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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8956916 No.8956916 [Reply] [Original]

Slice your hand while trimming polymer clay? Sew your cosplay into your skin? Spill epoxy resin on your dog?

Share your /cgl/ crafting horrors here.

>> No.8956918

this one time I got a paper cut

>> No.8956921

Almost every time I use hot glue, I get a second degree burn.

>> No.8956928

I've got two good ones!

First one: sewing an all white costume, I sewed through my index finger and broke off the needle in my nail, with the point sticking out the pads of my finger. I was able to remove it with tweezers, but that might be the most painful thing I've ever done.

My cosplay friend, upon hearing the story asked the important question: "Did you get any blood on the fabric?"

Second one: I was using a hot knife to cut through some plastic when the knife slipped and stabbed me in the thumb. It didn't cauterize the wound like you'd think, and the cut ached for days afterward (through the meaty part of my thumb muscle).

I probably should have my sharp objects taken away from me.

>> No.8956931

>left my heat gun cooling down behind where i was sitting
>jerked my arm back suddenly to avoid messing up the placement of something i was shaping
>accidentally branded the pattern of the heat gun tip into my forearm
>it stayed like that for well over a week
suffice to say i've been a wee bit more careful with it since then

>> No.8956933

>making resin charms
>lean over to check for bubbles
>dip fringe into resin
>immediately give myself impromptu fringe trim
>doesn't look half bad

thanks for the wig styling threads, /cgl/.

other general clumsiness:

>sewing trim onto a hat
>needle is too thin, snaps in half
>jab myself with the broken edge
>under the nail
>bleeds so much it oozes around bandaid

>making jewelry
>bending metal components with wire
>pinch my finger by accident
>create blood blister

in general, i slip with my pliers a lot and they scrape up my nail to the cuticle.

>> No.8956935

let's be broken-needle-in-the-nail-bed twins

>> No.8956939

My least favorite club. Did you lose your nail?

>> No.8956944

no, it just bled like fuck, it's all good now. yours was a bit more extreme though, got any marks/scars?

>> No.8956946

Not entirely related but involves the ruining of supplies at least.

>Buy all the supplies for a cosplay, maybe a little under 200$ in total
>Have to move and leave some stuff behind with my friend/former roomie to pick up later since it doesn't all fit in the car
>All the supplies get left behind since I didn't need to finish the cosplay for another year
>Come back 2 months later
>"Oh so K came into the room and dumped your stuff on the floor. She said the bag was hers so she dumped it on the floor and took the bag."
>It was a trashbag. Literally a large black trashbag from my previous home.
>Ask where the stuff is
>Cats pissed on it
>More than half the supplies are ruined beyond repair

>> No.8956954

Suprisingly no. I think the needle marks were just so small they healed without much fuss. The worst part was I had nail polish on and when I took off the polish a week later...acetone burns like a motherfucker.

>> No.8956958
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Cut myself so many times working late on costume projects without much sleep...

I once chemically bonded a rare earth magnet to my hand. The heat from the chemical reaction heated the magnet and burned it into my skin. I had to dig it out with knife...

Unrelated but @ AX2013 I was on stage in a GaoGaiGar mech costume I made which had some tall platforms inclined like high heels. My feet were so worn out from the day in the heavy suit that both my big toenails had come off inside my socks while on stage during the masquerade. Socks were soaked with blood. Took almost a year for them to finally heal and grow back.

>> No.8956965
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>working with Worbla for the first time
>was getting air bubbles
>freaking out cos don't know what to do
>uses seeing pins to release air
>all goes well for a few hours
>stands up to try on breastplate I was making
>pin still in the floor
>foot moves in a way where the THREAD end of the sewing needle jams into my foot
>lift foot up
>hear a crack
>try to find the needle
>go to A&E
>get rushed in
>they take X-Ray
>needle broke off into my foot
>try to remove it by numbing my foot and taking it out with tweezers
>too deep
>have to get it surgically removed
>on crutches for 2 weeks

Pic Related

>> No.8956975
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>> No.8957017

I have a bad habit of resting things on my right thigh while i sand/cut them so i have tons of marks on it from my hand slipping, welp.

>> No.8957022

Not exactly a horror story but... Everytime I'm painting or sanding something I keep telling myself I don't need to wear a mask 'cause it will be quick work and my room is well ventilated and shit... And I always end up breathless and feeling dizzy.

>> No.8957025

>be painting with acrylics
>Have glass of water for washing off paint from brushes
>Have glass of water for drinking
>They're next to each other

do I need to say more?

>> No.8957037
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For you anon

>> No.8957041

She.. desperately needed a trashbag, I guess.
That sucks, anon.

>> No.8957046

I work in a fabric store and my hands have 2-7 cuts on them at any given time from minor accidents involving scissors and cardboard (paper cuts). I don't even know how I manage to slip and cut my own hands so much.
Latest wounds are from demonstrating the automatic needle threader on a busted display model. It never worked and the needle went through a fingertip, but the elderly lady still bought the machine.

>> No.8957057

>making puzzle toy for cats with leftover crafty stuff
>using stanley knife to cut holes in the lid
>knife gets stuck
>swearing ensues
>give it a good, hard tug
>plastic shatters
>knife goes skittering across the broken lid fragments
>embedded to the bone in opposite pinkie where it was bracing the lid
>feel dumb as fuck for days

The cut was deep, but also close to the tip of the finger, so they couldn't stitch it. Ended up with woundglue and steristrips for a few weeks, but now there's not even a scar. The only indication it ever happened is that the indentations of my fingerprint are a bit shallower in that spot. You'd never know otherwise.

Thank heaven for sharp blades, I guess. It left a really clean cut, and didn't actually hurt. The woundglue burned like nothing else, though.

>> No.8957062
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I once bumped the exacto knife with my elbow and it stabbed me right on my finger tip and an hour before that I burned my leg on the tip of my heat gun.

>> No.8957063

Fuck working in fabric stores. I used to come home with lint in my contacts, and that shit hurts. And add to that the multi-coloured snot during hayfever season, hahahaha.

I didn't suffer any injuries while working there other than bruises, though. I was always running into shit because our display aisles were so narrow. Customers were always ramming into other people with their shopping cards or fabric.

>> No.8957096
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>finishing breastplate 2 days before the con
>hot gluing down craft foam
>finger slips into pool of fresh high-heat glue
>almost instantaneous blister from base of fingernail down to middle
>hurts like a bitch
>look for bandaids
>only have spongebob print left
>whatever, they're flexible, we'll use them

at the con, have been replacing bandages but never buy new ones, have cosplay shoot
>pose with hand on bf's chest in medieval bs costumes
>suddenly realize the whole photoshoot has had visible spongebob bandaid

>> No.8957378

I've always wondered how people manage to sew through their fingers (or any part of themselves, really) when using a sewing machine. If you're using a foot how does your hand even get that close? How does it happen?

>> No.8957385

You can look away or get distracted for a moment while your foot is still on the pedal. Your fingers are only an inch away from the halfway automated needle and it's much easier than you think to be accidentally carried under the needle with the fabric or move your fingers into that zone while trying to push fabric in. A lot of modern sewing machines will no longer stop the moment you take your foot off the pedal but instead finish the full stitch or pause at half-stitch (either 100% up or 100% down).

>> No.8957414
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>Decide to cut bangs of wig while wearing it
>accidentally cuts her eyelid

i always swore i'd never cause myself any stupid injuries while working on cosplay yet here i am. at least it wasn't that bad/deep and healed within the next week and a half

>> No.8957418

Sliced the tip of my thumb while cutting mica (two stitches)
Sliced the tip of middle finger while cutting fabric.

>> No.8957442

holy shit I've cut a chunk of my eyebrow off trimming a wig but this have me wincing

>> No.8957482

>Hot gluing foam for costume
>Glob of hot glue seeps out on to my pointer finger while securing a foam piece
>Pull glue off of finger in a panic
>Glue took off 2 layers of my skin and resulted in a giant blister
>Continues working on costume after burn stops hurting
>Burns self with hot glue again

>> No.8957487
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>> No.8957490

Accidentally dropped a big glob of fresh hot glue on my finger. I was lucky that the skin didn't come off, but the burn area was really swollen for over a week.

>> No.8957501

So who else has had a hot glue gun spontaneously burst in to flames??

>cleaning oil off scissors with fine cloth
>scissors are so fucking sharp they slice my finger open through the cloth
>fabric scissors are now oiled with my own blood

And then my favorite
>painting with bright yellow acrylic
>incomes playful kittens
>one swipes her tail over the pallet and continues running around
>yellow paint on the walls, on the carpet, on the tile, on my brand new pile of Cosplay fabrics
>step in it while trying to catch the kitten to wash her damn tail off and spread even more bright yellow paint around

Crafting is fun.

>> No.8957503

Way too many sympathy pains while reading through this thread damn.

I once gave myself a third degree burn on my forearm from brushing it against an iron that had a short in the wire causing it to super heat. But as they tell you, third degree burns don't actually hurt when you get them.
That's when you know something is quite wrong.
Turns out I killed the nerves in that patch of skin, still have no feeling there.

>> No.8957509

I was working pantless on a hot Summer night and dropped a hot glue gun on my thigh. 4 years later I still have a small burn.

Also I once fell on an inking pen and it lodged in my calf muscle. 5-8mm deep? Enough to leave a 'tattoo' on my leg.

>> No.8957510

>working on cutting armor out of a sheet of foam pvc
>it's white and it's sunny outside
>step on something and hear a crunch
>look down, see pen-shaped object on the floor
>super snow blind, think it's the sharpie I dropped
>reach down to pick it up
>it's a wood burner
>it's on
>burn the fuck out of my finger

Used painter's tape as a bandaid for the day and still got all my armor cut out so it wasn't all bad.

>> No.8957513
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>mfw this thread

>> No.8957534
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>Slice your hand while trimming polymer clay?
Exactly this. pic related

More cgl related.
>Made a petticoat recently.
>Was threading the elastic through with safety pin.
>Didn't realize safety pin came undone inside the top of skirt.
>Poked the crap out of my thumb and finger.
>There's blood stains on the top of my petticoat. (it's white btw)

>Working on first ever cosplay. Sae from FF2
>Needed to hand sew the bow on the top back of the Obi.
>Needle would go through fabric, pushed too hard and pushed into thumb.
>Blood hidden behind bow, but it doesn't matter because it's Sae.

>> No.8957553

I'm clumsy to begin with, so put that together with sharp things, fumey things, burney things, and high heels, and I think you can guess what happens. The Twilight "lol so clumsy, isn't she so speshul" trope is fine when you're a teenager, but that shit ain't cute when you're thirty.

I feel for you, but I'm not gonna lie, that's kind of adorable.

>> No.8957576

>thanks for the wig styling threads, /cgl/.

>> No.8957607

Just remembered one of mine!
>back in weeb days
>grade 9 or 10 home ec
>decide I will sew something like the Daughter of Evil Rin ballgown to put on a doll
>gathering fabric for the skirt
>fold the fabric, shove the needle through, simple right?
>didn't have glasses on
>get too close to the fabric while about to spear it
>needle went right into my fucking cheek

And this, folks, is why I am now a pleb who doesn't sew. I only stabbed myself and since it was at school the nurse doused me in alcohol to sterilise it, but I also had to have a tetanus shot. Never again. Someone sew some sense into me.

>> No.8957608

Oh gosh I did the same thing you did with the needle except with a small crochet hook, so when it came to pull it out after realizing what I'd done it tore even more skin.

>> No.8957646

>machine sewing
>get fingers too close to the needle while handling annoying fabric
>sew through my index finger, the needle manages to go in through the meat, right beside nail, no margin
>sudden pain causes an uncontrolled jerk reaction
>pull hands away
>whole machine is pulled as well since, well, it's now connected to my finger
>machine hits me right on the face

>> No.8957662

my hot glue gun has burst in to flames twice! (2 separate guns, obviously) but OMG I didn't even know this could happen and I panicked so bad!

>> No.8957667

Are you the same anon in the resin thread who got her gloves stuck to the scissors she used to trim her fringe and then proceeded to get herself stuck to everything else? I feel you would be good company if not.

>> No.8957674

>if not
definitely not that anon, then. i assure you i am excellent company

>> No.8957686

my local cosplay 'community' does once a month cosplay weekends at people's houses or a rented out gym hall, like a big sleepover. usually there's movies or something playing. A couple months ago, I was sitting next to some random newbie watching the screen when all of a sudden she jerks, grabs my arm and shoves her hand in my face....with a needle sticking straight through the palm. Because i'm an idiot, I thought it was a joke and laughed because hurr hurr you got me anon-chan, nice prank

>she had gotten startled by something in the movie and slammed her hand down on her pincushion
>meetup organizer trying to yank needle out of her palm but it was jammed in the bone???
>everyone screaming
>someone threw up

at another one of these meets someone dropped a...metal plate of some kind, i forget, and split their big toe in two and bled all over someone's pattern pieces they'd laid on the floor.

>> No.8957718

>experimenting with resin "painting"
>leaves stuff on table to set and cure
>friend's cat jumps RIGHT INTO THE RESIN
>cat runs through house getting it everywhere while we try to clean him
Kitty is okay, also

>uses gloves when using resin
>still manage to get hands sticky
>guess who now breaks out in bumps when fucking with resin

>> No.8957723

>sewing PVC for bootcovers
>using all the right stuff
>needles, wax paper to ensure good grip, all that jazz
>sewing away just fine when ...
>needle snaps
>instead of doing that thing where it gets caught in the thread, it breaks off at the goddamn eye and shatters into about a dozen pieces at the speed of sound
>make sure fabric isn't damaged by being rammed by the broken needle haft
>clean up and put new needle in
>hey, my faces itches
>two little bits of the needle embedded in my cheek just under my glasses, came out when I scratched
>wear safety goggles over glasses anytime sewing PVC or faux leather out of paranoia

>> No.8957808

>working on a pvc mask
>covers only jawline so it must fit right or it falls from my face
>glued some details with epoxy glue , and waited the instructed time
> try out the mask to check weight and fit
>mask cures onto my facial hair, upon removal i got a wacky wax-like beard depilation.

turns out the epoxy glue was near expiration date so it cured slower thus my face-waxing

>> No.8957838


I was sewing a costume and my needle snapped, the end where the thread goes through still had the thread attached rather than yanking it out so I pull the thread, snip it and ditch the stuff with the pile of things to throw out when I'm done. Mostly threads I've cut away so the broken needle pieces are pretty obvious among them and I warned him of their presence.
Other half comes along and starts messing with said pile and drops half of it on the floor. Only picks up some of it, leaving the top half of the needle with a blunt break on it there.
I go to walk around that area and feel a pain in my foot, only to find the blunt needle jammed in my foot. Other half barely reacts as I sit down and try to yank it out myself and I tell him never to go near needles broken or whole again. Five minutes later he drops my entire pin tin on the floor...

Another one was when my mother wanted one of my thicker needles to sew something together she was knitting and dropped the needle into the carpet. I'm walking around bare foot and it jams into my foot. I scream, and I'm told to hop across the length of the living room to go outside to remove it so I dont get blood on the floor. No one gives a shit and tries to blame me for leaving the needle on the floor even though it had wool threaded through it and I never sew in there or this very reason.

>> No.8957867
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I know those heat gun pains
>mfw someone left a heat gun resting point-end upwards in it's holder and I stabbed myself with it getting a box off the shelf
Fuck the person who decides to turn it up to 350 then forgets to come back to it while it heats up

>> No.8957899

Omg, the colored snot, I thought I was the only one. I feel like I could make a whole post on the injuries received from working at a fabric store. Cardboard papercuts suck.

>> No.8957907
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> be a noob working on a prop a day before con.
>Need to spraypaint but it's winter and it's pouring outside
> whatever I'll just spraypaint in the garage
> Being a stupid noob I forget to cover eyes,mouth etc.
>close door because it's cold
>start spraypainting like a madman because I had a lot of stuff to do and so little time
> When done, I began to feel dizzy and got trouble breathing
>Sneezed, and bright blue spraypaint coming out of my nose.
>Jezus what have I done
> doubting if I should just wait for it to go over or get help because I didn't know if the paint was toxic.
> Lungs are getting heavy, throat burns and I began to panic.
> Call doctor but they don't know what to do with my stupidity
> They gave me some anti- allergic reaction meds but ofcourse it didn't help much.
> Sit outside rest of the day like pic related.
>Next day at the con my throat was so sore I could barely talk.
I bought this upon myself.

>> No.8957978

Exactly like >>8957385 said. I was sewing a long straight hem and I looked away for a second and just sort of let my fingers continue guiding the fabric.

>> No.8957985

I think that's probably a good practice anon. I wear glasses also so at least my eyeballs are protected from metal fragments if nothing else, but safety glasses would be so much better. In high school we had to wear them while sewing.

My superglue mishap:

>small piece breaks off of a prop, nbd mang, going to glue it back on
>read instructions and twist the cap on the glue, hold on to it while trying to align two pieces of the prop
>suddenly my thigh starts burning
>panic, jump up and tear off my jeans
>sweet mother of god, what have I done
>husband looks up from the computer and makes a joke about how he didn't know "remove pants" was in the super glue instructions
>as it turns out, I dripped superglue on my thigh, glues my jeans to myself, and then ripped off a chunk of skin about 1/2 inch in diameter when I took the jeans off
>have a nasty scab for weeks

I think it left a scar, too - it's a darker spot on my skin that looks like a bruise.

>> No.8957998

I don't have anything too bad, but I will list the various stupid things I have done as a newbie cosplayer:
-painting soles of shoes for Serena (from Pokemon x and y) cosplay at the last minute before A con. The paint is sticky at con and I have to wear duct tape on the soles so I don't stick to the floor or leave marks everywhere. The paint is still sticky and it's been a year. Also made a Pokeball out of paper mâché and the papier-mâché starts peeling off. The collar on her shirt keeps coming undone as well.
-sewing the wrong sides of fabric together on bjd t-shirt so pencil marks are on outside
-blood from needle getting on fabric when sewing a tote bag.
-washing bag after painting on it with acrylic paint and having it run.
-this is more a general wardrobe malfunction. I bought shorts at a thrift store for a costume and realize the day of the con that the zipper keeps falipping down exposing my crotch and I needed safety pins to keep my fly up, but even that didn't keep the fly up all the way but thankfully I had a long t shirt

>> No.8958001

Even working outside I got headaches from spray painting a trash can for an Oscar the grouch costume

>> No.8958178
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the thread i didnt know i was waiting for
>about a week before the con
>making last minute details
>cutting out pattern while talking to sister
>not watching too closely
>lol there goes a part of my fingertip
>at least the fabric is red
>rinse it immediately, put towel and pressure on it, hold it above my head, all the tricks i know
>2 hours later
>still gushing blood
>have to go to the emergency room at midnight
>explain to 4 doctors that i accidentally cut myself
>get some special gauze to stop the bleeding, get finger wrapped up
>pic related is similar to the end result
>doctor says i have to wear it for about 3 weeks and keep changing the bandages
>the con is next week and i was supposed to be wearing gloves with my cosplay
>tfw you have to cut a finger off your glove to shove your bandaged finger though

it thankfully healed after that (still have a scar), but i had to toss out the glove that was cut up

>> No.8958417

this thread makes me feel nauseous

>using box cutter knife for detailing on EVA foam
>leave knife on desk with blade sticking out at full length
>brain short-circuits and stops functioning for a few seconds as I go to pick up the knife again
>grab the knife by the blade and not by the handle
>suddenly blood

thankfully it only managed to embed itself in my little finger but that was definitely one of the deepest cuts I've ever had

>> No.8958576

Once I left a metal tape dispenser on the floor, forgot about it and went to kneel down to work on stuff and dropped my weight on my knees exactly over the metal teeth of the dispenser.

I still have a scar but it didn't hurt that much at the time. I need to stop working on the floor

>> No.8958686

How did you dig the magnet out?
I know the pain, anon. I use gloves and work in a ventilated space and clean everything up and still get sticky resin hands and measuring cups. Shit fucking sucks.

>> No.8958722

I accidentally cut off part of my thumb while using sewing shears. it was pretty deep, deep enough so that there's a cm long scar and the thumb print doesn't grow back
goddamn so much blood, everywhere

>> No.8958734

not a horror story, but reminds me of how I was eating breakfast and put tabasco sauce on my eggs. when I was done, I left the sauce on the table but took out a bottle of red paint I was using to paint some shoes for a cosplay, and I almost started dumping tabasco sauce onto my palette. i've also definitely almost drank paintwater more than once, thankfully I haven't actually been successful.

>> No.8958747
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that sounds bad but also I can't stop laughing

>> No.8958776

I can't even read this thread. I don't do gore or injuries.

I'm not a cosplayer but I am crafty and am always giving myself little nicks or burns on accident. I think my worst accident was accidently stabbing myself with a knife while carving a pumpkin. Not gonna say more cause I'm already queasy and faint from this awful thread ha ha. Oh, and the other day I accidently yanked some of my hair out with a pair of pliers. My hair has been falling out from my medication and it's really thin to begin with so I was super mad.

>> No.8958792

My friend used to work in an alterations shop while doing her degree, and she too suffered the multi-coloured lint snot. It's definitely not just us.

But yeah, I can tell stories of OTHER people's injuries at that shop, but not my own.

>coworker trying to put away rolls of home deco fabric at the end of the day
>upright stand is overcrowded, so she's trying to rearrange them while holding them up all at the same time
>one of the rolls starts to tip over from its own weight, but her hands are full
>can't catch it
>can't grab it
>so she full on kicks that mothefucker
>like a lever on a fulcrum, it pivots between the other rolls wedged around it and smashes her in the face
>she ends up with a black eye, but was so exhausted she just stood there laughing for about five minutes

>> No.8958799

On the bright side, you became an anime girl for a bit.

>> No.8958886
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> work on embroidering patches and crocheting dolls for itabag in a frenzy
> fuck up my elbow so badly I haven't been able to do either for longer than fifteen minutes for six months

>> No.8958919
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I did this shit to both my wrists with knitting. Now if I use my hands too much doing anything (typing, cooking) my wrists hurt so bad I can't turn doorknobs. My grip is now shit too and just fails when I try to pick up heavy things. I went to the doctor once and they said to rest and see if it's better in a week... 3 months ago. I need to go back and get referred to a rheumatologist but I've been stressing out over the idea of having a real problem
I've always knit a lot so why is this only happening now? Probably because life is bullshit.

>> No.8958958

Jesus, how hard did you grab it?

>> No.8958959

> Apprenticing for a jeweler
> Tells me of this method in which shellac is melted with a torch until it is pliable, gets put in the end of a wooden stick
> This makes it so that gems are capable of being stuck to this piece of wood and they can easily be ground down in small details by hand with a diamond wheel
> Molten shellac falls onto index finger first day of work
> ohfuckthishurts.gif
> Can't peel it off because flexible and sticky and will just get caught on other parts of hand
> has to let it cool off while I'm freaking out
> Peel it off
> Skin comes off with it
> Area heals absolutely white

Another time

> Casting rings with molds
> Melt down some silver to put into centrifuge
> essentially a machine that just spins metal and throws it into the molds
> shit goes wrong
> silver on skin
> Notagain.png

>> No.8959044

Jesus christ stay safe there Johnny Tremain

>> No.8959077
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>johnny tremain

>> No.8959106


dude this happened to me while making chainmaille in a rush. you've probably tensed up some serious muscled along your ulnar nerve. go see a well reviewed massage therapist - not like a spa kind, but one that does sports massage etc. my doc was useless gave me a wrist brace, massage therapist gave me my hand back.

>> No.8959205

I am fucking dead

>> No.8959209

>johnny tremain
fuck you brought back so many memories from reading that as a kid

>> No.8959218

Thank you so much I'm going to look into this! It's been so frustrating this whole time, I just want to be able to participate in my hobbies again.

>> No.8959261

During my stint at the fabric store, I managed to pull a back muscle pretty badly by underestimating weight of rolls of deco fabric. I was the tallest of the female staff, but literally only an inch or so short of being comfortably able to lift the rolls out of the top vertical rack slots. I usually didn't get a ladder because I could obviously reach it, though not really lift it. Antsy customers and all... Doctor sternly told me to use a ladder and then prescribed me the greatest muscle relaxers ever.

>> No.8959263

this thread gives me the squirmy wriggles

>> No.8959299

child me was just learning to craft, gets a woodburner as a gift and has a great time drawing on plywood n shit, no probs at all

decides gluegun must be even easier (because cmon theyre way less dangerous than a burner.) nope. managed to somehow get a HUGE glob of glue on my neck. scar lasted years

>> No.8959306

Drill press was set at way too slow an RPM but im retarded so i attempted to drill holes through strips of maple. Minor kickback results in wood to shatter. Assumes its got to do with clamp and jig. Tries again with new piece (idiot alert) Nother kickback this time wood is whipping around on drillbit and nearly breaks my tiny girly wrist

>> No.8959366

Carpal tunnel? You can get surgery to fix

>> No.8959378

You just blew my fucking mind. I haven't thought about that movie in YEARS.

>> No.8959390

adding another needle in the nail story.

hand sewing with large needle. Using my middle finger nail to help push the needle through(it's thicker due to an injury from when I was toddler)
>Needle slips under my fingernail. Eye end goes up to the quick.
>Have a "well shit" moment.
>Pull needle out. Very little blood at all.
>Finger is sore for a while. As the fingernail grows, can gradually see where it hit growing out.
>Nail eventually starts cracking, vertical strip of nail flakes off.
>nail eventually heals, never looked like I damaged it at all.

I've got a scar on my leg from where I dropped a glob of hot glue on it. I also kicked a sewing machine carrying case(with said machine inside) took a chunk of the skin of the tip of my toe.

>> No.8959419
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>fabric scissors are now oiled with my own blood

>> No.8959939

The pain and location doesn't match carpal tunnel which I think is why my doctor brushed it off. I'm going to go back with my own damn info and push the matter. I've been making excuses to avoid going back because I'm a wiener but if you have to change your daily life to accomodate pain clearly the problem needs to be addressed.

>> No.8960970

Oh anon, lol, that fucking sucks

>> No.8961120
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Here's a screenie of the other anon for our viewing pleasure.
I was dying at work, as shitty as I can imagine this was, the way they wrote it was just too fucking funny.

>> No.8961140

I've somehow managed to cut myself pretty deep with a pin. Twice.

>> No.8961366
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>tfw I use a bottle to drink while I paint
It's nice being smart

>> No.8961441
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>first time sewing my own dress
>v hard, but going well for a newbie
>start marking shit with pins
>prick myself on the finger
>np, keep going
>prick myself in the ribs
>say ouch, but brave on
>move toward my lap area
>be carefuuulllll... aaaannd...
>shove third pin right into my lip

I called it a day and cried under my bed for a few hours.

>> No.8961457

Have you no shame.

>> No.8961492


I punched myself in the balls attaching a sword handle, but at least no sharp objects were involved.

>> No.8961494
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>using my belt sander for foamcraft
>dog piss on shed floor
>sitting in a putty of burned foam and stale dog piss
>smell hits me
>foam is torn from the kick

>> No.8961548

>Sewing the bodice of an apron closed
>Kind of thick? Two layers of fabric, two layers of interfacing, two layers of lining. Plus the layers are folded so the edges are sandwiched and the seam is clean
>Sewing, sewing, sewing-
>Needle breaks
>Flies towards my face
>I can literally see it flipping end over end
>Bam. Right in the eye

>> No.8961553

>tfw someone saved that

m-maybe i am the same anon

glad you got a giggle

>> No.8961643

I cut/burn my hands so frequently when I work because my hands are so clumsy.
>so many boo-boos on my hands
>constantly bleeding all over my armor and shit

The worst I've ever done was burn the bottom of my foot because I slipped and stepped on the metal of my recently used heat gun. The burn was pretty bad and I struggled walking on it for a while.

>> No.8961769

Jesus anon. What did you do? Did it hit the white or your cornea?

>> No.8961821

You'd think.

I made tea once while doing watercolors.
Glass cup for paint water, teacup with handle and hot liquid for drinking. Easy to tell porcelain and glass apart, but I set the teacup far from my work anyway.

First few strokes. Dunk the paintbrush in the teacup.

>> No.8961862

Not that bad, but still scary.
>sewing really thick material with my machine
>fabric too thick for the needle I'm using
>needle gets stuck a few times, but I fix it and keep going since I'm almost finished
>suddenly tip of the needle breaks off and flies at my left eye
>blinked at just the right time, no damage

This has happened to me twice, and it's always the left eye. I've since invested in other sizes of needles. This is why I hate working with upholstery fabric.

>> No.8961891
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Making a prop with expanding foam. Got a bad batch that didn't fluff up like expected and dripped onto my skin. MFW chemical burns on my arm and hands at con.
At least I wore long sleeves/gloves all weekend

>> No.8962065

I was stupid and thought trimming a block of clay with brand new razors was a good idea.

I proceeded to nearly slicing my thumb off and was bright to try to super glue the almost half inch cut together.

Needless to say it got infected.

>> No.8962118

wear fucking safety glasses

jesus girls
get it together

>> No.8962136

I fully embrace my clumsiness.

>> No.8962179

More /tg/ than /cgl/, but back in the 3rd edition of 40k, when there was still plenty of pewter models around, Zap-a-Gap was still the glue of choice, but it had a habit of running on those figures, especially the thin stuff.

My friend who was building his model hit it with the flash accelerant called Zip Kicker which is supposed to instantly bond it. However, it was gummed up, so it kind of exploded all over his hand, and he flipped out, with the glue running onto his fingers from the model he was holding. Which then proceeded to burn. Somehow, dumbass has model glued to his hand, which is now glued to his face, and burning.

Zip Kicker was banned from the store, and he had a weird mark on his face for a while.

>> No.8962184

Those pewter models mang. I glued so much shit to myself...I never got why that shit burns so much...

>> No.8962187

You know, neither did I. Somehow got Abbadon's arm glued between my ring and middle finger, that fucking sucked because I had to scrape the glue off the model, but I still have no idea how in the hell he got it glued to not only his hand but his face too.

>> No.8963039

Yo think that's bad?
>be painting
>decide to drink with a camelback so I don't drink paint water by mistake
>have to clean brush
>open camelback
>dunk brush into reservoir

>> No.8963052
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>sewing machine about 20 years old
>been having issues every so often but don't really want a new one since I know this one inside out
>start a project that requires a lot of satin stitch
>halfway through stitching, start to smell something burning
>wtf, don't have the iron on, or the hot glue gun
>look down
>see smoke pouring from the sewing pedal
>dives for the power switch, yanking the plug
>hold the pedal up by the cord until it stops smoking and sparking
>house fire averted

>> No.8963208

>Late-night run to walmart to get a new x-acto knife since old one bit the dust
>I'm carrying the plastic bag that its in pretty limply (since there's nothing in there but the x-acto knife and some chapstick) so the bag is sort of gently slapping against my upper calf as I walk out
>Notice my calf is kinda itchy
>Naturally, I go over to scratch it
>Notice my calf is kinda damp
>The fuck?
>Now it kinda stings a little
>Notice fresh blood caked under my nails
>Oh god
>Its from my calf
>Appearantly, the package the x-acto knife was open and the knife was stabbing me repeated as I was walking out to my car

>> No.8963218

Classic Wal-Mart, honestly.

>> No.8963682

I used to think this. I was one of the only ones out of my friends who had never sewn through a finger, and I couldn't figure out how people could even get their finger under there with everything else in the way. Turns out keeping your foot on the pedal while moving fabric around'll do it (I was so stressed about getting the last bit of the costume done I didn't even make a noise and my friends who were sitting next to me didn't notice until I told them later).

>> No.8963689

My hot glue gun has literally exploded. I was letting it heat one and suddenly a loud POP, scared the shit out of me till I smelled something burning and immediately unplugged it to avoid a damn house fire.
Mind your hot glue guns gulls.

>> No.8963698

Not cosplay related, but theatre tech got me into making props, so.

>need to make swirly chandeliers for show
>have great idea to heat pvc pipes into the right shape
>no masks
>closed off room
>everything is going great
>have tech teacher come in to look at chandelier
>he approves, suddenly realizes what we're doing
>"you know the fumes are toxic right?"
>freshman behind me is so startled she drops her heat gun
>onto my hand
>worst pain ever, due scream and loud sweating as she rips the metal end off and takes my some of my skin
drop chandelier I was balancing onto my foot
>more screaming
>whole class is fucking terrified

And that's how I broke a bone in my foot and got stitches on my right hand. Also I was pissed because we lost three of our set crew due to the incident. Pussies.

>> No.8963700

*swearing, not sweating though that happened, too.

>> No.8963817

>keep cosplay supplies in a sack
>inside that sack i have my x-acto blades in a secure plastic box
>be taking a break from my current project
>sack is next to couch where i'm sitting
>get up to piss or something
>put all my weight directly on to an x-acto blade that somehow escaped its plastic confines and began to emerge tip-up from the sack
>blade is literally perpendicular to the floor, jams directly in to my heel about an inch

blood for days and extremely painful walking but thankfully nothing else happened

>> No.8963856


Hell yeah, anon.

Worst I've done so far is
>Accidentally pressed my finger against the hot metal tip of my glue gun
>got expanding foam on hands and the back door and the deck
>spray painted fingers gold

Still have to make props for this year's costumes so there's still time for more...

>> No.8963897

You have pleased the scissor gods with your sacrifice.

>> No.8963908

>pouring near boiling water on wig to straighten it
>accidentally pours some on wrist
>awful burn a few days before con, huge blister
>scar that will never go away

>> No.8963956

Who pissed in your cereal today?

>> No.8963988

worst things

>burn scar on thigh from heatgun
>sewed through finger
>blind shot by still wet super glued glasses.

>> No.8965168

I get burned, cut and hurt regularly when I get little to no sleep time and I never flinch because I feel too tired to react

>Pass whole three days in all nighter mode
>finishing up project
>have to remain awake for school in two hours, decide to make coffee
>I think that pouring the hot water on my cup over the sink is a good idea so I don't spill anything onto the floor
>miss the cup and pour hot scalding water on my arm
>continue until I fill the cup
I didn't feel anything until I was on my way to school and noticed a huge blister on my arm

another story
>I have this nice geode with light purple quartz that a friend gave me for my birthday
>It has a small frog figurine glued on the top for some reason
>One day the frog falls off and I try to get the hot glue off the rock for a more cleaner look
>Bad decision, being that I didn't sleep the day prior
>my hand slips and I get xacto blade stuck on my finger

And I sewed my thumb on a cosplay that I was making in a rush because my friends came to my house the exact morning we were going to a con and wanted me to finish parts of theirs, while I was tired from finishing mine and their props that night. I calmly removed the thread and cleaned the blood off the fabric. I was just too tired to feel pain.

The other day I got a needle through my finger while embroidering a blouse.
Also, sorry for my awful english, I'm still recovering from two days of no sleep and this is not my mother language

>> No.8965488
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Jesus Christ Anon

>> No.8965493

This was meant to be to this >>8961548

>> No.8965651

Jeez anon, cat naps are your friend

>> No.8965716

If your pinning a garment to try on, I've learned to use large safety pins instead. that way they don't hurt.

>> No.8965750

Oh yeah. A friend of mine gouged herself up on the sensitive meat of her inner arm because she threw on some LARP costuming quickly to go do plot and forgot it had open safety pins in it. She didn't notice until someone pointed out she had blood on her chemise.

Vaguely related is when I cracked myself hard on the jaw attempting to pull up the breastplate on some borrowed armour. My fingers slipped on the edge of the top plate and I basically punched myself under the chin.

LARP injuries are usually not costume based however. More in the "Dude stepped in a wombat hole and now he needs a new wrist" kinda vein.

>> No.8965782

THIS ugh.
Theater is not for the faint of heart or thin skinned. In high school, every year the first thing we were told when we started working at the actual theater where we would be performing that "anything and everything can kill you here, so be careful". Without fail, every year we lose at least 3 people to that announcement alone.

Hell i distinctly remember building and painting set pieces in a back room attached to the art class with no ventilation. Dont remember much after because i was high as a kite.

The most fun thing i can think of right now, was accidentally nailing my hand to the wood i was working with because a freshman was fucking around with a saw and i turned to yell at her. Since the show was in 2 weeks, i just pulled the nail from the wood but not my hand, wrapped it up and kept working. Freshman passed out, two other people threw up, but we got it all done regardless.

I've also fallen down an improperly latched trapdoor on stage that didnt have a cushion, but thats a story for another time.

In more thread related news, i managed to
>embed a thin knitting needle in my hand
>super glue projects to my hands (alergic to superglue apparently)
>4+ inch hair splinters in my fingers
>zapped myself with a faulty gluegun (which later caught fire)
>sewed my fingers to fabric
>broken sewing needles which hit my face
>a paper cut on my eyeball
>lost a nail to crushing my finger with strong magnets
>hot glue puddles on my legs
>severe sudden allergic reactions to a body paint that resulted in hardcore hives
>xacto through the nail
>expanding foam burns
>permanent damage to elbows, wrists and fingers from detailed sewing, knitting and embroidery

I think the world is trying to tell me to stop crafting, now that i think of it.

>> No.8965787

>hair splinters
I never knew those were at thing until I got a cat. Now they are the reason I vacuum the couch, carpet, and all chairs fastidiously.

>> No.8965789

Did that with a glue gun too. Heard a pop and saw a bit of smoke and a char mark on the side. The glue gun fell over and I didn't notice. Thankfully I have like, five glue guns.

>> No.8965790

I learned about them when i took a hair/cosmetology class in high school.
Wicked little fuckers

>> No.8966384

I impaled my finger with the sewing machine because I was putting new thread into the needle and by accident placed my foot on the pedal.

>> No.8966567

I find it kinda funny how you're the one that got injured yet the other people quit.

>> No.8968616

Such is the way of theatre.

>> No.8968630

Same thing happened to a friend. She had a drill bit go through her finger in a fabrication class. Other people quit. She stayed in.

The people who quit are the ones scared of getting hurt or who took the class as an elective, the ones who get hurt know it sucks, but you're going to live through it.

>> No.8968644

> friend wants me to help him with a cosplay
> i'm used to getting hot glue on my hands doesn't really hurt anymore who needs finger prints
> tell him how i made my glove
> wore a glove put hot glue on the foam then on to part of the glove
> he says lets do it
> i tell him that it will hurt blah blah blah
> he doesn't care
>hour later remove glove burns everywhere
> O..O why didn't you tell me
> oh i'm used to pain so i don't care. O.O

i did this yesterday

> playing with my partners tiny hot glue gun (so cute)
> needs a new stick
> puts stick in but pushed a tad hard
> big blob of hot glue falls on my leg
> uses fingers to get it out because there was nothing around me , meh fingers are used to it
> big patch of skin missing . fuck

>> No.8968670

this is adorable

>> No.8969151

Not cosplay per se
I cut my finger whilst assembling warhammer. got a fishhook like scar.

>> No.8969173

>rushing props 2 days before cons for 'friend' at the time (can't stand him now, he paid me for it at least)
> holding glue gun when huge glob of burning hot glue drops straight into thumb
>instantaneous burning, swearing violently while I get a cup of ice water
>continue to work on props while holding thumb in water as often as possible
>water stops helping as much, resort to other methods
>methods include aloe Vera and holding a fucking raw cut in half potato on the burn (Google swore that it works)
>a few days later, humongous blister has swollen up on thumb, really grossing me out
>get jumbo safety pin, clean with an alcohol wipe
>have to slide the pin in to the blister because I'm a big baby and was too scared to just jab it

luckily the popping actually wasn't very painful, just super gross. Had a nasty ass scar on my thumb for the next few weeks though.

>> No.8969238


Im scared to ask at this point. Why the heck do you people not use gloves?! It feels like more than half of injuries in this thread could be preventable by following instructions or just wearing proper safety gear.

>> No.8969281
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>setting up vinyl cutter to use
>getting knife tip out
>instructions make it very clear to be careful and not cut yourself
>hands are now poked with small cuts trying to get the tip to sit in the holder

>> No.8969327
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This is a reenactment of my worse injury. The blade got stuck, so I tried pulling on it harder

>> No.8969743

Actually, I think that's some good advice.

>> No.8970424

>sitting around while friend cuts wig
>friend goes OW, examines finger, and powerwalks to the bathroom
>I stay where I am, wait a few moments
>call down the hall "You okay?"
>"Yeah, I'm fine, just putting pressure on it."
>friend had nicked finger while evening out edges lmao

Fast forward to maybe a day later

>I'm at home cutting wig to match friend's
>lol shit

We cut different fingers, but our bandaids were in almost the exact same spot. Cosplay coordination at its finest.

>> No.8970574

Wearing gloves while working at a fabric store isn't very practical. There's cardboard everywhere, the fabric is wrapped around it, things are packaged in it; you need have dexterity to like, do your job.

>> No.8971540

>getting ready for the con with four other people in my room (which is really small)
>done putting bodypaint and ready to go
>waiting for normie friend that's curling her hair bc "she want to be hot even without a cosplay" (she was "growing out of cosplay" or whatever)
>she brags about how hot she is and in the meanwhile she is waving the hot-plate around in the 4mx4m room
>hits me right in the arm and zones out, leaving it on my arm for a good few seconds
>tfw there is no time and you have to go to the con with a fresh burn (and after four years the scar is still here)

>> No.8972357

>Otakon 2015
>Partial armor cosplay
>Running late to photoshoot and piece of the hand armor (wrist and finger plates) all come off of my leather glove in a single pop
>the fuck
>running too late to properly fix it
>friend heats up hot glue gun
>"You're doing this because you love it, Anon"
>allow friend to glue directly onto the glove
>feel the heat through my hand
>it's bad
>I'm screaming and they're screaming but the armor stays on at least
>take off cosplay later to find blisters
>why did I let this happen

>> No.8972414

>cutting stuff out of slippery fabric, have to shuffle around the fabric
>messy af, there are pins all over the ground
>squat to cut one area
>step on pin
>immediately jerk upward
>slam my right ass cheek into the corner of a drawer
yea this one's all my fault

>> No.8972421

I have don variations on this more times than I can count.

>bend to feed cat
>startled by massive dead spider in cat's bowl
>jerk back and slam head into counter overhang

>bending down to plug in sewing machine under desk
>place palm on floor to brace self
>needle in the palm
>jerk back and slam back into extended leaf of side table

>laying out fabric to cut
>placing pattern pieces and pattern weights
>shift knee onto a carpet tack that somehow has been avoided for four years
>rock back and ram hip into ironing board
>ironing board wobbles
>(cordless) iron falls out of cradle
>misses fingers just barely

>> No.8972610


Yea, im talking about the really thin fitted gloves made from some thin stretchy fabric, and then dipped in a bit stronger latex. And not the trucker gloves.

>> No.8972613

That would only work if the store actually allows it. Also >latex
Not a good idea, since many people can have an allergy to latex or develop it after continued exposure to it.

>> No.8974455



I meant ones like this. Tough the ones our company buys appear to be even more fitted to the hand, and yea i messed up its not really latex, its just some thin rubber coating on cotton gloves apparently.

Also to add to horror stories, nothing as horrific as some of these.
>crafting a model of a house
>using craft knives with fresh scalpel blades
>its 2 in the morning
>suddenly something feels off the glue is not drying when i held together pieces
>look down at what i was doing
>the model is now partially red and half of it has to be scrapped because i bled all over it

Fuck razorsharp blades that are so sharp you dont even feel the cut.

>> No.8979445

>working on Petyr Baelish commission for client
>he comes over for final fitting/alterations and to take the cosplay home
>trimming the bottom of the robe so I can hem it for his height
>brand new sharpasfuck fabric scissors cut right through the flesh of my middle finger near my palm
>"Haha, oops, silly me!" I say with a smile even though it's pretty painful
>"Uh, are you okay, anon?"
>look down, blood all over my hand
>none on the cosplay, thank god

I still have the scar a month later, I don't think it's going away.

>> No.8981094

at least your startle reflex is functioning

you'll dodge a literal bullet one day, anon

>> No.8981270

Kind of relative but:
>working on painting for school assignment
>have to handpaint hundreds of tiny ass little red flowers. why did i do this to myself?
>crunch time, fuck sleep need to get this done to work on all my other assignments
>work on this shit for three days straight, with maybe two hours of sleep a day
>staring at red gouache starts to really hurt my eyes by the end of day two
>looking at the painting starts to honestly hurt my eyes
>finish that shit on day three and go out for coffee with friend just to get fresh air
>the color red is searing my retinas to the point where i can't even comprehend the color anymore
>this shit goes on for a week. have to wear sunglasses indoors for a few days to help dim the damn color

I stared at the color red so long to the point where I became overly sensitive to the sight of it. It was one of the weirdest thing to ever happen to me.

>> No.8981489

Not to carry this argument on, but the fabric store in question was Hancocks, which is going out of business. Employee safety was relatively low on the priority, even a few years ago.

>> No.8981764

Jesus Christ, I just started lurking here. You guys are fucking insane and committed.

>> No.8981791

I don't think I have any stories that stand out, but I have all the typical needle/pin stabbings, occasional knife slips, and hot glue on my fingertips that I knew I just had to endure or else I'd just make it worse. The hot glue ones are always kind of fascinating after they dry, though. Kinda like the weird feeling when wearing fake nails, but on your actual finger flesh.

>> No.8981817

>crocheting nonstop for days
>finger start hurting really bad
>can't move them properly
>project not finished
>can't stop crocheting
>continue sobbing quietly

>> No.8981848

I had something similar happen with the smell of cloves, it's weird.

>> No.8981932

Haaa. Another ex-Hancocks minion. Fuck, I hated working there.

Employees didn't often get injured, but we had plenty of guest injuries. One time, a little girl bit through her lower lip after taking a spill playing tag (after being told not to). Her dad was perfectly calm until I said I would give him the papers he needed for Hancock to cover her ER trip. He got spooked and misunderstood when I said "let me get you the paperwork." Before I could re-explain in Spanish, he'd grabbed all three of his kids and bolted out the door.

He thought I was trying to report him to the INS. I just hope his kid got treated, because it looked painful.

>> No.8981937
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>Had a sciatic nerve issue for the past week
>can barely kneel or sit straight, hobbling around like a granny
>doped up on naprozen
>fuck this, patterns and sewing must be done
>numb legs for hours
>at least I will die being productive.

>> No.8982193

Reminds me when I was working with fibreglass resin for a helmet. I borrowed my dad's respirator and he said he had changed the carbon filters, but he actually didn't. Got treated for fume poisoning hours later..

>> No.8982516


The one that's scarred to this day
>belts for ezreal cosplay haven't got enough holes
>start work on fixing night before con
>using blunt edged knife because of the cheap leather
>gets caught on something
>push too hard
>knife flies through
>hole has been made but hit my hand in the process
>just feels like a bruise
>test belt out
>blood spewing from finger
>don't want friend to freak out so quietly move to bathroom
>wrestling with tissue while blood pools endlessly through
>dress it and go to bed
>still hurts next day
>walking around con when my gauntlet falls off
>blood all over the inside
>pass out
>wake up in medic room
>pissed myself as well

Managed to miss everything necessary bar whatever it was to cause the bleeding so that's a plus.

>> No.8987210

more stories plsa

>> No.8989447

>sanding wooden prop in basketball shorts with no underwear
>sawdust all over thighs
>suddenly, itchy anus


>> No.8991001

>> trying to hand sew through double layered vinyl because friend's sewing machine crapped out
>> using a heavy duty needle, but i have to apply a lot of pressure and it gets stuck at one point
>> okay...just apply a little more pressure....
>> using both my hands on each side for leverage
>> did not anticipate the needle to suddenly go through the connective fleshy part between my thumb and index finger
>> there is now a needle directly through my hand because i'm an idiot and applied too much pressure

my friends made me take a break after that.

>> No.8991177
File: 2.34 MB, 2231x2241, 20160502_012021-1[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was reading this thread last week.
>Saturday Night
>Test fitting design for hinge for my helmet
>Tack in the brackets with a dot of super glue what could go wrong
>Surprise the hinge is off just a little bit
>Use a carving tool to try to pop up the brackets
>First couple go just fine, get to the 3rd and its really stuck.
>Push a little harder and the knife slips and goes right into my thumb right into the nail bed
>Throw down knife (Still haven't found it 3 days later)
>Carefully put down helmet
>Wrap up bleeding thumb and go to bandage
>Get back and check helmet. Its not damaged. *Bonus* hinge popped off when the knife slipped.
>Re-seat hinge and it works much better
>My thumb is still numb but at least it's not still bleeding

>> No.8991325

Oh boy I've had so many but can't remember them all so I guess I only remember the ones that left a scar
>reached over to get something and pressed the side of my arm into my iron
>sewed my finger to the fabric (at least it didn't hurt?)
>dropped the hot glue gun and it hit my thighs and feet with the hot tip
>Dropped knife
>get up and walk around to look for it
>can't find it so sit down on chair again to look for it on table
>found it.

>> No.8991337

>using the jigsaw to hack out some less than uniform shapes
>really getting some work done
>flick ponytail over shoulder because it's dangerously close to workspace
>feel tug on scalp
>immediately take finger off the trigger as my head is lightly jerked toward the saw
>half my ponytail has been sucked into the fan of the saw in my hand
>carefully kneel down and unplug saw
>work ponytail out of fan
>thank the gods I didn't just scalp myself or lose half my ponytail

And this is why you should always put your hair in a bun around power tools

>> No.8991416
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Stupid accident from two years ago
>Styling the wig, it looks fucking awesome it took me a while to prop it on my head but I like it
>But the fringe is losing a bit of curl in the edge...
>Welp, better fix that bitch
>Dont' even bother to put the wig off for that, I'm too lazy
>It was just a quick fix what could possibly happen in that 3-minute span?
>Suddently, brother comes swiftly from behind and slaps me on the back to give me a scare ignoring that I have a curling iron extremely close to my face
>Ditch life and go to the hospital, it blistered immediately
>2nd degree burn in the right eyelid
>I had to keep the eyepatch on for weeks, the blister was the worst of it all
And that's the story on how I got this slight droopy eyelid.
To this day, my brother keeps buying me scar ointments and stuff as an apology.
I still feel like a dumb fuck. The skin still tingles when I wash my face...

>> No.8991419

I feel really bad for your brother. It isn't even his fault you're dumb as fuck and decided that would be a good idea, and he feels guilty enough to continue buying you stuff to help two years later.

>> No.8991461

If it were real hair and not a wig, it would still be the brother's fault.

>> No.8991463

You done good champ.

>> No.8991493

My pin cushion was lying on the floor upside down and I stepped on it so I had all these pins stuck in my sole.
It didn't hurt that much but made me feel dizzy for some reason.