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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8943944 No.8943944 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a new thread since one of the biggest events is coming up soon (Dokomi 2016: 30.april - 1.may in Düsseldorf). Also Japantag isn't so far away (30.may in Düsseldorf).
All other German speaker from our neighbors are welcome too.

>Are you cosplaying/wearing jfash?
>Plans for Dokomi/this year in general?
>What do you think about german cons and other japan related events?
>Ever been to a con abroad?Better/worse?

>> No.8943949

21.may, not 30.may*

>> No.8943978

Today's the last day of Animuc, aka the only con in Bavaria (i didn't go this year)
I'm kinda looking forward to Japanfest in Munich, our comm always holds a meetup there and the scenery is lovely, plus there's always some interesting food stands and other stuff

>> No.8944049
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>Are you cosplaying/wearing jfash?
Wearing Lolita to both of the events metioned on the OP. My comm's members will mostly attend as well.

>Plans for Dokomi/this year in general?
Going all three days (Tea Party, Saturday and Sunday) hoping to be graced by Misako. Otherwise, I'll mosty go to the AA. I'm playing with the thought of doing an AA table one day myself, so I'll be checking everything out. I'll buy everything I like there, and plan to spend most of my budget on AA. As said, it can't hurt to check out fellow artists and see what they produce, sell and have some reference as well as nice artwork.
Otherwise I'll go to the fashion show, laugh at weeaboos and look what my friends are up to.

>What do you think about german cons and other japan related events?
>Ever been to a con abroad?Better/worse?
Not me, but maybe other Anons?

I've noticed that merch is EXTREMLY overpriced. Last two cons I went to, (official) merchandise like figures, figma or bags/accessories where double and triple the original retail price, which is just laughable. Even if you negotiate them down a bit, it's still cheaper to fly that stuff in from Japan and pay customs than buying it at the convention.
Weirdly plushies seem to be the exception, these are usually reasonably priced.

>> No.8944359

Went to all three days of Animuc wearing a Chouran. Mostly spent my time in Karaoke though, was pretty fun.

>> No.8944364

>I've noticed that merch is EXTREMLY overpriced
i think this applies to all cons no matter where you are. i live in america and i've been to cons and seen people try to sell items for like $30 when they're 300 yen retail (if you're gonna try to rip people off at least take off the original sticker, dumbass)

>> No.8944370

I know this is pretty early to ask, but what are the main events in late summer/fall? thinking in the august-october range, preferably towards the west part of the country. I'm into both cosplay and lolita so anything goes

>> No.8944445

OP here.

Connichi in september is definetly one main event you want to check out.

16.9.-18.9. in Kassel.

>> No.8944468
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>Are you cosplaying/wearing jfash?
I'm wearing Lolita, mostly to the very few cons I attend as I didn't meet the comm yet.

>Plans for Dokomi/this year in general?
No Dokomi for me this year sadly. But I hope I can visit some small other con up here in the north.
Maybe I'll grow some balls and check out the Lolita comm here, but they seem really tight knit and heared about some drama so not sure.

>What do you think about german cons and other japan related events?
Only been to a few, but I liked them a lot. Especially Dokomi. I just love the AA. It's so big and has so many stuff. Connichi is THE big con for a reason, not much more to say. Hanami was also nice, it's quite small but I think it's worth is if you live nearby.

>Ever been to a con abroad?Better/worse?
No, but it would be interesting to see the difference.

>> No.8945473

sweaty, squeaking weebs rubbing against my burando...I can't wait <3

>> No.8945628

>Are you cosplaying/wearing jfash?
I'll be cosplaying, not much of a convention goer though.

>Plans for Dokomi/this year in general?
Not gonna be there this year, maybe I'll be at some of the smaller events to laugh at young weebs.

>What do you think about german cons and other japan related events?
As I mentioned, I'm not that much of a social person, so I don't have a lot of contacts I could meet at cons and I hate misplannings that lead to overcrowded hallways...as far as panels go...it's pretty meh for me, I do enjoy AAs at most cons though.

>Ever been to a con abroad?Better/worse?
Nope, but I've been hanging around with a couple of Irish cosplayers, they seem to have a ton more drama, or I just always miss out on the German drama.

>> No.8945648

Are there any girls from Halle/Saale here? I'm an immigrant and want to meet cute girls.

>> No.8946983

any girls in the NRW area (specially köln or Bonn) willing to meet up in May or June? I'm attending German classes so my German is likely going to be very bad. So id like to meet with English speakers or those willing to put up with me struggling in German.

>> No.8947448

Hat hier jemand Pläne für den Comic Salon in Erlangen dieses Jahr?

Dort sind ja auch von Con zu Con immer mehr Cosplayer unterwegs.

>> No.8948487


There's a private group on Facebook for Lolitas from Haale and Leipzig and I don't really know if you can get in so easily. Frills'n'Lace in Magdeburg also holds meets, but only two big ones a year and a few minimeets. You can find the comm easier though. There's a meet in MD coming up in May.

>> No.8950314
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Plz don't rape the cute girls.

>> No.8950722

Thanks! I'll take a look at the Magdeburgers.

They're all showing off their hair and shins, tho

>> No.8950837

What conventions can you recommend going to or staying away from?

I'll start

Dokomi: Fantastic, go there if at all possible.
Animuc: Small, cool location, cool people, can recommend.
Chisaii: "Family reunion". If you like that, go. If not, don't.
LBM: Grab a friend and you should be fine. Really crowded though, outside locations barely existing.

>> No.8950841

>Chisaii: "Family reunion". If you like that, go. If not, don't.

What do you mean with that? Does everybody know each other?

>> No.8950856


Smaller conventions which are not solely fan meetings (So people are wearing Cosplay, it's an organized event with stuff to do like karaoke, games, ...) often tend to have the "Family meeting/reunion" archetype.

What I mean is that these events have local focus. Depending on the convention, people come from up to 100km, but not more. This leads to a situation where people come in groups of friends. You can usually easily approach them, no issue. In fact, it's often easier to meet up with people, as it's a smaller event and more local.

"Family reunion" conventions usually happen quite regularly, ranging from monthly (Like Chizuru in Dortmund) to every three months. (Note, Chisaii is every two months).

This sounds great and all, but there's a downside. I'm a photographer, thus taking pictures is one of my main interests :) But:

1) These are mostly groups of friends, and these conventions are used as "meetup hub". The commoner percentage is much higher because of this, giving less cosplay to 'look at'.
2) Most cosplayers wear more simple-ish cosplay. Even if they own more advanced costumes, most won't bother and only put those on for major conventions (Like Dokomi, LBM, ...).

Sidenote: For a photographer, more often than not the locations are sub-par for shooting.

On the other hand, as these conventions happen so frequently, many use it as testing ground for costumes, posing, or equipment testing. Also, people have tons of spare time, if you're interested in in taking pictures, many are happy to shoot for hours. Again, as photographer, there are not so many other photographers, so people are even happier than normal if you ask them for pictures.

All in all, I like this type of convention. Just don't expect to see the "next big thing" on one of these. Use them as testing ground and to socialize.

>> No.8950874

Oh boy, I've been to chisaii once and it was weird. As you said, everybody came with their friends. Everytime I got a conversation going it got interrupted by some friedns and I felt out of place. Worse I had the feeling that 90% of people were either total weebs or were involved in some kind of drama which they talked about.
It was super strange. I hope Chisaii Con will go better and maybe I can even make some friends.

>> No.8951057

>Chizuru in Dortmund

As a former DO resident (now DU), I now have the explanation why I saw every now and then groups of weebs in the city.

Didn't even know that conventions like this one (every couple of months) actually were a thing.

>> No.8951062
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are you guys afraid of being harassed by lusty immigrants

>> No.8951651

I'm excited for it.

>> No.8951652

only the stupid ones are
given they seem to be the majority nowadays

>> No.8951768

Why would you be afraid of that? You'll be asked a million time by some middle aged German couple why you are dressed in weird clothes as they angrily demand you to answer every single one of their questions on why people enjoy dressing up, going to conventions or doing other weird stuff they don't understand. Not to mention they'll sneak a million pictures of you too, because it's awwwright if you are dressed weird!!1
They'll have you crushed into pieces before an immigrant can even *think* about touching you.

I've heard Chizuru is complete shit, is that true?

Also, anyone else going to the "Comic und Manga Convention" on Sunday in Duesseldorf?

>> No.8952205


I no longer live in Düsseldorf, can't say anything about it. I was sometimes at its predecessor convention though. Similar to Chisaii. Don't go if you don't like family reunions (like I wrote above), or if you have an issue with an average age of ~15 years.

> Also, anyone else going to the "Comic und Manga Convention" on Sunday in Duesseldorf?

I was at the pendant to it in Hamburg recently (Was the same day as Chisaii). Go if you like Manga or Comics, and are planning to buy some. Especially comics. Else, do NOT go. Was really boring to be there for me.

>> No.8953792

By girls I ment Lolitas. I forgot that country threads are more then often cosplayers and conventions.

>> No.8954103
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Oh my God, you were the cringey guy enthusiastically but badly singing moeshit songs like Love Live in a super manly voice?

>> No.8954196

Not quite your asked timeperiod, but AnimagiC in Bonn might be a chance for you where you definetly can meet fellow Lolitas. It's from 29th - 31st of july and also one of the bigger events in Germany.

>> No.8954669

Chizuru is, as other anons said, family reunion time, and reeks literally of young weebs.
It's still fun to look at the live cringe of the cosplay competition. Definetly worth a look if you enjoy a good cringe.

>> No.8954694

Ich würde dieses Jahr gerne hinfahren, allerdings als Fotograf. Lohnt sich der Besuch denn?

>> No.8954703

Search the comms on fb, I guess there should be meets.

>> No.8954797

Where is the most active Lolita comm in Germany?

>> No.8955002
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That DOES sound like me. Me and my buddies really had a blast once the disney songs died down a bit.

>> No.8955022

used to be the candy day in frankfurt

>> No.8955303

Really wanted to go to Dokomi (bought plane ticket and everything) realised that the planes only option was to land at Weeze.
Meh thats too far.
Not when Dusselsdorf international is right there...
Changed reservation.
Decided not to go.

>> No.8955826

I plan on going, Thanks. Though, i heard it wasnt very great/popular with lolitas? Im here all summer but i didnt have plans for may and june which was why i was so specific

>> No.8956046

>Really wanted to go to Dokomi (bought plane ticket and everything) realised that the planes only option was to land at Weeze.
>Meh thats too far.
Weeze is shit, but honestly, how did you not check where your plane actually lands? Honestly it's not *that* far away. There's an S-Bahn that goes right to Duesseldor in ~30 mins. You could have still attended the con.

>Changed reservation.
>Decided not to go.
You canceled everything simply because of Weeze?

>> No.8956048

>Chizuru is, as other anons said, family reunion time, and reeks literally of young weebs.
>It's still fun to look at the live cringe of the cosplay competition. Definetly worth a look if you enjoy a good cringe.
Wish I had a friend who would go with me, then I would definitely check it out.

>I was at the pendant to it in Hamburg recently (Was the same day as Chisaii). Go if you like Manga or Comics, and are planning to buy some. Especially comics. Else, do NOT go. Was really boring to be there for me.
Ended up going with a friend. She's heavily into comics, and though almost the entire first hall was dedicated to comics she didn't really find anything she liked. But that's personal taste I guess.
I went mostly for the AA table, two of my favourite artists attended and I bought tons of stuff from almost every table. They had a good selection and even some nice comic artists. There was the usual weeb merch, but I'll buy that at the Dokomi. Tons of people with their kids as children had free entry, and lots of cringey weebs. I had fun though, they had great artists present; will definitely go again.

>> No.8956139

I go to the Chizuru every chance that I get to meet up with my friends, test out my new outfits and I even managed to befriend some new people there. It's really not as bad as some seem to make it look - the overall quality of the cosplays improved over the months and years, basically since it changed from Dojaku to Chizuru. I don't care much for the program of the meetup itself, if you come with an open mind you can have a good time there.

>> No.8956148

Immigrants would skip the questions and drag your ass to the nearest dumpster and have their way with you.

But that's okay, it's not rape since they're not white.

>> No.8956163
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desu there always ARE hoards of brown people standing at the fence of the Chizuru garden gawking inside ...

>> No.8956268

I am from bavaria. Are there any good conventions or meetups in the area? I am mostly interested in taking photographs, not cosplaying myself.

>> No.8956294 [DELETED] 

>Immigrants would skip the questions and drag your ass to the nearest dumpster
Anon pls. I would never do that. It would get the pretty dress dirty.

>> No.8956301

>Immigrants would skip the questions and drag your ass to the nearest dumpster
Anon pls. I would never do that.

It would get the pretty dress dirty.

>> No.8956803
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I'm not sure if intended or typo. Made me laugh anyways.

>> No.8956815

w-what did she really want to say omg, i can't imagine

>> No.8957680

I can only imagine "fetzige", but some part of me just wants to scream attention whore at her.It's enough to get her posted here at least.

>> No.8959629

I think Berlin and Magdeburg area are quite active.
Afaik they are the ones that started that Court of Fables thingy

Btw, is there anyone going to the MCM Hannover?
I wonder how it will be and if it would be mainly western comic stuff or if they'd have animu stuff going on as well.
Also, I think it's on the same day as the Chisaii Con...?

>> No.8959676


As a non native german speaker i shudder at the tought of a "fotzige wig". And i find it at the same time entertaining how german ^^ is.

>> No.8959678

Any Germans going to that one con in Switzerland?

>> No.8960411

people care about chisaii con?

>> No.8965839
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Did anyone see that post in the Dokomi group? Is this some foot fetish creep??

>> No.8965904

Didn't see that one, but that sounds just like some fetish thing. I think I've seen that post before in other groups though. There's a lot of creepy photographers around anyways. And some with most likely just a really bad reputation.

>> No.8966583

That's obviously from Burkhard. He never stops trying.