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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8787517 No.8787517[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You know the drill, old one autosaging,


>> No.8787525

inb4 this is otomeeeeeeey

>> No.8787526


>> No.8787529


>> No.8787537
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>> No.8787540
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>> No.8787547
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>> No.8787548

>that peeking petticoat thing
>that fucking cat bag all the itas own
>is that her hair on her shoulders ?????

inb4 nitpick

>> No.8787551
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>> No.8787553
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>> No.8787554

who the fuck took these photos? if i didn't recognise the prints, i'd have thought these were year book pictures from the 80's or 90's

>> No.8787557
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>> No.8787561

It was some fashion show. Almost everyone looked pretty bad.

>> No.8787564


Its amusing how these photos go from best to worst in terms of ita

>> No.8787574

I thought it was Jessica Nigri

>> No.8787577
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>> No.8787585

Penis hat

>> No.8787714
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>> No.8787728

Was this an intended ita meet? Just not that many people can look that bad all at once, there is not a single good coord in the bunch

>> No.8787741

>think this pic is old as balls
>notice luminous sanctuary
how can an entire group look this bad today with all these resources

>> No.8787748

This is from those fashion show pics above. They were all posted today.

>> No.8787752

And this is why people should have to submit their outfits to get approved first when it comes to lolita fashion shows.

>> No.8787780

the crepe paper on the parasols i'm crying

>> No.8787785

if this is the fashion show I'm thinking of, they were actually pre-selected by some judges.

>> No.8787810

Fucking ugly shiny wigs

>> No.8787820

Holy shita

>> No.8787827

Is that not how all lolita fashion shows work??

>> No.8787835

Why did that one girl think that wearing a hamburgler mask was a good idea?

Also I HATE when people wear sallopettes like the girl beside her. It doesn't fit. Just accept it.

>> No.8787854


>> No.8787862

Idk this is could almost be cute. It's like if LSP became pretty.

>> No.8787876

Nope not all of them. And you can always easily tell which ones didn't make people sign off on their outfits first. That photo is a good example of what happens when you don't.

>> No.8787881

Holy fuck what!? Okay so pre-approval of outfits only works if the people doing the approving actually have good taste.

>> No.8787930

Man Colossalcon last summer. They did have people send pics in beforehand and girls still showed up in horribly Ita outfits and one girl had a replica head bow. It was super cringe, but nothing the organizers could have prevented beforehand if the pics the girls sent looked good. Still think they should have turned some girls away, but that would be *~elitist~* and *~bullying~* etc...

>> No.8787936

Seriously, like even crap smartphones take better pics than this

>> No.8787984
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>> No.8787989

Organizer here.
Regarding the headbow, normally I catch those things and I have a good eye for spotting replicas. If I remember right, it was arranged so a bigger pink bow was in front of it or something so I didn't initially catch it until it was brought to my attention while a myriad of other things were happening that needed done at that moment. In hindsight, I should've had her remove it prior to going on stage.

I'm not someone going to be accept all because it's elitist or bullying. Here's the deal, I had literally a handful of people submitting coordinates and had little to work with until everyone else sent them in days before. Maybe setting a stricter deadline as well as guidelines on coordinate submissions would work, as well as having more people involved in the selection process. I'll be far stricter in the future, but I wasn't sure what to expect when running this type of event. I ran cosplays for roughly 8 years, 5 of them at the same convention and it got very big even before soni took over. Both types of events are different beasts organizationally and maybe I was coming from the standpoint of "attendees come first" that I learned from running masquerades. First time is a charm. You learn and work out the kinks from the last show the next year. First shows are like first coordinates, you can research all you want but they are rarely perfect and improve with time and experience.

>> No.8787992

I thought most cites were emptying out their homeless camps?

>> No.8788057
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>> No.8788059

I was wondering where this would show up on cgl. What a weird place to put it, did she think it was to update people on HER lolita? Is she mentally challenged or just didn't look over the community at all?

>> No.8788063

Nah, she probably just thought it was a general lolita discussion group. Still, cringe

>> No.8788064

Came to post this. WTF? Also 4L STILL doesn't fit her lard ass.

>> No.8788067

she couldn't even tie the waist ties lmao

>> No.8788068

I feel bad for that dress

>> No.8788069

Why would you specify what size your clothes are in the post if you weren't asked?

>> No.8788070

I wonder WHY it's so hard for people to do the SLIGHTEST research about lolita. I mean it's a hobby, you invest money into it. How did ppl like this even hear about lolita. it took me 10 minutes or less to figure out what a basic lolita outfit needs. it can't be THAT hard. i mean maybe not all the coords look good in the beginnning but at least you should try....
She didnt even made the effort of getting a blouse, an Accessoir and not sure if she even has a petticoat ....

>> No.8788076
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Posted on CoF now, asspatting begins

>> No.8788081
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1st lolita dress?

>> No.8788088

>the color looks great
she looks like a pig, both feature-wise and color-wise. pink just doesn't work on some people

>> No.8788176
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>> No.8788186
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>> No.8788188

Kek, knew this was going to end up on here.
I didn't attend the 'Harajuku fashion walk' but from the pictures, sad thing is she was like the second best dressed there.

>> No.8788218

Same lol

>> No.8788221

>pastelegant gothic lolita

>> No.8788225

It is definitelly that creepy cute style that everyone hates but I don't consider it ita just because you hate the style. It seems fine besides the bias of the style.

>> No.8788230
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On the fairy kei group.

Most unfortunate face ever.

>> No.8788236

That's face is unfortunate but she would look a thousand times better if she just lost weight and got bangs. Sad to see people who 'care' about fashion and still let themselves look like retarded pigs.

>> No.8788303

Im confused, whats wrong.

>> No.8788313

Look at the group she posted in.

>> No.8788315

wow. i cant even be mad or anything, all i can do is feel bad for the poor girl.

>> No.8788319

Yikes...I would kill myself if I looked like that.

>> No.8788320

Anon she'd look like a retarded pig either way. You can't make ugly look better w/o surgery.

>> No.8788330

Im not familiar with the group.

>> No.8788337

It's for updates on brand and taobao type brand releases. Not bullshit kowai dess~ rorita diaries by ugly itas. If she'd looked at ANY of the posts made on the page she would get that.

>> No.8788360

wow, she's uglier than Chanel

>> No.8788366
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Shame on you for not posting this.

>> No.8788369

This was actually the fashion show at a local con... It was a volunteer type thing, no pre-approval/judging or anything as far as I know. They were pretty much given free range in how they coorded.

>> No.8788375

Oh thats just plain stupid. Im cringing now

>> No.8788420

I'll never understand the appeal of fashion walks. We lolitas always get pissed if people assume we are in costume or if the public pays too much attention to us, yet a lot of people think it's a great idea to parade down the street with a huge ass sign and the goal to have people stare at you. Why?

>> No.8788431

You're not all that bright yourself.

>> No.8788452

For a moment I thought this was a special ita meet where everyone was supposed to look as ita as possible.
Can't believe this was for a fashion show, it makes me want to cry and laugh at the same time. How embarrassing.

>> No.8788456

More like the ita speshul snowflake walk lol.

>> No.8788594

I kind of like the grainy retro charm of this series of photos. It's the fucking outfits that are horrible to me.

>> No.8788601

I was thinking Yan Hat but the outcome is the same.

>> No.8788605

Okay, now I'm sad.

>> No.8788608

Maybe I'm too much of an optimist but I think that with a lot of weight loss, skin care, some dental work and a flattering hairstyle she could have one of those weird model faces. Currently though, yech

>> No.8788621

Is her petti hanging out? What's even happening?

>> No.8788626

Even the two or three people who look passable outfit-wise have shitty-ass, shiny-ass wigs. Damn.

>> No.8788635

Kek at the two normalfag dudes who are probably boyfriends that just got dragged along.

>> No.8788742

Because i dont know all the lolita facebooks? Gosh darn it, how stupid of me. Let me look up every single one even though i wont ever use their resources.

>> No.8788806

Nah anon I don't think this is asspatting. More tactful direction down the correct route. I don't mind it so much, sometime I feel like if you are rude, Itas will just get huffy and purposfully continue in a way to spite people. But if your nice/ tactful they will more likely take the advice on board and become less ita. Then we can complain on anon boards.

>> No.8788813

I think this is cute. Anyway, it's a Harajuku Fashion walk, Harajuku Fashion is about expressing yourself so there is no surpirse their are some interesting variations on the style. As long as she doesn't go around touting "mah lolita style desuuuu" we ain't got a problem. But then again, it's not technically not lolita..

>> No.8788823

I think she thought that 4L was part of the title. Kek.

>> No.8788825

I was talking about the "looks so cute!" person. She bawleeted before much else could get capped.

>> No.8788849

I always feel bad for the normalfag boyfriends on occasions like these.

>> No.8788920

I think they're referring to your trip.

>> No.8788946

>it's ita because I don't like the style!!!

>> No.8788992

This isn't a great coord, but it's far from ita. Just compare with the hideous blobs elsewhere in the thread.

>> No.8789000

this is really bad though, wtf cgl?
there are like three instances of lavender and NONE match. the coord is way too blocky and the dress does not match thematically at ALL. just because its lavender and black doesn't immediately mean its creepy cute and therfore has a bias against it. there are little to no motifs and everything clashes. no single article of clothing compliments another.

>> No.8789005

i agree but the tumblr monster really has taken us and edgy-desu is their fave style.

>> No.8789010

i'm not sure she could zip the dress if there was a blouse under there, seeing how skin tight the dress is.

>> No.8789012

She looks like a caterpillar pupa.

>> No.8789013

Nope, outfits weren't pre-approved in this.

>> No.8789049

Jabba's wife

>> No.8789729

Oh shit! Why?

>> No.8789761

Why would they put the normalfag in the front?There are a lot of good coords here, They are just ruined but the itas sprinkled around..

>> No.8789765

Where was this? Where can I find more individual photos?

>> No.8789809

Nitpick. Use a different wig, get rid of the bow, the bracelet, the headbow and tie in the white socks, and this dress is actually adorable with black legwear + black blouse + those shoes. I've got a good friend who does nothing but "creepy cute" and she always pulls it off. You just have to be REALLY careful about color-coordinating.

>> No.8789810
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>> No.8789816

This is a Harajuku fashion walk, not a lolita fashion walk. You may hate the style, but there's nothing really offensive here unless you got that much sand in your vag over "creepy cute".

>> No.8789817

Nitpick. Everything but the head is fine.

>> No.8789827

Those are some nice tights, tho. Sauce?

>> No.8789850

i'm pretty sure this was posted to CoF

>> No.8789868

Yeah, from the shoulders down it's nice.

>> No.8789872

is it wrong that one of my lolita goals is to be the only well dressed girl in a group of this size?

>> No.8789882
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>fatty on the dais

>> No.8789883

Yes. Your real goal should be to take yourself where you can be surrounded by not a hot mess.

>> No.8789905

bangs would do wonders for this

>> No.8789910


Is this representative of the Melbourne comm these days, or was it some random con event thing?

>> No.8789980

It's a public event. Some attention whore decided that she doesn't get enough attention from the comm itself, so she decided to throw a biannual walk through the city so she can get attention from the itas, the cosplayers and the gawking normies.

She and her stupid event irritates like 80% of the local comm, and no one wanted anything to do with it, except for other attention whores and her friends who attended out of pity.

>> No.8790190

Just make your goal to be the best dressed girl in a group that size. That way, no hot messes, but you're still the top.

>> No.8790232

I thought CoF was for finished coordinates?

>> No.8790273


facebook /harajukufwAus

>> No.8790361



There's loads on taobao: search "玫瑰裤袜"

>> No.8790396

Visit a poor country with a lolita comm.

>> No.8790570
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>> No.8790628

It is, but some people can't be bothered to read the rules evidently.

>> No.8790692

Then why doesn't anyone tell her? Or is that considered bullying nowadays.

>> No.8790816

Jesus christ there's so much fat shaming in this thread and judging people for how they look, grow up ffs.

>> No.8790852
File: 19 KB, 341x462, 600373_10207921966037122_8931762810195217367_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The seams on this dress and blouse are screaming, good lord.

>> No.8790884

Finally the newbie revels themselves. Was waiting for you!

>> No.8790900
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>fat shaming

>> No.8790905

There's a whole thread dedicated to great looking plus size lolitas. Ones who put some effort into how they look. They dress for their size, and don't have shitty quality dresses or are bursting at the seams. This thread is for anyone that doesn't. Their size is generally just the icing on the cake.

>> No.8790910

That's because fatties tend to look bad in lolita, either because they're ita or wear poor fitting clothes. And also to look okay they have to look extra good to be seem the same as a thinner lolita with a worse coord.

>> No.8790920

No, people who wear bad coords are pretty equal. Stop making yourself try to feel better about your failings.

>> No.8790923

only 4 of these look off, the rest are fine

even then I can't truly judge because their coords are all behind a fucking staircase

vendetta? is this your comm, anon? are you one of the girls in the photo?

>> No.8790950

Nah son, these people are just bad at lolita.
I keep my hobby of triggering butterhuffers like you separate from my fashion hobby.

>> No.8790993

Anyone else get a "babby's first coord" vibe from this?

>> No.8791002

Kek fat people are disgusting everyone knows that brah.

>> No.8791235

kinda looks like dolly ei

>> No.8791237

It's probably Jelly trying to start shit about herself and comm again.

>> No.8791529
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>> No.8791534

Fashion walks are so cringy imo. "LOOK AT ME I'M DRESSED LIKE A FUCKING WEEB"

>> No.8791547
File: 512 KB, 482x486, lolsew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is such a poor design (from the lolita sewing collective on fb)

>> No.8791565

She has potential, but so many little things are skewed/wrong.

>> No.8791851
File: 120 KB, 480x640, P11JS202-09-480x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it wasn't brand, would it be considered as ita ?

>> No.8791856

The tights don't match and the fabric is a bit too shiny but that's just nitpick. Clown theme is not ita unless done poorly

>> No.8791870

This dress pops up in "brand nightmares"/"worst brand dress" threads repeatedly, so I think there's a fair dose of people that consider it ita anyway. It being brand is not immunity.

>> No.8791938

>pretty equal
I think you're a tad too close to the issue to be objective?

>> No.8792208
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How do you fuck up this badly? Like where do you see "lolita" that looks like this?

>> No.8792213

>judging people by how they look

>> No.8792218

If you see it through tumblr nymphett blogs and shitty spreepicky ads

>> No.8792220
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>> No.8792233

Those blogs that spam every piece of clothing in every jfashion related tag.

>> No.8792240

I think you should set your sights higher....

>> No.8792250

if you're gonna post one of isaki's weirdass outfits, at least post the whole coord and make your hate boner less obvious

>> No.8792253
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>> No.8792857 [DELETED] 

Hey Sandi, is there a reason you feel the need to post our comm? You might wanna post yourself instead. :)

>> No.8792861

That guy in the bottom right is kind of attractive. I feel bad that his friend and or gf is most embarrassing.

>> No.8792881

no idea who you're talking about, but anon probably posted you because you're all ita as all fucking hell, as everyone so far has agreed

>> No.8792886 [DELETED] 

Yeah Sandi you total fucking cunt

>> No.8792888

this makes me so sad

>> No.8792941 [DELETED] 

Just accept you look horrible, start improving and stop being so butthurt.

>> No.8792951 [DELETED] 

You all looked ita as hell. I at least dress well.

>> No.8792953 [DELETED] 

post sandi

>> No.8792954 [DELETED] 

Sandi is the one in all white.

>> No.8792958 [DELETED] 

Lmao you don't even own anything and you were wearing some shit that someone threw together for you.

>> No.8792959

Why do

>> No.8792960
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Any of you

>> No.8792961
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>> No.8792963
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That you

>> No.8792965
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Know how to

>> No.8792967
File: 249 KB, 1080x1080, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sandi in a dress she fashioned from her very own grandma's drapes. The quality is comparing to that of her cosplay: trash.

>> No.8792968
File: 29 KB, 480x319, FB_IMG_1451768021038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dress well? It's all terrible.

>> No.8792972

This is nice, if a little costumey

>> No.8792976

Lord, that went south quickly.

>> No.8792980

Most of these girls are newbies or just volunteers that were given stuff to wear. We also had several girls (newbies) who kept arguing about what they were supposed to wear and instead kept doing things their own way.

>> No.8792988 [DELETED] 

Ha look at Sandi. Dumb fucking bitch. This is why all the other girls in the comm chant at her "Sandi Sandi her fish face is so blandi/wears her grandma's curtains/and shits in the street like Gandhi".

Fucking thot.

>> No.8793002 [DELETED] 

She still looks better than your entire ita comm

>> No.8793007

Is there a better pic cause I can't see shit

>> No.8793017

Holy shit calm down vendetta-chans.

>> No.8793018 [DELETED] 

Lmao quit trying to defend yourself, dumb fucking inbred cunt. You may as well leave both comms, no one trusts you or even likes your lame, spastic ass. And what's with this thinking you're the "co-director" of events all of a sudden when you don't do anything but spam the comm about how your kid touching "boyfriend" is buying you OH SO MUCH BODYLINE DESU. Does that mean you're going to take the blame for how the fashion show went down or are you just gonna continue to hide and talk shit about other girls who were open and welcoming to you and let you borrow their fucking shit like the tacky person you are?

Nobody wants you in either comm, most are just too nice to say it.

>> No.8793021 [DELETED] 

Sadly no, she can't manage to take a photo that doesn't showcase anything but her giant, box shaped head. Maybe when she gets her first Bodyline and tries coording shit on her own, I'll have something more laughable to post.

>> No.8793024
File: 59 KB, 412x398, 1407109726402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love ita drama
Especially when it's the itas turning against themselves

>> No.8793032

let's all just love each other ladies, ita or not

no need to get your bloomers in a bunch

>> No.8793034

If she lost weight and got a blouse to cover her damn chest this would be fine. It isn't really ita

>> No.8793038

Why the fuck are you so salty, we all think your entire comm looks bad, including this bitch that you're clearly obsessed with. No exceptions

>> No.8793049

this is glooooorious

>> No.8793055

I wholeheartedly agree and wish I had some popcorn lying around.

>> No.8793057
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>> No.8793072

This picture kind of creeps me out.

>> No.8793106 [DELETED] 

Sandi Oh Sandi
She likes to demandi
Bodyline from her randi
Paedo boyfriend, Oh Sandi

Is what both comms sing whenever they hear about you coming to an event Sandi you utter total cunt

>> No.8793135

Let's see more of her coords. And maybe about her paedo boyfriend. Spill the beans, girls.

>> No.8793139
File: 28 KB, 320x568, avatar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That wig with BTSSB's cherry rse
That face
Them eyebrows.

I feel assaulted. Glad she didn't post a full view. The head shot is bad enough.

>> No.8793185

I like this <3

>> No.8793188

So are skinny people bruh.

>> No.8793189

>Spill the beans, girls.

you're already fighting on cgl, you might as well let us in on every single detail

>the secrets better be good next week

>> No.8793193
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>> No.8793197

Well...at least she cut the bangs

>> No.8793246

I sure do.

Lots of newbies choose a long-sleeved OP as their first purchase because "it's an instant outfit!" But they also choose the most princessy looking one, due to their skewed view of the fashion, without realizing that such an elaborate dress needs an all over elaborate look. Just throw on some color-matched platforms and it's a full coord, silly!

>> No.8793299

I did say 'one' of my goals.

>> No.8793300

I can see only one possibly two potential itas here.

>> No.8793413

It looks kind of ero so I think the low blouse is fine

>> No.8794254

The thing is they'd be less ita if they weren't so new school- the peignoirs, madonna crowns and other 'trends' could go and I guarantee they would look less like costumes without all those stupid wigs.

>> No.8794298

Ikr? I just wish I knew which community was destructing here on cgl.

>> No.8794314

That's not ita at all. We found one person who wasn't dressed like shit.

Girl on the right might be okay. Needs to tuck that blouse in a little more though.

>> No.8794519

What's wrong with her hand

>> No.8795909


>> No.8795941

My favorite part is really that she's so white her face is fading away in the bottom left.

>> No.8796960


>> No.8796976

If she

>kept the glasses
>tastefully applied makeup
>washed the dye out of her hair
>grew it super long and/or got one of those super long, super wavy wigs in the same color
>wore simple classic coords with a vaguely cute, kitschy kind of vibe and literature-related themes

She would be the cutest fucking Librarian Loli ever. I want it to happen so bad it feels like I have to pee.

>> No.8797049
File: 386 KB, 400x600, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>#handmade lolita desuuuu

>> No.8797052

How the fuck would anyone think that this is this even remotely lolita?

>> No.8797238
File: 376 KB, 665x1024, https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F19631572f34891fc5a9263bb585f9639%2Ftumblr_nknqj5xJuO1uo4cevo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8797245

The funniest thing about this every time I see it is the ear picks in her hair. My SO and I always have a great giggle because old Chinese ladies, including his mom, always keep those around.

>> No.8797278
File: 15 KB, 234x202, please no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8797290
File: 177 KB, 756x1056, rainbow_dash__my_little_pony__3_of_3_by_quadrikam-d6s7pyw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't find that MLP handmade dress, however I did come across this though

>> No.8797322
File: 54 KB, 716x864, horrors begone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8797341

who looks at that fabric and thinks it looks good?

>> No.8797344

I own that jsk....fuck

>> No.8797731

It's a cute JSK. I'm sure you wear it much better, anon.

>> No.8797767

Ignoring everything clearly not lolita in this photo, do you wear the dress wrinkled with no petti and those sad little bows all fucked up in the front? No? Then you're good. It's not a horrible dress if you put in even a little effort.

That aside, are those stains or just a trick of the light? I honestly cannot tell.

>> No.8797792

This from a meet-up where lolita was not manditory so new members can participate. Though her dresses may not be lolita she is a very talented wig maker.

>> No.8797852
File: 173 KB, 960x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This belongs here too. God damn it's not all about slapping on a piece of brand bitch!

>> No.8798782

You're just jealous

>> No.8798790

not that anon, but it doesn't work like that
if you can't see why this is ita, you shouldn't be here

>> No.8798801

>you shouldn't be here
Now I have to please you to be here?
Oh thank you for letting me stay then

>> No.8798805


Sorry not sorry you got posted, ita-chan.

>> No.8798806


>Ratty wigs
>Literal T-shirt
>No accessories

Yup. I'm totally jealous. Of course. That's the only reason for posting this. It's not a train wreck at all!

>> No.8798832

Anon. We can't see the damn outfit.

>> No.8798842

Wow! I didn't even notice the tshirt. The bad eyebrows and wigs grabbed my attention first.

>> No.8798845

Bye, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out

That coord is shit and it literally looks like she doesn't give a fuck

>> No.8798877

I don't think it's fair to include a person's face as a negative. Faunkegin was always an amazing lolita despite her unfortunate face.

>> No.8798899

kek dis bitch

>> No.8800257
File: 47 KB, 576x1024, 1452121166050[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that this is the annoying "Tim" namefag that's posting in lolita threads all the time now.

>> No.8800262

this reminds me of that weeb chick who auditioned on american idol

>> No.8800265


>> No.8800269


>> No.8800280


>> No.8800288

You need your eyes examined

>> No.8800314

Me neither, anon, those brows are just hypnotic.

>> No.8800315


You must be part of the comm.

>> No.8800324

if I am?

>> No.8800330

the gull who posted everyone obviously is considering our page is private

>> No.8800335
File: 937 KB, 500x283, somuchdrama.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8801001
File: 27 KB, 301x768, FB_IMG_1452162282520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8801002
File: 33 KB, 396x576, FB_IMG_1452162279125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8801006

THAT'S TIM? I am howling

>> No.8801109
File: 114 KB, 720x960, eeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8801136

Is Tim actually a man?

>> No.8801153

Why do fatties insist on wearing shit they'll never pull off.

>> No.8801280

Peppa Pig-kei

>> No.8801296
File: 36 KB, 628x459, the white whale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8801306

Its got a bow and some ruffles, what else could it be!?

>> No.8801307

Aw she looks so excited

>> No.8801311

The fabric is such odd colours it makes it look really phooshopped, or it that just me?

>> No.8801323

Please tell me they don't think this is lolita

>> No.8801366

You must be new

>> No.8801607
File: 77 KB, 720x960, JPG (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8801798


Those colors are blinding. I do not really understand her choice of accessories at all.

>> No.8801800

What in the world is that thing on her chest?

>> No.8801804

Kind of nitpick desu, I don't feel like my eyes are burning except for her accesories

>> No.8801806

Nah, it's ita. The dress is terrible quality and absolutely nothing matches.

>> No.8801828

Maybe is because my comm has worst girls, but whatever.

>> No.8801859

That must be the worst dress to get a replica of

>> No.8801876


What is with her eyes? This dress is really bright and just ew. Her wig is the only nice thing I see.

>> No.8801880

I mean.. There's some potential?

>> No.8801896

Because most of them refuse to admit to themselves they're fat [therefore different from skinny girls] and should dress for their body type.

>> No.8801898

that dress is cute, not lolita to me, but its still cute. is it handmade or something?

>> No.8801906

>tfw that ita is in your comm

>> No.8801909

>never pull off
>forever stuck on their bodies

>> No.8801926

This is an old ass photo of her, and can only be found on her fb. She has improved a bit since then, and you know it. Cool your vendetta, kelly. You're just mad she doesn't want to be friends with you anymore. Kek

>> No.8801944

This is from when she first started, like in 09.

>> No.8801951

Kelly growup, you already started drama. Let the friendship go. Venetta much

>> No.8801954

Whoever posted this is salty. obviously an older picture. That wig is GLW countess wig when it first came out.

>> No.8801958

Mind to share a newer photo? I'm really curious

>> No.8801959

If this is from when she first started this is a pretty good first start.

>> No.8801961
File: 52 KB, 960x922, FB_IMG_1452211784780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8801963

This looks like a self post to me.

>> No.8801968

She looks fine.

>> No.8801971

If someone self-post for ass pats, why would they pick the oldest/worst photo of themselves?

>> No.8801972

It looks like AP's Colorful Hearts OP. Why would it be any worse to get a replica of that dress compared to any other? Do you dislike the original?

>> No.8801973

Desperate for attention much?

>> No.8801976

that's not that bad at all, she definitely improved.

>> No.8801977


desperate for attention much?

>> No.8801981

did you not read the thread and see someone asked for a more recent picture? or are you just in a bitchy mood?

>> No.8801991
File: 114 KB, 598x598, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I really have to do this. This is my most ita look. When I steered away and went in this weird ass edgy phase for 3 months idfk what going through my head. Atleast post me at my worst. Whoever did this. I never get on these sites EVER but here. I know this is terrible, and the picture I am sharing is also. One was when I first started and this one was some stupid phase I went into. Oh and the neckpiece was something a friend made me and brought to me at a convention her name is scoper monster.

>> No.8801992

looking at all information...it looks like a self post.

>> No.8802004

I bought this dress once... I am so glad I sold it.

>> No.8802007

Nah, it looks straight up vendetta.

>> No.8802010

No, it is. They look like she's just wearing all her underlayers.

>> No.8802013
File: 75 KB, 525x525, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8802033

Truth is I did not post the pictures and truth is I want that old ass photo of me taken back when I first started removed. That is a past I want to erase, and forget about. Just seeing that picture reminds me of all the fake friends I had back then. Worst AAD ever and that is why I will never go again. All I want is some fucking respect and people not to post pictures from a past that I want to leave in the past. Idgaf about how I look period, I was a noob. This is old and I will repeat myself "from the past and I would like to keep that past, in the past". Personal demons n_n whoever has a vendetta out for me could atleast post a picture not from this specific time in my life.

>> No.8802037
File: 65 KB, 625x626, bate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha. Yup you are totally right I mean the chick that was posted just happen to be on here defending herself in other posts. It is a total self-post

>> No.8802048
File: 142 KB, 960x960, 175 dolla DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone see this in that discussion on Rufflechat? She paid $175 and doesn't understand why it looks dumpy on her...

>> No.8802049

Oh dear.. I feel so bad for her..

>> No.8802054

self post or not, the old picture of her is ita as fuck, she improved, and now she's mediocre. doesn't seem like there's much to gain from self posting.

>> No.8802064

pretending to be another person! you are so good at this anon!!! Get over your self

>> No.8802076
File: 881 KB, 500x278, giphy-4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread

>> No.8802078

You're just buttmad we called out your vendetta. Gtfo

>> No.8802080

dude, you need to go take your meds, holy shit

>> No.8802084
File: 13 KB, 247x204, Noonecares.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8802090

If its not a self post, then show us a picture of the person you're accusing of having a vendetta...

>> No.8802094
File: 55 KB, 625x626, batodato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8802096

God, this is the most 2002 picture I've ever seen.

>> No.8802097 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 960x960, FB_IMG_1452215876022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the one that did the accusing, and sure, here. This girl selfposted in an ita thread not too long ago.

>> No.8802099
File: 14 KB, 444x332, 1434141486007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just wants to feel pretty and delicate, just like we all do...

>> No.8802102


>> No.8802105

You already know what you look like.

>> No.8802108

It's fat

>> No.8802162

Nice try

>> No.8802275

So much vendetta here. Like,get a life vendetta-chan. Everyone has had an ita phase or perhaps the occational shitty coord. Lolita is a learned processe. Live with it.

>> No.8802477

Found the newfag

>> No.8802480

someone suggested she wear a petti and she replies with "i'm wearing two petticoats in the picture"
>bitch, where
also nothing could save the fact that it's made of my little pony fabric.

>> No.8802505

I like her outdoor landscaping though. The little birdhouses are cute.

>> No.8802533

Lmao spotted a twink david bowie.

>> No.8802562

? What happened here. This is what happens when I'm away from /cgl/ for too long.

Can you at least just namedrop the comm please?

>> No.8802566

Check this thread on Rebecca Black Tech if you want to see the full thing, friend.

>> No.8802609

Ah, thanks very much, buddy. I appreciate it.

>> No.8802746
File: 60 KB, 540x512, tumblr_n94kg52Iz21tv97ero3_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking lace!

>> No.8802747
File: 173 KB, 540x810, tumblr_ns7h7938iX1uy9c39o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shes holding a snake...

>> No.8802748
File: 171 KB, 472x810, tumblr_mu5wc07cOd1qksizwo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8802752
File: 132 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk if it counts, it's just the fact she called it Lolita

>> No.8802774

Wtf this is not so terrible. Calm your tits

>> No.8802776

Are you blind
>That necklace
>That gloves
>With that tights

>> No.8802786

Different anon, I'm curious, why are the gloves bad? Is it because the lace looks cheap?

>> No.8802787

what dress is this?

>> No.8802987

Is she wearing an underskirt on the outside??

>> No.8803000

I think the gloves are not working with this coord because the gloves are more ott or formal while the rest of the coord is pretty casual. As a result the gloves look shoe horned in with the outfit.

>> No.8803001

Dat Fahr?

>> No.8803003

They're probably very zoomed in and look grainy because of that

>> No.8803009


>> No.8803017

What's the thread? I don't see this being a main topic on the page.

>> No.8803024

where was it taken, I feel like I've been to this place before????

>> No.8803032

Pretty sure this was A pops lolita catwalk or whatever the event was maybe Canada's next top lolita it was called

>> No.8803042

>most this picture is wig
>can hardly see anything
Bitch, I don't even know what the print is. Your vendetta is showing.

>> No.8803053

Nevermind. Scrolling up through a thread bottom first.
Who is this Kelly girl everyone is referring to in >>8801607 ? Someone post a picture of her instead.

>> No.8803273

it's in the comments section of that "lolita survey" post on rufflechat. In a reply to a comment about good handmade lolita being few and far between

>> No.8803294

A picture of the kelly girl was posted yesterday but quickly removed. It was an angle shot and you couldn't see the whole coord. Just an aged chubby face.

>> No.8803313

The girl that is claiming to defend herself. Posted this one if you look back

>> No.8803320
File: 75 KB, 720x720, FB_IMG_1452278981622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the girl they're claiming to have the vendetta. She's a bit hefty but not ita status. Let's move on now.

>> No.8803340


If this is an vandetta...it is childish

If this is a selfpost then you should get a life ....I will say have not seen people really defend themself on boards much and this could be taken as you posting yourself

>> No.8803382

I total self post. My sister knows the girl "defending" herself and told me that the said girl was booted from her comm because of her endless drama, attention seeking, and backstabbing tendencies. The fact that shes using this thread to cowardly attack kelly who was her friend a week ago, is ridiculous. Dear L, sorry you were booted. Use it to reflect and better yourself and move the fuck on.

>> No.8803436

>I want that old ass photo of me taken back when I first started removed.
> Idgaf about how I look period, I was a noob
stop being so upset and learn to laugh at yourself if you improved so much

>> No.8803493

She was defending herself because I told her she'd been posted, and then I linked her to the thread upon request.

>> No.8803500

I'm in that comm, and your sister doesn't know what she's talking about. I'm the one that accused kelly, not her. And all that "drama" was not caused by her, but by Kelly's constant shit talking of her own "friends". She was kicked because kelly was spreading shit that should've stayed between them. Keep your nose out of things that don't concern you.

>> No.8803509

Different anon that posted that photo. Lol

>> No.8803588

Cause lexi is desperado for attention.

>> No.8803613

Afraid that everyone knows you're a giant piece of shit and Aubry is racist af?
You couldn't cut it with the brandwhores of the comm so now youre posting kelly/pretending to get posted on cgl? Glad you're banned BYE

>> No.8803702

I guarantee you know nothing about me, so no need to drag me into this. Like, what makes you think I'm racist?

>> No.8803805

>You couldn't cut it with the brandwhores of the comm

Ouch, that burn is 3rd degree

>> No.8803846
File: 127 KB, 564x804, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not racist


>> No.8803860

We're rebellious shits and that was done as a joke during the flag nonsense. Bad sense of humor, ok w/e. Let this thread die please. Your beef isn't with me, step off, kelly.

>> No.8803871

>We're rebellious shits

Being into the rebel flag is not southern culture its a gross symbol of racism. Not even into this drama but remember that dear.

>> No.8803883

I'm not arguing that it isn't. Read what I just said maybe? Whoever grabbed that from my private fb knows that it was out of a very bad joke. Go away.

>> No.8803894 [DELETED] 

Jfc Lexi you are such an attention whore. A friendship ended so now you're on here pretending to be Kelly? You are pathetic.

>> No.8803899

Why would lexi be dragging her own current friends into this and saying horrible things about them?

>> No.8803906 [DELETED] 

I'm saying she should've just let it go instead of pursuing a vendetta on here of all places. This is childish.

>> No.8804048

what dress is this ?

>> No.8804143

same anon that asked the question:

Then I don't know the place, they always look so similar