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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8734665 No.8734665 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8734803

Noctis supporting Patron and fundraisers is basically trying to justify begging companies to sponsor her because of her body, looks and likes

>> No.8734933

New Kita name:

>> No.8735161

that was so beautiful, I laughed my arse off

>> No.8735347

Have you seen her face and body rolls in person?

>> No.8735537

From the old thread:

"Most comments were against the patreon. Some claimed that Tabitha was providing goods in exchange for money but others argued that selfies or a short group gaming/chat session or whatever wasn't sufficient for amount she's asking for."

Does anyone have a link to this discussion? Was it on Tabby's page (and presumably deleted)?

I'm interested coz, for my sins, I became a Patreon on Tabby's page not long ago. When I saw what I got in return for my money, I posted a carefully-worded message on the page saying I wasn't happy with what Tabby currently had to offer and that her milestone goals were fucking ridiculous (but again, worded much more politely and constructively than that). I didn't rip into Tabby but I just suggested she should rethink her milestones and the content she was offering to Patreons, otherwise she'd never get near even the lowest of the milestones.

Needless to say, the comment was deleted within a few hours with no response provided. I doubt Tabby even saw it, I imagine one of her babysitter mods is managing the page for her.

She seriously needs to get a brain though. Andrew Dobell got a shitload of grief on here when he joined Patreon but at least his milestones are realistic.

>> No.8735608

His milestones are BS too, though. He's treated it like Kickstarter, with one-time 'rewards' for what is actually a monthly subscription. The only Patreon-like goal he has is his biggest one, getting people to pay for him to own a photographic studio. Even that is a joke because the price he's set for it is much higher than it actually costs to set up and run a studio. I went back through his last year of work and if you count up the number of studio shoots he does and apply the average cost renting a studio for a session in London, you're only looking at about £2000 total across the whole year. And some of that was shoots he makes sound like jobs, so those costs would have been paid for by the client. He's asking for 3x per month what he actually spends in a year. Essentially his top goal is for Patreon subscribers to pay for his entire life, to the tune of £6500 a month.

In addition he treats his Patreon subscribers as customers, not backers, offering them the chance to give him more money by selling them polaroids and cheaply-made prints.

That's all on top of the fact his entire Patreon is sold on the premise that if you give him a few quid a month he'll show you Tabs' and KJ's nipples now and again.

Then you gotta consider that he's doing all of this as a secondary hobby to his actual wedding and teaching business, which he's already making a very full London income from. Everything he says about being poor and not being able to afford studio time is 100% a lie. He just doesn't want to mix his business with cosplay because he knows brides won't want him shooting them if they know he's also shooting little girls in sexed-up comic costumes.

One thing that can be said for Tabs is she at least is selling herself for herself, off her own back. Andrew is trying to create a whole yearly income from exploiting other people. Tabs is a clown with an inflated ego but there's honest intentions behind her methods. Andrew's just a lying bullshitter.

>> No.8735622

You can find it on the fb url /jennielikescheese. Pretty sure the post is public as I can see it.

>> No.8735626

All the cosplay togs think they are professional most dont even like comics or anime. They only take photos of cosplayers for the likes and to see some tits and ass.

>> No.8735640

There's a couple who are actually professional. Andrew Dobell is one. Sonesh has done some pro work. Lucas has regular clients. Seb is/was a professional ever before he turned up in cosplay. Yes they're all part of the circle jerk but they are working professionals as well.

>> No.8735642

sonesh has done pro work? I dont call taking photo shoots in a car park professional

>> No.8735646

Ladies and gentlemen here is a list of what the cosplay professional togs have to offer
Andrew Lobell will try and get you to take pics in your underwear no matter how many times you say no
Lucas overcharges and may rape you
Sonesh - will drag you to a car park no promises you will return

>> No.8735648

>/britfag/ - togs and camgirls general

>> No.8735654

At this point there's not much else to do but bitch about that stuff and speculate about Kita. Dead time of year.

Anyone going to Minami?

>> No.8735670

Does anyone actually buy the FnC calendars? I mean the guy is lovely but half the photos seem to be awful con hallway shots.

>> No.8735696

He's done some basic corporate and actors portrait work.

Andrew does that likely because every girl he's shot has gone along with it and if you're a middle age balding man with a way to get pretty girls to get naked in your living room, wouldn't you do it? Apart from that he's a professional wedding photographer in the Surrey market and he teaches photography and photoshopping.

Lucas overcharges for his cosplay stuff but look up the rates he gives for his sports & fitness portraiture, he's actually dirt cheap relative to others. He never raped anybody, either. KJ got rightfully freaked out when he felt up her boob but the rape thing was something only /cgl/ invented and pushed.

Sonesh, see above. Also there's never been any reason to suspect him of doing or being anything creepy.

I'll throw in Seb I mentioned before as well, he's a professional in product and advertisement and I think he teaches, at least he used to.

Plus I'm pretty sure Andrew & Seb are even sponsored by a couple of photographic companies, Sonesh has like two other businesses and Lucas has started branching out into serious fashion.

Like okay they've all done some shitty stuff before and I have my issues with Andrew especially but to say there aren't professional togs in UK cosplay is plain inaccurate.

>> No.8735704

>speculate about Kita
Info is going to go online on the 1st december, so it shouldn't be too long before regs go online.
It's definitely running, pretty sure it's just that they're aware that they can wait as long as they want and still fill up completely.

>> No.8735864


Honestly, I think outside of a few gullibles, these fuckers just end up funding each other. I noticed that Andrew and Tabitha are each other's Patrons and I think it's the same with a bunch of other people.

I thought Andrew had quit the wedding business? That's what he told me awhile ago. Is he still writing fantasy novels?

>> No.8735886

It was on Jennie Wood's profile, she's a cosplayer and artist

>> No.8735896


Thanks so much for that. It's really surprising ... I went on there expecting to find a load of whiteknighting but the majority on there are actually anti-Tabs with one commentor even saying she's ruined cosplay for a lot of people in the UK by turning it from a fun hobby into a business. There are a couple of her mates there defending her and the point's been made that people can do what they want with their money and if they want to fund Tabs, it's up to them. Similarly, Tabs would be an idiot not to capitalise on her army of adolescent male sheep.

>> No.8735897

My issue is that Tabs' Patreon page is a fucking ripoff. She promises loads of regular updates but doesn't deliver. Honest injun, I didn't go on there expecting to see her tits but I joined up expecting plenty of exclusive photos and videos, including video diaries from cons, Q&As and cosplay progress updates. From what I can see, since she joined Patreon, Tabs has done 1-2 photoshoots, her convention videos consist of her spending two minutes in a hotel room screeching about what a lovely day she's had and saying nothing of substance and half of her regular updates are along the lines of "Sorry, I won't be on Twitch later because I've got the sniffles :(" ... I kid you not. Some of the 'exclusive' pics and videos on there end up on Twitter or Facebook a week later and Tabs barely posts on Patreon compared to those other two. People are actually PAYING her for Patreon but it plays third banana to her free accounts.

The thing is, Tabs isn't really providing anything on Patreon that she hasn't provided for free in the past and I think that's going to hurt both the paying and non-paying fanbase. It's just going to piss people off. She doesn't need the fucking money either, she's minted.

I think the Patreon thing is a cynical move by Tabs and I think it's gonna backfire. I certainly don't think she's going to come close to achieving any of her milestone goals. I wish to hell that somebody had warned me against joining before I did so though, so that's what I'm doing now for the benefit of anyone who's considering it.

>> No.8735979

Honestly she's just copying KJ. KJ took the Twitch market and once she had an income there she did the same thing, less appearances, shorter posts, fewer pictures and so on. Tabby saw that and thought she'd cash in too, but with Twitch mostly taken by KJ, Tabby went to Patreon.

The food chain of copycats goes Nigri, KJ, Tabby, Chiquitita.

I know it's become a bit of a joke meme that Sands is the only legitimate and worthwhile cosplayer in the country but at this point it's pretty accurate. Everybody else is too busy copying each other, racing to get their share of the streaming, patreon and kickstarter money.

>> No.8735984

chiquitita doesnt have Twitch, patreons or even an amazon wish list. dont think I have ever seen her ask for money she works

>> No.8735991


>> No.8736009


I guess though that at least KJ isn't lying about what she can offer on Twitch though. Tabitha makes a big song and dance about her Patreon but it sucks at the end of the day because she can't be arsed to put any creative thought into it and it's barely a blip on her radar. FB is much more important to her, as are Twitter, Twitch, Instagram ... anything really. It's like she has no fucking clue what Patreon actually is or how it works but she's still making cash because of her network of buddies and her army of drones ... sorry, 'Team Tabby'.

At the end of the day, though, people will spend their money how they like. I just thought it was fair to mention that Tabby's Patreon is a total con. I've never seen any feedback about it anywhere else, postive or negative, so here's mine.

>> No.8736015

It's okay, but no, we all knew her patreon is garbage. Everybody expected as much the moment she announced it and nothing about her or her associates' various similar endeavours have ever given anybody any reason to believe otherwise.

Cosplayer patreons, kickstarters, indie go-gos, gofundmes, tip jars, wishlists, whatever they come up with, are all fucked scams. Even half the charity drives turn out to be scams. When you're talking about a nameable, 'top' cosplayer, it's safest to assume they're scamming you.

>> No.8736125

No offence to the person commenting, but you have to be stupid to Patreon someone who has many sources of income from elsewhere. You know Tabby will be busy doing whatever pays most and her Patreon as you said is like a tiny blip at the moment, so it just makes business sense for her to concentrate her times awake elsewhere. Shes making as much money as possible from her followers, I say thats a good move, you would do it if you could. I just hope people learn from this and stay away from dodgy cosplayers and photographers with their Patreons.

>> No.8736659

Honestly? Accurate? You are slagging cosplayers for things they haven't done and then just throwing in some Sands worship because she hasn't done those things either. Nice argument.

>> No.8736735


Patreon's not totally altruistic, Patrons can expect something in return for their money and Tabitha was promising quite a bit. The problem is, she didn't deliver.

But yeah, I've certainly learned from this ... learned that Tabitha Lyons will squeeze as much money out of her fans as she can and do as little as possible in return.

>> No.8736787


>> No.8736823

...but they do have/had have patreons and kickstarters

>> No.8736829

I can't think of anything Chiquitita has done like that

>> No.8736842


>> No.8736844

KJ and Tabs have though

>> No.8737587

Yea dont think chiquitita has done anything like that. she posts selfies of herself dressed for work. Despite her good looks I dont think it is her style to ask for money.

>> No.8737964

I don't really get her as a guest or notable cosplayer, she's a bit of a nothing person, she barely pushes any new costumes out or goes to any cons other than hyper Japan and doesn't involve herself in the community.
I'm sure she's lovely but she always struck me as odd as a guest/cosfamous

>> No.8737975

This so much.

>> No.8738155

You mean her facebook page which is nothing but titty photos.

She's following their lead. Nigri got big, KJ copies her, Tabs copies KJ, Chiquitita is following up Tabs. KJ has reached the point of going full Nigri with the boob job and the not actually cosplaying anymore, Tabby has reached where KJ previously was with the shady money begging and has been doing the big boobs center of every photo thing for a while; Chiquitita has now hit that stage.

>> No.8738165

I don't think she takes it that seriously. As has been said she isn't very active, stays away from drama and has a job that must keep her busy. She's always had boobs in her photos so it's not a recent thing

>> No.8738289

Nobody was saying it was only recently.

First time I've seen the Chiquitita defence force hit /cgl/ so hard. Guess people gotta jump on something now the SR defence force is no more.

>> No.8738343

Reminder that Manticore has HIV

>> No.8738353

That glomping faggot?

>> No.8738373

Less than 1k

Obvious vendetta

>> No.8738381
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>> No.8738488

Anyone be interested in a few pics from today?

Pretty barren but I took some at least. Not going the weekend due to job change recently but... Yeah!

>> No.8738561

I'd like to see them.

Nobody in this thread even fucking talks about cons anymore, it's all about titty fanservice cosplayer drama and I feel like only about five people actually care about that? It's probably just them posting about each other. I wish we could get back to just talking about cons in here, we got through all of MCM weekend in the space of one thread and I feel like that says a lot. We used to get through like a thread a day for MCM.

>> No.8738621


>> No.8738625
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Not sure how regularly I can post images but I guess I'll just post until I have exhausted all of what I consider to be half decent.

>> No.8738626

I'd really like to see them too.
And I agree, these threads have gone to shit and it's really disheartening. I want to see more event photos and discussions about other cosplayers, how they're progressing, what cosplays you're all looking forward to seeing.
The girls that are always spoken about aren't even relevant any more, and it's always the same crap being said over and over and over.

I was really disappointed with how little discussion about MCM there was, especially as there was the EC finals, CCCC prelims AND the WCS announcement. There was loads of potential for discussion.
Not to mention all the other events that have been and gone that don't get photos posted or discussed.

>> No.8738631
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And another.

I told Lightroom to resize these to 2400x1600 but I guess it kinda screwed up portrait shot resizes. Welp

>> No.8738635
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And some more.

>> No.8738637
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They had these cool preschool style backpacks.

I kinda wanted one but it turns out they're handmade in Japan and cost £220.

So nope.

>> No.8738640
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This girl was having pictures taken of her from the floor above, so I snapped a quick picture while she was posing.

>> No.8738641
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Performance as I was entering the venue.

>> No.8738643
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A pair of Taito Vewlix cabinets running Ultra Street Fighter IV. Won some games as Sagat, didn't really play much else.

>> No.8738645
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Sonico's friend.

Seemingly not as enthused.

>> No.8738647
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Butler attending the maid cafe.

Should have exposed this a little in post I guess but, eh.

>> No.8738650
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Children's entertainer thing I guess?

I really adored her coat, which I unfortunately didn't actually get an image of. Good job.

>> No.8738652
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Few more misc images then, not good a huge lot left.

>> No.8738654
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Some really beautiful art available too, as usual.

Completely out of my price range but nice to admire at least.

>> No.8738658
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>> No.8738660

All these itas.

>> No.8738661

Did you all suddenly forget the LSCC buildup for last year?
Speaking of which who do we know any competitors yet?

>> No.8738666
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>> No.8738667
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>> No.8738668

I see you've met the UK lolitas.

Good dress sense or good personality.
Pick one

>> No.8738676
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>> No.8738678

With the trash

>> No.8738683
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>> No.8738684

This completely. The interesting stuff to discuss has been ignored for the same shitty drama and it's boring

>> No.8738702


>> No.8738707

Welp. It really killed the thread.

Anyway, you could tell it was a Friday - not a huge amount going on. Felt kinda nice compared to how busy it tends to be on the weekend.

>> No.8738768

When you use width x height in Lightrooms' export dialogue it will scale the image as far down as it needs to fit the smallest dimension, regardless of orientation. So if you type in you want 2400 x 1600 and a bunch of your images are portrait, it will scale them to 1600 high and ignore the width, since the width is already well within the size specified.

Selecting 'dimensions' is similar to using width x height except it takes orientation into account, as long as all the images are of the same aspect ratio to begin with. If you start mixing something like a 3:2 image with a 1:1 and a 6:12 then it'll scale each type of aspect ratio to fit the largest dimension specified.

If you have trouble with the dimensions option, move to either long edge or short edge, depending on which is more important to you. For most people it's long edge. This will still give you two different sizes between portrait and landscape but it's a little easier to tell everything will fit on screen, at least.

You can use megapixels or percentage if you want to do the maths to know how far you need to drop to fit a certain size but this is usually unnecessary. Megapixel specification is mostly for ad and stock agencies and percentage is a bit pointless since it's more likely you know an exact pixel height you want than knowing whether 25% will look good, or whatever.

It's kind of weird that width x height is the default since it's actually the most useless; there's no reason to ever use it instead of dimensions.

>> No.8738775

Has anyone seen any pictures from Birmingham MCM yet? Some of the costumes were quite good, and I was pleased to see less flavour of the month and more variety than I did at London in October. My first time there and I didn't know what to expect desu

>> No.8738810
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>> No.8738843
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>> No.8738880

>Children's entertainer thing I guess?

They're one of the biggest makers of professional mascot costumes for many companies, Japanese prefectures etc. They also do custom orders for anyone now. Each costume costs thousands upon thousands of pounds.

>> No.8738905

Ah yes, dimensions - thank you.

I must have forgotten to change it back since I reinstalled Windows 7.

>> No.8739111

Just wondering, is it cold at the Hyper Japan venue? Will it be a good idea to come in reasonably warm clothing?

>> No.8739248

It was pretty cold. I'm wearing a fleece costume with a cape today and I'm taking a hoodie too

This is my friend, I'll show her this later

>> No.8739802
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I don't know what she's going for... but it's really really bad.

>> No.8739823

jesus those crows feet

>> No.8739827


It was bloody cold. Still a good day.

>> No.8739902
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Shiiit, I did not prepare for this, I'm so used to being bloody boiling and in a sea of stench at MCM that I thought I was being smart by planning to not wear anything too warm.

Still pretty excited about tomorrow though, it's my first HJ. Also I need to go to bed ffs.

>> No.8740604

>going to hyper japan
>have to wake up at 7:30 AM to catch the first train to euston
>have no idea where im going because im but a simple countryside boy

damn it im a crippled neet fuck getting around london. at least ive got a direct train line there.

>> No.8740705

There were some really swesome costumes at Birmingham. I was pleasantly surprised.

>> No.8740718

I'm on a train and surrounded by so many weebs in shit tier cosplays. One chicks wearing smiffys cat ears and everything else normie. Fucking hyper japan

>> No.8740738
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>> No.8740744

'orgy fashion' nice one announcer

>> No.8740755


Some guy infront of me in the queue for Hyper Japan was squirting canned cream into his mouth at regular intervals and messaging his friend saying "I'm lonely lol"
I just don't... I heard the can and thought it was an asthma pump. English weebs...

>> No.8741174

I enjoyed Hyper Japan. Layout/map could have been better, and it was fucking freezing, but I had a good time. Food was good, and there were lots of pretty places to take photos, miles better than the O2.

>> No.8741179

much better hyper japan than the summer. thoughts?

>> No.8741188


Better, the only thing I missed from the O2 was the proper stage. The live room they had at this one just wasn't up to it in terms of its layout.

It was a nice setting though. I look forward to seeing some pictures from those gazebo things, they looked nice, especially after dark with the fairy lights.

>> No.8742624

I wasn't impressed with the cosplay guests at Hyper Japan y do they even have them no one even knows who they are

>> No.8742651

They had cosplay guests at HJ?

>> No.8742661

Kenny, Kerry, Holly and Emma Langley Soryu. But they barely promote when they bring cosplay guests.

>> No.8742670

I saw Kenny and Emma but I thought they were like regular attendees. Did they even do anything? Or was there some crap cat-ear making workshop again?

>> No.8742692

Emma and Holly were selling prints and Kenny was selling some props. They all had a workshop that they were supposed to be running but I don't think people turned up as HJ makes 0 posts about it.

>> No.8742710

I heard cosplayers were drinking at their tables great impression for a event mainly aimed at families

>> No.8742732

The event sells alcohol and gives out free samples. It's not like they snuck it into the con.

>> No.8742746

Lmao half the con was alcohol stands and I imagine a good chunk of the normie crowd came for alcohol tasting.

>> No.8742760

I think they could have had better cosplay guest at least ones that actually promotes the event, what's the point of having a load of sluts selling prints no one wants to buy

>> No.8742779

Like who? HJ doesn't have the cosplayers judge the cosplay competition or run panels so they have no reason to invest in bringing a cosplayer to the con. So they just ask local UK cosplayers who are relatively well known in the UK that will come for free because they get a free con pass out of it.

>> No.8742842

I think HJ needs to decide whether or not it wants to be a normie cultural festival, and then provide better stages for the martial arts and tea ceremony stuff, or make it into a con and get con-suitable venues, invest more into cosplay and try more with the organisation on that side of things, heard the fashion show organisation was a train wreck.

>> No.8742890

Agreed HJ needs to work out what it wants to be. At the moment it seems to be a bit of everything so end up not being good for anything and godsake get an indoor venue for winter!

>> No.8742904

You can leave feedback for the event facebookdotcomslashhyperjapanslash?fref=ts

Comments sound like a bunch of bored middle-aged parents wanting to get pissed on sake and Japanese beer wanting to get cosplay and jfashion even more pushed out. I reckon they could do a cosplay/jfash event and a separate jculture event and make just as much money.

>> No.8742924

I'd really like to see this. I haven't gone to a few of the last Hyper Japan events so I don't know if this is true, but my friends who did go said normies ruin it in a number of ways. When I have gone, I go in Jfashion so it would suck to see that pushed out. Having said that I would also like to attend a Japanese cultural event that was devoid of weeaboos and so yeah, both appeal to me.

>> No.8742949

I can see why this may be a better move over all but I have to admit, I actually loved the mix of j-fash, cosplay and traditional arts and sake/general food stuff as I really enjoy all these things - for me it was like having the best bits of j-culture in all its forms all under one roof. I get that it was a bit of a hotchpotch but if they made the areas more separate or even restricted each theme to one floor/level it may help, that way if someone's not interested in one thing or the other it's not difficult to navigate and can be ignored entirely.

Selfishly, I really hope they don't fully separate the themes/displays, it was honestly like one big shopping trip in Japan for me but with the convenience of everything being in one space and crucially, in the UK!

I had a really good time on Sunday, I didn't even mind the occasional bit of cold, it was refreshing from the sweltering sweatfest that event likes expo tend to be.

>> No.8742953

Separate floors or even separate areas, a bit like how the gaming and kawaii shit were separated at the O2 would be better. I feel like they tried to do it at the Tobacco Dock but it just didn't work. If they'd done top floor = cultural stuff and lower floor = con stuff, it would have worked so much better.

I agree about the cold. A few patio heaters wouldn't have gone amiss, but the way some people are acting it's like they've never experience horrific smelly sweaty con hallways.

>> No.8742958


It was separate wasn't it? But I agree, I enjoy the total mix, it always bring back memories of trips to Japan for me. You can be at a shrine, up a mountain, in an arcade and in some basement at a concert all in the same day.

>> No.8742969

Any pictures?

>> No.8743080

>You can be at a shrine, up a mountain, in an arcade and in some basement at a concert all in the same day.

Exactly anon, I loved that aspect!

It was kinda separate but there were a few odd bits 'n bobs as well - not all food on the food floor, some kawaii shit right near the more traditional arts stuff etc. Completely separate floors for things may be a good idea, if only to keep the sake guzzling, dinner set purchasing ' normies' that don't like the kawaii shit happy and visa versa. People can then choose to cross the streams if they feel like it.

I bought a sake set, a chopstick rest, some tabi socks, japanese paper balloons and bunch of lolita accessories - full circle j-tard and absolutely no regrets.

>> No.8743087

>dinner set purchasing normies
Was it just me or was there a crazy amount of normie people going nuts over those noodle bowls and other crockery? It was flying off the stalls. People were asking me all day where that stand was.

>> No.8743094

Irish gull here.

What's the best way to piss away time in London for an afternoon? I'm going over for a gig next month but I get in fairly early and don't want to sit in my room all day before it's on.

>> No.8743156

depends where the gig is anon but Camden (the original alt fashion and culture district) is a pretty fun place to kill a few hours plus the food they have there is excellent

>> No.8743165

It's going to be on at Wembley Arena, if that helps.

Camden sounds like a good idea. I've been a couple of times before but never stayed long. I just remember there being so many food stalls I never tried.

>> No.8743390
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yup - the prices were actually really good and the quality was decent, I’m not surprised people were kinda losing their shit over it, much better than the 'Japanese style' crap you get on the high-street. I bought the sake set and chopstick rest from there, plus a piggy bowl I forgot to mention.

>> No.8743398
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some more snaps from the day

>> No.8743402
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>> No.8743482

any fashion show photos from hj?

>> No.8743501

Chiquitita was also apparently a guest, but like every con she guests at arrived hours late and not in costume and left hours early

>> No.8743513

The events main attraction besides the Jfash and culture is the food and discounted sake, a large portion of attendees go solely for it. There were several more rowdy normies wandering around harassing itas that were less family friendly than some cosplayers having a drink. Calm your tits.

>> No.8743858

There was a poro workshop that Kerry and Kenny hosted around noon

>> No.8743927

Few togs showed up the usual, they don't like anime or cosplay, just pervy old men being lead on by the cosplayers. Holly is the worst but I guest mean like being used especially Ali, seems like everyone's taxi. Thinks he's got friends but everyone uses him for lifts

>> No.8743941
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So Kitacon is carnival themed? Can't wait for all the shitty Electroswing and not anime related guests.

>> No.8743963 [DELETED] 

Hi Holly

>> No.8743966
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>> No.8744030

Well it seems to have worked for them for the last few years.

>> No.8744034 [DELETED] 

Ali is a really good guy who everyone likes and is actually taking some decent photos and isn't a creep which sets him apart from most.

On the other hand Holly is a bitch who everyone hates who is just trying to use all the togs for cosfame.

>> No.8744090 [DELETED] 

Ali isn't stupid I'm sure if he give people lifts its because he trusts them and thir his friends

>> No.8744093 [DELETED] 

I don't see holly doing anything any other cosplay doesn't do at least she's actually hangs around with them and they all seem to be really gd friends especially Ali

>> No.8744099 [DELETED] 

Holly seems like a really sweet girl, I don't know why you've got it in your head that she's not.

>> No.8744101

Ich genieße die Herausforderung das ringen mit toten Hirnen macht mir Spass. Ich fürchte keine Diskussion ich würde mich zwischen Dawkins, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer und Stirner setzten ohne meine Souveränität zu verlieren. (Vorrausgestzt die Sprechzeiten sind fair) Das ist etwas ziemlich Übermenschliches. Dem aufmerksamen Beobachter ist bestimmt der Fakt aufgefallen das ich mir dereinst /ph/ als Gegner wählte.

>> No.8744105
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>> No.8744112 [DELETED] 

Hi Holly

>> No.8744113

G-gomen wrong thread.

>> No.8744114
File: 1.10 MB, 500x280, whalehello.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8744117

Hi can I have a lift to a con in exchange for photos of me being sluty x

>> No.8744141 [DELETED] 

As a friend to both I can confirm Holly and Ali are good friends, they live close to one another, that's why he always offers her a lift, though he's a lovely guy and often gives lifts to friends outside of his way. He's smart enough to not give lifts to people who solely try and use him, and people who treat him badly he doesn't give time for. It doesn't take a genius to notice by facebook people's friendships extend outside of cons.

>> No.8744163 [DELETED] 

Holly is a bitch any tog knows that

>> No.8744186 [DELETED] 

She must want something from you

>> No.8744210 [DELETED] 

Holly is a nice girl y are you ripping into her for no reason

>> No.8744213

What company was selling those dolls?

>> No.8744220

remember to check the file/picture names anon


>> No.8744320

Anyone think we could persuade KitaCon and/or the Hilton to ban emotional support animals?

There was some girl with her badly trained emotional support yap at Kita in 2014, she was a volunteer dealing with costume repairs which was at the back of a panel room, of course the little fuck went off at various intervals during panels.

>> No.8744409

>emotional support animals
Those are things?

>> No.8744462 [DELETED] 

Ali is lonely and insecure he lets girls like Holly use him so it looks like he has friends. what was he doing with his life before conventions - stayed in, ate takeaway and watched science fiction or porn

>> No.8744479

I've never been to Kita, are gulls planning on going? Is it worth it?

>> No.8744513 [DELETED] 

There's no doubt Ali and the other togs get off to those pictures they take of cosplay girls.

>> No.8744571

Personally I love it, but it is most definitely a party con and I'm not sure how enjoyable it would be if you don't like to party.

>> No.8744584

Cosplaying Mami Tomoe and might give her musket a go myself, or I might commission it, can anyone recommend props commssioners? I'll have a google but nothing beats a solid recommendation.

>> No.8744591

maybe look towards the LARP community? My first thought was InYourDreamsFX but I don't know if he does guns.

>> No.8744618

Seconding this entirely. It's my favourite con but it's definitely highly-focused on the party aspect.

>> No.8744819

kitacon charge a fortune and make no effort to get good guests prof elemental was there last time so shit

>> No.8744861

I think they were probably just drinking the free sake shots there was a lot of them going around the event. You make it sound like they were at the table chugging ace lightning cider

>> No.8744902

Recently moved to the UK, what are some of the better cons to attend in the region?

>> No.8744941

Ali is so disgusting how the fuck dose he think cosplay girls are going to get with him

>> No.8744948

Kita is easily the best UK con IMO.

The venue is the absolute best thing about it if you ask me. Everything is in one central location so you don't have to walk so much. Went to the last three and I don't think I'll not attend one going forward.

They hardly charge a fortune, they charge basically the same as any con that isn't shit.

I feel the only thing that makes it a party con is that there is actually a decent part going on each night. I stayed it out until closing on the Friday and Sunday nights last year and made it up in time for stuff the next morning no issues - it was nice.

The fuck was that lecture about drinking responsibly last time though? Fucking hilarious that there were enough incidents for them to be that uppity about it. Just made me laugh.

>> No.8744952

Tried the beloved Tabitha?

>> No.8744972

Been lurking here a while. Here are some things I learnt about the Brit thread:
>Everyone loves Kita.
>Everyone loves Lex, Laura and Ben.
>Hates every other cosplayer especially the 3 bigs in the UK.
>Hates every other con.
>Hates all togs bar 2 or 3 and kisses their arses all day.
>There is around 8 regular posters.
>Nobody talks about cosplay or cons.
>Everyone is salty af.
>Nobody says anything constructive.

The only difference between 4chan and the MCM Expo Group is nobody posts any pictures on here therefore nobody asks who they should cosplay as.

>> No.8744988

Add that they moan about the UK cosplayers invited to cons as guests but can never name an alternative UK cosplayer who should be a guest instead of them.

>> No.8745028
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Why is everyone praising Kitacon?
It's 3 shitty club nights in a family friendly hotel.

>> No.8745123

who would you gulls like to see as a UK coaplay guest?

>> No.8745131


>> No.8745136

The worst con venue I've been to in the UK was Kita's previous location the Park Inn Northampton, it seemed fine when I attended Kita there but after Kita moved to the Hilton I attended Fushicon (people yelling in the reception when I was trying to check in) and a Stargate con (pig ignorant staff)

>> No.8745647

Makes sense it's Laura, lex and Ben posting, that's how they make each other win in competitions

>> No.8745794

Spooner is the one everyone wants

>> No.8745854

Pretending that Lex, Laura and Ben don't exist. I'd like Sketch Kyle, Nomes and probably Holly as guests. As that would be a group with experience in props/armor, wigs and sewing. So cosplay judging would be more fair and they could run different panels.

>> No.8745872

Holly your cosplays are shite and generic and lets not talk about your sewing cos most of them look like you've used your feet to sew. Your a slut and you use all the togs

>> No.8745883


>> No.8745893
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>> No.8745900

Jfc what the fuck did she do to you

>> No.8745916

Vendetta-Chan you sure are salty. Until that girl fucks half of the community or strips down to her just her skivvies like Several other Cosplayers she can hardly be called a slut, as for using togs it's widely known that she spends time with them outside of conventions, if she's using them its symbiotic.

>> No.8745920

Just sounds like you're butthurt she gets lifts and isn't short of togs to shoot her.

>> No.8745922

Gets photos taken by togs = using them

>> No.8746005

absolutely spooner
I'd happily pay £10-15 on top of badge price to get into a spooner-centric panel

>> No.8746009

the togs aren't even great ones so I don't know why people are upset

>> No.8746036

sonesh is really good and it's so cool he has his own comic book.

>> No.8746109

Thinking of cancelling my amecon membership and getting a refund to put towards kitacon instead. I think a lot of my friends didn't get places for amecon and I don't even have any accommodation sorted for it and I heard outside the amecon rooms it's kinda hard to get to the place from other hotels. I'm still on the fence though, would people say amecon is that good that I should stick with it? I mostly go to cons to cosplay and have a good time with friends rather than panels/guests/merch stalls.

>> No.8746126

Amecon is good for the amazing venue, but if you can't find a bed on campus then I recommend you pick Kitacon instead. That's just me though, I hate public transport.

>> No.8746358

Hi Sonesh and no we wont fund your kickstarter

>> No.8747184

I'm so sorry you have Lolainprogress, please keep her and don't let her leave the country please.

>> No.8747255

We don't want her either

>> No.8747260

Might as well cancel all 2k16 con plans since we're gonna get bombed to fuck before then

>> No.8747272

Fucking terrorist sympathiser.

>> No.8747281

aight chill

>> No.8747293


Two countries don't want to deal with that anymore.

Wouldn't be so bad if she wasn't a terrible person.

>> No.8747335


Who is this?

>> No.8747346

Laura Benson

>> No.8747375

Yeah I found that out after some stalking but what has she done to be hated by two countries?

>> No.8747500

Lots of little things over a period of time, she seems to go out of her way to piss people off. She does a lot of whining that no one likes her all the time on her twitter.

>> No.8747556

How unacceptable is it to wear anime/manga costumes to LSCC? A friend is getting a table and is struggling to afford to room by herself, and I have comics costumes I could wear but they're a bit tired and old. I don't want to go enough to make a whole new costume, and the ones I have planned aren't comics-related either.

>> No.8747566

I think it's the only UK event where it is unacceptable as it is a con purely for western media and it has to be to allow LSCC to use the ExCel because of it's contract with MCM so I've heard.

>> No.8747570


You are allowed to wear whatever costume you want, unless stipulated by the event and the contract with the venue is down to the wording of their events at LSCC.

>> No.8747572

I think it depends on the cosplay. Wouldn't recommend turning up in Naruto, SnK or a school uniform kind of cosplay. But then something like Claymore would probably be more appreciated by non-anime fans as it looks 'less anime' in general. Just remember most people won't know what you're dressed as if you go in non-comic cosplay.

If you have a video game cosplay I'd wear that over an anime one.

>> No.8747576

That rule only applies to cosplays entering the competitions. You'e not going to get kicked out if you turn up as Hatsune Miku lol. Just a few odd looks.

>> No.8747580

Of course you can wear what ever you want. I didn't mean for it to seem like I was saying you can't. It may be considered 'unacceptable' but that doesn't mean it's banned. Just if you have western media costumes you'd be better off wearing them to the event.

>> No.8747650

MCM May tickets start going on sale this Friday

>> No.8747908

speaking of which is there any competition news yet?

>> No.8747909


She can't grow up and blames everyone else for it. All she does is bitch and sob story and wonder why no one wants to hang out with her.

Not being a vindictive, little girl will sort that out. She's what, 30 something now?

>> No.8747929

They slightly changed the rule so your cosplay only needs to be from something western rather than a comic book. Because of that a lot of people are more interested in entering.

I saw Kenny, Holly and Envyious show interest but Kenny might be too busy getting his ECG cosplay done to enter.

>> No.8747954

I don't see why Kenny should even bother trying for ECG. Because of his skits everyone is so ashamed of him that hes got little to no UK support. Plus there was a warning from ECG that he shouldn't do that skit or he'd get a penalty.

>> No.8747959

When will Kita announce the dickbutt winners. I want to see if my shitty entry got through.

>> No.8748008

Thanks for the advice. I'll have to bite the bullet and just tell her I don't want to go, rather go to Kita and wear shit I want to wear.

>> No.8748012

What's the likelihood of MCM London being used as target practice for Ahmed now that Cameron's letting loose on Syria?

>> No.8748019

I was thinking this exact thing after the Paris attacks. There's such a high attendance rate at expo, and even with all this security there's never been any bag searching. Plus how easy would it be to hide a firearm/bomb under a costume?

>> No.8748020

Well they will blend in easy as pacman ghosts so its quite probable.

>> No.8748038

I feel like there are so many other, bigger, more advertised events - I'd be more worried about using the tube in general, or going to Wembley/O2, that kind of thing. But the ExCel is such a big venue, if I wasn't already eh about MCM I would be now. They'll have to massively up security. But I doubt ISIS' first plan of attack is going to be "aim for the nerds", any event at the ExCel is a risk.

>> No.8748042


The Excel is owned by Arabs. I very much doubt it'll be a target.

>> No.8748048

Yeah I was thinking about the stadiums as well but they generally tend to have a lot better security at least.

>> No.8748054

Yeah because they're all the same thing right?

Has a point it would be more high profile political events, with people of importance that would be targeted. IE a football game between two counties where a leader is there to see it.

>> No.8748058

>Eagles of Death Metal
>high profile political event

They'll target anywhere with a lot of people that represents everything they hate about Western culture and enjoying things. MCM is perfect

>> No.8748102

Daddy issues

>> No.8748107


You've given me a great cosplay idea.

>> No.8748156
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yoo lurker here

gimmie a fit that will get me some hot weeb chicks

>> No.8748181



>that MIYABI room
>the prices
I bought a frog incense holder for my girlfriend for Christmas. The fucking thing was the size of my thumb and was £5. The sellers were all super nice though, even the guy selling the £4000 dolls who knew he wouldn't get any business. Had a great talk with him about craftsmanship and kimonos and took like three of his (adorably Engrish) booklets to give to friends, since those dolls really were great.
I didn't get any booze since I didn't have my ID and look about 16, so I made up for it spending twenty pounds on Puccho.
Got myself a couple of anime figures to feed the inner weeb, and got a couple of cute owls from that French shop near the entrance.
Girlfriend got a cute new bag, some sweets, hair accessories from the French place, some Rilakuma stuff, lucky cats, stationary, that kinda stuff. Mostly trinkets for stocking fillers and a couple of bigger things, like bowls for jewellery and such.
We both found it really good. The map was a bit hard to follow at first but could be figured out, and I was searching for that guy with the figure stall that's at every con (I'm sure he knows me by now).

London Anime and Gaming Con in February next (I don't have high expectations). Hopefully our Animal Crossing cosplays will be done but if not, my Bloodborne one will.

>> No.8748520

I've seen a couple of people announce they're entering that aren't big names

>> No.8748534

not just 'shouldn't', that he is forbidden from doing a stupid skit.

>> No.8748788


>> No.8748942

Wait what? Sauce?

>> No.8748959

What did he do again? Was it dancing like a mong or throwing things into the crowd?

>> No.8749112

Same thing he's done for everything

>> No.8749151

>attending an event run by PedoSaiyan

gr8 b8 m8 i'd r8 8/8

>> No.8749188

Him throwing things into the crowd is only one thing that should have had him disqualified immediately. He should not have won at all, good costume or not. He broke the rules.

>> No.8749201

Any videos of this around?

>> No.8749210
File: 171 KB, 2000x1285, 12307952_547014902118126_161352422929095913_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never seen a more disingenuous smile and deader eyes

>> No.8749256

But look at the tits. That's all she is now. She's living her dream.....

>> No.8749282

It was his ECG prelim skit so it's easy to find online. He threw a space hopper into the audience. Cgl makes it sound like he chucked a chair but still think he should have lost points for it.

>> No.8749326

She's so fit!

>> No.8749328

Oh I thought maybe he threw like sweets or money or something. Why's everyone shitting themselves over it?

>> No.8749338

Because it's against the rules & he should have been disqualified. Throwing anything into the audience without prior warning is a health & safety hazard. No matter what the item.
Not only that but the rest of his skit was bullshit. He always does the same. Starts serious and falls into a shitty dance skit that's meant to be funny but isn't.
Dance skits are bad enough on their own unless it works with the source material.

>> No.8749360

The worst part is he'll keep doing the same shit if he knows it annoys people. He might be a skilled costume and prop maker, but one glance at his fb page and you can see he also thinks he's a "master troll".

>> No.8749371

What's his fb page?

>> No.8749379

I know, it's unfortunate and shows how much of an idiot he is. ECG is a serious competition. If he wants that be a troll and mess about then he should do so for a more appropriate comp like CCCC which, although is a tough competition, doesn't take itself too seriously.

It's not hard to look up. We're not going to spoonfeed you.

>> No.8749391

I heard they were both told they couldn't dance at all in the ecg finals as it was a serious competition

Oh and the space hopper should have disqualified them immediately for breaking rules and for throwing a fucking projectile onto a bunch of kids sat on the floor. But there was only one other group entry and there costumes fell off on stage, it was less of a win and more the fact there were no other options

>> No.8749414


The throwing was planned and there was someone off stage to catch it. The organisers were asked and "should be fine" was the answer.

>> No.8749417

I think the two groups scored pretty evenly in the costume category but Kenny and Kerry did better in performance (minus the space hopper) because the other group had really bad costume malfunctions at the end of their skit.

>> No.8749419

We are allowed to dance but not going to this time. We already have a skit + actual props planned.

>> No.8749431

If any organisers were aware, it certainly wasn't all of them. Everyone I spoke to was disgusted they had blatantly broken the rules.

I think under normal circumstances they'd be disqualified but with the other teams malfunctions they didn't have much choice.

>> No.8749456

Considering her twitter is personal and not to do with her cosplay, this means your either stalking her or a friend. Thats really pathetic either way.

Also as far as I can see, she's hated by people we all hate? Like Kyle his GOT buddies, so really thats more of an endorsement if you ask me

>> No.8749469

She's way younger then that, your vendetta be showing again.

I had Kenny on fb for a few days before getting rid of him, he thinks he's a comedy god but is really just a dick.

I just bet either way MCM will up security to new crazy levels, soon it will be no masks, no bags and body screening.

>> No.8749486

If the throwing was planned the person catching it did a shit job, I was on that side of the audience and it hit people.

>> No.8749511

I've been going to big Normie cons for a few years (MCM, Hyper Japan, Eurogamer) but if I do go to LAGC it'll be my first time. I don't follow the community. What did he do?

>> No.8749701

Laura, you are so obvious. If you want things kept private don't respond here or post on twitter in the first place. Personal? Your twitter banner is full of cosplay and was linked to your page. Are you actually delusional at this point?

And no, people dislike you because you're a nasty piece of work. Stop trying to pretend you're hated by only shit people. Are there any friends left that can advise you to get real help?

Again really obvious this is you.
You block people then moan that no one likes you. You need help girl.

>> No.8749727

What? sure sure. QQ

"Stalking" Come on now, you really need to get over that shit, I bet the post man stalks you too.

>> No.8750156

Time to back off fellas... Lola/Laura's annoyed two countries already let her be, I'm sure she has friends somewhere.

>> No.8750660

Clearly not though.
Back off? She's the one who came on here trying to start shit lol

>> No.8750664

You do realize this is an Anonymous image board?

>> No.8750665

In other news, Tabby is asking people in her own personal page to go and pay her patreon to see the finished costume, even though she can do it without funding. Thats got to be a all time low....I believe she lost a few friends in the process now. Well done.

>> No.8750677

Some1 said kenny threw it to the wrong side apparently lolz and thats y no1 caught it
I think uk shud not put any1 forward for ECG in groups this year cos both groups were embarrassingly bad and kenny and kerry really dont need anymore of an ego then thyve already got I find them really annoying

>> No.8750770

I smell desperation, from not getting the attention she wants or was hoping to get, she really is delusional

>> No.8750774

Shes showing her true colours, just wants to be friends to people that will support her and give her money. Shes just using everyone for her own benefit.

>> No.8750800

It's no surprise the only people left who have anything to do with her are Andrew and Kelly and of those two only Kelly really talks to her much. Everybody else is reduced to being civil to her at best but nobody hangs with her any more. You knew shit had gone south for Tabby when even Stacy dumped her.

>> No.8750826

>purposely typing badly to hide your speech patterns and crap because you're paranoid someone will find out you're on /cgl/ and ruin your cosplay career forever

>> No.8750854

If you're going to accuse every single Anon of being someone particular, you better come up with better proof. Saying it's the same person when they type the same and then saying it's still the same person when they write differently is really, really dumb.

I get the impression we could all tripfag and post timestamped selfies with every post and there would still be somebody in these brit threads screaming that every single post is a Laura selfpost or some shit.

>> No.8750869

Hardly anon if she's making it clear who she is

>> No.8750875

So do we actually know anything about LSCC yet? It's getting close and desu its the prime drama time of the year. There seem to be some new rules compared to last year. Any idea who's entering or is everyone keeping it secret?

>> No.8750940

Trying to find this pic from aaaaaaages ago of a shitty ff12 group from a few years ago. Anyone got it? google did nothing.

>> No.8751236


kek she's not here, she's off abusing another 15 year old fuccboi she'll call a bf. No one mature would go there

>> No.8751319

Lolz you'd be reet!...
If I cosplayed. Kek. will save ur idea for another day, ta 4 the tip bro ;)

>> No.8751492

People seem to be keeping it pretty quiet this time, probably because of the drama last year on here. There are probably loads more who just haven't announced, but so far I've seen:

Aretsaya and Oddtogs,
Helen Alice Cosplay in a group I think?? With one of the Beth's.
The penguin and joker from last year
Andy Valentine
and a few foreign people who don't look to be much competition.
Don't think either laura or lex are entering this year either

>> No.8751511

This. People have said they don't want to pair up and cosplay with her because they want to avoid the drama that she surrounds herself with.

>> No.8751542

Lex & Laura are entering WCS so it's highly unlikely they'll be doing LSCC.

>> No.8751627

Same with Kenny and Kerry probably because of ECG

>> No.8751628

Thank God we don't have to suffer another comedy skit

>> No.8751644

Helen Alice is in a group with Mega Beth, the irritatingassassin guy who always Cosplays conner is entering too and Kaldori (this years uk euro entry) is entering as Xena and Callisto with her mate

>> No.8751652

Is he wearing Connor for it? Became its a bit lame to enter with something that's already won elsewhere.

>> No.8751683

literally who is anyone you mentioned

>> No.8751771

They all have facebook pages under the names mentioned. It's not hard to find out.

>> No.8751810

I think his making a new one but still conner?

>> No.8751853

What's Valentine competing with?

>> No.8751860

Apparently Prince Jon from Disney Robin Hood. So a fur suit

>> No.8751870

He's not entering this year. Just attending.

>> No.8751872

I thought he was doing Hook? That's what he's been posting on his Facebook

>> No.8751887

He posted his year line up ages ago saying he'd get hook done at some point but didn't have a con planned for it and Prince John is first in the lineup list, but who knows or cares with him?

>> No.8751906


>> No.8751914



>> No.8751931

I would like to see some of these so called cosplay celebs aka sexy cosplay girls enter to prove themselves

>> No.8751935

Implying the UK has any genuinely sexy cosplay girls

>> No.8751938


>> No.8751953

Are you a fucking idiot? They very likely mean KJ, Tabs & Stacey. But we don't need to discuss them any more as there is nothing new to discuss. They are worthless and irrelevant to the UK cosplay scene.

What would be good, is to to discuss what UK cosplayers that we like.

>Who has entered any competitions recently that you've been impressed with?
>Who would you like to see enter some competitions?

Personally, I really like seeing works from Nomes, Exelia and Emizone who are all competition regulars but I would love to see TheStarlightFairy enter competitions as I'm always really impressed with the work she puts out and think she has the potential to push herself further and do well in competition.

>> No.8751963

I really feel like Emizone needs more recognition, I saw her Sakura dress in person briefly at Kitacon and it was so gorgeous, her and Felixize did an amazing job on it. She's been an amazing cosplayer for years but her name is never mentioned much.

>> No.8751971

Agreed, Emizone's work is amazing, and always looks so clean. I've been a fan of hers for years, and I'm enjoying watching her develop her photography skills as well as her sewing ones.
I love Exelia too. Considering how fast she works on things, it always comes out looking really good! I'd love to see what she could do if she took on a big project and worked on it for a bit longer

>> No.8751981

I don't follow Exelia as much but she always seems to be working on something and I wish I had that kind of commitment.
Emi is super cute too, it's not fair that she can magically suit any character she wants.
That whole circle is pretty good to be honest, Emis boyfriend (I think) cosplays as well and usually nails it.

>> No.8751989

That dress was simply stunning. They really did do an excellent job. It's such a shame that Felixize doesn't do as much as I'd love to see her cosplay more.

I'm forever jealous of Emi's ability to suit any character. She definitely has a cosplay face.
Same with Isamiaella. Produces good work & magically suits everyone.

>> No.8752000

Isamiaella is amazing, I follow her instagram. I'd love to see a big project from her sometime soon.

>> No.8752027

>She's been an amazing cosplayer for years but her name is never mentioned much.
Just far less drama than others probably. I wonder who's been cosplaying the longest in the scene, Laura posted cosplay from 2006 on her FB

>> No.8752046

Think KJ has been cosplaying around 7 years, as has PT. I loved Lauras then and now photo she posted, gives me a bit of hope.

>> No.8752059
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PT has been cosplaying since 2009

>> No.8752089

Laura is the longest in terms of people who have stayed active consistently year to year, not taking breaks and stuff. She's been going since 2006 solid, so she's on ten years. There's nobody else who has been around longer than her in one long go. KJ started about six months later than Laura so she's second-most senior though I suppose maybe this last year doesn't count for her since she's done lots of international cons but rarely does UK any more and she's not presented a new costume in a year? I think it could be argued that KJ is generic hot gamer girl from the internet now, not a cosplayer per se.

It's pretty crazy actually when you think Laura and KJ have been around more or less the same time and they started at pretty much the same level and then you look at where each of them is now and they couldn't be more different. It's almost like alternate timelines of the same person, ending up at the two extremes from just a couple of small choices early on.

>> No.8752157

And has hardly cosplayed much or improved.

>> No.8752182

Any other cosplayers you like?

Any favourite photos of a cosplay? Post pics.

Are there any WIP or plans from anyone you're really looking forward to seeing?

>> No.8752194
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Riot Cosplay is a fave of mine, lots of comic book cosplays

>> No.8752218

I know the winter/christmas one has just gone, but is hyper japan worth going to? Always see the posters but ive never bothered to go/dont know anyone whos been. Is it good or just overpriced stuff you could get off aliexpress?

>> No.8752224

Hyper Japan is pretty decent if you like Sake, Japanese food and culture in general and find Street style stores worth browsing. I would no longer consider it a con to cosplay at. The winter venue would have been great in summer/spring, it was very cold and wasn't advertised as an 'outdoor' event as it should have been

>> No.8752231

I like Hildaglitz and Teacup Erinyes at the moment. I'll post more, and photos, when it's not half eleven and I'm supposed to be at work at 7.

>> No.8752236

Thanks, ill probably head along to the next one then! How expensive would you say it is?

>> No.8752238
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Van Helen Cosplay is another amazing cosplayer, incredible seamstress as well as very attractive.

>> No.8752240
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Voxophone Cosplay, tends to do simple/store bought cosplays but great at contouring/applying makeup to look like the character.

>> No.8752245
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Gulper Eel Cosplay, very cute and does a lot of good cosplays

>> No.8752250

I really enjoy it. I'm weeb trash and love taking photos of street fashion and I like cosplaying from anime but there's very little cosplay and a lot of stuff you can just get on ali or taobao, but also food stuff that is normally good and some cute handmade stuff that yeah you can get on etsy but it's nice to see in person. I'd say worth going if you like lolita and Japanese food.

>> No.8752251
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Isamiella cosplay, as mentioned before

>> No.8752256
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BexiBeans Cosplay, she's really come a long way!

>> No.8752260

I like her but I swear to god there's always some kind of drama in the Disney group. Something always goes down. Someone cheated on someone, someone made someone's costume too big or small, someone bailed on an event, etc.

>> No.8752269

ok cool thanks, ill probs go to the next one! May as well give it a go, thanks for the response

>> No.8752280

Yeah the between them two they always seem to be planning something. Although Exelia definitely more so.

Ah yeah Emi's bf used to cosplay an amount but seemed to have stopped? Although I'm sure I've seen him do some more recently. He doesn't really big himself up when I talked to him, just seems to enjoy cosplaying, and I agree he suits the plethora of characters he typically tries.

>> No.8752282

is she the one who does photography?

>> No.8752290
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They just did this set, I agree he doesn't do much but when he does it's pretty good.

I love Isamiella's stuff, it's always spot on

>> No.8752664

Don't forget all the photoshop. She mainly photographs herself, which is a little weird.

>> No.8752673

What's a good way to get a prescription for contact lenses so I can get circle lenses and look kawaii?

Was thinking of just walking into Specsavers but I'm never sure if they will supply the measurements when I ask for them.

>> No.8752717

Go to specsavers and get a lense fitting

>> No.8752758

Really? Her makeup is messy and Hayley Smith level

>> No.8752760

Another girl announced last night by the looks of it

>> No.8752836

This wouldn't surprise me. Disney has won the past two years. Plus fursuits tend to trump competitions. So he's just combined the two.

>> No.8752864

i hope something other than disney wins this year. Nothing against it as a disney fan myself, but it'd be nice to see some variety. Plus it could discourage people from entering with non disney stuff.

>> No.8752865


>> No.8752900

He's not entering. Just making it.

>> No.8752901

Tabitha trying to defend her Patreon, funniest thing ever...

>> No.8752904

On her page?

>> No.8752907

For the love of god post caps when you wanna talk shit

>> No.8752913

What did she say?

>> No.8752944

I love Isamiella, was a massive fan of their Homestuck cosplays back in 2013 and they've continued to do good stuff.

>> No.8752948

On Lauras status about patreons, and why do people hate cosplayers doing them

>> No.8752950


>> No.8752987

this.. She just over edits her images to hide the mess or did you all forget her Editting pictures

>> No.8753001

looking forward to seeing biotic cosplays completed Lara.

>> No.8753009

Captain Amelia?

>> No.8753032

Nah Enviyous

>> No.8753033

Yeah that's the one. She hasn't said what she's entering with yet, just that she's entering

>> No.8753094

early days but who do you think will place in the top 10? i think one of the europeans will win it, the uk scene is pretty dry.

>> No.8753099

Seriously dry. That must be why it was a UK whitewash last year.

>> No.8753132


Got a link pls? This I must see. After that lil' Facebook discussion about Tabs' Patreon, she actually got in touch with the people on whose page the discussion started - she demanded that everyone needed to stop talking about her. So she's a bit prickly about Patreon at the moment. Sounds like a war on two fronts because she was moaning on Twitter about some old friend stabbing her in the back or something.

>> No.8753134

The penguin joker pair will place because they will have the only funny skit. All other UK are only concerned about the costume and have boring skits.
That said some of the UK have good craft. From what I've seen so far theyre playing to their strengths.

>> No.8753244

>stabbing in the back

>> No.8753254

How do you know they have the only funny skit though, we only know of about 5 people entering and any of them could have a comedy skit

>> No.8753286

The other skits won't have their comedy. The problem with the other entrants is skits just not being funny. Have seen this before.

>> No.8753312

Its Tabs we're talking about here, she'll jump at the chance to stab any one in the back given half the chance.
I'll give her something, she sure knows how to pull off that nice act online and around the right people.

>> No.8753321

She is the devil

>> No.8753343

Plus basically 0 chance internationals will have a funny skit because of the translations and different senses of humour.

>> No.8753360

My point was more we barely know of any of the entrants so you can't really say they can't do humour.

>> No.8753378

slightly racist

>> No.8753381

did you watch eurocosplay?

>> No.8753393


>> No.8753396
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>> No.8753421

true, but doesn't mean we don't have other comedy acts in the uk!

>> No.8753522

I feel sorry for the UK if the only comdey acts we have is penguin and joker. was I the only one who didnt find their skit funny

>> No.8753553

buuuuuuuuuuut they probably won't be. It's a large competition involving skits. It's going to mostly be shit awkward comedy

>> No.8753585

a lot of cosplayers do comedy and place like Kerry and Kenny. but i heard you cant do comedy at ECG finals

>> No.8753607

good thing we're not talking ECG

>> No.8753614

Would rather people shit at comedy not even attempt it than trainwreck.

>> No.8753660 [DELETED] 

we hate her.

Stop trying to make her relevant.

>> No.8753663

>very attractive

next time post a photo of her face then you ass.

>> No.8753680

It doesn't take too much effort to search and see for yourself, excuse me for highlighting cosplay craftsmenship on a cosplay board, God forbid.

>> No.8753700

whats the next con or do I have to wait for 2016

>> No.8753703

what UK cosplayer would you shag?

>> No.8753737

I think things are done for the year, Hyper Japan 2016 is probably the nearest one

>> No.8753761

it was more the fact you were pointing out how attractive she was, and then used a photo where the costume honestly does cover her entire face.

>> No.8753780

I aint to fussy but wouldnt say no to KJ...
actually maybe not as she would probably accuse me of rape after.

>> No.8753783


>> No.8753787
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Some UK cosplayers I like. Some because they're cute, some I like their work and think they work hard, some because they were nice to me when I was an embarrassing weeb, and some I just want to fuck.

>> No.8753790
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And continued.

>> No.8753792

Would or have?

>> No.8753803

Good thing "we" refers to about 4 people.

>> No.8753908

The bigger risk with her is everyone she sleeps with she immediately decides is The One, so you can look forward to her never leaving you alone, expecting you to pay for everything for her and throwing a hissy fit when you dump her.

Then there's the burning rash, too.

>> No.8753985


Still reckon it'd be worth it.

>> No.8754007

Any more? some of these are pretty good, Aome are shits in person though.

>> No.8754045

Hannah Lydia doesn't get the fact taking romantic photos with her boyfriend as Brooker/Elizabeth may make some people uncomfortable and went off on some huge rants and it was all very embarrassing.

>> No.8754071

Never heard of some of these, I'd love for some more collages like these of the lesser known ones.

>> No.8754098

May make her real dad uncomfortable.

>> No.8754642

Her wig is terrible for Elizabeth. Makes me wonder if they weather and cover every costume in dirt to hide the fact everything is poor quality.

>> No.8754811

It looks just like it does in game tho so

>> No.8754855

Something is wrong with her spine or corset because with each photo it get more wonky. everything needs maximum dirt because that's his gimmick.
Didn't see the bit where she put gel in her fringe

>> No.8754856

It's a mess

>> No.8754869

Her short Elizabeth wig is a mess, but I think the DLC black one she has and the longer one is okay, too. But I do think there's a little unnecessary weathering, a clean costume would have suited Paris a lot more.

I don't really care if people ship that shit or like it or whatever but it's like a ex-room mate of mine who posted pro-life shit on tumblr, in the fucking pro-choice tag, and then was surprised when people got angry. It's plain stupidity. If it's touchy, maybe keep it to yourself or keep it within certain circles. Girl seems to like a lot of fucked up romantic ships, though, worries me slightly.

>> No.8754879

Hannah Lydia and Weathered King cosplay. Please stop posting the half cosplay half ref images. It's embarrassing.
Unless the costumes are spot on perfect, this is only going to highlight flaws.

>> No.8754883

So outta who we know is entering so far, anyone we reckon could do well? I'm not really familiar with any of them

>> No.8754886

But bandwagon tho

>> No.8754930

Posting the Paris set of photos they did so soon after the attack seemed to be a bad move too.
They got a lot of stick for the lovey dovey poses and then for tagging Paris in them on the official Bioshock page.

>> No.8754938

Its like posting bait then complaining when people flick to your cosplay page to complain in response to the bait.

>> No.8754977

Can someone explain to me the deal on Lolainprogress?

>> No.8754981

spooner will be the only one to reach the final and he will be the reigning champion. hail spooner.

>> No.8754993

She's crazy. That's all you need to know.

>> No.8755032

It ain't. Multiple confirmed exes of hers are on record saying she's shit in the sack. One of those girls who thinks just looking hot is enough to make fucking good and doesn't actually do anything. She's such a shit lay, Mark stopped bothering when they were dating and resorted to mostly wanking. Her only party tricks are she has an easy time taking it in the ass and she always swallows. Don't expect her to actually do anything more than laying there like a dead fish and taking it, though.

>> No.8755063 [DELETED] 

She came here after Australia kicked her out, apparently she lost all her friends there and stuff bcuz she's crazy.

She constantly likes to start drama, abuse people and blames everyone else for her being a little girl inside an old body. Always complaining on social media about how no one likes her.

Tons of people here try to be nice to her and get burned. Wouldn't be so hard if she were nice.

>> No.8755065

This. More collages please.

>> No.8755082

I believe the term is "pillow princess". Anyone know any UK cosplayers that are actually good in the sack?

>> No.8755088

Damn. Did you get your money back?

>> No.8755092

none youre ever gonna get to sleep with.

>> No.8755104

A boy can dream, any stories then?

>> No.8755113

ask Ben he's slept with loads of young cosplay girls

>> No.8755115

Ben who?

>> No.8755119

Realtalk, Tabitha and Esti are allegedly really good lays.

>> No.8755178

Tabitha seems the type but Esti just seems really boring, another pillow princess I reckon.

>> No.8755262

Its always the quiet cosplay girls that are better in bed

>> No.8755300

What're they all making?

>> No.8755333

Aretsaya and Oddtogs are doing 2015 Cinderella and Fairy Godmother. Their progress looks good so far.

>> No.8755343

No that's the thing. The little quiet ones are the wildcats and the ones who shove everything in your face 24/7 are lazy, boring bangs.

>> No.8755381

Nah that's bullshit, all my gfs have been crazy both in and out of bed. Shy girls are boring.

>> No.8755392

Sucks to be straight then.

>> No.8755419

Are there any lesbian or bi UK cosplayers? Asking for a friend...

>> No.8755443

Lots. Try in the LGBTQ MCM group

>> No.8755452

Mmm novotel underage sex dungeon.

>> No.8755484

KJ claims to be bi, never acts on it if she is. SR is.

Never stick your dick in crazy. Crazy is not a good thing.

>> No.8755534

another no name cosplay "guest" has been announced for LAGC lol

>> No.8755535

when has SR got with a girl. thought she was engaged

>> No.8755551

you don't have to get with someone of the same sex to be bi though. You are much more likely to find someone of the opposite sex than the same sex.

>> No.8755567

Plus SR has been with her SO since before she got into the cosplay scene. Being bi =/= sleeping around

>> No.8755593

yeah, gotta say I absolutely hate the stereotype that being bi means you're a slut

>> No.8755627

She is and they've been together a long time but that's never stopped her from getting off with women. They've got some kind of "it's okay as long as it's not a guy" arrangement.

I mean take it with a HUGE pinch of salt but I heard once that part of the reason Stacey turned against KJ so hard so fast is because she was trying to bang her and got knocked back.

>> No.8755632
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there are a few actually, but look at this train wreck.

>> No.8755644

literally who

>> No.8755645

an arrangement where he can watch her hook up with women?.Now KJ and SR lezzing off is a print I would buy for $20

>> No.8755646

'may even do a talk on stage'
what's that? You might actually do something deserving of a guest position??
Though what the talk will be about remains to be seen.

>> No.8755666

ugh ffs, this girl is always posting on the mcm group about shit all, trying to whore out her page at every opportunity

>> No.8755681

She's a generic alt nudey model who made friends with a couple of cosplayers and figured she might be better off doing the convention loop than doing lines with emo metal bands. She's mostly famous for having legitimately huge emo hair and losing in a fight with Nina Terror. The last thing she did of any note was a musician friend of hers was going down for multiple charges of sexual assault and sex with minors, and she thought it would be smart to go down with the ship, saying it was the victims' fault.

......... But she's super cheap and she's done enough nude work for people to jerk off on so she's a perfect fit for an LAC guest.

>> No.8755696

I don't think he gets to watch. He actually seems to get pretty pissy about it but she gets very defensive about her sexuality so it's like if he doesn't put up with her she might ditch him and he knows he's already punching way above his class.

The way KJ and SR are both getting desperate for hits I wouldn't be surprised if your idea came true. Cosplay lesbian hate-fucking would probably make them both a fortune.

>> No.8755713

probably thought she'd do better cosplaying since she put a bit of weight on

>> No.8755714

Can we get a ship name for SR and KJ together my idea is Skelly?

>> No.8755746

Some great fanfic could be written about KJ and Stacey. So much jealousy and hate when they are both basically the same and decide to settle their feud and surrender to their hidden desires.

They both claim to be bisexual but would bet they have never acted on it. Seems like a good way for them both to finally do it. They should set up a Patreon for it.

>> No.8755752
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Source or GTFO.

>> No.8755771

Pirate toaster has had a girlfriend for some time

>> No.8755871

I'm pretty sure the first notable shitstorm around Stacey was when some seagull saw her making out with Lisa and came on here to post ~*teh dramu*~ only to find everybody already knew this was totally standard for Stacey and nobody gave a shit.

Any way we're gonna need a new thread, this one likely won't last the night.

>> No.8756340

Lisa who?

>> No.8756567

Lisa Marie

>> No.8756709

Yeah, a fuck ton.

>> No.8756714

I was told that was a set up for 4chan, by someone who went to that party

>> No.8756715

Kyle was posting from the party

>> No.8756757

15 year old fuccboi? Who?

>> No.8756773

>More bitching about guests.

4chan should use 4chan power to ask cons to invite guests everybody likes.

I vote spooner.

>> No.8756775

I hope someone does some more collages like >>8753787. These threads get boring really fast and with no cons for a while I reckon it'll give us something more interesting to talk about.

>> No.8756788

Not fucking cool if it was him. I remember how mad cgl was when it happened. Friends don't post friends on 4chan, especially personal shit

>> No.8756820

I agree, that was more interesting that the typical garbage now going on.

>> No.8756836

i think that was the tipping point for him
the moment cgl stopped giving him a free pass for shitty behaviour just because his photography is good.
it's still good but he just acts shittier and shittier now

>> No.8756851

>just because his photography is good.
>his photography is good
Ha ha, good one, top kek.

>> No.8756966

Well most of it is. He just needs to learn how to edit properly

>> No.8757008

Compare to every single other UK tog who all have the same shit