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9333524 No.9333524 [Reply] [Original]

I really appreciate when anime cons bring in actual anime companies from Japan. What is your opinion?

>> No.9333527
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Anime Matsuri's been doing it too. Both "AM" cons.

>> No.9333532

OP Here (all the posts so far). Just wanted to note that I've heard the drama about both cons and don't really care.

>> No.9333540

>anime companies
Does this include single people as well?
Sakuracon has the director of FMA Brotherhood, the director of Mushishi, and a character designer for Bubblegum Crisis this year. Pretty cool imo.

>> No.9333577


Those are all awesome. I assume separate people. XD

>> No.9334070

I hope Anime Midwest gets TRIGGER back.

>> No.9334098

I was use to going to local cons that are fan-run or super small so I was really excited to see companies like Pony Canon and PA Works when I went to bigger cons in the States.

>> No.9334104

How are people still supporting that convention, the people running it owe so much money already i wouldnt be surprised if a lot of these guests "cancelled" on them

>> No.9334234

Animazement had Studio Trigger in 2014 and showed them off proudly. Even having KLK right on the badges. It was pretty rad.

>> No.9334288


>> No.9334328

Otherwise you'll be triggered? ;^)

>> No.9334329

The one thing anime cons need to learn about japanese guests is to put THE NAME OF THEIR LATEST OR MOST POPULAR WORK next to their name! Otherwise most plebs won't recognize the staff member and will miss the panel.

>> No.9335527


I think that's true for some people, and our con generally does that as much as we can.

But we've noticed the really loyal fans will know them and post on Facebook, etc, being like "GUYS THE DIRECTOR OF __ IS GOING"

>> No.9341538

I'm really excited for Anime Midwest's guests this year. I hear they'll have a few good anime studios. Chicago usually never gets anything good.

>> No.9341557

Loyal fans are great to have but they don't always fill up a room. I listen to a few anime podcasts from people who regularly present panels at different places. When discussion is about japanese guest panels, the criticism is always the same. That a large room might be booked for a japanese guest but only have a dozen people show up. That a panel for a series has a huge attendance but a panel for the director or manga artist of the same is tiny. When the con program books are checked, the guest's panel is only listed as their name. The solution is also always the same: change the schedule to say [X name], artist for [X work] on the panel title. Or better yet, make it an official [X series] panel featuring [X name], [X role]. Putting it in the con book is essential when most people watching anime aren't familiar at all with staff members. At best the average fan might know the studio name. Japanese guests in general need to be marketed in terms of the recent or famous works they have participated in when appealing to the western convention audience.

>> No.9344282


Exactly. Seriously not doing that would be a crime.

>> No.9344593

Anime Midwest is getting the Yuri on Ice guys? Sweeeeet.

>> No.9344599
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>> No.9344802

Studio MAPPA? I went to midwest last year solely for Trigger and they were a relaxed group of people. I wonder if MAPPA can bring Sayo this year.

>> No.9344807

The only thing that stops me from going to midwest is the stupid third party security that occupied the entire Hyatt.

>> No.9345316

Whenever a japanese studio, director, or anyone from moonland comes to a convention, I get secondhand embarrassment thinking about all the fucktards and weeb faggots that will ask or do embarrassing things around them.

>> No.9347524

Animazement has some bignames somehow every year.
Almost got the voice of char to sign a Johnny ridden zaku

>> No.9348088

AnimeFest in Texas always has a great JP guest roster imo. This year already isn't an exception.

>Almost got the voice of char to sign a Johnny ridden zaku
