole dancing one is just a one off.

>> No.9428088
File: 704 KB, 716x960, 17800312_413838878983813_4291060586995816949_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Valentines spam.

>> No.9428091
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>> No.9428092
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>> No.9428094
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>> No.9428096
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>> No.9428099
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>> No.9428100
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>> No.9428105
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>> No.9429073

There were a shit ton this week, that's nice to see. There'll probably be a load next week because of that big UK meet and the Gyaransu interview thing too. I've got a few to make.

>> No.9429096
File: 713 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone get a working URL off this? Google is giving me nothing.

>> No.9430132


>> No.9430162

Thank you! Turned out not to be anything all that exciting.

>> No.9430399
File: 294 KB, 1241x1767, IMG_1457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Con crit please!
I actually kind of dislike my make style now so I think I'm going to change it from this point on, but I'm not entirely sure

>> No.9430404

I like the eyeshape and colours a lot, but your brows are disappearing and could do with being a bit stronger so they survive photos.

Your nose contour is absolute perfection as always and your lips look great, I think the only other thing I'd say is more blush.

>> No.9430582

I would make the innercorner stronger, and way more blush, your contour and lipcolours are amazing

>> No.9430665

I think it might be worth trying maybe a brown eyeshadow to darken your lower lash line a little? Just to see how it looks. But other than that I agree with >>9430404 and >>9430582. I love your hair!

>> No.9431220

you're too cute stop it.

>> No.9434097
File: 1.10 MB, 1072x1501, IMG_3240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried out kogyaru for the Amino challenge, it's too weeby not to post.

>> No.9434418

How tf are you so adorable? I love all of your looks.

>> No.9434425

this is pretty

my only nitpick is the nails, having cute nails would make this infinitely better

>> No.9434595

Now the community's a lot smaller, is there still the fatty-chan hate there used to be on g_s half the time?

>> No.9434987
File: 199 KB, 900x1200, Ct51y_MVIAAO7i4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to mainland JP in a month and was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for specific shops so I can get some gothic/rock related accessories and such? I really like Fernopaa as an example.

>> No.9435033

Ye agreed, but I don't own any cute nails really, only sparkly leopard print shit. I'm intending to get some cuter ones for amekaji but that is nooooot fitting into this months budget.


>> No.9435037

Not as far as I've seen, there's still that sort of thing on lolcow but who the fuck cares about lolcow, none of them know anything about gal.

I've only been to Osaka but they have a Glad News in Shinsaibashi OPA. Not sure where the Tokyo one is.

>> No.9435044

We're all sjw online now, but you'll still get mean comments behind your back. Just not in public anymore

>> No.9435048

I would disagree, I'm friends with some mean-ass people in the comm and other people's weight is just not something many people care about anymore. As long as they're making a good attempt at the style, who gives a shit? You're more likely to be roasted for engaging in 'I don't like lenses or lashes uWu' snowflakery than anything else.

>> No.9435436

That or being an obnoxious weeb. Obviously you've got to be a bit weeby to be into jfash in the first place, but if you're in the Facebook groups whining about how you want surgery because you're trans-nipponese, you'll gain lolcow status quick.

>> No.9435580

Have not seen it, not even in real life.

>> No.9435583

exactly, the only shit I have heard was outfit and makeup related, and if you don't take concrit, you deserve it

>> No.9436395

Who's the one with the red hair?

>> No.9436400


>> No.9436744
File: 229 KB, 1089x1080, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Valentines are up.

>> No.9436745
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>> No.9436748
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>> No.9436870

that is a lot

>> No.9436913

fuark, so many! I didn't send mine in on time ;w; but clearly we didn't need any extra this week!

>> No.9436942

I think the majority of these are made by one person, they sort of give off the same vibe?

>> No.9436963

yeah, because one person would make 25 valentines? That person would have a pretty big heart and way too much time if that was the case

>> No.9436989

>made15 this week
>made 10 last week
Idk anon, I just go through the tags on tumblr, insta and SnG and whenever I see a photo I like I put something nice on there and submit it, it takes like 15 mins to do that many at most. Just open up paint and type something. I got a valentine ages ago and it really motivated me so I like doing it for others.

>> No.9437011

I do mine in Meitu because I'm a fancy bitch but that's just as quick. It's really not difficult to sit down and do a handful a week to help keep people motivated.

>> No.9437904

I also use meitu, since it doesn't ruin the photo quality

>> No.9438200

the only reason I want secrets back is so that you can give people concrit more easily

>> No.9438232

Wasn't Meitu found to be datamining?

>> No.9438239

You think Facebook, Instagram and the like won't datamine you?

>> No.9438250

Alternatively, you could man the fuck up and just comment with concrit like the rest of us do. If you're ashamed to put your face to it, you probably weren't saying it to be helpful in the first place.

>> No.9438311

And to extend on that point... if you don't want to comment because you don't look good enough for anyone to listen to you, go work on your own face instead of other people's. If you look good, you're kind and you know your shit, there's no reason not to give concrit directly. There'll always be some uppity cunts who throw a tantrum over concrit (looking at you, Zoe) but they're in the minority these days.

>> No.9439423
File: 8 KB, 179x179, tumblr_inline_nvtj4awHui1rx15u9_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please post the little gal pixel thing that's used in the bottom right corner of this picture? I have loads saved but not that one.

>> No.9439496

Saved for inspo <3 Thanks anon!
God I miss casual hime brands like La Pafait...

>> No.9439582
File: 269 KB, 960x1025, IMG_20170418_173621_111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohh getting close to needing a new thread!
I did amekaji for the style swap, but my code was super thrown together, but heres the make I did!

>> No.9439680

I love love LOVE the blue on you!

>> No.9439684

Thank you so much!

>> No.9439700
File: 16 KB, 200x232, tumblr_inline_nkx1amOzpc1sxudzj.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9439705
File: 133 KB, 1080x1350, 17586982_1898942277048952_5940625341637722112_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you!!!

>> No.9439800
File: 160 KB, 1351x984, hm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get some make-up concrit? I feel like it's lacking and I'm not sure why.

>> No.9439807
File: 266 KB, 800x1161, 024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huge dump

>> No.9439810
File: 1.58 MB, 785x1100, 24mff9e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have scans for days, let me know what you guys want

>> No.9439811
File: 217 KB, 800x1162, 025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9439812
File: 322 KB, 800x1162, 037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9439815

im not gyaru but your face is super round and I recommend using harsher contouring.

>> No.9439817

I don't see anything wrong but I do feel like the overdone eye makeup and circle lenses make your already very broad face shorter. I honestly think a no-bang look would be more flattering and maybe take away the "off" feeling you have about it?

>> No.9439826
File: 99 KB, 512x720, 196962_158505604204944_6142947_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9439829
File: 267 KB, 800x1161, 028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9439831
File: 264 KB, 800x1162, 027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9439834
File: 300 KB, 675x952, 661d9028dec034e55108446ce1ff556c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9439836
File: 242 KB, 800x1142, 16230t212340e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9439839
File: 146 KB, 547x800, 108gv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9439841
File: 498 KB, 640x903, hair3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9439842
File: 96 KB, 480x640, tumblr_m9qmbopuc01qfyllbo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9439846
File: 727 KB, 486x700, tumblr_mhipcnv3XZ1qg3b1wo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9439887

I personally think your make is very nice and clean, but if you wanted to try something different maybe bring your outer liner more downwards and have a less upwards sharp wing? Would make your eyes more almondy but your shape suits you well

>> No.9440440

a bit more contour/blush, and draw an innercorner with eyeliner. even just a little one is okey, since now all your makeup is around the outer part of your eye
also, pull the lower lashes more towards themiddle, so they start underneath the pupil, this makes it more balanced

>> No.9441539

is this from ageha? by any chance, do you know which month is this from? <3

>> No.9442984

It is indeed from Ageha but I don't remember which month. sorry anon!