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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 86 KB, 684x960, 10455166_558958227603390_6634182359854679657_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8717322 No.8717322 [Reply] [Original]

Last one maxed out >>8708170

>> No.8717472
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>> No.8717475
File: 223 KB, 853x1280, 12244484_935366369871716_3399596394723127076_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite simple but really cute. I really like the photo as a whole too.

>> No.8717486

I have those same gloves and I'm considering throwing them out because they look super cheap here. Is there maybe a way to make them look a bit better?

>> No.8717499

As much as I love this, the petticoat seems to be the wrong shape when looking at the bottom right picture. Looks like the dress needs bell shaped and not a-line

>> No.8717626


>> No.8717631

... is she wearing them inside out? The seams on the fingertips look really, really awkward.

>> No.8717633

It's not the shape, it's the length. The petticoat should have been worn lower, or a longer petticoat used.

A bell petticoat would have had the same lampshade effect if the wrong length, ultimately.

>> No.8717661
File: 195 KB, 639x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is cute, but it feels more otome than lolita.

>> No.8717666
File: 50 KB, 480x640, 12241783_10205228514416890_6517561803819440006_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get why people post pictures with other cosplayers to cof. I think it makes the coord look tacky. Also I can't tell if those are tights or what but it looks like she has dirt on her legs.

>> No.8717670
File: 447 KB, 894x567, girls3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're those "tattoo tights" you can get on Taobao/storenvy/ebay. I can't tell if those are stars or what, but they were very popular with non-lolita jfashion snaps for a while (and still are I think?), so they were popping up in shops that lolitas were recommending for tights.

>> No.8717758
File: 163 KB, 960x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of 2011 AP

>> No.8717797

Yes! I dig it

>> No.8717802

This is perfect.
I love her legs!

>> No.8717812

He looks adorable. I love it when guys embrace their inner femininity.

I'm going to upload some photos of some more frills.

>> No.8717814
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>> No.8717818
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>> No.8717821
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>> No.8717823
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last one

>> No.8717957
File: 214 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My god, what a baby.

>> No.8717959

This coordinate is fine in every aspect, but I wish this girl would wear some makeup. She always looks so young and out of place. Her coordinates could all improve so much if she'd just learn how to wear makeup...

>> No.8717962

oh my god, nobody's even commented on her coord yet what is she whining about?

>> No.8717965

Good coords get posted here to this thread too though...?

>> No.8717967

Everyone knows only meanies and catty bitches use 4chohn.

>> No.8717995

That's a brolita? Holy shit he's adorable and that coord is beautiful.

>> No.8717997

honestly I think a little less poof would make it look better too.

>> No.8718004

they are def inside out. there is a second shorter layer of lace around the wrists on the inside.

>> No.8718045

>mfw someone just posted a pic to CoF wearing a disgusting peignoir and a fucking BELT
>looks like her boobs are eating the belt BC everything is too tight
>was gonna say it is a bit costumey but all the comments like it

Kill me

Someone who is meaner than me should explain lolita to her, I hate confrontation

>> No.8718080

Just say it, I know her and she said she wants criticism. Just say it in a polite way. The coord isn't that bad.

>> No.8718094


LOL he deleted that comment thread.

>> No.8718156

thats a guy? like has a dick and everything? thats good passing.

>> No.8718158

post it!

>> No.8718169

Ina is gorgeous.

>> No.8718177

The coord is nice but her head has the shape of a sweet potato.

>> No.8718179
File: 190 KB, 1040x960, FB_IMG_1447569263558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>no concrit wanted.

And I wonder why?

>> No.8718183

I rushed here to offer my condolences to fans of HL

>> No.8718184

Inb4 a shitty France themed coord in "honor of the great tradjuhdies"

>> No.8718187

Why? It's not like it's a rare print anymore. And this really isn't horrible, just boring and worn by someone unattractive.

>> No.8718189

I'm avoiding wearing French themes for a while for this reason. The only way I'd accept it is if they were doing something like "For every like I'll donate $10 to a relief charity".

>> No.8718190

This. Once March comes around and everyone gets the MTO Holy Lanterns there's gonna be a huge influx of terrible coords with it. It'll be the new Sugary Carnival.

>> No.8718191

HL coords are so shitty nowadays it's a wonder it's selling for such a high price when no one knows what to do with it.

>> No.8718192

I don't wanna be a bully and single someone out when a lot of girls now do this shit. I just don't think peignoirs are ever OK unless you're wearing a costumey coord like for Halloween, it ruins the lolita look and makes it look like confused mori kei. I have been around a long time and don't like this shit with belts, vintage hats, and crowns. Lolita is not a costume, wearing a costume should be reserved for Halloween and masquerades

>> No.8718195

Oh god why is she doing this to my fave indie brand

>> No.8718197

Holy crap, guys, she's learning

>> No.8718201

Not like it matters since she's so damn ugly

>> No.8718204
File: 440 KB, 2048x1571, 12240326_1018301994858322_1971685066550601250_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her makeup is a little softer here, less porny.

>> No.8718209

woah woah since when are belts a costume element? They're a normal fashion accessory and sometimes they even have utility. Same with vintage hats, while they can be excessive they aren't inherently a costume prop. I think they're less costume-y than bonnets at least.

>> No.8718211

>selling for such a high price
anon, have you been in a coma for the past month or something

>> No.8718214

That has nothing to do with the coord or her styling, how gauche to say!

>> No.8718216

Unpopular opinion but I really, really love the way she coordinates herself _and_ does her makeup. It's a change from the usual flat shapeless kawaii uguu face everyone does. She obviously knows what kind of makeup works for her.
Also, first time in a long time I've seen someone use sideswept bangs and liked it.

>> No.8718220

I really like that's she's trying something different with her makeup. I like the brown wig on her too but I feel if it were a shade or two lighter it'd be better. I love the blouse, did she make this one?

>> No.8718223

I like everything but the sideswept fringe. That always looks wig-like. Otherwise, very nice, dressy styling, balanced, make looks good. Not sure what other anon was referring to makeup-wise but it looks fine here.

>> No.8718225
File: 366 KB, 500x750, tumblr_nlqmx0mrGD1qecu65o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds more like you've never seen these things worn well, anon. Especially with regard to belts and vintage hats, there are times where these items can be worn in a way that doesn't make them seem "costumey" (pic related).

Mentioning that you "have been around a long time" only makes you sound like someone I wouldn't want to take fashion advice from because you don't seem to see lolita fashion as something that is both versatile and always changing. Fashion is fluid, people will always be experimenting and some things will stick while others fall flat...discouraging creativity and trying to preserve a particular look at the expense of growth is how you kill a street fashion. Not to mention, OTT lolita definitely has a time and a place...whether or not the wearer is appropriately dressed for the situation is a different issue entirely, but "costume" elements shouldn't offend you this much.

>> No.8718235

One of the magically cool things about Lolita is that once something trends, it's kind of ok to continue to wear it if you like it and disregard new trends you don't like. Each way the fashion both grows yet retains people. You don't ever have to wear any of the trend elements you don't want to but it just makes you sound like an old sourpuss and a fussbudget if you don't want others to. I think it's fine to state our opinions on what we prefer and do not but its presumptuous to think you may dictate what others should or should not do as long as they are within the rules. Then it is you who are out of line.

>> No.8718237

Dude calm down. It's not automatically "OMG negative shit!" when someone's outfit gets posted here.

>> No.8718242

Welcome to cgl.

>> No.8718243

It always annoys me when people post yet say no concrit. Very snowflake behavior. If you have confidence enough to post it, you should have confidence to take critique. They all end up here, critiqued anyway so what's the point? She always looks pretty much the same though, no surprise.

>> No.8718253
File: 146 KB, 960x960, 12227706_10153881382064750_2195005906029243952_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is, I think, the coord in question.

Fannyrosie is love, fannyrosie is life.

>> No.8718260
File: 103 KB, 960x638, 11040830_10156253660680230_8701168828292927693_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this was a very cute example of twinning.

>> No.8718262

oh thats ugly. i think peignoirs can be used in a coord and look nice if its a very nice and specifically styled peignoir, but this is uggo. that weird fur thing around her neck dosent make anything better too.

>> No.8718275

She has that lumpy Hmong kinda face, it's really unfortunate...

>> No.8718279

Yeah, the porny makeup is the only thing that made her stand out, like she still needs to lighten up on foundation/tanner and then she'll be more cute!

>> No.8718305

Is she pregnant or just unfortunate?

>> No.8718337

it's a one piece anon.

>> No.8718608

She always looks so orange

>> No.8718633

I like everything except the bare thighs, doesn't make sense for a winter co-ord. Also something fuzzy on the head would be a nice touch

>> No.8718635

glasses ruin it

>> No.8718646

Okay she made progress with her hair! Now we just need to get her some kind of clip on bangs to see if it flatters her face more. Atleast her progress is impressive!

>> No.8718688

i agree, and the happy faces make it even better

>> No.8718706

Posts like this always make me a little sad I don't have a lolita best friend. They're so cute!

>> No.8718709

A bit of makeup, a clip on fringe and a smile could completely change her look. I've loved watching her improve.

>> No.8718717

Is the pink girl the same person in the ita thread? >>8715201

>> No.8718761

Just unfortunate

>> No.8718815

you must be new.

>> No.8718824

Oh she's in my comm! Always looks lovely in every style she tries!

>> No.8718929
File: 1.14 MB, 1440x2000, Screenshot_2015-11-15-12-02-58-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't this the same girl who did the creepy self posted thread on the farm and was 1/3 of the posters on a 1000+ post thread?

>> No.8718949
File: 73 KB, 720x555, 12241550_10205762619011102_3902113405411666286_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like this.

>> No.8718950

LOL yes. She's fucking mental.

>> No.8718952

That one rare case where piercing actually look amazing with lolita.

>> No.8718958

This looks like shit

>> No.8718963

The piercings are small and are at least within color scheme of the coord. Plus, they could easily be mistaken as stickers at first glace. Overall, its really balanced.

I don't like piercings on a lolita as much as the next chick but this really is a rare case where it looks good.

>> No.8718965
File: 135 KB, 587x960, 12249980_796872577101827_6565244628972386572_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I quite like this, it's really simple/casual looking but very wearable

>> No.8718968
File: 271 KB, 1500x1097, 12238233_1658024534483551_5097362887796421183_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having trouble figuring exactly what I don't like about this but aomething looks off to me. Maybe I'm just not much of a fan of the dress in the first place. And those gloves blend completely with her sleeves..

>> No.8718970

It doesn't look good at all, tho...

>> No.8718972
File: 66 KB, 625x626, thisisbait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8718974

It looks way too big on her

>> No.8718976

well that dress is a damn sack on her, for starters.

>> No.8718977

Looking at it again, I think the blouse is one of the bigger offenders, imo. Doesn't really fit in with the dress

>> No.8718979

The more I look at it, the more I find that I don't like. You're right, the dress isn't flattering on her at all.

>> No.8718981
File: 58 KB, 416x800, 12241621_884330071687868_774378648314424654_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8718984

>those mismatched pinks

I wish the shoes were lavender with pink accents. They look like clown shoes with ohw much they stand out

>> No.8718991
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>> No.8718996

This was posted earlier. You're beating a dead horse, anon.

>> No.8718999

How? I'm pretty sure that's her.

>> No.8719006

because nobody gives a shit about her anymore. it was clear that she wanted attention, giving her more attention is stupid as shit

>> No.8719009

>mismatched pinks

wat. Those pinks match each other just fine.

>> No.8719010

Honestly didn't know, just found the coord interesting and posted. Sorry, I'll be more careful and check the previous thread next time.

>> No.8719028

Not that anon, but are you blind?? The other pinks are so muted compared to the shoes. This isn't nitpick, it legitimately looks bad.

>> No.8719033

Pretty much everything id off. The dress is too big for her, the torso is far too long and the skirt portion is too long as well. She looks very boxy. The blouse is weird with the dress, it just doesnt suit it and the high neck is unflattering. The white gloves blends too much with the blouse making her look like some muslim girl trying to cover all of her skin.

>> No.8719035
File: 6 KB, 217x232, kawaii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm happy she's improving but

>> No.8719041
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>> No.8719043


>> No.8719044
File: 112 KB, 960x960, 12227778_576296765855773_6401814222695808993_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8719049

I guess if by "amazing" you mean "not as bad as usual"

>> No.8719050

something about this is throwing me off. i dont know what it is but this just dosent look right.

shes super cute.

that would be alot more fitting.

>> No.8719102

I don't think you understand what "bait" means.
Please lurk more.

>> No.8719108

I really love this desu

>> No.8719114
File: 149 KB, 960x960, 12243045_488054904708127_6591268091160358647_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just gonna dump a few, sorry if any has been previously posted

>> No.8719116
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>> No.8719117

I really hate those shoes.

>> No.8719119
File: 198 KB, 594x1528, 12265812_10156137257305315_4752841715557805992_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8719120

don't worry anon, some of the other anons on here sperg out every time the pinks aren't absolutely perfect. because, you know, if you don't have at least 20 shades of pink blouse and matching shoes you are ita.

seriously though, the girl's coord looks fine. No one irl gives a shit if this pink is 2 hex numbers off from that pink.

>> No.8719122
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>> No.8719128
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>> No.8719130

No one called her ita, but her shoes look horrible. It's not sperging out, it just looks bad. Same with >>8719116. You her shoes and the bag are way too bright for the coord. It looks silly.

>> No.8719131
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>> No.8719136
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>> No.8719138
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>> No.8719140
File: 99 KB, 960x960, 12249657_10208201807752046_8347485056790714768_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll dump more later

>> No.8719147

I thought this was a "who wore it best" situation until I realized they were the same person. Oops

>> No.8719148

I'm really freaked out by this because last year I had that JSK, blouse, tights, and bonnet and tried wearing them all together. I didn't wear it out because I felt it wasn't me, and didn't post photos anywhere, but holy fuck how does she have almost the same identical coord to what I did? (I didn't have the headbow, purse, or shoes, but the rest is almost identical)

>> No.8719153

Not seeing what's so strange about this...

>> No.8719159
File: 34 KB, 383x960, 12239642_10153572927996311_3475898720028094418_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8719160

It's weird to see so many pieces together not from a set that you had also put together and never shared. It's just a weird deja vu/coincidence.

>> No.8719162

When are busty girls going to learn not to wear HWS?

>> No.8719180
File: 443 KB, 2000x2000, 12248009_994971831642_9058110823618891612_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8719227

I love these

>> No.8719232

I'm in love, I'm super excited now to do my first Lavender coord

>> No.8719236
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>> No.8719246
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>> No.8719248
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>> No.8719250
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>> No.8719251

All that matching lavender kills me. I own so much lavender and it is SO hard to match.

>> No.8719252
File: 55 KB, 960x896, 11221418_783469935114917_2448645621279600374_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8719253


>> No.8719254

Good god this is incredibly bad.

>> No.8719256
File: 126 KB, 960x960, 12235119_10203897095627570_3237913071092263306_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8719257

I looked at the thumbnail way too fast and thought her hairstyle was like Peg's beehive from Married With Children.

>> No.8719261
File: 141 KB, 960x960, 12234922_10153205671158263_7999775182380678582_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8719263

I really like this, I think her hair is super cute and meshes well with the bow.

>> No.8719265

I believe this is a gull? Someone posted all of that in the coord help thread a while back.

>> No.8719267
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>> No.8719292
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>> No.8719293
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>> No.8719304
File: 62 KB, 480x720, 12250033_10205408267383105_3305440765272884272_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was already posted last thread

this was posted upthread

goddamn, do you not check before double posting?

>> No.8719312
File: 126 KB, 1002x997, 12240961_10204988100970331_1417385505512907348_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8719329

Boobloaf-chan, you poor thing.
Her legs look real fuckin small
I really love hats like that

>> No.8719357

This girls coordinates bothers me so much because it looks so unfinished. The blouse looks really crappy

>> No.8719364

Her style is not my personal cup of tea but what exactly looks unfinished?

>> No.8719376

This looks so gross to me and I can't figure out why.
The cheap shiny wig maybe?

>> No.8719379

Her socks need to either be over her knees, or she needs to wear tights under in that same color cream/light brown to cover her knees. Where the socks hit look awkward and make her knees look ugly.

>> No.8719382

I agree, everything that's not the main piece looks like it came from the kid's section of Target.

>> No.8719399

She needs a headpiece and to do something with her hair.

I like this.

I looks like a solid concrete floor with stains on it.

It feels like she needs more volume in her hair to balance that size of that hat. Just looks kind of weird to me.

I like how she styled her hair with that beret.

This is super cute.

>> No.8719405
File: 67 KB, 640x640, 12239488_1041220675922667_5189043173170001034_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8719409
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>> No.8719411
File: 169 KB, 1339x1000, 12248062_10153676623098419_7758012301005213728_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8719428

This is cute but her awkward pose ruins it.

>> No.8719436

Wow I hate this. That color combination, the socks over tights, the normal blouse, that bow on top of the bolero, that shitty wig.

>> No.8719444

>see-through blouse without a jsk to cover herself


>> No.8719448

The yellowed fake fur, yuck

>> No.8719453

honestly I don't see why everyone has such a hate boner for socks over tights. It's pretty practical in the winter and looks cute imo.

>> No.8719501

It makes her legs look stumpy blocking them like that.

>> No.8719502

>belts and hats are costumey
If you've "been around a long time", maybe you've been around TOO long and forgotten what real clothes look like.

Same, w2c that bow?

Cosplay wig+makeup style/contacts ruin the overall effect for me... automatically read it as a costume. Awful legwear certainly doesn't help.

>> No.8719504

In the case that the anon was criticizing, it was literally the worst type of sock being used. Mid calf looks awful on anyone who isn't super tall and skinny.

I'm all for ankle socks over skin tone tights for warmth. I don't want anyone to freeze for their coord.

>> No.8719506

Smileeeee! Doesn't even have to be teeth showing, just a little smile. Why does she do this slaw jaw blank stare...

>> No.8719510

I'm pretty sure it's Antique Beast

>> No.8719512

Seriously, people have all these excuses and shit as to why something is wrong with their cord or whatever. "I was in a rush", "this one piece hasn't come yet", blah blah. Why wouldn't you wait until you look your best? No on cares that you were dying to show it off, look the best you can or don't be a baby about it. If you have to say no concrit...then you already are suspecting there is something wrong.

>> No.8719513

>telling people to smile

Stop that.

>> No.8719543

She doesn't have to smile ffs. Just hold her face in an actual human expression with her chin up off her chest. Telling girls to smile is retarded, you can be a bitchy-chan and look amazing

>> No.8719565


>> No.8719577
File: 37 KB, 398x854, 12190836_1178185912196150_4905256469178056060_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8719580

this feminist shit. look people generally look better in photos when they smile, male or fucking female. especially if you're just standing around in a fucking doorway. if your face looks like shit and you're not going to try to pose, or do SOME kind of expression with your face other than slackjawed you probably should just put a fucking heart sticker on top and call it a day.

>> No.8719588

I think those comments were jokes, anon.

(Or at least I hope so.)

>> No.8719589

This shoes would look cute, on a completely different coord.

>> No.8719597

>making an anonymous post the girl in the photo will literally never see
Do you both just not understand what "telling" means or what

>> No.8719677

if we're gonna argue about mismatched pinks, let's talk about this one here.

>> No.8719688

I can never tell, especially online. I once told a friend's girlfriend to "get well soon!" when she had a cold and expressed that she wasn't feeling well.

She snapped at me that I shouldn't tell her what to do, because it's inconsiderate and misogynist to expect her to conform to anyone else's whims. She was 100% serious. They broke up a few months later, and she is now apparently a single mum (having decided that men are scum, and going to a sperm bank for a donation).

>> No.8719696
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>> No.8719698

I think I might be? Lol. The blouse, bag and shoes match well. The issue might be the pinks on the dress, but the pink seashells have a gradient so you can argue either way. It's not even noticeable, unlike with mints or lavender.

>> No.8719701
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>> No.8719705

This is not about feminism. Feminism is about genders having equality to one another.

I know what it means. The poster told/commented that she needs to smile. She doesn't have to smile. The poster criticized her coord because she didn't smile. I hate it when women attack other women because they're fat, ugly, not smiling, etc.

>> No.8719706
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>> No.8719708

it looks like she is just starting out and that alone makes this cute in a sad way.
i feel she gets the right idea and will improve, or at least i sure hope so.

>> No.8719712

Is it just me or is that purse freaking huge?

>> No.8719714

>telling GIRLS to smile
>I hate it when women attack other women

get the fuck out of here with your tumblr feminism garbage.

>> No.8719718

Left is example of what not to do to your boobs. Poor crushed boobies.

>> No.8719721

Wtf, I don't even browse Tumblr.

>> No.8719726

telling people to smile in pictures is not an attack. if you think it is there are some people in other countries getting bombed right now that would like to talk to you

>> No.8719728

Nah, that's just how the bag is. It's EvilLive's heart bag and it came in two sizes, a somewhat smaller one and then the one you see in the picture, suitable for being a big backpack.

>> No.8719732
File: 141 KB, 960x960, 12249573_1160106564003607_2412724865913445104_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would be cool if you guys posted more and gave opinions on the coords rather than complaining about "feminist bullshit" and generally whining about pointless stuff.
Come on.

This is cute, I just personally think the black bits are a little too contrasting against the rest of the coord. But at the same time I get a slight "Alice in Wonderland" vibe, so I don't dislike them either.

>> No.8719738

... ok. I don't think that it's wise to gauge your interpretations of internet sarcasm against such a bizarre scenario.

When in doubt, don't respond.

>> No.8719749

Personally, I really like the black bits. I feel they really enhance the old school vibe.

>> No.8719753

She's so cute, but there's so much I hate.
Why do short girls in sweet always insist on bending their legs when they take photos? They look like long-torso midgets. Also some heels wouldn't hurt.
>I'm going to set her wig on fire

>> No.8719755

It's not about feminism you idiot. It's about not being a fake muh lovelies bitch. There are other expressions that look just as good on photos, I think serious looks are more elegant. You would never see someone fake smiling like all you tumblr bitches in a fashion spread

>> No.8719760
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>> No.8719763
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>> No.8719764
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>> No.8719765
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>> No.8719767

what does smiling make you fake for? what does ANY expression make you fake for? the expression that girl has on her face is akin to a literal garbage bag, so if you're not going to try just cover your face entirely.

>> No.8719768

you decide to throw something irrelevant to this bickering? that's pretty low. you need to lower your sodium levels by having less salt in your diet.

>> No.8719769
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>> No.8719770

salt makes everything taste better, though.

>> No.8719771
File: 868 KB, 638x684, 12219595_680314652102989_8992364613555148690_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8719772

I feel bad for her because I think she just doesn't get the hang of newschool lolita. Most of the coords I've seen from her just don't look very good for such an experienced wearer, for one reason or another. Not even related to her age, before someone says that- but rather bad wigs, unflatteringly harsh makeup for the outfit, ill fitting items, poor shoe choices...

This, I think I love. Feels so forest maiden. Even though there's so many greens going on, I don't mind it.

>> No.8719787

Whenever I saw that dress on YAJ or lacemarket I thought it looked super ugly but it doesn't look too bad on a person.

>> No.8719813

Thats burando. AP i think.

>> No.8719823

They still use fake fur (most of the time).

>> No.8719841

That doesn't fix the condition issue lol, it's not a bad design just clearly yellowed. Just like in the ita thread, being burando doesn't make things look better

>> No.8719851

implying it isnt fake cream colored fur

>> No.8719858

I really love this but...didn't she leave?

>> No.8719878

Agreed, the rest of the cord is so light and airy and the boots just clash so bad. The style wouldn't even be bad in a different color, literally any of the colors (blue, yellow, white, light pink) would have been balanced on the bottom, why dark brown? Otherwise this cord is really pretty.

>> No.8719884

I really want Snape's hat

>> No.8719887

w the starbucks cup......
i feel personally attacked by this shit

>> No.8719919

the only thing I find ugly are the shoes honestly

>> No.8719921

I didn't care for it when it first came out either, but it's grown on me.

>> No.8719929

Does this girl have a Tumblr or Instagram? I feel like I've seen her posted around here before and those coords have been on point.

>> No.8719930

I'm the girl in the pic, I get what your saying about the shoes now. Not really sure what I was thinking with the boots, but eh, we all make mistakes.
What type of shoes would you guys recommend? Maybe something pink?

>> No.8719938

I personally think some tea parties would be really cute, in a light color. Maybe ones that match the headbow to even it out?

>> No.8719939

Cute outfit, but it really needs a different wig. That one is not great for her skin tone.

>> No.8719955


What dress is this?

>> No.8719961

I don't think its because she doesn't get the hang of it, I think it's just that she doesn't fit the aesthetic, and it looks off when she wears it, like somethings not quite right. Her face and posture is too harsh for most lolita styles, but she looks so natural in gothic and aristocrat. If you put this exact same outfit on a cuter (softer facial features) girl, I doubt anyone would have a complaint. I want to see more gothic aristocrat outfits, I think she'd be stunning in it, especially as she gets older.

>> No.8719999
File: 261 KB, 480x640, tea package.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's better looking in the other version of it (pic related). That military cut version I think is ugly too.

>> No.8720010

I think white, off-white, or even a yellow shoe (but not that god awful mustard yellow shoe I've seen around). But if you did yellow you'd need a bit of that same yellow on your head for balance.
And like >>8719938 said, tea party style would look cute.

>> No.8720103

Those tights. Where?

>> No.8720106

She's obviously wearing a camisole or tank under it though? Granted, it would look better if it were a nude colour...

>> No.8720112

I like the darker wig on her, it's a much nicer colour for her.
Tbh I think she's quite pretty, I'd like to see less but still a normal amount of makeup wearing classic at some point

>> No.8720114

Burn the wig.

>> No.8720116

It bothers me that the one on the left has barettes and bangs while the other doesn't

also the different styled shoes

>> No.8720154

I'm pretty sure I have seen them on etsy

>> No.8720272

Yep. I think she either does really well or really messes up but I like that she plays around and experiments anyway

>> No.8720332

i think she needs to change her tights and have it a solid color, but otherwise kudos to her for attempting something unorthodox

>> No.8720371

I feel like her pictures would turn out so much better if she tilted her forhead towards the camera and stretched her chin out. The retreating turtle head position ruins everything for this poor girl. She has steadily improved. Maybe one of her comm members can show her a website about taking flattering photos.

>> No.8720599

everyone tries to suggest her to do stuff but all she says is "ok thanks"

>> No.8720601

I love this dress, what's the name f the print?

>> No.8720605

It's called like, The Nymphet of the Lemons, it's from the taobao brand faded fantasy
Allright, cool! I'll keep an eye out for something

>> No.8720609

It would look better if it were a blouse that's made to wear with a skirt

>> No.8720629

She implements the advice, though. She's come a really long way since the first time she posted. She takes advice better than most new lolitas.

>> No.8720653

As long as girls wear a cami or something under it I really don't mind honestly.

>> No.8720660

Her improvement inspires me to post to CoF, and I'm usually a cry baby

>> No.8720706

Royal crown tea's package from baby/pirates

>> No.8721306

that wig needs help though

>> No.8721339

looks like chubyumi's twin

>inb4 she isnt fat!
Not saying she is but the person she reminds me of is.

>> No.8721366

she has a really cute baby face <3

>> No.8721375

Not sure I love that wig with her skin tone but I like the piercings. It's like a little bit of extra sparkle which is cute.

>> No.8721457

I really like this mask. Makes me want to do a Death Eater coord...

>> No.8721612
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>> No.8721616
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>> No.8721619
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>> No.8721621

She's been posting on CoF pretty regularly, actually. She went dead quiet for a while when LJ died, but has been active again for the past year or so at the very least.

>> No.8721622
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>> No.8721624
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>> No.8721632

I like this but it'd be sooo much better without that hat.

>> No.8721638

This one is so adorable. I love casual lolita.

>> No.8721646

Whenever I see her coord with a beret it looks really off. Maybe she's wearing them wrong. Or just isn't aware how big her head is.

>> No.8721782

Girl needs a better petticoat.

>> No.8721798

I like everything except for those OTKs. Maybe it's just a matter of personal taste but I really don't like them at all (not just in this coord, either).

>> No.8721921

you're not alone anon, I hate those fucking socks

>> No.8721940

The only time I've liked them is when they are actually OTK on the girl. But on 90% of girls that come like knee height and it look terrible.

>> No.8721944
File: 22 KB, 198x252, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And hell I wish they'd stop making so many damn replicas of that sock and start doing something about replicating these

>> No.8721955

Is this the steel gray color of the dream holic wigs? Does anyone know?

>> No.8721972


>> No.8721979

That wig has got to go. I hate this color of wig in anything, even cosplay. It is SO ugly.

>> No.8723342
File: 106 KB, 960x720, 12247186_1004673949592121_7674616708836897692_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a Kate wannabe.

>> No.8723360

So now every white girl with a long face and a blonde hair is a Kate wannabe? Pretty sure nobody wanted to naturally look similar, and its not like she really had a specific signature style.

>> No.8723370

Bio female.

>> No.8723378


Having a round face is fine, but being overweight, having a round face, and adding a big poofy neck piece? Not fine. It only enhances the feeling of fatness.

>> No.8723401

so she identifies as a man who identifies as a female ???

>> No.8723445

This doesn't really read as Lolita to me for some reason.

>> No.8723448

Im pretty sure anon means the stupid weird poses + the coord itself (blonde wig, too-long underskirt)

>> No.8723461
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>> No.8723469

My first thought from the thumbnail was "what is this taobao monstrosity?" and then I clicked and realized it was Holy Latern. Woof.

>> No.8723470

Not gonna lie, I kind of dig the vest+skirt combo, though she probably should've gone a size up.

>> No.8723486

Sounds like your average tumblrina

>> No.8723501

are you new to the internet or

>> No.8723503

yep new to the entire internet, please show me around

>> No.8723507

Wow. I like this.
Don't know if I should, though.

>> No.8723516

Op here
Might be in the unpopular opinion actually. I don't like it at all. Like the skirt and the socks yea sure fine. But the rest bothers me I just wish she would make up her mind about her style?? She said all the items were "lolita" when she's wearing a vest and two items from forever 21?? And her hair color just doesn't match?? Maybe I'm just super nitpicky and harsh she's cute but looks like the average tumblr fag.

>> No.8723518

From a distance this looked cute. Then I zoomed in. wtf is this ugly shit

>> No.8723520

ok well, in female-dominated spaces of the internet, you get a lot of girls who realize being a girl in a sucks and they don't like it and they're not very good at it. but they don't want to be a man because men are gross and hairy and frightening. also they do not want to give up their girly interests.

so they say, "i am not a girl," which takes care of all the suck-ass parts of femaledom. then they say, "i am a boy," which protects them from being the focus of dangerous male sexuality because no straight man will want to fuck a boy so if the not-girl gets sexual attention from a male, the not-girl can call the dude gay and take some power back.

then they say, "i am a girly boy," because what they really want is to be feminine without the stigma of female sexuality and this is the only way they can figure it will work.

usually these "fakebois" will avoid taking on any personal responsibility because they have minds like children because they hate puberty and obligations.

so ends this section of the tour. note that there can be female-to-male transgender people who crossdress as women, but these can be differentiated from fakebois about the same way you can tell a mature man from a fuckboy.

>> No.8723679

Na, something's definitely off about the vest. Looks cute from the back but weird af in the front

>> No.8724228

I think she ment all the main pieces. Like blouse skirt vest. Either way I think this outfit is super cute but not Lolita.

>> No.8724348

This coord looks weird especially the underskirt. It doesn't give me any elegant vibe. Maybe if the skirt part was floor-length, idk

>> No.8724369

love this coord actually, even if it's not my style. the tailcoat mimics the two bows on the front of the dress and overall is very balanced. her hair doesn't bother me at all since it's dyed nicely

>> No.8724388

Vest and skirt combo is very nice. The rest. Eh.

>> No.8724389
File: 24 KB, 480x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's literally the dress. It isn't an underskirt.

>> No.8724440

i need these

>> No.8724490
File: 1.56 MB, 320x180, ugly.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That length looks good on nobody.

>> No.8724656


>> No.8724970

I really love this. I like that she didn't go overboard with the accessories like Kate would have.

>> No.8725115

Yuck baby needs to check its damn self and make cute cotton eyelet and tartan dresses again. OTT has officially gone too far

>> No.8725140

>mfw I actually kinda like this

>> No.8725579
File: 248 KB, 1047x1639, _20151118_223920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is seriously pissing me off that people like these shoes, they are not appropriate for her coord at all and neither is the hat. They make cute berets over the place ffs. Even normie flats would look a million times better

>> No.8725590

But tell us how you REALLY feel.

>> No.8725597
File: 65 KB, 720x960, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this would be cuter with a short sleeved blouse. The super dark brown feels kind of unbalanced for such a light dress.

>> No.8725602
File: 180 KB, 960x960, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the ridiculous hat for this one. I don't love the pants.

>> No.8725604
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>> No.8725633
File: 153 KB, 462x454, HhWvW8s[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is this shit

>> No.8725643

A newbie duh.

>> No.8725647

I like it. Its a nice breath of fresh air. Idk about the bone? On the beannie though.

>> No.8725654

>a breath of fresh air
Just because she is pretty does not make it look good. That coord makes no sense

>> No.8725656

Hopefully someone says something to her about how that isn't OK, she does look like a noob

>> No.8725658

Wow I love this
Cute cute

>> No.8725659

loving this coord of hers

>> No.8725661

>If you put this exact same outfit on a cuter (softer facial features) girl, I doubt anyone would have a complaint.
No the coord is just ugly. The wig needs to go and while the shoes do match they just look cheap compared to the rest of the outfit.

>> No.8725663

I think it's too far back on her head. To me it looks like it's going to fall off at any second.

>> No.8725671

I kind of like this but the lack of makeup kind of ruins it for me. She doesn't need a lot but maybe just some lipstick and mascara. Also fix the wig

>> No.8725684

Plus that vest is ugly as hell and doesn't look lolita, I have no idea why people keep saying they like it

>> No.8725716

Yes it does.
Stay mad.

>> No.8725726

lol the shoes MAKE the outfit. There's nothing cheap about them, they're real VW I'm almost sure just by looking at them. T.b.h you're an idiot.

>> No.8725738

not that anon, but just because they're ~real VW~ doesn't mean they can't look cheap
i personally don't mind the shoes, but she should definitely change the wig

>> No.8725745

Yet another bad honey cake coord. No one knows how to coord this dress.

>> No.8725750

>just because they're ~real VW~ doesn't mean they can't look cheap

But they don't, (partially because they're not) which is my point.

>> No.8725755

Because it's an ugly dress

>> No.8725756

they do look cheap in this coord, especially with that dollar store looking wig
i don't doubt that they'd look great in other coords, just not this one

>> No.8725765

How is this anything else than a pirate costume?

>> No.8725785

Lol you wouldn't know cheap shoes (or wigs either apperantly) if it hit you in the face.

Now go back to wearing $50 China shoes and acrylic wigs and stop trying to sound like you know what you're talking about.

>> No.8725793

yeah, sorry i don't want my $500 shoes to look like foil
it's hilarious that you think expensive stuff can't look like crap

>> No.8725815

I like it but I think with a bit of a heel it would look better.She looks slender and tall but the boots are cutting her off a little bit. A little bit of makeup also wouldn't hurt.

>> No.8725827

Anyone know what shoes these are?

>> No.8725857

It's hilarious you think you know what crap looks like.

>> No.8725921

I think it's really cute and casual!

>> No.8726102

I actually don't even understand whats going on because the pic is sooo blurry? Like why even bother showing it? Also not liking the shoes and no idea what that weird veil is supposed to be...

>> No.8726162
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>> No.8726164
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>> No.8726166
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>> No.8726168
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>> No.8726175
File: 73 KB, 534x960, 12248700_10153735221931617_3782474_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Con criticism is ok"

>> No.8726309

>twinning with herself
>in THAT dress

All of my jelly, damnit.

>> No.8726372

>those socks/shoe combo

>> No.8726411

she looks like she is from little house on the prairie

>> No.8727118

She really needs to do her brows, honestly. They're so thin they don't look good for even gothic, at least define them.

Money can't account for taste, clearly.

I jelly, but I also quite like this coord (these coords?). Nice to see PC coordinated just-interestingly-enough without being a clusterfuck. Only nitpick is I think that wig color doesn't flatter her very much.

>> No.8727711
