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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9021255 No.9021255 [Reply] [Original]

>T minus 2 days
How screwed are you?

Friday meetup 8pm
Saturday meetup 10pm
Washroom meetup midnight, IP men's washroom near food area

>> No.9021265

>How screwed are you?
Considering none of my packages have arrived yet, I am very screwed.

>> No.9021268

>>9011002 Old thread

I didn't want to put this in first post since it's still undecided but where's the meetup going to be? Iirc last year it was in the hall next to the pool and in the food area.

>> No.9021387

Considering that I'm just here for the meetup, not screwed at all. First con, looking forward to seeing it all

>> No.9021490

Dumb question, but it's my first time staying the whole weekend and one of my passless roomies wants to bring along their gamecube to play in the hotel room; is that even possible? I've heard some hotels have measures that wont let you connect anything and I dont want them to lug it along only to be disappointed
(at the holiday inn intl airport if that makes a difference)

>> No.9021492

>How screwed are you?
Amazingly less so than ever before, everything's packed and ready to go except for one part of one prop that I'm still just waiting for the resin to fully set before painting
feels good man

>> No.9021498

sidenote though, back in march bought some cute accessories from aliexpress to further spruce up my tea party coord ...tracking claims it arrived in canada and then disappeared sometime in april, ah well. Hopefully someone in the fashion swap/crafters corner is selling something nice to go with everything

>> No.9021521

Maybe shoot the hotel an e-mail and ask?

>> No.9021525

Broke my hand and couldn't work, so I don't have as much cash to spend as I would like, and due to poor communication I might not have a hotel. Could be worse I guess.

>> No.9021534

>How screwed are you?

Cosplay-wise not that screwed.i just wont have some props for my cosplays, but in also picked these cosplays super last minute. So i'm not that upset about it.

Body-wise, pretty screwed. I went to a concert last night. My ears and my legs are btfo. I look forward to a weekend of 30 minute walks to get to the con.

Thank God i have tonight to pack.

>> No.9021553

i haven't been to AN in over 10 years
i saw the guest list and i NEED to get akiko's signature
naturally, weekend and saturday are sold out already
wondering how fast does the friday/sunday tickets gets sold out
should i attempt to get fake/copied badges? back when i went, they were easy to duplicate, no clue how they're checking the badges now or if there's any security on it

>> No.9021566

> the hall next to the pool and in the food area.

Sure let's keep it simple and do that again.

>> No.9021567

1. Don't fucking steal from fan-run cons.

2. No, they're plastic and hologrammed now. Pretty hard.

Just buy it from someone. Lots of people end up with extras.

>> No.9021568

same anon what do i wear i have nothing planned now.

I have a friend selling pass if you need, drop email!

>> No.9021569

*selling saturday

>> No.9021585

how does your friend plan on selling it? just forwarding the pre-reg email + paypal?
i'm cautious about buying this off someone, too easy to get scammed

>> No.9021588

nvm i asked and he just sold

i dont think in the previous years the friday/sunday passes ever sold out

>> No.9021601

>How screwed are you?
Moderately. The last two weeks have been hell, and I missed out on a lot of progress because of life-things. Hoping I can finish the costume off today so I don't have to worry tomorrow

>> No.9021604

rip, thanks though

>> No.9021627

Why are the panels getting progressively worse and worse every year and less and less actually about anime every year ?

>> No.9021639


>> No.9021680

Not screwed at all. Have a fuckton of snacks, drinks and alcohol ready. Have my cosplay ready. Just need to pack everything and I'm good to go.

>> No.9021697
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>How screwed are you?

Don't even have a room

>> No.9021699

Email AN's hotel service. I think they still have rooms at 4 points Sheraton albeit it's far from the TCC and whatnot.

>> No.9021715

It's possible. As someone that brings their laptop to watch animu on them, there's a 50/50 chance that the TV in the room will have exposed connectors for you to connect stuff.

It's more likely to be HDMI but you might luck out with component inputs (what the GameCube has)

>> No.9021729

I am seriously divided between bringing my stick on the flight over to Toronto so I can play SF5 and GG or not bring it and go to panels and have more room for merch instead.

Decisions, Decisions.

>> No.9021750

Where are the friday/saturday meetups actually happening? All I could find was that they were happening in some anon's hotel room.

>> No.9021770

Bring your stick. Have you seen the panels? Outside of artist alley, the merch is just shit you can buy online (and probably for cheaper).

>> No.9021836

Likely in the hallway outside the pool
I would prefer if they were at the tables though, but they'll be full probably

>> No.9022039
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my boipuccy is ready for the bathroom meetup

>> No.9022100

That and the con is diversifying. Fashion related panels are more prevalent as well as other niche markets.

>> No.9022137
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>yfw the weather forcast seems to be getting better and there doesn't seem to be any rain or thunderstorms

>> No.9022143
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>> No.9022156

I keep seeing multiple sources saying different things. I'll bring an umbrella just in case, though.

I'd be more worried about fucking burning up. I should be fine since my cosplays aren't too heavy or covering but I'm a little worried for people who do have such cosplays.

>> No.9022170

it went from definite rain on both days to "chances of showers" on both days while still being sunny and 30C.
bring an umbrella but it wont be bad

>> No.9022175
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>Friday: feels like 36
>Saturday: feels like 36
>Sunday: feels like 34

You just know there's gonna be some smelly weebs who forget to use deoderant and/or shower

>> No.9022190

>feels like 36

Fuck this so much. I'm wearing an extremely heavy and thick costume on Saturday. I seriously hope I don't get heat stroke.

>> No.9022197

keep hydrated. consistantly sip water. it's how I avoided it

>> No.9022208

What are you wearing on Saturday?

>> No.9022273

>Just got haircut
>Forgot how short 1 is again
Gonna need to sunscreen the sides of my head

>> No.9022284

update have friend with friday ticket if you need, he'll probably sell through paypal/etransfer and forward.
idk he's not going anymore so i can bring it for you and you give me money if you're not comfortable? im lazy though.
i dunno how he's gonna do it but i can vouch for trusting him. drop email if interested.

>> No.9022314
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>when your friends chastise you for choosing a shirtless cosplay because it might be cold.

>> No.9022358

On the Teahouse forum, someone said that forcing people to use deodorant is body-shaming.

>> No.9022360

for fucks sake

>> No.9022378

>Friend said I can room with them months ago
>He didnt communicate properly with the guy who payed for the room
>Now payer's got cold feet and is scared of getting in trouble for extra people in the room

Well, I guess I'm out in the cold. At least I can take TTC home or just hope I get lucky.

>> No.9022381
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fucking hell

>> No.9022544
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>How screwed are you?
Fashion show designer is asking me to bring items I don't have to match a coordinate I've never seen because I might not fit into their other stuff.

2 hour transit to and from con every day is going to kill a lot of the fun and means I'll probably have to eave at 7am Saturday to make it to the fashion show rehearsal, change outfits, walk, change outfits, walk again.

Person I was originally buying weekend pass from sold it to someone else, and the other person I'm buying from has been really dodgy on communication so I'm praying I don't get cucked again.

Going to try real hard to have some fun.

>> No.9022561
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>At least I can take TTC home or just hope I get lucky

If you're a cutie you can get lucky with me anytime

>> No.9022564

>Girls und Panzer panel at 8pm Friday
>Kancolle panel at 10pm Saturday
So hard to chooooooooose

>> No.9022590

>more worried about fucking burning up
saturday costume involves a black bodysuit...i feel that pain

>> No.9022609

Because the staff care more about growing the con's numbers than specifically promoting anime.
Because SJW infiltration.
Because as people get older anime becomes a secondary hobby to video games, comics, or western toons rather than being the the primary hobby.
Because of the misguided nerd philosophy of inclusivity. "We were ostracized or excluded for liking weird stuff, so we must be supportive and welcoming to those who like even weirder stuff!"
Because people don't submit enough good anime panels.
Because most series-general panels end up being introductory and don't go into much depth.

That said, I just went through the program to plan out my con schedule, and I found enough things that I am excited for or at least have a passing interest in that I've got something to do from noon to midnight with almost no gaps for the 3 days. And Yaoi North and Doll North and the video games track are essentially separate mini-cons in the other hotels a decent walk from the convention center so they don't intrude much. Apart from a few panels that leaked into the Intl plaza this year (Transphobia in anime gets the big Plaza B room, what?). Another positive, they moved the wrestling ring outdoors instead of next to the dealer's room.

>> No.9022618

Better bring the SPF5000 sunblock
>tfw the satire was actually a real prediction

>> No.9022626

>How screwed are you?
Surprisingly not screwed. Final accessories and shit I needed arrived yesterday in the mail
Just need to pack which I have to do tonight since I'm leaving to go to Toronto tomorrow

>> No.9022634
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>Fashion show designer is asking me to bring items I don't have
I'm in the same boat. I'm also supposed to do my hair up in an intricate hairstyle and I'm awful with that stuff. I don't blame the designer but it's so stressful!

Also I couldn't finish my sailor saturn costume in time so I'm just wearing some an oldie (here's my lineup!). I'm lucky I'm inside for most of Friday cause that jacket will kill me.

>> No.9022644
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Looking for one weekend pass

>> No.9022645
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Looking for one GF

>> No.9022648


A kakeshita and uchikake, wedding kimono, for a cosplay. The uchikake is padded and very heavy.

>> No.9022669

Love that blonde wig on you! Where'd you get it from?

>> No.9022674


>> No.9022680

Thanks! I'm borrowing it from a friend but I believe it's from taobao

>> No.9022681
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>> No.9022682
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dance thread

>> No.9022692

Hyped and I'm going tomorrow to avoid the nightmare Friday checkin and lineup.

>> No.9022694

cgl meet when?

>> No.9022695

did you
did you just
wait did you not read the op?

>> No.9022696
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>> No.9022761

Where tho

>> No.9022784
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You're not even a woman

>> No.9022788

Why hasn't this guy killed himself yet?

>> No.9022792
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>> No.9022800

I'm so excited to go this year, I never went to the other ones before.

>> No.9022803

>Hot boys only
I'm a cute boy, guess I'm not allowed to show up

>> No.9022809
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>> No.9022810

Yeah this poster makes it look like it's a cute boy advertising for hot guys to come fuck him. I wonder how many qts will actually come

>> No.9022811

I was so bummed out about missing it last year, definitely gonna come this year.

>> No.9022816

If a cute boy is going, I'll definitely be there.

>> No.9022824

if you're going friday (if so what time), i'd rather meet up to get it if you're okay with that
otherwise, i'm planning on just going early and lining up

>> No.9022825

legit question
if I'm crossdressing as a guy it's fine for me to come right?

>> No.9022841
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can't wait to steal a qt trap bf

>> No.9022844


>> No.9022848
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>> No.9022852


>> No.9022854

Crossdressing as in you have a dick and you're gonna come in slutty female clothing? That's encouraged

Crossdressing as in you have a vagina and you're gonna come in a suit and tie? Please don't

>> No.9022857

Shit, there's actually a twitter

>> No.9022858


>> No.9022860

Anime North staff was informed, they'll be in the bathrooms looking for people having sex to break em up or join them

>> No.9022862

Probably the latter desu.

>> No.9022863

>Anime North staff was informed
booooo, no fun allowed

>> No.9022892

Original room plans fell out since shitty communication between organizer and room coordinator. I just want a place to rack out. Why is it so hard? Anyone please give me some place.. I pay top dollar. Like a hooker. Or a stripper. Or shit like that.

>> No.9022914

3 posts down man learn to scroll

Should probably be a little more specific though, meetup in the pool hall and if someone can snag a table we can move there after a while?

>> No.9022933
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>Anime North staff was informed

>> No.9022937
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Looks like you 2 won't be getting literally butthurt.

>> No.9022950
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ROOM 212

>> No.9022952

no please dont

>> No.9022954

I was never looking for an ass fucking. It's simply that the staff are now gonna try to break up / ruin the meetup. Will still go regardless.

That kinda ruins it tho. I thought the point was that it was in a bathroom. Now it's just a normal boring meetup

>> No.9022957

Because we'll be getting our dick sucked?

>> No.9022993

well since someone put the fuzz on the bathroom me and my little shimakaze ass will be in room 212 see yall there

>> No.9022996

We can just send them messages about all kinds of other times events like this are allegedly happening, from different emails and they won't know which ones are fake or real

>> No.9023001

But then how would we know which one is real.

>> No.9023003

We send them the fake ones, like Friday at 9pm, or sunday at 2pm in the convention center, or saturday at 5pm in the Marriot, but keep the midnight one the real one

>> No.9023005

By all means. Spread it like wildfire.

>> No.9023033



>> No.9023034

If they try to ruin our bathroom meetup, we'll just make it impossible for them to do that.

>> No.9023036

> goes to a convention exclusively dedicated to people who like weird stuff
> complains about all the weird stuff they don't like
> turns into an old grumpy congoer
> repeats age-old cycle of "these kids and their rock n' roll"

JFC do you even listen to yourself?

>> No.9023038

They're not. Shitlords just make a bigger deal about them.

>> No.9023047

I'm AN staff and literally no one has said anything about this. Its still under wraps

>> No.9023049

See, your argument is built off of defining anime within the broad category of "weird stuff", then attacking us for not liking other weird stuff.
That's an extremely poor argument
You could use the same argument to justify all the panels being about MLP
And then you follow it up with an ad hominem attack.

>> No.9023052

Are girls into pegging allowed at the bathroom meetup?

>> No.9023055


>> No.9023060


You can see, but you can't touch.

>> No.9023065
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>> No.9023070

I've just informed AN staff that they have a mole.

>> No.9023076
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>Hey you guys have a mole

>> No.9023120

>convention hasn't even started and it's going down hill

>> No.9023128
File: 23 KB, 497x389, Room.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Anyone looking for a room last minute
>I have an extra 4 person room (same price for 1-4 people, set prices) at the International Airport Holiday Inn (970 Dixon Road) for Friday and Saturday night, and they won't let me cancel. Reply and I can transfer it to you.
> It's $135 +tax per night, so adds up to about $314 for the two nights

>Check-In Date: Fri May-27-2016
>Check-Out Date: Sun May-29-2016
>Number of Rooms: 1
>Number of Persons: 4 Adults 0 Children

This went up a few minutes ago on the unofficial facebook group
Nobody has replied;
You all should get this transferred and pitch in together

>> No.9023130

Right, I didn't post the facebook group because 4chan thinks it is spam.
It's "The Unofficial Anime North Facebook Group!"

>> No.9023139

Thanks. I'm in if 3 others are

>> No.9023144

Just get the room now, there will be people last minute wanting a room, it happens every year.
Ask her to transfer the room now, so it doesn't get transferred to some rando and you all lose this opportunity.

>> No.9023148

I'm not going to tentatively put down $314 assuming other people will come through. Personally I can survive without it, but it would be nice.

>> No.9023176

Well, it's been transferred so whatever.
Too late now

>> No.9023177
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>it's been transferred so whatever.
Fuck, for real?

>> No.9023195

Someone posted saying they were exchanging PMs, so I assume so.

>> No.9023206
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>Worried that if I go, I'll knock on the door, give the password, then get jumped by 4 buff ass niggas who will beat me half to death and steal all my shit
>Worried that if I DON'T go, I'll miss out on some really good gay sex, and miss my opportunity to fuck a qt 3.14 trap from 4chan dressed as a cute anime character

Life is full of tough choices. Hopefully some of the people who show up for the 10 oclock meet-up on Saturday are also planning on going to the midnight meat-n-greet as well, so we can all head up to room 212 at midnight in one big group. Either way, can't wait to see everyone there!

>> No.9023216

I messaged the girl who put it up but haven't heard back yet. Email me and I'll keep you updated.

Same goes for anyone else interested. If it's not gone, I only need 2 more people.

>> No.9023220

k, i'm checking kijiji for passes now, and i dont want to be scammed
there's a few listings saying the badge is available already
i thought you could only pick up the pass there and that you had to show them the pre-reg email (with some form of id?)
please advise

>> No.9023224

some people got badges mailed to them

>> No.9023227

also still selling a friday only ticket for a friend

>> No.9023231
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>> No.9023243
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>1 day left till con
>only halfway done armour
>strapping not done
>haven't prepared other stuff for when I leave the hotel yet

Guess I'm not sleeping tonight.

>> No.9023268

>tfw you want to go to the meetup, but you've never been to one before and aren't 'cute'


>> No.9023288

>aren't cute
I'd wager that 80% of people going aren't cute. You're fine.

>> No.9023294

I'll be working the Moonlight Ball all Friday but Saturday and Sunday are gonna be awesome.

>> No.9023296

There's a ton of gay panels. Go to those. Better to meet someone there than at a bathroom meetup.

>> No.9023299

I think a bunch of folks will show up at 212 instead. It's where I'd go.

>> No.9023310

People don't usually go to those panels to hook up, do they?

>> No.9023325

Anime doesn't exist in some void, it's inspired by and inspires other media. Thousands of the people who attend AN have interest in those other media and want to talk about them at AN. Welcome to the PRESENT DAY, PRESENT TIME when your little weeabox doesn't matter.

>> No.9023329


I'm talking to her about taking the room. Need a couple other people to commit. Anyone interested?


>> No.9023339

I'm still down. Rather be in a room with a bunch of people from /cgl/ rather than Facebook randoms.

>> No.9023365

I'm down

>> No.9023368

Sent you guys an email.

>> No.9023371

I might need some space so send me an email?

>> No.9023386

>Hey there, this is my actual email. Just didn’t feel like posting my full name on /cgl/.

>I was going to go in on this with a friend, but he bailed out and I’m not really comfortable with a room full of strangers. So we’re out.

>They’ve got 2 other people interested from Facebook, so if you still want in with them, text 4165278888.

>Sorry about that, hopefully you can figure something out.

That's the email we got. So go text that number.

>> No.9023534

Every year this bathroom meet up gets advertised and I've yet to see any proof of any sort that it even happens.

>> No.9023544

Here's what you desire

>> No.9023545

I'm gonna go to the CGL meetup, never been there before
Are there always new people?

>> No.9023546

We check for crossboarders. If you don't pass our quiz we laugh you out of the meet.

>> No.9023548
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That's what you think

>> No.9023550

On the left that's clearly the guy in pink

>> No.9023552

it happened last year cockboy

>> No.9023595

Gay Sex 101 has been a place gay guys hook-up for years.

>> No.9023598

>complaining about weeaboos expecting nothing but anime at an anime convention

>> No.9023615
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I hope you guys have umbrellas

>> No.9023640

well at least Friday is fine

>> No.9023668

Wait a minute, that marble floor...
I know that bathroom...
Now why would people be on their knees...

IT"S REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.9023753

> mfw the umbrella I have would have been cute with my Friday outfit.

>> No.9023862
File: 101 KB, 800x473, I CANT HANDLE THIS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


cue pre con stress.

>> No.9023868

Did you look under your skirt?

>> No.9023871

Yes. The secret bathroom splish-splash craps game is real.

>> No.9023873

Who's bringing Jojo's sound effect signs? Any pics so we can get an idea of the size?

>> No.9023992
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Looks like a real party

>> No.9023997
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>posted wrong screenshot

>> No.9024008

Anyone else getting booze for the afterparty?
Got myself a giant bottle of rum

>> No.9024009

Aren't you cool

>> No.9024010

yes very thank you

>> No.9024011

Don't you mean regular party?

>> No.9024012

wanted to say after-meetup party

>> No.9024061

DAY 0, who here/hyped

>> No.9024066

Hey anons, I'll be working the dealers room over the con, won't be in cosplay due to time/money but will contribute rides+booze+herb to anyone in need

>> No.9024067

no, still gotta go to work tomorrow
hell yes, got everything packed and ready to leave as soon as that clock hits 4:00
i'll probably be too late and busy for the friday meetup but here's to saturday!

>> No.9024071

buy one in the DL, maybe?

>> No.9024073

Nah, probably gonna get there at around 3pm-ish tomorrow.

More like panicking because I still need to pack and finalize hotel details.

>> No.9024108

I found my backups so I think i'm good ;_;
oh god im so unprepared, i have like 3 things packed

>> No.9024111

My friend who was supposed to supply weed for the weekend her dealer went out of business. Anyone know any dealers that aren't like crap?

>> No.9024114

>mfw none of my stuff has arrived yet
Guess I'm buying my wig from the dealer's room and wearing my back-up coord to the teaparty. ;_;

>> No.9024133
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me too anon, me too.

i really love the coord i planned but idk where to wear it to now, its too extravagant for a normal outing
and i have no friends to do ild shit

>> No.9024146

i might hit up kensington market tmo morning because i am a moron and lost all of my jewelry and my coord is abysmal without shiny things to distract from the mismatched blacks

there are a dozen pettis there for dirt cheap and for the low price of $50 i will deliver one to you before 12pm

>> No.9024159

Here, hyped.

>> No.9024168

Who did their badge pickup today? Almost zero lineup, super fast. They really got their act together with the badges this year. A+ would pick up again.

>> No.9024172


My friends and I did. We were in line for maybe 30 minutes tops. Good stuff.

>> No.9024199

I had a pretty eccentric coord too. My backup is pretty casual. I would offer to hang out on ILD with you, but sadly, I live in a different province.

>> No.9024203

Oh, by the way, if any of you have a bell shaped petti you would like to exchange for an A-line, just let me know. My skirt would look better with bell, I think, but I don't have any more space for another petti in my bag. Will be wearing bloomers so the petti won't touch my skin.

>> No.9024214

haha maybe i'll see you there! i have to pick up a pair of black gloves because my wrist cuffs decided to up and die on me today.

>> No.9024251

There wasn't even a line when I got there, I just went in, got it and went out. Felt good.

>> No.9024255

tfw won't be able to watch the raptors

how am i supposed to give lowry senpai my strength

>> No.9024262

Was this the pre-party? Walked around at 12:00am looking for it. Did it get shut down early?

>> No.9024272

oh wow you to?

I just asked what this line was and the staff just let me in

>> No.9024281

not looking forward to this weather this weekend. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna pass out due to dehydration. My costume has a long sleeve undershirt, a thick long sleeve top, a heavy jacket overtop, and a non ventilated mask.

I wore it today in my house and I was literally sweating buckets from every part of my face

any tips besides drink lots of water?

>> No.9024284

drink lots of water
perforate holes if you can.
find a way to easily remove it if you can

>> No.9024295

i need to pick up some jewelry and possibly a bag because i have nothing to match friday/saturday, i doubt i'll find anything suitable though.

i'd love to wear one of my awesome coats for extra pockets but i would probably pass out in a field somewhere and be found by a group of homestucks that pour their spit bucket on me to wake me up and at that point i'll wish i just died there anyways

>> No.9024323
File: 9 KB, 184x184, 1460943495953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be found by a group of homestucks that pour their spit bucket on me to wake me up and at that point i'll wish i just died there anyways

>> No.9024337

do you need an animenorth pass to play in the tournament?

>> No.9024342

Guys, I need help, quickly.

Ill be antending AN last minute with a friend whos coming up and had somene cancel suddenly.

The big problem is I'm new to Toronto and I dont have a hairdresser yet! I need to find a place I can get a good MENS haircut tomorrow morn. Any suggestions? Hope someone sees this in time. Just your average tall white dude hurr.

>> No.9024345

Crow's Nest senpai

>> No.9024346

I don't really see the connection between those two paragraphs, but good luck.

>inb4 someone recs Arda's styling section

>> No.9024353

I wasnt planning on doing much with my life recently, but somethings come up and I wann a be presentable.
Thx boss

>> No.9024366
File: 20 KB, 372x444, 1451398616059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you need an anime north pass to participate in anime north events

>> No.9024375


Don't you need to book a week in advance for that place?


Try House of Lords senpai

>> No.9024378


its being hosted by toronto top tiers not AN, on their website it says sign up is free. i only have a friday pass but the tourney i want is on saturday, is why im asking

>> No.9024382

>its being hosted by toronto top tiers not AN
There's your answer then, better pack your stick.

>> No.9024385

Im pretty persuasive, but if that dont work yeah ill go to house of lords... I see them advert all the time lul.

What day is it? I got a fightstick for you if its just the sat

>> No.9024394
File: 122 KB, 600x800, 1451603622528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GuP panel
Movie just got released on BD, fucking DO IT

>> No.9024423

W-Who's still packing here?

>> No.9024424

m-me...bus leaves in a few hours to toronto

>> No.9024437

Dunno if I should sleep and maybe miss my ride, or not sleep and feel miserable by the time my ride comes.

>> No.9024438

dont sleep and then sleep on the bus, if you cant trust your alarm.

>> No.9024439
File: 747 KB, 822x1118, 55f47466445a58bb1e200f3b999c9a5f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>supposed to wake up and leave at 9am to meet people
>2 hours of transit
>in lolita
>no transit buddy
>no data left on phone
>lost my headphones
>can't sleep

my sadness is a blanket, tuck me in, let me die

>> No.9024440

Nnngh, a quick nap is so tempting.

>> No.9024442

im sleeping on the bus i have a pillow

>> No.9024459

Got a terrible sleep last night so I'm going to try and do as little as possible at work and hopefully catch a nap somewhere. Gotta love fuck all Fridays.

>> No.9024473

Working before AN? The absolute madman

>> No.9024485


Sure buddy. There's something called energy drinks.

>> No.9024506

I only work until 2:30 so its not that bad but my company had me on a 2 year contract before hiring me full time so I just started collecting vacation time this month. At least my supervisor is on vacation so I'm kind of working in free range mode.

>> No.9024537
File: 2.19 MB, 4128x2322, 20160527_054059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took me all night but I finally finished. I just hate that the pauldrons keep getting loose. I can finally sleep for a few hours.

>> No.9024554

It's free but you've needed an AN pass to even enter the game room so good luck with that.

>> No.9024564

oh look its the creepy asian kid again

>> No.9024582

>My friend will contact you, so gjve me your number

8 hours later I still have yet to hear from this "friend" of his.

Thankfully I have yet to pay.

What is with people and not pushing through wuth contact information and just leaving people hanging? Like what could keep you so busy to the point that a person can't even send 1 easy text on confirming stuff. How.

>> No.9024587

sry phil i dont have your number

>> No.9024589
File: 22 KB, 300x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worked the night shift last night at the hospital, 11-7
>get home a little after 8
>do some last minute packing (toothbrush, shampoo etc)
>double check that my costume is ready
>lay down for a 2 1/2 nap
>get up, get dressed, get showered, get going
>drive to Hamilton from Niagra to pick up my buddies, then off to Toronto
>engage 3 day fun fest

Who the fuck needs sleep anyways? Can't wait to see you all there, and at the /cgl/ meet up! Maybe the bathroom meet up as well if it's still happening. Good luck and god speed seagulls, see you soon!

>> No.9024600

Wrong person bruh. I'm not Phil.

>> No.9024630

Is it the current year?

>> No.9024632

Who is ready for some gay sex with hats on?

>> No.9024656

I'm ready to wait in line all afternoon

>> No.9024662

I wish I was going, but I'm moving houses this weekend instead

>> No.9024677

Really? Me too! Sweet!

>> No.9024680

>going whole weekend
>crazy ex is going Saturday and wants to meet up
>told her I was booked all weekend and didn't have time to meet up
>I literally have nothing planned

What are the odds I'll accidentally run into her? First year going and I really REALLY don't want to see her.

>> No.9024682

Cosplay something inconspicuous. What are you planning to cosplay as or wear?

>> No.9024693

Are you the same salty bitch that likes to peek into people's private lives?

>> No.9024712

Makoto from persona 3. Saturday is the only day I'm cosplaying actually, the heat is a huge turnoff. I doubt she'll recognize me (because she has no clue in the world about what I was planning on cosplaying. Maybe because she didn't give a shit about me or anything I did so she probably couldn't even tell me what my favourite game is, let alone my fucking birthday. but God knows I had to listen to her tell me about how much she fucking loved walking dead and skyrim and how every fucking conversation had to be about her and about what SHE'S cosplaying, not me. I was just some cunt who she could vent to. But please tell me more about the much you fucking hates your life. I was your boyfriend, not a fucking therapist. Get help holy shit.) but Im just crossing my fingers that I don't.

>> No.9024713

Very low, it's a big place. I somehow always end up running into people I didn't expect to see there somehow though

>> No.9024721

>Con hasn't even started
>Hate my roommates already

They're old friends but....

>> No.9024725


>> No.9024736

Hey you did pretty good. I haven't gotten any sleep and I need to drive a relative to the airport this morning after coming back from a late night shift too. It's all part of the experience. I hope you catch some shut eye like what in gonna do after writing this post.

>> No.9024761

Who needs sleep when you got coffee and moonshine.

I've been able to grab two one hour naps so far this shift, plus I only have 3 hours left.

Damn though, between the heat, humidity and there being a ball sag factor of 11 right now at work, I'm actually looking forward to being in a short skirt and thong later. Never thought I would be saying that in my life time.

>> No.9024770

can't wait to get there at 1 and sit in the grass crying cause I have no friends

>> No.9024773
File: 38 KB, 676x664, deathisfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No lift into the city.

Hotels were booked by the start of June last year.

All my buddies who would have went with me have disappeared up into the Bays of Brighton.

God Speed guys. God fucking speed. ;-;

>> No.9024778


Come pick me up and take me with you, pal.

You can always make a new friend.

>> No.9024804

>being this beta
Uber,taxis, and buses exist.
Hotels were not booked by June, just the one next to the con. There are always cancellations and other hotels.

>> No.9024838
File: 195 KB, 1024x1492, 1464252961752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw annoying dude everyone dislikes is staying 4 doors down
>tfw my he asked what room we're in and my roommate told him

>> No.9024863
File: 61 KB, 800x522, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who waiting for a friend to show up so they can check into their hotel here?

>> No.9024877

tfw chipotle sauce from lunch leaked over your dress

looking like a great weekend already boiz

>> No.9024882

you to eat you fucking attentionwhore

>> No.9024883

It's called public transit and AirBnB.

>> No.9024909

>you to eat you
What did they mean by this?

>> No.9024916


>> No.9024959

Oh boy, hope this misses the airport area...

>> No.9024970

U make moonshine? I too cook the white lightning

>> No.9024985

my coord is rlly cute today but as per volunteer instructions I'm under a table all day ;____;

>> No.9024992

Me and a buddy will be doing G all weekend. Hopefully we'll get to meet some cute girls that are down to hang out.


>> No.9025001

What about a cute boy, anon?

I'm waiting in the dealer's room line.

>> No.9025005


I'm with a friend. Can't exactly gay it up in front of him. Not that I would anyway.

...unless you're a really convincing trap. ;)

>> No.9025009

Does anybody have any space in their room? Please tell me you do...

>> No.9025017


Need a little more info anon.

Girl? Boy? Age?
Party person or straight edge?


>> No.9025019

A guy, 22, straight, just coming for the VAs and I guess the meetups now.

>> No.9025057

The washrooms are gender neutral now. What the fuck do we do for the meetup? What washroom is it in? Guess it's not really the men's washroom anymore

>> No.9025060

Wait what really.

>> No.9025073

Pick a cutie and hope they have a dick I guess. Or not. Whatever floats your boat.

>> No.9025077
File: 534 KB, 1440x2560, IMAG0312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ones I walked by in the plaza were. The one circled is still unknown. That could be a good spot

>> No.9025127

no, are you the same creepy asian kid who uses cosplay as an excuse to feel up women?

>> No.9025132
File: 709 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20160527_160424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We turning up

>> No.9025141

no, are you the same fucking degenerates that are blowing your min.wage earnings on this weab shitfest? ISHYGDDT, fight me irl at bathroom meetup gaybois

>> No.9025172

>tfw wanted to go to the /cgl/ meetup but worried people will be mean/salty/judgemental

>> No.9025183

fuck off back to your reddit meetup

>> No.9025185

>get to hotel late
>watched new jojos
>just changed into cosplay
>waiting on roommates to finish getting dress
>haven't left the room yet

looking forward to that 25 miniature walk.

>> No.9025186

D'ere's a reddit meetup? Plz tell me we're gonna do something about it.

>> No.9025206

Nothing compared to apop

>> No.9025222

They're usually pretty chill, if not awkward

>> No.9025225

That IS the spot

>> No.9025256

Who's going to the meet at 8pm? We are meeting outside of the pool at Int plaza?

>> No.9025272

Hey truffles, are you going to the meetup today or the one tomorrow?

>> No.9025285

Is there anywhere I can just drop my stuff off for safekeeping for the night? I just don't want to walk around with so much shit.

>> No.9025298

both bc i have no friends and seagulls are pretty chill

>> No.9025307

ok dudes help me out, it's my first con in my life

i have an extra pass for saturday, how do i sell it

are people cool with me just asking them to take pictures? is taking pictures without permission frowned upon?

do i just outright tell the cute cosplayers i want to pay them for sex, or how do i talk to them like a normal person?

thanks buds

>> No.9025308

How much for the pass for saturday?

>> No.9025338

$50 if you're cute girl in cosplay

$100 otherwise

>> No.9025347 [DELETED] 

I actually do wanna go to a reddit meetup, although, I've literally never had a reddit account and never browsed it outside of being linked to it here, so I feel like I'd be out of place

They do seem like they'd be more accepting though. Sometimes I wish I was a redditor

>> No.9025348

What's the price for cute traps?

>> No.9025351

Look up 'baltimore reddit meetup' pictures

>> No.9025356

I actually deleted my post because I didn't want to sound like I was dissing all 4chan posters

Yeah that's one of the things I fear about reddit, like they're so accepting that they do weird shit and get herpes while doing it

>> No.9025358

Anybody know anything about the bar and hotel party scene? Friends and I are hanging out and trying to see what's up tonight.

>> No.9025382


honestly i'd be happy to part with it for $50 to whoever. friend decided not to come last minute, i'd just like my money back. it's got her name on it tho

i'm planning to be there tomorrow by like 11 or 12 if anyone's interested

>> No.9025385

There's a 25+ meetup tonight at the main bar. The one in the international

>> No.9025387
File: 872 KB, 1600x1036, 1450123318766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do i just outright tell the cute cosplayers i want to pay them for sex, or how do i talk to them like a normal person?

>> No.9025439

Which bar? Harrys bar?

>> No.9025454

Where's the meetup? The bar? Or the hallway by the pool?

>> No.9025459

Dining area near the pool

>> No.9025460

At intentional, right?

>> No.9025463

sad I can't come to the meetup tonight!! dealers closes at 10 holy shit I thought it was earlier. what weebs are gonna be buying shit at 9:40 pm anyway? please post pics for me.

>> No.9025467

Did some guys at the dining area near the pool just leave? I'm here now in black leather jacket

>> No.9025471

We are at the pool, you can't miss us

>> No.9025473


>> No.9025479

You guys gonna be there for a while, or no?

>> No.9025487

If we move anywhere is going to be the bar but I'll post if we move

>> No.9025488


>> No.9025502

How long is the meet-up today? I had to drive my sister home and now I'm about half an hour out.should i just skip this one and make it to the one tomorrow?

>> No.9025506

Where is every one i am across thr pool right now

>> No.9025516

For everyone asking we have relocated to the international plaza room 5256

>> No.9025554

He's a cuck artist

>> No.9025566


>> No.9025574
File: 1.51 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where the weebs at

>> No.9025575

get memed on kid

>> No.9025576

> tfw no friends

what a waste of 80$

>> No.9025579

Literally read

>> No.9025585

kinda feel the same way

everyone seems to be chilling with somebody else or a group

who am i supposed to have fun with ;_;

>> No.9025588

go home

>> No.9025591

i mean i am home right now, but i'm going back tomorrow

i might try talking to a stranger. this is probably a mistake.

>> No.9025597

Stranger danger, best to just walk past a few of the 4chin meetups and see if they're smiling and laughing. You can think about how everyone's having a good time as you walk out the exit to go home.

>> No.9025598

Come to the meet up!
You missed tonight's which would have been a great opportunity to meet people to hang with. But still.
Go see some panels, talk to people there.
My personal favourite spot is outside before a panel starts. Everyone there likes that thing so you have conversation plus most are bored and waiting so chatting is great. Conversation goes well? Sit together and continue hang out. Goes poorly? Sit anywhere else and wallow in self pity.

>> No.9025602
File: 27 KB, 512x323, 1447452170445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna meet up since we're all friendless losers. I'd be up for it if you two are, not like there's anything to lose.

>> No.9025608

Going to the meetup was a mistake, everyone is just going to the IRC party and they don't want "randos" from the /cgl/ meetup going.

>> No.9025609
File: 17 KB, 500x300, 1386693372839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know you sound pretty intimidating

maybe i'll look into the panels a little more, but there was only like 2 that appealed to me at a glance and one of them was undertale

>> No.9025610

you're not part of the inner circle, your best chance at some of that high-tier dick is going to the bathroom meetup

>> No.9025617 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 600x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come find me for a free pin.

Going to be at the Youtube Panel this Saturday 11 a.m. in the Ballroom A at the International Plaza Hotel.

>> No.9025624

Did we get trolled?

>> No.9025626


>> No.9025632

Anyone still wanna hang that didn't go to the meetup? I'm an oldfag that doesn't know anyone in cgl that well, and just wanna meet new people/friends.

11:00 somewhere?

>> No.9025647

I'd meet up but I'm a dirty /v/ crossposter. I just lurk these threads.

>> No.9025649

that's me basically too where u wanna meet were at double tree

>> No.9025652

Can we hang out and play board games and stuff

>> No.9025655

where tf are you hoes

>> No.9025656

Hell yeah 11 o clock where?

>> No.9025659

who has a room? friends wanna drink? let's meet somewhere and go. doubletree pref

>> No.9025662

yes pls im not going over the bridge

>> No.9025663

who has a ROOM hurry tf up bitches. got no time to waste. 11 o'clock bitches. otherwise who want to meet outside Hentai room later?

>> No.9025668

I'm not intimidating, I'm short.

>> No.9025676

guess no 11 meet u fucked up. Hentai room meet later at like 12:30

>> No.9025682

That's tomorrow.
How do I get in tonight?

>> No.9025685
File: 3.34 MB, 3984x2988, 20160527_225151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got some sdvx going while pre drinking with a few people before heading to rhetoric rave if anyone wants to meet up, room 547 at sheraton right now

>> No.9025687

be there in like 20 w 2 other people

>> No.9025695

Did QQ find somewhere to stay tonight?

>> No.9025696

Gonna come chill

>> No.9025714

Roaming the hotels to the road all night.

>> No.9025717

Door is unlocked right now

>> No.9025767

Msg spicy for into v.v

>> No.9025791

you guys meeting tomorrow? The fucking sun was killer, too drained for shit.

>> No.9025794

Another meet is planned for tomorrow

>> No.9025820

If you're a cute boy come to the midnight bathroom meetup.

>> No.9025824

back home already, maybe tomorrow. lol

>> No.9025835

when/where is it? i passed you guys earlier today but couldn't say hello because my friend was whining about wanting to go home.

>> No.9025841

Its tomorrow. @ANBathroom2016

>> No.9025856


I thought the midnight bathroom meet was tonight.
I waited and nobody came.

Needless to say, I am now flaccid and disappointed.

Tomorrow you all better prepare your anuses for a good time.

See you then. ;^^^^))

>> No.9025859

>walk into the bathroom to Scout it out
>shit is small as FUCK

How do all you sluts expect to fit in there?

>> No.9025866
File: 328 KB, 807x892, tcc_map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this shit works like a charm. Thank you to the anon who posted it.

>> No.9025906

It will never be as good as the first time it took place.

>> No.9025914

Where the party at

>> No.9025919

547 sheraton

>> No.9025931

>tfw you forgot about the Friday meet
The 10PM meetup is at the hall near the pool right?

>> No.9025934

Where the party at

>> No.9025939

behind the Petro-Canada

>> No.9025955

Is there a party or no

>> No.9025971

where are you guys meeting tomorrow

and does anyone want to buy my extra saturday pass?

>> No.9025975

Did everyone sleep already

>> No.9025990



Instead you will drive out to Whitby, pick me up, and give me the pass. I will then pretend to be your friend until I have amassed enough money to have paid for the day- which shouldn't be an issue.

>> No.9025996

i can't drive so no

and i don't have any friends so pretending would be fine ;_;

>> No.9025999

fuck you leatherbed

>> No.9026003

Going to bed now, had a great night. Thanks cgl.

>> No.9026065

Had a fun time tonight at my first con. Looking forward to tomorrow, hopefully I'll meet some of you

>> No.9026091

are we doing another meetup tmr at 8 or 10 tnr?

>> No.9026203

That was a lot of fun. See you guys tomorrow, hope everyone is feeling better.

I prefer 10. There's still things going on and people eating dinner around 8.

>> No.9026217

im not there for romantic encounters, is there just people down to chill tomorrow?

>> No.9026226
File: 383 KB, 1500x1126, IMG_1317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems some party atmosphere was going on in that particular room near the top floors.

>> No.9026229
File: 885 KB, 2000x1418, IMG_1285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted some cosplay shots from Friday:

>> No.9026233

i saw that, they had lazers going at 11p when i left

>> No.9026239
File: 329 KB, 281x809, Screen Shot 2016-05-28 at 3.57.24 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9026241
File: 841 KB, 2000x1446, IMG_1286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup, nigga' knows a fine ass when he sees one, dog.

>> No.9026290

Ay corky, where are you in the artists alley this year and what's the phrase? Haven't bothered trying to get a pin these past couple years, hook a nigga up

>> No.9026382

Corky doesn't have a table, Zee does. I dunno if she was given them buttons though.

>> No.9026471

hahaha holy shit

>> No.9026484

yesterday's meetup/party was boring as shit.
last year was better.

>> No.9026516

I'm not sure if I'll be at the meetup but if I am it'll be for chilling

>> No.9026523

I was holding back, it's friday

>> No.9026528
File: 480 KB, 2304x1728, P5280235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw the Rena Kaneta midnight show last night, and holy cow, I highly recommend it. Amazing choreography and acting. It doesn't have any spoken dialogue but you can get the whole story clearly. After the show they invited everyone to come close to the stage for photos.

She's doing another show at 10PM Saturday and a QA panel at 4pm sunday.

>> No.9026529
File: 483 KB, 2304x1728, P5280242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9026531
File: 587 KB, 2304x1728, P5270218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one from last night

>> No.9026723

Anyone here bring a mahjong set?
There's none in the gaming hall

>> No.9026746

Those im@s fags who are always in the front of the line all three days are something else. For Asami both this and last year they did it. Fuck them. Bad enough they talked with her for up to 10 minutes

>> No.9026762

heading over to AN now, info about seagull pins in the new thread

>> No.9026863

I'm just gonna start heading over now where you gonna be later?

>> No.9027352

No it just fucking sucked probably.