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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 615 KB, 667x897, Cosplay_What_is_Worbla_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8734053 No.8734053 [Reply] [Original]

What would be the best/recommended way to cover/ hide overlap ridges when using worbla? Especially if they can't be flattened out.

Also worbla general if you want

>> No.8734074

Get a thick paintbrush. When the worbla is hot roll the end of the brush over the overlaps to smooth them out.

>Black worbla is crap. Don't waste your money.

>> No.8734349

>>Black worbla is crap. Don't waste your money.

How so? Not disagreeing with you, I've only used yellow worbla.

>> No.8734366

>Black worbla is crap. Don't waste your money

How so? i like how much smoother the surface is, it saves me hours of priming and sanding.

>> No.8734369

people who have shitty looking base models don't like it because it shows more of their imperfections that they were too lazy to clean up.

>> No.8735512

I will go ahead and flat out disagree. I have used both. Currently finishing up a big project with just black worbla - it's smoother, faaar smoother and doesn't require nearly as much priming before painting.

But like >>8734369 said, maybe your base models aren't smooth enough

>> No.8735528

Does stick
Snaps easily
0 flex when cool
Harder to mould on things
Less strength

>> No.8735586

I honestly try to avoid Worbla where I can. It's good for durable pieces with compound curves, but otherwise it's too expensive for the amount of finishing that has to be done to it. Perhaps with black Worbla that will change. But for now I try to use EVA, styrene, and sintra where I can since the results often look just as good if not better for far cheaper.

>> No.8735635

Kamui is that you?

>> No.8735656
File: 66 KB, 640x640, WorblaArmour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love people fucking up badly with worbla.

>> No.8735663


Does anyone have that one torso armor where it's like 10 layers of worbla sandwiched awfully together?

>> No.8735712
File: 192 KB, 486x490, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate people who use Worbla for literally everything when there are obviously better methods out there for certain things.

Like look at this Master Sword for example. HAHAHA MAD WORBLA SKILLS AMIRITE?? Except for the fact that the gold diamond piece is positioned awkwardly above the guard and there's a gap between it and the blade. Also the rough edges on the detailing and etching. That's going to look like shit after it gets painted.

>> No.8735790
File: 229 KB, 954x708, 1430353315640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know which one you're talking about, but I don't have the pic saved. So, for now, I'm just gonna post some horrific worbla failures

>> No.8735793
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>> No.8735795
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>> No.8735797
File: 108 KB, 500x500, img_5632-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is very special. It is one of three kinds of mockingjay "fancy hats"

>> No.8735800

I've worked with Worbla for about 4 previous projects and each time it ends up looking lumpy. I'm really not a bad sculpter. Give me some clay and I can do some crazy shit with it, but Worbla is a whole 'nother being. I often feel like I'm consistently just making some kind of novice mistakes that I'm overlooking. Does anyone have some tips for really making a chestplate (male) fit a chest without any odd lumps or bumps? Some kind of mold perhaps? Pressing it up against my body in the past simply doesn't work, and "free handing" the shape leaves an uneven surface. Perhaps I'm heating the Worbla too much? I often burn my fingers simply manipulating it, but it seems like it's not even malleable until it reaches such a temperature.

>> No.8735809

What the fuck dude? Every single tutorial out there says you need to mold it to a shape. And you can't just have a flat piece of worbla on it's own. Use the sandwich method. Jesus, just look at the tutorials on fucking worbla.com

>> No.8735823


It's a fad item is all, case in point the sword sure didn't need to have worbla used and the result is average.

I do get hungry whenever I see it though cause it looks like cookie dough

>> No.8736117
File: 221 KB, 1000x750, dscn0694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found another great one!
Why are so many Loki cosplays so shitty?

>> No.8736287

I'm more disgusted by the fingernails

>> No.8736306

oh my god. I wouldn't believe this was real, except they bothered to paint it and stick a jewel on there instead of throwing that hot mess away.

>> No.8736308

Thank you for these.

The real travesty is they could have gotten the same results by painting free cardboard from a dumpster, but they chose to pay ~$100 for the privilege of saying "it's Worbla, the choice of the world's finest cosplayers"

>> No.8736316

I would sculpt the chest plate with insulation foam first and then press the worbla on top of that, kind of like vacuumforming. Like >>8735809 mentions, worbla works best when stretching it over a base form is the way to go. Whether curved or straight, you can see this even in the Link sword >>8735712 there are underlying cardboard/plastic forms under all of the hilt detail. Then you can free-form sculpt details on top of that, such as the etchings with a dremel or pressing thin worbla trim on top

>> No.8736346

Etching? Nah, we'll just draw that shit on with a sharpie.

>> No.8736379
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All good, found it. It's worse than I remember

>> No.8736401
File: 34 KB, 612x612, tmp_10283-FB_IMG_14485133408341266408640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love worbla fails

>> No.8736403
File: 17 KB, 612x612, tmp_10283-FB_IMG_1448513381278-289244006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8736408
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>> No.8736465
File: 1.47 MB, 2448x3264, cOzkr55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8736529

>Does stick


You say it has less strength and snaps easily, what kind of weight are you putting on it?

>> No.8736559

i'm too scared to go anywhere near worbla, i've definitely seen way more bad results than good ones.

>> No.8736642


The problem most people have with it is that they heat the worbla too much, which makes it SO flexible that it looks, well, like the examples in this thread. The key is just not superheating it.

>> No.8736833
File: 87 KB, 720x960, 12234855_1085638818115742_4085709383444493058_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8736850

this one doesnt look so bad. they seem to be getting the hang of it.

>> No.8738267

what do you mean by ridges? Do you mean wrinkles or seams?

>> No.8738459

The whore

>> No.8738623
File: 45 KB, 600x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what they used for a base. It's pretty impressive as far as worbla construction goes, but pretty mediocre compared to what it could have been.

>> No.8738634


>> No.8740240
File: 13 KB, 161x209, freehim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8740310

Looks like a "when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail" kind of problem. They're hampering their own props by not stepping out of their Worbla comfort zone.

>> No.8740330
File: 72 KB, 960x720, 12294852_1090052007674423_483016137433581707_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gets worse.

>> No.8740332
File: 79 KB, 960x720, 12246866_1089521824394108_2330366499253636959_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then it gets worserer.

What the hell is stuck to it??

>> No.8740341


These look like cookies

>> No.8740346

It's poopbroach all over again.

>> No.8740368

This one was made by the bitch who was salty that the dude with the awesome Transformers cosplay won the costume contest at Vienna Comic Con

Her complaint was basically 'waah it's unfair that he can buy equipment other people can't afford to buy and has more time to make stuff waahh!'

Of course she has the €€€€€ to waste worbla on this piece of shit

>> No.8740369

Why does the skirt look so good compared to the chest piece? They (she?) really half-arsed the costume

>> No.8740556

if the skirt is made of worbla (which it looks like, can't tell), it's easier to cover flat surfaces like the 'pleats' than it is to make a curved, multi-piece breast plate. In other words, her skirt is level 1 worbla skill and her breast plate is level 90 and she failed miserably

>> No.8740567
File: 205 KB, 960x960, 10392544_652259818233835_4676567241830415834_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8740570
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>> No.8740602
File: 42 KB, 506x404, enhanced-31682-1396683730-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are those secretly goon bags?

>> No.8740625


got a link to her being salty? I would love to read it

>> No.8740710


Her twitter also has deleted FB links around the same time so I'm guessing she also whinged on Facebook and since she mainly seems to post in English on Facebook she got a lot more flack for it

>> No.8740724

I'm sad now.

>> No.8740726

How did this go so wrong? The blades look...squishy?

>> No.8740760

Her swords look like Fucking balloons I'm crying

>> No.8740843
File: 34 KB, 432x397, pony-asst-op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are those.... pony beads? O___O

>> No.8741155

I don't get why people use worbla for detailing. I totally get why having a low-heat thermoplastic would be awesome for shaping to body parts, but for stuff like


there's no reason they couldn't have used round stock of some other material to do that scroll work

>> No.8741175

I agree. When you make EVERYTHING out of worbla it gets really tiring and it just doesn't fit everything. It might look nice when it's still unpainted but a sword made out of such porous material looks like shit unless you prime and the hell out of it.

>Looks like a "when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail" kind of problem
This is the best way to put it. I've seen people waste money on worbla for things they could easily make out of craft foam or wood and have better results. I'm suprised they don't sew their whole costume out of it.

>> No.8741182

*prime and sand

>> No.8741190


To be fair, working with wood and a lot of sturdier materials requires powertools and space, which many people don't have access too. Even if shit like worbla might be expensive, it's something you can reasonably work with in your living room. Not saying it's the best idea to use it for everything but I think there are other factors to consider.

>> No.8741197

These look like really mishapen cookies

>> No.8741233

Get out

>> No.8741309

oops, I meant ( O ) ( O ) ( O )

>> No.8741429

They could have made the blade part out of worbla if they really couldn't get a hold of space/tools to make it from wood but the guard looks retarded as fuck. At least use apoxie sculpt or something.

>> No.8742560

I tried coregeek's priming method. Maybe I didn't sand the wood filler enough, but I am 5 layers into applying gesso (he lists 2-3) and I still have such awful streaks. I'm kind of hoping that if I sand the gesso enough and then apply the shellac it really will be as smooth as what he got, but I'm now scared I'm going to have to sand all the way back down to the worbla to get rid of these streaks!!

>> No.8742577

Are you sanding between every gesso layer?

>> No.8742594

No, nor have I ever done that. It was always fine when I used it alone without the wood filler.

>> No.8742781

Try sanding between each gesso layer. Then you'll have a smoother and smoother surface for each layer. Also you may be dealing with different temperature/humidity conditions than core geek and that does affect how it dries.

>> No.8743121
File: 147 KB, 1115x717, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going through this girl's Deviant Art and she said the sword is wood, with cardboard and PVC pipe used in the hilt, then she covered the entire thing in Worbla. She also mentioned other places that she has a sander and everything so she could've just done wood by itself.

She just seems like a Worblaholic.

>> No.8743125


Siiiiiiiigh, that much worbla is such a waste of money for no good reason. Though I will say her work with it is pretty decent and not look like a burnt cookie

>> No.8743131

I'd like to commission someone to maybe make me a few worbla pieces, such as shoulder armor. Can anyone recommend me some people that are pretty good?

>> No.8743136

I avoid Worbla like the plague It's too expensive for my budget as is. Nor do I wanna deal with worblaholics like a few of my friends. I'm good with craft and eva foam

>> No.8743140


Does your few friends use it well at least?

>> No.8743143

It's a toss up really. Like they could do it? But most times they wait until the last possible second and throw it together.

>> No.8743254

I want to take a large bite out of that.

>> No.8743695

decent? holy fuck, that's crazy good.

>> No.8744327

Worbla is really used to get rid of imperfections the very easy way with little to no effort at all. The base underneath probably looks like complete shit.

>> No.8744412

I think they were referring to the sword as well, which turned out mediocre. The shield looks pretty good except for some parts being uneven/asymmetrical. Just look at the detailing around the Triforce in the middle for example. Otherwise good, just a big waste of Worbla.

It still looks like shit, even with the Worbla.

>> No.8744433

Is gesso really so great for worbla props. I bought a costume piece online and the gesso layers just peeled and crumbled away from the worbla.

Then the two worbla layers split apart. So much money wasted.

>> No.8744454

Did it get wet? Acrylic gesso is water-based so it can easily flake/melt off when water gets on it. Same with acrylic paint.

Best to keep it out of rain or exposed to extreme humidity.

>> No.8745758


>> No.8745985

If you think that looks like shit id fucking love to see something you've made

>> No.8745995
File: 430 KB, 1002x332, master sword comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand why you're getting so butthurt. Are you the girl who made it? Everyone except you has agreed that it's bad.

Anyway, here's a comparison. It's inaccurate and sloppy, especially with the gem glued on awkwardly with the gap underneath it. The wing-part is also sharp and jagged when it's supposed to be rounded. Also notice how she did the tip of the wings, they look like stairs going down, imagine what it looks like on the other side. She obviously has the skills to make a good prop, she just made a poor choice in material.

Does that clear things up? I hope so.

>> No.8746033
File: 58 KB, 555x369, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much this. Some kind of putty or clay would've worked so much better for the hilt. But Worblaholics are always gonna defend their shitty Worbla concoctions no matter what. Jokes on them because they're the ones wasting their money.

>> No.8746058

Can someone just post the final, painted version of this worbla sword. It looks fine, not blow your mind out amazing but who fucking cares it's a decent prop. I can't really make a judgement unless I see the final version though, it just looks like a cookie right now.

>> No.8746065

one question can use the leftovers to put it together to make a bigger piece again.

>> No.8746091

You must be new. /cgl/ is notorious for having incredibly high standards. Calm your tits.

>> No.8746132

Incredibly high standards that they themselves can't even come close to achieving
Judgement without talent

>> No.8746142

I don't need to be a talented chef to know when a burger tastes like shit.

>> No.8746145


If you want to play that homie then by all means show us how talented you are as well

>> No.8746183

I like how you're jumping to conclusions about our skill levels when none of us have posted our own props ITT. People here seem to be pretty knowledgable about proper materials, so there's that.

We're just saying her sword looks bad compared to what it could have looked like if she had skipped the Worbla, and also that she wasted her money. It's just concrit. Nothing to get hostile over.

>> No.8746188

You don't need to be talented to know when something is bad but you guys are acting like that prop maker took a shit and covered it in worbla. Whilst it's a waste of worbla and not 100% accurate, that sword is still really good, unlike the rest of the worbla creations in this thread.

>> No.8746198

I think the main point people are trying to make is that given her level of talent, the sword had potential to look 10x better than it does had she not been stupid by choosing worbla. She is good with worbla but it can't be used for everything.

>> No.8746307

That anon wasn't even freaking out. They just asked for a picture of the final product. You're the one that needs to calm down, jesus.

>> No.8746308

That anon wasn't freaking out either. What are you talking about?

>> No.8746400

> but it can't be used for everything.

>> No.8746430

Depends on if you care about accuracy or whether or not want your props to look like shit.

>> No.8746440

The point is would you want to use something else if you know how to make a good thing with worbla?

>> No.8746452

A good cosplayer knows how to work with a variety of different materials because there isn't one ~magic~ material that can be used for everything. Worbla is no exception. Like you shouldn't make a Varia suit out of clay and a Master Sword shouldn't be made out of Worbla.

I'm getting the vibe that you're the girl who made that sword. If this is true, learn to take criticism instead of whining. We are supposed to be adults here.

>> No.8746460

>A good cosplayer
Oh, we're getting into the big-boys league now.

>there isn't one ~magic~ material that can be used for everything.
I never said that there is. Just made the point that if one can make a good item out of the stuff he know how to work with he may not want to bother to use some other crap. (inb4 Oh noez, cosplayz don't work that way).

> you shouldn't
Oh, look who's boss here.

> I'm getting the vibe
I hope you're not a guy, cos that would mean ur a faggot! But do enjoy.

>> No.8746467

You sound very new to 4chan and cosplay in general.

>> No.8746469

I want to point out the shape issues are the fault of the crafter not the material. Another crafter could make another master sword in worbla, with an accurate base and it be accurate.

>> No.8746474

Hm, that might be true. I still don't understand why someone would waste all that Worbla when they could spend <$40 on better materials.

>> No.8746478


Might be because they don't know any better or it's a fad item that they think will give them brownie points or cover up their poor crafting abilities

>> No.8746661

Worbla has it's uses though. Yeah there are tons of better materials for that master sword, but worbla isnt a "fad item". It's like any material. It has it's uses in some places, but for other things it's not a good idea to use it.

>> No.8746675


Oh I agree that it has its uses but I'm just mentioning that a good portion of people using it think that it'll magically improve their cosplay when they have no idea what they're doing.

Hence why I refer to it as a "fad" material

>> No.8746683

Oh yeah I agree with that haha. I thought you meant it only gets used because of the hype (which, granted, a lot of the time it does).

>> No.8746697

That would be Kamui if she could actually type proper english.

>> No.8746714

Basically this

As a prop itself, it's decent, but it seems really pretentious to go out of your way to make something out of worbla when other materials would be easier and provide better results.

>> No.8746809

Still don't understand why they covered the whole thing in worbla? The texture will be shit. Unless they are just lazy and just used worbla to cover the whole thing.

>> No.8746819

>cover up their poor crafting abilities


>> No.8747473

I kind of hope they didn't paint it, and wore it just as a tribute to worbla

>> No.8747526

It was never taken outside. Was only kept in my bedroom.

>> No.8750346

For those who work with worbla, what is your favourite tutorials? Or just some general do not do's? I have a bunch of it but have not touched it yet as I don't want to turn it into shit.

>> No.8750590
File: 106 KB, 539x960, 12299363_762361270561978_4337279518890613575_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even sure if this is worbla or not.

>> No.8750594

... but what we didn't know was Anon lives in a swamp