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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 18 KB, 318x208, saboten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9149385 No.9149385 [Reply] [Original]

So this year I was really looking forward to Saboten because it finally seemed like they were finally listening to us anymore for what we want guest wise? I guess they are going for quantity of quality with their guest list. The convention has been around long enough and has enough attendance to get actual Japanese voice actor guests.

Oh well it looks like its going to be the same old same old with Saboten.

Anyways who is all going and what are you going to cosplay?

>> No.9149406

Any tea parties happening this year?

>> No.9149417 [DELETED] 
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So irritating. Should have signed up early like the rest of us. It's not the con's fault you can't check the updates of the con you're going to. Take some responsibility for your stupidity instead of blaming it on someone else.

>> No.9149430

Idk what's worse, the ridiculous amount of ask panels, or how many panels are pretty much the same.
There are 5 ask a homestuck panels (2 of them are sleepoverstuck?), 2 ask dmmd panels, like 4 figure 101 panels. The whole schedule is like this.
Did different people approve different things without consulting each other? Because this is just a mess.

>> No.9149447

I went last year and didn't really find anything interesting. Wasn't planning to go again.

Now that I see that Mika Kobayashi is coming, I'm not sure if she's enough to bring me to go.

>> No.9149859

The only good thing about the con is the cute artist alley girls

>> No.9149937

I'll be cosplaying Fortune from MGS2...I don't doubt that the SJWs will have a field day with me afterward since I'm white as a fucking ghost...but eh, at least I'll have her railgun built.

And yeah...the panels are pretty much shit, for the most part...I can't wait for the Homestuck fandom here to actually grow up and get better panel ideas, same with Hetalia.

The VAs are unsurprising and typical. A few of them did work in Fire Emblem Awakening so I'm kinda happy about that...it would be hard to top the VAs last year, since I'm a huge MGS fan.

>> No.9150006

There's a tea party event called Knights Of The Frilly Table that's happening in Saboten.

>> No.9150073

who let this be the theme. WHO

>> No.9150119

Apparently there's an 18+ Free/50% Off panel that has an underage participant in it
Description of the panel makes me think that something bad may happen and it's steering me away from going, just because I'd rather not go to a con that allows minors to participate in 18+ panels (unless the panelist is lying about their age, and at that point would need to be at least reported because that could get the other panelists and attendees in possibly deep trouble)

>> No.9150132

C. Who else?

>> No.9150137

The same moderator who does every convention tea party.

>> No.9150153

It's the same content every year. I enjoyed the mgs theme and silent hill years. But outside of the few pannels with those subjects, they were pretty boring. The guest lineup is nice and all, but the panels are the same over and over. It makes it not worth attending when you are just there to see a guest or two. The tea parties are the same boring shit with a new skin. At your service is still the maid cafe there and they are cringy. But all the maid cafes here are cringy so I guess they are the best option. The pannels are repetitive and have too many repete themes.

There's just nothing that justifies the cost for me. Not even the cosplay will make it fun since arizona hasn't been impressive in cosplays lately. I would much rather wait for the Facebook flood of photos to show up so I can see the good cosplays and not the greesy weebs that crawl the halls of that con in their Milanoo cosplay trash bag.

>> No.9150566

So many panelists just do the same exact panel every year at every con and it's annoying. They don't bother to change it up at all, it's just the same powerpoint presentation every year.
Panelist if you're reading this: Change it up a little bit. The majority of attendees have been there multiple years and have seen that panel already. Even if it's just a little bit of change. The same exact thing gets boring.

>> No.9150665
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>it finally seemed like they were finally listening to us anymore for what we want guest wise?
>I guess they are going for quantity of quality with their guest list
>The convention has been around long enough and has enough attendance to get actual Japanese voice actor guests

Implying any of these things, holy shit my sides. Enjoy your regurgitated cringe panels, cringe cafes, cringe general and cringe accessories.

>> No.9150792

Eh I think this is an unpopular opinion but I like Saboten. I've only ever been to AZ cons before, so I don't have much to compare it to, but the content/organization is on par with the other ones, if not a little better. idk who the fuck any of the guests are, though.
Me and my friends don't really go for the content, it's more about showing off new cosplays and hanging out with other cosplayers. And then having pizza and beer while watching movies at night. I feel like saboten is the perfect con for this.

>> No.9150826

Not all of us like paying $50 to hang out with friends

>> No.9150950

This con is no way worth the $50 just my opinion. I'm also mad that all of the "industry" guests that saboten has been showing off lately have nothing to do with the anime industry in anyway. Saboten might as well just be called a comic con.

>> No.9150952

It's just padding an otherwise lackluster guest list.

>> No.9150995

Over the past few years I can't help but feel like the people working for Saboten are a little out of touch with what kids these days enjoy at anime cons and in their japanese cartoons.

>> No.9151011

>cosplaying the only black woman in a series with tons of white women

>> No.9151019

Nah the con is not worth the 50 it costs. The only years I have gone where years I got to go for free due to working with the staff or someone else bought the ticket and didn't want to go. It's more like one of those cons that you go to between the big cons so you can talk with your weeb cringy friends and be obnoxious. I like Greg for taking it over a few years back, but he's just lost the touch with getting the con to actually be a good con. ACEN and otacon are far better cons then any of the Arizona anime cons. I would much rather pay for those and actually have content then to go just to watch a bunch of the same panels over and over.

>> No.9151728

Lookin' forward to comin' back~ I had a lot of fun with the events and saw some cool cosplays! Hopefully I can finish something new after I get home.

But either way, ALA table in the dealers hall/artist alley. Feel free to swing by~

>> No.9151799

Soo glad I'm gonna be in Japan when this con is going on.

>> No.9152198

this con has always been one I only ever go to one day for (usually whatever's the cheapest). it's never seemed worth the whole weekend to me - I can barely justify staying in a hotel for PHXCC
it's nice to go at least one day, since the only other real anime con is depressingly small (Taiyou). I usually end up going to California cons instead for $50-60 weekend, it's a way better deal.
only reason I'm going all weekend this year is because I'm helping my friend's AA table. at least Sabo isn't by the football stadium anymore.
just like everyone else has said, it's lackluster and other states have way better cons (especially Texas).

>> No.9153046
File: 85 KB, 1200x628, 57b78229097d8-SabotenCon2016_RyanMcMurry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He is best known for his Spike Spiegel cosplay
literally who? That's one of the shittiest Spike's I've ever seen. If it's his best cosplay, I'm worried. His FB page also only has like 300 likes.
They're letting anyone be guests these days, holy shit.

>> No.9153129

This is a joke right? Someone who works for Saboten please explain this bullshit.

>> No.9153425

Wasn't he a guest last year?

>> No.9153522


I agree. While I'd like to say many panelists try to switch it up, it all turns out to be the same time after time...

>> No.9153672

Is he known? No. But I do know of him. He's friends with like every person in the Arizona con scene. He's worn spike and wolfwood to nearly every convention for the last 10 years. He's just a person that has connections. But he's literally a no one from Arizona.

>> No.9154336

>He's worn spike and wolfwood to nearly every convention for the last 10 years

He has worn the same thing almost every year for a decade? I can't tell if that's more gross, weird or slightly autistic.

>> No.9154369


The programming grid and schedule is out! What does everyone think! I'm happy there is tons of love live events going on. I'm excited to see the true Idol cosplay

>> No.9154374

There is a panel called Con-Runners Round Table on monday..... that sounds interesting but kinda lame

>> No.9154405

>so much kpop shit

>> No.9154606


>We have over 445 scheduled events over 4 days this year

Too bad 75% of them are shit.

>> No.9154619

Because grandma fell into the salt mines I'm going to bitch about the panel schedule and the ones that are triggering me.

>3 "Sleepover" panels, 2 of them are homestuck
>5 panels that start with "So You"
>6 Kpop panels
>5 Hetalia panels
>All those fucking "Ask ___" or character Q&As which are mostly tumblrina highschoolers who want to feel special.

Anyone else want to air their grievances about this year's panel line up?

>> No.9154711

First time going to this con as I am a transplant .anything I should know?

>> No.9154716

I'm pissed they sent panelists an email right after most of them got approved saying you needed 4 panels instead of 3 to get a full event. Did it say that on the sign up? Because I never saw it. Not even PCC requires 4 panels for a full event badge and it is also a 4 day con.

>> No.9154720

>running panels just to get a free badge

Here we have the reason so many generic panels are on the schedule.

>> No.9154746

You get a badge for the day(s) you run a panel. It's work, and should be treated as such. You are compensated appropriately.

>> No.9154753

Anyone need a room person to fill something? if not I'll probably just uber to the con each day

>> No.9154761

Does anyone know if they are doing a bag check in this year

>> No.9154764

But what about the groups who get multiple panels on the same day? I imagine it's similar to how hourly volunteers can get more days per hours worked. I'm surprised groups weren't scheduled on the same day to cheap them out of more badges. Especially when that notice was sent out after final approvals were made so no one could submit the fourth panel for a full event.

>> No.9154773

i mean, shitty panels always get submitted, but why did the staff pick and schedule so many of the shitty ones? 400+ panels makes it seem like they didn't filter anything

>> No.9154776

Not to complain about the con but why the ever loving fuck do they do it in one of the humid/hottest months?

>> No.9154791

I overall consider the compensation more than worth the time and effort they apparently require panelists to have (Although, if panelists actually spend time outside the convention preparing for their panels, that's a different story.)

While you can argue that the way badge distribution for panelists is flawed, you cannot deny that Saboten has no obligation to hand out free badges. Start with creating a panel with the audience in priority, and see the badge as a free bonus for doing your best and having a good time.

Also, iirc, badge distribution was given at the panel submission page, on the right.

>> No.9154857

Most panelist do spend time outside of a convention preparing their panels.

>> you cannot deny that saboten has no obligation to hand out free badges.

You sounds like someone who staffs conventions probably Sabo. Anyways it's not just handing out a free badge these panelist are volunteering their time and working the convention to put on programming that otherwise wouldn't be there. Not saying that everyone is quality but none the less are still volunteering in some where for the convention.

>> No.9154863

To add to>>9154857

If Sabo really wanted to go that route they can limit fan panels all together and rely on industry and guest panel and concerts. Though that would need for them to have actual "industry" guests first.

>> No.9154879

Greg is such a fucking joke I swear lol

>> No.9154920

Is 25 too old to cosplay?

>> No.9155339

Saboten is boasting because they have 35 guests...it would be good a good guest list if over half of the guests actually mattered.

>> No.9155374

Sabo is really quantity over quality this year.
Over 35 guests, less than half matter.
Over 400 panels, most of them duplicates, boring, the same every year, or have nothing to do with anime or Japanese culture (k-pop panels? homestuck? steven universe?)
I hope the Vendors Hall is good this year.
Also hope the con staff and the hotel staff get along and work together this year instead of arguing.
The con staff sucked last year, and didn't know what they were doing. I went to an information booth where they were just sitting around, asked where something was, and just got an "I don't know man". Happened a few times around the con. Sabo probably gives badges out for that the same way they do with the panels. To anyone and everyone.

>> No.9155566

Anyone know if they are doing bag check ins? Their site is pretty useless

>> No.9156056

Wow, look at all of the people acting like children on this thread. Saboten con is the best anime con in Arizona hands down. Everything about it is way above Taiyou con like why does that shitty convention even try to beat what Greg has built up for the community.

>> No.9156255

Greg's been hiring two maid cafes now for a year, I dont know if that makes a difference.

>> No.9156294
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>> No.9156368

this is sketchy, why do you care if they're doing a bag check? gonna bring a gun and shoot everyone up?? people like you scare me

>> No.9156460

Really? Why are you even asking this? What are you planning on bringing that you're worried about a bag check? There will most likely be a bag check because events like this tend to have bag checks with the type of world we live in. Man you sound sketchy AF.

>> No.9156713

Calm down greg

>> No.9156846

check in, not bag check I know that is common. AKA if I bring a bag/backpack and don't want to carry it around all con I can check it into a holding area like at PAX.

>> No.9156899

Of all the criticism going on about Sabo, this is how an obvious staff member replies, with hate on another con (and who also had the better guest line up). We all want more Ask panels btw ;)

>> No.9157019

Probably not. Sabo isn't that organized. Even if they did have it, I wouldn't trust it. Sabo staff/volunteers are not very good.

>> No.9157081

Hmm, that kinda stinks. Guess I'll have to really look at what I am taking along then since my cosplay doesn't have pockets.

First time going to this con so no idea what to expect, I was kinda shocked to see so many open hotels near the con. Is the Radisson that big or is turnout kinda iffy. I read on their site they had nearly 10k people last year, I'd imagine more hotels would be sold out around the con center though.

>> No.9157132

All in all it's a pretty fun con, can just be a little disorganized sometimes, and lazy volunteers. But the atmosphere is fun, the cosplay scene is pretty alright, and the vendor hall is pretty good

>> No.9157379

That 10k people was counted in what was called turnstile where everyone is counter perday ( so someone with a full event is counted 4 time over the weekend regardless if they actually attended all 4 days) in reality the con had about 6.5k people attending it.

Id have to disagree with the comment about the dealer hall being good. It's below average at best. The vendors are the same every year selling the exact same things and all very over priced. I hope it's better than it was last year because I did not buy a single thing last year. I see that anime books didn't return from last year either from the vendor list that was on the website. There is also a lot of people selling counterfeit figures as well.

>> No.9157381

The only good vendor I see on the list on the website is Fakku, everything else is the same as it was last year.

>> No.9157403

First time going to the con and google/yelp really isn't being much of any help. Suggestions on places to eat?

Not a real big fan of hooters or subway that show up...

>> No.9157422

Well there is Chambers is pretty good, there is a lot of places that you can eat on Friday and Monday that would be open. If you can drive down central a little there is pizza people and then there is cityscape that has about 5 or 6 restaurants in it but it's about a 10 minute walk from the con hotel

>> No.9157428


Here you go Anon this should help!

>> No.9157438
File: 43 KB, 600x480, 9c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the help! Now to just find if these places are okay with serving people in cosplay.

>105 projected for that weekend

>> No.9157653

Most places should be used to it because of Phoenix comic con. Oh it's also right next to the downtown campus of ASU so there is a small ASU convenience story that is open late.

>> No.9157789

joke is right
worst con organizer i've ever encountered, plus he's a douchecanoe to boot

>> No.9157950

seriously full of himself. thinks he shits gold.

>> No.9157992

inb4 hi Greg

Have you guys ever actually had to deal with him? I've volunteered and worked with him a lot in the past few years and while I don't agree with a lot of stuff he's decided on and done he's always been really nice to me and my friends. Sometimes it feels like people like to hate him because they need someone to blame for everything.

>> No.9158230

Is there a cgl meet-up this year?

>> No.9158416

There a lot of history between Greg and the community. He's been two faced to a lot of the members of the community. A lot of people will not support monkey paw entertainment events because of this. The animosity that he has towards other events is pretty unhealthy as well. To the point where he won't let his staff take part in other shows.

>> No.9158558

Hopefully the restaurants are informed about Sabo this time, because last year, many places said they would've done discounts for con attendees if they even knew there was a con happening.

>> No.9158579

>estimate uber from home and to the con
>50ish RT if I don't hit a multiplier
>Super 8 near the con is 55/night

Son of, I really need to review the schedule and see if there is anything worth staying late for or getting up early to enjoy

>> No.9158604

Honestly. Staying at a hotel is always worth.

>> No.9158659

I guess, it is better than getting stuck at the con with a 3x uber back to mesa

>> No.9159327

I agree. People get too comfortable with mediocrity.
Same Kpop panels run by the same guys. Kpop community (that has nothing to do with the convention culture) brings their own drama anyway.
Maid cafes are the same, just with two now, and both with low standards if what service actually entails. I guess it is difficult to look presentable AND not be conceited and cringey at the same time. Oh. And step away from the center stage/mic enough to care about customers.
Repeated panels, repeated security problems.
Same hotel parties. Same photographers (and sometimes scams).
Only people I honestly enjoy now a days are artist alley folks and the occasional chill people I find throughout the con weekend.
I know it sounds whiny (and it is) but I've already been on different sides (panelist, volunteer, just attendee)
Unfortunately, this will be the first year I'm not going to Saboten. Starting to expand out of state soon.

>> No.9159334

Oh how unfortunate/lolworthy. With many untagged pedophiles hosting parties at these things and walking around hitting on clearly underage attendees, not surprised age wouldn't matter for even panels.

>> No.9159351

As far as I know, panelists get ID checked too so when they find out one of the hosts is under aged they'll get kicked out of the panel and probably won't be able to run panels anymore. Also, I'm pretty sure Gackto having hotel parties is out of the cons control.

>> No.9159359

Because the light rail totally isn't in Mesa and doesn't go to the convention center. Nah you totally have to find other forms of transportation because you can't drive yourself.

>> No.9159402

I too also enjoy getting on a light rail late at night in cosplay with a bunch of drunks and tweakers then waiting for an uber at the last stop. Then getting my cosplay on waiting for the light rail in the morning and arriving sweaty at the con.

Nope sounds like a fun time!

>> No.9159422

I have used the light rail to all the down town cons and have not had this tweaker drunk issue you are describing. Also the light rail is air conditioned. Really public transportation is not that bad. If there's a ball game it will have its rowdy crowd but get on after the ball game and you don't have to deal with it. It's 4 dollars a day to ride. But if you want to spend 50 a day then be my guest. It's your money. You do what you want man. But don't complain about your cost of travel when the cheaper option is to pesant for your rich blood.

>> No.9159575

You've never been on the light rail.... have you?
It is nowhere near that bad.
Plus around convention time, there are plenty of people in cosplay on the light rail. if it's such a big deal to you, bring a change of clothes.
The light rail is way better than risking getting a creepy driver in my opinion. Too many horror stories.
My friend also just got charged $300 for a 5 minute drive because he didn't turn off the meter. Uber favored in his side, the only reason it didn't go through was because she didn't have enough money in her account.

>> No.9159638

the light rail totally starts in mesa with a huge park and ride station. They just extended it through down town Mesa and it stops like 1 block from the convention. Are you fucking stupid?

>> No.9159699

Sarcasm, anon....

>> No.9160308

How is Saboten in terms of sales/artist alley? First time tabling, and I've heard mixed reviews. I've done another monkey paw event before, but it was meh, and staff never really communicated or had their shit together (as in, they didn't know where I was supposed to be and had me wait 30 mins+ to get it) so I already had a bleak outlook coming in. But since it's the "biggest anime con in Arizona" I wanted to try it at least once...

How's the crowd? Do people buy, and what's the main age group? How is the friday and monday?

>> No.9160316

It really depends on the year and what you offer. The staffing issue you described is pretty common for sabotencon and has struggled to have staff that either knew what they where doing or where actually approachable for assistance. My experience with the staff has been less then pleasing as they often take their job super seriously or not serious at all. You will have to deal with those staff members who think they are cops and can police the people. Sales are again on what you offer. If you offer stuff every one wants and not a lot of venders have, then you will make sales. But if you are like every other stand, then you best have the lowest price because you will be fighting for sales. Attendance is usable pretty good but the age group is usually 17-25 average ages. It does have a lot of those lives in moms basement binge watching crunchy roll weebs that crawl the halls. Those are the ones that will frequent your stands trying to make friends and get free shit because you're "super kawaii desu~" but don't have any money because they have no jobs and had to sell plasma just to get their con tickets.

>> No.9160351

I do pastel/kawaii jewelry and usually do my best to pander to the young "aesthetic"/tumblr crowd with hints of anime when I can. What kind of artists are most common at Saboten? I find that most cons in the Southwest have really shitty print artists (either the work is shitty or the quality of the prints are on copy paper), craft booths (of varying quality), booths with like... 4 products and that's it, and usually at least one rando who uses their booth as a yard sale. Thanks for answering my noob questions.

>> No.9160358

I can't say for sure but the stuff you are going to sell is what many of the people in artist ally sell. It sells if it's reasonably priced. But you will not be unique to the stands. Especially if cake shop is there with a booth. Flower crowns, lacy cat ears and resin jewlery with glitter is a common thing to find at conventions in Arizona. As long as your stand is presented well and you are in a high traffic area you should make enough sales to turn some profit. But you just can't tell what the con is going to provide till you go.

The art is usually cosplayers selling photos of them selfies on decently printed paper. You will have your artist stand that is going shitty prints and it's their first time marketing themselves. It happens every convention. But the art in the past as been very much the same. Your typical supernatural fan art, steven universe, league of legends, dr who, Sherlock, mlp, bio shock, Harley and joker. I havnt purchased art from the small artists in a while simply because it's no new content. Much like the convention itself. It's content hasn't really changed much in like 7 years.

>> No.9160364

Thanks. I stand out where I usually vend so this will be interesting to be one of the many. I think I'm either at the very front of the con, or the very back... or both? Why the map they provide doesn't indicate the entrance, I'll never know. Same thing with the other monkey paw con. I only keep going cause there's not much else around the SW and they bring in the most people so usually I get the most sales vs the smaller cons.

Also... cosplayers selling prints of their selfies or "professional photos" which is 99% of the time still in it's original smartphone dimensions on photo paper is starting to become an annoying trend. Talk about taking up space in an already competitive artist's alley to sell what isn't really art.

>> No.9160370

You could be in an advantage and not many kawaii goods stands are there this year. But the cosplay photography thing you can thank Nigri for that trend. She hit the jack pot so everyone else wants in on that slice of life. Don't know why honestly because all it does is spew drama here and between photographers.

I wonder if that creepy guy is going to be there this year.

>> No.9160411

Should I go just to do a shitty budget cosplay and be drunk?

>> No.9160412

Won't change much for what usually shows up to any of the AZ comms.

>> No.9160413

I just want to be part of the con community but I'm too shy to do anything except hang around in the game room playing fighting games with others.

Also I kinda wanted to do my shitty SilvaGunner cosplay idea.

>> No.9160712

>Also, I'm pretty sure Gackto having hotel parties is out of the cons control.
kek dude is so skeezy

>> No.9160715 [DELETED] 

>My friend also just got charged $300 for a 5 minute drive because he didn't turn off the meter. Uber favored in his side
Hi I am a driver for Uber and I can tell you right now that if there were any way for the company to jew the driver out of that money and leave the passenger happy and without a dime lost, they would. Unfortunately for your friend her "5 minute ride" was probably during a multiplier time/place and the system tracks both the driver and the passenger's phone to make sure that exact thing doesn't happen, so basically your friend is full of shit and dumb because if you put your destination in it quotes you approximate ride costs ahead of time. Thanks for your time don't forget to tip

>> No.9160731

>be drunk
Dude it's Arizona you don't have to hide it. This con probably has more drunks than any other con out there.

>> No.9160773

Thanks. I looked up "cake shop couture"... if that's my competition, I'll be fine. Half of it is weirdly made and the other half is reselling straight off aliexpress, not to mention overpriced for the quality. And hey, you know what, cosplayers I've found do literally anything for attention, so it doesn't even surprise me.

And also: isn't at least one creepy titty artist par for a con of this size? Surprised there's only one desu.

>> No.9160838

Anyone down for a meetup? Nothing big just hang out and chat. I was thinking maybe meet up at hooters(it's close unless anyone else has suggestions) on Saturday around 4 or 5?

>> No.9160872 [DELETED] 
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so what do you make of this then?

>> No.9160894

pfft ahahahahah!

Sorry anon that driver must have been pretty fucking baked. Hope you get a refund and massive gift card or something

>> No.9161183

I'd be down, I was thinkin the same time as you (Saturday at 4pm) but I'm not too sure about the Hooters. Last year I went there and it sucked ass. How about same place as last year, by the hotel pool?

>> No.9161189

Sure, this is my first AZ con since moving here. I didn't see anything posted and was just throwing something out there. I'm down for anything really.

>> No.9161401

Think anon might be talking about the steampunk cosplayer who was hitting on the artist alley women. His cosplay name was like Captain Wazoo or something similar?

>> No.9161774

That guy harassed girls in our our cafe too. I was told that he's perma banned from the con so he probably won't be there.

>> No.9161867

Ugh forgot who he was had the displeasure of looking him up on facebook all over again.
What a disgusting man. He thinks it's okay to act that way because it's his character and he's an "entertainer" but he's just a nasty fat lard who uses it as an excuse to harass people. My heart goes out to whatever poor girl had to serve him.
The amount of sexy women photos on his facebook makes him even creepier.

>> No.9161955

My group is trying. I mean, gameshow panels are definitely hard to really change up y'know? But at the same time time we hope people at least have a good time.

>> No.9162156

Diff anon but I think gameshow panels are fine because no matter how it's run it'll be different every time.

What gameshows do you do by the way? I want to check them out. >>9161955

>> No.9162218

We run "Name that Anime Tune" and "5000 hours in MS Paint"

>> No.9162335

So wait the meet-up is at the pool again?

>> No.9162421

New to AZ and first time going to this con. Any advice for someone completely new?

Not sure what cons are like out here

>> No.9162429

Stay hydrated and be prepared to be disappointed by a lot of stuff

>> No.9162454

Yeah got that down, been here a couple months. Not much to do I have found during summer. It turns into "going to a bar wanna come along?". I thought where I came from had a lot of alcoholics but wasn't prepared for what AZ has

>> No.9162474

Yep, Saturday, 4:00pm at the pool

>> No.9162494


So forgive me if I am going to sound dumb here, but what are cgl meetups like out here?

last real "meetup" I did was back on the east coast at otakon

>> No.9162569

Anon we should all go to this pizza place close to the con hotel that has serve yourself Beer taps.

>> No.9162578

I believe in Jesus. I know he'll win NTAT.

>> No.9162639

The meet up would be during the Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator tournament. Dang.

>> No.9162670

The way the last cgl meetup went was we did a resturant meetup then just let people filter in. Street tavern or something? they basically set a time then let people eat or drink as they pleased

>> No.9162673

Sorry the new guy. Talking about otakon

>> No.9162853

What's wrong with alcoholism?


>> No.9162930

What else are supposed to do besides drink/smoke/fuck, we can't go outside and this state is trash. Certainly can't be expected to wear lolita for 5 months out of the year.

>> No.9162953

I don't know? I am a transplant so I don't know too much about out here.

>> No.9162955

Unlike my California reject friend two posts above me, drinking is a past time in Arizona because we just don't give a fuck.

Get drunk, take some guns to the desert and go shooting. Nothing fucking matters here. I love it.

>> No.9162958

I heard a rumor that this con is also "drunk con". I don't know if that is true but after living here for 2 months I can see why. This con appears to by ASU so wow, I mean I hope it isn't as bad as mill (I will never go back) but this con can't be that bad can it?

>> No.9162962

Honestly the last time I went to Sabo it was in a different location. I think this is the first time it's actually near the Convention Center.

People get drunk sure, but it's never too bad. At least I don't think it is. It's not Mill on a Saturday night because I know how that is, people getting arrested and shit.

>> No.9162966

Oh okay thank you for that. Do you have any advice for a newbie?

>> No.9162989

Don't tell your friend that a girl has a nice ass because she might be the one person in all of the con that he and his fiance designated as their """"" daughter""""""""

>> No.9162995

Um, why would I do that. That sounds creepy AF....

>> No.9163016

>besides drink/smoke/fuck, we can't go outside.

I'm going to call bullshit on this one Anon. There is ton of stuff to do in this state most people have never actually done any of it. The thing is the public transportation here sucks ass so that really the downfall of this city. That and it seems like 85% of the con community here does not drive.

>> No.9163018

Whoops cut this post too short

As for
>we can't go outside.

It you choose not to go outside. As long as you stay hydrated you'll be fine

>> No.9163033

I'm with you. Arizona has some amazing hiking. We also have awesome rock climbing. Just bring lots of water.

Now I'm picturing a bunch of lolitas hiking Camelback in costume.

>> No.9163285
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>> No.9163287

>Have you guys ever actually had to deal with him?

Yes and never again.

>> No.9163296 [DELETED] 

>jew the driver

This is not a country for that shit. Get back on topic.

>> No.9163534

Lolitas hiking in costume.

Lolitas hiking

Lolitas in costume

God have mercy on your soul.

>> No.9164150

Will be there! May have ribbons...

>> No.9164519

Someone call the cops on this fuckass

>> No.9164745

not everyone in AZ loves hiking????

>> No.9164748

I hate hiking. Too many bugs, snakes, and dirt. Not to mention that if you go when there is a adversely saying not to and have to use a evacuation to get you off the mountain, you will be charge with a stupid hiker fee that is like 5000 dollars. So I would much rather spend my time going to the movies, gym or at home playing video games then dealing with the hell that is the outside heat. People who havnt lived here long see these great things. Then August happens and the regret their decisions to come here and realize why we are all indoor and night people.

>> No.9165010

>cgl thread about con
>turns into hiking general

I take it the con is really a super interesting going off this thread. Still looking forward to it

>> No.9165042

Your money. Waist it if you want. I won't be going since it's just a repete of last year with a different date.

>> No.9165057

Eh 55 dollars for the weekend can't be that bad. It can't be worse than some of the cons I have been to. Going off the facebook it looks like the cosplay is activish.

>> No.9165114

There would be so many being arrested in that group kek.

>> No.9165267

Anyone here been to cobra arcade bar? Looks like a neat place to go visit during the con if the con room gets crowded

>> No.9165281

I've been and it's not at all like Endgame was, it's literally just PACKED with ASU tards drinking and playing pinball. I couldn't even order a drink on a fucking Wednesday night because the bar area was too crowded. They don't serve any food and instead direct you to whatever food truck is outside the bar that night. I'd like to emphasize again how fucking crowded this place was on a WEEKDAY NIGHT.

>> No.9165291

Damn that sucks, I don't want to imagine what it would be like during the con then. The only other barcade I know of is in Mesa The Gird or something(?). And that isn't really worth going out for much.

>> No.9165620

Honestly most bars and such are going to be packed this weekend and not just because of the con but also because it is labor day weekend. Your best bet would be to go back to your hotel room and share a drink or two with some buddies, bars will be packed all this weekend.

>> No.9165937

inb4 noob but do we have to match this theme? I know everyone always says you don't have to but it's a small comm.

I don't have anything remotely close to medieval stuff as a sweet-only and I don't want to be That One Girl that shows up in pastel cute stuff

desu this theme is only suited to the gothic and classic girls, which is technically 2/3 of the types of style but typically there are overall more sweet lolitas than there than classic or gothic ones

>> No.9166056

No, but you can't compete for best dressed to theme if you're not, obviously. Also its last minute now but you could totally do a sweet candy princess thing or something if you were creatively inclined.

J-fashion isn't even required for the event, just encouraged. You won't stand out.

>> No.9166081
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Inb4 "reika is better"

>> No.9166125

Apparently none of my friends are going and I'm afraid to show up by myself.

I hope you all have a good time.

>> No.9166235

I know the feeling anon, my friends I usually go to cons with aren't going which is kinda a real bummer. Gonna try and use this experience to be more sociable with people I don't really know. I'm pretty sociable with people I do know, but I'm terrible with making conversation with strangers.

If anyone has some rad tips for making friends with strangers/acquaintances that would be cool actually

>> No.9166237

I'm fucking afraid dude. I'm 21 years old and would be going to the con via light rail.

I can't connect to people, I'm not attractive or charasmatic.

>> No.9166522

Going to this con alone as well, willing to hang out though. Personally I don't have really any plans, the panels didn't look all that fun, might give some a go depending on the lines.

>> No.9166552

So many people saying they'll be alone this con, I'd say lets all meet up and be friendos but it seems like everytime I meet someone in the AZ comm, they find out I am friends with someone they don't like and try to start drama. Why are there like 5 really butthurt friend groups? Cause damn it's annoying.

>> No.9166611

Participate in panels. Compliment people's costumes. Take selfies. Ask people questions about their outfits. Don't be creepy.

>> No.9166636

Nah royalty and Princess themed chords have always been a thing in lolita especially sweet lolita (hime lolita anyone?) Besides half the time we get little kids in some Halloween Alice costumes and random naruto OCs. I don't think anyone cares unless you actually wear lolita to the lolita tea party

>> No.9166713


If you see someone with a "Make ANIME Great Again" hat feel free to say hey.


I'm going alone because I am real new to the area so I don't know too many people here. That said I don't generally mind walking around with people so long as they have their own opinions on what to do. Seriously biggest pet peeve is "I dunno what do you wanna do".

I'm down to hang out with anyone going to a panel, primarily going to the con for cosplay and check out some merch

>> No.9166737


>> No.9166772

ah hm maybe I wasn't as clear as I thought I was - I'm planning on wearing sweet Lolita if I do go. I just didn't know if a non-medieval-themed Lolita coord would be appropriate

>> No.9166826

Are there any other awards other than that? Like best dressed in general?
Going alone isn't too bad! It's kind of nice. You get to go to all the panels you want, and just follow your own schedule. It's not too hard meeting new people at cons either, since you're all there for the same general interests.
All of >>9166611 's advice as well. Go to panels you like, and you're bound to find people with the same interests.

>> No.9166963

Usually there is a best dressed and a best dressed to theme as separate catagories, yes. But I'm not involved in the panel so I can't say for sure.

You won't stick out if you wear sweet with no specific theme except that you'll be among the dozen or so actual lolitas present in a room full of weebs.

>> No.9167230

I will attempt to at least make my SilvaGunner mask.

You'd think it wouldn't be hard but I have anxiety up the ass, and if the other person is a girl, then it's a wash to begin with. Sure I drop my guard after I'm already talking but getting to the first word is the hardest part.

Even if I can drink now, you'd be amazed how alcohol it takes to drown out lifetime social anxiety.

>> No.9167324

>basically one more day to go

Welp I am ready, hope it's a fun weekend.

>> No.9167349

I need to see this Silvagunner mask.

>> No.9167377

Nothing special, just the Youtube icon printed out.

>> No.9167486

Should I bother with the lounges ? Last con my buddy got to hang with a really cool chick cause of the auction but I'm not sure it's the same girls doing it? I just see a Sailor Moon lounge

>> No.9167649

Like I said, no one will care. Sweet lolita is better then some random home stuck cosplay and other lolita might actually talk to you.

>> No.9167690

Just wear it. No one is going to care what your wear. It's just a convention panel. Not a brand sponsored tea party. If any thing your outfit won't be seen to fit the theme. But it's far from not being appropriate. If any thing you will be more relevant then many of the guests any way.

>> No.9167740

Not with the sailor moon cafe. Most the girls doing it suck. You probably went to a dobotsu lounge last time. Or the other cafe group, I don't remember their name.

>> No.9167745

Aw that sucks. Never mind then. I looked up both maid cafes, I think I'll choose something else...one group has nice uniforms at least. The other looks kinda sad.

>> No.9167835

Second Saboten con, first time cosplaying ever.

My friends all bailed so would anyone want to hangout? I'll very rarely go to panels because I'm not interested in Ask panels or anything Undertale or homestuck related.

>> No.9167898

>tfw 2 people dropped out of the room and im stuck paying 100 extra dollars

This is the last time I'm going to Sabo i just wanted it to be a good time

>> No.9167921

I would have said I'd be down for a room share but I can't cancel now that my reservation is <24 hours away

>> No.9168171

Ill hang out with you.

>> No.9168240

What time you all thinking about getting there tomorrow? I was probably going to get there around noon check what the badge line is like then depending on that grab some food/drink before changing into cosplay.

>> No.9168390


>> No.9168393


>> No.9168415


What does it matter how some dude wants to spend 50 bucks or so?

>> No.9168682

No, spelling.

>> No.9168983

I'll be there today around 1pm, I'm cosplaying Mafia Jinx from LoL. Should be hard to miss me, my prop is huge. See you there

>> No.9169079

So it's day one. What's everyone wearin' today?? Gonna be in Prof. Kukui with a few IV bred starters to give to peeps if they want em~

Come by the seagull gathering and make some new friends. I'm always down to hang~ I'll be at the ALA Booth most of the weekend

>> No.9169209

Be there in a bit to say hey depends on the line though.

Anyone got any ideas about the line now

>> No.9169293

anyone in need of a badge? I have a spare exhibitors pass I'm willing to let go for $40

>> No.9169296

only if you can prove it is legit and didn't "find it"

>> No.9169323

I know the cgl meetup is tomorrow but anyone want to grab some drinks maybe tonight? I am going solo to this con so yeah not much going on at night that I see. Wouldn't mind hanging out with a few people

>> No.9169325

I'm down, won't be available until after vendors hall closes

>> No.9169329

That's fine, I wasn't thinking until after that. By the pool around 8 or 9? I forget what time the vendor hall closes

>> No.9169332
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is the fact that I'm exhibiting at my table by myself proof enough

>> No.9169333

sounds good, don't know where the pool is though

>> No.9169339

Anyone know where to by some red ribbon I lost mine in travel...

>> No.9169366

I'm down to hang. I'm easy to find, ALA table across from dealers hall. Cosplaying Prof Kukui

>> No.9169369

Pool is on the 4th floor. Easy to get to and I'm pretty sure it's open fairly late

>> No.9169494

I'm down

>> No.9169499

Game for 8pm

>> No.9169502

Solid. See y'all then!

>> No.9169547

mustve missed you today but ill be vincent from catherine tommorow all day

>> No.9169598

Chillin in the lobby of the 4th floor for a bit. Didn't see anyone just yet??

>> No.9169603

Wait 10 min I am running late

>> No.9169607

Were you with a Ms. Fortune Cosplayer earlier??

>> No.9169631

A couple peeps are here now. If no one comes by 9 imma hit the arcade and play Skullgirls and marvel lol

>> No.9169698

I was

>> No.9169744

Okay. I passed by you on the escalator earlier. Kinda hard to say hi lol. See ya around tomorrow!

>> No.9169845 [DELETED] 

Where to easily bang desperate nerds

>> No.9169872

I don't know why I expected better from Sabo, this first day was an embarrassment from a very dirty hotel to the Chinese and fake Japanese on all of the bands "advertisements" who ever let that through should be fired.

>> No.9169887

If you expected a quality con, sabo isn't it. You should have known that reading this thread and the past years of the same material.

>> No.9170084

Also free parking my ass! I was enjoying the rave and when it was done I tried to get my parking validated, no one was able to do that so I was stuck paying like $8 for parking.

>> No.9170101

Apperently parking is supposed to end at 9. Validate early.

>> No.9170114

I was rather annoyed to find out that panelists still have to pay parking. I mean $5 per day isn't bad, but I wish I would of known before hand.

>> No.9170117

No problem lol
I'll be wearing an all black lolita coord today and I'll be in the fashion show for Cakeshop, so maybe I'll see you today!

>> No.9170132

Cool~ I'm in Prof Kukui again today and at the ALA Booth. Feel free to stop by~

>> No.9170268

Apparently the Free 18+ panel did include an underage panelist. Great.

>> No.9170478
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The posters here use Chinese kanji for each letter in the English Name. The funny part is that they spelled Fashion Show wrong in both English and the Chinese...

>> No.9170510

Here on the pool deck!

>> No.9170533
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But for what purpose

>> No.9170550

Do they not at least spell check their English

>> No.9170572

I still have my spare badge if anyone needs one, I'll give it for 15

>> No.9170588

is the cgl meetup a thing right now? I want to go but I'm stuck in vendors hall till 7...

>> No.9170647

So, is it a total shit show then?

>> No.9170683

Gathering was supposed to b @ 4. It was 2 of us. I'm down to meet up at 8 again on the 4th floor near the couches by the elevators

>> No.9170684


Like it is every year. Better to stay at home and play ranked in league then deal with that shit.

>> No.9170745

But normally don't you have to return to your car 30 mins after validation?

>> No.9170746

Worse than that, safety issues and staff touching attendees. I've heard at least 3 accounts of people getting touched by attendees. Now there are cops all over the pace downstairs.

>> No.9170748

It's a sticker that they apply to your coupon and you don't even have to get it confirmed paid by the garages internal point of sale, just as you leave it takes and keeps it in exchange for opening the gate. Not time sensitive

>> No.9170778

Cops are here cause Cara Nicole punched someone in the face with her fake tits

>> No.9170783

Why are AZ cons so shit? Will there ever be a good one here.

>> No.9170785

the panels i went to were kind lame. home now. excited to see any cosplays anyone found.

>> No.9170787

You know after the shitshow was this at least the Taiyou con staff is nice.

>> No.9170796

Sabo has that one asshole staff member who yells at guests every year for being in the way and being a fire hazard. We were standing near the bar area across from a line and he kept yelling at us to get in line and then to get moving because we were creating a fire hazard even through there was room for a whole group of people to walk by and we were off to the side. This jerk does this every freaking year!

>> No.9170809
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Dude copped a pic of Skull Grunts ass

>> No.9170811
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>> No.9170826

Anyone get pics of this?

>> No.9170831

Is Cara becoming the new jnig since jnig has jumped ship of AZ cons? I have friends who are actually good friends with her. But she's too annoying to me.

>> No.9170832

They are all in the programming guide as well. Like the digital program guide.

>> No.9170836

I meant of the fashion show itself

>> No.9170849

Y'all flakeyyyyy

>> No.9170876

Sorry, I had to leave as soon as I got there because we had a small emergency at home:( I won't be able to make it back tomorrow or monday because of it:((((

>> No.9171041
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Just got back from it. I went with a few friends. I only saw like two well dressed lolitas there, and one of them was completely new to the scene, or so she claimed.

Funny thing is that even though I dressed up, hung out with friends, saw some cool costumes, even bought some overpriced shit, in spite of all of that this is probably the first con I went to where I just feel sad and miserable afterwards.

I don't know why. I just feel so shit. I just spent nearly a hundred dollars and I feel nothing super positive in return. The whole time I just felt weirded out by autists, like I was annoying my friends, or like I looked like shit in comparison to the cosplayers who were actually trying. There weren't even really any good panels. Literally the only panels I wanted to go to I solely wanted to go just to quietly mock autists.

Maybe this is just personal shit and this post is sounding too much like a blog, but whatever. I wanted to get this off my chest. Point is, I found Saboten to be kind of shit. Such a shame because PCC was pretty fun, and I had high hopes as this is only my second AZ con. I am sad now.

>> No.9171044

Don't be, it just seems like Arizona isn't destined to have any decent anime cons.

>> No.9171078

It's because Arizonan's anime base is a bunch of autists.

>> No.9171259

If this is your second AZ con (I'm assuming here it's also your second con in general?) I'm not surprised that this might happen. A lot of the time you get either blown away or disappointed attending your second event because the first builds your expectations in some degree. Cons can ultimately be what you make of them, and how you choose to approach the day can heavily impact the outcome.

I'm not gonna sell you on Saboten but definitely look for another event and try it out, see how it feels.

>> No.9171332

Hey there anon, I'm sorry you had such a bad time at your second Arizona convention. Let me tell you though please don't give up on the community. Taiyou con is still on the horizon and I can help make your con experience even better. If you go to Taiyou con come find me and I'll help you out.

>> No.9171373
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I met up without without realiZing it . Top fun

>> No.9171510
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No, this is probably my 8th or 9th con. I just moved here from out of state, that's all.

I have no idea who you are, but sure.

I've considered joining up with a community but honestly, everything I see from communities just looks so toxic and catty and stressful. I'm not looking to live in some Game of Thrones bullshit where people are always shit talking behind other people's back. I just want to have fun and feel cute.

I think it might have just been my own insecurities and anxiety that got in the way of me having a good time, but whatever. It's over and done with now.

>> No.9171550

I lost my badge but I don't really want to pay for a new one. Anyone want to give me/sell me one? Probably just for today or maybe Monday too. My friend has an extra lanyard so if someone even just photocopies the full event pass for me, I would be overjoyed lol. I thought I'd ask here first.

>> No.9171568

I've been strongly into anime and general weeb shit for 18 years and the closest thing to a con that I've been to is Matsuri. I don't see how this is worth the money for me, especially since I don't have friends to go with.

>> No.9171613

This con owned

>> No.9171637

Is there anyone who is selling Mika Kobayashi stuff? I looked around and I don't think she has a table.

>> No.9171653

Cara's in Bmore, calm YOUR tits.

>> No.9171750

Oh I'm the convention director for Taiyou con.

>> No.9171757

rad man. I'll be sure to show up.

>> No.9171838

This con rocked hope to see people at ala

>> No.9171933

What's the Sunday night plans looking like

>> No.9171963

Milling about. Will hit up dance again after masq is over. I'm free to hang with anyone if they're willing lol

>> No.9171972

If you're talking about the Lolita group then I would say join. It's only a handful of people who are dicks in the community now that the purge happened. Most of the drama comes from the girls that have been booted and or the efame seeking ones. The rest of it is kinda chill.

Cosplay communities are kinda the same thing. I stopped doing those since I found I enjoyed doing it on my own and didn't have to live up to the communities expectations.

>> No.9171982


AZ Lolitas have been saying this since the dawn of time, it's still a dramatic group, and now it's a poorly dressed dramatic group.


>> No.9171999

Anyone know who cirno was? he asked me about cgl and was funny as shit, but he got really drunk the other night hope he made it home okay.

>> No.9172013

Did anyone there on Saturday see the Snake with a little speaker in his costume and an actual walkman? And did anyone get a picture of him? He was playing the 80s music from the cassettes in phantom pain and I thought it was really fucking cool.

There was also a guy cosplaying the new boss from Pokemon Sun/Moon on Saturday, in-character, and I think I fell in love a little.

>> No.9172206

I never said they where dressed well. You seriously just need to stay away for the mod and her goons and batty with her self entitled SJW friends and you won't be involved in the drama. Plus batty doesn't want any thing to do with AZ. She is more into the LA comm any way. We are too peasant for her rich blood. There's a lot of very friendly girls in the community. They may dress less then spactacular but they make for good company.

>> No.9172258

That guzma was fucking cringey deadpool level, he was hassling people to buy some shitty stickers around the con. Trying to act in character for a game that hasn't even released is annoying to interact with
But his cosplay was nice

>> No.9172283

Take a joke anon damn

>> No.9172287

Div, Dom, and Batty are the only drama whores and they're not even active in the community anymore. Please stop spreading this, we've been pretty drama free since banning Dom and even reduced the group from 300 to 147. The comm has been wonderful lately. Stop trying to create drama where there isn't any. You sound like the dramatic one.

>> No.9172339

It's probably one of those three that made the statement because all they see is drama.

>> No.9172340

I'm going to say Dom. Batty used to prowl here but I think they had a café earlier so I actually don't think Batty or Div had the time to cause online trouble.

Or was it Saturday? I didnt do cafes this year cause is you've been to one you have pretty much been to all.

>> No.9172345

Tfw got a damn sticker and it's all smeared gone a day later

>> No.9172457

Anyone know what CD Mika Kobayashi was selling? I couldn't get one because the line was ass and I had to be somewhere. I really wish I bought one or atleast saw what exact songs she sang, I only knew the KLK thme

>> No.9172460

I don't think AYS had a cafe today because Divina was hanging out with Dom earlier at one of their hipster vegan places. But I can't confirm this since I just saw them on my suggested posts on Instagram. I didn't go this year because I would rather save my money for a con worth 50 dollars.

>> No.9172917

The group reduction cut off a bunch of dead weight but there are still plenty of inactive dramawhores left in the group

>> No.9172959
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The songs she sang that I know off the top of my head were


I'm not sure of the ones she sang on the keyboard or the others I may have forgotten.

Here's the back of the CD.

>> No.9173070

Stop talking to yourself, John.

>> No.9173074

Thank you!

>> No.9173105


>> No.9173189

Half the staff were a bunch of fat cunts that yelled constantly for no reason, the other half were polite but knew absolutely nothing and weren't helpful.

>> No.9173276

seriously. lady beards security guard was a fat condescending bitch who treated us like children.

>> No.9173369

That doesn't mean the group is a bunch of drama any more. All the drama whores are inactive. The only people who even bring it up are those in the three Kat posse. I know Candice and Alex have posted some drama here time to time. But not nearly as much stiring as Dom and Divina.

>> No.9173373

Was it the same guy the controlled the line for the rave Friday night. A short chubby guy with brown hair?

>> No.9173421

Bmore? I'm sitting across from her at a sushi bar in Phoenix

>> No.9173486

This was my third Sabo and it was absolutely boring. Guest list was subpar, the vendor hall was filled with the same merch at almost every table, artist alley was overrun with bad fan art of Overwatch, Pokemon, and Steven Universe. The lighting in the vendor hall makes me feel like a creep pursuing for the "good stuff".

I've been too nearly every major con in Arizona and this is the second Monkey Paw con that I will no longer attend because it's not worth my time or money.

>> No.9173502

We got some good deals at some of the dealers, but they really need to start bringing in better vendors. No more of the garage sell level vendors. I come to cons mostly to get merch and this year was worse than last year. The guy who is usually at all the monkey paw conventions and sells decals and stickers wasn't there, that was a bummer.
And the artist alley was horrendous in art quality. Worse than deviantart

>> No.9174208

I'd say a good 60% of the art was deviant art tier. Atleast the few great artists made up for the primary color bullshit. All the figures were almost literally $30+ too

>> No.9174222

So what was the final verdict az? Worth it? What would you change? What did you like this year? What was cringe?

>> No.9174232

-Get rid of all "Ask _____" and "_______ Dating Game" panels
-Add more reasons to stay out late
-Cut $50 full event to $35
-More vendor variety (They were all the same figures and plushies)
-Bigger vendor area
-Artist Alley quality control (Almost half looked like it was made by children)
-Fix event book, a lot of the big events were off by 30min or had different times from the Facebook
I'd say a good 7/10, I had fun but I guess I was with friends each day but we did find ourselves in "What do we do now" moments

>> No.9174260

I definitely think they need more quality control across the board. I'd like to see character panels done away with because they're usually just teenage girls pretending to be gay boys. Homestuck started that trend and it's ruined fandom panels.

I agree that most of the artist alley was shit, but the few good artists were REALLY good. I noticed some tables were empty or didn't show up.

I think Saboten sucked this year in the vendor/artist alley because it ended up being the same weekend as SLCC; the people who were also accepted to that went up to Utah?

the hours for saboten aren't great and I agree there should be more at night time especially if nothing really starts much before noon

>> No.9174266

More pun panels

>> No.9174270


>> No.9174275

Let's not start this con-versation

>> No.9174370

Add in quality control for panels and the masquerade! Everyone who won the masquerade was awesome but there were atleast 15-25 horrible performances.

>> No.9174406

Add better guests, the only guest we saw this weekend was ladybeard. I felt bad for anyone who didn't have a vip status cause lines were killer to see him
too. Bigger game room, all the consoles were taken the couple times we swung by. On the upside, they didn't have the same repeat of the elevator mess from last year. The staff needs to actually know whats going on with times and prices ect. BETTER VENDOR HALL. We had a good time over all but they need to start acting like its a bigger con

>> No.9174415

we need some sort of security between the free parking lot and the con at night!!!! it was really scary walking back and forward on my own.. there was this homeless man in the middle of the side walk with his pants falling off.. i seriously ran as far as i could after seeing that lol

>> No.9174462

Not much they can do outside the con. But fortunately for you its arizona so next time carry a knife

>> No.9174484

Speaking of Guilty Gear, anyone cosplaying anyone from it?

>> No.9174509

The amount of dabbing at Sabo made me want to kms. Weebs know how to take something, shit all over it, and make it so fucking annoying and repetitive.

>> No.9174515

I didn't see anyone cosplaying guilty gear this year.

>> No.9174519

I kept seeing cringelord homestuck type tumblr 14yr Olds do it all the time. Like I'm alright with dabbing, it can be funny if it's done after something amazing. But these shit heads did it every sentence.
Also the Full Event pass picture was ass. Didn't need more dabbing

>> No.9174525

Dojima was there anything wacky at Waifu Wars, heard you hosted
I missed it because it was so late

>> No.9174549

There was a total of 68 ask a panels that is unacceptable. The fact they have like 12 panels room just for fan panels is cool but all of the under used space is sad.

The programming guide was full of mistakes that should of never happened it shows just how lazy this was handled.

Chinese and fake Japanese all over the "advertisements" around the con made saboten con look terrible and if I as a guest and I saw that I would not return.

The vendors hall was pretty bad with both a good selection at all. the only people I bought from said they wouldn't be returning to Sabo next year because of poor sales and whatnot

Also why were people told to change the shirts they bought from fakku in the dealers hall but not told to change the shirts from that one both that had fuck and other obscenities all over them?

Why were voice actor guest booths not inside of the dealers hall but located right outside; but, "industry" guests were in the dealers hall? That make no sense to me. Also the figure show got the shit end of the stick it seemed. I know hey didn't have it last year so I was excited to see it return because while I'm not a figure collector I enjoy taking photos of the figures on display. This year the figure show was stuck in the corner of the dealers hall in what had to be the worst lighting I had ever seen for a display. I was going to take a ton of pictures but no matter what I did the lighting would ruin the photos.

The masquerade was empty from what I saw. A lot of people standing in the back for like no reason.

Also why have a bar outside of the rave if you can't bring it back into the rave or the panels rooms? I actually bought drinks this year but it totally ruined the mood when I was told I had to sit outside and wait with my drink.

For parking nowhere did it ever say two things. That it was not over night and the times that you could get it validated. I normally validate my parking right when I leave.

The game room was cool.

>> No.9174553

>>9174549 to finish my post
There is more but over all it was 3/10 not coming back.

>> No.9174560

I'm sorry that it was so late, it was never suppose to be 18+ it was submitted as an all ages panel. Though we had some funny match ups I'll list the ones I remember (also I had to ban HARAMBE from being picked because of too op)

Tomo-chan vs the main girl from how to raise a boring girlfriend

Jotaro Kujo VS Pepsi man

The girl from maid-saman VS Kili (from the hobbit)

Dark magician girl V.S that small girl from high schools DXD who twerks in the first ending.

Normal Hinata vs alternate universe Hinata

Overall it was not the best ran version of waifu wars but it was still very entertaining.

>> No.9174565
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Also some seagull called me out at the beginning of the panel and I reminded everyone if you don't see my trip it's not me posting.
Shoutout to you anon.

>> No.9174570

I know what booth you are talking about. What is Jfashion or pop culture about black shirts with fabric paint obscenities on it? (Oooh edgy). I told my friend to not pay $35 for something she can go to Michael's or Joann's (or hell, Walmart) for much cheaper.

>> No.9174578

I was hoping there'd be more anime shirts that weren't Fairy Tail/Naruto. I already own half the Fakku ones haha

>> No.9174752

So there is something I have to call out one. There is no way that there was 9,075 attendees at saboten con this year. The halls were so empty all of the time

>> No.9174770

I've been going to Sabo every year since 2010, but after these past two years, I don't know if it's worth the money. I might just end up going one day or something. Vendors had shitty stuff, and the stuff I did like, I already own.

The whole Ladybeard thing was horrible. Crazy, unorganized lines and staff constantly yelling the same things over and over so that they feel important. It felt like we were on an elementary school trip to the zoo or some shit. "SINGLE FILE. STAND SINGLE FILE." Granted, this was the first time I stood in these lines since no other guests have ever perked my interest. But jesus christ.... who would ever want to return after getting yelled at for 3 hours?

Ladybeard was super cool and nice, so I want to say that it was worth it. I wish I could have punched those obnoxious idiots in the face, though.

The game room was fun, though. Played some card games with friends and cool people. Popped into the rave, pretty empty and my cousin who raves said that the DJ was terrible.

I'm hoping Taiyou is more enjoyable.

>> No.9174780

fat heavy make-up bitch.

>> No.9174785

Did anyone attend a panel that was actually good? Wondering if I just happened to keep picking bad ones since there were 400+ to choose from over the weekend...

>> No.9174855

I only went to a couple but they were all p chill. What kind of panels did you go to?

>> No.9174904

I wore my fakku shurt with all the titties and ass and no one said anything

>> No.9174928

That is strange because they were telling people to change. They told my friend to change.

>> No.9174949

I tried some of the fanfic ones (one was better than the other), there was a good JJBA panel and a bad one, and then I thought the South Park one would be funny until I realized it wasn't 18+ and run by children. I left pretty quick after that. I meant to catch the 80's Anime panel but I messed up the time.

>> No.9174986

Which jojo panel and which fanfic one? I missed them but I had really wanted to go.

>> No.9175000

So the information Jojo panel went pretty good. They vagued a lot of it (but what can they do, tried to explain without spoiling). They actually covered a shit ton, not only manga but animation through the years and were super into it. Then I hit up the SBR panel - the descrip made it sound like they were doing character interviews like actual jockeys but it just turned into a cringe fest. One of the panelists even admitted to not even reading Part 7....

And then the Dramatic Fanfic panel was awkward, they read My Immortal and it's just like, come on we've all seen this a million times. It isn't fun or dramatic any more. Bad Fanfic Theater was back, seen it before but they usually revamp their fics and bring new ones. They read a Home Improvement fic and I felt my soul evacuate my body, but that is exactly what I signed up for when I went.

>> No.9175052

I think they just went off of sales. Which would make sense because they sold badges to people more than once if they lost one

>> No.9175054

I went to a love live panel that was really cute. Theyou may not have been the cutest girls or the best cosplays, but they did a few dance numbers (not amazing but good for how many girls were tying to choreograph with eachother) some q&a and talking, and a trivia game which I did terrible at, but I made like 30th out of 50 haha it was pretty fun!

>> No.9175123

Post something GOOD about the con

>> No.9175131

It's like the silent hill year and gangnam style. They killed that meme for me.

>> No.9175136

Got ladybeard to answer my question at the q and a
Everything positive was about ladybeard

>> No.9175156

Everything good about the con was not related to the con.

>> No.9175158


>> No.9175174

Did anybody ask why he left his group ladybaby? His performance was good but it was nowhere near as good as his stuff with ladybaby.
And what about the allegations on his sexual assault on some gravure idol?
Did anybody have the balls to ask anything good?>>9175136

>> No.9175210

Are you fucking stupid? There are guidelines to a Q and A, you cant just try to start shit like that

>> No.9175220

All the fanfic panels are shit now b/c the original group that started doing them stopped submitting since everyone started copying them and reading shit like my immortal

>> No.9175221

Oh no what's gonna happen? Will you be banned from a greg Con to ask about his guest's possible danger to other female con goers?
And seriously what's wrong with asking about ladybeard? They both suck since the split. They will fade away and die without eachother.

>> No.9175230

If you care so much about drama just ask him on twitter. Babymetal does fine on their own and ladybeard is still wrestling so he will be fine

>> No.9175240

Babymetal =\= Ladybaby maybe you're confused. If you don't have the answer just don't reply to the question. Is it so hard ton not reply to a question?

>> No.9175242

I meant ladybaby Lol

>> No.9175264

yeah it's probably turnstile numbers, as opposed to unique attendees, which means they can count a full event badge as 4 people even if they only show up for a day

>> No.9175311

AZHP Had a DDR machine.

>> No.9175325

Greg said it was unique attendees at closing ceremonies

>> No.9175359

my bad then I assumed it was turnstile since there definitely weren't that many people there and I don't do closing ceremonies. I'm interested in what the final numbers will be posted as

>> No.9175399

He's been vague or kinda flubbed the number of unique attendees to inflate number in the past, so that might be another case of that.

>> No.9176222

How would one even accurately count unique attendees?

>> No.9176457

Badge sales?

>> No.9176746

Then it would be the shortest masquerade ever had.

>> No.9176754


If you sneeze, you're banned.

>> No.9176875
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Who else copped a poster

>> No.9176901

God, that and the fucking kingdom hearts one killed me

>> No.9176921

Final verdict: It was alright, definitely the best monkey paw con I've been to, though that's not saying too much.

Was it worth it? eh. I did have some good experiences, but there were just as many good panels as there were shitty ones. Quantity =/= Quality and the sooner monkey scratching its ass with its paw learns this, the better off they will be.

I would definitely change the screening for panels and artist alley. Don't put in every panel submitted because you want to fill 445 time slots. Also, don't sell a artist table to whichever joe with $200 pays you first. Saboten is big enough that they need to do a jury for their panelists and alley, and tell some people no. Half the tables either had incredibly shitty art or people who didn't even have enough work to make a full portfolio.

Also, maybe it's cause I'm not from Phoenix and I play strategic gaming all the time, but the game room was absolute shit on the board game side. Cards against Humanity, Munchkin, Sushi Go and party games is not an impressive selection. And they always had some sort of "gaming event" going on, in which they would kick people off the only fucking tables they had available and tell them to play on the floor, and then the event wouldn't even have enough people to fill up half a table. I have never been to an event where they would tell us to play on the fucking floor. What the fuck.

Cringe would have to be the incompetent staff overall. I swear, not a single staff member was actually helpful. They'd tell you one thing and then watch people do the opposite right behind you, they'd be talking in a baby voice of poking each other while you were trying to get a badge or info, or they'd just straight up be wrong or tell you they don't know, they'd have to find Greg. Really? In a con this big where you are the so called head of this dept, you have to go find the owner to deal with getting me another prereg badge? wtf. Not to mention how they handled that incident with police.

>> No.9176941

The staff is always terrible and never is on the same page for info

>> No.9176959

I was semi surprised with the one guest panel I went to for Reika and while her panel was okay for a newb cosplayer she really tried to have high energy but the first thing she said was that they would have to rush since it's normally a 1.5-2 hour panel and they were only given 1 hour (so I wasn't surprised when it went over). The translator looked to be someone's mom and while she relayed the information decently didn't always talk into the mic and made instructions hard to hear. There were also some points of the kimono Reika was talking about (again basic things like right side goes under, left over) that were completely dropped from the translation. No skin off my back since again it looked like a mom of a staff member volunteering but damn shouldn't you really be trying harder for the few international guests you have?

>> No.9177333

The best panels I went to was the Feels Panel...The fucked up thing was the ACTUAL Panelists never showed up...But the guys that took it over where fun. Apparently there were quite a few "cancels and no-shows"... The Jazz band was kinda fun too.

>> No.9177572

They need to make sure those no shows and cancels don't get a chance to do it next year. We are too lenient with that in the az con community.

>> No.9177601 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 525x350, ramen_girl_by_121642-d9fovoz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

During one of the raffles I had some assholes take the bag of free buttons from me when it landed in my arms, I ain't mad about that but the faggot ripped a portion of a signed print I bought. Thankfully the artist was a cool dude and let me replace it, sadly there were no more of the print I had so he let me take a new one for free.
Even said if I find him at Taiyo and remind him of me he'll replace the torn one for free.

>> No.9177617

heeeey! im one of those guys that took over for that! im glad you enjoyed that! It was definitely fun running an impromptu panel. Hopefully next con there will be less no shows. Or if there is a cancellation, schedule for another group to pick up the slack.v

>> No.9178510

Or ya know, not have SO MANY PANELS

>> No.9178512

That machine was not properly anchored most of the weekend lol.

I also wish the game room would bother updating the games they're gonna advertise having and carry equipment that's not filled with latency and lag.

Sunday night dance had the best DJ's hands down, too bad it was barely populated by the end of the weekend. Still enjoyed that jam though!

>> No.9178546

My husband kept complaining about how slow the computers were. He had a hard time wanting to play anything because of it.

>> No.9178550

I don't know what your talking about all of the fighting game set up did not have lag.

>> No.9178579

>Most of the weekend.
I don't believe the machine was anchored at all. Hopefully we can fix that the next time we drag it out.
As for the lag issue all of the monitors we have are "the standard EVO monitors" which I believe are lag-free.

>> No.9178605

Best part of this year was looking greg dead in the eyes and saying hey while I ghosted his shitty con

>> No.9178832

Or kick you out