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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9324088 No.9324088 [Reply] [Original]

The con I go to is mostly younger kids and homestuck trash (though it's lessened). What are the guests that more mature, adult anime and fashion fans want to see most? Specifically around the Midwest.

>> No.9324362

Don't ignore this thread just cause it's a picture of Vic. D:

>> No.9324370

I'm more interested in brand, designer, and artist guests.
Voice actors are so boring to me, especially since I never even watch dubbed anime.

>> No.9324373

>brand, designer, and artist guests.

Any particular ones? Would you care if it were the same one over and over, if it were at least a good one (like BABY?)?

>> No.9324380

I enjoy industry guests - directors, translators, hell even graphic designers. That peek behind the curtain is fun. I never know these guys' names, I only ever read through their bio to see if they've worked on shows I liked, and if yes, I hit up their panels.

>> No.9324382

>industry guests - directors, translators, hell even graphic designers.

That's good, I presume you mean mostly from Japan? There's relatively few industry guests not from Japan (ADR Directors, Script Translators/Adapters/Writers, and Voice Actors are all I can really think of).

Studio guests like "X Studio" from Japan are important to you?

>> No.9324389

halko momoi and vicmignogna

>> No.9324400

I wouldn't mind getting the same guests again and again at all.
One local con I frequent gets Nobuo Uematsu as a guest regularly and he is so charismatic and gracious, and his concerts are amazing.
Great guests like that are worth repeat visits.

>> No.9324402

NAYRT but I'd be fine with the same designer/brand every year because presumably every year they'd bring a new collection over to show/shill. Personally I'm more less interested in the big names like AP or Baby and would like to see more smaller brands like Abilletage or Seraphim.

>> No.9324496

I mean you started a "guests you want to see" thread with a guest nobody wants to fuckin see

>> No.9324586

Vic McNuggies seems to always be at various cons in Florida.

>> No.9324588

I never want to see a fucking cosplay guest again unless they're an incredibly talented creator that is to give informational panels. Having a large follower count should stand for nothing if their portfolio isn't stunning.

I also never watch dubbed anime (considering how easy subs are to get these days) and I know very few people who do so I don't understand why cons book these English voice actors. I know it's cheaper but do people really to see them?

So I guess my answer is I would really like to see more actual Japanese guests from the anime industry, j-rock and j-pop guests, and fashion guests. A well rounded large convention should have at least one from each category.

>> No.9324594

Dub voice actors are much cheaper than Japanese voice actors. If I could book Japanese guests, I would however, I don't work for a large con.
I agree though, a larger con -should- have a decent assortment.

>> No.9324621

Who doesn't want to see Vic McChicken

>> No.9324638

I like VA guests when they also have other shit going on besides being a VA. Crispin Freeman is a History nerd, Mercer, Bailey and the lot do Critical Role. I like being able to engage a guest and have them be engaging in other things.

Rather than 45 teeny boppers asking "what's it like voicing 'xyz' from 'who gives a shit the anime'?"

>> No.9324640

More internet guests please! Kami-con is the only con I know of that consistently has internet guests like Nostalgia critic, team four star, littlekuriboh, etc.

I REALLY want to see TheRunawayGuys. I think they were at momo-con one year, hope they will be there this year.

>> No.9324695
File: 98 KB, 1024x576, Aniki with his waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Aniki will never go to a con near you

>> No.9324700

I wish cons would stop with the dub voice actors and cosplayers. The cosplayers are at least usually decent people, even if their cosplays leave a lot to be desired. Dub voice actors have such a stick up their asses. Like you're not a REAL actor, you just wish you were.

I would love more mangaka and LN authors. It's pretty common to get the directors of anime adaptations of manga/LNs, but I want the people behind it all.

>> No.9324804

TPC in the UK tend to get a new designer each year, and I think cons should implement this more-so.

>> No.9324836

>I would love more mangaka and LN authors

Which ones do you think might be easiest for cons to get? This is something we have been looking into.

>> No.9324892

for some reason i thought this brand was defunct, lol

some non-lolita alt jfash guests would also be good. menhera and larme are still trending and might draw a decent crowd.

Haenuli's illustrations for her new book went legit viral in a matter of days and so she could be billed as both a lolita designer and the artist of that skeleton/naked girl pair.

Connecticon has huge swaths of programming devoted to internet guests, and smaller East Coast cons tend to also have a fair amount of (cheap) internet content creators.

ones whose work has been licensed in your country. it is possible that the local publisher may be invested in marketing the mangaka of the series they're shilling.

>> No.9324961

oh honey he's everywhere

>> No.9324978

>ones whose work has been licensed in your country. it is possible that the local publisher may be invested in marketing the mangaka of the series they're shilling.
Magic. The anon who wasn't me but replied to the post replying to me had the same thought. I was going to say someone who has just been recently brought to your country (USA for me), because there is a VERY good chance the licensing company is going to see that as potential advertising for their newest product. I would love to see Ryogo Narita (Durarara!! and Baccano!) for example, and the DRRR light novels were recently translated and are currently being released (it only took a million years).

>> No.9324999
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>I would love more mangaka and LN authors

Uh, Yeah, that's not happening unless they're retired.

>> No.9325003
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>That Monday schedule
What the fuck.

>> No.9325009

This a huge reason why you don't see current mangkas at oversea conventions unless they're at some place huge like NYCC.

>> No.9325015

Liam O'Brien is love.

>> No.9325022


>> No.9325033

VAs are not a problem to me. But I like the ones that do like videogames and cartoons written in the language they voice for. Like videogame voice actors or cartoons that are not anime. Comic book artists that have a successful series outside some shitty web comic poor fags warship. Authors to actual books. I would love to see like Niel gaiman. Directors of games, shows and movies. Artists from actually known shit in media and not some " I have 200K followers on Tumblr and had my art featured on the main page for league of legends". Cosplay guests bring annoying basement dwellers and shouldn't be guests at cons unless they pay their own way to a booth.

>> No.9325491

Maybe it's just me, and I've heard too many positive accounts of him, but it seems like Vic Mignogna is cool and sweet 97% of the time..but then two or three times some anon has encountered him when he's just off of it/having a shit day for whatever reason. And then suddenly "OMG Vic is the biggest meanie ever!" And it kinda spirals into this horrible rep.

I dunno. I could well be wrong. But it just kinda seems that way to me when I balance posts like yours against everybody who's like "OMG, I met Vic and he was just the best!"

>> No.9325502

>Went to a small-medium sized con a few weeks ago
>Only one english dub voice actor
>Five Japanese guests

Network and use your budget wisely. Seems like instead of getting a bunch of cheap guests they went all out and flew in international guests that people would travel to see.

>> No.9325512


Is this what you would rather cons do?

Because a lot of the young kids want to see the dub actors it seems, and so skipping out on them may hurt attendance?

>> No.9325517

I don't really go to anime conventions for the guests. Like others in this thread, I watch subbed. I also hope cons don't waste funds to feature internet famous community guests.

>> No.9325577

I mean American guests, too. Localization teams have directors, script converters, translators, etc. Japanese guests definitely have better turn out at their panels, but personally I don't mind either way.

>> No.9325583

>do people really to see them?
Yes. Voice actors are incredibly entertaining panelists, I've never regretted going to a panel by a veteran actor. I usually haven't seen a single thing they've been in (I watch very few dubs), but these are ACTORS and they know how to work a crowd. The industry is still fascinating, it's fun to hear about the behind the scenes shenanigans.

Agreed on that. Patrick Seitz is a fun guest to listen to because he ends up talking about directing and ADR a lot.

>> No.9325591

Yes, obviously? I wasn't under the impression conventions target audience was young kids, They're not the ones paying for attendance or buying merch.

>> No.9325593

There have been entire threads devoted to horror stories threads just surrounding Vic Lasagna alone, check archives

>> No.9325636

This. All of this.

Also, something y'all need to keep in mind is that a lot of congoers are in their 20s; these are people who grew up watching DBZ/Sailor Moon/Gundam Wing/Cowboy Bebop/Trigun/etc. Most of the VAs from those shows are still doing voice-work and still hitting the con circuit. They have the younger fans from their more recent work, and they can depend on the nostalgia of their older fans to fill a panel room.

Hell, even if like Steve Blum had never done another damn thing after Cowboy Bebop, I'd still go see him at a con 'cause I love that show and his role in in that much.

>> No.9325646

Cosplay guests who are there for their craftsmanship, not their boobs or follower count. It's amazing when I see a high tier cosplay panel in the program guide but very few cons bring in guests like this (or those who do bring in cosplay guests just bring in the usual Hot Girl Selling Prints variety)

>> No.9325651

Anyone willing to do an 'after hours' panel with alcohol and Vic McDick's number.

You know it's good when almost 10 years later I remember where I was when five dubbers got drunk, chugged pixie sticks from the audience, and called Vic on his cellphone (when he was at the con) and then mocked him endlessly for 10 minutes when he never picked up. So much dirt was dished on how horrible he is to work with.

>> No.9325681

I hope you're meaning for KCMO area. I'd love to see more internet stars, more artists, too. I always wished we could get a nice maid cafe like I've seen coastal cons get. Better merchandise to buy, any bonafide japanese clothing brands would be great. One time there was a guy selling overpriced legos at Naka and that just made me realize how awful our selection really is there.

>> No.9325686

IF this is about an upcoming midwest con that hasn't had guest announcements except for a band and a recurring digital artist guest I would love to see legit fashion brands at this con. (HINT HINT)
AP and BABY even have stores in California that have done con events in the midwest so it's not even the ffort of getting Japanese guests.

>> No.9325746

>pt for a band and a recurring digital artist guest I would love to see legit fashion brands at this con. (HINT HINT)
>AP and BABY even have stores in California that have done con events in the midwes

No sorry, this con already gets legit fashion brands (or has in the past).

>> No.9325809

Ugh I want him to STOP coming to my local con. All he does is hang out with underaged cosplayers, it's fucking creepy.

>> No.9325840

He's the Onision of the anime circles. Minus bringing in a mistress to his marriage and trying to chain her up in the basement to humiliate her smoking pot.

>> No.9325851

Got names for any of those VA's?
Not OP, but I'm guest staff for a con. And those guys sound entertaining regardless of their alcohol levels.

>> No.9325862
File: 400 KB, 300x200, dugtrio-A sup bby.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Vic

>> No.9325874

w h a t
Bro you have GOT to have video of that
Nice try Vic Lasaga

>> No.9325878

>tfw you play league of legends and hate Malzahar for some unknown reason. Commence to kill him because you simply can't stand the bastard.

>tfw you realize he's voiced by Vic

Yeah no wonder why I play league muted when Malz is in the map.

>> No.9325905

>guest staff
Hello fellow staff! (I wasn't at the time though)
It's been years but I actually had to consult wiki to figure out the year and I was actually wrong about Vic being there. It was Katsucon 2009 (we were there for Aural Vampire at the Hyatt Regency) and Vic was at Katsu '10.

I actually didn't recognize the voice actors at the time so I can't be sure who was who but I remember there was one woman and the rest were men. Some were VAs and I think 1-2 were unrelated and online?

But I do remember how badly they roasted him with commenting on how when they had to record with him he'd hog up so much time/attention and how it was the same with conventions and they hated to see him at cons.

Sorry, no video! I think that was actually a requirement of the panel. No audio or video.
I googled around to see if anyone remembered the names of the guests and found some fucking gems boyos.

>The evening wore on and we ended up at the “Guest Uncensored” panel, which was marked 18+ and featured an ID check at the door. That alone made it awesome, because all the kiddies and fangirls weren’t allowed in. It featured several of the guests from the con answering ridiculous questions, swearing, making rude jokes, and snorting Pixy Stix.
(this was from the year I went)

>I was appalled by what I witnessed at the Katsucon 2012 guest uncensored panel. I was one of the attendees there that night. It was apparent that GREG AYRES was very drunk during this panel. He bad-mouthed several voice actors including Vic Mignogna in front of hundreds of attendees.

Finally find a list of guests for Guests Uncensored 2009 though!
Mookie and Kilika were hilarious Pixie Stik-chugging webcomic faggots, Tony Oliver and Cristina Vee were fun and nice and cute, Roland Kelts was tl;dr and left early, and Mike Sinterniklaas didn't show up until a lot later

>> No.9325907

The 2012 quote is unrelated but hey if you need a guest for your con who hates Vic, I vote for Greg.

>> No.9325927

You are my new best friend.

I'm pretty unimpressed with voice actors unless the characters they've voiced have been like, important to me?
Having said that I met Yuri Lowenthal a few years back and would love to meet him again, and Hideo Ishikawa last year and he was an absolute darling.

I'd actually love to meet Jesse McCartney ngl.

>> No.9325950

Yeah I had a feeling it was Greg that was drunk. He usually is at cons. But in the fun way. I love when Greg has no filter on. He is probably one of the best guests I have witnessed for maybe roasting other guests. Sadly he doesn't go to any of the cons I go to any more. But we have crap cons here so I wouldn't blame him. I might change my circuit to the California cons or maybe even the New England cons since it's cheap to fly.

>> No.9325976
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Animefest has the best guests. Past couple years they've gotten some great Japanese directors and animators.

>> No.9325986


It's fine having lots of Western guests 'cause they're so much cheaper, but I really wish they would have western guests that offer something of value to people who don't care about dubs/don't need to watch translated or localized content

such as:

*Youtubers/let's players/internet people
*people with interesting knowledge/cultural insight like professors or other experts
*music guests--there are a lot of awesome *western musicians who do creative covers of game/anime music or jazzy versions or whatever, and it'd be cool to hear from them
*people who do behind-the-scenes stuff in the localizing process and not just dub guy #4
*Western comic artists who have clear animu influence in their style or themes
*minimum dream is to have dub actors who are actual/real voice actors who do other shit besides just anime dubs.

My dream guests are Japanese directors/animators/character designers/artists.

>> No.9326074

>they hated to see him at cons
I wonder if Richard Epcar will be more relaxed at ALA than he was a few years ago at Anime California since Vic isn't around...

>> No.9326086

>tfw Ingress player
>tfw just recently both factions united to stop Yuri Lowenthal's NPC from literally unleashing tecthulhu
So sad I wasn't at that anomaly, but I did get to see him at Aegis Nova so that was cool.

I just realized I haven't posted my own.
Crispin Freeman. Probably the second voice actor I immediately was interested in (thanks Haruhi), after Kyle Hebert because he voiced Omega-Xis and I was obsessed with Star Force for some reason (and still sort of am?). (Met Hebert at ALA last year, that lightsaber guitar tho)
Crispin Freeman is now top of the list of English VAs that I want to meet. And not just because Kyon. He's actually a legitimately interesting guy.
If I didn't know about his VAing classes, I'd be wondering why he wasn't popping up all over the place. He could be like the anti-Vic.

>> No.9326094

His face makes me so uncomfortable

>> No.9326102

>Ugh, all he does is pay attention to his fans!
>Why don't people pay me that kind of attention!
>I know! He must be preying on them!

Christ in heaven, you cynical, petty bitches need to band together and open your own salt mine. You'd be at the top of the industry within a fucking year.

>> No.9326172

I would LOVE to get to meet Stage Play actors, especially from the recent ones like the Haikyuu, Bleach, and Naruto stage plays, but I know that'll nevevr happen. I think it would be interesting to bring them to a con, or, Hahah, I would pay money in addition, to see the stage plays in the states. Like the musicfest at AX last year, they'd make bank

>> No.9326193

It crossed the line into creepy when he started going to room parties with teenage girls. He's never DONE anything, but the fact that he thought it was appropriate to be that hotel room speaks volumes.

>> No.9326206

Okay Vic. You really are delusional if you think we don't know about you being all flirty and picking up underage teens. Care to explain the countless times you have told girls clearly under 18 to text you AND gave them your number? Yeah no not total creep at all. Not every one has to like you. Just take what you got and shut up.

>> No.9326213

Lol, why do you think I'm Vic? Do you stupid cunts seriously get this buttflustered when anyone dares to question your REEEEEEEEE CREEPY VIC narrative? Fuck off and kill yourself.

The man could arguably be sperglord-tier dense. Perhaps he is a sperglord, who knows. Some people have the best of intentions coupled with absolutely no clue as to what could be seen as inappropriate.

>> No.9326215

Fuck, meant to reply to the other anon about the room party thing.

>> No.9326225


Cute tell one person to kys then tell the other person claiming something just as creepy that it may be him being dense. Did your fee fees get hurt by the anon you told to die or what? I'm genuinely curious how you thought one was deserving of a rational answer and the other deserved to get your cringy kys answer to an obviously over used meme.

>> No.9326234

>Abilletage or Seraphim
I don't think it would be worth it for them. Some lolita's don't even know about Seraphim, and most lolita's I know don't go to con's. Would conlita's be interested in paying a lot for brands other than the known ones?

>> No.9326322

Anon you replying to here and I'm working on the networking aspect. I've only been at this for two years, now going on three. I'm planning on going to project AX/AX next year. Tickets , flights, and everything is purchased. We're in the Midwest and I've been working on getting us better guests each year. It's a slow process since our name, as a business, needs to get out there first. We've had excellent guest feedback. In due time, we'll get some Japanese talent. I also have someone willing to help me get acts in when we're at the point of doing so.

>> No.9326329

Going to add to my post and say that sometimes English VA's aren't cheap. With comic cons pushing larger talent, they can then pay more for larger guests. For smaller cons, it can, in turn, be hard for newer cons to invite these people.

I would also like to note that I have been recently informed, as in just two months ago, that Vic mignogna's agent bitched him out. Apparently Vic and Todd haberkorn did something stupid at a con ( no clue what it is) but both were told to gtfo. Agent then pulled Vic aside, bitched him out, and that's why Vic's appearances were down. He's currently trying to change his image from a staffing standpoint. Many complaints came from cons who had him as a guest and Vic just did whatever he wanted. His poor behavior behind the scenes actually took center stage instead. Vic's tired of his poor rep but needs to realize that his current actions and words will speak volumes. He cannot expect people to just move past his old behaviors that quickly.
Ask away if you want details on others. I'm locked and loaded.

>> No.9327128
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>and Todd
Someone redpill me on Todd right now. I want to know. I have to.
I only know Todd on the fan side and never heard any stories, he decided to make sure everyone in our line got a signature at ALA last year instead of the raffle thing they were going to have everyone do just to meet him within the allotted hour
Also he hurt his leg or something that day?
Either way from the fan side people always look good
What does it look like to staff
I must know

>> No.9327233

When the topic of which guests we were interested in came up at a con staff meeting, someone jokingly mentioned Vic - and nearly the entire staff SHOUTED "No!" at the exact same moment. It was so loud we actually got in trouble with the comic book shop employee. We really don't like this dude.

>> No.9327268

I feel like I never cease to tell this one but it's true:

What I personally saw-
>east coast convention
>always invites guests back
>some guests (mostly VAs like Kyle Hebert and Keiko Han) come back every single year
>invite Vic one year
>he borrows a cosplayer's $200+ furred cape and sceptor? prop from Tsubasa along with the wig to wear to opening ceremonies and made Blue Steel jokes the entire time
>talked more than any other guest during the ceremonies
>had schedule autograph times in a room.. completely ignored them
>instead set up at a table outside the staff room
>line of teenage girls filling the only hallway connecting Artist Alley to rest of convention
>absolute madness
>staff had to shut it down
>was trying to sell his religious music
>no guests at con sold their own merch aside from him

Rumors I heard just from other convention goers that spread during the con-
>Vic walked in early on another VA's panel that was before his
>got them to leave so he could set up for his panel
>made a fuss that he couldn't get a panel room for a Sunday service
>ended up having it outside on the hotel lawn
>went into Artist Alley and saw graphic yaoi art of one of his voiced characters and shamed the artist until she cried

That was nearly 10 years ago now and despite having some really big name guests over the years and having a LOT of attendees asking for him, we've not had Vic back.

>> No.9327289

I don't think Sinterniklaas likes Vic either because one year at Anime Boston he came up to me right before Greg's uncensored panel and showed me that crusty Vic pic of him as "Rin"

>> No.9327310

That photo physically repelled me when it first made its rounds. As anti-homo as he pretends he's not (despite adamantly claiming a character he voiced was NOT GAY because the creator said so, which was proven false) it was surprising he'd voice for a fujobait show.

>> No.9327321

I used to really want to see Vic, as he was the dub for pretty much all of my favourite characters. Then one of my friends did get to meet him and he was so nasty to him apparently. Then more and more stories came out about how he was.

I still want to see Quentin Flynn though. Old news but still!

Matt Mercer is an excellent guest if anyone cares. He used to frequent a British Con a lot. He puts up with so much shit!

>> No.9327325

I'd sacrifice a kidney to meet Northernlion and crew but I live in Europe so itain't happening.

>> No.9327352

Apologies on my slow response. Todd -really- hates Vic. Todd would rather walk through lava than deal with Vic. He hates the fake attention Vic gives attendees and the whole ego thing Vic's been known for. Todd also doesn't like attendees coming up to him asking for autographs outside from his autograph sessions. He feels that if you want an autograph, you should've gone to that session. Sometimes, when he's in the mood, he will play along with taking photos with fans. Other times he'll just play nice for the sake of the attendee only to turn around and bitch about said attendee. I also have it in good standing that back in say, 2009, he had sex with attendees and staff at multiple cons. Obviously that behavior hasn't continued to my knowledge. I wouldn't be surprised if it had.
Yea we had Vic too and it was the one of the first guests we had where I heard complaints. I was not staff that year so when I received GR head, I walked into "NO VIC PLS" and all staff just shook their heads in agreement. We had a steakhouse restaurant in the past hotel we used for our venue. He burned through $300 in that restaurant alone as well as buying multiple other things including wine. He brought two chicks with him that were considered "assistants". Constantly crashed panels asking people to leave that panel and come to his autograph session. It was my first con so I was just totally blown out of the water with the behaviors I witnessed from an attendee standpoint. I also found out from staff side for that year, that Vic went to go do his hair 15 min before his panel started. Our staff told him no, to please stay where he was and Vic walked off to his hotel room. He came back 20 min late to the panel.
Personally I'd like to know that he's changed and that he sees how his behaviors have impacted both attendees and staff. He's got a long track record of pissing people off so I believe this will take large amounts of time to change it.

>> No.9327356

Going to add in Johnny Yong Bosch is an absolutely terrible person. I have heard on multiple accounts directly from people who have handled him as a guest, that he's an asshole. He's berated and ignored women staff who are overweight and/or unattractive. He doesnt setup any of his band gear. The rest of his band does that for him. Johnny just walks up and sings while doing no participation with setup and teardown. I have been told that if we get him as a guest to have someone with a strong constitution if you want to handle him.

Personally I don't like having guests that are two-faced with attendees. It hurts my soul knowing you've waited two hours in line to see this person and they shit talk you when you leave.

I'm seeing alot of youtubers here and also from many other cons. I only have one thing to say: Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor for the email getting through.
Many youtubers emails are black holes. I've emailed quite a few and have had very little luck with getting some form of response back. We did have a decently well known youtuber out last year and i'll probably be reaching out to him next year for something. This year I'm pretty tapped in finances. Youtubers are not all that easy unless you have connections. Markiplier will essentially only attend comic cons/pop cons. Game grumps/ninja sex party is the same way. I have networked and researched how to get in touch, and believe me, it's not easy, at all. I was told by Indy pop con that Mark's inbox was "nothing but a black hole."

>> No.9327361

For Markiplier he's also tied up with a lot of charity events and juggling daily multi-video uploads so I can see how it would be near impossible to get him unless it was planned forever in advance or was a con he regularly went to like Vidcon or something.

I know some Japanese Youtubers are in demand these days. My convention is hosting Jvloggers Rachel & Jun. Eat Your Kimchi is also in Japan now and have a rabid fanbase if you need to boost ticket sales.

>> No.9327363
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Since I'm a big animation fan any directors, animators, etc. would be a dream. A manga-ka too. They don't have a big overseas audience but guests like Peco and Ryuchell would be cool too, especially since they're a part of a newer/growing j-fash trend.

>> No.9327384

Hi, YouTuber here. If you want to get into contact with one of us and have had trouble getting a response, I suggest trying to get into contact with their multi channel network instead. They usually have staff who actually respond to business inquiries on behalf of YouTubers and they bring to our attention anything we might be interested in. If you do that with a YouTuber that has a subscriber base of at least 100k and you offer to pay for travel and lodging they'll probably throw themselves at your feet.

>> No.9327389

I remember probably a good 5 years ago I got Todd's autograph at a con that Vic was also attending. I let him sign my con book next to his picture and everything. I remember then he flipped to the page that Vic was on and scribbled on his picture. I think it was something fairly innocent like a moustache. It was hilarious but still took me by surprise.

>> No.9327396

Multi channel networks? I just googled this since I didn't even know about this. Thanks! I don't typcially watch youtubers so much of this is foreign to me. I know our attendees love it so I'd like to work something out for them. Could you provide some MCN's that you guys go through? I have my throw away email up top. Thanks!
>>9327361 And yep, I know that much with Markiplier as well but it's really been any youtuber. :) Thanks

>> No.9327468


>> No.9327632

>with attendees
wew lads
At least Todd has good moods though and realizes that Vic just plain sucks to deal with
So I guess the difference is Todd actually tries even if he's having a bad day...?
not gonna lie i kekd
>Itsuki is this bad
I'll be sure to remember that if I ever go to a con with him there. Make sure the staff is doing alright.
Gonna do the same next time I run across Vic, too.

>> No.9327754

>JYB is terrible
Wow, never thought he would act that way. I feel a little bummed out since he seemed like a good person from his twitter. Does he even get along with his band then? I'm curious to hear any more stories about him, if you have more.

>> No.9327803

OP Here.

Good suggestions and thoughts from everyone so far. The con I work for has been already working on more Japanese stuff, and we have just a mild internet presence as well of Youtubers. I don't want to overemphasize them, because it's really not my thing.

That said, let's not make this thread into too much of a bash voice actors and guests thread? There's bad stories about most con guests, and that makes sense, I mean, they're Hollywood-type actors in most cases. Actors are never easy people to do with. Who gets into acting? People with egos, that's who.

You've gotta remember that if an attendee comes to you and says "Hey how about an autograph?" and you're the voice actor at breakfast or in the hallway, they're probably the tenth person to do that already that day. Maybe the guest is late to a panel or just wants to eat in peace. There's certainly no excuse to be rude, but it's kind of like working Retail or Customer Service. It can be hard. You have to be "on" all day. Only about 10 of these guests make anything you could consider "decent money" by going to a con, so it's a lot of work for not very good pay.

And if you're not getting paid at least $1,000, why not at least get to act like you're a rock star?

>> No.9327822

Omg yes Quentin Flynn is on my list of people I must meet. But all we get is Vic and Laura bailey mixed with some other obscure VA.

>> No.9327834

Some YouTube personalities are just as horrid as VAs. Hello batty is a fucking bitch in person and I really hope she doesn't get invited to any cons near me. I'm fortunate to not have been to any of her cons but I have heard she snubs people she deems unfitting to her image. many of the Lolita YouTube people are rather rude IRL. I would say just don't invite them. I have met T4S cast and holy hell they are soo great in panels and humble in person. YouTube guest can be a good filler and actually contribute some helpful content that cosplayers can't. I won't say I haven't met cosplay guests that have helped out in teaching but those are not the ones that get invited but pay their own way to the con.

>> No.9327882

>why not at least get to act like you're a rock star

There's a line between acting like a celebrity and acting like a douchebag. If a guest I'm interested in has a history of bad behavior, i want to know and save my money.

>> No.9327924

Yea JYB is pretty bad and I'm not quite sure with his band. I think they just tolerate it.
For Todd, I guess that's a way to look at it?

For starters, if a guest is being asked about an autograph at breakfast, hallway, or panel and doesn't want to, then that's a poor handler as well as GR head. There needs to be communication between all parties as to what the guest is okay with before hand. I sit down with all of my guests and handlers and make sure we're all on the same page. If guests want to not be interrupted while eating, we send them to the green room and will order food up to there or their room if need be. I make sure that the guest is actually okay with being stopped, most are, and sure it's draining. However, as draining as it is, guests are well aware that's where they get to feel proud and realize that their work impacts other people's lives. What I've been discussing have been worst cast scenarios.
Jon st john is an amazing guest and he doesn't need to act like a rock star. Sure, he'll have some tequila (okay...maybe alot), but he will also go around and -loves- being stopped by attendees. Not all guests enjoy that but that's where talking with the guest comes into play as well as letting the handler know and be part of it all. Communication is huge.

>> No.9327963

>*minimum dream is to have dub actors who are actual/real voice actors who do other shit besides just anime dubs.

Most of the good dub actors go on to do other stuff, Steve Blum for example and Scott McNeil

>> No.9327975

>I wish cons would stop with the dub voice actors and cosplayers. The cosplayers are at least usually decent people, even if their cosplays leave a lot to be desired. Dub voice actors have such a stick up their asses. Like you're not a REAL actor, you just wish you were.

Prick McFlurry for one

>> No.9327982

He's nice to fans, a dick to staff

He's sucking up to his fangirls

>> No.9328067

>For starters, if a guest is being asked about an autograph at breakfast, hallway, or panel and doesn't want to, then that's a poor handler as well as GR head.

See, I disagree a little bit. A guest shouldn't have to HIDE just to get a little bit of respect. What if they WANT to eat in the restaurant?

>> No.9328082

I just want some god damn Japanese voice actors. I'm a huge fan of dub, most of the time they won't have any and only bring one in for like anniversaries and stuff. I know they're more expensive and stuff but like quality over quantity a bit, I rather see a big seiyuu then ten cosplayer guests or a bunch of cartoon American voice actors at a ANIME con. I do understand that anime cons are more like multimedia whatever fandom cons now days but like yeah. Please bring more Japanese seiyuus.

>> No.9328087

>I just want some god damn Japanese voice actors.

I do want to know how many other people agree with this? We've had a couple opportunities to bring some Seiyuu, but do American audiences remember the Japanese voices enough for that to matter to them?

>> No.9328111

I don't watch dubs at all, I'd rather pay top dollars for a recognizable seiyuu than the same 10 dub voice actors every other con always seems to have.

Having a seiyuu makes a con stand out.

>> No.9328118

Getting a seiyuu is tricky.

If they're the flavor of the month, they would have only had one recognizable role so very few people would recognize them. If they're currently still active, you have the problem of having to work around their schedule. If they're not active, they're free but very few people would recognize them.

>> No.9328396

Yes. Like I'm going to Anime Revolution in Canada just to meet Katsuyuki Konishi and Emiri Katou, even though I live fairly far away from the border.

Also so many people decided to switch plans just because Junichi Suwabe was a guest at AX.

>> No.9328964

I'm not implying they should hide, but they should be made aware as well as the handler should be on top of that. The guests can do what they choose but again it's about communicating and letting them know. This is assuming every attendee will respect a guest. I have had attendees walk up and ask for autographs, sit down and have breakfast/lunch/dinner next to guests all while trying to create small talk. If a guest feels uncomfortable or does not want to chat while eating, they need to know where they can go to eat in peace. I've even had some take shuttles out to restaurants and it's been a great time for them.
I would like to point out that in our hotel, we have buffet out in the atrium that serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Attendees and guests can mingle which makes for a nice little one on one experience. However, I like to make sure my guests know their options of places to go get food around the area if they need a small break without being hassled. It really depends on the guest's popularity. You have to look at all sides of the situation and assess it as you go. Every guest, situation, and con is different.

>> No.9328968

Not him

>> No.9328979

I don't give a shit about dubs and think most dub actors are obnoxious egotistical assholes I don't want to see parade around. I'd much rather have Japanese voice actors.

>> No.9332561

I personally really enjoyed the acting workshop panel Chuck Huber did at Kumoricon a few years back. He seems like a real down to earth guy.

>> No.9337264

If Vic was such a shining Paragon of good, he wouldn't be blacklisted from so many conventions.

>> No.9339210

Yuri seemed like a generally cool guy, he made a point of hugging me after I gave him a gift. Very sweet.

YOou're totally right, I'd love to meet Crispin Freeman one day. He seems like fun considering how he is when doing Overwatch vines.

>> No.9344285

Anyone from Yuri on Ice would be cool. I noticed Anime Midwest is likely to get some anime studios, which I wish more cons would emulate.

>> No.9345673
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For me, Darin de Paul is my favorite OW voice actor. He's adorable and enjoys what he does. I want to meet him one day.

>> No.9345678

I like Crispin for things outside of OW (which i don't play much) but i just realised Johnny Cruz would be fantastic.

>> No.9345711

Meeting Dan green and Eric stuart in a few weeks.

Would kill to meet >
Yuri Lowenthall
Derek Stephen prince
Liam O'brien
Wendy Lee
(Girl who voices yoko)
(Woman who voices . panty )
Chris senab
Chuck huber
Spike spencer

>> No.9345797

Yeah. I liked his video on Twitter of him talking to the other VAs in the characters voices.

>> No.9345806

Even just his random vids on his insta are pretty endearing. He seems like he'd be fun to take a selfie with.

>> No.9345822


details please

>> No.9345897

Read the fucking thread??