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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9096804 No.9096804[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

tell me who i shall stay away from. share stories. i never been to a convention and heard so many creepy shit.

>> No.9096845

Firstly, you have a responsibility to yourself. Don't assume someone is going to pop out of nowhere and save your ass. Stay away from people who give you a bad vibe. Even if they don't creep on you they can still mess up the convention for you. If you feel like the situation is going bad, get out. Don't be a retard and stay because you're afraid to offend the other person. Make an excuse and get out. Stick with your friends that you trust. Make sure to have their contact info so you can call on them if needed Don't get in the van that says Legendary Pokemon Inside.

It's really quite simple.

>> No.9096866

number one bit of advice

say if you are not ok with something
make a fucking scene if they wont listen and get security

I am sure many incidents can be resolved by saying "no, dont do that" or "sorry, please leave me alone"
I say this because I hear so many stories where the victim never speaks up and asks CLEARLY for them to stop (becuse autists have trouble with hints often)

the rest can be solved by shouting, asking for help or getting security and the police

main point is, dont worry about causing a scene, security will help you and make sure its clear you are not ok with creepy shit

>> No.9096888

red flags:
>brings up old friends/partners they've fallen out with, and every single instance is drama ridden or "she was a crazy bitch"
>just in general calling people bitches
>or normies for that matter

In general its a good idea to be super blunt. If you want to leave and don't want whoever you've been talking to to follow, don't say "I'm so sorry to leave but me and some friends were going to see this Thing", just thank for the converstion and say that you'll need to leave, no "we're going to eat" or "we were hoping to catch X panel", just "thanks for the compliments on my cosplay/the conversation, however I need to be on my way." Open up the option to "see them around the con" if you like them, otherwise just wish them a good weekend. If they try and tag along, just insist that it was nice talking to them, but this is just for you and your friends. If they still can't take a no, then it's time to literally tell them that they're not welcome and that if they keep insisting you will have to talk to con security. No need to be rude, but always be clear. No "oh no I have to leave for this Thing" unless you want to open up for people to invite themselves.

Also, actually talk to con security. If someone grope you, take upskirt photos, won't take no for an answer (regardless of situation), etc. Chances are it's someone they already know of.

>> No.9096909

I tabled once with a girl and this volunteer staffer became a table barnacle, eventually even mentioning weird things like I saw you on a youtube video etc - this con didn't use our alias artist names and placed her real name on the table placard - well whatever someone else has a same name. We ended up just putting up with it, even when he began insisting he gets her number after turning down his invite to go to some "bar" after the con. Afterwards we simply packed up and exited asap keeping a eye out during the convention cleanup.

>> No.9096915

should have asked him to piss off when he got annoying
if he didnt contact the staffers and mention he is being a prick

ANY tollerance is encouragement with these people

>> No.9096942

This. I tend to automatically just leave the situation whenever it's getting uncomfortable (thankfully that's been enough of a hint for people not to follow me) but it's so important to be vocal. Let them know that whatever they've done isn't cool and you won't tolerate that kind of behavior/won't hesitate to get con staff involved. Like the other anon said, most con creeps do that sort of crap all the time. Con staff probably knows who they are and will handle it accordingly.

>> No.9096972
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if you're at a con and someone looks alone, DO NOT try to cheer them up or start a conversation because 99% of the time they're fucking crazy.

i asked a girl if she lost her friends or was waiting for someone because she was sitting alone and i felt bad.

she told me she came to the con alone because she fell out with her friends and also took my presence as a cue to start oversharing about her mental illness and how she found someone cosplaying from the same series who also happened to be her favourite yaoi ship.

when i tried to excuse myself she tried to tag along with my group. she followed us all the way back to our hotel before we threatened to call the cops.

>> No.9096980

Once I had an artist alley table and this girl came up to me and licked my face.

>> No.9096982
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Not sure if this counts but when I was 14 I was at my second con and a vendor gave me free yaoi (like $70 worth) and was telling me how cute I was and how mature I spoke for my age and asked if I was alone and if I wanted to stay and talk for a while.

>> No.9096993

I bet you tasted like a liar

>> No.9097010

Hold up, this fuckboy is still here?

>> No.9097021

wat? I never left

>> No.9097285

>otakon 3 years ago
>age 16, parents let me run around con unsupervised
>cosplaying very obscure character, proud of my costume
>some guy wants a photo with me
>doubt he recognizes my character but ok
>puts his hand on my ass
>nope out of there as soon as it's over

>> No.9097287

You sound like a cunt, either that or you're leaving out half of the story

>> No.9097289

Is this like a regular con thing? When I was underage and still going to cons, a girl came up to me in some hall, kissed me on the side of the mouth, told me I was beautiful, and walked away
I'm a girl too and wasn't crossplaying or cosplaying any character even remotely related to hers

>> No.9097531

>talking with friends at a convention and wearing a Cosplay with a school uniform
>Leg is cramping during the conversation probably from standing in one place for too long
>Swing my leg backwards to stretch out the cramp when I hit something hard and my shoe falls off
>Turn to retrieve fallen shoe when I see a guy with a rage face
>There's a camera on the floor beside my fallen shoe accompanied by a glass shard
>Oh shit did I break an expensive camera???
>Guy is foaming at the mouth when I realise something
>I'm shorter than most people so even if you had your camera hanging from a strap, I wouldn't be able to hit it with my leg unless the camera was low on purpose
>While the guy is yelling at me and my friends go to my rescue and defend me, I pick up the camera
>Lens is broken but the screen isn't and I see photos of upskirts and panties including my own (lucky I was wearing shorts)
>I take the memory card out and I yell at the guy that I'm sorry for breaking his camera, but I'll call security on him for sexual harrassment
>He grabs the camera and bolts
>I take the memory card to security and fill out a form. Apparently this isn't the first time he was caught

I wasn't contacted again for what happened. Moral of the story: always be aware of your surroundings.

>> No.9097534

I was honestly hoping you would have killed yourself by now.

>> No.9097571

sounds kind of fake
no one leaves their camera on the "shows multiple photos at once" mode

>> No.9097615

I'll take, "Fake SJW bait" for 200, Alex.

>> No.9097616


>upskirt photo

In America, this probably isn't illegal, so seek out con security to get them kicked out instead of law enforcement like I've seen other girls do.

>> No.9097926

I guess? Seems like a con thing. I still don't know how I felt about it.

Agree. How did she even get the camera and memory card? Did the guy just let her pick the camera up and look through the pictures? Seems weird, idk.

>> No.9097938

jebus of /a/

>> No.9097966
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>Have con in a few weeks
>Try to see what my normal congoing friends are doing for it
>They can't find the time and seem to be moving onto more important shit in their lives
>I should be too, but my shit doesn't start until next month
>Reaching the point where I'll either have to meet up with some of my older, crazy-tolerating friends
>Or go alone and probably end up around the mentally-unstable Homestuck/SU fucks who are a powder keg for cringe/craziness/drama

What the fuck do I do? It's so bad that I think the best option might be to hang with those stoners who always seem to congregate in the game room.

>> No.9098320

Personally, I am not a cosplayer but what I did when I realised that all my friends had absolute no interests in anime or comics, I volunteered at my local con. I carefully made my way to a staff position. I made a lot of friends within the staff circle and every year, that friendship and bond makes me come back

On other note, what do you consider a normie? I have been completely out of the anime loop for quite some time.

>> No.9098528
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I remember the first time i was cosplaying as goku this guy came up to me while i was eating to talk about dragon ball.

>> No.9098815

>Go for con near my school (im cosplaying with my other friends (girl))
>Together with my friends
>Some random guy showed up
>"hey dude, your cosplay is awesome!"
>he keeps following us
>gather up with my friends without him knowing whats up
>"ok folks, this dude kinda weird, 1 person go tell security meanwhile the others distract him"
>1 of my friends go call security
>me and 1 of my friends that cosplay too distract him
>he taken care of
> found out he is a creeper who take people picture and do some kinda of scam

the moral? dont trust anybody exept family and ur friends, stay out from any invitation, try to straight up says "no". and u will be fine in con, good luck :3

>> No.9098818

Stay away from Vic Mignogna

>> No.9098832

the only advice you'll ever need for a con, 10/10

>> No.9098837

One guy tried to take an uber with us back to our hotel and he was high as a kite. Idk what it is but every person ive met who went to a con alone (and doesnt meet up with people) are.....odd

>> No.9098917

Ouch. I'm a loner when I go to events. But as a videographer that covered lots of cons, I agree with you on your advice to steer clear of them. I've seen lots of weird stuff and disturbing behavior at cons, and most of them done by loners.

>> No.9098923

> Don't get in the van that says Legendary Pokemon Inside
I wish I had read this post two days ago

>> No.9099435
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>> No.9099506

......holy shit

>> No.9099539

Bullshit, people have gotten their asses kicked over damaged cameras at cons. At the minimum this guy would've cussed you out.

>> No.9099547

Dangit, Pokemon Go!

>> No.9099550

Were you that girl, anon?

>> No.9099678
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This kinda pertains to the subject of the thread so I wanna ask. Me and my sister are going to animefest soon and I'm worried about her. Were both 18 and were both cosplaying. She's going as the main character from journey and I'm going as Frank west. Now the question is that do you think she might get creeped on? Sorry for bringing a weird question into the thread. I'm just really worried about her.

>> No.9099683

There's a story here and I want to fucking hear it.

>> No.9099687

it's kind of an ongoing joke at this point
vic likes to get hugs with girls and such

>> No.9099704

>always go to cons alone (because I want to)
>always end up explaining to some group of people why I'm there if I'm alone, and if I want to join them
>Tell one particular group of girls that I just use this time to get away from my friends and enjoy myself
>They call me weird, but w/e it's a bit odd.
>I go to some panels, they come shortly after.
>They make sure to make their way to me and call me weird again. Just a coincidence I suppose.
>Then I am visiting booths, happens again.
>While I am eating, they come in and sit nearby and start to mock me
>realize they are following me around, and notice they have been taking pictures of me.

I'm not sure if this qualifies as a creeper story, it's really the only time I was irked at a con. I don't think it's because I'm hideous or anything, I've never had anything negative about how I look. I was going to tell security about it, but I'm just a lone guy and they were a group of semi attractive girls. Just thought it'd make things worse for me. Really have no idea what their problem was.

>> No.9099765

Actually not a bad idea. Gives me something to do, and I might even get a free day. This one in particular's pretty well-manned, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to shoot an email before it's too too late.

>Have friends who you like to be around but aren't always into this kind of shit
>Go to cons alone because of that and still enjoy yourself

God, I'd go conning with you, bro. These con girls are just the stuck-up bitches they were never popular enough to be in school.

>> No.9099784

>18 year old twins
Tell wincest stories.

>> No.9099829
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it's story time

>be me
>be 20
>anime midwest 2015
>waiting for friends in the lobby
>guy named tyler strikes up a conversation with me
>talk for a while
>hey he seems like a chill dude
>my friends arrive
>i exchange phone numbers with tyler before leaving
>we go our separate ways for a bit
>later that evening
>receive a text message
>"Umm...full disclosure, I enjoyed talking to you, but feel fairly creepy now that I know that you guys are that young...I'm 28 >.<"
>(we're all about 20 for the record)
>already feeling weird about this guy now
>then another text
>"I'm bored and up for whatever. I do have a projector in my room and a laptop if we can agree on something to watch?"
>don't respond
>later, my friends and i are heading to a panel that they are a part of
>run into tyler on the way
>"where are you guys headed?"
>tell him
>he comes with
>ok whatever it's basically a public event anyways

protip: i'm already stupid as fuck and didn't establish boundaries because clearly this guy is autismo, so if you meet new people and talk to them, establish boundaries too. anyways

>sits by me at this ~2 hour panel the whole time
>panel is empty as hell (18+ Q & A session) so i can't really talk to anyone else to pass the time
>awkwardly sit by him the whole time since i don't want to bail on friends
>follows us to con rave afterwards
>definitely put off at his tagging along at this point
>try to lose him during the rave
>still follows us anyways
>friends and i quickly grow tired/bored of the rave anyways and (privately) decide to return to our hotel room
>starts following us back to our room
>we make up some bullshit excuse (protip again: this is a good thing to do) and finally lose him the rest of the con weekend

pt. 2 incoming

>> No.9099845

>one year later
>AMW 2016
>he hasn't texted me or contacted me in any way since AMW 2015
>i've forgotten about him
>anyone even somewhat normal should've forgotten me and friends by now
>don't even remember what he looks like other than tall white dude
>i've gotten a drastic haircut since, also wearing lolita instead of cosplay these days so i'm dressed completely different
>receive a text message saturday night from name i don't remember
>"I think I saw your friend....Cynthia? Don't suppose you're in Rosemont as well?"
>1.) we don't have a cynthia in our group
>don't respond because whatthefuck
>receive another text
>"Sorry, to clarify....this is Tyler. I ran into you last year and noped out with my tail between my legs when I found out you were only 20"
>bitch you did the opposite tho
>ignore all of his texts anyways
>"'Fuck off' is a perfectly valid response as a result. Otherwise...you try Overwatch yet? :D"
>ignored again of course
>attend burlesque saturday night with friends, had a great time
>we're lagging behind and are one of the last people out of the performance hall
>i give one last look behing me into the hall for whatever reason
>creepy tall white dude is RIGHT behind us staring me the fuck down with this terrifying look
>i feel my face go white
>it's tyler
>i run away like a fucking beta or some shit
>friends follow me on instinct as i escape to a random-ass elevator, even though they don't know why i'm suddenly acting weird
>i'm muttering that we have to leave the area immediately
>we escape on busy elevator
>get more text messages as we're moving
>"Was that you at the dirty dancing dolls show? :P"
>block number immediately

i probably deserved it but if you want to avoid creepers don't be retarded like i was and give out contact info to people you just met

also i didn't see or hear from him since but jesus fuck it was creepy

>> No.9099848

also, this is the best advice and is something i wish my naive self knew earlier

>> No.9099901

Jfc not this guy again. Fuck.

>> No.9099907

That's awful! So glad you're okay, anon.

>> No.9099930

i am so shocked that a 19-year-old mexican says uncomfortable things. we should punish him for this as soon as i stop hyperventilating from the trauma enough to get out of my quirky and adorable couch cushion fort

>> No.9099935



>> No.9099938

Fuck this thread. Let's get some actual useful advice in here, aka "how to pick up chicks at cons."

>> No.9099956


Taking this bait because we all need help. Talk to them, your at a con were you two most likely have simaler interests. If they're at a booth or area, like a line for a game room, start it up with something simple and go from there

>> No.9099960

He's not 19 anymore though. He's 25, and still a predator.

>> No.9099963

No, don't talk to them. Don't pick them up. "Ugh, the creepers I have to deal with" is a narcissistic humblebrag with "look how desirable I am" written on the obverse side. Save yourself an encounter with BPD.

>> No.9099964

>be mad about a spic not being up to date on the latest oberlin sex morals
>entire front page is lolita this, lolita that
>b-but it's different!
kill me pete

>> No.9099967
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>> No.9099968
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>it was okay to talk openly about wanting to kill gays back in the 1990s, actual "Matthew had it coming" shit
>now norma-jeans are all up on that gay rights shit but if you talk about wanting to do a chick three years younger than you, you're absolute scum

>> No.9099994

what the fuck is this shit board

>> No.9100090
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>establish boundaries

What do you mean by that? Being able to tell them "It was a nice talk, I need to go, bye" or something like that if you feel uncomfortable?

I never thought about how someone deals with creepers and strangers that make you uncomfortable.

>> No.9100121
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I was cosplaying Hinata (Naruto) once and some fat-ass Hinata gave me a wedgie.

>> No.9100139

There is no creepy shit at the conventions. There is creepy shit everywhere and if any of you think that these people just come out to cons and then wait for the next one you are seriously putting yourself in danger.

Anyone who hasn't had their ass grabbed in the club and had the guy/girl drift in the crowd is either a liar or unattractive.

>> No.9100210

>be me, age 13
>first con ever
>go with my two best friends
>meet this guy named Dave, hes cosplaying the same thing as my friend
>hes really gross looking
>shitty teeth, very very tall and grossly skinny
>hang out with him anyway
>he says hes 18
>"I'll watch you guys so that you dont get kidnapped because you're young :3"
>always making me sit on his lap but i think nothing of it
>starts getting touchy-feely with me and my friends
>my friend (we'll call her R) says she has a crush on him
>gross.jpg but whatever, its a one sided crush
>or so i thought
>day 2 of the con rolls around, we meet up with him again
>"I'm hungry lets get food"
>Dave offers to go with me down the street to get Burger King
>walking alone with him, awkward silence
>get food, start walking back
>we stop at a secluded bench for some reason
>"have you ever kissed someone before anon :3"
>"Uh no?"
>kisses me
>"o-oh um, i dont think I like that Dave"
>"sure you do, anon :3"
>begins to grope me and shit
>touching me in the no-no square
>friends come over, but dont notice what was happening
>"There you are! Lets eat!"
>fast forward 2 days, con is over and I still haven't said anything to anyone
>R announces shes dating Dave
>shes 13 and it turns out hes actually 19
>i decided to tell her what happened
>there was more but thats basically the short version
>both of my best friends of 7 years choose some random dude over me
>get an anon on tumblr
>its Dave's ex
>turns out Dave is a rapist pedophile
>havent spoken to any of them since
>fast forward to this weekend
>at a con
>I see Dave
>he doesnt recognize me, thank god
>he asks for a pic of my cosplay
>i nope the fuck outta there

To this day, my exfriends still like to harass me online about me "lying" about the whole situation. And according to a 3rd party, R sent multiple nudes to this dude when she was "dating" him.